FE :: Volume #9

#16: Ghost howling end

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However, even if wolf king Xianshen also receives the severe wound at this time, side Linyan three people have not actually acted at this moment. 不过,哪怕此时狼王现身并且受到重伤,方林岩三人此刻却未行动。 Because the wolf king is seriously injured, their three people still thought that now attacks not necessarily has the full assurance win, even if can win, could not certainly avoid wolf king Haojiao calling similar, the pack of wolves that then came to rescue one, the three people can only vexed however retreat. 因为就算是狼王身受重伤,他们三人也觉得现在出击未必就有十足的把握取胜,就算能胜,也一定避免不了狼王嚎叫呼叫同类,那么前来援救的狼群一来,自己三人就只能悻然退走了。 After Israeli forest Yan hesitates over and over, came up with a bold hypothesis, waits......! 所以方林岩沉吟再三以后,做了一个大胆的假设,等……! This decision bases on the habit of pack of wolves to make, has not appeared to three people of best aspects. 这个决定是基于狼群的习性做出的,对三人最佳的局面还未出现。 In the pack of wolves is also competitive, supposed the wolf king who is wounded returns to the pack of wolves, will trigger a frigid infighting inevitably, in the shareholder like enterprise is staring at throne of chairman always, has the strong individual to peep at the highest power many. 狼群里面也是充满竞争,假设负伤的狼王回到狼群,势必就会引发一场惨烈内部争斗,就像企业中的股东无时不刻都盯着董事长的宝座那样,不乏存在强壮的个体窥视最高的权力。 Mutual wounds when the wolf king and ambitious Challenger fight, even bit to death, when or expels the pack of wolves, oneself pick up a bargain again not lately, by that time naturally can the soldier not see the taking away necklace of blood. 等到狼王与野心勃勃的挑战者斗的两败俱伤,甚至被咬死,又或是赶出狼群时,自己再捡便宜不迟,到那时自然可以兵不见血的拿走项链。 Then, side Linyan three people followed to stagger quietly, but group wolf king behind. But what made him not think, that huge wolf king has not actually tried to return to the pack of wolves, saw wolf king Tian to lick the wound, then hit several to roll on the sand, after the loess hematischesis covered the smell, unexpectedly the incarnation this solitary one wolf, alone far away from the pack of wolves goes. 就这样,方林岩三人悄然跟在了踉跄而行的狼王身后。但令他没想到的是,那头庞大的狼王却并没有设法回归狼群,见狼王舔了舔伤口,然后在沙地上打了几个滚,利用黄土止血掩盖气味后,居然化身孤狼,独自远离狼群而去。 It seems like that this place wolf intelligence quotient is very indeed high, it had anticipated after very much obviously returning to pack of wolves, will face the powerful similar challenge, therefore it is estimated that wolf king Xiangyao goes to own secret nest to heal from a wound, after injury good, successfully returns. 看来,这头座狼智商的确挺高,很显然它已经预期到回到狼群后将会面临强大同类的挑战,所以估计狼王想要前往自己的秘巢养伤,等到伤势好了以后再成功回归。 Following close on that side Linyan is careful after that is good because of their body ultra average people, can therefore keep up with the speed of wolf king. The injury ratio that three people detect the wolf king along the way seems like also heavy, walks, in the middle of the mouth often vomits the pollution thick blood, will go out of a distance to take a break. 方林岩一路小心的紧跟其后,好在他们三人的身体远超普通人,所以才能跟上狼王的速度。沿途三人发觉狼王的伤势比看起来的还重,一路行走的时候,嘴巴当中不时都呕出浑浊浓稠的鲜血,走出一段距离就会休息片刻。 