FE :: Volume #13

#1500: Repertoire

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Chapter 1498 repertoire 第1498章套路 For example goes to Gong'an County to transport the grain, 比如前往公安县运粮, For example Jiangling here has the pirate to appear and disappear wait/etc. 比如江陵这里有水贼出没等等。 For example searches to exterminate the chaotic soldier. 比如去搜索剿灭乱兵. These duty weaks, are because happened in the rear of this time Wu, almost could not fish with the opportunity of Shu army direct engagement, looked like the solemn regular army to do to stress the work of thief, what good reward finally can have? 这些任务之所以鸡肋,就是因为都发生在此时吴国的大后方,几乎捞不着与蜀军正面交战的机会,就像是堂堂的正规军去干抓小偷的活儿,最后能有什么好的奖励? The key is the goal journeys of these duties is remote compels, after having the assignment, to rush to the target sector to want for quite a while, looks like pirate type, the battle efficiency actually does not slide does not keep the hand, and must in aquatic battle. The key was you arrives must look for him, did this duty performance-to-price ratio lower to sending to refer to? 关键是这些任务的目标路途还遥远得一逼,接任务以后赶到目标区域就要大半天,就像是水贼这种,战斗力不强却滑不留手,并且还要在水上作战。关键是你到了还要去找他,这任务性价比是不是低到发指了? This looks like 12 : 00 pm to sing business K to be the same, sits down looked takes to bring will be one crowd will soon sit the worthless people of purchase and sale of stocks, near the ear resounds plant war zombie BGM automatically 这就像是晚上12点去唱商K一样,坐下一看带进来的都是一群即将坐地吸土的歪瓜裂枣,耳边自动响起植物大战僵尸的BGM Then trades one batch is this, trading two batch is also this- that said needlessly, is this today's business is too definitely good, many super clients have been ahead of time first, acted swiftly to get there first. 然后换一批是这样,换二批也是这样-那不消说,肯定是这家今天生意太好,有不少大客户已经提前先到,捷足先登了呗。 Finally, the Fang Linyan vision fell in a public duty. 最后,方林岩的目光落在了一个公共任务上。 This duty meaning, currently nearby the wheat city inner city also has lots of Shu army to move in the way of squad probably, because of the terrain reason, without the means army threatens the border, therefore recruits the warrior to go to suppress kills the Shu army squad. 这个任务大概意思就是说,现在麦城内城附近还有大量的蜀军以小队的方式在活动,并且因为地形原因,没办法大军压境,所以招募勇士前去剿杀蜀军小队。 The quantity of each Shu army squad is 10 ~ 15 people, supposes a partner long( many words for example gang, one group, but after the partner who follows from here) long was struck kills, definitely will fall an iron sign. 每个蜀军小队的数量就是10~15人,设一名伙长(很多词比如团伙,一伙就是从这里沿袭下来的),而伙长被击杀之后,必然会掉落一块铁牌。 Attains three pig iron signs, can come back to complete the task. 拿到三块铁牌,就能回来完成任务。 But this public duty inside reward is also very unique, / item( two chooses one) besides the fixed prestigious value + silver coins, will also reward a brocade sack, this brocade sack tested the luck at games of chance very much, belonged completely looks at existence of face. 而这个公共任务里面的奖励也是非常独特,除了固定的声望值+银两/道具(二选一)之外,还会奖励一个锦囊,这个锦囊就很考手气了,属于完全看脸的存在。 Fang Linyan after consulting the Mobius mark, received some general news: 方林岩在咨询了一下莫比乌斯印记之后,获得了一些大概消息: For example the thing of highest rank quality the brocade sack can start out is the dark gold/metal and golden plot( only limits disposable item), the probability is small. 比如锦囊能开出的最高级别品质的东西是暗金和金色剧情(仅限一次性道具),概率为微小。 