Chapter 1855teamgets together
Obviously, the horsethreesuchprestigious familydisciples, the experiencedefinitelyisquitevast, startsto disseminate the experiencedirectly:
很显然,马三这样的名门弟子,见识肯定是相当广博的,直接就开始传播经验:„Therefore, youwill run intothispersonto rememberfourcharactersnext time: Withstrong! Stared athismoststrong pointto hitwas good, hisinner strengthconsumedexpress, andinternal strength who thisfellowpracticedhad the flaw, therefore the exhaust fumeswere very slow, onceitsinner strengthexhausted, bydirectstriking backprototype.”
“所以,你下次遇到这个人就记住四个字:遇强则强!盯着他的最强点打就好了,他的内力消耗得特别快,并且这家伙练的内功自身有缺陷,所以回气很慢,一旦其内力耗尽,就被直接打回原型了。”Heardhorsethreethese wordsterrified, Fang Linyanimmediatelyonestartled, If nothing else, depended onhim to mentionthese words!
听到了马三的这番话,方林岩顿时悚然一惊,别的不说,就凭他能讲出这一番话来!Thenknows that the horsethreethisfellowsare quite solid at least inbasic theoryknowledge, thisthingis not the closing doorself-torturecancomprehend, thatmusthave fought many battles, learns from a painful experience the result that latercanobtain.
便知道马三这家伙至少在基础理论知识方面相当扎实,这东西可不是自己闭门苦修能领悟的,那必须是身经百战,痛定思痛以后才能得出的结果。Pitifullyonlythisfellowmustgo northimmediately, andseems like the intention to leaveto decide, otherwisehasto gather the valuevery much.
只可惜这家伙立即就要北上,并且看起来去意已决,否则的话很有招揽价值啊。Naturally, the Fang Linyanverycraftyideas, thatis the horsethreethisfellowscould not have done well is also one of the timenodes, nowrelateswithitright, then lacks the collapsevaluetime, sneak attacking more convenient?
当然,方林岩还有一个很厚黑的想法,那就是马三这家伙搞不好也是时间节点之一,现在与之搞好关系,那么回头缺少崩坏值的时候,偷袭起来岂不是更方便?Probablyinhorsethreesuchpracticing martial art the person, is a big-bellied fellow, twopotliquor that hewill deliverdrink up, thenbeckoned with the handno longerdrank, thencast off the chopsticksto overeat.
像是马三这样的习武中人,一个个都是大肚汉,他将送上来的两壶酒喝完,便摆手不再喝了,接着就甩开筷子大吃特吃起来。Looked that hisfigureis thin, the capacity for food can actually a topthree, no wondermade the policemandayto crosshard, civil arts when poor and martial arts when richthatdid not joke.
看他的身形瘦削,饭量却是能一个顶仨,难怪做了巡捕日子都过得紧巴巴的,穷文富武那可不是闹着玩的。Is satiated with food and wine, the horse31cup one hand in the other across the chest:
吃饱喝足,马三一拱手:„Fellowbrothersdo not deliver, have another chance to meet!”
Then veryfree and easyturning aroundwalked, quitesomewhat the style of hard to get hold can barely catch a glimpse.
然后便很是洒脱的转身就走了,颇有几分神龙见首不见尾的风范。Then some peoplethen conduct as scheduled, Fang Linyan and vulturego northto look forjointly, others continueto remain, movesregarding the relevant information that Dingstrengthgives.
***Two after hours,
两个小时之后,Fang Linyan and vulturehave carried a freighterto go north,方林岩和秃鹫已经搭载着一艘货船北上了,Although the transporting grain by waterhas survived in name only70-80years ago, butGrand Canal of Chinathistraffic linehas actually also existed.
漕运虽然已经早在70-80年之前就名存实亡,但京杭大运河这条运输线却也一直存在的。Accompaniessidetwo people, is still Dingstrengthlittle brothermelts the bonedragon.
陪在两人身边的,依然是丁力的小弟化骨龙。Reason that thisfellowcancome, naturallyisbecausewarmhearted, righteousnessthinYuntian, warm-heartedhelp, does not havewith1000bonusleast bitrelations that DingLinacomes out.
