FE :: Volume #13

#1485: Determination

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Chapter 1483 determines 第1483章判定 Naturally, Tan Sitong's rise historically also has a view: 当然,谭嗣同的崛起在历史上还有一种说法: Mutual trust that-based beforehand the successful cooperation and builds up, the emerging bourgeoisie headed by Qiao chose Tan Sitong, after both sides unify, Tan Sitong also therefore becomes the republican father. 基于之前的成功合作和建立起来的互信,以乔家为首的新兴资产阶级选择了谭嗣同,双方结合以后,谭嗣同也是因此而成为了共和之父。 But he actually gave up the opportunity of becoming Republic of China's first president, but is supports among historical last Wuxu six gentleman Kang Guangren- why as for is not famous Kang Youwei. Tan Sitong when drinks wine with the Qiao two master private talks one time said very clearly: 但他却放弃了成为民国第一任大总统的机会,而是支持历史上戊戌六君子当中的康广仁-至于为什么不是大名鼎鼎的康有为。谭嗣同在有一次与乔家二爷密谈饮酒的时候说得很清楚: Kang Nanhai( promising) was more profit-centered, and his body, did not have the bearing that Guangren's that went to generously.” “康南海(有为)过于功利了一些,并且他的身上,并没有广仁的那种慷慨赴死的气度。” In this empire big change end in the middle of the bureau, the results of many people quite cause sigh, for example Li Gongzhang was detecting Qing government's real destiny completely, the auspicious emperor has had the dusk to incur in the even/including, after the imperial decree the BJ city cannot go out, he also conspires to proclaim oneself emperor. 在这帝国大变的末局当中,有很多人的结局还是比较令人叹息的,比如李宫彰在发觉了清廷真的气数已尽,祺祥皇帝在连出昏招,圣旨连BJ城都出不去以后,他也同样密谋称帝。 It is a pity that this time popular sentiment had reversed to thoroughly republican, therefore after old Li proclaims oneself emperor, only insisted 100 days abdicate the throne, then suffered the major imperial inspectors to besiege, the subordinate analyzed to collapse, is deserted by friends and allies. 遗憾的是,这时候的民心已经彻底倒向了共和,因此老李称帝之后只坚持了一百天就逊位,然后遭受到了各大督抚围攻,部下分析崩溃,众叛亲离。 Is good is also trims one's sails because of old Li quickly, drops promptly, publishes an open telegram nationwide to retire, having the wealth that this whole life is collecting to settle down in the Shanghai foreign settlement, and oneself managed a newspaper, lived in 1922, was drank to the dregs the world riches and honor. 好在老李也是见风使舵很快,及时放手,通电全国下野,带着这辈子搜集到的财富定居于上海租界,并且自己办了一家报纸,足足活到了1922年,也算是享尽了人间富贵。 Zheng depends upon using Nagasaki blackmails the advantage that the Japanese government obtains to come ruthlessly, flees rapidly, fished many advantage, but Zheng and his son handled affairs in high-profile manner, therefore was sent people to assassinate by the Japanese government finally, Zheng was also therefore analyzed collapse Li. 郑家依靠利用长崎狠狠敲诈日本政府得来的好处,迅速窜起,捞到了不少好处,只是郑家父子行事过于高调,因此最后被日本政府派人暗杀,郑家也是因此分析崩离。 The cayenne mister has not gone back on word, five and Li three gave Zheng the king, therefore two people achieved the careful care success to live. 卡宴先生并没有食言,将王五和李三交给了郑家,因此两人得到了精心的照料成功活了下来。 After breaking king five returning to homeland of arm, became aware the truth of harmony of nature and man. 断臂的王五回国之后,悟到了天人合一的道理。 In his hands, the braid can be a blade, the palm can be a blade, the chopsticks can be a blade, even one cup of tea can also be the blades, in addition it among relations with Tan Sitong, therefore becomes the eminent leader of domestic Martial arts unclearly. 在他手中,辫子可以是刀,手掌可以是刀,筷子可以是刀,甚至一杯茶水也可以是刀,外加其与谭嗣同之间的关系,因此隐然成为了国内武术界的翘楚领军人物。 