FE :: Volume #13

#1694: Kidnaps the drifting body

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Chapter 1692 kidnaps the drifting body 第1692章劫持漂移身体 In addition, Fang Linyan also obtained the universe point 150,000 points, meanwhile obtained the related prompt: 除此之外,方林岩还获得了通用点十五万点,同时还获得了相关提示: The body that the drifting abandons is still very valuable thing, inside includes to match the Bottom star: The advanced technology of nova cape, drifting for at that time this technical application on own body, consumed a strength very much. 漂移抛弃掉的这具身体依然是很有价值的东西,里面含有赛博坦星球:新星海角的先进技术,漂移当时为了将此技术应用于自己的身体上,很是耗费了一番力气。 If Fang Linyan can make it, then in the human camp, is Tyrant Tianhu, in the middle of the automobile person camp, is the goods in great demand, can promote at least 5000 prestige. 如果方林岩能将之弄走,那么无论是在人类阵营,还是霸天虎,汽车人阵营当中,都是抢手货,能提升至少五千点声望。 After obtaining such prompt, Fang Linyan immediately full of enthusiasm, the information of feedback, this group of police seem like the battle efficiency that imagine also to miss at present. 获得了这样的提示以后,方林岩立即就兴致勃勃了起来,就目前反馈的信息来看,这帮警察看起来比自己想象的战斗力还差呢。 Lubos at least can oneself strive for a half hour, why not then oneself do try to fix then this car(riage) to clash forcefully? 鲁伯斯至少能给自己争取半个小时的时间,那么自己何不试试将这辆车修好然后强行冲出去呢? He thinks after obtaining the metal sense of touch, in the domain of repairing a vehicle is can other steamroll mechanicians. 他自认为获得了金属触觉之后,在修车的这个领域方面乃是可以碾压其余的机修工的了。 But at this time is placed in front of him, is an automobile, even if a shattering Boogardie Weilong, similarly is also an automobile is right? 而此时摆在他面前的,也是一辆汽车啊哪怕是一辆坏掉的布加迪威龙,同样也是一辆汽车对不对? After all Fang Linyan self-examines: Can compared with him in the repair automobile strong person, in this world estimate that a palm of the hand does not have. 毕竟方林岩自问:能比他在修理汽车方面强的人,在这个世界上估计一个巴掌都没有。 However, if must bestow on metal compatible this day, that Fang Linyan felt oneself can look in all directions proudly, both hands insert the pocket, does not know that anything was an opponent. 但是,若还要将金属亲和这天赋加上去的话,那方林岩觉得自己就可以傲然四顾,双手插兜,不知道什么是对手了。 However, after Fang Linyan seats the cab, directly is thrown basin cold water: 不过,当方林岩坐进驾驶室之后,就被迎头泼了一盆冷水: „! Hey! Accelerator? Brake?” “啊!喂!油门呢?刹车呢?” Yes, this gadget is only the semblance seems like Boogardie Weilong's car(riage), that steering wheel is also covers their ears and eyes, its internal structure and vehicles have huge difference. 是的,这玩意儿只是外表看起来像是布加迪威龙的车而已,那个方向盘也是掩人耳目的,其内部结构与车辆有天壤之别。 After the seat sits is is a little more uncomfortable, because in the chairback is hiding a gasification stuffed dummy, starting off goes the time stuffed dummy ball to come out, so as to avoid some people saw the Boogardie Weilong's who does not have the pilot automatic travel on highway, panic-stricken warning. 至于座位坐上去之后更是一点儿不舒服,因为椅背里面藏着一个充气假人呢,上路行驶的时候假人就会弹出来,免得有人看到一辆没有驾驶员的布加迪威龙在高速路上自动行驶,惊恐报警。 Even if this, Fang Linyan felt oneself will have the confidence fixing, but at least needs to him 56 hours- even if Lubos will have three heads and six arms then dies of exhaustion in addition, will not have the means to delay is so long. 