FE :: Volume #13

#1437: Enslaving

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Chapter 1435 enslaves 第1435章奴役 What minor defect in something otherwise perfect is, the one who turns time is the foundation might of weapon, in other words this above of spear/gun writes the panel date, the words that but in fact this spear/gun hits, its might must receive the Fang Linyan foundation to fire at the LV4 addition, agile addition, violent striking rate/lead addition, use the addition influence of special bullet. 美中不足的是,翻倍的是武器的基础威力,就是说这把枪的上面写着的面板数据,但实际上这一枪打出来的话,其威力还要受到方林岩的基础射击LV4加成,敏捷加成,暴击率加成,使用的特殊子弹的加成影响。 If calculates again these extra factors that injury was more terrifying. 若是将这些额外因素再算上去,那伤害就更恐怖了。 In brief, Fang Linyan is quite satisfied the spear/gun to this, if can go out it belt/bring, not being able to do well to sell the price of legend level equipment to come out, it is a pity that cannot bring 总之,方林岩对这把枪还是相当满意的,若是能将之带出去,搞不好能卖出传说级装备的价格出来,遗憾的是带不出去 After holding appreciatively a while this spear/gun, Fang Linyan thinks a matter, quickly selected the war progress bar, then the corners of the mouth revealed immediately wiped the smile: 把玩了一会儿这把枪之后,方林岩想到了一件事,急忙点开了战争进度条,然后嘴角顿时露出了一抹微笑: Because Chinese this time winning percentage, has risen dramatically 55.2!! 因为中国此时的胜率,已经足足飙升到了55.2!! This is what concept, means that this fought hits over 30 winning percentage to come out!! What is worth mentioning is, this is also the first time that the winning percentage of China surpassed Japan. 这是什么概念,意味着这一战就足足打了超过30的胜率出来!!值得一提的是,这也是中方的胜率第一次超过日本。 Then Fang Linyan went out in the room to stretch oneself, then quickly the network of forest belts fort that went to fight yesterday, went to collect the wreckage of mechanism/organization armed soldier, reorganizes, installed in the middle of the bag, according to the appraisal of Fang Linyan, it is estimated that can only make five mechanism/organization armed soldiers restore the battle efficiency at most. 接下来方林岩走出了房间里面伸了个懒腰,然后快步前往昨天战斗的林冈炮台,前去将机关甲士的残骸进行收集,整理,重新装回了袋子当中,根据方林岩的评估,估计顶多只能使五名机关甲士恢复战斗力了。 After completing these things, the weather has shone gradually, Fang Linyan goes out of the door, had seen that outside is busy bustling, soldiers who large numbers of Japanese workers and are captured in laborious practical training, the matter that they handle is transporting a lot of cargos embarks. 做完这些事情之后,天色已经渐亮,方林岩走出房门,已经见到外面可是忙得热火朝天,大量的日本工人和被俘的士兵都在辛苦的劳作着,他们所做的事情就是搬运大量的货物上船。 But where do these cargos come? Naturally is the Russian who these go out grabs to come. 而这些货物从哪里来的?当然是那些外出的俄国人劫掠而来的了。 On the wharf, more than ten rich man gentlemen sat behind the table, side was one box of one box of silver ruble of sending out the attractive ray, these dingdong made noise small lovable directly was the double eagle design that Russia was in sole possession , the back was hammers the system the year. 在码头上面,足足有十几个朝奉先生坐在了桌子后面,旁边就是一箱一箱散发着诱人光芒的银卢布,这些叮当作响的小可爱正面是俄国独有的双头鹰图案,背面则是锻制的年份。 Without a doubt, they captured the most Russian greedy attention. 毫无疑问,它们吸引了大部分俄国人贪婪的目光。 Comes by the Qiao organization as for these rich man gentlemen, their duties are to keep prices down and appraise the truth. 至于这些朝奉先生都是由乔家组织而来的,他们的任务就是压价和鉴定真伪。 The Russian mercenaries with the cargo that the bayonet and bullet pay a bill rapid was delivered the estimate, then received exchange for the silver ruble, the cargos of these belt/bring blood will bring over five times of astonishing profits for Qiao. 俄国雇佣军们用刺刀和子弹付账来的货物迅速的被送过来估价,然后换取银卢布,这些带血的货物将会为乔家带来超过五倍的惊人利润。 