Li three after being treated and cured, only preserved a leg eventually, after another leg cuts away, uses the wooden leg to replace, walking is also lamely, a qing gong of grandmaster rank will be discarded from now on. 李三在被救治之后,终究也只保住了一条腿,另外一条腿切掉以后用木腿所代替,走路也是一瘸一拐,一身宗师级别的轻功自此被废掉。 However, Li three actually also wanted to remain in limelight, trains hard a marksmanship of every shot hits the target! Swallow Li three turned into god spear/gun Li three, before the help of case and stain under acting alone big robber under Tan Sitong and Qiao, was washed a cleanness directly. 但是,李三却也不甘寂寞,苦练出了一手百发百中的枪法!燕子李三变成了神枪李三,之前独行大盗犯下的案子和污点在谭嗣同和乔家的帮忙下,被直接洗了个干净。 Qiao Jia confirmed after reckless Zhiyun passed away, then peucedamum Zhiyun will take in the stock of Qiao, established a firm that is called reckless Qiao record, placed under Qiao to operate, Li three and king entered 30% in reckless Qiao record, guarded shipments of goods for reckless Qiao record. 乔家确认了胡芝云去世以后,便将之前胡芝云在乔家的股份拿了出来,成立了一家叫做胡乔记的商行,放在了乔家下面运作,李三和王五两人就在胡乔记里面入了30%股,为胡乔记走镖。 But reckless Qiao record ownership person, is reckless Zhiyun posthumous child, by a female who wears the red clothes brings, does not need what drop of blood to acknowledge as relatives, only looked that the appearance and reckless Zhiyun have 89 image formations. 而胡乔记的归属人,则是胡芝云的遗腹子,由一名身穿红衣的女子携来的,根本就不用什么滴血认亲,只看外貌和胡芝云就有八九成像。 After Li Ju returns to homeland, by the powerful strength of a cut above the rest, was crawled to teach the position of vice- founder by him unexpectedly fragrant, if given time, even the position of founder is also easily attainable. 李沮回国以后,凭借高人一等的强大实力,居然被他爬到了香教副教主的位置,假以时日,甚至连教主之位也是垂手可得的。 But at this time, the fragrance taught actually also to violate the big taboo, came from the influences in various aspects to regard as the enemy, suffered suppressed all-around kills, Li Ju broke through a tight encirclement by the tyrannical strength, but arrogant he declined the king five, after Li three detaining, travelling to the east Japan becomes the guest official of Zheng. 但这时候,香教却也犯了大忌讳,被来自各方面的势力都视为敌人,遭受到了全方位剿杀,李沮凭借自身强横的实力杀出重围,但高傲的他回绝了王五,李三的挽留之后,东渡日本成为了郑家的客卿。 Li Ju in a Tokyo prime minister official mansion war, suffered the irreversible malignant internal injury eventually, this is in the middle of the Shintoism big lawsuit makes a move to create personally, he travels to the east Japan also to actually solve the hidden danger in body. 李沮在东京首相官邸一战当中,终究还是遭受到了不可逆转的恶性内伤,这是神道教当中的大官司亲自出手造成的,他东渡日本其实也是为了解决自己身体内的隐患。 However shortly after people are just the victims of fate, Li Ju travels to the east, met the Japanese government to cope with Zheng comprehensively, therefore supported for five years later, the wound sent to pass away. 但是造化弄人,李沮东渡之后不久,就遇到了日本政府全面对付郑家,所以支撑了五年之后,伤发而去世。 In final of these scenes, Fang Linyan saw Tan Sitong, Uncle Qiao Jia, the king five and the others, gathered on a Yellow River stage, the back of this stage, was the continuous martyrs'cemetery. 在这些景象的最后,方林岩看到了谭嗣同,乔家大爷,王五等人,聚集在了黄河旁边的一处高台上面,这座高台的背后,就是连绵不绝的烈士陵园。 On the stage is hanging the banner placed in front, some people both eyes with tears, throw over the hemp to wear mourning clothes, are scattering the paper money, is shouting loudly the soul the return. 高台上面挂着招魂幡,一干人都双目含泪,披麻戴孝,撒着纸钱,高呼着魂兮归来。 Everything in the martyr who the Sino-Japanese War of 1894 lays down one's life, was buried this cemetery, is enjoying corresponding offering sacrifice. 凡是在中日甲午战争当中捐躯的烈士,都被埋入到了这一处的陵园当中,享受着相应的享祭。 