FE :: Volume #13

#1446: Exceptionally

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Chapter 1444 is unusual 第1444章异常 both sides after entering battlefield, what making Fang Linyan be unexpected, at this time Russia defends the governing side obviously, did not fight the defensive war in Nagasaki even, Shoigu and Nicolas also started to admonish unexpectedly, the preparation ordered the set to initiate the charge directly. 双方在进入战场之后,令方林岩始料未及的是,此时俄国明明是守御一方,不在长崎内部打防御战就算了,绍伊古和尼古拉斯两人居然还开始训话,准备直接下令集合发起冲锋。 This was also too odd, the enemy was the entire regiment, had 3500 people! Even if the forced march has lots of people to fall behind, currently at least still has 3000 people upward. 这也太离谱了吧,敌人乃是整整一个联队,足足有三千五百人呢!就算是强行军有大量的人掉队,现在起码也有三千人往上。 Russian mercenaries now actually also be only 2000 people over, the population has the obvious disadvantage, 俄国这边的雇佣军现在却也只有两千人出头,人数有明显的劣势, And among the Japanese also combined the believer and space soldier of Shintoism, once enters the hand-to-hand fighting, that does not suffer a loss! 并且日本人当中还混杂了神道教的教徒和空间战士,一旦进入白刃战的话,那并不吃亏! In this case, Fang Linyan starts to think that is not right, is good to look that Shoigu and Nicolas's admonishing could not have ended for a short time, then looked all around around one, looked for the northeast mounted bandit slow full beard to go directly, because only then he can contact with his back cayenne mister. 在这种情况下,方林岩开始觉得不对劲起来,好在看绍伊古和尼古拉斯的训话一时半会儿还完不了,便环顾了一下四周,直接去找东北马匪徐大胡子去了,因为只有他能联系到其背后的卡宴先生。 Yes, worry of Fang Linyan does not have the means at this time and others discussed, can only look for the space soldiers of same camp. 是的,此时方林岩的担忧没办法和别人商量,只能找同一阵营的空间战士了。 Finally what Fang Linyan has not expected, he just went out several steps, slow full beard took the lead to welcome, said in a low voice: 结果方林岩没料到的是,他刚刚走出几步,徐大胡子就率先迎了上来,低声道: My family big brother wants to chat with you.” “我家大哥想要和您聊聊。” The Fang Linyan heart this cayenne elder brother's sense of smell is sharp, was supposing perceived not right at the same time, he also discovered this point. 方林岩心道这个卡宴哥的嗅觉还是灵敏啊,估摸着自己觉察到不对劲的同时,他也就发现了这一点。 Quick, this cayenne mister appeared in the Fang Linyan front, this was a very cautious person, before came and Fang Linyan exchange through the way of belt/bring verbal message, at this time first time by the way and Fang Linyan meeting of main body. 很快的,这位卡宴先生就出现在了方林岩的面前,这是一个很谨慎的人,之前都是通过带口信的方式来和方林岩交流,此时还是第一次以本尊的方式和方林岩会面。 A cayenne mister appearance, makes Fang Linyan be startled, because he has not expected this fellow unexpectedly is an acquaintance! Yes, out-and-out acquaintance. 卡宴先生一出现,就让方林岩大吃一惊,因为他万万没料到这家伙竟然是个熟人!是的,不折不扣的熟人。 His status, before unexpectedly is, Buriusz's orderly, that expert marksman Roman Satsuo! Two rounds of high explosive shells let existence that the blade health/guard is in deep sorrow. 他的身份,居然是之前布留斯的勤务兵,那个神枪手罗曼萨夫!两发开花弹让刃卫痛不欲生的存在。 However after crossing initial surprised, Fang Linyan had gotten back one's composure , compared with this Young Master Hu, Roman Satsuo this status also such. 不过渡过了最初的惊讶之后,方林岩就回过了神了,与自己这个胡家少爷比起来,罗曼萨夫这个身份也就那样。 