As for the transporting, does odd jobs, reorganizes wait/etc a series of trivial matters, naturally was in the Japanese by port completed, although these Japanese the status was different, but was divided into two types probably, one type was in the middle of the naval port the original worker, nearby resident who another type forcefully requisition. 至于搬运,打杂,整理等等一系列的琐事,当然是由港内的日本人来完成了,这些日本人虽然身份不同,但是大概分为两种,一种就是军港当中原本的工人,另外一种就是被强行征调过来的附近居民。 At this time in the middle of the naval port only kept more than 200 people responsible for keeping the order, safe, other dispersed, conducted the carnival that grabbed in Nagasaki this place, but these Japanese odd jobs who temporarily requisition had more than 800 people. 此时军港当中只留下来了两百多人负责维持秩序,安全,其余的都散了开来,在长崎这地方进行劫掠的狂欢盛宴,而临时被征调来的这些日本杂工足足有八百多人。 The Japanese Nationality obeyed the natural disposition of powerhouse to manifest now, under bayonet that in the Russian cold light sparkled, they looked like the tame wild dog same, is transporting the cargo honestly, completed is assigning to their work. 只是,日本民族服从强者的本性现在又体现了出来,在俄国人寒光闪闪的刺刀下面,他们就像是驯服的野狗一样,老老实实的搬运着货物,完成着分配给他们的工作。 Manages this matter's Qiao naturally also to understand to slap to the truth of jujube, in another side of wharf, built five large size earth stoves, inside braved the steaming hot white smoke and bamboo system steamer, by the earth stove has large number of wicker baskets, inside piled up with steamed bun, onigiri and so on thing. 主持此事的乔家当然也深谙打个巴掌给个枣的道理,就在码头的另外一边,垒起了五座大号土灶,里面冒着热气腾腾的白烟和竹制蒸笼,土灶旁边有着大量的箩筐,里面是堆满了的馒头,饭团之类的东西。 Each Japanese after the transporting completes one, can attain a bamboo to plan, but a bamboo plans can trade to a steamed bun / an onigiri / a Chinese pear-leaf crabapple( three chooses one), in addition one bowl of steaming hot Kelp soup. 每个日本人在搬运完成一趟之后,就能拿到一根竹筹,而一根竹筹就能换到一个馒头/一个饭团/一个林檎(三选一),外加一碗热气腾腾的昆布汤。 Such paid work behavior, dramatically increased the labor enthusiasm of Japanese without a doubt, made the resistance psychology of this fellows reduce much. 这样的“有偿劳动”行为,毫无疑问大幅度增加了日本人的劳动热情,也让这帮家伙的抗拒心理降低了不少。 In fact, was squeezed regarding these to the pinnacle floor Japan People, is really hunger like the wind, often accompanies my body, was hungry the eye to send fiercely green irrigates is be used to it, the reward pattern that Qiao Jia did, can let them about every 20 minutes to attain a bamboo to plan, to them has seduced enormously. 事实上,对于这些被压榨到极致的底层日本民众来说,真的是“饥饿如风,常伴吾身”,饿得眼睛发绿猛灌水已经是习惯了,乔家搞出来的这种奖励模式,能让他们差不多每隔20分钟就能拿到一根竹筹,对他们来说已经是极大的诱惑了。 Naturally, the thing that these Japanese eat definitely is not Qiao ships from afar, but is to make directly from the warehouse in port, this is typical sought a livelihood in enemy. 当然,这些日本人吃的东西肯定不是乔家千里迢迢运来的,而是直接从港内的仓库里面弄来的,这是典型的“就食于敌”了。 But Qiao Jia sends the set that the bamboo plans, then helps there study from the water transport, has executed for several hundred years, in a short time almost will not make what trouble. 而乔家发竹筹的这一套,则是从漕帮那里学来的,已经施行了数百年,短时间内几乎是不会闹出什么乱子来。 Fang Linyan transferred the revolutions in the wharf, unexpectedly detected the rebellion hidden danger that oneself worry about does not exist completely, the Japanese who this group was forced squeezing obviously works very positively, without pain that the invaded country enslaves, when the transporting cargo almost slightly is running, does not need to urge. 方林岩在码头上转了转,居然发觉自己担忧的暴动隐患完全不存在,这帮明明是被强迫压榨的日本人干活非常积极,毫无被侵略者奴役的痛苦,在搬运货物的时候几乎是在小跑着的,根本不用催促。 