But before this is also Fang Linyan, has told their desire personally. 而这也是方林岩之前亲口告诉过他们的愿望。 At this time desire to become true, in the hearts of these people, reckless Zhiyun is eternal, but Tan Sitong they do not know, his destiny also because of running into reckless Zhiyun presented the comprehensive transformation!! 此时愿望成真,在这些人的心中,胡芝云已是永恒,而谭嗣同他们也不知道,自身的命运也是因为遇到了胡芝云而出现了全面的转变!! *** *** Looks scenes that this presents, in the heart of Fang Linyan also has mixed emotions. 看着这出现的一幕幕景象,方林岩的心中也是百感交集。 He has not expected oneself this butterfly wing, unexpectedly can start the like this giant storm! 他也未曾料到自己这只蝴蝶翅膀,居然能掀起如许巨大的风暴! In the final analysis, oneself stake everything on a single throw of the dice, displays the ceremony in the middle of the Japanese prime minister's official residence, controlled old Li, then executes Lianying, a series of chain-reactions that Cixi has. 归根结底,还是自己孤注一掷,在日本首相官邸当中施展仪式,控制了老李,进而诛莲英,罢慈禧产生的一系列连锁反应。 Then, on the retina of Fang Linyan sprang a series of handwriting: 接下来,方林岩的视网膜上弹出了一连串的字迹: Breeds hunting for CD8492116, the Sino-Japanese War of 1894 wins to come to an end by China finally! You the progress bar China ranked first, therefore obtained the following choice.” “殖猎者CD8492116号,中日甲午战争最终以中国获胜告终!你在中国这边的进度条高居第一,因此获得了如下选择。” A: Gains the normal reward, then returns to this world.” “A:获取正常奖励,然后回归本世界。” B: Gains the first special reward, but will reward normally is eliminated, will then return to this world.” “B:获取第一名的特殊奖励,但是正常奖励将会被剥夺,然后回归本世界。” Warned: This world is the special variation world, will therefore not have the passing through subtotal.” “警告:本世界乃是特殊变异世界,所以并不会拥有过关小结。” After these showing sprang, Fang Linyan chose B without hesitation, he does not come to the goal of resurrecting teammate? The normal reward gets the hell out. 这些说明弹出了之后,方林岩毫不犹豫的选择了B,他不就冲着复活队友的目的来的吗?正常奖励滚蛋去吧。 Goes luminously after gradually, Fang Linyan heard in the middle of the darkness to broadcast a vigorous sound suddenly: 光亮渐去之后,方林岩突然听到了黑暗当中传来了一个浑厚的声音: Can complete! My descendants.” “做得好!我的子孙。” After Fang Linyan heard this sound, in the heart spilled over one type to admire the mood to come unexpectedly, but this sound sounded in the dignity, unexpectedly did not have completely the kind feeling, he understands immediately the status of this sound, said immediately: 方林岩听到了这声音之后,心中居然泛出了一种高山仰止的情绪来,而这声音听起来在威严当中,居然还有无尽的亲切感觉,他立即就明白了这个声音的身份,立即道: I, although from another world, but the black eye, the yellow skin, body inside bloodlines actually cannot change, all these are not anything, should do as the descendants of Yan & Yellow Emperors.” “我虽然来自另外一个世界,但黑色的眼睛,黄色的皮肤,身体里面的血脉却是改变不了的,这一切都不算什么,都是身为炎黄子孙应该做的。” Hehe hehe.” “呵呵呵呵.” That sound frank laughed. 那声音爽朗的大笑了起来。 Merit must enjoy, must punish, this is to maintain the clansman cohesive force the basic maxim, where regardless of you come, so long as is the descendants of Yan & Yellow Emperors, for own nationality made enough contribution. The thing that then earns will not be short of the half a point.” “功必赏,过必罚,这是维系族人凝聚力的基本准则,无论你来自己何方,但只要是炎黄子孙,为了自己的民族做出了足够的贡献。那么应得的东西就不会少了半分。” After this sound said that the Fang Linyan front floated a faint yellow light group, then stayed his palm, on his retina presented the prompt immediately: 这声音说完了之后,方林岩的前方就飘来了一个淡黄色的光团,然后停留到了他的手心当中,他的视网膜上立即出现了提示: Breeds hunting for CD8492116, you successfully obtained the special energy: The strength of Yan and Huang, by this energy, you can pay 80 ~ 1.3 million universe points prices resurrect a teammate, but, this teammate must have descendants of Yan & Yellow Emperors' bloodlines, and cannot be thin.” “殖猎者CD8492116号,你成功获得了特殊能量:炎黄之力,凭借此能量,伱可以付出80~130万通用点的代价复活一名队友,但是,这名队友必须拥有炎黄子孙的血脉,并且不能过于稀薄。” After seeing this prompt, in heart of Fang Linyan excited, is excited. 