FE :: Volume #13

#1467: Fudoumyouou

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Chapter 1465 Fudoumyouou 第1465章不动明王 Fang Linyan pulled out the smelling dead tooth of snake bone ice blade suddenly, then fierce aimed at this big tree to make an effort to insert! 方林岩遽然掏出了蛇骨冰刃的嗅死牙,然后猛的就对准了这株大树用力插了下去! To be honest, smells the dead tooth to seem like a dagger or the short sword, but actually the discerning person knows from its appearance, this gadget should be an artware rather than the weapon, this looks like with the ice blades cuts the person same is not far-fetched. 说实话,嗅死牙看起来像是一把匕首或是短刀,但其实明眼人从它的卖相就知道,这玩意儿应该是一件艺术品而不是武器,这就像是拿冰刀砍人一样不靠谱。 Therefore, the next second, the smelling dead tooth of snake bone ice blade in the tenacious tree trunk surface the disruption, dispersed the illumination pellet of a lot of as if glass detritus. 因此,下一秒,蛇骨冰刃的嗅死牙就在坚韧的树干表面噼里啪啦的碎裂了开来,散成了大量仿佛玻璃碎屑的发光颗粒。 However sees this secretly, Fang Linyan is not accidental/surprised, because this is the correct usage of snake bone ice blade, breaking to pieces was right. 不过见到这一幕后,方林岩并不意外,因为这就是蛇骨冰刃的正确用法,碎了就对了。 This did not cut people the use of weapon, but in disruption instantaneous erupts the powerful strength, then eradicates all knot!! 这把武器的用处本来就不是砍人,而是在碎裂的瞬间爆发出强大的力量,进而破除掉一切结界!! According to extra prompt that Mobius mark gives, front ties is powerful, the snake bone ice blade has been able to find broken to have evil attribute strongest Buddhist musical instrument, however also only has 70 probability successes. 只是根据莫比乌斯印记给出的额外提示,面前的这一处结界非常强大,蛇骨冰刃已经是能找到拥有“破邪”属性的最强法器了,然而也只有70的概率成功。 Once makes a mistake, if Fang Linyan is not willing to give up, must go to Hokkaidou to seek for another to have the broken evil attribute Buddhist musical instrument, but, the success ratio of this Buddhist musical instrument only then 40, and Fang Linyan toward returning to waste lots of time from Hokkaidou, this almost means the failure. 一旦出错的话,方林岩若是不肯放弃,就要远赴北海道去寻找另外一件带有破邪属性的法器,但是,这件法器的成功率只有40,并且方林岩从北海道往返还要浪费大量的时间,这就几乎意味着失败了。 Quick, the illumination pellet that after smelling the dead tooth breaks to pieces, to form to gather the past to a place, that place seemingly is empty, but has the light smog to brave at once , there presented a region of big blank unexpectedly. 很快的,嗅死牙碎掉以后形成的发光颗粒就对着一个地方聚集了过去,那个地方看起来空无一物,但是旋即就有淡淡的烟雾冒了出来,紧接着,那里居然出现了一大片空白的区域。 Witnessed that this Fang Linyan also feels the intense being out of sorts feeling, even thought that front world is not real, because this looked like to play inside post chart to have the problem 目睹这一幕的方林岩也是感觉到了强烈的违和感,甚至都觉得面前的世界都不真实了起来,因为这一幕就酷似游戏里面的贴图出现了问题 In fact, this was build knot here has the loophole, Fang Linyan drilled to slide earnestly. 实际上,这就是布设在这里的结界出现了漏洞,方林岩埋头一钻就溜了进去。 Where in the middle of this knot is? The headquarters location of Shintoism, is called the place of clear god palace. 这结界当中是什么地方呢?正是神道教的总部所在地,被称为晴明神宫的地方。 In Japan, the Shintoism had not actually obtained the Japanese official official acknowledgment, because it has oneself military equipment and strength, the god officer is also grasping many strange assassination techniques, this looks like one will a sharp knife that has the thought that how make the official feel relieved? 