Most of the time, what starts out is the military supplies, the junks, the valuable of this world wait/etc. 大多数的时候,开出的是补给品,杂物,本世界的贵重物等等。 But the goat also truly is the marketing wizard, he west the roaming east the nearby strolls, unexpectedly also triggered a series duty. 而山羊也确实是营销鬼才,他在附近东游西逛的,居然还触发了一个连环任务。 This duty is similar to running link that type, is divided gradually, 1,2,3,4 wait/etc these phased missions are also difficult to reward and few, and midway could not be defeated, failed must come, but rewarded finally very richly. 这个任务类似于跑环那种,分成阶段性的,1,2,3,4等等这几个阶段任务又难又奖励又少,并且中途还不能失败,失败了就要重新来,但是最终奖励十分丰厚。 Very regrettable, two people absolutely do not have the time to handle these things now, because Baron requests everyone to stand by- the present must transfer that few star intent of duty in the middle of the inner city that goes to Shu to control to take the crucial item, possibly returns momentarily. 很遗憾,两人现在根本就没有时间来做这些事情,因为戴文男爵要求大家随时待命-现在要转职的那名少女星意已经前往蜀国控制的内城当中拿取关键性的道具,随时可能返回。 Once she successfully returns, or encounters the problem, everyone must go to rescue immediately. 一旦她成功返回,或者是遇到麻烦,大家就要立即前去营救。 Naturally, at this time the goat also went to and Baron contacted, said some own here people arrive in the middle of inner city, should be able to provide the help. 当然,这时候山羊也去和戴文男爵联络了,说自己这边有人降临的时候就在内城当中,应该可以提供帮助。 Because has the viper three people of punished examples, therefore other person almost honest does not have any changes. 因为有着蝰蛇三人被惩罚的例子,所以其余的人几乎都老老实实的没有任何异动的。 Witnessed this, in the Fang Linyan heart had a bold idea suddenly, if Baron and people of thorn crown team were very ripe, then the viper three people can be a good play that they were in cahoots to do intentionally? 目睹了这一幕,方林岩心中忽然产生了一个大胆的想法,如果戴文男爵和荆棘冠团队的人很熟的话,那么蝰蛇三人会不会是他们故意串通起来搞出来的一场好戏呢? Words as the matter stands, can play the obvious warning role, but the entire team battle efficiency in fact has not actually dropped. 这样一来的话,既可以起到明显的警告作用,而整个团队实际上的战斗力却并没有下降。 Naturally, must look at whether they are acting in a play, having a look at the task allocation to know later. If the viper three people were also assigned in the critical position unexpectedly, that was in cahoots obviously typically, so long as because the brain normal people will not entrust with an important task viper these three people. 当然,要看他们是否在演戏,看看待会儿任务分配就知道了。如果蝰蛇三人居然还被分配在要害位置上,那显然就是典型的串通了,因为只要脑子正常的人都不会将蝰蛇这三个人委以重任的。 Waited for probably for less than one hour, returned with the group of people of embarking together, Max also withdraws with them together, the manpower of legendary squad gathered at one finally. 大概只是等待了一个小时不到,欧米就与出发的这群人一道归来了,麦斯也是随着他们一起撤回,传奇小队的人手终于重新聚集在了一起。 The entire temporary team then set out at this time directly, starts from the wheat city, then to north! During this, is labor of very going over hill and dale, therefore every other almost one hour, everyone must stop to rest. 整个临时团队这时候便直接开拔,从麦城出发,然后一路向北!这期间也是翻山越岭的十分辛苦,因此每隔差不多一个小时,大家就都要停下来休息一下。 Sudden attack, when the second rest happened! 突如其来的袭击,就在第二次休息的时候发生了! First makes the early warning, unexpectedly is side a star intent small dwarf, his steep shot from the ground, then kept off before the body of star intent opened a black gamp, after this gamp separated, formed a black sphere unexpectedly, wrapped their two people instantaneously. 