这家伙能来的原因,当然是因为古道热肠,义薄云天,热心帮忙,咳咳,和丁力拿出来的一千块奖金半点关系都没有。Is goodturns over tobecause ofbonedragonfellowtimidlytimidly, instigatesto turn over to instigate,trulyknows from A to ZregardingthisShanghaiaroundhistorical recordsgeography that for exampleheis directingon the bownow:
好在化骨龙这家伙胆小归胆小,怂归怂,对于这申城周围的掌故地理那确实是了如指掌,比如他现在就在船头上指点着:„Wethisis calledcrowin the pasttogether, hehe, as soon asyoulistento think that heremanycrowis?”
“咱们过去这一块儿叫做老鸦崮,嘿嘿,你们一听就以为这里很多乌鸦是不是?”„Actually, here and crowdoes not have the least bitto relate, is actually whengrows hairnoisilyherehad/left the acting alonethiefto be calledto thank the crow.”
“其实呢,这里和乌鸦没有半点关系,却是在闹长毛的时候这里出了个独行大盗叫做谢老鸦。”„He, althoughusuallydidmanymisdemeanors, butgrew hairin the pastprojects onheretime, himcatchesworked as the guide, makinghimbringto walktowardhereWangjiayuanzi, buthereenvironseightli (0.5 km)famousrich and populousregion, butthanked the crowactuallytaking advantage of the darkness, is clenching teethto bringto grow hairtransferredoneobstinatelyinlakein the evening.”
“他虽然平时干了不少坏事,可是当年长毛打到这里的时候,把他抓了当向导,让他带着朝这边的王家院子走,这里可是四乡八里有名的富庶地带,而谢老鸦却借着天黑,咬着牙愣是带着长毛在湖荡里面转了一晚上。”„Whengrows hair the discoveryto be deceived, the skyhas shone. Ifhurries toWangjiayuanzinowagain, had wastedevening'stimein vain, andtheyare tiredandexhausted.”
“等到长毛发现上当受骗的时候,天已经亮了。若是现在再赶去王家院子,已经白白浪费了一晚上的时间,并且他们已经又累又疲惫。”„Whatis more important, Wangjiayuanzialsohas the militia, whendefends the homeland, the battle efficiency of militiawas not worse than the regular army, grows hairto lose the opportunity of deep in the nightsurprise attack, the pursuing troops, had the bigprobability unable to hit.”
“更重要的是,王家院子自身也有团练,在保卫自己家园的时候,团练的战斗力可不比正规军差,长毛失去了夤夜突袭的机会,身后还有追兵,有大概率是打不下来的。”„In this case, they can only give vent to indignationwiththanksLaoya, after homicide, throws the corpseopen country, but the after common people in Wangjiayuanziknow, gaveto thank the crowto gather up dead bodies, buriesherealso a smalltemple, thereforeherechanged nameto call the crow.”
“在这种情况下,他们只能拿谢老鸦泄愤,将他杀了之后抛尸野外,而王家院子的老百姓知道以后,就给谢老鸦收尸,埋在了这里还起了个小庙,于是这里就改名叫老鸦崮。”Fang Linyanand the others are also bored, listening tohimto saythesegeographyhistorical recordsalsokill the time, melted the bonedragonat this time a topicrevolution:方林岩等人也是无聊,听他说着这些地理掌故也算是打发时间了,化骨龙这时候话题一转:DanshanFaction that „our timemustlook, soundsveryonbig? In effect it is not so.”
“还有咱们这一次要去找的丹山派,听起来很高大上吧?其实不然的。”Speaking ofthis, Fang Linyancame the interestall of a sudden:
说到这个,方林岩一下子就来了兴趣:„? Saidcarefully?”
“哦?仔细说说?”Melts the bonedragonheheto say with a smile:
化骨龙嘿嘿笑道:„The DanshanFactionalsopassed onfourgenerationsuntil now, fourth-generationoldest was 16, must therefore havetheirbottomsto be very easy.”
“丹山派迄今为止也就传了四代而已,第四代最大的才16岁,所以要起他们的底很容易的。”„The founder of Danshansendsname wasZhoushan, studied a goodmartial arts skill, it is a pity thatandhad no eggto use, insteadmadein the family/homepoorer.”
