FE :: Volume #13

#1457: The item of legend quality

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The item of Chapter 1455 legend quality 第1455章传说品质的道具 In this marking, the greatly black day has four arms, the angry glare to the day, the body brings six types of bone decorations, on the neck to hang five skeletons! Places the arm of chest place also to carry one bowl of blood, and portrays the dignity of this Spiritual God cruelly lifelike. 在这幅画上,大黑天有着四条手臂,怒目向天,身上带着六种骨饰,脖子上挂着五个骷髅!放在胸口处的一条手臂还端着一碗鲜血,将这名神灵的威严和残暴刻画得惟妙惟肖。 Carefully after studying a while, Mobius mark suddenly had the response, on the retina of Fang Linyan jumped an arrow suddenly, this arrow to the room front door exit|to speak, was suggesting obviously his following arrow walked. 仔细研究了一会儿之后,莫比乌斯印记突然有了回应,方林岩的视网膜上突然跳出来了一个箭头,这个箭头对着房间的大门出口,显然暗示他跟着箭头走。 However after Fang Linyan walks, actually detected that the arrow aimed in the middle of own room, he could not bear is somewhat angry: Is this must play me? 不过方林岩走出去以后,却又发觉箭头重新指向了自己的房间当中,他都忍不住有些恼怒了:这是要玩儿我? After returning to the room, detected that the arrow aimed at desktop the portrait on the greatly black day, at this time Fang Linyan understood, originally this is taken the picture by oneself. 重新回房以后,才发觉箭头指向了桌面上的这幅大黑天的画像,这时候方林岩才明白了过来,原来这是让自己带上画啊。 Then Fang Linyan in Nagasaki is marching forward following the street of arrow, finally unexpectedly arrived in the middle of a temple, writes the Chongfu Temple three characters on the inscribed horizontal tablet of temple gate impressively. 接着方林岩循着箭头在长崎的街头一路行进着,最后居然来到了一处寺庙当中,在庙门的匾额上赫然写着“崇福寺”三个字。 Because of the current political situation chaotic reason, the Buddhist monastery is shutting tightly probably, after Fang Linyan knocks on a door, detected the monk in charge of reception of visitors who entrance is very impolite, makes Fang Linyan roll out directly, said that this temple does not receive the guest. 大概是因为时局混乱的缘故,寺门紧闭着,方林岩敲门之后发觉门口的知客僧很不客气,直接就让方林岩滚出去,说本寺不接待外客。 Then Fang Linyan tried every means to persuade, this monk in charge of reception of visitors was instead hot tempered, very impolite pushed the person on the seat of honor. 然后方林岩好说歹说,这名知客僧反而暴躁了起来,很不客气的就上手推人。 Fang Linyan is not certainly willing to suffer a loss, therefore hits back directly, but he detected immediately the military force value of this monk is not low, moreover a word did not swing the person at earliest convenience directly 方林岩当然不肯吃亏,于是就直接还手,但是他马上就发觉这个和尚的武力值还不低啊,而且一言不合就直接摇人了 The following more than ten monks raise the long stick to well up, Fang Linyan did not feel oneself need positive/direct hard steel, share that therefore only then flees to the wilderness. He supposed, this group of buddhist monks are very hard to deal with, oneself coped with three at most simultaneously is the limit. 后面十几个和尚提着长棍一涌上来,方林岩并不觉得自己有必要正面硬钢,于是只有落荒而逃的份儿。他估摸了一下,这帮秃驴很难缠啊,自己顶多同时对付三个就是极限了。 Is good because of this time this place Nagasaki, Fang Linyan can also achieve „a cloud penetration arrow, the mighty force meets the good man. 好在此时此地的长崎,方林岩也是能做到“一支穿云箭,千军万马来相见”的奢遮汉子。 Only used for 15 minutes, Fang Linyan spirited to return to the entrance of Chongfu Temple valiant again, but at this time before he did not have, was so polite, extended the foot to aim at the front door to trample directly fiercely, before hit 18 stick monks who” he fled like a scared rat does not dare to come. 