在日本的国内,神道教其实并没有得到了日本官方正式承认的,因为它是拥有着自己的武装和力量,神官还掌握着诸多诡异的暗杀手法,这就像是一把拥有自己思想的快刀,怎么会让官方放心? The historical Japanese Heian period, here national strength was too weak, the emperor was dark, even the world and netherworld mutual overlap, frequently presented hundred ghosts to travel by night the event in Capital. 在历史上的日本平安时代,这边的国力太弱,天皇暗弱,甚至人间和阴间相互交迭,在京都都频繁出现百鬼夜行事件。 At this time was also the Shintoism most flourishing period, huge of its influence, even can decide that dethroning and enthroning of given name, it can be said that the power and influence was dreadful, therefore produced the intense contradiction with the person in power general's office generals. 这时候也是神道教全盛的时期,其势力之庞大,甚至能够决定大名的废立,可以说是权势滔天,也因此与当权者幕府将军产生了强烈的矛盾。 Own military force is tyrannical, ambitious, in addition meddles the political the criminal record. Therefore, at this time among Japanese official many power want, dreads to the Shintoism, proposed repeatedly abolishes the Shintoism the proposal. 自身武力强横,野心勃勃,外加还有插手政治的前科.所以,此时日本官方当中的很多权要,都对神道教忌惮不已,多次提出废止神道教的提案。 Also because of this, therefore Shintoism , in the middle of the big city moves, has the scruples of considerable degree, simultaneously must arrange to tie near own god palace, this, even if the government gets angry, can still obtain enough cushion time. 也正是因为这样,所以神道教在大城市当中活动的时候,还是有着相当程度的顾忌,同时要在自己的神宫附近布置结界,这样的话即便是政府翻脸,也能获得足够的缓冲时间。 After entering to settling inside, Fang Linyan also relaxes, is the small probability event has not happened finally, oneself still in difficult is going forward toward the goal of reversal current political situation!! 进入到了结界里面之后,方林岩也是松了一口气,总算是小概率事件没有发生,自己依然在艰难的朝着逆转时局的目标前进着!! Is depending upon Csillo's package kerchief + stealth effect, naturally, always had the instruction arrow on retina, shuttle of Fang Linyan in knot of Shintoism freely, experienced a submerging joy perfectly. 依靠着奇洛的包头巾+隐身效果,当然,还有始终存在于视网膜上的指示箭头,方林岩在神道教的结界里面穿梭自如,完美的体验了一把潜入的快乐。 However, quick Fang Linyan detected that own happy hour ended, because the front is a long and narrow channel, this channel is located in underground, is about 50 meters, although the surroundings added on were similar to the mural, wood/blockhead furniture and so on decoration, but will understand directly was similar is OK to the place of sewer pipe. 但是,很快方林岩就发觉自己的快乐时光结束了,因为前方是一条狭长的通道,这条通道位于地下,长约50米,尽管周围加上了类似于壁画,木头家具之类的装潢,但直接将之理解成类似于下水管道的地方就可以了。 Fang Linyan must pass from here, is this channel center, actually sits cross-legged to sit a man! 方林岩必须要从这里通过,可是这通道中央,却盘膝坐着一个男子! This men's upper part is naked, body dense and numerous is the tattoos, carefully looked the words that can detect these tattoos are obscurely the scrip­tures that are difficult to distinguish, with the breath of man, each scrip­tures will pass the hemorrhage light slightly, looks like ray that the lava emits, in its within the body dark bright sparkle. 这个男子上半身赤裸,身上密密麻麻的都是纹身,仔细看去的话就能发觉那些纹身都是晦涩难辨的经文,随着男子的呼吸,每一个经文都会微微的透出血光,就像是熔岩放出的光芒,在其体内一暗一明闪耀。 