“丹山派的创始人叫周山,学了一身好武艺,遗憾的是并没有什么卵用,反而让家里更穷了.”Meltsthematter that bonedragondiscussedin the ancient timesalso is really many, with the words of modern, thatwas the expertalsolacks the realization the channel, after allmethod that /violencecanbecome richbymartial arts, 99%wrotein the Great Qing Legal Code.
化骨龙讲的这事儿在古代还真的是很多,拿现代的话来说,那就是高手也缺乏变现的渠道呢,毕竟靠武功/暴力能致富的法子,90%九都写在大清律例里面.Naturally, ifliveswhen the tumultuous times, the fiercepersonpractices martial art, thatmeetssince birtheitherleaving a good namehistory, eitheris the founding father!
当然,若是生在乱世,猛人习武有成,那就是生来逢时要么留名青史,要么就是开国元勋!Howeveriflivesin the prosperous times, the person of finalhome to return to of practicing martial artoftenis the prison cell and execution grounds.
不过若是生在盛世,习武之人最后的归宿往往就是牢房和刑场.Actuallylistens to the bonedragonto continue saying:
却听化骨龙继续道:„Was goodbecause ofthis timeZhoushanentered the gang, thenstartedto live hand to mouthto eatin the Yangtze River, was devoted tocontrolling the Elder Brother Society of Yangtze Riverto recruit, wasmixes a human appearanceto come, wantedto become outstanding.”
“好在这时候周山入了帮会,然后就开始在长江上混饭吃了,接下来又被有志于控制长江的哥老会招募,算是混出了个人样来,就想要出人头地。”„Itsfamewas exactly getting bigger and bigger at this time, are getting more and more, constructed a school that wantsto acknowledge as teacher, at firstis called the loadgarmentfaction, whatbecauseat this timeZhoushancontrolis the clothbusiness in Yangtze River, needsto select the arrange/clothload that to embark, thereforecalled the loadgarmentfactionsimply.”
“恰好这时候其名气越来越大,想要拜师的越来越多,就自建了个门派,最初叫做担衫派,因为此时周山控制的是长江上的布匹生意,需要将一挑一挑的布担上船去,所以干脆就叫担衫派。”„After resultopenssends, the influence of Zhoushaneven moreinflated, becausehoweverdoes obeisancein the disciple of hishanger-on is also somequiteenergies, eitherinfamily/homerich, eitherin the family/homeisin the place can speak, hadsuchexchangeplatform.”
“结果开派之后,周山的势力越发膨胀了,因为而拜在其门下的弟子也都是颇有些能量的,要么家里有钱,要么家里就是地方上能说得起话的,彼此之间有了个这么交流的平台。”„Whatis more important, maintainsin the platformsto relate, isfellow apprenticesquitecloserelation- In the rich people, blood brother'srelationalnot necessarilycomparing favorably withfellow apprentices, quite can therefore integrate the resourcesexchange, thereforetakes on the garmentfactionto developeven moreprogresses day by day, at this timethought that the loadgarmenttwocharacterswere too unsophisticated, thereforechanges nameas the DanshanFaction.”
“更重要的是,维持平台之间关系的,还是师兄弟这种相当紧密的联系--大户人家里面,亲兄弟的关系未必都比得上师兄弟呢,相当于是可以进行资源交换和整合,所以担衫派发展得越发蒸蒸日上,这时候就觉得担衫两个字太土了,于是就改名为丹山派。”Melting the bonedragonis familiar withthisrivers and lakesliterary reference, has words at fingertips and writes with facility, reallydoes not owe the title of Shanghaidetective.
化骨龙将这江湖典故如数家珍,信手拈来,果然不亏申城包打听的称号。Quick, theyarrived at the destination, is the headquarterslocation that Danshansends, hereis calledhundredto look at the collection, the meaningisin the evening, in the wharfhasa lot ofpeopleto raise the head the hope( inaquaticseeks a livelihood) the family memberreturn.