首先做出预警的,竟然是星意身边的一个小矮子,他陡的从地上弹了起来,然后挡在了星意的身前撑开了一把黑色的大伞,这面大伞弹开了之后,竟是形成了一个黑色的圆球,将他们两人瞬间包裹了进去。 Then saw the bullet that several rounds are sparkling the flame hit in the umbrella cover! Without this greatly black umbrella, then foreheads of these rounds of bullet definitely hit star intent. 然后就见到好几发闪耀着火光的子弹打在了伞面上!若是没有这把大黑伞的话,那么这几发子弹必然会命中星意的头部。 The sphere that after the greatly black umbrella forms the bullet hit, is directly seems unexpectedly light , if no thing, bringing star intent to jump toward the rear area with the small dwarf rapidly, seemed like seems like a table tennis ball of large size to be the same unexpectedly. 当大黑伞形成的圆球被子弹命中了之后,竟是直接仿佛轻若无物似的,带着星意和小矮子朝着后方迅速的蹦跳了开去,看起来居然像是一个大号的乒乓球一样。 So the design can be said as quite exquisitely, effectively avoided staying in the predicament that was continued to attack same place, it can be said that was better than the screening of shield too. 如此设计可以说是相当的精妙,有效的避免了停留在原地被继续攻击的窘境,可以说是比盾牌的遮护要好太多了。 But the sound of gunfire same place, Fang Linyan and Max as if are of one mind, plunged the side recent teammate directly, the goat or, are the typical brittle skin, object who needs to protect. 而枪声一起,方林岩和麦斯两人就仿佛心有灵犀似的,直接扑向了身边最近的队友,无论是山羊还是欧米,都是典型的脆皮,需要保护的对象。 The goat had not been attacked, but actually also stared by a raider, is good because of the skill that Fang Linyan starts directly: Interception, therefore forces up promptly. 山羊这边并没有受到攻击,但欧米却也是被一名袭击者盯上了,好在方林岩是直接发动的技能:拦截,所以及时顶了上去。 An sharp throwing knife inserted to his back! The tip of throwing knife even brings the sad and shrill cold light, looks is effective. 一把尖锐的飞刀就插向了他的背部!飞刀的尖端甚至带着一点凄厉的寒光,一看就是威力不凡。 But now Fang Linyan was not the brittle skin that on the world attribute compressed! After he becomes breeds hunting , the life value rises suddenly 800 points, now is more than 1000 point, in addition a thick magic shield protection, this quite therefore more than 1000 points of life values, in addition oneself also over 25 dodging. 但现在方林岩可不是上个世界属性压缩的脆皮了!他成为了殖猎者以后,生命值暴涨800点,现在已经是一千多点,外加还有一层厚实的魔法盾保护,这又相当于是1000多点的生命值,外加自身还有超过25的闪避。 Meanwhile, his diffraction skill also conducted the variation, now has 2 point absolute life value additionally. 同时,他的折光技能还进行了变异,现在额外拥有二点绝对生命值。 Therefore, this throwing knife, although the theory injury reaches as high as four figures, is actually contacting a Fang Linyan body surface half centimeter place was direct ding a ball to fly, this was the absolute life value becomes effective. 所以,这把飞刀虽然理论伤害高达四位数,却在接触到了方林岩的体表半厘米处直接“叮”的一声弹飞了出去,这就是绝对生命值生效了。 After Fang Linyan falls down, on the ground is tumbled several, simultaneously she already anxious sound said in the middle of squad channel: 欧米被方林岩扑倒之后,又被连带着在地上翻滚了好几圈,同时她已经在小队频道当中急声道: Do not counter-attack, everyone hides on the line.” “不要反击,所有人躲好就行。” Meaning was very clear, does many matters with how much money, the enemy of attack to must transfer star intent of duty to come mostly, oneself this group of people were affected, hid side to shrink motionless, definitely not by collection fire. 欧米的意思很明确了,拿多少钱做多少事,来袭的敌人多半是冲着要转职的星意而来,自己这帮人本来就是被波及的,躲到了旁边缩着不动,肯定不会被集火的。 