In the middle ofthisGobi Desert, becausedoes not have the fixedroad, thereforethisall-terrain vehicle, whentows the reartrailer is quite strenuous.
在这戈壁滩当中因为没有固定的公路,所以这辆全地形车在牵引后方的拖车的时候相当吃力。Theenginespreads the roar that shouts oneself hoarseunceasingly, is goodbecause ofThalen'sroad sense is also quitegood, is smoothwill transport to the battlefielddirection.
All -terrain vehicleat the steadyspeedopened for onehourafter the west, sideLinyanthrough the observation windowimpressivelyseesin the canyon of distant placeto raise the stronggunsmoke, the straightrisingvault of heaven, therein the air many smallsunspots seem also circling, immediatelyknowsshouldgoes to the place.
全地形车以稳健的速度向西开了一个多小时之后,方林岩就通过观察窗赫然就看见远处的峡谷中升起了浓烈的硝烟,笔直的升上天穹,那里的空中似乎还有许多小黑点在盘旋,顿时知道应该是到地方了。Continuingto be nearercanseefrom afar, in the canyonhas been the corpsehorizontalpieceis wild, corpsescattered in disorderlying down of dozensplacewolveson the desert, the bloodflowedin the middle of the yellow sand, the disorderlyandcompactsound of gunfirealsocovered the silence of canyon.
继续开近一些就能远远看到,峡谷内早已是尸横片野,几十头座狼的尸体散乱的躺在了沙漠上,鲜血流淌进了黄沙当中,凌乱而紧凑的枪声也覆盖了峡谷的寂静。Moreover, in the airis circlingmanyfiercebirds, thesebird of preybloodmouthvultures, theymeet the preyalsoto be ableunder the ejectionto have the metallic lustersharpfeather, inin the airevencansend outto call the arrowheadaudio singing, virtually impossible to guard against.
不仅如此,空中盘旋着不少的凶恶禽鸟,这些猛禽正是血嘴秃鹫,它们遇到猎物还能抛射下带有金属光泽的尖锐羽毛,在空中甚至能发出鸣镝似的尖锐声音,令人防不胜防。Andaccording toThalen'sview, after bythisfeatherto bind , the woundrapidinflamedfester, abovewill have the toxinobviously.
并且根据塔伦的说法,被这羽毛扎上之后伤口会迅速红肿溃烂,显然上面还带有毒素。Is goodin the fronthasonewith the simplefortress that the stone and vehiclesconstructtemporarily, hereis the emergency position that Bai Ruidetheybuild, the previoustwoall-terrain vehiclesalsostopped outside, thatteam that obviouslyDejakledhad arrivedearly, in front of the fortressallwas the placewolflying this way and thatcorpse.
好在前方有一座用石块和车辆临时修建出来的简单堡垒,这里就是白瑞德他们建立的临时阵地,之前的两辆全地形车也是停在了外面,显然德亚科带领的那一支队伍已经早到了,堡垒前面全是座狼横七竖八的尸体。Here they were strandedtherealsoto havealmosttwokilometersstraight distancefromKenny, because the frontis a quarry stonedensely coveredhillside, all -terrain vehicleis unable to start, some people can only on foot, buttheyflushednot to overrunrepeatedlyseveraltimes.
这里距离肯尼他们被困那里还有差不多两公里的直线距离,因为前方已经是一处乱石密布的山坡,全地形车无法开上去,一干人只能徒步,可是他们反复冲了好几次都冲不过去。Thalentoward the fortressaccording to the soundloudspeaker, in the fortresspeopleexudes the cheers, Bai Ruide is also comesto greet, inwalkingheraises headrepeatedly, obviouslyguards againstfrom the in the airattack.
塔伦朝着堡垒按响喇叭,堡垒里面的人都发出欢呼声,白瑞德也是现身出来迎接,不过在走路的时候他频频仰头,显然提防来自空中的袭击。At this time, Bai Ruidealsoexchanged greetingswithout enough time, looks at the songSyria'spleasantly surprisedsay/way on reartrailer:
这时候,白瑞德也来不及寒暄了,看着后方拖车上的歌利亚惊喜的道:„Did youreallyrestorethisgadget?”