However wolf king Yidan detected oneself spat up blood, will stop to lick the bloodstain or lives with the sakoi, it can be said that great care. 不过狼王一旦发觉自己呕血,就会停下来将血迹舔掉或者用沙盖住,可以说是格外谨慎。 Finally, three people gazed after this place wolf first racing enters lamely to arrive in a mountain valley, this mountain valley was curving very long and narrow, making three people almost with losing, later finally detected it entered in a covert cave. 最终,三人目送这头座狼一瘸一拐的先奔入到了一处山谷里面,这山谷又是弯弯曲曲的十分狭长,让三人差点跟丢,之后终于发觉它进入到了一处隐蔽的山洞中。 The cave is the natural formation, is pasted the place Pingyan to cover at the same time, is low-lying, if looks, the stone riprap of Dongqian just can block from the entrance. 山洞是天然形成的,由一面贴地的平岩覆盖,地势低洼,若是远看的话,洞前的乱石块刚好能遮住入口。 Not is only this, here also approaches a warm artificial pond, the water that the hot spring flows is the cream color, is belching smoke, is sending out the irritating the nose sulfur flavor, this flavor can effective cover live in the wolf king smell of blood, avoids sense of smell tracing of possibility. 不仅是这样,这里还靠近一处温泉池,温泉流淌出来的水是乳白色的,冒着烟,散发着刺鼻的硫磺味道,这味道可以有效的遮盖住狼王身上的血腥味,避免有可能的嗅觉追踪。 And this warm spring water is poisonous, in the normal condition will not have the animal to come the potable water, but will be used to soak is all right, even can eliminate some parasites. 并且这种温泉水有毒,正常情况下没有动物会来饮水,但用来浸泡则没事,甚至可以杀灭身上的一些寄生虫。 Before the wolf king had soaked, making wolf egg nearby strange itch fester the skin disease not medicine to recover, therefore was profound to here impression. 之前狼王就曾经来浸泡过,让狼蛋附近的奇痒溃烂皮肤病不药而愈,所以对这里印象深刻。 side Linyan three people waited for one outside, sees sign that the wolf king does not have, the surroundings do not have the pack of wolves to tag along. At this time the weather is black, therefore the vulture then puts on the night vision goggle, cautious touched toward cave entrance, then branches out the shadow to enter the hole reconnaissance. 方林岩三人在外等了一阵,见狼王没有出来的迹象,周围也没有狼群尾随。此时天色已黑,于是秃鹫便戴上夜视镜,小心翼翼的朝洞口摸了过去,然后分出影子进洞侦察。 Quick, some people obtained the detailed information: Seeing only in the hole is a pitch, a pitch downward deeply approximately more than ten meters place, the wide halls, under the slope are also flowing under an interval unexpectedly the hot spring, can throughout the year keep warm. 很快的,一干人就获得了详细信息:只见洞内乃是一处斜坡,斜坡向下深约十几米的地方,有一处宽厅,坡下竟还流淌着一滩地下热泉,可以一年四季都保持温暖。 The place wolf of that severe wound is lying by the water source, partly opens the eye to lie on the ground is resting, often stretched out the tongue to lick the wound, the blood has accumulated big beach/pool by its mouth. 那头重伤的座狼正趴在水源旁,半睁着眼睛趴在地上歇息着,不时伸出舌头舔一舔伤口,鲜血已经在它的嘴巴旁边积成了大滩。 Moreover, the pitch that gets down from above also has a lot of crushed stones, once treads, is very difficult not to send out the sound, this should also be wolf king Fanghu own last barrier. 不仅如此,从上面下去的斜坡上还有大量的碎石,一旦踏上去的话,就很难不发出响动,这应该也是狼王防护自己的最后一道屏障。 The heaven-sent opportunity, how side Linyan three people possibly let off, once solved this place wolf here, will refer to the uncertain pack of wolves chaotic good long some time, to compete for a wolf will even possibly cause the fission of pack of wolves. 