Chapter 1493accepts the employment
第1493章接受雇佣Thesemore than tenmagiciansraise the headtogether, the corners of the mouthshowed the strangesmile, simultaneouslyaimed at the soundkingto refer to!
紧接着这十几个魔术师一起抬头,嘴角露出了诡异的笑容,同时对准了音王一指!In a flash, the soundkingunexpectedlyinstantaneouslychangestogether with the speeding car of hisunder foot, hitdirectlytonearbybuilding, onlylistened to„bang” a loud sound, the buildinghitplacehad the radicalexplosion, emittedonegroup of giantfireballs.
一瞬间,音王连同其脚下的飞车居然瞬间变向,直接撞向了旁边的大厦,只听“轰”的一声巨响,大厦被撞击的地方发生了剧烈的爆炸,冒出了一团巨型火球。Butat this time, stoodmore than tenmagiciansweresimultaneously the complexionchange, in the middle of the earholestartedto dripto bleed. Thenstartsto vanishone by one.
但这时候,站在一起的十几名魔术师则是同时脸色一变,耳孔当中开始淌出血来.接着开始逐个消失。Fang Linyanstillcannot understandat this time, the goatis the solutionsaid:方林岩此时依然看不懂,山羊则是解说道:„The weapon of soundkingwas the sound, the loud sound that the explosionspreadis enlargedseveral thousandtimesby the soundking, and fixed pointproliferatedtoward the front, made the magicianbe harmeddirectly.”
“音王的武器就是声音,爆炸传出的巨响被音王放大了数千倍,并且定点朝着前方扩散了出去,直接让魔术师受到了伤害。”Fang Linyanstrangesay/way:方林岩奇道:„Abyssfeudal lord?”
The goatsaid:
山羊道:„Hehasto intendto help, otherwise, magicianevenagainstrong, does not havepossiblyto rob the divine toolfromso manymanpower.”
“他有出手帮忙,否则的话,魔术师就算是再强,也没可能从这么多人手里面抢夺到神器的。”Fang Linyanlooks at the goat:方林岩看着山羊:„Thattakesa bit faster, Iam interestedinhismaterial.”
The goatshrugs:
山羊耸耸肩:„Acting of abyssfeudal lord, verydifficultlywithvideo record, becauseyouwill lookbewilderedly, for examplehesuddenlyis not averagewonderfulputting out a hand, the opposite partystayed there unexpectedly, was seized the neckto carrybyonedirectly.”
“深渊领主的出手,很难用视频记录下来,因为你会看得莫名其妙,比如他突然平平无奇的一伸手,对方居然就呆在了那里,直接被一手掐住脖子拎了起来。”„For exampleanotherperson, whenchases down the magician, is hit there by the trainwhenwill soon go wellbewilderedstanding. Videobasiconrecordhistruefearfulplace!”
“又比如另外一个人在追杀魔术师的时候,在即将得手之时莫名其妙的站在那里被火车撞。视频根本就记录不下来他的真正可怕之处!”„Isothersto the attack that helaunches, association'sbewilderedmistake, for example a sniperopens fire, unexpectedlydirectburst in the bore! Alsofor example some people of bladescut, the abyssfeudal lordunexpectedlybeforehehas the bladewalksonestep, avoids the attackrange of thisbladeexactly.”
After Fang Linyanlistened, sighsslightly, whatin the heart very cleargoatsaidisreal.方林岩听了之后微微叹了一口气,心里面很清楚山羊说的是真的。Is goodthensaidbecause of the goat:
好在山羊接着道:„But, the abyssfeudal lordtheseactstime, obviouslycaused the enormouspublic indignation, thereforealsosomepeopleblew outhisweakness, andis the extremelyobviousweakness! Thatlacks the lastingbattle efficiency.”
“不过,深渊领主这一次出手,也明显引起了极大的公愤,所以也有人爆出了他的弱点,并且还是极为明显的弱点!那就是缺乏持久的战斗力。”„Afterthisfight, the continuing combat force of abyssfeudal lorddid not obtain the evident proof, hefromappearancetodeparture, altogetheronlyused less than fiveminutes of time, althoughthisfellowmustcometo come, mustwalkwalksappearsverynaturalat will, butalsosolidthisview.”