很快的,他们就来到了目的地,也是丹山派的总部所在地,这里叫做百望集,意思就是每到傍晚,码头上都有千百人翘首期盼(在水上讨生活)的亲人归来。Heresaidis a market town, node that becauseactuallyconnectssituated in the waterway, the commercialpassenger flowis very developed, at leasthas20coming homelarge cartshops, eachlarge cartshophas the independentlarge-scaledomestic animallocation, receiveshundreddraft animals the bigcaravansto have a familiar task and handle it with ease, is a cinch.
这里说是集镇,其实因为处于水路交汇的节点,商业客流十分发达,至少都有二十来家大车店,每个大车店拥有独立的大型牲畜场地,接待百余头牲口的大商队都是驾轻就熟,不在话下。Arrived the evening, hundredlooks at the collectionto lightseveral thousandbigred lanternson the mainfourstreets, is really magnificent, evenalsosomepeoplecompose a poemto extolspecially.
一到晚上,百望集就在主要的四条街道上点燃数千盏大红灯笼,甚是壮观,甚至还专门有人写诗来赞颂。It is saidhundredlook atcollectionhere, the fodder that the peakperiodconsumesevery dayGundam/reaches as high as more than 7000buckets, itslivelydegreecan be inferred.
据称百望集这里,高峰时期每天消耗的草料都高达七千余担,其繁华程度可见一斑。Butnow the governmentis chaotic, the influenceincountrysideis emaciated, like thisheavy traffic, the commercialprosperousplace, the DanshanFactionhereisexistence of keeping promises, may be called the thriving business.
而现在政府混乱,在乡下的影响力羸弱,在这样车水马龙,商业繁盛的地方,丹山派在这里乃是说一不二的存在,堪称日进斗金。This year80-year-oldZhoushan the physiqueis still vigorous and healthy, intelligencepure brightness, although the senior statesman of Elder Brother Society, isthathalfindependentexistence, basicallywaslistensto movewith the shoptalkdoes not listento proclaim.
今年已经80余岁的周山依然筋骨健壮,神智清明,虽然还是哥老会的元老,却是属于那种半独立的存在,用行话来说基本上是听调不听宣了。Naturally, toexpressoneselfdo not forget the basis, Zhoushanevery year ago will go in person the Elder Brother Societytotalaltar/jarto go, pays a visit the dragon's headSirSanjiangdragon of Elder Brother Societyrespectfully, delivers50,000to consecratewhile convenient.
当然,为了表示自己不忘根本,周山每年年前都会亲赴哥老会总坛去,恭敬拜见哥老会的龙头大爷三江龙,顺带送上五万供奉。Thissum of moneyregarding the DanshanFactionisa drop in the bucket, but the good and evilisto also express the meaning of ownership.
After Fang Linyantwo peoplewharveshereapproach shore, is some are startledslightly, because of such a canalharbor, had stoppedalmost more than hundredbig and smallships, the livelydegreealmostcaught up withsomemajor ports.方林岩两人在这里的码头靠岸之后,也是有些微微吃惊的,因为这么一处运河港口,已经停了差不多百余艘大小船只,繁华程度几乎赶上一些大型港口了。
The convention, the vulture a round of informationin the teamchannelcomes outevery ten minutes, this, oncesaw that shouldbe ableto reply.
惯例的,秃鹫每隔十分钟就在团队频道里面发一条信息出来,这样的话欧米一旦看到应该就能回复。Really, suchcontactwayiseffective, when the Fang Linyanthreepeoplearrives athundredto look at a volume of central location, immediatelyreceivedreply:
“你们终于来了!”Regardingusuallywassupercilious, cansaythese words, fullyexplained that sheaggrievedwas very long.
对于素来都是心高气傲的欧米而言,能说出这句话来,也足以说明她憋屈了很久。Then the goat the presentconcretecondition1510will then say, is the thoughtsmeticulousperson, immediatelyrespondedsaid:
接下来山羊便将现在的具体状况一五一十的说了,欧米也是心思缜密的人,立即就反应了过来道:„Therefore, wehaven't been ableto get angrywiththisnonsensefactionnow?”
“所以,我们现在还不能与这个狗屁帮派翻脸?”Fang Linyansaid:方林岩道:„Right, isthis, are you, actuallywhatsituation?”