The Fang Linyan three people are deep is also so, the past toward Max, then hid in Max's behind directly, the back is together big rock, Max is both hands holds up the great shield, oneself and back teammate will camouflage solid, will have to plant you to hit the labor the appearance of shield. 方林岩三人也是深以为然,直接就朝着麦斯这边过去了,然后躲在了麦斯的后面,背后就是一块大岩石,麦斯则是双手举起巨盾,将自己和背后的队友遮蔽的严严实实,一副有种你就来打劳资的盾牌的模样。 Such response lets the person very much, helpless, 这样的反应就很让人无奈了, Emotional quotient lowly: Turtle tactic. 低情商:乌龟战术。 Emotional quotient high: Perseveres to treat the help 高情商:坚守待援 Obviously, the group of people's of attack to attacking Max's shield have interest Fang Linyan they not to fear without the interest! Didn't this get so far as Sir Tristan from oriental cherry there? 很显然,来袭的这群人对攻击麦斯的盾牌毫无兴趣有兴趣方林岩他们也不怕!这不是从樱花那里还弄到了特里斯坦爵士吗? You dare a volume of fire I to dare to put! Has you to hit. 你敢集火我就敢放!有种伱就一直打吧。 The Fang Linyan squad easily secured the position actually, others somewhat were distressed. 方林岩小队这边倒是轻易稳住了阵脚,其余的人就有些狼狈了。 They first do not have among the Fang Linyan four people to have enough tacit understanding, 他们一来是没有方林岩四人之间拥有足够的默契, Secondly is the hardware is insufficient, accurate, was the equipment was too bad- Max dares to lift a shield person anti- under to aim at all firepower of squad, other daring? 二来则是硬件设施不够,准确的来说,就是装备太差了-麦斯敢举盾一个人抗下针对小队的所有火力,其余的敢吗? Therefore, in ten seconds after the commencing of action, entire temporary team most people was hit the ghost crying god to be howling, pitiful yell repeatedly. 因此,在战斗开始后的十秒内,整个临时团队大部分的人都被打得鬼哭神嚎,惨叫连声。 Fang Linyan notices the squad of arctic circle display most unable to withstand, the manpower who it is estimated that should be scattered recruits temporarily after the west roaming world, the quality coordinated obviously to lower a scale, died in battle directly. 方林岩注意到北极圈的小队表现最是不堪,估计应该是在西游世界当中被打散以后临时招募的人手,无论是质量还是配合都明显低了一个档次,直接就战死了一个。 On the contrary the people of thorn crown team display obviously are different, after encountering the first wave of attack, the injured person is in three seconds rapid to be protected, rushed to the front absorption firepower on MT to present a as if bark common armor directly, had the obvious reducing wound ability. 相反荆棘冠团队的人表现就明显不同,遇到第一波袭击之后,在三秒钟内受伤的人就迅速就被保护了起来,冲到前面吸收火力的MT身上直接出现了一层仿佛树皮一般的铠甲,拥有明显的减伤能力。 After the front strives that precious several seconds, others launch the counter-attack on the rapid centralism, but charge in forefront impressively is the viper, but can also launch the counter-attack immediately, his ability and Fang Linyan are somewhat similar, can advance instantaneously several times toward the enemy, cuts the opposite party back row directly. 在前排争取到那么宝贵的几秒钟之后,其余的人就迅速的集中起来发起反击,而冲锋在最前面的赫然就是蝰蛇,还能随即就发起反击,他的能力和方林岩有些类似,可以瞬间朝着敌人突进好几次,直接切对方后排。 Most critically, when he arrived at behind the enemy time, but can also in summon the side 34 teammates instantaneously together, implements intimate blossoming in the true sense. 更关键的是,等他来到了敌人后方的时候,还能在瞬间将三四名队友一起召唤到身边来,实行真正意义上的腹心开花。 The performance of the regimental commander old oak tree is also the specially bright eye, he sits cross-legged to sit down directly, it presented a huge oak tree illusion behind, so long as person who during the oak tree illusion covers, can obtain the defensive power addition and resilience addition. 