“经过这一次战斗,深渊领主的持续战斗力不强就得到了明证,他从现身到离开,一共只用了五分钟不到的时间,虽然这家伙要来就来,要走就走显得十分的潇洒随意,但也坐实了这个说法。”Fang Linyanhad not spokenagain, butsilentlylooks that on the screen the magicianfights the picture of soundking, the both sidesintensewar, has foughtinnearbyhundredmeterstall buildingfrom the grounduntil the abovecontentthoroughstatic, thissay/wayslowly:方林岩没有再多说话了,而是默默的看着屏幕上魔术师大战音王的画面,双方激烈大战,从地面一直战到了旁边的百米高楼上直到上面的内容彻底静止,这才徐徐的道:„Youleavefinallyiswhatsituation?”
The goatsaid:
山羊道:„Magicianstillhas the divine tool, butheisappearsis also hard to start, becausedid not feel betterby the feeling of rally togethering to attackafter all, hasHoly Seeherepersonto pursuelet alonecrazily?”
“魔术师依然持有着神器,但是他也是显得举步维艰,因为毕竟被群起而攻之的感觉并不好受,更何况还有教廷这边的人一直在疯狂追击呢?”„WhenIleave, the magicianhas changed the fourthwindproof coat, to him, eachwindproof coatcanfordyingonetime, cansay that is really hard-won, thiswarhits, finallywhatregardless ofobtains the divine toolis, finally the magiciansdamage severely the vitality.”
“在我离开的时候,魔术师已经换上了第四件风衣,对他而言,每一件风衣就可以替死一次,可以说真的是来之不易,这一战打下来,无论最后得到神器的是谁,最后魔法师都将元气大伤。”Fang Linyanthenthinks, askedone is almost no one matter of concern:方林岩接下来想了想,又问了一个几乎是没人关注的问题:„Right, did youhaveto noticeHoly See'sthat sidecasualties?”
The goatsaid:
山羊道:„Verygreatly! Becauseat that timetocompete fordivine tool, evensomepeopleplanto blast the jadecoldgreen jadecathedral, buthere one of the worldfourcathedrals, oncewere blown up, even the foundation of entirebeliefcanhave the problem.”
“非常大!因为当时为了争夺神器,甚至有人打算炸掉翡冷翠大教堂,这里可是世界四大教堂之一啊,一旦被炸毁了的话,甚至整个信仰的根基都会出现问题的。”„Therefore, shouldhave the Spiritual Godto actfrom the dormancyat that time, shelteredPeiLengcuiCathedral, butsawimmediately a fearfullightningdividedto fall, shouldsuffer the potential surfacewilldomineeringto suppressandbacklash, thisSpiritual Godsuffered the heavy losses.”
“因此,当时应该是有神灵从休眠当中出手了,庇护住了裴冷翠大教堂,但是随即就见到了一道可怕的闪电劈落下来,应该是遭受到了位面意志的强势压制和反噬,这名神灵遭受到了重创。”„Right, Ialsosomewhatwas at that time curious, asked that EveLenahwhygoddessalsohas the supernatural power, actuallynotbypotential surfacewillsuppression. EveLenahgave an explanation.”
“对了,我当时也有些好奇,去问伊夫琳娜为什么女神同样拥有神力,却没有被位面意志压制。伊夫琳娜给出了一个解释。”„First, the potential surfacewillmeets the powerfullifebody of suppressedparasitic of instinctonbody. It looks like a personmost of the time, regardingbacteria, miteand so ondid not mind, butthere is a leech, fleaand so on thingwill kill, the tumorismeetsfirstinrips , because the lattertoletting the personhad not the comfortablefeeling. Goddesspresentstrength, compared with the nativeSpiritual God of thesedeep sleep, but also is bad.”
“首先,位面意志会本能的压制寄生在身体上的强大生命体。就像是一个人大多数时候,对于细菌啊,螨虫之类的并不介意,可是有蚂蟥,跳蚤之类的东西就会扑杀,肿瘤更是会第一时间内割掉,就是因为后者已经强到让人产生不舒适的感觉了。女神现在的实力,比起那些沉睡的本土神灵来说,还差得很远。”„A reasonis, the goddessis not the Spiritual God that the native placederives, therefore the confidentialityis stronger, the potential surface will be more difficult the discovery.”
“还有一个原因就是,女神并非是本土衍生出来的神灵,所以隐蔽性更强,位面意志更难将之发现。”Fang Linyansaid:方林岩道:„Whomthen the divine tooldid turn over tofinally?”
The goatshakes the head saying:
山羊摇头道:„A black-clothed person, hisbody has strongcounter-surveillancegoods, Csillo who it is estimated thatwill not compareyouwraps the kerchiefto be bad, butsomepeoplesaid that catcheshisrelevant information.”
***Afterunderstandingso manyinformation, Fang Linyan was also obtained the approximate understanding of the currentsituation, in brief the beforehandplansucceededgreatly.