哪怕是这样,方林岩觉得自己还是有信心将之修好,但至少要给他五六个小时吧-鲁伯斯就算是有三头六臂然后外加累死,也是没办法拖延这么久啊。 In this case, sighing that Fang Linyan can only regret the one breath, then blows a whistling to call Lubos, started the stealth to leave. 在这种情况下,方林岩只能遗憾的叹上一口气,然后吹个口哨唤回鲁伯斯,启动隐身走人了。 At this time did not have the drifting in the outside patrol monitoring, Fang Linyan to leave this market looks like passes in and out the public toilet to be equally free simply. 此时没有了漂移在外面巡逻监控,方林岩离开这座商场简直就像是进出公厕一样自由。 At this time, star intent sent a message saying: 这时候,星意发送过来了一条消息道: I arrived, are you now good?” “我到了,你现在还好吗?” Fang Linyan said: 方林岩道: Such quickly? I am all right.” “这么快?我没事。” Then he could not bear make up one finally: 然后他终于忍不住补了一句: Drifting had been killed by me.” “漂移已经被我干掉了。” star intent: 星意: „!!!! Seven months by April 1.” “!!!!还有七个月才到四月 1 日。” Fang Linyan said: 方林岩道: I always do not crack a joke at this matter.” “我从来都不在这种事上开玩笑。” star intent: 星意: „. You where? I in the front door places of Wal-Mart 171 supermarkets, side have their high Wigny Xiong young.” “.你在哪里?我在沃尔玛171超市的大门处,旁边有一只两人高的维尼熊公仔。” Fang Linyan said: 方林岩道: I had gone out, I look for you.” “我已经出去了,我来找你。” Quick, two people met, then after star intent saw Lubos, is interested very much: 很快的,两人就见面了,然后星意一见到了鲁伯斯之后就很感兴趣: Because she in activating metal is the athletic event in which one is weak, and even if the earth element of its activation, wind element type, seems dull, can only accept the order performance order, looks in the intelligence has the flaw, the independency is very bad. 因为她在活化金属这一块上一直都是弱项,并且哪怕是其活化的土元素,风元素这种,也都显得呆呆的,只能接受命令执行命令,一看在智力上就有缺陷,自主性很差。 The direct-viewing point, star intent orders the earth element attack enemy who oneself activate, the earth element pulls to rush on the sleeve without delay on the upfront does, regardless of oneself hit is not victorious a iron to/clashes. 直观一点来说,星意命令自己活化的土元素攻击敌人,土元素就二话不说袖子一挽冲上去就正面干,无论自己打不打得过都头铁的去冲。 However, Lubos will ponder to appraise, if this enemy it feels not to be victorious, thinks that other method, for example pushes a stone to be battered to death it from nearby cliff, for example in the introduction water will be drown to death it. 但是,鲁伯斯则是会思考会评估,若是这敌人它自己觉得打不过,就会想别的法子,比如从旁边的悬崖上推一块石头下来砸死它,又比如将之引入水里面淹死它。 Then, under high of two intelligence quotient obviously had the difference. 如此一来,二者智商的高下明显就产生了区别。 At this time, the police after detecting the underground parking garage did not have the danger, the operating efficiency was raised immediately, had called a trailer, body that will drift directly drawing. 这时候,警方在发觉地下停车场里面没有了危险之后,工作效率立即提升了起来,已经叫了一辆拖车,将漂移的身体直接给拉了出来。 Naturally, before drifted in the garage uses the fire god artillery crazy strafe also to have the huge sequela, causing them also to process in the garage to reach dozens vehicle destroyed after-effects at this time, doing was also badly battered. 当然,之前漂移在车库里面用火神炮疯狂扫射也是留下了巨大的后遗症,导致他们此时还要处理车库里面多达几十台车子被毁坏的后遗症,搞得也是焦头烂额。 