其团长老橡树的表现也是特别亮眼,他直接就盘膝坐下,其身后出现了一株巨大的橡树幻象,只要在橡树幻象覆盖当中的人,就能获得防御力加成和恢复能力加成。 After the slightly wounded patients were dragged into the illusion range, separates for several minutes to be able vitality full going to battle, the stretcher patient can be out of danger rapidly, this is can save a lot of medicines. 轻伤员被拉入到幻象范围内之后,隔几分钟就又能元气满满的出战,重伤员则是可以迅速转危为安,这可是能节约大量的药物啊。 Naturally, has the person to attack the old oak tree, but discarded he of the ability to act and attack capability, the life value is much thicker, and life restores the speed is also extremely quick. 当然,也不是没有人攻击老橡树,可是舍弃了行动能力和攻击能力的他,生命值厚得令人发指,并且生命恢复速度也是极快。 Attacks his person also to suffer various curses, was been disgusting compels, therefore after several fellows tried several next, gave up voluntarily. 攻击他的人还会遭受到各种诅咒,被恶心得一逼,因此有几个家伙尝试了几下之后,就自觉的放弃了。 But Baron among this group of core figures, only then a Shero person acts, he changes to together the blood light, withstand/top the attack of enemy to rush. 而戴文男爵这群核心人物当中,只有西罗一个人出手,他化作一道血光,顶着敌人的攻击冲了上去。 Also has not seen him to have what movement, this fellow place visited seems like barbarian ox like unexpectedly, keeping off flees, in his leading the way route it can be said that is off their feet, but also some were hit to fly forcefully high several meters. 也没有见到他有什么动作,这家伙所过之处竟然像是一头蛮牛似的,挡者披靡,在他前行路线上的可以说是人仰马翻,还有的被硬生生撞飞起好几米高的。 This fellow comes across, looks like that type specifically to be used to clash the standard heavy armor cavalry, regardless of the troops are selective, once after the start, almost no one can keep off it. 这家伙给人的感觉,就像是那种专门用来冲阵的制式重甲骑兵,无论人马都是精挑细选,一旦启动之后,几乎就没有人能将其挡得下来。 Quick, this attack on as if summer rainstorm such, comes to go also quickly, to do the enemy quickly to detect that has not taken what advantage, direct rapid evacuation. 很快的,这场袭击就仿佛夏天的暴雨那样,来得快去得也快,一干敌人发觉没有占到什么便宜,直接迅速撤离了。 Then hears Shero to say in the temporary team channel: 然后就听到西罗在临时团队频道里面道: Caught a living witness, this fellow said that is neighbor Buddhism, the Taoism wait/etc religious nature of the organizations, various neutral influences issued the duty to intercept us, and rewarded very richly.” “抓到了一个活口,这家伙说是附近佛教,道教等等宗教性质的组织,还有各种中立势力都下发了任务要拦截我们,并且奖励很丰厚。” After Baron listened, has not said anything, as if has expectation early, then light say/way: 戴文男爵听了以后也没说什么,仿佛早有预料似的,然后淡淡的道: Expected matter.” “意料之中的事。” Then he looked all around around one saying: 然后他环顾了一下四周道: Performance was very just good, arctic circle controls a level to be strong, the counter-attack of viper made one broaden the outlook.” “刚刚各位的表现很好,北极圈的控场水准非常强,蝰蛇的反击令人大开眼界。” At this point, Baron, if has referred to looks at wheat Sidong: 说到这里,戴文男爵顿了顿,若有所指的看着麦斯道: This brothers are also defend impregnably!” “这位兄弟也是守得固若金汤!” Obviously, Baron first two are the sincerity praises, finally that actually somewhat harbored ulterior motives. 很显然,戴文男爵前两句是真心夸奖,最后那句却有些别有用心了。 