看到了这提示之后,方林岩的心中既是激动,又是兴奋。 However after he looked, on the face appeared actually smiled bitterly. Because he has not thought absolutely, this resurrecting teammate also has two major premises unexpectedly. 不过当他看完了之后,脸上浮现出来的却是苦笑.因为他万万都没有想到,这复活队友居然还有两大前提。 If nothing else, this universe point really wants deactivation individual at present! 别的不说,这通用点目前就真的要卡死个人! Needs to have descendants of Yan & Yellow Emperors' bloodlines, but looks at meaning, seems the person of mixed blood also good? 还有就是需要拥有炎黄子孙的血脉,不过看这其中的意思,似乎混血儿也行? Therefore, Fang Linyan had the question immediately: 所以,方林岩立即发出了疑问: I currently do not have enough universe point, and concrete resurrecting teammate must consider, therefore special energy: How long can the term of validity of strength of Yan and Huang is, carry this world?” “我目前没有足够的通用点,并且具体复活队友也要进行斟酌,所以特殊能量:炎黄之力的有效期是多久,能携带出本世界吗?” He obtained the reply immediately: 他立即就获得了回复: Special energy: The strength of Yan and Huang can be carried in the middle of Noa space, but this energy may have the conflict with other adventurous world but invalid, therefore suggested after returning, uses before the experience next adventurous world.” “特殊能量:炎黄之力可以被携带回诺亚空间当中,但是此能量与其余的冒险世界有可能产生冲突而无效化,所以建议回归后在经历下一个冒险世界之前使用。” Fang Linyan nods, pursues asks: 方林岩点点头,追问道: „Are the descendants of Yan & Yellow Emperors bloodlines that the teammate has what degree thin are?” “请问队友拥有的炎黄子孙血脉过于稀薄是什么程度?” The reply is also following: 回复也是随之而来: „The descendants of Yan & Yellow Emperors bloodlines content of resurrected person cannot be less than 1 / 4, said is, at least in grandparent among grandfather grandmother, has the complete descendants of Yan & Yellow Emperors bloodlines to be good.” “被复活的人的炎黄子孙血脉含量不能少于1/4,也就说是,至少在爷爷奶奶外公外婆当中,有一位拥有完整的炎黄子孙血脉才行。” Fang Linyan continues to closely examine: 方林岩继续追问: Why the universe point of consumption does not have the specific digit, but in sector range?” “消耗的通用点为什么没有具体数字,而是在区间范围内?” Reply rapid emergence: 回复迅速出现: Resurrecting different people, the universe point of consumption is not definitely same, after all returns to original state its equipment, the ability, the energy of consumption varies. A little is very important, once some equipment of resurrected person were exploded, and screened out from the bloody key, is unable to return to original state.” “复活不同的人,肯定耗费的通用点也不相同,毕竟还原其身上的装备,能力,耗费的能量各异。还有一点很重要,被复活的人身上的某件装备一旦是被爆掉并且从血腥钥匙里面被抽走了,那么就无法还原了。” Such illustration is also very clear, Fang Linyan also has no question. 这样的解说也是非常清晰,方林岩也就没有什么疑问。 The thing that since wants has attained, Fang Linyan deep inspiration, crossed in the mind the experience in the middle of this world. 既然想要到手的东西已经拿到,方林岩深深的吸了一口气,在脑海当中重新过了一遍自己在本世界当中的经历。 The kings five, Li three, Li Ju, Huo Master and the others as if stood in oneself front, is smiling to 王五,李三,李沮,霍师傅等人仿佛都站在了自己的面前,对着自己微笑 In addition, Fang Linyan detected oneself have many thing that wants to investigate not to have the energy to obtain: 除此之外,方林岩发觉自己还是有很多想要调查的东西却没有精力获得: For example which Guangxu went to this milestone, the person who Li Lianying should be able to untie this riddle topic directly, only pitifully Fang Linyan radically not with opportunity that it had to do- took possession , on Li Gongzhang does not calculate. 