Especially that by beheading Para Mela vehicle owner, is that a little influence, and also very astute fierce woman, after hearing insurance company very difficult adjustment( because vehicle owner does not have responsibility), then held the police to blubber, lets their very big. 尤其是那名被“斩首”的帕拉梅拉车主,属于那种有点势力并且还很精明的悍妇,在听说保险公司很难理赔(因为车主无责)之后,便抓住了警方又哭又闹,让他们很是头大。 Before star intent to the words that Fang Linyan spoke is doubtful, until seeing that dazzled very blue-black colored goods Gade Weilong to carry off by the trailer, this believes thoroughly, could not bear shocks to say again: 之前星意对方林岩所说的话还是半信半疑的,直到看到了那辆炫酷至极的蓝黑色布加迪威龙被拖车拉走,这才彻底相信,忍不住再次震惊道: You really accomplished unexpectedly! This is really incredible.” “你居然真的办到了!这真是令人难以置信啊。” Her emotional quotient is very high, knows that Fang Linyan perhaps put out what secret method, or used the extremely strong card in a hand, the meaning of therefore not having questioned in detail. 她的情商还是很高的,知道方林岩没准是拿出了什么秘密手段,或者动用了极强的底牌,所以也没有细问的意思。 Fang Linyan will not certainly relate in detail, maintains the mystery before others is very useful, is only smiling of being as deep as a well, then said: 方林岩当然也不会细说,在别人面前保持神秘感还是很有用的,只是高深莫测的笑了笑,然后道: You definitely automobile person camp? What prestige was the present?” “你肯定是在汽车人阵营这边的吧?现在是什么声望了?” Speaking of this star intent sighs: 说到这个星意就叹了一口气道: I am not your No. S space person, in fact I should come is not this world, after some people sell the information to me, I know that in temporarily this open world list has it, then used the item and related privilege joins.” “我可不是你们S号空间的人,事实上我本来应该来的也不是这个世界,有人卖情报给我之后,我才临时知道本次开放的世界名单中有它,然后使用了道具和相关特权才加入。” Therefore, I actually also entered late for 48 hours, after this start was too late, many performance-to-price ratio high prestige duty had acted swiftly to get there first, these three days of time achieved neutrality / 1300 prestige.” “所以,我其实也晚进入了四十八小时,这起步太晚了以后,很多性价比高的声望任务已经被人捷足先登了,这三天时间才达到了中立/1300点声望。” Fang Linyan nods, has not actually continued this topic saying that but looks at the dragging traffic lane in distant place: 方林岩点了点头,却没有继续这个话题说下去,而是看着远处的拖车道: You come just right, I have the matter to want you to help.” “你来得正好,我恰好有事要你帮个忙。” Said after these words, Fang Linyan moves toward the roadside was stopping a car(riage), then caressed on the hand the vehicle door. This time metal compatible ability had been used quite adeptly by Fang Linyan, the finger presses a check gently, the door lock opens directly. 说完了这句话之后,方林岩走向了路边停着的一辆车,然后将手抚到了车门上。此时的金属亲和能力已经被方林岩使用得相当娴熟,手指轻轻一按一勾,门锁直接开启。 After one minute, Fang Linyan driving brings in star intent the highway, is tagging along after that trailer that is carrying the drifting body led the way. 一分钟之后,方林岩已经驾车带着星意上了高速公路,一路尾随着那辆载着漂移身体的拖车前行了。 While tagging along after this trailer, Fang Linyan also roughly introduced to star intent process of beforehand that fight, naturally, the emphasis point placed the battlefield is on underground garage two, therefore the drifting received extremely limited in this aspect, drifting smelling there is something wrong direct running away this point also confessed certainly clearly. 