FE :: Volume #13

#1440: Pursuit

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Chapter 1438 pursues 第1438章追击 However, side Buriusz also has the defense capacity absolutely, facing the surprise attack of assassin, his two orderlies bellows, put up the spear/gun to rush toward the above directly put up the past, but another orderly was dashes to, pressed Buriusz under the body. 不过,布留斯身边却也绝对不是没有防卫力量的,面对刺客的突袭,他的两名勤务兵大吼一声,直接就架着枪冲上去朝着上方架了过去,而另外一名勤务兵则是直扑而上,将布留斯压在了身下。 The blade potential of this black clothes Ninja was swift and fierce, first cut off a flintlock and an arm, then continued no hindrance below divided, cut off the flintlock that another horizontal checker-work came! 这名黑衣忍者的刀势凌厉至极,先斩断了一把火枪和一条手臂,然后又继续毫无阻碍的下劈,又斩断了另外一条横格过来的火枪! Then unexpectedly the wrist/skill turns, melts chops for the thorn, directly and fell down below Buriusz in his orderly grips to pass the heart to be cool! 接着居然手腕一翻,化劈为刺,直接将下方的布留斯和扑倒在他身上的勤务兵扎了个透心凉! However this black clothes Ninja is just about hilt one revolution, to below enemy brings a bigger harm time, orderly a more than ten meters away has roared to lift gun to aim directly. 但是这黑衣忍者正要将刀柄一转,给下方的敌人带来更大的伤害的时候,十几米外的一名勤务兵已经怒吼着直接举枪瞄准了过来。 This orderly is called Roman Satsuo, may be called the out-and-out expert marksman, is Buriusz's core defense capacity, is loyal and devoted to Buriusz, even repeatedly rejected the order of being promoted, is only willing to treat side Buriusz makes his last barrier. 这名勤务兵叫做罗曼萨夫,堪称不折不扣的神枪手,乃是布留斯身边的核心防卫力量,对布留斯忠心耿耿,甚至多次拒绝了升职的命令,只肯待在布留斯身边做他的最后一道屏障。 Naturally, Buriusz also invested much on his body, weapon that for example Roman Satsuo uses, is the revolver spear/gun of Morsink Na Can M1890 edition two Buriusz buys in private! 当然,布留斯也是在他的身上投资了不少,比如罗曼萨夫使用的武器,就是两把布留斯私下购入的莫辛纳甘M1890版本的左轮枪! Roman Satsuo also status, that is the space soldier cayenne mister! 咳咳,罗曼萨夫还有一个身份,那就是空间战士卡宴先生! But Roman Satsuo one lifts gun, that black clothes Ninja felt the threat, for the time-saving abandoned the blade to run away directly, threw a round of smoke shell while convenient! 而罗曼萨夫这边一举枪,那名黑衣忍者就感觉到了威胁,为了节省时间直接弃刀逃走,顺带还丢出了一发烟雾弹! But before the smoke shell becomes effective, flip-flop continuous sound of gunfire has made a sound, 可是就在烟雾弹生效之前,“噼噼啪啪”接连不断的枪声就已经响了起来, Even after is the smog disseminates, Roman Satsuo still in the middle of the bullet of one breath two revolver spears/guns fires off, this to/clashes to examine Buriusz's situation. 哪怕是烟雾弥散起来之后,罗曼萨夫依然一口气将两把左轮枪当中的子弹打完,这才冲上来查看布留斯的情况。 But at this time, Fang Linyan has actually vanished was staying the position directly, pursued directly. 而这时候,方林岩却已经直接消失在了之前呆着的位置上,直接追了出去。 Is Fang Linyan so why careful? 为什么方林岩这么上心? It is not because he and Buriusz have what too big friendship, but saw that black clothes Ninja grasps on the back of the hand of blade, dark-red scars of knife wound, but this scar of knife wound Fang Linyan has also seen on another person, that is near the Dongxiang well bore trusted aide: Edge health/guard- Is honoured as Ji's body. 不是因为他和布留斯有什么太大的交情,而是看到了那名黑衣忍者握刀的手背上,有一条暗红色的刀疤,而这条刀疤方林岩在另外一个人身上也看到过,那就是东乡井身边的心腹:刃卫--被尊称为住吉公的身上。 in emotion in reason, at this time the Dongxiang well is a dead end, this old fogy should also stand the help. 于情于理,此时东乡井已经是穷途末路,这个老家伙也应该站出来帮忙的。 Naturally, actuates another reason that Fang Linyan pursues, was he sees with one's own eyes Roman Satsuo is hit a target the enemy, and at least two spears/guns!! 当然,驱动方林岩追出去的另外一个原因,就是他亲眼看到了罗曼萨夫乃是射中了敌人的,并且至少两枪!! The matter of this beating severely don't hit a person when he's down, Fang Linyan is certainly willing to do, and is willing often to do, he had not forgotten blade health/guard hiding a dagger in a smile old fogy planned oneself many times in the back. 