塔伦立即道:„Thismustbe luckyMorris and spanner, nowsituationhow?”
“这要多亏了莫里斯和扳手,现在情况怎么样?”Bai Ruideput out a foul air flue:
白瑞德吐出了一口浊气道:„Onlycandescribewithfourcharacters, rotten to the core! Thesedamnplacewolf and bloodmouthvulturecoordinationis very tacit, wecharge, always the attack of carefulspace, butthere is a songSyriato be different.”
塔伦道:„Ihave prepared, was the timemakesthesedamnmonstersgo to hell!”
After saying, Thalenarrived on the trailer, mobilizedmechanicalgiantsongLyato go down the trailer, many peopleblew the whistlingtosongSyria, looked excited, obviouslya moment agosuffering that ate the enemya lot, butnowis the timemakes the opposite partytaste the steelmachinerywas fierce!
After entering the fortress, sideLinyanattained the first-handmaterialto the fronttactical situation, frowns, becausehediscoveredat this timetactical situationguessed must be worse.
进入到了堡垒之后,方林岩对前方的战况拿到了第一手资料,不禁皱起了眉头,因为他发现此时战况比自己猜测的还要更加糟糕。Outside the canyonhas the large-scaleplacewolfin groups, the cave on fronthillsideblocking, butKennytheyare the dependencebenefit the stubborn resistance, the sparsesound of gunfire that buthearsfrom the distant placeinfers, KennyTeamhas started the economicalammunition.
峡谷外有着成群结队的大型座狼,已将前方山坡上的山洞给封锁住,而肯尼他们则是依靠地利顽强抵抗,但从远方传来的稀稀拉拉的枪声来推断,肯尼团队已经开始节省弹药了。ButBai Ruide'sheresituationsimilarlyisless optimistic, the fighthas started for severalhours, particularlyinitialtime, the placewolfwaswelled upcompletely, at that timeeveryone who fiercedid not fearkilledto get angry, will not thinkto turn into the wolfexcrementtomorrow, that can only fall in torrentsat the maximum speed the bullet.
而白瑞德这边的局势同样是不容乐观,战斗已经打响了好几个小时,尤其是最初的时候,座狼完全是悍不畏死的涌了上来,那时候人人都杀红了眼,不想明天变成狼粪,那就只能以最快速度将子弹倾泻出去。Therefore, toammunition that the presenttheycancarry, althoughhas not become serious, but must pay attentionto consume, when the corpseappears, time that the smell of bloodspreads, thenattractedmanyhunting, wasthesebloodmouthvultures.
The bloodmouthvulturein groupspaces back and forth the soaringin the hot sun, from time to timedivestraight, thatsceneseems the superficialcommoncaptureprey, the giantwingreflects the hugeshadowto be frighteningin the canyon, wailingsoundas ifterrifyingencirclementsoundunceasingrepetitionbroadcastfromupper air.
成群的血嘴秃鹫在烈日上徘徊飞翔,时而俯冲直下,那场面就好似蜻蜓点水一般抓取猎物,巨大的翅膀在峡谷中倒映出巨大的黑影让人胆战心惊,来自高空的尖啸声仿佛恐怖的环绕音响不断的重复播放。At this time, Bai Ruideblew a whistling saying:
这时候,白瑞德吹了声口哨道:„Wearrange a trap! Lennard, youleadtenpeopleto go outto flush, makingthesedamnmonstershuddle together.”
“我们来布置一个陷阱!伦纳德,你带十个人出去冲一冲,让这些该死的怪物扎堆。”HetowardcontrollingThalen of bigfootmachinearmor a hand signal, referred to the giant bird that in the top of the headcircledin groupssaying:
紧接着他又朝操控大脚机甲的塔伦比了个手势,指了指头顶上成群盘旋的巨鸟道:„Wefirsthandlethem, thisfellowswill be very smart, suffer a hardshipdefinitelyto draw the lessonnot to convergeintogether, only then a good opportunity, to hit.”