“没错,是这样,你呢,究竟是什么情况?”Alsoroughlysaidoneselfsituation , after isarrives, detectedoneselfarein the middle of the cabin, andhas not discoveredwhatissue.
欧米也将自己的情况大致说了下,就是降临之后发觉自己乃是在船舱当中,并且也没发现什么问题.Hearshere, Fang Linyan and goatknow that hertroublewas big.
听到这里,方林岩和山羊就知道她的麻烦大了。Withownpersonal experience, arrivesis the injuredfleeing criminal, entered the police stationdirectly.
就拿自己的亲身经历而言,一个降临下来是受伤逃犯,一个就直接进了局子。Sheseems like the trifling thingnot to haveunexpectedlyperfectly, hehe, Gaia of thispotential surfaceconsciousnessthat is not a vegetarian, thatfollowingbitter experiencedefinitelywas the nightmareopening.
她居然完好无损貌似屁事没有,呵呵,这个位面的盖亚意识那可不是吃素的,那接下来的遭遇肯定就是噩梦开局了。Really, soondetected that outside flushedseveralpeopleto come, beginswithout delaydirectly,
果然,欧米很快就发觉外面冲了几个人进来,二话不说直接就动了手,She can also withitsocializing, hitto havefrom the beginningto have, whenfinallyshedetected that is not rightplannedleavesto draw back, others make a moveimmediatelyfull power, thenstillselectedfragranceinside.
After smellingthatfragrance, detectedimmediatelyoneselffoundationattributestartsrapidlyto drop, finally can only be without a fight.
闻到了那一支香后,欧米立即发觉自己的基础属性开始快速下降,最后只能束手就擒。Afterwardknows,thisgadgetis called the deityfog, onlysuitedin the closed roomuses.
After being grasped, shedoesto understand,originallyshewas involved in the wholesalebrokenmatter of escapingmarriage.
被抓之后她才搞明白,原来她被卷入了逃婚的一揽子破事里面。Statusin the middle ofstandardsurfaceislocalrich people'sdaughters, is calledOustatic, althoughinhernamehas a staticcharacter, is actually veryactive.
The in additionfatherdoes businessShanghaiyear to year, the things in fewsteward, mother spoilsaboutherespecially, stilldid obeisancebyher the dancespear/gunin the middle of the Buddhist convent in native placemakes the stick, in the area is also the famequiteloudrougehorse.
The resultgirl'ssonbyZhoushanhad a liking for- do not look atZhoushan84, hisson22!
结果这女孩子被周山的一个儿子看上了-别看周山八十四了,他的这个儿子才二十二!Ishe62timeold menchatssends the youngstercrazytimeto live, most critically, thissonrankfifth child, behindalsohad the sixth childseventh child.
The Zhousixmastersare17, the Zhousevenmastersare onlysix -and-a-halfyears old, at this timefights the groupant, expelsis in chaotic situation.
The words saying Zhou, althoughcansay that the wealthmalepotentialis big, actuallyalsoattaches great importance tovery muchin the reputation of native place, does not bully, comes across the matteralsoto be able the personwithnative villageto discusswell,for examplehad a liking forsomeplace, is the 2-3tenthspurchase of extraoverflowmarket price, does not make the forceas far as possible the wickedmatter.
话说周家虽然可以说财雄势大,却也很重视在本乡本土的口碑,并不仗势欺人,遇到事情也会和本乡的人好好商量,比如看上了某家的地,都是额外溢出市价的2-3成收购,尽可能不做强迫的恶事。Naturally, ifreallymeetsthatbeing unappreciative, mustdo against, Zhouwill also intendto teachhimto cultivate the behaviordirectly, but the reputationintownship is generally very speaking good.
当然,若是实在遇到那种不识抬举,要对着干的,周家也会直接出手教其做人,但总体来说在乡里面的口碑很好的。Therefore after the Zhoufivemasterssettle onEuropewas static, has not madedirectlysnatches the matter that the personwrests away, butmakes the fullcourtesy, took the gift from bridegroom's family to bride's familyto ask the matchmakerto cometo discuss marriage, was the planis properly married.