With the shoptalk of modern world, reckless Zhiyun this status, quite therefore panting the Taobao horse or is the big nephew of penguin horse, that gold content is still the post post, Roman Satsuo this beginning status really did not calculate anything. 拿现代世界的行话来说,胡芝云这个身份,相当于是过气了的淘宝马或者是企鹅马的大侄子,那含金量依然是岗岗的,罗曼萨夫这个起点身份就真不算个啥了。 After Roman Satsuo sees Fang Linyan, did not exchange greetings anything, say/way that came straight to the point directly: 罗曼萨夫见到方林岩之后,也不寒暄什么,就直接开门见山的道: Opposite should use anything to ban the technique or the powerful item, then produced the results of mesmeric directly, our here commanders originally conceited, the item of opposite party conducted the enlargement the mood in his heart, therefore move.” “对面应该是使用了什么禁术或者强大的道具,然后直接产生了催眠术的效果,咱们这边的指挥官本来就狂妄自大,对方的道具就将其心中的这种情绪进行了放大,因此中招了。” As the saying goes, the wise man thousand worries must have one to lose, Roman Satsuo's these words saying, Fang Linyan immediately the complexion changed, to be honest, Roman Satsuo's formulation truly hit his thought blind spot. 俗话说得好,智者千虑必有一失,罗曼萨夫的这句话一说出来,方林岩顿时脸色一变,说实话,罗曼萨夫的提法确实击中了他的思维盲区。 Fang Linyan said immediately: 方林岩立即道: Good, your view is very right, currently does everyone on a ship, what good way you have?” “不错,你的看法很对,现在大家都在一条船上,你有什么好的办法吗?” Roman Satsuo said: 罗曼萨夫道: Present means that only then two, first, get rid of the opposite party to display the item or bans the person of technique, second, gets rid of Shoigu and Nicolas, third, with pointed skill or item breaking, but I do not have.” “眼下的办法只有两个,第一,干掉对方施展道具或者禁术的人,第二,干掉绍伊古和尼古拉斯,第三,用针对性的技能或者道具将之破掉,但是我没有。” Fang Linyan frowns immediately, the first method affirmed that is less likely, the second method has the possibility, but the negative role is too big, the third method is most perfect, what a pity oneself cannot achieve. 方林岩顿时皱起了眉头,第一个方法肯定可能性不大,第二个方法是有可能的,但是负面作用太大,第三个方法是最完美的,可惜自己做不到. Facing such condition, Fang Linyan also felt somewhat at a loss suddenly, wants to invite Mobius mark to help loudly, but, set out Mobius mark the price, was to consume Biska data stream, he is also counting on now was a bit faster black when the moon/month made! 面对这样的状况,方林岩一时间也觉得有些束手无策,想要开大招请莫比乌斯印记帮忙了,但是,出动莫比乌斯印记的代价,就是要消耗比斯卡数据流,他现在还指望着快点把月黑之时弄出来呢! Suddenly, Fang Linyan at present one bright, at present as if also choice! He equaled in the heart rapidly, immediately feels feasible, then discussed several after Roman Satsuo, immediately aimed side slightly to run. 忽然之间,方林岩眼前一亮,眼下似乎还有一个选择!他在心里面迅速合计了一下,立即就觉得可行,然后和罗曼萨夫商议几句之后,马上就对准了旁边小跑了过去。 At this time, Shoigu's admonishing must finish, he described directly front Japanese ate mouse that the excrement grew up great Cossacks to throw a hat to be battered to death several fleas, stirred up the following person popular feeling running high. 这时候,绍伊古的训话已经要结束了,他直接将面前的日本人形容成“吃屎长大的老鼠”“伟大的哥萨克人丢一顶帽子都能砸死几个的跳蚤”,煽动得下面的人群情激昂。 