The churchsuffered the heavy loss, the elitefollowerCplum that trainslaboriouslydied, before dying, helpedAthenaattractwave of fanscrazily.
The divine toolLokey'sfalse faceestimate is also the meat dumplingbeats a dognotto returnmostly.
神器洛基的假面估计多半也是肉包子打狗有去无回。And the Spiritual Godis also forcedto regain consciousness, was traumatized bypotential surfacewill.
并且神灵还被迫苏醒,遭受到了位面意志的重创。Moreover, Fang Linyantheyalsoborrowedthisto fish a wave of universe pointgreatly, while convenientpit a wave of people.
不仅如此,方林岩他们还借此大捞了一波通用点,顺带坑了一波人。Thisistypicalkilling four birds with one stone!
这是典型的一箭四雕啊!Butthenmustface, was still the issue of being short of money, the clear to seetimewas getting more and more tight, the universe point of resurrectingteammatealsomissed a bigtruncation, Fang Linyanoralsoplannedto sell the equipment.
但接下来要面对的,依然是缺钱的问题了,眼见得时间越来越紧,复活队友的通用点还差了一大截,无论是方林岩还是欧米也都打算卖装备了。At this time, the goatactuallystood, firstheequippedto find the clownwithoneselflegend, thensigned the contractto conduct a mortgage:
这时候,山羊却站了出来,首先他用自己身上的传说装备去找到了小丑,然后签订契约进行了一次抵押:If after twoworld, 400,000universe points, thenthislegendequipmentmustbelong to the clownall, but, duringthismortgage, the goat can still retainthisequipment the right of use.
如果两个世界之后还不出四十万通用点,那么这件传说装备就要归小丑所有了,不过,在这抵押期间,山羊依然可以保留此装备的使用权。To be honest, thismortgageisveryreally kind, the risk that because the clowntakesis very big, once the goatdied in battle, then400,000universe pointshecannot receive, but the legendequipment must certainlymalinger.
说实话,这个抵押是很够意思的,因为小丑冒的风险挺大的,一旦山羊战死的话,那么四十万通用点他是收不回来的,而传说装备肯定也要泡汤。Howeverconsidering that the beforehandcooperationclownactuallyalso their gainedmuchfromFang Linyan, thereforeis the clownreturns the favor.
不过考虑到之前的合作小丑其实也从方林岩他们那里赚了不少,所以算是小丑还人情吧。Then the goatdid everything possibleto receive a work of employmentagain, metin the way of entireteam, everyone 150,000universe points, in additionwasenough450,000universe points.
接下来山羊则是再次想方设法接到了一个雇佣的活儿,是以整个团队的方式接的,每个人十五万通用点,加起来就是足足四十五万通用点。Wordsas the matter stands, moneyZenme of resurrectingteammatewere enough.
这样一来的话,复活队友的钱怎么来说都足够了。Said that is also skillful, canreceivethisworkalsoto depend on time these information that sells the divine tool, thenhas the opportunityto contact.
The work of thisemployment, is the assist employersuccessfullytransfers the duty, the paymentpattern that originallyreached an agreementwas the prepayment50,000, transferred the dutysuccessfullyto pay100,000.
这个雇佣的活儿,就是协助雇主成功转职,本来谈好的付款模式是先付五万,转职成功付十万。However the goattried every means to persuadeto strive for the sum totalprepay, but, the risk was also very big, once the opposite partytransferred the dutyfailure, the universe point that not only need 450,000pay in advancedrew backcompletely, but alsowantedto compensate300,000universe pointsadditionallyagain.
但是山羊好说歹说争取到了全额预付,但是,风险也很大,一旦对方转职失败的话,不仅要将四十五万预支的通用点全部退回来,还要额外再赔上三十万通用点。Seemed likethiswork to solveurgent matter, but was actually worksverycareful that shethinks saying:
看起来这个活儿应该是解了燃眉之急了,不过欧米却是做事十分小心的那种,她想了想道:„Takes carry backweto study the completematerial, somedetailthingsmustravel, sometimes the trapon the hiddenis often one of them.”
“把全部资料都拿回来我们研究一下,还有一些细节性的东西必须要弄明白,有的时候陷阱往往就隐藏在其中呢。”Fang Linyanexpressedoneselfsupportview, the goatactuallysomewhatcannot get out of the wayat this time, works as the middle coursein the teamchanneldirectly:方林岩表示自己支持欧米的说法,山羊此时却是有些走不开,直接在团队频道当中道:„Thisworknowisverymarketable, if not forourstrengthsare good, andthere is an arctic circleto helpendorse, but alsoreallycannot attain, but the employeralsoonlygaveusonehour of consideration, obsoletedoes not wait.”