这种痛打落水狗的事情,方林岩当然是愿意做,并且愿意经常做的,他可没有忘记刃卫这个笑里藏刀的老家伙背地里可是算计了自己不少次。 If oneself are really to maintain family/home does not hesitate all going down in the world young masters, then delivers the cargo is coming the time next time, was eaten by Dongxiang well group of people wipes completely the fate of reprecipitation corpse sea dry/does. 若是自己真是个为了维护家名不惜一切的落魄公子,那么下一次运载着货物过来的时候,就是被东乡井这帮人吃干抹尽再沉尸大海的下场。 Detected that Fang Linyan moved, protects his Li Sandeng person also to discover immediately, immediately with. 发觉方林岩一动,保护他的李三等人立即也发现了,立即跟了上去。 Stands to put that two baits of spear/gun as for lead, had made into the screen by the angry Cossacks directly. 至于率先站起来放枪的那两个诱饵,已经被愤怒的哥萨克人直接打成了筛子. The Fang Linyan direct pressure, blade health/guard old fogy really had many skills along the way, ran quickly did not say, and also hardly left behind any whereabouts along the way, to pursuit was an unusual headache matter. 方林岩沿途直接追击了下去,刃卫这老家伙确实有两把刷子,跑得快不说,并且沿途还几乎不留下任何行迹,对追击者来说是非常头疼的一件事。 How is not good at this field of endeavor Fang Linyan closely biting his , said that is very simple, has the eye on the line, because the blade health/guard has been bleeding 那么并不擅长此道的方林岩是怎么紧紧咬住他的呢,咳咳,说起来很简单,有眼睛就行,因为刃卫一直在流血 Roman Satsuo usually does not open fire, he has crossed the time of competing for the meritorious service, before was arrived by the cayenne mister, how this fellow ponders over to protect every day Buriusz. 罗曼萨夫平时是不开枪的,他早已过了争夺功勋的时候,在被卡宴先生降临之前,这家伙每天就琢磨着怎么将布留斯保护好。 Therefore, this senior worthless soldier in being all right, will find the way to file out the cross shape on own revolver bullet warhead the scratch, in this case, the penetrating power of bullet is weaken, if injects in the human body, will explode directly! The shrapnel will tumble to cause the damage in the human body directly continually. 所以,这个老兵油子在没事的时候,就会想办法在自己的左轮子弹弹头上锉出来十字形状的划痕,这样的话,子弹的穿透力减弱,但是一旦射入人体内的话,就会直接爆炸!弹片会直接在人体内持续翻滚造成伤害。 Under normal conditions, this type of warhead takes out in within the body, is the twist deformation, and head presents the shape that the flower petal opens generally, therefore also called the high explosive shell. 通常情况下,这种弹头从体内取出之后,都是扭曲变形,并且头部呈现出花瓣一般张开的形状,因此又叫开花弹。 The might uses the web the shoptalk, that is spear/gun spear/gun suddenly/violently to strike! 其威力用网游的行话来说,那就是枪枪暴击! In this regard, its might even in a big way compares 38 to cover on strong several times! 在这一点上,其威力甚至比三八大盖强上好几倍! Therefore, blade health/guard of being hit in continually feeble, and reinforcements that this old thing possibly has by Russian suddenly/violently to beat up, in this case, Fang Linyan were also being pursued that to call unscrupulous, and is very calm. 所以,中枪的刃卫是在持续衰弱的,并且这老东西可能存在的援军还正在被俄国人暴揍呢,在这种情况下,方林岩追得那叫一个肆无忌惮,并且还十分从容。 After all the blood of old fogy has been flowing, flows for one second, is weak for one second, so long as do not leave the time that the old thing therapy, that can die its living pursuing! 毕竟老家伙的血在一直流呢,多流一秒钟,就多虚弱一秒钟,自己只要不留给老东西疗伤的时间,那就能将其活生生的追死! After escaping from 500-600 meters, blade health/guard Huran plunged behind a nearby big tree, this time he was blocked by the big tree completely, very obviously in letting the following pursuing troops presents the choice question. 在逃出了500-600米之后,刃卫忽然扑向了旁边的一株大树后面,此时的他被大树完全挡住,很显然就在让后面的追兵做选择题。 Because this old thing may be is ready, the words that you continue to pursue, cannot do a good job in must stick out suddenly by him launch an attack, make a false countercharge, plots directly. 