FE :: Volume #13

#1477: Hopeless situation

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Chapter 1475 hopeless situation 第1475章绝境 Cixi dies, that definitely is the government shock, the history of entire Qing dynasty will move toward will also certainly change beyond all recognition. 慈禧一死,那肯定是官场剧震,整个清代的历史走向也必将面目全非。 Regarding this Fang Linyan also gives up directly, he determined after Cixi had died, then cut off among the contact with Li Gongzhang very much simply. 对此方林岩也是直接撒手不管,他确定慈禧已经死掉之后,便很干脆的切断了与李宫彰之间的联系。 Then Fang Linyan had a strange weightlessness feeling, as if the whole person had turned into the condition of jumping from an upper story suddenly, rapid falls toward under falls. 然后方林岩就产生了一股诡异的失重感,仿佛整个人都已经突然变成了跳楼的状态,迅速的朝着下方摔落。 Suddenly, his whole body shakes, felt oneself returned in the middle of the body, after passing through the short having a dizzy spell feeling, Fang Linyan restored to the control of own body, was shocked. 忽然之间,他浑身一震,就感觉自己重新回到了身体当中,经过了短暂的头晕目眩感之后,方林岩重新恢复了对自己身体的掌控,然后就惊呆了。 At this time his side, everywhere is the brick bat rubble, and is filling the irritating the nose gunsmoke! Even on nearby wall presented the palm of the hand wide fissure! 此时他的身边,已经到处都是砖块瓦砾,并且充满着刺鼻的硝烟!甚至旁边的墙壁上都出现了巴掌宽的裂痕! Moreover, is lying down a person in side, covered with blood, can only look at its facial expression vaguely, is Master Huo, in his hand still tight is gripping own long stick, and eye opens. 不仅如此,在旁边还躺着一个人,血肉模糊,只能依稀看出来其脸容,乃是霍师傅,他的手里依然紧紧的攥着自己的长棍,并且眼睛是睁开的。 However, the aura of life has dissipated from his body directly. 但是,生命的气息已经从他的身上直接消逝了。 Master Huo died in battle!!! 霍师傅战死!!! During Fang Linyan has not shocked from this gets back, fierce heard a loudly loud sound!! The entire wall is shaking fiercely, even on the ceiling starts rustle to fall a lot of sandy soil. 就在方林岩还没有从这震撼当中恢复过来的时候,猛的就听到了一声轰然巨响!!整个墙壁都在剧烈震荡,甚至天花板上都开始簌簌掉落下来大量的沙土。 This is. Bombing? Lying trough!!” “这是.炮击?卧槽!!” Fang Linyan realized immediately is not right, where do oneself choose the place that hides is? The conference building in prime minister official mansion! 方林岩立即就意识到了不对劲,自己选择躲藏的地方是哪里?首相官邸的会议楼啊! Under normal circumstances, how does the Japanese army dare to handle this matter? Thinks that what the US forces do conduct the consequence of bombing to the Pentagon are? 在正常情况下,日本军队怎么敢做这种事情?想一想美军对五角大楼进行炮击的后果是什么? Was good because of this time, has welled up several people from outside totteringly, Fang Linyan dumbfounded immediately, to the guy who that whole body was bathed in blood was the king five, however his blade!! His right hand? 好在这时候,从外面已经跌跌撞撞的涌进来了几个人,方林岩顿时呆住了,冲进来的那个浑身浴血的大汉是王五,但是他的刀呢!!他的右手呢? Carefully looks, the king five right arms have been cut off, and simultaneous/uniform elbow breaks, then carelessly tied up to stop bleeding with the white towel, but that white towel had completely lost the true colors, above was the big piece shocking black red! 仔细看去,王五的右臂都已经断掉了,并且还是齐肘而断,然后草草的用白毛巾捆绑了一下止血,而那根白毛巾已经完全失去了本色,上面是大片触目惊心的黑红色! King five left hand, then tight grabs a collar of person, forcefully will tow, this person similarly is also cut and bruised, and on the face also by the notch a big opening, he is not others, is Li three! 王五的左手,则是紧紧的抓着一个人的衣领,硬生生的将之拖了进来,这个人同样也是遍体鳞伤,并且脸上还被豁了一条大口子,他不是别人,正是李三! The key is, by Li who the qing gong grows perceptibly three, the both legs seemed like had discarded, the king five towed, the ground had a long bloodstain. 关键是,以轻功见长的李三,双腿看起来都已经废掉了,被王五拖进来的时候,地上都有了一条长长的血痕。 But Li three, when was towed the line, both hands and heads exhibit the condition of that drooping no use, seeming like not good. 