天赐良机,方林岩三人怎么可能放过,并且一旦在这儿解决了这头座狼,指不定狼群内部就会混乱好长一段时间,为了争夺头狼甚至可能导致狼群的分裂。 During the night, can greatly reduce the threat from pack of wolves, because after without the wolf king of overwhelming superiority, the pack of wolves internal competition will form potential of the country divided into rival baronies, the ordinary head wolf climbs up the throne very much difficultly in a short time. 到了夜里,也能大大降低来自狼群的威胁,因为没有了绝对优势的狼王以后,狼群内部的竞争就会形成群雄割据之势,普通的头狼是很难在短时间内攀上王座的。 After waited for patiently for probably one hour, the vulture detected that the wolf king closed the eye, the injury and sleepy makes it lose the security finally thoroughly, heavy goes off. 耐心的等待了大概一个多小时之后,秃鹫发觉狼王合上了眼睛,伤势和困倦终于让它彻底失去了警戒,沉沉睡去。 At this time, after its information also by vulture use reconnaissance capability, transmitted on the retina of people directly. 这时候,它的信息也被秃鹫使用侦察能力后,直接发送到了众人的视网膜上。 Wilderness scavenger place wolf leader: Ghosts howling( in severe wound) 荒原食腐座狼首领:鬼嚎(重伤中) Introduced: The leader of wilderness pack of wolves, the peak period even can the control several thousand place wolves, the every large or small more than ten wolves, have the astonishing fight skillful and strong lethality. However, now it suffered the heavy losses, the strength had dropped significantly, it is estimated that was very difficult to return to the peak period. 介绍:荒原狼群的首领,高峰时期甚至可以统御数千头座狼,大大小小十几个狼群,拥有惊人的战斗技巧和强大的杀伤力。但是,现在它遭受到了重创,实力已经大幅度下降,估计很难回到高峰时期了。 Strength: 62 力量:62 Agile: 28 敏捷:28 Physical strength: 55 体力:55 Spirit: 21 精神:21 Life value: 16000 / 40000( weak) 生命值:16000/40000(虚弱) By dynamic energy: High-energy compound skin( passive), the ghost howling as the wolf leader, food is exceptionally sufficient, therefore its fur/superficial knowledge has more astonishing defensive power, making its life value upper limit increase 100000 points additionally, and significantly reduced the aching feeling. 被动能力:高能复合皮肤(被动),鬼嚎身为座狼首领,食物异常充足,因此其皮毛拥有更加惊人的防御力,令其生命值上限额外增加100000点,并且大幅度降低疼痛感。 Moreover, after the ghost is separated from the condition howlingly, can through skin on the pore recruit the in the air dissociation nitrogen member to restore the injury. 不仅如此,当鬼嚎脱离状态后,更是可以通过皮肤上的毛孔来吸收空中的游离氮份子恢复伤势。 By dynamic energy: The pack of wolves leader, in overwhelming majority times, has the control ability forcefully facing any wilderness scavenger place wolf, simultaneously has the extremely high wisdom. 被动能力:狼群首领,在绝大部分时候,面对任何荒原食腐座狼都拥有强行支配能力,同时拥有极高的智慧。 By dynamic energy: King dignity, when the ghost howling side( in one kilometer) has over five place wolves, its striking power / traveling speed / attack speed comprehensively promotes 10, later each increases a place wolf additionally, then promotes 1 related addition for it. 被动能力:王者威严,当鬼嚎身边(一公里内)拥有五头以上的座狼的时候,其攻击力/移动速度/攻击速度全面提升十,之后每额外增加一头座狼,即可为其提升一的相关加成。 By dynamic energy: Guzzling, the ghost can make the injury rapidly restore through massive feeds howlingly, but after the price is the feed, will fall into the deep sleep. 被动能力:暴食,鬼嚎通过大量进食可以使伤势快速恢复,但代价就是进食之后会陷入沉睡。 