只用了十五分钟,方林岩就雄赳赳气昂昂再次回到了崇福寺的门口,而这时候他也没有之前那么客气了,直接伸脚就对准了大门猛踹,之前打得他抱头鼠窜的“十八棍僧”则是根本不敢现身。 Because of the Fang Linyan back, is one a group of big stout and strong, and drinks the drunken Russian guy! Their waists the short axe, hand inside be not raising Morsink Na Can rifle, likes with the eye provocation of blushing looks at the person. 因为方林岩的背后,乃是一大群高大肥壮,并且喝得醉醺醺的俄国大汉!他们腰间别着短斧,手里面提着莫辛纳甘步枪,更喜欢用发红的眼睛挑衅的看人。 In the front of these Russians, will not present you take a look at anything and so on dialog, but is directly exchanges with the fist and beverage bottle with looks unpleasing to the eyes the fellow. 在这些俄国佬的面前,根本就不会出现“你瞅啥”之类的对白,而是直接用拳头和酒瓶与看不顺眼的家伙交流。 When the front door of Chongfu Temple was trampled in imminent danger by Fang Linyan, finally opened directly, a senior monk stood the Fang Linyan front, sighed deeply a sound said: 在崇福寺的大门被方林岩踹得岌岌可危的时候,终于直接打开了,一个老和尚站到了方林岩的面前,长叹了一声道: Buddhism pure place, why isn't the donor willing to let off?” “佛门清净之地,为什么施主还是不肯放过呢?” Fang Linyan languid say/way: 方林岩懒洋洋的道: This Grandmaster, in fact, I do not want to seek an interview with this way. I defend the custom is coming to here to knock on a door visiting the time, the obtained reply pushes and shoves with the club, therefore I am also compel to have no other choice.” “这位大师,事实上,我并不想用这种方式来求见。只是我守着规矩来这里敲门拜访的时候,得到的回答就是推搡和棍棒,所以我也是逼不得已啊。” But, these Grandmasters still had the heart of mercy fortunately, making a move time only wants to break my leg and foot, otherwise, I could not do well the corpse to be towed to feed the wild dog.” “不过,还好这几位大师尚有慈悲之心,出手的时候只想打断我的腿脚,否则的话,我搞不好尸体都已经被拖出去喂野狗了呢。” His these words disappear and hits, satirized ugly feature before a here Buddhist priest while convenient. 他的这句话连消带打,顺带还讽刺了一下这里的僧人之前的丑恶嘴脸。 Really, after this senior monk heard the Fang Linyan words, immediately feels on the face slightly a heat. Was clear from family affairs, he knows certainly that the fellow of help/gang guarding the door usually takes advantage of the back backer, lawlessly to what degree. 果然,这老和尚听到了方林岩的话以后,顿时觉得脸上微微一热。自家事自家清楚,他当然知道那帮看门的家伙平时依仗背后的靠山,无法无天到了什么程度。 He is just about to speak again, actually already by Fang Linyan crude shoves open, the fearless stride walked. 他正要再次说话,却已经被方林岩粗暴的一把推开,昂然大步走了进去。 Saw this senior monk was pushed staggered several steps, nearby monk in charge of reception of visitors is angry immediately, jumped directly came out one to grasp to the shoulder of Fang Linyan, simultaneously in the mouth cursed angrily: 见到了这老和尚被推得趔趄了几步,旁边的知客僧顿时大怒,直接就跳了出来一把就抓向了方林岩的肩头,同时口中怒骂道: Your this evil creature “你这个孽障” But during his finishing barely the words, side is transmits rumbling rumbling several bangs, the light smoke winds around, this monk in charge of reception of visitors is opening the mouth greatly, staggered to back up several steps, frock was been rapidly incarnadine by the blood, then fell to the ground dead. 但他的话音未落,旁边已经是传来“轰轰轰轰”的好几声巨响,青烟缭绕当中,这个知客僧大张着嘴巴,踉跄倒退了好几步,身上的僧袍迅速被血染红,然后倒地而死。 Without a doubt, what opening fire is side these Russian guys, they are drinking, unexpectedly was called to work by Fang Linyan, in the heart is agitated! 