At this time, Fang Linyan had actually fled pantingly, on the face is also even wounded, therefore seemed like the whole face blood somewhat to be very scary, first called out loudly: 这时候,方林岩却已经气喘吁吁的窜了上来,脸上甚至还带着伤,因此看起来满脸鲜血很是有些吓人,一来就大声叫道: Mr. Shoigu, had an accident had an accident!!” “绍伊古先生,出事了出事了!!” Saw the Fang Linyan appearance, the Russian on the scene sinks simultaneously at heart, Shoigu and Nicolas actually also lived on the delay all of a sudden, after crossing for 56 seconds, then say/way slowly: 见到了方林岩的模样,在场的俄国人同时都心里一沉,绍伊古和尼古拉斯两人却也一下子就呆滞住了,足足过了五六秒之后这才徐徐的道: What matter?” “什么事情?” Obviously, Shoigu and Nicolas response is not very normal, this fully explained that they truly came under the influence of unusual strength at this time. 很显然,绍伊古和尼古拉斯两人的反应是很不正常的,这足以说明他们此时确实是受到了非正常力量的影响。 Fang Linyan is panting for breath the say/way: 方林岩喘息着道: Combined Fleet had three warships to arrive at the harbor ahead of time, wanted to attempt to land the impact on occupy the Nagasaki naval port forcefully, my person lost seriously, once fort were broken through, then on game is as good as lost, needs to reinforce immediately!” “联合舰队有三艘军舰提前到达了港口,想要尝试强行登陆冲击占据长崎军港,我的人这边损失惨重,一旦炮台阵被冲破,那就大势已去,需要立即增援啊!” Heard the Fang Linyan words, the surrounding person is color in great surprise, the Nagasaki naval port, but their escape routes are , is also the out-and-out supreme headquarters, once were occupied, then quite therefore by the converging attack, really died without the burial ground! 听到了方林岩的话,周围的人都是大惊之色,长崎军港这边可是他们的退路所在啊,也是不折不扣的大本营一旦被占据的话,那么就相当于是被前后夹击,真的是死无葬身之地! Shoigu and in Nicolas eyes revealed the color of struggling simultaneously, seems like intertwining hesitant. 绍伊古和尼古拉斯眼中同时露出了挣扎之色,看起来正在犹豫纠结. *** *** Meanwhile, in the camp rear area woods of Japanese forces, the person who six god officers dress up is revolving a temporary construction the soil altar, in the mouth to mutter completely reads aloud, that sound interwines very disorder, even made one have the feeling of having a dizzy spell. 与此同时,在日军的阵营后方树林中,有六名神官打扮的人正围绕着一个临时建造的泥土祭坛,口中全部都在喃喃念诵,那声音交织在一起十分紊乱,甚至令人有着头晕目眩的感觉。 The surroundings of this group of people were protected layer upon layer, little said that also 100-200 people protect in the surroundings, if some people want to do the matter, the fate was killed by the chaotic spear/gun mostly. 这帮人的周围都被层层保护了起来,少说也有100-200人保护在周围,倘若有人想要来搞事的话,下场多半是被乱枪打死。 Is putting a golden basin on the altar center impressively, should build with the pure gold, the surface of basin has many patterns, lifelike, but carefully looks, description is completely the face of distortion, trees strange scene that the low sky, the crazy disorder grows. 在祭坛中央赫然放着一个金色的盆子,应该是用纯金打造的,盆子的表面有着诸多花纹,栩栩如生,但仔细看去,描绘的全部都是扭曲的脸庞,低矮的天空,疯狂无序生长的树木这种诡异的景象。 In the basin is abundant the flourishing red liquid of big basin, resembles the blood non- blood, as if the ruby same is rippling slightly, the surface of liquid is smooth, if the mirror, reflected light Shoigu and Nicolas's image, and two people appearances appeared the somewhat obvious distortion. 盆子里面盛着大盆的殷红色液体,似血非血,仿佛红宝石一样微微荡漾着,液体的表面则是平滑若镜,返照出了绍伊古与尼古拉斯的形象,并且两人的模样都显得有些明显的扭曲。 Suddenly, a god officer stuffy snort/hum a sound said: 忽然之间,一名神官闷哼了一声道: How can like this? Goal that side resistivity increases, as if must lose control!” “怎么会这样?目标那边的抵抗力大增,似乎要失控了!” With his words, the surface of basin liquid also swung intermittent ripples, looked like has the gale to blow! 