塔伦大声道:„Good, Boss!”
“好的,老板!”Was selectedtoLennard of dresses ranksimmediately, thenattackedrapidly, aims at the frontseveralplacewolvesto open fireviolently, under the sudden attack, the placewolfwas killedto injureseveralheadsimmediately, can only wailto run away.
The sound of gunfirestimulatedmassivebloodmouthvultureto aimhereto gatherwith the smell of blood of spreadimmediately, seeming like the dark clouds was the same in the accumulation.
枪声和蔓延的血腥味立即刺激得大量的血嘴秃鹫对准这边聚集了过来,看起来就像是黑云在聚集一样。At this time, cansee that songLyafaced forwardslowlytwostepsunderThalen'scontrol, the shoulderslapcoastedto reveal the pitch-darklaunchmouth, thenstartedto conduct radarlocking.
这时候,就可以看到那台歌莉娅在塔伦的操控下徐徐朝前走了两步,双肩盖板滑下露出了黑洞洞的发射口,然后开始进行雷达锁定。Bestattackanglebrought„the Canonauxiliary booster”automatic computation, amounted tofourrounds of Hellfiresurface-to-air missiles„whizwhizwhiz” the ejectionhas the warehouse.
紧接着最佳打击角度被自带的“卡农助推器”自动计算了出来,总计四发“地狱火”地对空导弹“嗖嗖嗖”的弹射出仓。Eachrounddragsshort, but the roaring flame of burning hot, flies to the differentair zones, then the detonation, was coveringseveral thousandcubic metersair zoneone after anotherinstantaneously, formed the saturation attackcompletely!!
每一发都拖起短而炙热的烈焰,飞往不同的空域,而后陆续引爆,在瞬间覆盖了数千立方米的空域,完全形成了饱和攻击!!In just several seconds, a bigair zonewas coveredby the terrifyingroaring flamecompletely! Suchaltitude bombing, at leastmakes20bloodmouthvultureschange to the hard coke, is belching smoketo just like the hailto crashin abundance, numerouspoundingtoground.
The ground-to-airbombardmentis effective, suddenlythesebloodmouthvulturewailsare flying from the humanpositionskyin abundance, reducedfinallymuchfrom the in the airthreat.
The fierceexplosive soundalsofrightened the pack of wolves, theylookedto the terrifyingroaring flame that in the middle of the skyhas not divergedespecially, did not clarifywhatcondition, in the eyefilledfear, thenstartedto flee and become separatedin abundancedirectly.
剧烈的爆炸声也惊吓住了狼群,它们看向天空当中尤未散去的恐怖烈焰,搞不清什么状况,眼中充满了畏惧,然后开始纷纷直接逃散。ButsideLinyanactuallyobservesthesepanicplacewolveswhenfrightening, althoughruns away, but after leavingseveral hundredmeters, was actually 3322startshuddled together.
但方林岩却观察到这些惊慌失措的座狼在惊吓之余尽管逃走,可是离开几百米之后,却是三三两两的开始扎堆了起来。sideLinyanimmediatelyusesnearbytelescopeto observe, detected that in the middle ofpack of wolves that thesehuddle together, hasexistence of wolf! Needless saying that theyare the elitelifeform.
方林岩立即利用旁边的望远镜进行观察,发觉在那些扎堆的狼群当中,都有着头狼的存在!不消说,它们都是精英生物。Moreover, in the center of pack of wolves, stillmore than tenplacewolvesgathered, squatsto sit a buildmore giantplacewolf, it is estimated thatonlydepends on its big mouthto be ableunder the swallow alive the entireliving person.
不仅如此,在狼群的中央,仍有十几头座狼聚集在一起,其中蹲坐着一头体型更加巨大的座狼,估计仅凭它的一张血盆大口就能生吞下整个活人。On the forehead of thisplacewolfhas a fearfulmeatredscar, the abovehalfroot hairdoes not have, extremelyobviously, does not know how itislivesfromsuchinjury.