因为这老东西有可能是蓄势待发,你继续追上去的话,搞不好就要被他暴起发难,反咬一口,直接暗算。 However, this old thing may also be stop therapy immediately, if an oversuspicious person, slowly circles from side, the opposite party estimated that therapy to stop bleeding. 但是,这老东西也有可能是立即停下来疗伤,倘若是个多疑的人,慢慢的从旁边绕过去的话,对方估计都已经疗伤止血完毕了。 However, Fang Linyan actually sneers, how can oneself lead by the nose by this boy? 不过,方林岩却冷笑一声,自己怎么能被这厮牵着鼻子走? You attempts to present this choice question at the same time, in fact fell into the rhythm of enemy. 你尝试去做这道选择题的同时,实际上就落入到了敌人的节奏当中了。 Therefore, he waved to emit the unmanned aerial vehicle, then took out that the 38 big lids of dark gold/metal quality, adopted the aiming stance. 所以,他一挥手就放出了无人机,然后取出了那把暗金品质的三八大盖,摆出了瞄准姿态来。 Quick, the angle of view of unmanned aerial vehicle showed, the old bastard left hand takes away a Ninja dart, the right hand is grasping the katana, is waiting to pursue! 很快的,无人机的视角就显示,老王八蛋左手扣着一把忍者镖,右手握着武士刀,正等自己追上来呢! Saw this, Fang Linyan touched off the trigger directly! 见到了这一幕,方林岩直接就扣动了扳机! „” A gunshot, on the big tree exploded one group of smog, but the blade health/guard response did not have, obviously penetrated has not started. “啪”的一声枪响,大树上就炸出了一团烟雾,不过刃卫一点儿反应都没有,显然穿透没有发动。 However Fang Linyan some accompany him to play patiently. 不过方林岩有的是耐心陪他玩儿。 According to the test of Fang Linyan, the probability that the penetration starts is not low, the average three spears/guns can have a spear/gun, but this rate of fire of spear/gun is 1.9 seconds / round, what is more important is this gadget is the unlimited bullet, can save to trade the time of bullet. 根据方林岩的测试,穿透发动的几率并不低,平均三枪就能出一枪,而这把枪的射速是1.9秒/发,更重要的是这玩意儿是无限子弹的呢,就可以省下换子弹的功夫了。 Therefore, theoretically, most six to eight seconds, blade Mr. health/guard becomes will experience this dark gold/metal weapon might personally the first person. 所以,从理论上来说,最多六到八秒钟,刃卫先生就会成为亲手体验这把暗金武器威力的第一人。 Quick, Fang Linyan touched off the trigger again. But these still does not have time, doesn't matter, the trial mistake cost of labor is very low, lowers to only needs 0.003 calorie , actually touches off the trigger again. 很快的,方林岩就再次扣动了扳机.但这一次依然没中,没关系,劳资的试错成本很低,低到只需要0.003卡路里,咳咳,其实就是再扣动一下扳机。 The third spear/gun resounds again, Fang Linyan from the angle of view of unmanned aerial vehicle saw immediately, blade Mr. health/guard the whole body twitched fiercely, the whole person inclined the past in the direction that the bullet projected, collapsed on the ground, simultaneously put out a hand to cover to the body, and in the facial expression revealed the color of pain, but also opened the mouth difficultly is panting for breath 第三枪再次响起,从无人机的视角当中方林岩顿时见到,刃卫先生浑身都剧烈的抽搐了一下,整个人朝着子弹射出的方向倾斜了过去,瘫倒在了地上,同时伸手捂向了身体上,并且脸容上露出了痛苦之色,还张大了嘴艰难的喘息着 Meanwhile, on the retina of Fang Linyan sprang the injury of this spear/gun: 839 points! 同时,方林岩的视网膜上弹出了这一枪的伤害:839点! The appearance that the blade health/guard is hit let the Fang Linyan relates to one directly after the boiling water fish that is struggling desperately, seeming like somewhat was very funny- naturally, believes that blade Mr. health/guard will not approve the viewpoint of Fang Linyan. 刃卫中枪的样子直接让方林岩联想到了一条离开水后正在挣命的鱼,看起来很是有些好笑-当然,相信刃卫先生并不会苟同方林岩的观点。 Fang Linyan therefore then expelled, heard his sound of footsteps probably, before Fang Linyan rushes to the tree time, the blade health/guard fled unexpectedly again , to continue to face forward to run away to go, as if thick patch of grass inside frightened hare, vigorous exceptionally, could not look appearance that slightly the least bit is hit. 方林岩于是又接着撵了上去,大概是听到了他的脚步声,等到方林岩冲到树前的时候,刃卫居然再次窜了出来,继续朝前逃窜而去,仿佛一只草丛里面受惊野兔似的,矫健异常,丝毫都看不出来半点中枪的样子。 