Driving ability: The roar of bloodthirsty, the ghost takes losing the 10 life values as the price howlingly, making the surrounding area pack of wolves within one kilometer enter the bloodthirsty condition, in this state, the striking power of pack of wolves / traveling speed / attack speed promotes 25, and aching feeling reduces 50. 主动能力:嗜血之吼,鬼嚎以损耗自身十的生命值为代价,使方圆一公里内的狼群进入嗜血状态,在此状态下,狼群的攻击力/移动速度/攻击速度提升25,并且疼痛感降低50。 However, the roar of bloodthirsty, once after displaying, by dynamic energy: The pack of wolves leader will expire. 但是,嗜血之吼一旦施展之后,被动能力:狼群首领将会失效。 Driving ability: The wild with rage claw, the ghost initiates the attack on the right claw all concentrations of efforts howlingly, enabling its following three attacks to have suddenly/violently to strike inevitably the attribute addition.( After the severe wound , not available) 主动能力:狂怒之爪,鬼嚎将所有力量集中在右爪上发起攻击,使其接下来的三次攻击都将带有必然暴击的属性加成。(重伤后不可用) Driving ability: Flees the advance, before ghost howlingly suddenly to/clashes, at an exceptional pace will launch the impact on the front, the enemy in way is hit and falls into the deceleration condition ten seconds, and ghost will continue to be at the tyrant body condition howlingly during this period. 主动能力:亡命突进,鬼嚎遽然前冲,以惊人的速度对前方发起冲击,途径上的敌人将会被撞开并且陷入减速状态十秒,并且鬼嚎在此期间持续处于霸体状态。 Flees the advance to cause ghost howling every minute of loss certain life value, the concrete value is 15 of 1000 + current life values, therefore under normal conditions, ghost howlingly when the decision result uses this move. 亡命突进将会导致鬼嚎每分钟损失一定生命值,具体数值为1000+当前生命值的15,所以通常情况下,鬼嚎都会在决定胜负的时候使用这一招。 *** *** Can see, the ghost howling all foundation attributes are exuding bright red, the rear area also has( severe wound) inscription. 可以见到,鬼嚎的所有基础属性都是泛着鲜红色,后方还带着(重伤)的字样。 At this time side Linyan and other talent some rejoiced secretly has not launched the attack rashly, otherwise took certainly one to run upon the sheet iron! 这时候方林岩等人才有些暗自庆幸没有贸然发动进攻,否则的话肯定要一头撞上铁板的! As the saying goes camel of skinny is big, this monster now is so been terrorist by the injury foundation attribute , if complete, not being able to do well is in court attendant Bulla Island the bloody Mary this monster rank! 有道是瘦死的骆驼比马大,这头怪物现在遭受了重伤基础属性都如此恐怖,要是完好的话,搞不好又是郎布拉岛上血腥玛丽这种怪物的级别! However carefully studies one its attribute to detect, the ghost howling most abilities of the status of his wolf king adaptive, in its side has in the situation of pack of wolves, it is estimated that even if 2-3 bloody Mary is not his opponent. 不过仔细研究一番其属性就能发觉,鬼嚎的大部分能力都是与其狼王的身份适配的,在它身边有狼群的情况下,估计哪怕是2-3头血腥玛丽都不是其对手。 However, if in it by the isolated situation, bloody Mary can select two! 但是,若是在它被孤立的情况下,血腥玛丽可以一挑二! However because flees existence of advance, the ghost travels should not to have the issue howlingly. 不过因为亡命突进的存在,鬼嚎跑路应该是没问题的。 A big group that looks at ghost howling left eyes place that covered with blood, even the wound even is heavy the eye socket unable to see, therefore three people almost decided the main attack direction immediately. 看着鬼嚎的左边眼睛处那血肉模糊的一大团,甚至伤重得连眼眶都看不见,所以三个人几乎是在第一时间内就决定了主攻方向。 That is the ghost howling right eye of!! 