在尾随着这辆拖车的同时,方林岩对星意也大致介绍了之前的那场战斗的过程,当然,侧重点放在了战场乃是在地下车库二层,所以漂移受到了极大限制这方面上,漂移见势不妙直接逃走这一点当然也交代清楚了。 After star intent listened, is suddenly enlighted, originally these have such pass/test key/opening! 星意听了以后也是恍然大悟,原来这其中还有这样的关窍! She also thinks that Fang Linyan meets the drifting in the open country, defeated the opposite party three shapes, that will then destroy directly gets rid of. 她还以为方林岩是在野外遇到漂移,先后击败了对方三种形态,然后将之直接摧毁的那种干掉呢。 Naturally, star intent naturally not because this point underestimates Fang Linyan, in fact she thinks carefully, engaging in introspection, even if has such condition, similarly also can only make a getaway in the drifting hand, do not say that will hit to use to escape this move. 当然,星意当然不会因为这一点小看方林岩,事实上她仔细一想,扪心自问哪怕是拥有这样的条件,同样在漂移手中也只能逃之夭夭的,更不要说将之打得用出金蝉脱壳这一招了。 Fang Linyan is pointing at the front that trailer at this time suddenly, was saying to star intent: 方林岩此时突然指着前方的那辆拖车,对着星意道: What now on trailer is only a regulus, drifted own memory module and fire seed had carried off, can your activation technique become effective to it?” “现在拖车上面的只是一个金属块而已,漂移自身的记忆模块和火种都已经被带走了,你的活化术能不能对其生效?” star intent shakes the head, very simple say/way: 星意摇了摇头,很干脆的道: Is impossible, only if my ability is increased again first-order.” “不可能的,除非我的能力再次提升一阶。” Fang Linyan some unwilling pursues asks: 方林岩有些不甘心的追问道: Then does not request to fight, so long as it active good.” “那么不要求战斗呢,只要它能动起来就好。” star intent still shakes the head saying: 星意依然摇头道: Cannot achieve, only if small size half, I can try.” “做不到,除非体积小一半的话,我才可以试试。” At this time, broadcast a weak sound from Lubos suddenly: 这时候,从鲁伯斯那边突然传来了一个弱弱的声音: Please forgive my taking the liberty, excuse me. Does the Sir your goal of want to make this body move?” “请原谅我的冒昧,请问.大人您的目的是不是就想让这一具躯壳动起来?” Fang Linyan looks directly, detected had the feeling to fall extremely low Cothias this tyrant day tiger, such that but said like the famous football player Shaolin flatter star, even if were a toilet paper also has its value, therefore Fang Linyan to Cothias was the benign say/way: 方林岩直接看去,发觉正是存在感已经降到了极低的柯提亚这个霸天虎,不过就像著名足球运动员少林阿星说的那样,哪怕是一张卫生纸也是有它的价值,所以方林岩对柯提亚还是和颜悦色的道: „, Yes, what great idea do you have?” “哦,是的,你有什么好主意吗?” Cothias said: 柯提亚道: I thought that perhaps I can give a try, naturally, I surely do not have the means to display the biggest battle efficiency of this body, my fire seed really does not have the means control such powerful body, but makes it move should not to have the issue.” “我觉得或许我可以试试看,当然,我肯定没办法发挥出这具身体的最大战斗力,我的火种实在是没办法支配这样强悍的身体,但是让它动起来应该是没问题的。” Heard the words of Cothias brightly, Fang Linyan immediately at present one. 听到了柯提亚的话,方林岩顿时眼前一亮。 Since star intent there had determined, drifting this fellow is Lu Bu is similar, typical three surname house slaves. 要知道,从星意那里已经确定,漂移这家伙乃是和吕布差不多,典型的三姓家奴。 Time from the beginning is Tyrant Tianhu, was some time automobile person, then starts to be the monetary reward hunter, therefore actuates the words of his body in Cothias, in the technical point is nothing issue. 一开始的时候是霸天虎,然后又做了一段时间汽车人,接着又开始做赏金猎人,所以在柯提亚驱动其身体的话,在技术层面上是没有任何问题的。 ( Reason that must say, is because automobile person and Tyrant Tianhu has different operating systems, is similar makes the pilots of planting flowers family/home go to the similar fighter aircraft of eagle country's to you is very difficult to begin immediately immediately same) (之所以要这么说,是因为汽车人和霸天虎拥有不同的操作系统,类似于你让种花家的飞行员马上去飞鹰国的同类战机也很难立即上手一样) „, since you have this thoughts, then I am willing to give you an opportunity.” “哦既然你有这个心思,那么我还是愿意给你个机会的。” After Fang Linyan listened, very simple say/way. 方林岩听了以后很干脆的道。 Then he looked at the , was saying to star intent: 然后他看了看附近,便对着星意道: „It seems like the police not to attach great importance to the body least bit of drifting, such precious thing makes it run on the road, a police vehicle of convoy does not follow, therefore. Were we time begin?” “看起来警察对漂移的这具身体半点儿都不重视呢,这么贵重的东西就让它在路上跑,一架押运的警车都不跟上,所以.咱们是时候动手了?” Right, this I did not facilitate time make a move directly, after all just entered the world the police with United States of America not to do against directly well, therefore you taking responsibility strength was good, I sent Lubos to overcome the hand to you.” “对了,这一次我不方便直接出手,毕竟刚刚进入世界就和花旗国的警察直接对着干不好,所以你来做主力好了,我派鲁伯斯给你打下手。” star intent said with a smile brightly: 星意灿烂一笑道: Good.” “好呀。” Then she took off an accessory from tying a belt on hit/prick hair, this accessory seems like the golden color, its contour is one slightly appears the honeybee that the Q version moe dull, making star intent have the smart-alecky cute feeling, is conforming to her semblance seemingly 17-18 years old age, as if female university student. 然后她从扎头发上的束带上面摘下了一只饰品,这饰品看起来乃是金色的,其外形乃是一只略显出Q版呆萌的蜜蜂,让星意有了俏皮可爱的感觉,正符合她外表看起来十七八岁的年龄,宛然一名女大学生。 The finger of star intent touches on this accessory gently, immediately injected the life to it, made it live directly, this activates the marvelous place of technique. 紧接着,星意的手指在这饰品上轻轻一触,立即就给它注入了生命,直接让它活了过来,这就是活化术的奇妙之处。 But this honeybee askew head, whipped a wing, but also strokes own whisker with the front leg, looks still gives the appearance that the person moe especially dull. 而这只蜜蜂歪歪头,拍打了一下翅膀,还拿前脚捋一捋自己的触须,看起来依然给人格外呆萌的样子。 Then star intent lips wriggle, has not actually made any sound, then saw this honeybee shakes the wing to fly, left the glass to aim at the front vehicle speed run to go. 然后星意口唇蠕动,却并没有发出任何声音,便见到了这只蜜蜂震翅飞起,离开了车窗对准了前车快速飞行而去。 It has the special flight skill obviously, the wind resistance is minimum, although the vehicle speed was more than 100 kilometers, but it flies time seems very relaxed. 它显然具备特殊的飞行技巧,风阻极小,虽然车速达到了一百多公里,但是它飞行的时候显得十分轻松。 Then this only activated the honeybee to arrive around the front trailer front directly, circled after the surroundings, actually detected that the window and vehicle door were airtight. However this cannot baffle this honeybee, it arrived at the car(riage) bottom rapidly, here has many slits, took advantage of opportunity to stop above then to crawl. 然后这只活化蜜蜂直接来到了前方的拖车车头附近,在周围盘旋了一圈以后,却发觉窗户和车门都是密闭的。不过这也难不倒这只蜜蜂,它迅速的来到了车底,这里就有着蛮多的缝隙了,顺势就停在了上面然后爬了进去。 All these hears the description is very simple, however is actually in fact not true. 