The placewolf is actually not bigwith the ordinarypack of wolvesdifference, itsorganizationconstructs, similarlyfollows the law of the jungle the natural law, the most powerfulindividualwill often be recommended the leader of clan and tribe, needless saying that thisfellowsurelywastheirwolfkings.
The badaspect of KennyTeamstubbornlyhaving been siegedcan look, thisplacewolfis not the ordinary person, it is estimated thathas evolved the astonishingintelligence, seesitto squatinposition that is encircledby the groupwolf, glancing right and left that stilleyes covetously, seems like the meaning without retreated.
从肯尼团队一直都被死死围困住的恶劣局面就看得出来,这只座狼绝非等闲之辈,估计已进化出了惊人的智力,见它蹲在由群狼围成的阵地内,依然虎视眈眈的左顾右盼,看起来没有丝毫退却的意思。At this time, the vultureworked as the middle coursein the teamchannel:
这时候,秃鹫在团队频道当中道:„No wonderunder the weaponattack of human, thesewolves is still not willingto retreat, originally the leaderlifeformexists.”
方林岩道:„Whatyousaidis the due westthathead?”
The vulturesaidstartled:
秃鹫愕然道:„Not, whatIsaidis that bloodmouthvultureleader in space...... due west? Damn, originally the placewolfalsohas a leaderlifeformunexpectedly!”
方林岩道:„Does bloodmouthvulture have the leaderlifeformunexpectedly?”
“血嘴秃鹫居然也有首领生物?”Under the direction of vulture, sideLinyanalsodiscoveredthisonlyflying speedstrangequickbloodmouthvultureleader, thisfellowbuildevencompares the ordinarybloodmouthvultureto be smaller, butflightstrangeSu, will frequently extend the mouthpeckingtonearbysimilar, is very fierce.
在秃鹫的指点下,方林岩也发现了这只飞行速度奇快的血嘴秃鹫首领,这家伙体型甚至比普通的血嘴秃鹫小一些,但是飞行奇速,动辄就会伸嘴啄向旁边的同类,十分凶恶。„Well, what is thisgreatwolfchest? Probablyis hanging a necklace?”
“咦,这头巨狼胸口是什么?好像挂着一根项链?”At this time the vulturesaidsuddenly.
这时候秃鹫忽然道。sideLinyan and goatlookedsimultaneously, but the wolfkinghad mixed in the middle of the pack of wolvesat this time, consumed the bigstrengthto look,originallyon the neck of thisfellowis hangingoneskewer of vinevines, abovehungis seeming the accessory of dog tagtogether.
Did thismakeintwopeople of heartshave the doubtsimmediately, wolfkingcannothang a necklaceto come up? Itsaesthetic appreciationshould unable to dothismatter, only iflet alonethisfellowturns into the werewolf, howotherwisepossiblyto achievethis point?
这顿时让两人心中生出了疑惑,狼王总不能自己挂个项链上去吧?它的审美应该干不出这事情,更何况除非这家伙变成狼人,否则的话怎么可能做到这一点?When some peoplechatted, Bai Ruideseized the opportunity of heavily damagedbloodmouthvulture, roared, orderedto charge.
就在一干人闲聊的时候,白瑞德抓住重创血嘴秃鹫的机会,咆哮一声,下令冲锋。Hello, ourpublic. The numberwill send the cash and pointcoinred packetevery day, so long aspays attentioncanreceive. At the end of the year the last timebenefits, askingeveryoneto seize the opportunity. Publicnumber[ bookfriendsupreme headquarters]
大家好,我们公众.号每天都会发现金、点币红包,只要关注就可以领取。年末最后一次福利,请大家抓住机会。公众号[书友大本营]SongLyamachinearmorin the frontleads the way, the ground warfarepersonnelplatoonbecomesfan-shapedstartsto advanceforwardrapidly, sideLinyanthreepeoplealsotook up the standardelectromagnetismrifle of dispositionto walkin the team.