Especially was being divided food matter( dining region), that atmosphere can be said as is warm with celebrating a holiday to be the same: 尤其是在被划分出来的“食事”(进餐区域),那气氛可以说是热烈得和过节一样: A robust man in gulps is eating the onigiri, exciting say/way: 一个壮汉一面大口大口的吃着饭团,一面兴奋的道: Five months, I had eaten five months of wild herbs rice bran dumpling, today finally eats the onigiri of delicacy, and inside also has two plums!” “五个月了,我已经吃了五个月野菜米糠团子了,今天终于又吃到了美味的饭团,并且里面还有两颗梅子!” Another middle-aged person is carrying the wooden bowl in blows while drinks: 另外一个中年人则是端着木碗在边吹边喝: Tastes this Kelp soup, is tasty, has a look at inside egg filament!” “尝尝这昆布汤吧,多鲜美啊,看看里面的蛋花丝!” A soldier of wear military uniform is longing forced in the middle of the fruit the pocket: 还有一个穿着军装的士兵则是恋恋不舍的将果子塞进了衣兜当中: This Chinese pear-leaf crabapple( apple) I must bring to go back to give the whole family to share, my youngest daughter can obtain one piece!” “这个林檎(苹果)我要带回去给全家人分享,我的小女儿可以多得到一片!” Suddenly, nearby great master called one: 突然,旁边的大师傅吆喝了一声: Steamed bun emerged!” “馒头出笼了!” Then the great master opened the steamer, throws the snow white steamed bun toward nearby bamboo basket, waited for a group of Japanese labor who to well up in side immediately! 然后大师傅就将蒸笼揭开,往旁边的竹筐里面丢雪白的馒头,在旁边等待的一大群日本劳工立即就涌了上来! I take three, here is the bamboo plans!” “我要三个,这里是竹筹!” I take one!” “我要一个!” Please must first give me, I finished eating will continue to work!!” “请务必先给我,我吃完了会去继续干活儿的!!” Saw this, just arrived here Japanese labor to buy nearby uncle clothes startled: 见到了这一幕,一名刚刚来到这里的日本劳工愕然的扯了扯旁边的大叔衣服: Uncle, what is your is making?” “大叔,你们这是在做什么?” This uncle looked at his one eyes vigilantly, then said: 这大叔警惕的看了他一眼,然后道: This is the rare Chinese vegetarian steamed bread!! Is authentic flavor that Capital master in China makes, do not say that was the ordinary civilians, beforehand Mr. Yamomato said that has not had such delicacy!” “这可是罕见的中华素馒!!是中国的京都师傅过来做出来的正宗风味,不要说是普通平民了,之前的山本老爷都说没有吃过这样的美味呢!” ( Here is not fabrication, steamed bun that Japanese usually eats is more similar to the red bean bun of China, even even/including water letter/believes profound cake to be similar to the thing of fruit jelly like this calls water steamed bun, the authentic Chinese steamed bun is very rare, and was expensive in then Japanese selling price.) (此处并非杜撰,日本人平时吃的馒头更类似于中国的豆沙包,甚至连水信玄饼这样类似于果冻的东西都叫水馒头,正宗的中国馒头很少见的,并且在当时的日本售价昂贵。) Nanie!! I must try!” “纳尼!!那我也一定要试试!” Under the seduction of food, gradually unexpectedly here presents on own initiative the Japanese civilians who wanted to run to come to be the coolie, regarding this people of advance party welcome! Now their matter on hand are too many, the ship building( Nelson) needs the manpower, disassembles in the Nagasaki naval port machine to need the manpower, the wealth that the transporting grabs needs the manpower. 在食物的诱惑下,渐渐的居然出现了想要主动跑来这边做苦力的日本平民,对此先遣队的人非常欢迎!现在他们手头的事情太多了,修船(纳尔逊号)需要人手,拆卸长崎军港里面的机器需要人手,搬运劫掠来的财富需要人手. , The civilians of young devil also were too most critically miserable, so long as ate to the full to them on a grateful appearance, as if did eight lifetime's good deeds, accumulated very big merit. But what is more wonderful is used to hire their grain is snatches, that does not have the business of ten thousand advantage. 更关键的是,小鬼子的平民也太惨了,只要给他们吃饱了就一副感恩戴德的样子,仿佛做了八辈子的好事,积了很大的功德。而更妙的是用来雇他们的粮食都是抢来的,那是无本万利的买卖啊。 This time Fang Linyan was also has no interest in join to plunder the ranks of Nagasakikou, he believes very much these drunken Cossack guys will give a Japanese rich person very profound lesson in port! 这时候的方林岩也是无心加入掠夺长崎港的行列,他很相信那些醉醺醺的哥萨克大汉会给港内的日本富人一个非常深刻的教训! At this time in the wharf heard whistle of long cry, installs chock full by good has set sail, drives toward the north, to avoid Japanese Combined Fleet, it will go north along Tsushima Strait, the destination is Vladivostok. 