所以周家五爷看中了欧静之后,并没有做出直接抢人霸占的事情,而是做足礼数,拿了聘礼请了媒婆上门提亲,是打算要明媒正娶的。Ou Jiathought that canaspire to marrywithZhou Jia, that is really rare, therefore the parentsnod, butOustaticis not glad, whatshelikesis the student! Thereforeonescapingmarriage.
欧家觉得能和周家攀亲,那真是难得,于是父母都点了头,可偏偏欧静不乐意了,她喜欢的是书生!于是就逃婚了。Butnowbe by the deityfogweakconditionparalysis, in the family/homehas been startedto take caremustget marriedher, inthistime, anythingfree to choose a matedoes not exist, the life of parentsmatchmaker's wordis the general trend.
而现在欧米则是处于被神仙雾麻痹的虚弱状态,家里已经开始张罗着要将她过门,在这个时代,什么自由恋爱是不存在的,父母之命媒妁之言才是大势所趋。Therefore, ifnowwantsto travelagain, firstisto handleinher the deityfog, second, thenmustextinguishZhouherethreat, at leastcannotsend out the pursuing troopsagain.
After the goathesitated, thought that the secondpointis seemingly troublesome, actuallyactuallyplace of very essentialcollapsing, thenoffers suggestionsto sayon own initiative:
山羊沉吟了一番之后,觉得第二点看似麻烦,其实却有一个很关键的破局之处,便主动献计道:„Actuallycanlook, thatFridayyoung masterlikesvery muchyour, evenknows that yourescapingmarriageis also willingto be properly marriedunexpectedlyyou, thisalreadyveryrare.”
The goatsaid:
山羊道:„Thereforemight as wellstartsfromthis point, so long asyoudisplay the wrist/skill, mustnot be oneselfthisfellowfan, then wemustsaveyouto go out, was really relaxedin additionis happy.”
“所以不妨从这一点入手啊,只要你施展手腕,将这家伙迷得神魂颠倒,那么接下来我们要救你出去的话,就真的是轻松加愉快了。”Gets angry:
欧米怒道:„This? Without the concretemethod?”
The goatcried outto hit the dayto bendimmediately:
山羊立即叫起了撞天屈来:„Mymalehowto know the concretemethod, isn't this yourwomaninherenttalents of? Youregarded the preferredspare tirehimon the line.”
“我一个男的怎么知道具体方法,这不是你们女人与生俱来的天赋吗?你就把他当成首选备胎就行了。”„Back thenIattended the junior middle school, the female students on classonhave been skilled inonlyreceive the remarkableskill that the giftkeeps silent about the spicy hotpot, youcannot the junior middle schoolfemale studentsbe even inferior.”
“想当年我才念初中,班上的女生就都已经精通只收礼物绝口不提麻辣烫的卓越技巧,你总不能连初中女生都不如吧。”Gets angryimmediately:
欧米立即怒道:„Shut up!! Ican certainly!!”
“闭嘴!!我当然会!!”Fang Linyan and goatlookone, thenshrugs, howbecause the beforehandwordslistento think that somewhatemptyis not good, mustfirstblockthispossiblebigloophole.方林岩和山羊对望一眼,然后耸了耸肩,因为欧米之前的话怎么听都觉得有些虚呢不行,必须先将这个可能出现的大漏洞堵上。Is goodin the presentsquadbesides, woman who shouldbe skilled inthis field of endeavor, therefore the teachershouldready-made.
好在现在小队里面除了欧米之外,还有一个应该是精通此道的女人,所以老师应该是现成的。Nowalthough the long-distancecontactfunctionwas still being disturbed, butFang Linyanmakes the bonedragongo backto meet the persondirectlyand that's the end. Is damagedas forself-respectand so on, is a wee bitis really unimportantin the face of the teambenefit.
现在远程联络功能虽然还在受到干扰,但方林岩直接让化骨龙回去接人就是了。至于欧米的自尊心受损之类的,那在团队利益面前真的是一丁点儿都不重要。Naturally, beforeholdinganyimportant matter, on -the-spot investigation must, Fang Linyanthink that during the followingplanonly has a core, thatwasZhouLaowu.
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