那就是鬼嚎的右眼!! side Linyan the strength can be said as is progressing by leaps and bounds, the vulture and goat are two people this? 方林岩的实力可以说是在突飞猛进,秃鹫和山羊两人何尝不是这样? The vulture was to also display the new ability at this time, he deeply inspires, the side presented dusky mist suddenly. 秃鹫此时也是展现出了新的能力,他深吸了一口气,身边忽然出现了一片灰蒙蒙的雾气。 However the coverage scope of this mist is very small, three grown men must very dreadful presses together can enter to its range reluctantly, therefore that appearance seemingly wants Docchi to have Docchi. 不过这雾气的覆盖范围很小,三个大男人必须很猥琐的挤在一起才能勉强进入到其范围当中,所以那模样看起来要多基有多基。 This gadget is called „the fog of clever trick, can short time overlap the figure of surrounding person, shield the sensation of enemy, causes itself and teammates can sneak smoothly. 这玩意儿叫做“诡计之雾”,可以短时间覆盖住周围人的身形,屏蔽掉敌人的感知,使自己和队友都能顺利潜入。 However on the vulture current level , can only maintain at most for 1-2 minutes, the price must drink one bottle of MP reply liquid medicines. 不过就秃鹫目前的水准来说,顶多也就只能维持1-2,代价是还得喝一瓶MP回复药水。 In „the fog of clever trick in addition holds, three people first arranges one after cave entrance, touching quietly into the hole, stayed in the above of quarry stone pitch. 在“诡计之雾”的加持下,三人先在洞口布置一番之后,悄悄的摸入到了洞中,停留在了乱石斜坡的上方。 Words that here proceeds again, only if can learn in the legend to ascend the duckweed swims the qing gong, otherwise, will definitely step on falls the stone, makes crash-bang the sound, even if at this time were the fog of clever trick also has no egg to use. 这里再往前走的话,除非是能够学会传说中“登萍浮水”的轻功,否则的话,肯定会踩落石头,发出哗啦的声音的,这时候哪怕是诡计之雾也没什么卵用了。 The vulture looked at side Linyan, but side Linyan also nods, works as the middle course in the team channel: 秃鹫看了一眼方林岩,而方林岩也是点了点头,在团队频道当中道: GO.” “GO。” The vulture controls own shadow to start to approach immediately, then recited that very virulent skill directly: Globefish poisonous surprise attack! 秃鹫立即就控制着自己的影子开始靠近,然后直接吟唱起那一个十分恶毒的技能:河豚毒突袭! This skill can cause its dizzy 2 seconds to the plot lifeform, and is falling into 15 deceleration conditions later, simultaneously creates( 10 + maximum foundation attribute values / 4) toxin injury. 这个技能可以对剧情生物使其晕眩二秒,并且在随后陷入15的减速状态,同时造成(10+最高基础属性值/四)的毒素伤害。 Later every 40 seconds, globefish poison recurrent attack. 之后每隔40秒钟,河豚毒将会再次发作。 The key is, the globefish poisonous surprise attack will also cause four times of extra damage to the plot lifeform! 关键是,河豚毒突袭对剧情生物还会造成四倍的额外伤害! Regarding ghost howling, the injury perhaps is not anything, 15 deceleration conditions that but , to continue to create and 2 seconds of dizziness enough disgusting. 对于鬼嚎来说,伤害或许不算什么,但是,持续造成的15减速状态和二秒的晕眩就够恶心的了。 But like this negative condition manifests suddenly every 40 seconds one time, and lasted ten hours, this was really disgusting. 而这样的负面状态每隔40秒发作一次,并且还长达十个小时,这就真的是恶心了。 Shadow very smooth recited, then saw that the pale-green ray appeared from his hand together, as if also the illusion of globefish fish, then submerged in the ghost howling body. 影子很顺利的就吟唱完毕,然后就见到一道淡绿色的光芒从其手中出现,其中似乎还有一条河豚鱼的幻象,接着就没入到了鬼嚎的身体里面。 