歌莉娅机甲在前方开路,陆战人员排成扇形开始向前急速推进,方林岩三人也拿起了配置的制式电磁步枪走在了队伍里面。BecausesongLyamachinearmorgave the bloodmouthvultureheavy losses, andway that commandthesewild animals of useare unable to understand, thereforeitsplace visited, it can be said thatmakes the bloodmouthvultureflee at the mere distant sight.
因为歌莉娅机甲才给予了血嘴秃鹫重创,并且还是使用的令这些野兽无法理解的方式,所以它所过之处,可以说是使得血嘴秃鹫望风而逃。In this case, placewolf, even iflooks fiercewas encirclingto their teams, without the coordination of in the airbloodmouthvulture, theirtroubleswas big.
在这种情况下,座狼就算是纷纷龇牙咧嘴的对着他们这支队伍围了上来,没有了空中血嘴秃鹫的配合,它们的麻烦就大了。Daresto keep offin the frontplacewolfin abundanceby the electromagnetismriflecentralizedburst! Wailsto run awayin abundance, butoverwhelming majorityonlyinjuredoes not die, the actionsuffered the placewolf of hindranceeven to obtain the help of companion, depends uponit„lickedto lickwound”bydynamic energy, canquicklyrestore the battle efficiency.
After the generalrescue crewadvanced more than hundredmeters, it is estimated thatisdetected that theirtrueintention, thesewolvesstartedto be in a tumult, somewhatis in abundance anxious, the wolfkingis not willingto see that at this timeobviously the painssieged such longpreyto escape.
大概救援队推进了百余米之后,估计是察觉到了他们的真正意图,那些座狼开始骚动了起来,纷纷有些焦躁不安,狼王此时显然也不愿意见到苦心围困了这么久的猎物逃掉。Thereforesent out a wolfto be howling, immediately, saw that at least here dozensplacewolvesroaredto aimto clash.
于是就发出了一声狼嚎,顿时,就见到至少有几十头座狼咆哮着对准这边冲了上来。At this time, Bai Ruidehas ordered, their tripin a big waytakes advantage: SongSyriamachinearmorlifted the handimmediately, the armor of itsshoulderopened, revealed a shoulderanti--typemechanism/organizationelectromagnetic gun.
只是这时候,白瑞德已经一声令下,他们此行的最大依仗:歌利亚机甲立即抬起了手,其肩部的装甲打开,露出了一门肩抗式的机关电磁炮。This timeitwasenteredto the placepattern, becausewhenused the machinegun, the shoulderslapis unable to open, lost the ground-to-airability--------It is a pity that thesebloodmouthvulturesdo not knowthis point.
The twoMetal Stormelectromagnetismmachine guns in songLyawrist/skill, firedcrazily, the muzzleflameis more than one meter, strafes the crowdedincomparablebarrageinthisdesolatedbattlefield, brutal before sweeping awaytheseto throwplacewolf.
The might of Metal StorminsongLyaloadsis not goodto enjoy, the bodies of severalplacewolveswere torn into shredsin the middle ofthisMetal Stormimmediatelydirectly!
歌莉娅上装载的“金属风暴”的威力就不是那么好消受的了,立即就有好几头座狼的身体在这金属风暴当中直接被撕碎!However, the bloodyflavor that in the airtransmitsinsteadstirs up the surpluspack of wolvesbloodthirsty, does not draw backinsteadenters, buton the driverThalenfacerevealedwipedto sneer, immediatelypattednearbybutton.
The machinegun of songLyashoulderstartsto revolveimmediatelyslowly, careful aim!
歌莉娅肩头的机关炮立即开始徐徐旋转起来,仔细瞄准!Is a round of specialshellprojects, fallson the pack of wolvescenter that flushed, immediatelyis centered on the ballto selectlocates, the flame that set aside the bigpiece, covered an almost30-40square metersarea.
紧接着就是一发特殊炮弹射出,落在了冲上来的狼群中央,立即以着弹点为核心处,蓬的一声腾出了大片的火焰,足足覆盖了差不多30-40平方米的面积。Lit these wolvesin the middle of the sea of firejump outin abundance, the painfulnumberwas called the tumbling, butcontaminatedintheirflamestilltenaciousattachmentburning down! Thisis the special ammunitionsolidifies the might of incendiary bomb.