Before the body of man, inserts the sword that four lengths are varying, seems like these four weapons dust-laden for a long time, actually still shows ominous offense aura beyond description. 在男子的身前,足足插着四把长短不一的刀剑,看起来这四把武器尘封已久,却依然透出一股难以形容的凶戾气息。 Fang Linyan only looked at this man, then goes not to dare to look directly excessively, because he had felt that this fellow was very dangerous, own look stay place, his scrip­tures tattoo shines slightly, this explained that its sensation strength is in the fearful situation high. 方林岩只看了一眼这个男子,便直接偏过头去不敢多看,因为他已经感觉到了这家伙十分危险,自己的眼神停留处,他身上的经文纹身就已经微微发亮,这说明其感知力高到令人可怕的地步。 What most awfully is, in the middle of this channel does not have the lamp, or in particular, this entire channel is a lamp, on its wall can send out the weak and gentle ray automatically! Therefore without the shadow, this was really quite awfully. 最要命的是,这条通道当中没有灯,或者更具体一点来说,这整条通道就都是灯,它的墙壁上能自动发出微弱而柔和的光芒!所以没有影子,这就真的是相当要命了。 Has in the situation of shadow, Fang Linyan has not grasped can pass, let alone is without shadow? 有影子的情况下,方林岩都没把握能通过,何况还是在没影子的情况下? After entering pipeline inside, Fang Linyan detected that the instruction arrow vanished, after hesitant, Fang Linyan could not delay the time, very simple locked this man, planned to display the blade soaring directly, finally he was startled! 进入到了管道里面之后,方林岩就发觉指示箭头消失了,犹豫了一番之后,方林岩也是拖不起时间,很干脆的就锁定了这个男子,打算直接施展出刃飞翔,结果他大吃一惊! Because on the retina popped up the prompt unexpectedly: Breeds hunting for CD849216, the goal that you lock on to the skill that you will soon display: Edge soaring immunity, can continue to release? 因为视网膜上居然弹出了提示:殖猎者CD849216号,你锁定的目标对你即将施展的技能:刃飞翔免疫,请问是否要继续释放? To the object of blade soaring immunity, said, Fang Linyan also was really first meeting!! 对刃飞翔免疫的对象,讲真,方林岩还真的是第一次遇到!! At this time, this man stretched out a finger ball directly, hit on front was inserting a short sword, this short sword rapid flight, gripped directly in the Fang Linyan tip of the toe front, and stuck to the tip of the toe to puncture, it may be said that was exactly right, warning meaning was needless to say much. 这时候,这男子直接伸出手指一弹,就打在了面前插着的一把短刀上,这把短刀疾飞而出,直接扎在了方林岩的脚尖前方,并且还是紧贴着脚尖刺上去的,可谓是分毫不差,这其中的警告意味就不用多说了。 Saw that own one's manner while in office and in retirement was seen through, Fang Linyan sighs, can only come, without expecting him has not spoken, this man has the sound said: 见到自己的行藏被识破,方林岩叹了一口气,只能现身出来,没料到他还没说话,这男子就出声道: On your foot is pasting where the does fast line endure the symbol to come?” “你脚上贴着的这张速行忍符是从哪里来的?” The Fang Linyan corner of the eye twitched slightly, he has not expected himself to expose weaknesses unexpectedly here, this mysterious man first detected obviously this existence that endures the symbol, then suspected itself. 方林岩眼角微微抽搐了一下,他都万万没料到自己居然在这里露出了破绽,这名神秘男子显然是先察觉到了这张忍符的存在,进而才怀疑到了自己。 At this time Fang Linyan also can only the honest say/way: 此时方林岩也只能老老实实的道: Is my friend helps me paste.” “是我的一个朋友帮我贴的。” On this male face shows the look that mocked, the backhand gripped another weapon before body: 这男子脸上露出了一丝讥诮的神色,反手就握住了身前的另外一把武器: Friend? Should you not be a Japanese? Most said to be clear that this symbol lu what's the matter, I told you, I felt the aura of enemy above!” “朋友?