毫无疑问,开枪的正是旁边的那些俄国大汉,他们正在喝酒的时候,居然就被方林岩叫来做事情,心里面正烦躁着呢! However even if these male drunkard, knows oneself annoy the person who not first bid they come, then the anger must vent filled with on front this group of damn monks, if not for you are meddlesome, my TM now also in joyful drinking? 然而哪怕是这些醉汉,也知道自己惹不起叫他们来的这个人,那么满腔怒气就要发泄在面前这群该死的和尚身上了,若不是你们多事,我TM现在还在快乐的喝酒呢? Saw dead anxiously the person, the scene atmosphere all of a sudden- naturally, only limited to monk. 一见到死了人,场面的气氛一下子就紧张了起来-当然,仅限于和尚当中。 As for Fang Linyan and these Russians, does not work as this is completely a matter, didn't kill individual? In Nagasaki are been few by the person who we did kill? 至于方林岩和那些俄国人,完全就不当这是一回事,不就杀了个人吗?长崎里面被咱们弄死的人还少了? Fang Linyan continues, then shrugs saying: 方林岩继续前行,然后耸耸肩道: I am not kill people, does not plan to put a fire here, but, I am bad to the impression of you this temple, do not give me this opportunity.” “我不是来杀人的,也并不打算在这里放一把火,但是,我对伱们这座寺庙的印象已经非常差了,别给我这个机会。” At this time that more than ten Japanese stick monks had flushed, but looked at Fang Linyan behind these as if brown bear common barbaric and strong Russian, ground that with the corpse that are constantly together. Drew back pale. 此时那十几名日本棍僧早就冲了出来,但是看了看方林岩身后那些仿佛棕熊一般野蛮而强壮的俄国人,还有地上那一具与自己朝夕相处的尸体.一个个都脸色发白的退了开去。 Then, Fang Linyan then opened access directly, even if were he goes down to the core region of Chongfu Temple, was no one dares to come to stop. 接着,方林岩便直接畅通无阻了,哪怕是他深入到了崇福寺的核心区域,也是没有人敢于前来阻拦。 The Buddhist priests after all are not the soldiers, have the soldiers even dropped down under the muzzles of these Russians let alone? 僧人毕竟不是士兵,更何况连士兵都已经在那些俄国人的枪口下纷纷倒下? Finally, Fang Linyan arrived in the back side of the mountain in temple, then came an entrance of monk's room. 最后,方林岩来到了寺内的后山上,然后来了一座禅房的门口。 This monk's room seemed like the age to be very remote, and constructed hillside. 这座禅房看起来年代已经十分久远了,并且依山而建。 However, although is old, is the monk's room is not worn-out, on surrounding stair thick moss, cleans clean ground very, gives the refined plain feeling. 但是,虽然年代久远,可是禅房并不破旧,无论是周围台阶上厚厚的青苔,还是打扫得十分干净地面,都给人以雅致古朴的感觉。 Looks comes out to handle here person to be original, and has the methodicalness very much, and after this monk's room looks at several, will feel, it as if are one integrates in the middle of the scenery artware. 看得出来打理这里的人独具匠心,并且很有章法,并且这座禅房多看几眼之后就会觉得,它自身仿佛都是一件融入山水当中的艺术品。 After arriving at this monk's room, Fang Linyan could not bear think of the national essence of China: Blue and white porcelain- And that the makings of inheriting several hundred years of blue and white porcelains- Plain, elegant, graceful, actually a bright and clean gorgeousness. 来到了这座禅房之后,方林岩就忍不住想到了中国的国粹:青花瓷--并且还是那种传承了几百年的青花瓷的气质--古朴,典雅,落落大方,却还有一种光洁的华美。 Such makings will appear in a monk's room unexpectedly, is really surprises people somewhat. 这样的气质居然会出现在一座禅房上,真的是令人有些意外。 What is different from the blue and white porcelain, must maintain a monk's room to have such makings for a long time, the manpower and resources of that investment are certainly not infrequent. 与青花瓷不同的是,要保持一座禅房长期拥有这样的气质,那投入的人力物力一定不在少数。 Goal that these Buddhist priests will do this, because here has just like become a scenic spot, looks like Former Residence of Qi Baishi, Former Residence of Xu Beihong this, can visit to receive the admission ticket. 