而李三在被拖行的时候,双手和脑袋都是呈现出了那种无助的耷拉的状态,看起来也是已经不行了。 Saw so frigid one, the Fang Linyan blood wells up own top of the head all of a sudden, in the throat choked, he cannot imagine completely what happened. 见到如此惨烈的一幕,方林岩一下子鲜血都涌到了自己的头顶,嗓子眼里面都哽咽了,他更是完全不能想象发生了什么事情。 In his mind, oneself were also the soul put on a national capital, ghost upper body Li Gongzhang several minutes! 在他的印象里面,自己也就是魂穿了一趟京师,“鬼上身”了李宫彰几分钟的时间而已啊! But Fang Linyan detects at once is not right, because can see from the side slanting above fissure place, the weather entire is black, even can see several star light vaguely, although these star light were covered by gunsmoke quickly. 方林岩旋即就发觉了不对劲,因为从旁边斜上方的裂痕处就能见到,天色已经全黑了,甚至依稀能看到几点星光,虽然这几点星光很快就被一阵硝烟覆盖。 At this time the king five also sees Fang Linyan that arrives, his obvious relaxing, but at this time, kicked out a secretive shadow from his back darkness suddenly! A Ninja who seizes the opportunity to fire the unexpected blow suddenly! 此时王五也见到了站起来的方林岩,他明显的松了一口气,但就在这时候,从他背后的黑暗当中突然扑出了一道诡秘的影子!正是一名看准了机会突施冷箭的忍者! The key was this time king five right arms has broken, the left hand is also entraining Li of suffocation three, but also is turning away from this assassin, how to see is a bad risk matter. 关键是这时候的王五右臂已断,左手还拽着奄奄一息的李三,还背对着这名刺客,怎么看都是凶险至极的一件事啊。 Be careful!!” Fang Linyan could not have borne yell. “小心!!”方林岩已经忍不住大叫了出来。 But at this time, the king five had foresight unexpectedly, fierce one turned around! 可是在这时候,王五居然未卜先知似的,猛的就一个转身! Most made one that Fang Linyan stared dumbfounded appear, spat the letter/believes common surprise attack facing that Ninja as if poisonous snake, king five footsteps fine motions, this blade on being led far astray by a slight error scratched his chest to delimit. 紧接着,最令方林岩瞠目结舌的一幕出现了,面对那忍者仿佛毒蛇吐信一般的突袭,王五脚步微动,这一刀就差之毫厘的擦着他的胸口划了过去。 King 51 bow on to withstand/top, hit this Ninja lost the ability to act, fell toward slanting behind. 紧接着王五一记屈膝上顶,就将这忍者撞得失去了行动能力,朝着斜后方摔了过去。 When this Ninja fell 2-3 meters time, king five fierce shaking, if his braid quickly lightning general sweeping away, had passed over gently and swiftly the eyes of this Ninja, the blood light/only jumped to shoot immediately, could look at this eye to discard directly. 等到这忍者摔出去了2-3米的时候,王五猛的一甩头,他的辫子快若闪电一般的横扫而过,掠过了这名忍者的双眼,血光顿时迸射而出,看得出来这眼睛直接就已经废掉了。 King five this series of deals to be a long story, actually is also a spin body, a knee, then shakes, actually said strictly if quickly lightning, but his movement makes the passing clouds and flowing water, even if the height is close to one meter nine tall and strong guy, does to have an elegant aesthetic sense unexpectedly. 王五这一系列应对说来话长,其实也就是一个旋身,一顶膝,然后一甩头而已,其实严格的说起来快若闪电,但他的动作做得行云流水,哪怕是身高接近一米九的魁梧大汉,做出来居然有一种飘逸的美感。 This feeling said that is out of sorts very much, in fact looks like the NBA star player is close to two meters robust man, however Maitri's dry/does pulls out, Carter's certain slam dunks, Kobe latter supine, in addition stays in the air the movement looks has a silk slippery gently beautiful feeling, king five this time making a move, give similar experience. 这感觉说起来很违和,其实说白了就像是NBA的球星一个个都是接近两米的壮汉,但是麦迪的干拔,卡特的某些扣篮,科比的后仰,加上滞空动作看起来就有一种丝滑般柔美的感觉,王五此时的出手,就给人以类似的体验。 Two's common ground, was integrates the life a matter, the relapse of being repeatedly tempered has exercised, then added on the talent different to report the painstaking care of constructing crystallized! 二者的共同点,就是都将一件事融入到了生命当中,千锤百炼的反复锻炼过,然后再加上自身天赋异禀浇筑出来的心血结晶! Simple, this said!! 