Loaded with the colloid that the gasolinesandotherchemicalsmakein the middle of the shell, after the explosion, formsflameto spluttertoall around, sends outabout the 1000 Chigh temperature, andcanstickinotherobjectlastlong timecombustion.
在炮弹当中装有汽油和其他化学品制成的胶状物,爆炸后形成一层火焰向四周溅射,发出1000C左右的高温,并能粘在其他物体上长时间地燃烧。Themodel of special ammunition that songLyalaunchesevencanattackin the water the goal, becausehas the increaseactive metalfor example: The calcium, strontium, barium, in this case, the metal and waterresponded the hydrogen that emitshas the combustion, can therefore cause the goal, even if to be burnt alivein the water!
歌莉娅发射的这款特种弹药甚至可以攻击水中目标,因为其中有添加活泼金属如:钙、锶、钡等,这样的话,金属与水反应放出的氢气又发生燃烧,因此可以使目标哪怕是在水里面都被活活烧死!Isthreerounds of specialincendiary bombs, made the placewolf that thesefiercedid not fearretreatdirectlydirectly, after allfeardeepengravingtoflame in theirinstinct.
仅仅是三发特种燃烧弹,直接就让这些悍不畏死的座狼直接溃退了,毕竟对火焰的恐惧深深的镌刻于在它们的原始本能当中。In this case , there is nothing convergence that canpreventtwoteams.
在这种情况下,已经没有什么能阻止两支队伍的汇合了。Soon, Kennyand his partythenunder the firepowerdiversion of reinforcements, shoulders the wounded personto withdrawfrom the cave, before the exoskeletoninstallment of rationthis timeis beingquiteuseful, significantlyraised the speed of retreating.
As for this, sideLinyanwaited the talentto see the form of KennySquad.
After both sidesconverge, KennyTeamheresituationis quite bad, the wounded persondid not say that manypeoplereason that becauseleaveshastily, thereforehad the symptom of dehydration, althoughknows perfectly wellimproper , can only choosedraws backinto the relative security the cavemiddle, Teamherepersonkeeps the potable waterfeedtoKenny, conducts the time of wrapandsimpletreatmentto the wounded personwhile convenient.
After consuming for almost40minutes, some peoplestartto leave the cave, retreatsslowly.
足足耗费了差不多四十分钟之后,一干人开始离开山洞,徐徐撤退。At firstretreatshas not come acrossanyissue.
最初撤退的时候还没有遇到任何问题。Howeverleaves the cave500-600meters, after being very difficultto return, under the suppression of wolfking, the placewolfstartsto attackin the smallstockmaking a harassing attackway, andeachwolfdispersesvery muchopens.
但是离开山洞500-600米,很难返回之后,在狼王的压制下,座狼开始以小股袭扰的方式进行袭击,并且每一头狼都散得很开。Moreover, at this timenearbythisis the hillsideterrain, is not the vastplain, has the rockeverywhereand so onthinghindranceline of sight,
不仅如此,此时这附近乃是山坡地形,并非是一望无际的平原,到处都有岩石之类的东西妨碍视线,Although the songLyafighter aircraftcanprovide the powerfulfire, butis not the ammunitionis infinite, therefore the teamactionspeedobviouslyslows down, the sound of gunfirehas becomeobvioussparse, presented the ammunitionto be deficientvery muchobviously.
歌莉娅战机虽能提供强大的火力压制,但并非弹药无限,因此团队行动速度明显变慢,枪声都已经变得明显的稀疏了起来,很显然是出现了弹药匮乏。However the placewolves of thesebloodthirstyhave not actually been far away, butdistantwithdrawingto about several hundredmetersplace, wolfkingButingpacedto pace back and forth, will actually often grinto urge the clansmanto cometo probe.