这些僧人之所以会这样做的目的,因为这里已经俨然成为了一处风景名胜区,就像是齐白石故居,徐悲鸿故居这样,是可以让人参观收门票的。 In the Warring States period of Japan, the renowned artists, the final 20 years of life crossed in the middle of this Chongfu Temple, some multi- stretch/open Mingzuo( Japanese think) is born in the middle of this small room. 在日本的战国时期,有一位著名的画师,人生的最后二十年就在这崇福寺当中渡过,有多张名作(日本人认为的)就在这一处斗室当中诞生。 Also because of this, his style is new on by, wonderful, crafty is a lord, old age time lives the Buddhist temple 20 years, received Vajrayana to have a great influence, even more became imaginary severe Yaoyi, making one as if place oneself in the grotesque and gaudy myth world. 也正因为此,他的画风本来就以新,奇,诡为主,晚年的时候长居佛寺二十年,受到了密宗影响很大,越发变得幻厉妖异,令人仿佛置身于光怪陆离的神话世界。 The name of this artist, is called Kouno Mingde. 这位画师的名字,就叫做狩野明德。 Yes, he is in the Fang Linyan hand this «Greatly Black Day» great picture master, had passed away for more than 200 years. 是的,他就是方林岩手中这一副《大黑天》的名画主人,已经过世两百余年了。 Fang Linyan also starts to understand at this time gradually Mobius mark instructed oneself come here goal: 方林岩此时也开始渐渐明白莫比乌斯印记指示自己来到这里的目的: „. The value of this picture, does not lie in his it!” “难道.这幅画的价值,并不在于他的本身!” The front door of monk's room shuts tightly, Fang Linyan jogged, detects be entirely still, then he with a crudeness that separates the shy young girl both legs, ruthlessly front door trampling. 禅房的大门紧闭,方林岩轻推了一下,发觉纹丝不动,然后他就用一种分开羞涩少女双腿的粗暴,狠狠的将大门给踹开。 Nearby senior monk looks at a meat pain, actually does not dare to speak, in the heart has cursed angrily the monk in charge of reception of visitors 10,000 times that has courted disaster to invite trouble, is not he deals with the mistake, how to annoy so the evil guest? 旁边的老和尚看得一阵肉痛,却不敢说话,心中却已经怒骂了那个惹祸招灾的知客僧一万次,不是他应对失误,怎么会惹来如此恶客? After entering this former residence, Fang Linyan detected that is not considered as too spacious, even can say is quite moist, no wonder this famous big painter 47 years old died, to the 15 th century Japanese medical standard, live at that time for 20 years in this quite gloomy and cold moist place, 47 years old were the longevities. 进入到了这一处故居之后,方林岩就发觉里面并不算是太宽敞,甚至可以说颇为潮湿,难怪这个著名的大画家四十七岁就死翘翘了,以当时十五世纪的日本医疗水平,在这样颇为阴冷潮湿的地方住二十年,四十七岁算是高寿了。 Then, Fang Linyan discovered that the direction of arrow starts the concrete application, unexpectedly referred to nearby Daliangshang, there seemingly was empty, actually had a nail one thing. 接着,方林岩就发现箭头的指向开始具体化,居然指在了旁边的大梁上,那里看似空无一物,其实却有一根铁钉一样的东西。 Fang Linyan looked all around around one, then aims around Russian vice- major road: 方林岩环顾了一下四周,然后对准旁边的俄国副官道: Drives out to me these idlers!” “将那些闲人给我赶出去!” The monks who surrounds in the side domineering felt immediately is aggrieved and angry: We are the masters, you are the idlers! However their anger and does not have any egg use. 在旁边强势围观的和尚们顿时感觉到憋屈和愤怒:我们才是主人啊,你们才是闲人!然而他们的愤怒并没有什么卵用。 After clearing, Fang Linyan very simple walked to put out a hand to bump that nail, detected that it was becomes less crowded, but can only make an effort to press downward. 清场以后,方林岩很干脆的走过去伸手碰了碰那根“铁钉”,发觉它是松动的,不过只能用力向下按。 Then under the instruction of arrow, Fang Linyan found surplus three nail, after the last nail was pressed, the entire interior of building started to present one type unusually humming sound sound, looked like lots of monks about ten to chant scripture to resemble in the double palm. 