伱应该不是日本人吧?最好说清楚这张符箓是怎么回事,我告诉你,我在上面感觉到了敌人的气息!” The Fang Linyan eye narrows slightly, he must have made up mind a war, after arriving here, cannot retreat in fear directly! If this time he is ready for any sacrifice, there are several cards in a hand. 方林岩眼睛微微眯缝,他本来也是要决意一战的,来到了这里之后,总不能直接就被吓退了吧!此时的他若是豁出去的话,还是有好几张底牌的。 Say/Way that Fang Linyan coldly: 方林岩冷冷的道: This friend is a Ninja, should is the person who Iga endures the group, is he your enemy I do not know, but this is unimportant you to begin, that comes!” “这位朋友是一名忍者,应该是属于伊贺忍群的人,他是不是你的敌人我不知道,但这也并不重要你要动手,那就来吧!” This man moved a neck arrogant, in can hear transmits that” the joint friction transmitted sound, his corners of the mouth hold are wiping to sneer! 这个男子傲慢的活动了一下脖子,可以听到里面传来了骨节摩擦传来的“喀啪”“喀啪”的声音,他的嘴角噙着一抹冷笑! , Fang Linyan thought suddenly at present one black, this mysterious man bullied nearly to oneself front unexpectedly directly. 遽然之间,方林岩觉得眼前一黑,这神秘男子居然直接就欺近到了自己的面前。 This startled made the Fang Linyan pupil contract immediately, double fist direct alignment front bang, not only that two psychic force tentacles also from the different angle minutes/shares raided but , the other two psychic force tentacles drew a sword outrageously! 这一惊顿时让方林岩瞳孔都收缩了起来,双拳直接对准了前方轰出,不仅如此,两条精神力触手也是从不同的角度分袭而至,剩余的两条精神力触手则是悍然拔刀! Until now, some innumerable powerful enemies have under the solid invisible psychic force tentacle to suffer a loss in Fang Linyan these two. 迄今为止,已经有无数强敌在方林岩这两条有实无形的精神力触手下吃了大亏。 But, this mysterious man actually as if can notice that his psychic force tentacle is common, a sinking shoulder one earnestly, has dodged the attack of Fang Linyan unexpectedly with ease, then by one seized the neck of Fang Linyan to grasp him, flung to throw into it conveniently side. 可是,这名神秘男子却仿佛能看得到他的精神力触手一般,一沉肩一埋头,居然就已经轻松躲闪过了方林岩的攻击,然后以一把就掐住了方林岩的脖子将他抓了起来,顺手一甩就将其抛到了旁边去。 This mysterious man may not have to use any skill, the foundation close combat reaches as high as LV16 Fang Linyan, unexpectedly was hit by hanging easily in the front of this fellow! 要知道,这神秘男子可没有动用任何技能,基础近战高达LV16的方林岩,居然在这家伙的面前被轻易的吊打! The blade soars by this mysterious male direct immunity, the psychic force tentacle seems like seen through unexpectedly directly. Where this fellow is sacred, unexpectedly can form so the absolute suppression to Fang Linyan? 刃飞翔被这神秘男子直接免疫,精神力触手看起来居然被直接识破.这家伙是何方神圣,居然能对方林岩形成如此的绝对压制? Fang Linyan deeply inspires, caresses own neck to stand from the ground, was locked the feeling of throat to be possible by that pincers common big hand is not feeling well a little. 方林岩深吸了一口气,抚着自己的脖子从地上站了起来,被那只铁钳一般的大手锁喉的感觉可一点儿都不爽啊。 However what made some Fang Linyan doubts was, before this fellow , if in the hand caught up, oneself Adam's apple strategic point will cause heavy losses inevitably, obviously he had to show mercy. 不过令方林岩有些疑惑的是,这家伙之前若是手上一发力的话,自己喉结要害势必被重创,可见他是有手下留情了的。 