伴随着他的话,盆子液体的表面也是荡起了一阵阵的涟漪,就像是有大风吹过似的! At this time, by altar an old man of whole face wrinkle made noise suddenly, spoke a few words, after his these words saying, everyone on the scene has not understood. 这时候,祭坛旁边的一个满脸皱纹的老者忽然出声,说了一句话,他这句话说出来之后,在场的所有人都没听懂。 Because this old man spoke the language that caused is not a living person, is called the zhen article, is ghost article that in the middle of legend evil horse Tai Queen Himiko taught! 因为这老者说话使的语言根本就不是活人的,叫做昣文,是传说当中的邪马台女王卑弥呼所传授下来的鬼文! After this old man spoke, six god officers stiffened immediately, then the muscle on face pit-a-pat the beat, raised both hands slowly, then seized own neck slowly. 这老者一发话之后,六名神官立即僵住,然后脸上的肌肉突突的跳动,徐徐的举起了双手来,然后慢慢掐住了自己的脖子。 At this time the expressions on six god officer faces were not willing panic-strickenly, this expression coordinated on the practical action words properly speaking, turning around to escape is actually most appropriate, however their both feets as if filled lead, stood erect same place in motionless. 这时候六名神官脸上的表情是惊骇而不甘愿的,这种表情按理说配合上实际行动的话,转身就逃其实是最贴切的,但是他们的双脚都仿佛灌了铅似的,矗立在原地一动不动。 And the movement that six god officers raise hand is mechanical and numb, seems the course of action of mourning corpse or puppet is ordinary, although under the broad daylight, so many people surround , is to make one produce the ghost air/Qi the dense, absolutely terrified feeling. 并且六名神官举起手来的动作机械而麻木,就仿佛是丧尸或者木偶的行动方式一般,虽然光天化日之下,还有这么多人围观,却也是令人产生出鬼气森森,毛骨悚然的感觉。 Then, both hands of these six god officers start to catch up slowly, after one minute, they one after another plop plop falls down crookedly, the tongue puts out to extend long, the complexion blue and purple, was choked to death by oneself unexpectedly while still alive! 然后,这六名神官的双手就开始徐徐发力,一分钟之后,他们陆续“扑通扑通”的歪倒在地上,舌头吐出伸得长长的,脸色青紫,竟是被自己给活活掐死了! However, after their group of people died, that golden basin surrounding pattern actually appears the bright brilliant, as if had just been scoured, giving full play to the vitality was ordinary, and pattern on basin also had the subtle change, formed six faces. 但是,他们这帮人死亡之后,那金色盆子周围的花纹却显得亮光灼灼,仿佛是刚刚被擦洗过似的,焕发了生机一般,并且盆子上的花纹也是出现了微妙的变化,形成了六张人脸。 Basin inside liquid was also tranquil, no longer rocked! 盆子里面的液体也是随之平静了下来,不再晃动! The old men wave, side six wood the god officer stride of face was walking, that six people who will die drag away, then replaced their position. 老者一挥手,旁边又有六名木着脸的神官大步走了上来,将死掉的那六个人拖走,然后接替了他们的位置。 These six god officers seemingly are all right, both hands and both legs that actually shiver slightly had completely exposed their mood. 这六名神官看似没事,其实微微颤抖的双手和双腿已经彻底暴露了他们的心情。 After the Japanese stood firm, the situation that Fang Linyan faces was not wonderful! Originally is still appearing Shoigu and Nicolas who complexion somewhat struggle hesitant suddenly becomes fierce, then fierce waves saying: 日本人这边稳住了之后,方林岩面对的局势就不大妙了!本来还在显得有些犹豫挣扎的绍伊古和尼古拉斯两人脸色忽然变得狰狞了起来,然后猛的一挥手道: Situation is worse are not related! We first concentrated fire power defeat front these Japanese dwarves, then turns back in order to help friendly forces full power!!” “局势恶劣一些也没关系!我们先集中火力打垮面前的这些日本矮子,然后再全力回援!!” Fang Linyan one hear of they detected, knows the lying trough is bad! What this TM said is the logical expression? 