Ghosts howlingly in sleep somewhat anxious squish a mouth, then the lethargic sleep in the past, actually does not know that again that toxin has started to proliferate toward the whole body, after 20 seconds will manifest suddenly. 鬼嚎在睡梦中有些不安的吧唧了一下嘴巴,然后重新昏睡了过去,却不知道那毒素已经开始在往全身扩散,直到二十秒以后才会发作。 At this time, side Linyan started the countdown in the team channel, when he counted to 11, the goat started to recite the fireball directly! 这时候,方林岩开始在团队频道当中倒计时,当他数到“十一”的时候,山羊直接开始了吟唱火球! Also crossed for one second, the vulture wrist/skill turns, newly starts „the upper arm drive shaft of earthquake this having powerful weapons of electrical system injury impressively already in the middle of palm. 又过了一秒,秃鹫手腕一翻,新入手的“地震的上臂传动轴”这把带有电系伤害的强大武器赫然已经在手掌当中。 Then, he had started thorn light/only throwing knife without delay the ability, this flash, he felt oneself MP value by the continuous inspiration in the weapon, 然后,他二话不说已经是启动了“棘光飞刀”的能力,这一瞬间,他就感觉到自己的MP值被源源不断的吸入到了武器里面, The extra rare option that after this is the thorn light throwing knife was promoted LV7, presented by the vulture: 这是棘光飞刀被秃鹫提升到了LV7后出现的额外稀有选项: When uses this skill( thorn light throwing knife), if in the hand grasps to bring the weapon of electric current special effect, then next strikes inevitably suddenly/violently to strike, and might of injury increases 50 continually, the duration increases 100! 在使用此技能(棘光飞刀)的时候,倘若手中握持有带着电流特效的武器,那么下一击必然暴击,并且持续伤害的威力增加50,持续时间增加100! Therefore, „the upper arm drive shaft of earthquake seems like the might to be fair, but regarding the vulture, can achieve the effect of dark gold/metal level weapon! 所以,“地震的上臂传动轴”看起来威力中规中矩,但对于秃鹫来说,能发挥出暗金级武器的效果! Then this flew on the lightning the weapon generally! 然后这把武器就闪电一般的飞了出去! Jet black hole ** only hears whiz the sound resounds, the sharp weapon electric light flashes, cut the deathly stillness in hole directly, immediately submerged in the middle of wolf king another complete eyes, deeply not to ! 漆黑的洞**只听见“嗖”的声音响起,锐利的武器电光一闪,直接划破了洞中的死寂,顿时没入了狼王另外一只完好的眼睛当中,深没至柄! Wolf king Zhou caused heavy losses, sent out sad and shrill wailing, the beastly nature and pain makes it erupt the life potential, threw in the direction of attack attack crazily. 狼王骤遭重创,发出了一声凄厉的哀嚎,兽性和痛楚使它爆发出了生命潜力,疯狂朝着攻击来袭的方向扑了出去。 It that however at this time has lost one's sight completely, was divided by the blood-color lightning directly together, side Linyan the dragon coughs to flash, the dizzy effect of supplementary made it hit directly directly on the hard dike! 然而此时已经完全失明的它,迎头就被一道血色闪电劈中,正是方林岩的龙嗽闪,附带的晕眩效果使其直接直接撞在了坚硬的岩壁上! The goat opened little king this sign, a series of fireballs aimed at the head of wolf king to depart, instantaneously submergence in the middle of roaring flame. 紧接着,山羊则是开启了“小王”这张牌,一连串的火球对准了狼王的脑袋飞出,瞬间将之淹没在了烈焰当中。 Although side Linyan they attacked directly to the wolf king to come demonstration of authority, but after crossing vacant and fear of blind, the wolf Wang Meng however nose twitched two, aimed at side Linyan to throw accurately. 虽然方林岩他们突袭直接给狼王来了个下马威,但渡过了失明的茫然和恐惧之后,狼王猛然鼻子抽动了两下,对准了方林岩准确的扑了过来。 