比如说光绪去哪儿了这个里程碑,李莲英应该是能直接解开这个谜题的人,只可惜方林岩根本就没有与之打交道的机会-附体在李宫彰身上的时候不算。 Is Tan Sitong the riddle of crossing over, Fang Linyan similarly also with it just missing, two person relations are too ripe, instead was not good to get angry, he cannot take the tool rest on Tan brother's neck, making his honest roll-call matter confess clearly? 还有谭嗣同是不是穿越者的谜团,方林岩同样也是与之失之交臂,两个人关系太熟,反而不好翻脸了,他总不能拿刀架在谭兄的脖子上,让他老实点将事情交代清楚吧? Fang Linyan thought of the oriental cherry, this enemy gives his hugeness of pressure, is really always the institute only sees. 紧接着,方林岩又想到了樱花,这个敌人给他的压力之巨大,实在是平生所仅见的。 Oriental cherry person endures, unruly, sharp, the terrifying of its explosive force, Fang Linyan really feels ashamed of one's inferiority! 樱花这个人坚忍,桀骜,锐利,其爆发力之恐怖,方林岩真的是自愧不如! Pursues Fang Linyan time, displayed the pinnacle tenaciously. 追击方林岩的时候,更是将顽强发挥到了极致。 If not for oneself occupied the beneficial conditions of timeliness , favorable geographical conditions , and unity and coordination of the people, it is estimated that is really ten dies not fresh. 若不是自己占据了天时地利人和,估计真的是十死无生。 Moreover, left a tail to get down on the body of oriental cherry, Fang Linyan was also very curious, was actually that Pantheon what? 不仅如此,在樱花的身上还留了一条尾巴下来,方林岩也很好奇,那万神殿究竟是什么呢? But he thinks finally, was scarlet Ji, the time that two people were together although was not long, was Fang Linyan is very clear: This female all passionate sentiments unretentive gave to itself, in his heart gushed out the feeling of bearing a sense of guilt suddenly. 而他最后想到的,则是赤姬了,两人相处的时间虽然不长,可是方林岩却很清楚:这个女子将所有炽热的感情都毫无保留的献给了自己,他的心中忽然涌出了负疚的感觉。 But now he himself is in a precarious state, possibly dies in the middle of the adventurous world momentarily , is very clear to have no leeway to discuss the sentiment, can only in the heart say silently was sorry. 但现在他自己都是朝不保夕,随时都可能死在冒险世界当中,却也很清楚自己根本没有什么余地来谈感情,只能在心中默默的说一声抱歉了。 At this time, Fang Linyan detected oneself held the light yellow colored light group in palm to concentrate gradually, finally changed to the middle of azure to have the seed of yellow streak, inside contains a magic beyond description. 这时候,方林岩发觉自己捧在手心里面的淡黄色光团已经渐渐浓缩,最后化作了一枚青色当中有着黄色斑纹的种子,里面蕴藏着一股难以形容的神奇力量。 This should be the strength of Yan and Huang has the present appearance. 这应该就是炎黄之力具现化的样子了。 Yan Di Shen Nong, to treat the folk illness tastes all various grassy plants, therefore its strength measuring instrument melts presently is such a seed, Fang Linyan in the hand even thought that its has own body temperature and heartbeat, but also is pulsating slightly. 炎帝神农氏,为治民间疾患尝遍百草,因此其力量具现化出来就是这么一颗种子,方林岩拿在手里面甚至觉得其有着自己的体温和心跳似的,还在微微的搏动着。 After attaining this seed, Fang Linyan also obtained the prompt: 拿到了这一枚种子之后,方林岩也是获得了提示: „The strength of Yan and Huang has stabilized, formed the type of Yan and Huang, whether you must return to the middle of your Noa space.” “炎黄之力已经稳定,形成了炎黄之种,你是否要返回自己的诺亚空间当中。” Fang Linyan chose is, then started 30 seconds of countdown. 方林岩选择了是之后,便开始了三十秒倒计时。 