接下来在箭头的指示下,方林岩又找到了剩余下来的三根“铁钉”,在最后一根铁钉被按动之后,整个建筑物内部开始出现了一种奇特的嗡嗡声,就像是大量的和尚正在双掌合十念经似的。 A nearby cabinet moves out of the way, sent out difficultly obscure creaking toward side slowly the sound, revealed rear area the motley moist stone wall. 紧接着,旁边的一个柜子徐徐朝着旁边挪开,发出了艰难晦涩的“嘎吱嘎吱”的声音,露出了后方斑驳潮湿的石壁。 Originally, this monk's room constructs unexpectedly hillside! 原来,这一处禅房居然是依山而建的! In stone wall can clear sight, the scoop channel of as if picture frame size, the arrow aim in the middle of the scoop channel, Fang Linyan does not need to prompt at this time, greatly black day had taken that directly, placed in the middle of that scoop channel, fits together perfectly exactly! 在石壁上可以清晰的见到,有一个仿佛镜框大小的凹槽,箭头就指向了凹槽当中,方林岩此时不用提示,已经直接将那一副“大黑天”取了出来,放在了那凹槽当中,恰好是严丝合缝! And above scoop channel inside the obvious bulge, are also used to be hanging the scroll paintings. 并且凹槽里面上方还有一个明显的凸起,就是用来悬挂画轴的。 Originally, this seems like that good for nothing picture scroll, unexpectedly is a key, is used to open 200 years ago the secret room in Kouno Mingde Dwelling place!! 原来,这幅看似毫无价值的画卷,居然是一把钥匙,用来开启两百年之前的狩野明德居处的密室!! At this time is good because of Fang Linyan drives out that group of monks, otherwise, they, if knows own these 200 years are defending a secret room with it missing, must beat the breast and stamp the feet, are choked with tears. 此时好在方林岩将那群和尚都赶了出去,否则的话,他们若是知道自己这两百年守着一座密室都与之错过,说不定要捶胸顿足,痛哭失声。 After this picture is hanging came up, initial time seems like does not have any sound, Fang Linyan waited for a while patiently, suddenly saw that the picture scroll an corner/horn starts sallowly, becomes dry, then emitted the smog and flame, burnt down automatically. 这幅画悬挂了上去以后,最初的时候似乎没有什么动静,方林岩耐心等待了一会儿,突然就见到画卷的一角开始焦黄,变枯,然后冒出了烟雾和火焰,自动焚烧了起来。 Flame rapid spreads in the middle of the scoop channel, the combustion, from rise to fall, then extinguishes gradually. 火焰迅速的在凹槽当中蔓延,燃烧,由盛到衰,然后渐渐熄灭下来。 That moment when the flame is put out thoroughly, Fang Linyan saw that nearby floor skidded unexpectedly quietly, revealed a deep cavern, Fang Linyan walked to look, only thought cold air headed on, making one startle spirit shivers. 等到火焰彻底熄灭的那一刻,方林岩见到旁边的地板居然悄无声息的滑动了开来,露出了一个深深的洞穴,方林岩走过去一看,只觉得一股寒气扑面而来,令人激灵灵都打了个寒噤。 After nearby ladder crawls, Fang Linyan entered in the middle of a very small secret room, this secret room is small on washroom with airplane, turning around a little to be difficult, and threat that many mechanisms/organizations, above sends out is also makes one feel afraid. 顺着旁边的梯子爬下去之后,方林岩进入了一个很小的密室当中,这密室小得就和飞机上的洗手间似的,转身都有点困难,并且还有诸多机关,上面散发出来的威胁也是令人觉得不寒而栗。 Obviously, if decodes forcefully, in secret room all will unravel directly. 很显然,若是强行破解的话,密室里面的一切都会直接灰飞烟灭。 On the platform of secret room, according to the instruction of arrow, Fang Linyan attained a small bag, this small bag the palm of the hand size, is also made of the bright yellow silk fabrics unexpectedly, above also has mysterious scrip­tures one after another, the scrip­tures are also bright red, if blood general writing. 在密室的台子上,根据箭头的指示,方林岩拿到了一个小袋子,这个小袋子还不到巴掌大小,居然是用明黄色的绸缎制成的,上面还有着一句一句的神秘经文,经文也是鲜红若血一般书写而成。 However, Fang Linyan has not examined carefully the attribute, unexpectedly felt that some are not right, seems everything may become vulnerable same? 