Because of beginning to end, is Max conducts the shoulder there, the Fang Linyan three people do not act, the person of that help/gang attack fired several spears/guns toward here, attacked several times, actually detected that Max is really results in hardly does not make sense, and also displays the meaning of only against not attacking, therefore gave up. 因为从头到尾,都是麦斯在那里扛着,方林岩三人是绝不出手,那帮袭击的人朝着这边打了几枪,攻击了几次,却发觉麦斯真是硬得不像话,并且还表现出了只防不攻的意思,所以就放弃了。 Actually this is also their wise actions, if really dispatches the close combat depends, hehe, the Fang Linyan three people of collection fires, come wanting is not the abyss feudal lord rank, does not die must peel a skin! 其实这也是他们的明智举动,若是真的派遣出近战的靠过来,呵呵,方林岩三人集火,来的只要不是深渊领主级别的,不死都得脱一层皮! Those present listened to the words of Baron, has no response, the people of thorn crown team as if wanted to say anything, was actually also stopped, reason, was because of the strength!! 在场的人听了戴文男爵的话,却也没有什么反应,就连荆棘冠团队的人似乎想要说什么,却也被制止了,这其中的原因,还是因为实力!! Intensity that Max this MT displays at present, is very good type, this is the golden main line difficulty world! Has such personally in together, guarantees does not permit to ask the human time. 麦斯这个MT就目前表现出来的强度来说,已经是属于很不错的类型了,这可是黄金主线难度的世界!有这么个人在一块儿,保不准就有求到人身上的时候。 How many now stood to echo is spurting to enjoy the mouth addiction actually, what advantage in fact had? Instead ungainful became enemies. These people of this time were the slippery customer old charlatans, these often hot blooded above rash fellow has died. 现在站出来附和着喷几句倒是过了嘴瘾,实际上有什么好处?反而毫无收益的就结下了梁子。此时的这些人都是老油条老混子了,那些动不动就热血上头的二愣子早就死翘翘拉。 Therefore, Baron selects till after said one, direct ordered. Walked probably for about an hour , encountered an attack, but, this attack was forewarned directly. 所以,戴文男爵点到为止的说了一句之后,也就直接下令出发了。大概走了一个小时左右,又遇到了一次袭击,但是,这一次袭击就直接被预警了。 That has protected to forewarn to shout that side the star intent small dwarf three seconds ahead of schedule the enemy raided, most team members of this Baron also acted time, the member of their core altogether is eight people, besides the Baron, star intent and small dwarf, others also follows Shero to rush. 那名一直守护在了星意身边的小矮子已经提前三秒钟预警喊出了敌袭,这一次戴文男爵的大部分团队成员也是随之出手了,他们核心的成员一共是八个人,除了男爵,星意和小矮子之外,其余的人也跟随着西罗冲了上去。 Therefore, the team that these sneak attacks time also a little compels ignorant, they have not started to launch the attack, the opposite party as if went crazy to clash generally, this TM task specification was not right, wanted us to attack this group of people obviously, how did we turn are attacked a side? 因此,这一次偷袭的团队也是有点懵逼,他们还没开始发起攻击呢,对方就仿佛发疯了一般冲了上来,这TM任务说明不大对劲啊,明明是要我们袭击这帮人,怎么我们变成被袭击一方了呢? This fight looks like the summer rainstorm to be the same, is short and intense, the opposite directly by the dry run more than ten people, having the larger part was under being on the verge of death condition triggers the team skill to run, but also some uses the maintaining life item, was killed the falling key truly also had four. 这场战斗就像是夏天的暴雨一样,短促而激烈,对面直接就被干跑了十几个人,有一大半是濒死状态下触发团队技能跑了的,还有的使用了保命道具,真正被杀掉落钥匙的也有四个。 However, the thorn crown team three people were also made the team skill, was transmitted in being on the verge of death condition, obviously the opposite party does not have the strength to hit back. 不过,荆棘冠团队也有三个人被打出了团队技能,在濒死状态下被传送了出去,可见对方也不是毫无还手之力的。
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