When this settles down, on the retina of Fang Linyan sprang the related news suddenly again: 就在这尘埃落定的时候,方林岩的视网膜上突然再次弹出了相关的消息: You have speculated, the death in this world really did not die, can actually reverse?” “你是不是早就推测到,在本世界内的死亡并非是真死,其实是可以逆转的?” Fang Linyan stares, at once knows this issue is, he who Mobius mark raises hesitated evil ways: 方林岩一愣,旋即就知道这个问题乃是莫比乌斯印记提出来的了,他沉吟了一下道: Actually from enters this world the time, I had such guess, I recommend the Xuanyuan by my blood the frigid degree of this world, can imagine, but the space will not let the duty that we carry out to die, we are also the space wealth.” “其实从一进本世界的时候,我就有了这样的猜测,我以我血荐轩辕啊本世界的惨烈程度,是可以想象得到的,但空间却不会让我们去执行必死的任务啊,我们也是空间的财富呢。” Then I entered the world to obtain an information, therefore then deepened the later corresponding judgment.” “然后我进入世界就获得了一条信息,于是便加深了之后的相应判断。” This information is: The second edition of declaration, almost used the larger part length to say a matter, that was in Li Gongzhang Li Zhongtang family/home threw a picture: The eye rescues mother map continually.” “这条信息就是:申报的第二版,差不多用了一大半的篇幅在说一件事,那就是李宫彰李中堂家里丢了一副画:目连救母图。” This matter made at that time is well-known, in the material that but collects in me does not have, explained that this is the standard surface exclusive event, I placed on this matter the heart henceforward.” “这件事当时闹得乃是家喻户晓,可是在我搜集的资料里面没有,说明这是本位面的专属事件,自此以后我就将这件事放在了心上。” At this point, Fang Linyan does not know that remembered anything, slightly sighs: 说到这里,方林岩也不知道是想起了什么事情,微微的叹了一口气道: „What is funniest, after I had seen Li Gongzhang, at that time tried to prove this matter to his son personally, but, Li eldest son said that this is the baseless and irrational concoctions!” “但是最好笑的是,我当时见过李宫彰之后亲口对他的儿子求证了这件事,可是,李大少爷却说这是胡编乱造的!” At that time I carry Li Residence that the reputation of saving Li Gongzhang enters, Li eldest son Li Jingshu is not has the plans to have the city mansion person, he is not certainly worthwhile must conceal anything!” “当时我携着拯救了李宫彰的名声进的李府,李大少爷李经述也不是什么有心机有城府的人,他当然犯不着要隐瞒什么!” „The person in Li Residence denied one personally in the national much-quoted news, was this matter very strange?” “李府的人亲口否认一条在全国广为流传的消息,这件事岂不是很怪异吗?” This can only explain a matter, this much-quoted news, is actually only an important news that the space leaks intentionally, the goal is to let all space soldiers grasps this information meaning.” “这就只能说明一件事了,这条广为流传的消息,其实只是空间故意漏出来的一条重要消息而已,目的就是让所有的空间战士把握这条情报其中的含义。” However the core of this information, is that ficticious eye rescues mother map continually! The eye rescues the female story to spread continually broadly, its meaning is, an eye of even/including as one of ten big disciples Buddha reveres, is all-resourceful, to save mother , can only the body enter the hell.” “而这条情报的核心,就是那一副子虚乌有的目连救母图!目连救母的故事流传极广,其含义是,目连身为佛尊的十大弟子之一,何等神通广大,但是为了拯救母亲,也只能身入地狱。” Then this back meaning also was very obvious, our these outcomers similarly were also all-resourceful, similarly also to save to be in the middle of the hell teammate, then must achieve own goal, must penetrate the hell, otherwise, in any event artificially was also futile!” “那么这背后的意思却也很明显了啊,我们这些外来者同样也是神通广大,同样也是为了拯救身在地狱当中的队友,那么要达成自己的目标,就得深入地狱,否则的话,无论如何做作也是徒劳无功!” After understanding these materials, my heart inside assurance at least had 70%, dies for own nationality in this world, attains the rigid premise of strength of Yan and Huang, you do not have, for own clansman was determined without regarding own safety, then does not certainly match to have the strength of this powerful bringing back to life.” “在了解到这些资料之后,我心里面的把握都至少有了70%,在本世界当中为了自己的民族而死,就是拿到炎黄之力的硬性前提,你没有为了自己的族人舍生忘死的决心,那么当然就不配拥有这强大的起死回生的力量。”
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