At this time, the mysterious man has returned the beforehand place, sat slowly, then light say/way: 就在这时候,神秘男子已经退回到了之前的地方,徐徐的坐了下去,然后淡淡的道: Now, can say two your friend?” “现在,可以多说两句你的那个朋友了吗?” The form compared with person, the Fang Linyan corners of the mouth revealed wiped the forced smile, then said: 正所谓形式比人强,方林岩嘴角露出了一抹苦笑,然后道: Good. Is called a Abe profit to the fellow who I paste on this symbol, actually I do not know whether he regards the friend me, I regarded the friend him.” “好吧.给我贴上这张符的家伙叫做服部一益,其实我也不知道他是否将我当成朋友,我是将他当成了朋友的。” Abe benefits this fellow is very actually unique, his contradiction is very strong. He is a loyal person, even can sacrifice the life to own Lord Monarch, but he is actually an irresponsible person, because he 20 years ago pledged that must marry a Geisha, and also pledged more than ten times, is deceives the artillery to walk each time.” “服部一益这家伙其实很是独特,他身上的矛盾性很强.他是一个忠诚的人,对自己的主君甚至可以献出生命,但他却又是一个信口开河的人,因为他从二十年前就承诺要娶一个艺伎,并且还承诺了十几次,每次都是骗完炮就走。” Sometimes his a promise that can be counted on, does not hesitate, for own commitment goes, actually puts on somebody's account in buckwheat noodles boss there of hometown several hundred times, if were not I helps him the debt, and also planned to continue to hang evidently.” “他有时候一诺千金,不惜为了自己的承诺赴死,却在家乡的荞麦面老板那里挂账几百次,如果不是我帮他把债还了,并且看样子也打算继续挂下去.” Fang Linyan, shrugs to indicate that at this point, has not thought that the mysterious person heard to be enthralled unexpectedly, sees Fang Linyan to say nothing, unexpectedly pursued asks: 方林岩说到这里,就耸耸肩表示说完了,没想到神秘人居然听得入了神,见到方林岩闭口不谈,居然追问道: You stop to do, then said!!” “你停下来干什么啊,接着说啊!!” Fang Linyan startled, racks brains to think, simply first time situation of running into Abe said. 方林岩愕然之间,又绞尽脑汁想了想,索性将自己第一次遇到服部的情况说了出来。 Talked about to fight this aspect, this mysterious person was interested, must compel Fang Linyan to say clearly all details, even at that time a position anything of Abe profit must return to original state. 讲到战斗这方面,这神秘人就感兴趣了,非要逼着方林岩将一切细节讲清楚,甚至连当时服部一益的站位什么的都必须还原. To be honest, Fang Linyan also really the first time is facing such a enemy, what awfully is, oneself TM could not have been victorious he! How therefore can also? Only can depress the anxiety in heart, honest coordination. 说实话,方林岩还真的是第一次面对这样的一个敌人,更要命的是,自己还TM打不过他!所以还能怎么样呢?只能压下心中的焦躁,老老实实的配合。 However at this time, the distant place of channel flushed a large crowd suddenly. 然而就在这时候,通道的远处忽然冲进来了一大群人. The Fang Linyan pupil contraction, is very suddenly intense, because to the group of people without exception, wear in the middle of the Shintoism law robe completely, and designs of two person coat robes leads, seems like with is been exactly the same by the big lawsuit that Fang Linyan cuts to kill. 方林岩陡然瞳孔收缩,十分紧张,因为冲进来的这群人无一例外,全部都穿着神道教当中的法袍,并且领头的两人身上衣袍的款式,看起来和被方林岩斩杀的大官司一模一样。 Said, Fang Linyan was very clear own level, if both sides were the most flourishing condition, oneself could select the big lawsuit reluctantly only, but the strong people of two big lawsuit ranks on together, that was the share that can only be hung to hit. 讲真,方林岩还是很清楚自己的水准的,若是双方都是全盛状态的话,自己或许能勉强单挑掉大官司,但是两个大官司级别的强人一起上,那就是只能被吊打的份儿。 