方林岩一听他们发觉,就知道卧槽要糟!这TM说的是人话? Front Japanese was in the defensive, the person are more than one time you, in this case, but must in the situation that in the ass eye was exploded attacks on own initiative, then turns back in order to help friendly forces? 面前的日本人本来就处于守势了,人还比你多出一倍,在这种情况下,还要在腚眼都被人爆掉的情况下主动进攻,然后再回援? Obviously, many people on the scene also felt not right, started to talk in whispers, immediately the staff officer stood, very impolite say/way: 很显然,在场的不少人也感觉到不对劲了,纷纷开始窃窃私语了起来,立即就有一名参谋站了出来,很不客气的道: Wanniya, this extremely took risk, I did not approve!” “万尼亚,这样太过冒险了,我不赞成!” This staff officer called meter/rice Yucca, was Nicolas's fellow villager, two people grew up together, it can be said that to play the life the friendship, when discussed the official business is the upper and lower layer, usually drank to chat calls the nickname mutually, Wanniya was Nicolas's childhood name. 这名参谋叫米亚卡,乃是尼古拉斯的同乡,两人从小一起长大,可以说是玩儿命的交情,在谈公事的时候是上下级,平时喝酒聊天都是互相叫外号的,万尼亚就是尼古拉斯的小名。 Never expected that Nicolas heard the sound of opposition, immediately turns the head to look at meter/rice Yucca, in the eyes is the red string, the look is also very cruel, the anger exclaimed: 没想到尼古拉斯一听到了反对的声音,立即转头过来看着米亚卡,双眼里面全是红丝,眼神也是十分暴戾,怒吼道: What you said!? What did you say?” “伱说什么!?你说什么?” If the character of meter/rice Yucca is quite temperate supple, then saw that this appearance instigated mostly, but the Russian can become a soldier several instigate the person! 若是米亚卡的性格比较温和阴柔的,那么见到这模样多半就怂了,但俄罗斯人能来当兵的又有几个怂人呢! Let alone this is under big crowd of people, several thousand eyes are staring, meter/rice Yucca does not attach great importance to face-saving, therefore he said immediately loudly: 更何况这还是大庭广众之下,几千双眼睛盯着呢,米亚卡难道不要面子的,于是他立即大声道: I said that your decision has the issue! I am the first-grade staff officer who General Bai Liushen appoints, this journey time has the explicit confession, we have the question power to your order!!” “我说你的决策有问题!我是柏柳申将军任命的一等参谋,这一次出行的时候有明确交代,我们对你的命令拥有质疑权!!” At this time, if Nicolas maintained the reason, direct reaction: You have the question power, but I do not accept your question, the soldier accepts the order! 这时候,若是尼古拉斯保持理智的话,直接回答一句:你拥有质疑权,但是我不接受你的质疑,士兵接受命令! Replied, meter/rice Yucca is also helpless, but now Shoigu or Nicolas, are completely at not a normal condition, is similar to violent anger male drunkard that type, does the basic logical relation manage continually smoothly, how possibly does not make the so clear explicit reply? 如此回答,米亚卡也是无能为力的,但是现在无论是绍伊古还是尼古拉斯两人,都完全处于一种不正常的状态,类似于暴怒的醉汉那种,连基本的逻辑关系都理不顺利,怎么可能做出如此清晰明确的回答? Therefore, saw only Nicolas by words one of the meter/rice Yucca, the face was suppressed immediately fiercely red, then from the bosom pulls out a pistol to aim at the past!! 因此,只见尼古拉斯被米亚卡的话一顶,脸顿时被憋得通红,然后猛的从怀中掏出了一支手枪就瞄准了过去!! Saw this, some people were shocked, suddenly has „” a series of gunshots transmit! On the platform several groups of smog start to disseminate rapidly, Fang Linyan rushes to yell immediately: 见到了这一幕,一干人都是惊呆了,忽然就有“啪啪啪”的一连串枪响传来!