This threw speed strange quick, side Linyan is thrown, he was just about to dodge, was swept by the claw of wolf king, pulled out directly departs 56 meters away to turn rolled the bottle gourd, when set out only thought that the half body is numb. 这一扑速度奇快,方林岩被扑了个正着,他正要闪避,被狼王的爪子一扫,直接抽飞出了五六米远变成了滚地葫芦,等到起身的时候只觉得半边身体都在发麻。 Moreover, the attack of wolf king penetrated Athena Yukita, tore two covered with blood claw marks in side Linyan the chest, the blood welled up instantaneously came out to moisten his half body. 不仅如此,狼王的攻击更是穿透了雅典娜之佑,在方林岩的胸口撕扯出了两条血肉模糊的爪痕,鲜血瞬间就涌了出来打湿了他的半边身体。 Was good because of this time, side Linyan is prompt a tumbling, avoided the wolf king's following vicious pursuit, round of dragon Soushan divided while convenient again on the body of wolf king, after all now dragon Soushan cooling time by title: After the imperial academicians reduced 25, it can be said that is much quicker. 好在这时候,方林岩接下来及时一个翻滚,躲开了狼王接下来的凶狠追击,顺带再次一发龙嗽闪劈在了狼王的身上,毕竟现在龙嗽闪的冷却时间被称号:皇家院士缩减了25以后,可以说是快得惊人。 At this time, funniest matter happened, wolf Wang Meng however made a rare and beautiful flowers incomparable movement, turns around to turn head all of a sudden, seems like the drill rod that its ass eye was used the heat to hold ruthlessly. 就在这时候,最搞笑的事情发生了,狼王猛然之间做出了一个奇葩无比的动作,一下子就转身回头,看起来就像是它的腚眼被人用烧红的钢钎狠狠捅进去了似的。 However if it can have the expression, certainly is??? Black person question mark face! 不过它若是能有表情的话,一定是???的黑人问号脸! side Linyan looks that this gawked staring, then at once realizes that the benefit that after this should be the chapter of sublimation will promote to + 4, provides, after this extra effect confused triggering, compared with imagination is much better! 方林岩看着这一幕都愣了愣,然后旋即意识到这应该就是自己将升华之章提升到以后带来的好处了,这个额外效果错乱触发以后,比想象当中的都要好得多啊! At this time, the vulture has caught side Linyan, making him run away together. 这时候,秃鹫已经拽住了方林岩,让他一起逃走。 After wolf king Mengbi one second, turned around to aim here to throw again, but it just caught up to leap, felt suddenly a twitching ache beyond description, the body from top to bottom unexpectedly completely did not run errands stiff in same place. Globefish poisonous prompt outbreak! 狼王懵逼了一秒钟之后,再次转身对准了这边扑来,可是它刚刚发力跃出,猛然觉得浑身上下一阵难以形容的抽搐疼痛,身体竟是完全不听使唤的僵硬在了原地。正是河豚毒及时发作了! Held wolf king Yunxuan these two seconds, immediately side Linyan three people tumble escaped from outside the hole, when the wolf king shakes the time of sobering, blind it can only incline the head and listen attentively the sound of enemy. 抓住了狼王晕眩的这两秒钟,方林岩三人立即连滚带爬的逃出了洞外,等到狼王甩甩头清醒过来的时候,失明的它只能侧耳倾听一下敌人的动静。 Finally just knew the whereabouts of opposite party time, cave entrance has heard a series of explosive sounds, before is side Linyan they detonated directly, carelessly mechanism/organization of arrangement! 结果刚刚掌握住对方的行踪的时候,洞口处已经传来了一连串的爆炸声,乃是方林岩他们直接引爆了之前草草布置的机关! The so-called mechanism/organization sounds complex, is actually two exploders, the first exploder might is very big, bombs cave entrance directly, but the second exploder was very virulent, the might is very small, actually lit inside contents. 所谓的机关听起来复杂,其实就是两个爆炸装置而已,第一个爆炸装置威力很大,直接将洞口炸塌,而第二个爆炸装置就很恶毒了,威力很小,却是点燃了里面的内容物。 