但是那些嗜血的座狼却并没有远离,而是远远的退后到了几百米开外的地方,狼王不停踱步徘徊,却不时都会龇牙驱使族人前来试探。When the teamdistancereturnsBai Ruideto establish the camp that is onlyonekilometer, the mutationsteeplives!
“呜……!”After the probe, the sharpwolfhowlingsoundreverberatesrepeatedlyonce againin the spaciousopen land, the calling outsound that follows the wolfking, the placewolfstarted the troopto counter-attackresolutely. After regrouping after a defeat the placewolfto clashtoward the crowdat the fastspeed, the sound of gunfire that resounds withfragmentarilymakesthem the bloodthirstyandcrazy.
在多次试探以后,尖锐的狼嚎声又一次在空旷的荒地上回荡起来,伴随狼王的嚎叫声,座狼毅然开始了大群反扑。重整旗鼓后的座狼正以迅捷的速度朝人群冲来,零星响起的枪声让它们变得更加嗜血和疯狂。Moreover, in the airbloodmouthvultureunexpectedlydriven by hisleader, had the linkagewith the pack of wolves, throwstogetherstrikesunder.
不仅如此,空中的血嘴秃鹫居然在其首领的驱使下,也与狼群产生了联动,一起扑击而下。Sawthis, sideLinyanworks as the middle coursein the teamchannel:
看到了这一幕,方林岩在团队频道当中道:„Nowseems like, wechooseto treatin the middle ofthisteamis right, thesewolf and bloodmouthvultureshouldbe only the foundationenemy who weface, the difficulty is so high, the might of thesedamnhillgiantscan be imagined.”
The goatcannot bearget angry:
山羊忍不住怒道:„Mother, is the SSdifficultysoabnormal? The wolf and vulture on thisstarcaught up with the mourningcorpse that fiercedid not fearquickly, thisbut actually , the keywasinsideleaderlifeformunexpectedly the thirty six strategiesmetropolis/can, but alsoin the middle of the TMmodern warfareopen areacoordinationlearnedcontinually.”
The vulturecracked a jokeat this timerarely:
秃鹫这时候难得开了个玩笑:„Obviouslyisininterstellarclassicaltacticalpuppyin additionwyvern!”
“明明就是星际里面的经典战术小狗加飞龙!”But the clear to seerescue crewwill soon face the total destructionat this timetime, onKenny'ssolemnfacerevealedoneto sneer, broke in 20metersuntilthesewolvestime, decisivewaved saying:
“打!!”OriginallyKennybeforecomingonpossible the dangerto the starto have investigated, topossiblythreatens the lifeformdepth of rescue crewto understand, inZuolang the deceitfulhabit is also veryclear, therefore made one make the false appearance that the ammunitionexhaustsa moment agointentionally, in factmusttemptthemto comeruthlessly!
After twoteamsconverge, the battle efficiencyalsoobtained the large scalepromotion, thereforetheselet loose the firepowerattacktimesuddenly, immediatelyerupted the astonishingbattle efficiency.
两个团队汇合以后,战斗力也得到了大幅度的提升,所以这一次猛然放开了火力攻击,顿时就爆发出来了惊人的战斗力。Firstis the songLya'sstrongground-to-airabilityeruptsagain, thesefiredeighthellhotmissilestime, covered the in the airterrifyingregiondirectly, surpassed40bloodmouthvulturesto be emptiedin a flash.
首先就是歌莉娅的强大对空能力再次爆发,这一次足足发射了八枚地狱火导弹,直接覆盖住了空中一个恐怖的区域,一瞬间超过四十只血嘴秃鹫被清空。Moreover, Kennyusedhas been bearing patientlytrump card that did not have the use, after everyone the earstopped up, directlyejectedfourspecially-madestun grenades!
不仅如此,肯尼更是动用了一直都隐忍着没有使用的杀手锏,所有人都将耳朵堵住后,直接抛出了四枚特制的震撼弹!In the flash, in view ofearspecially-madeinfrasonic waveas iftsunamisamesweeping across of placewolf, has chargedin the front30-40placewolvesfalls to the groundto wail, evenin the earholeflowed the blood.
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