Let alone now the sides of these two fellows, but also is following enough more than ten military equipment in teaching of tooth the elite? 更何况现在这两个家伙的身边,还跟随着足足十几名武装到牙齿的教中精英? However after these people arrive passed the road junction, stopped the footsteps, then very respectful was saying to this inside: 然而这些人来到了通道口之后,就停住了脚步,然后很恭敬的对着这里面道: Fudoumyouou, outside knot presented the change, does the enemy intrude?” “不动明王阁下,外面的结界出现了异动,请问有没有敌人闯入?” Fang Linyan was also shocked at this time, your group of people completely yes yes damn blind person? Looks toward here completely, sees the father to stand clearly here, asks the suspect unexpectedly? 方林岩此时也是惊呆了,你们这群人全部是是他妈的瞎子吗?全部都朝着这边瞧,明明白白的看着老子站在这里,居然还问有没有可疑人? But separated for more than ten seconds, this mysterious person- In Shintoism people mouth Fudoumyouou, only said a character: 但足足隔了十几秒钟,这名神秘人--神道教众人口中的“不动明王阁下”,却只说了一个字: Go away!” “滚!” This character said that Fang Linyan saw was the two Shintoism high-level brows of head wrinkled the wrinkle, but very obvious is enduring patiently anything, silently led the person to execute a ritual to this Fudoumyouou, then departed. 这个字一说出来,方林岩就见到了为首的两名神道教高层眉头皱了皱,但很明显的忍耐着什么,默默的带着人对着这名不动明王阁下施了一个礼,然后离去了。 The change of matter really stems from beside the Fang Linyan accident/surprise completely, before he remembered suddenly again , the vision of that group of people. It is not right! It is not truly right. 事情的变化真的是完全出乎方林岩的意外之外,他忽然再次想起了之前那群人的目光.不对劲!确实不对劲。 They truly in looking oneself, but the focus of vision actually penetrates, stayed in the rear that Fudoumyouou on. 他们确实是在看着自己这边,可是目光的焦点却是穿透,停留在了后方的那位不动明王阁下身上。 „Can't they see themselves?” “他们看不到自己?” In Fang Linyan heart steep sparkle such a thought. 方林岩心中陡的闪耀过这么一个念头。 But Fang Linyan is an execution very strong person, immediately throws the village double blade in hand in the position that oneself stood, then goes out of beside the channel fast, looks toward the position of double blade, really detected there is empty. 方林岩是一个执行力非常强的人,立即就将手中的村正双刀丢在了自己站立的位置,然后快速走出通道之外,朝着双刀的位置看去,果然发觉那里空无一物。 Really is this.” “果然是这样啊。” Now Fang Linyan looked that the look immediately changed to that Fudoumyouou, very obviously, perhaps to other intruder, he is a terrifying incomparable enemy, person who as if the god of death same has. 现在方林岩看向那位不动明王阁下的眼神顿时就变了,很显然,或许对其余的入侵者来说,他是一名恐怖无比的敌人,仿佛死神一样存在的人。 However, at least currently speaking, he to himself is very friendly, its basic reason likely on that fast line with own foot endures the symbol to be related. 但是,至少从目前来说,他对自己还是非常友善的,其根本原因很可能与自己脚上的那张速行忍符有关。 A bolder point, should have very big connection with Abe this fellow. 或者更大胆的一点来说,应该和服部这家伙有很大的关联。 At this time, Fudoumyouou very simple is beckoning to Fang Linyan: 这时候,不动明王很干脆的对着方林岩招了招手: Now the idler had left, come, you regard me benefit that bastard, copes with him with the method that day you fought.” “现在闲人已经离开了,来吧,你将我当成一益那个混蛋,用那天你们交手的方法来对付他。” Fang Linyan sighs, can only honest was the sparring partner, naturally, was that bed sheet hung to hit. 方林岩叹了一口气,只能老老实实的当起了陪练,当然,是被单方面吊打的那种。
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