紧接着台子上就有好几团烟雾迅速开始弥散,方林岩更是立即冲了上去大叫道: Is a smoke shell, the Ninja assassination of careful Japanese!!” “是烟雾弹,小心日本人的忍者刺杀!!” But Fang Linyan crashed in shortly after mist inside, inside transmitted bang an explosion!! This sound is to hear in the surrounding person heart one tight! 方林岩冲进了雾气里面以后不久,里面就传来了“轰”的一声爆炸!!这声音更是听得周围的人心中一紧! Needless saying that the group of children waited for the Europeans of admonishing to be shocked, damn were the young Japanese devils unexpectedly rampant to this degree? They look all around, has not actually seen the ringer to come, can only aim possibly has the place strafe of questionable point, suddenly the scene became a hopeless mess completely randomly! 不消说,现场的这帮子等着训话的老毛子都惊呆了,狗日的小日本鬼子居然猖獗到了这种程度?他们环顾四周,却没有见到枪手现身,只能对准可能存在疑点的地方扫射,一时间现场全部都乱成了一锅粥! Obviously, the Russian here confusion was also noticed by the Japanese, of Baishi United assists thought immediately this is an excellent fighter aircraft, the enemy is so chaotic, then first round bombards, then the collective charge, can rout the opposite party inevitably!! 很显然,俄国人这边的混乱也是被日本人注意到了,白石联队的一名中佐立即就觉得这是个绝佳的战机,敌人如此混乱,那么先一轮炮轰过去,然后集体冲锋,必然能击溃对方!! In this assists is unknown at this time, in the future what will actually be blown by the Japanese for the army gods is wooden!( PS: What standard surface was wooden in North Korea) is even admitted in the middle of fine Kuni Shrine at this time that type! 这名中佐此时还名不见经传,但日后却是被日本人吹为军神的乃木!(PS:本位面的乃木此时在朝鲜)甚至被放进了精国神社当中那种! Therefore, this fellow's assurance ability to the battlefield was also great, this was also the inherent talent, was too difficult to learn. 所以,这家伙对战场的把握能力也是一等一的强了,这也是与生俱来的天赋,学不来的。 But the issue was, is the wooden present had this vision, has not had the corresponding power! After his words exit|to speak, immediately was scolded by nearby many people: 但问题在于,乃木现在具备了这个眼光,却并没有具备相应的权力!他的话一出口之后,立即就被旁边的多人呵斥: Shut up, stupid country bumpkin!” “闭嘴,愚蠢的乡巴佬!” Ao Zhongjun( regimental commander) has not spoken, how to be one's turn you to sweep the speech of horse dung like this?” “奥重君(联队长)都没有发话,怎么轮到你这样的扫马粪的发言?” Fool who does not understand the custom, the turmoil of Russian obviously is installs, once we will dispatch troops to be hit by the domineering attack of opposite party.” “不懂规矩的笨蛋,俄国人的动乱明显是装出来的,我们一旦出兵的话就会遭受到对方的强势袭击。” God officer Sir said that the Russian will certainly come to attack us on own initiative, enters our ambush areas, you in the will of question great whorl saliva god?” “神官大人说了,俄国人一定会主动前来攻击我们,进入我们的埋伏圈,你是在质疑伟大的涡津神的意志吗?” „.” “.” One reprimanded, was the wood can only complexion pale returning to the formation, did not speak silently, although he came from the warrior family, however has burst in the growing up beforehand family, the father also played the ignominious role in Meiji Restoration. 这么噼里啪啦的一番斥责下来,乃木只能脸色铁青的退回到了队列当中,默默不语,他虽然出身于武士家庭,但是在长大成人之前家庭就已经破裂,父亲在明治维新当中还扮演了不光彩的角色。 And is the wood is crude, the speech is direct, therefore is subject to the middle of the army pushes aside, before had almost a person to run on to begin, others rush headlong into mass action, this was the bad money expels the good money the model. 并且乃木性格粗暴,说话直接,因此在军队当中备受排挤,之前几乎是有个人挤兑开了个头,其余的人一哄而上,这就是劣币驱逐良币的典型了。
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