Before these contents are side Linyan, to arrange the spice of dark ingredients collection, for example the Chinese prickly ash surface, the dry/does hot pepper, the ground pepper wait/etc, burnt the flavor that sends out can be imagined, not only that a toxic bomb and tear-gas bomb that even the vulture provides. 这些内容物乃是方林岩之前为了筹备暗黑料理收集的作料,比如花椒面,干辣椒,胡椒粉等等,燃烧起来发出的味道可想而知,不仅如此,甚至还有秃鹫提供的一枚毒气弹和催泪弹。 Cavern inside original space is very narrow and small, the sense of smell of wolf is keen incomparable, these things mix after together, inside wolf king to the lethality that has can be imagined. 洞穴里面本来空间就十分狭小,狼的嗅觉更是灵敏无比,这些东西混合在一起之后,对里面的狼王产生的杀伤力可想而知。 If wolf king Shili, is still clenching teeth to dig out a channel the place of landslide not too to be difficult, however it was at this time loses the sight of both eyes the condition, was smoked for a half minute was less than goes crazy directly. 若是狼王视力还在的话,咬着牙将塌方的地方挖出一条通道也不算太难,然而这时候它还是处于双目失明状态,被熏了半分钟不到就直接发狂了。 Suddenly it can only to nearby stone air vent, wolf king Fengkuang bite, grasps, flexure, the hard rock was dug up to draw fallen pulpy, even the surroundings were dug up to draw several big holes by it. 一时间它只能对着旁边的石头出气,狼王疯狂咬,抓,挠,坚硬的岩石都被扒拉得零落稀烂,甚至周围都被它扒拉出来了好几个大坑。 Before his claw even had to sparkle the terrifying metal unique ray, seems like the light claw that the energy formed to be the same, directly destroyed the stone wall very seriously, but actually still cannot find to harm own chief criminal. 其爪子前端甚至有闪耀出了恐怖的金属特有的光芒,看起来就像是能量形成的光爪一样,直接将石壁破坏得十分严重,可是却依然没能找到伤害自己的罪魁祸首。 side Linyan three people are also disinclined to pay attention to it at this time, sits outside directly chats, the goat took some eggs to come out from the private, places in nearby high fever hot spring to soak to make the hot spring egg to eat. 方林岩三人此时也懒得理会它,直接在外面坐着聊天,山羊更是从自己私人空间里面拿了些鸡蛋出来,放在了旁边的高热温泉里面浸泡做温泉蛋吃。 After waiting for almost two hours, three talents place cautious digging up of landslide, then make the shadow of vulture go in again the survey. 足足等待了差不多两个小时以后,三人才重新将塌方的地方小心翼翼的挖开,然后让秃鹫的影子进去探测。 At this time can see, wolf king Pafu in nearby open area, seemingly died motionlessly, but has not received three people of space prompt naturally is not swindled! This first power forest Yan takes the specially-made incendiary bomb that supplies from the former Bai Ruide camp came. 此时可以见到,狼王趴伏在了旁边的空地上,貌似断气了一动不动,但没有接到空间提示的三人当然不会上当!这一次方林岩则是拿出来了从之前白瑞德营地中“补给”来的特制燃烧弹。 Without the means that this Kenny knows enemy who time deals with by wild animal this class is in the majority, therefore definitely was also the tendency stresses in munitions purchase on this aspect. 没办法,这一次肯尼知道对付的敌人以野兽这类的居多,所以在军火采购方面肯定也是倾向侧重于这个方面了。 This wolf king was tossed about painfully, wanted to feign death to direct enemy near body, then tears into shreds them ruthlessly, will swallow down entirely, who knows that on whiz whiz whiz flies three specially-made incendiary bombs to hit suddenly on its body. 这狼王本来被折腾得十分痛苦,本来想要装死引敌人近身,然后狠狠撕碎他们,将之连皮带骨吞下去,谁知道冷不防就嗖嗖嗖飞进来三颗特制燃烧弹打在它的身上。
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