Facing this condition, Fang Linyan is not expelling him anxiously, but arrived at behind of that big tree in an unhurried manner, detected that here has a blood of big beach/pool, obviously this spear/gun hits very ruthlessly. 面对这状况,方林岩也并不急着撵他,而是从容不迫的来到了那株大树的后面,发觉这里已经有一大滩的鲜血,显然这一枪打得忒狠的。 Fang Linyan observes the exit|to speak that a tree loaded a gun, then simulated an blade health/guard at that time the posture after tree, finally confirmed that this round of bullet hit his lungs from the back- this explained that the Fang Linyan foundation firing ability is truly insufficient. 方林岩观察了一下树上子弹的出口,然后模拟了一下刃卫当时在树后的姿势,最后确认这一发子弹是从背后击中了他的肺部-这说明方林岩的基础射击能力确实不足。 Because Fang Linyan conducted the auxiliary aiming with the aid of the angle of view of unmanned aerial vehicle at that time, the spot that he wants to hit is actually the head of blade health/guard, finally carried out using diversionary tactics worthy of the reputation. 因为方林岩当时是借助无人机的视角进行辅助瞄准,他想打的部位其实是刃卫的脑袋的,结果搞出来了个名副其实的声东击西. However thinks carefully, Fang Linyan besides the foundation fire of LV4, to the long-range fire does not have the addition again, in this case fires to guarantee that the hit target is very good, which type can that also make? 不过仔细想一想,方林岩除了LV4的基础射击之外,对远程射击就再也没有加成的了,在这种情况下射击能确保命中目标已经很不错了啊,那还要闹哪样呢? Then Fang Linyan continued to trace was more relaxed, although the mountain road was rugged, the woods cover, can only see the back of this old fogy occasionally, because actually the blade health/guard dropped the blood in ground becomes more, tip dripping, seemed exceptionally bright! 接下来方林岩继续追踪就更轻松了,虽然山道崎岖,树林茂密,偶尔只能看到这老家伙的一个背影,却因为刃卫滴落在地面上的鲜血变得更多了,点滴淋漓,显得异常鲜明! Quick, Fang Linyan stopped the footsteps by a stone, detected that here blood especially many, fell after below fallen leaf, even gathered in a small beach, obviously old fogy flash the volume of blood was very astonishing. 很快的,方林岩又在一块石头旁边停住了脚步,发觉这里的鲜血尤其的多,落在了下方的落叶之后,甚至都汇聚成了一小滩,可见老家伙这一瞬间的出血量都十分惊人。 It is estimated that is the bullet of Roman Satsuo this fellow originally on evil and cruel, hit the aorta of blade health/guard while convenient, having the volume of blood was so huge. Naturally, some mean fellow looked like the dog to expel the rabbit such to pursue others to dash about wildly several kilometers is the fundamental reason. 估计是罗曼萨夫这家伙的子弹本来就歹毒,顺带还打中了刃卫的大动脉,出血量才如此巨大。当然,某个幸灾乐祸的家伙就像是狗撵兔子那样追着人家狂奔了好几公里才是根本性的原因。 Quick, the front presented a river valley, is that between two mountains in the middle of the crevice presents, the summer possibly has the water in the fall, but the winter spring is basically dry. 很快的,前方就出现了一条河谷,就是两山之间夹缝当中出现的那种,夏秋季可能有水,但是冬春季基本干涸。 After arriving here, the blade health/guard hid behind a big stone again, then start without hesitation gives itself to stop bleeding, processes the wound. Obviously, he is also very clear to escape again the dead end, even does not need the enemy to begin, own blood must drain off dead. 来到了这里之后,刃卫再次藏到了一块大石头后面,然后就毫不犹豫的开始给自己止血,处理伤口。很显然,他也很清楚再这么逃下去死路一条,甚至根本不用敌人动手,自己的鲜血都要流干而死了。 Facing this situation, Fang Linyan laughs , indicating oneself are stress-free, your such liking makes me present the choice question, is the sentiment beforehand owing has not eaten enough? 面对这种情况,方林岩哈哈一笑,表示自己毫无压力,你这么喜欢让我做选择题,感情是之前的亏还没有吃够吗? Therefore Fang Linyan then carries 38 big lids is a spear/gun!! Finally this spear/gun triggered the powerful penetration effect directly, but hit leaning! That bullet scratched the face of blade health/guard to fly. 于是方林岩接下来端起三八大盖又是一枪!!结果这一枪直接就触发了强力穿透效果,但是打偏了!那子弹擦着刃卫的脸飞了过去。
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