这一切听起描述或许很简单,然而实际上却并非如此。 These movement entire journey are completed on the highway, although this trailer seems unwieldy, but the speed also about 120 km / h, converts to run 33 meters every second! 要知道,这些动作全程都是在高速路上完成的,这辆拖车虽然显得笨重,但是速度也是在一百二十公里/小时左右,换算下来每秒钟就要开行出去三十三米! Speeds away under such speed, any ordinary fly mosquito honeybee will cast off in the flash, do not say that seems like this only to activate the honeybee to be the same, calm circles around the front, then found the slit to worm one's way into. 在这样的速度下疾驰,什么普通的苍蝇蚊子蜜蜂都会在一瞬间被甩开的,更不要说像是这只活化蜜蜂一样,从容的绕着车头绕一圈,然后再找到缝隙钻进去。 This honeybee crept along was coming to the cab, the one who detected drive was the Caucasian big fatty, just and a side skinny black person sputtering is chatting last night met colorfully, and in the car(riage) is also playing the deafening heavy metal music. 紧接着,这只蜜蜂爬动着来到了驾驶室里面,发觉开车的是个白人大胖子,正和旁边的一个干瘦黑人口沫横飞的聊着昨晚的艳遇,并且车里面还放着震耳欲聋的重金属音乐。 Then, it stopped by the seat observed, aimed on the neck of Caucasian big fatty to throw immediately, then hibernation of insects his. 然后,它停在了座椅旁边观察了一下,就立即对准了白人大胖子的脖子上扑了过去,然后蛰了他一下。 Oh!!” A Caucasian big fatty pain called, subconscious pulled out toward neck there on a palm of the hand. “哎哟!!”白人大胖子一声痛叫,下意识的就一巴掌朝着脖子那里抽了过去。 „” A resounding, anything has not been hitting finally. “啪”的一声脆响,结果什么也没打着。 Then, this fellow starts to keep to the side immediately, decelerates, simultaneously cursed loudly: 然后,这家伙立即开始靠边,减速,同时大声咒骂了起来: Damn insect bit my one!! Yes, I dislike the insect, looks like the depreciation donut is been same by Lucy that old ladies pants crotch has clamped!!” “该死的虫子叮了我一口!!是的,我讨厌虫子,就像是被露西那个老娘们裤裆夹过的贬值甜甜圈一样!!” „!! My neck was good, looks like by the cigarette butt is burnt.” “啊!!我的脖子上好难受,就像是被烟头烫了一下。” Kevin, Kevin, brings the pesticide quickly, I must let the feeling that it tastes to suffocate.” “凯文,凯文,赶快把杀虫剂拿来,我要让它尝尝窒息的感觉。” Nearby black person Kevin bears smile, spreads out the hand saying: 旁边的黑人凯文忍住笑,摊开手道: Sorry, Louis, the pesticide that if you said was disliked the flavor to be ill-smelling by you day before yesterday, that can of conveniently discarding, then I wanted to help but unable.” “抱歉,路易,如果你说的杀虫剂是前天被你嫌味道难闻,顺手扔掉的那罐,那么我爱莫能助。” The joy that Kevin takes pleasure in others' misfortunes has not continued is too long: 只是凯文幸灾乐祸的快乐并没有持续太久: „! Damn, I was also bitten!” “啊!见鬼,我也被叮了!” When two people talked, activated the honeybee to come again, bit one on the neck of this black person, aimed at the eyes of big fatty to throw. 就在两人对话的时候,活化蜜蜂已经再次现身,在这黑人的脖子上叮了一口,又对准了大胖子的眼睛扑了过去。 The Caucasian big fatty sent out a scream immediately: 白人大胖子立即发出了一声尖叫: Damn, damn, it threw to my pupil “该死的,该死的,它冲着我的瞳孔扑了过来” Then this fellow on to bind on steering wheel, before this is , after activating the honeybee hibernation of insects he one next , the side effect , the toxin time delay ten seconds of powerful manifested suddenly, then made fast let the bit unlucky egg are unconscious. 然后这家伙一头就扎在了方向盘上,这是之前活化蜜蜂蛰了他一下之后产生的副作用,强力的毒素延时十秒发作,然后就让快速的让被咬的倒霉蛋人事不省。
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