“这个活儿现在还是很抢手的,若不是我们的实力还算行,并且有北极圈帮忙背书,还真拿不到,不过雇主也只给了我们一个小时的时间考虑,过时不候。”Nods saying:
欧米点点头道:„Thisis only the marketingtechnique of mostfoundation, wemustcalm down should not be anxious, Iwantfirstto know that the employeriswhatstatus.”
The goatsaid:
山羊道:„Employerisbreedshunting , the occupationis a master, simultaneouslyisonebyselection, and is very been also highbyinternalrating of selection, achieved the Arank!”
“雇主是个殖猎者,职业是法师,同时还是一名被选中者,并且在被选中者的内部评级也很高,达到了A的级别!”Fang Linyansaidcuriously:方林岩好奇道:„How manyyourby the selectionrankis?”
“C。”Considering thatgoatwas selected the techniqueis the languagethoroughly understands, thereforehas not really put in great inconvenience tohimwith the Cappraisal.
欧米道:„Thispersonhas the occupation, thenthistimewastworevolutions?”
The goatsaid:
山羊道:„Shouldbethis, the accuracy of thisanswershouldbe90%.”
“应该是这样,这个答案的正确率应该是90%。”Nods saying:
欧米点点头道:„Whichworldthenhedoes wantto go to transfer the duty? Howcanguarantee that ourthesebystanderscanenter a worldwithit?”
The goatsaid:
山羊道:„Worldsecurity that mustenterspecifically, but the opposite partyalsogives forewarning, the difficulty of the world is high, will not be lower than the goldenbranchdifficultyabsolutely.”
“具体要进入的世界保密,但是对方也有言在先,世界的难度非常高,绝对不会低于黄金支线难度。”„As formode of entry, thendid not needusto take the trouble, the opposite partyhad a itemnamedark, after the use, evencantake into the middle of the dutyworldin the middle of the temporaryteammemberstogether.”
“至于进入方式,则是不用我们费心了,对方拥有一件叫做方舟的道具,使用以后甚至能将临时团队当中的成员都一起带进任务世界当中去。”At this point, hein the middle of the teamchannel, shouldexchangewith others:
说到这里,他在团队频道当中顿了顿,应该是在和其余的人进行交流:„Alsoisperson who carries is also the premiserequests, breedinghunting foris a threshold, is lower thanthisrankis unable to enter- Naturally, Ithought that thisrequest is actually the personal work that teamincrease, thought that such highpriceasked the promisorto owe.”
“不过也是携带的人也是前提要求的,殖猎者乃是门槛,低于这个级别的无法进入--当然,我觉得这个要求其实是那个团队自己添加的私活,觉得这么高的价格请契约者太亏。”„In addition, anycombatant, will provide the value5000universe points the supplies, includingmedicineandfoodwait/etc.”
欧米道:„Asks that whatwedo wantto makespecifically?”
The goatsaid:
山羊道:„In fact, itsrevolution of dutydutywecould not meddle, andneededthispersonto facealone. Ilistened to a generalflow, shouldbe the opposite partywill enterin the middle ofsomebuildingor the vestige. Wecannot evenfollow.”
“事实上,其转职任务我们是插手不了的,并且也需要这个人单独面对。我听了一下大概的流程,应该是对方会进入某个建筑物或者遗迹当中。我们甚至都不能跟随进去。”„The matter that wemusthandle is also very simple, perseveressometimeinsomeassigningplace, orstallsseveralattackson the line, the opposite party ensure and so on, cannotleavecertainlyotherwiseat the scene.”
“我们要做的事情也很简单,在某个指定的地方坚守一定时间,或者说挡住几次进攻就行,对方保证不是绝地之类的,否则的话可以当场走人。”Fang Linyanandlookedone, then the slight nod, feelsthisdutyat leastcurrently speaking, has not lookedto havewhatpit.方林岩和欧米对望了一眼,然后微微点头,觉得这个任务至少就目前来说,还是没看出来有什么坑的。Said:
紧接着欧米道:„An issue, arctic circlegroup of people?”
The goatlaughs saying:
山羊哈哈一笑道:„Theynaturallymustgo, byme. Thishiredpersonreachestwenty, is primarilynamedthorncrown a team, that ifwetheyunitewith the arctic circle, is the population'ssecondmany, naturally, our priceaffirmationsandtheyare different, Iheard that the person of thorncrownowed the opposite party very bigfavor, thereforeishalfvoluntaryhelp.”