简单的来说,这就是道!! But witnessed king five after these acts time, in the Fang Linyan heart also had a clear(ly) to become aware: 而目睹了王五的这一次出手之后,方林岩心中也是产生了一种明悟: That is the king five after travelling to the east Japan, in life and death, in home country mood, after witnessing the boundary of higher level, was promoted latest realizing from experience and again!! 那就是王五在东渡日本之后,在生死之间,在家国情怀当中,在目睹了更高层次的境界之后,再次获得了最新的体悟和提升!! Although in his hand did not have the blade, but had changed to a blade the whole person!! Own braid, has words at fingertips and writes with facility, regarded the murder. 他手上虽然没有了刀,可是已经将自己整个人都化作了一把刀!!就连自己的辫子,也是信手拈来,当成了杀人之器。 Beforehand that shakes wields the pigtail, is actually in the middle of the knife skill famous style: Sweeps away thousand army! 之前的那一甩头一挥辫,其实就是刀法当中的著名招式:横扫千军啊! At this time, the king five also saw Fang Linyan, is also shown a heartfelt smile by the face that on the gunsmoke blackened by smoke, that smile it can be said that filled happily. 这时候,王五也是看到了方林岩,被硝烟熏黑的脸上也是露出了一个由衷的笑容,那笑容可以说是充满了欣慰。 Fang Linyan quickly rushes, one three receives Li, then the direct seat of honor touches, relaxes finally! Weak heartbeat and breath, but enters the heavy comatose condition very much obviously. 方林岩急忙冲上去,一把就将李三接了过来,然后直接上手一摸,总算是松了一口气!还有微弱的心跳和呼吸,但很显然已经是进入到了重度昏迷状态。 Finally Fang Linyan just looked for a firm corner to settle Li three, actually saw the king five first supported the straight tall and strong body to sway, unexpectedly was also all of a sudden but actually! That feeling looks like the landslide to be the same simply. 结果方林岩刚刚找了个坚固的角落安顿好李三,却见到了王五挺得笔直的魁梧身躯先摇晃了一下,居然也是一下子倒了下来!那感觉简直就像是山崩一样。 This fools Fang Linyan directly to put out a hand to meet him, after a doing utmost slipperiness kneels, in the king five falls down before caught it. 这一幕唬得方林岩直接伸手去接他,一个竭尽全力的滑跪之后,在王五摔倒在地之前将其接住了。 At this time the king five looks at Fang Linyan, the corners of the mouth showed a smile, gratified say/way: 此时王五才看着方林岩,嘴角露出了一丝笑容,欣慰的道: Brother reckless, some do not lose to hold finally, without letting the person disturbs you, how does your matter manage?” “胡兄弟,某终于不负所托,没有让人来打扰你,你你的事情办得怎么样?” Front looks cut and bruised, the king of suffocation five, Fang Linyan then remembers a matter, this group of Chinese men have not asked to make anything from beginning to end. 看着面前遍体鳞伤,奄奄一息的王五,方林岩这才想起一件事,这帮中国爷们儿从头到尾都没问过自己想要做什么。 They only with oneself a few words, follow on the risking one's life life and death, never-ending, is protecting itself with the life! 他们只凭着自己的一句话,就豁出命来生死相随,不离不弃,拿生命守护着自己! Facing the king five inquiries, Fang Linyan in the nose acid, suppresses the tears to say suddenly: 面对王五的询问,方林岩一时间鼻中一酸,强忍泪水道: Fifth Brother! Before didn't little Japan want the incantation to kill Sir Li Gongzhang Li with the cult tactic? I in Nagasaki, discovered here has a secret technique, this secret technique and former that incantation technique was exactly the same.” “五哥!之前小日本不是用邪术想要咒杀李宫彰李大人吗?我在长崎的时候,发现了这边有一种秘术,这秘术与之前的那咒术乃是如出一辙。” Therefore, I thought the means to improve that incantation technique, communicated with Sir Li Gongzhang Li in the soul level again, was only request of this incantation technique to the place is very high, therefore needs to come here, place that because the prime minister here quite little Japan were therefore, has the place of big destiny.” “于是,我就想办法将那咒术改良了一下,重新在灵魂层次上与李宫彰李大人沟通了,只是这咒术对地点的要求很高,所以才需要来到了这里,因为这里相当于是小日本的宰相所在的地方,拥有着大气运之地。” I succeeded! The Fifth Brother, Sir Li was convinced by me started the palace changed, Cixi leaves office, the emperor is in power officially, Tan brother, Sir Song they were made good use inevitably! Had their two , the peace talks must unable to become, therefore everyone has not died in vain, our blood have not flowed in vain!” “我成功了!