不过,方林岩还没有细看属性,居然感觉有些不对劲,似乎地动山摇一样? He climbs up the ladder immediately fast, detected that own feeling right, the entire house is also swaying a little slightly, therefore hurried walks toward outside distressedly. Nearby Russian also becomes flushed, travels together. 他立即快速爬上梯子,发觉自己的感觉一点儿也没错,整个房屋都在微微摇晃,于是急忙朝着外面狼狈而走。旁边的俄国人也是勃然变色,一起跑路。 After result two minutes, formation of nearby hillside in crash-bang on thin a landslide of small scale, the less than half mountain massif burst to collapse directly, deeply buried together with nearby several houses Kouno Mingde's former residence under a lot of stones 结果两分钟之后,旁边的山坡就稀里哗啦的形成了一场小规模的塌方,小半个山体直接溃塌了下来,将狩野明德的故居连同旁边的几栋房子深深埋在了大量的土石之下 Sees this, Fang Linyan somewhat is also dumbfounded, this sentiment is take the thing the time touched the mechanism/organization? Said the security measure of preinstall? 见到这一幕,方林岩也有些目瞪口呆,这感情是自己取东西的时候触动了机关?还是说预设的防盗措施? However the thing succeeds in obtaining well, all these are unimportant, as for damage control measure. If this group of monks are polite, Fang Linyan also to the compensation, since had died the person, the contradiction cannot reduce and solve, that imitates the dregs male, finishing up left. 不过东西到手就好,这一切都不重要了,至于善后措施.若是这群和尚客客气气的,方林岩还会给点儿补偿,既然都已经死了人,矛盾不可化解,那就效仿渣男呗,完事儿拍屁股走人。 After returning, Fang Linyan attained the concrete attribute of this thing, immediately feels somewhat shocking. 返回之后,方林岩就拿到了这个东西的具体属性,顿时觉得有些震惊。 Name: Bodhi repercussions 名称:菩提劫灰 Quality: Legend 品质:传说 Explained: After Jianzhen travels to the east, in the Japanese great arrange/cloth discipline, is the emperor, Empress, crown prince and the others gave the bodhi abstention, set the record of Risshu lineage/vein. 说明:鉴真东渡之后,在日本弘布戒律,为天皇,皇后,太子等人授菩提戒,创下了律宗一脉。 However, before Jianzhen passed away, because of the reason of missing hometown, therefore has had the thought of returning to homeland, was actually used the method to prevent by the Japanese disciple Yi benevolent, 但是,在鉴真去世之前,因为思念家乡的缘故,所以已经生出了回国的念头,却被日本弟子义仁施展手段阻止, Before Jianzhen passed away, leaves behind the last words, hopes that own bone ash and buddhist relics can give Japan the imperial embassy to China, brings back to the hometown Yangzhou Miyouhouji burial, but does the Japanese disciple actually unmanned compliance, complies in public but opposes in private, therefore then harbored the resentment in death. 鉴真去世前留下遗言,希望自己的骨灰和舍利子能够交给日本遣唐使,带回故乡扬州明法寺安葬,但是一干日本弟子却无人应允,阳奉阴违,因此在去世的时候便怀有怨气。 Therefore, when conducting the cremation, although Jianzhen's buddhist relics take shape, after touching, is reduced to ashes directly, this surplus the ashes are called the bodhi repercussions. 因此,在进行火化的时候,鉴真的舍利子虽然成型,一碰触之后就直接化为灰烬,这剩余下来的灰烬就被称为菩提劫灰。 Lest Jianzhen's several Japanese disciples cause trouble, then with tuo Luo by the package, will be written Moroccan Ke woman incantation Luo Jingwen to resolve resentment above. 鉴真的几名日本弟子唯恐作祟,便用陀罗被将之包裹,在上面书写摩珂婆咒罗经文想要化解其中的怨气。 Some physique weak people when are close to the bodhi repercussions, will be puzzled by inside aura, sees some grotesque and gaudy illusions, but after all is the eminent monk bone ash, will not have anything to obstruct greatly. 有一些体质较弱的人在接近菩提劫灰的时候,就会被里面的气息所惑,见到一些光怪陆离的幻象,但毕竟乃是高僧骨灰,并不会有什么大碍。
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