“他们当然要去的,就在我旁边呢。这一次被雇佣的人多达二十几个,以一个叫做荆棘冠的团队为主,我们若是与北极圈他们联合的那,那么是人数第二多的,当然,咱们这个价格肯定和他们是不一样的,我听说荆棘冠的人是欠了对方很大人情,所以是半义务帮忙的。”„Right, a matter, in the middle ofcarrying out the combat process of duty, allfallingbelong tous, but ifthisfallsweto intendto sell, then the employerhas the firstpurchasepower, under the same conditionmustsell tohim.”
“对了,还有一件事,在执行任务的战斗过程当中,所有的掉落都归我们所有,但是如果这掉落我们有意出售的话,那么雇主有优先采购权,同等条件下必须卖给他。”Heard the opposite partyto considerthesedetails, Fang Linyansmiledto saydirectly:
听到了对方连这些细节都考虑到了,方林岩就直接笑了起来道:„Arctic circlethatfellowis astute, has the words his dognose of whatriskdefinitely to smell, haswords that hejoins, canfirstshield the larger part the risk.”
“北极圈那家伙精明得很,有什么风险的话他那狗鼻子肯定能嗅出来,有他加入的话,就能先屏蔽掉一大半的风险了。”Ishesitates saying:
欧米则是沉吟道:„Has the words of arctic circle, thenmustconsider other risk.”
“有北极圈的话,则是要考虑另外的一个风险。”Fang Linyansaid:方林岩道:„Yousaid,heknowsourteamnet worthis rich, thereforemakes the gameto come the pitwithotherswe?”
“你是说,他知道我们队伍身家丰厚,所以和别人一起做局来坑我们?”Nods saying:
欧米点点头道:„Yes, in the space, thismatter is really notanything, can docompared with this more virulentmatter.”
The goatsaidsuddenly:
山羊突然道:„ThispossibilityIhave also thought that butfeelsthisprojectto be ablefollowing, because the arctic circlewantsto make the words of bureau, will not find the thorncrownteam.”
“这个可能性我也想过,但还是觉得这个项目可以接下来,因为北极圈想要做局的话,是不会找到荆棘冠团队的。”Fang Linyanstrangesay/way:方林岩奇道:„What's wrong? Do both sideshave a grudge?”
The goathahasaid with a smile:
山羊哈哈笑道:„Right, couple days agohad the partnerto drawmeto go to the liquorbureau, met the arctic circleon the liquorbureauexactly, thisfellowstartsto complaininchatting, saidoneselfentered the spaceto run intomanyhonored people, naturallyenemyalsoseveral, madehisimpressiondeepestthatbastardto be called the spannerbut the pithemost ruthlessfellowwas the viper.”
“没错,前几天有个合作伙伴拉我去了个酒局,在酒局上恰好就遇到了北极圈,这家伙在闲聊的时候就就开始吐槽,说自己进了空间遇到了不少贵人,当然仇家也有几个,其中让他印象最深那个王八蛋叫做扳手而坑他最狠的家伙就是蝰蛇。”„Saidonewhile convenient, the viperisthorncrownteaminsideassistant regimental commander.”
“顺带说一句,蝰蛇就是荆棘冠团队里面的副团长哦。”Heard the goat saying that the corners of the mouth of Fang Linyan were also onpulled, has not really thought that in the pastand an arctic circlewar, madehimkeep the soprofoundimpressionunexpectedly.
After listened, nods, said:
欧米听了之后也点点头,道:„Good, thatthisdutywemet!”
***Within a half hour,
The atmosphere of teamis especially dignified,
The goatdumbfoundedall of a sudden, mouthinsidelooks likeXianglinsaosuchmuttered:
山羊一下子就呆住了,嘴巴里面就像是祥林嫂那样的喃喃道:„Iam really silly.”
“我真傻,真的.”Complexionverysomewhatis also ugly, only has the Fang Linyanfacial expressionto be slightly good, actuallyalsoonly to smile bitterly saying:
欧米脸色也很是有些难看,只有方林岩的神情稍微好一点,却也只能苦笑道:„No wonderis willingto be willingto draw cash, expensive/noblehas the reason.”
“难怪肯舍得拿钱出来,贵是有原因的啊。”Threepeopleturned intothisat this time, is actually becausesigned the correspondingcontractafter the opposite party, knows that protectsconcreteworld that thatfellowmustgo toimpressivelyis the three-countryworld!
Also hasa series ofcollateral terms, for examplebefore the contractfinished, cannotmakeany influence on transferring the matter of dutyprogress, otherwisenot only need take back the commission, but must deduct moneywait/etcadditionally, buttheseare the properprovisions, nothing more to be said.
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