五哥,李大人被我说服了发动了宫变,慈禧下了台,皇上正式掌了权,谭兄,宋大人他们必然被重用!有了他们两位在,和谈必不能成,所以大家伙儿没有白死,我们的血没有白流!” Heard the Fang Linyan words, the king five eyes stared immediately in a big way, although he was a big uneducated person, actually was also the sworn brothers Tan Sitong's, under was influenced by what one sees and hears, naturally knew Cixi to leave office, significance that was in power auspicious. 听到了方林岩的话,王五的眼睛顿时都瞪大了,他虽然是个大老粗,却也是谭嗣同的结拜兄弟,耳濡目染之下,当然知道慈禧下台,祺祥掌权的意义了。 Originally he of suitable dispirited, is the spirit inspires immediately, then the left hand instead gripped the left hand of Fang Linyan saying: 本来相当萎靡的他,顿时就是精神一振,然后左手反握住了方林岩的左手道: Brother reckless, what you said is real? It is not because we have placed the hopeless situation to comfort me?” “胡兄弟,伱说的是真的?不是因为咱们已经身处绝境想要安慰我?” Fang Linyan earnest nod of said: 方林岩认真的点了点头道: Fifth Brother ! I do not comfort your meaning. Ascends the throne auspicious, Brother Tan he can unfold the grand plan finally!” “五哥,是真的!我没有要安慰你的意思。祺祥登位,谭大哥他终于可以一展宏图了!” King five hears word is delighted, is pleasantly surprised, then loudly laughs, but smiled to half of sounds was directly mute, whole person passive toward side crookedly but actually. 王五闻言眉飞色舞,又惊又喜,然后纵声哈哈大笑,不过笑到一半声音直接就哑了,整个人毫无抵抗的朝着旁边歪倒了下去。 Fang Linyan sees that in great surprise, thinks that the king five were the oil completely lamp was dry, knows after this good news , the wish, had breathed directly, therefore quickly started to rescue, the result touched the vigor artery not to detect right! 方林岩见状大惊,以为王五本是油尽灯枯,知道了这喜讯以后心愿已了,直接就咽气了,于是急忙开始抢救了起来,结果一摸劲动脉发觉不对啊! Kings five, although the pulse is somewhat weak, but that is because after breaking the arm, loses many, in particular, is the injury, although is heavy, actually not danger. 王五虽然脉搏有些虚弱,但那是因为断臂以后失去过多,具体一点来说,就是伤势虽然重,却并不危。 At this time, is a loudly loud sound, obviously is a round of shell in the nearby crack, then heard outside broadcast a impatient sound: 这时候,又是一声轰然巨响,显然又是一发炮弹在附近炸响,然后就听到了外面传来了一个不耐烦的声音: He is only because fought too took off/escaped the strength intensely, with the specialized terminology, was the hypoxemia adds the adrenalin metabolism syndrome, you fed a syrup to him, rest a while was good!” “他只是因为战斗太激烈而脱了力,用专业的术语来说,就是低血糖症加肾上腺素代谢综合征,你给他喂点糖水,休息一会儿就好了!” Li three cannot die, I fed a Son of Heaven to protect heart pill to him, maintained life not to have the danger at least in ten hours! Do not stand there looks, me really needs the helper!” “李三也死不了,我给他喂了一颗天王护心丹,至少在十个小时内保命没有危险!别站在那里看着,我这边很需要帮手!” After hearing this sound, Fang Linyan is startled saying: 听到了这声音之后,方林岩大吃一惊道: Is you?” “是你?” Then he walks up quickly, then saw on the cayenne mister shoulder carries a female Ninja, the left hand clamps slow full beard, the right hand is grabbing a youngster, sway walked, this, can see that on but actually the cayenne mister chest also inserts a tail wing unexpectedly is being the black arrow variety, and surroundings are also lingering one group of blood-color aura, unexpectedly does not dare to pull out it! 然后他快步走上前去,便见到了卡宴先生肩上扛着一个女忍者,左手夹着徐大胡子,右手抓着一个少年,摇摇晃晃的走了进来,这倒也罢了,可以见到卡宴先生胸口上居然还插着一支尾翼是黑色的箭簇,并且周围还萦绕着一团血色的气息,居然都不敢将之拔出来! entirely succeed here epidemic situation is very serious, lying trough Chenghua District sealed, deadlocks completely, hears Jinjiang District- Yes, is Jinjiang District in that like Chunxi Road and immemorial of cloud beautiful woman must be sealed! Flusters compels. 成都这边疫情很严重,卧槽成华区封了,完全锁死,听说锦江区--是的,就是那个有如云美女的春熙路和太古里的锦江区也要被封!慌得一逼。
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