此时码头上传来了一声长鸣的汽笛声,装得满满当当的“由良”号已经启航,朝着北方驶去,为了避开日本联合舰队,它将会沿着对马海峡北上,目的地则是海参崴。 So long as it can arrive in the destination smoothly, Song cultivating talent or Qiao have been in an impregnable position- tries successfully to advance and make an attack on the center of young devil, but also seizes enemy warship many! 只要它能顺利抵达目的地,无论是宋育人还是乔家就已经立于不败之地了-设法成功进袭小鬼子的腹地,还缴获敌舰多艘! So the victory, Old Man Li and royal government can it blowing to exploding. 如此战果,李老头和朝廷都可以将之吹到爆的。 At this time suddenly some people patted the shoulder of Fang Linyan, Fang Linyan turned head, then saw is Russian here commander Nicolas , this fellow drunken say/way of: 此时忽然有人拍了拍方林岩的肩膀,方林岩一回头,便见到是俄国人这边的指挥官尼古拉斯,这家伙醉醺醺的道: reckless! What are you thinking? Is the worry by the good number?” “胡!你在想什么呢?是担心由良号吗?” Fang Linyan nods saying: 方林岩点点头道: Yes.” “是的。” Nicolas laughs saying: 尼古拉斯哈哈大笑道: You felt relieved, according to first-hand material that we attained, Japanese Combined Fleet one day ago anchored in Wu Haijun naval port, their destinations were the Okinawa naval ports.” “你放心好了,根据我们拿到的第一手资料,日本联合舰队一天之前才在吴海军军港停靠,他们的目的地是冲绳军港。” Now Combined Fleet should not receive Nagasaki the attacked news, the boundless sea, on them where finds the person? you felt relieved!” “现在联合舰队应该都还没有接到长崎这边遭受到袭击的消息,茫茫大海,他们上哪里去找人?伱就放心好了!” In the Fang Linyan heart also is actually very clear, historically, the radio telegram is also at the research stage at this time, after must wait by 1902 Italian Marconi experienced the innumerable failure, successfully conducts the radio telegram to fly across the communication of Atlantic Ocean. 方林岩心中其实也很清楚,在历史上,无线电报此时还处于研究阶段,要等到1902年意大利人马可尼经历无数次失败之后,才成功进行了无线电报横越大西洋的通讯。 After this, based on Marconi, will study the ship-based wireless telegraph, at that time after the ships left port, had the possibility to relate with the land on, but this is the small ten years later matter! 在此以后,才会在马可尼的研究基础上,研究出船载的无线电报机,那时候船只出港以后才有可能与陆地上进行联系,而这已经是小十年之后的事情! As for the shipboard radar, hehe, that was the second war time's matter! 至于舰载雷达,呵呵,那是二战时候的事情了! Therefore, Nicolas actually said is reasonable, does not need to worry for this reason, at this time people search for the enemy warship in the boundless sea, still naked eye of dependence. 因此,尼古拉斯其实说得很有道理,根本就不用为此担忧,此时人们在茫茫大海上搜寻敌舰,依然还是依靠的肉眼。 After basically even said exaggeratingly, the ships had/left the port, casually looks for a desert island conceals, so long as this desert island far away from main route, then the Combined Fleet big probability could not find. 甚至说得更夸张一点,基本上船只出了港以后,随便找个荒岛一藏,只要这个荒岛远离主要航线,那么联合舰队大概率是找不到的。 After wants to understand this point, on the face of Fang Linyan revealed wiped the smile saying: 想明白了这一点之后,方林岩的脸上露出了一抹微笑道: Was I had groundless fears, does Nicolas, currently have the news in Japanese Army aspect?” “是我杞人忧天了,尼古拉斯,现在有日本陆军这方面的消息吗?” Nicolas laughs saying: 尼古拉斯哈哈大笑道: Oh, the friend of mine, the Japanese put in most resources the construction of navy, when made war with your countries, they also only had six field operation master and a guard master.” “哇哦,我的朋友,日本人将大部分的资源都投放到了海军的建设上,所以在和你们的国家开战的时候,他们也只有六个野战师和一个近卫师而已。” However now the country has assembled massive military forces on the border line of North Korea, therefore the main force of Japanese Army had been assembled North Korea, does utmost to preserve the victory in North Korea obtaining!” “而现在你们的国家已经调集了大量的军力在朝鲜的边境线上,所以日本陆军的主力已经被调集到了朝鲜去,竭尽全力想要保住在朝鲜取得的战果!”
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