FE :: Volume #13

#1417: Enters the village

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Chapter 1415 enters the village 第1415章入庄 Since knew the status of enemy, then Fang Linyan thinks quickly method of opposing the enemy, he will introduce the water's edge marsh land immediately. 既然知道了敌人的身份,那么方林岩很快就想到了对敌的方法,他立即将之引入到了水边的洼地当中。 Here Fang Linyan walking must be very laborious, this team of armed soldiers wear the armor, the heavy weapon, the body is also quite heavy, therefore quick fell two. 在这里方林岩都深一脚浅一脚的走得十分辛苦,这一队甲士身披铠甲,还有沉重的武器,身体也是相当沉重,所以很快就陷下去了两个。 After Fang Linyan brings other armed soldiers were circling a big circle, suddenly the acceleration, will directly fling by far. Then returns to by the water puddle fast, starts to tidy up with single-hearted devotion falls into the middle of silt these two unlucky eggs. 方林岩带着其余的甲士绕了个大圈子以后,陡然加速,直接就将之甩得远远的。然后就快速返回水洼旁边,开始专心收拾被陷入淤泥当中的这两个倒霉蛋。 These two armed soldiers were fallen by the silt, is because they probably are because in disrepair after many years, presented the reason of issue. 这两名甲士被淤泥陷住,也是因为它们自身大概是因为年久失修,出现了问题的缘故。 They present in groups time, it can be said that quite made the head/number of people big, after all this was one group does not know the weary ache, the onset and retreat such as a fellow. 它们成群结队出现的时候,可以说是相当令人头大的,毕竟这是一帮不知道疲倦疼痛,进退如一的家伙。 They appear in the single way in the Fang Linyan front, oneself have not been able to move, that Fang Linyan tidied up them really should not be too simple, after all the tooth of his hand inside plundering food can also cause the real damage. 只是它们以单个的方式出现在方林岩的面前,自身还无法动弹,那方林岩收拾它们就真的不要太简单了,毕竟他手里面的掠食之牙也是可以造成真实伤害的。 Quick, an armed soldier was cut away the both arms, the both legs also fell into the silt, turned into the out-and-out paper tiger, inside various woods and metal parts scattered place. 很快的,一名甲士就被切掉了双臂,双腿还陷入了淤泥里面,变成了不折不扣的纸老虎,里面的各种木头和金属零件都散落了一地。 Saw this brightly, Fang Linyan at present immediately one. If your fellow is the monster ghost zombie, then oneself can only stare dry/does, even if will give vent to indignation still can only with the village the hewing fragment. 见到了这一幕,方林岩眼前顿时一亮。如果你这家伙乃是妖鬼僵尸,那么自己就只能干瞪眼,就算是泄愤也只能用村正将之砍成碎块罢了。 However, what in your wound exposes is the components, the mechanism/organization, the average person looks on some mechanism of dizziness, this hit in our muzzle! 但是,你这伤口里面暴露出来的是零件,机关,普通人看着就有些头晕的机械结构,这就撞到了咱的枪口上了啊! Therefore, Fang Linyan bullies to go forward without delay, both hands aimed at this mechanism/organization person to touch directly, that appearance simply with opening on running quickly the uncle of tree stretched out the salty pig's trotter appearance to have no difference toward the high school short skirt girl. 因此,方林岩二话不说就欺上前去,双手直接就对准了这个机关人摸了上去,那模样简直就和开奔驰上树的大叔朝着高中短裙女孩伸出咸猪手样子没啥区别。 Quick, with the movement of Fang Linyan both hands, the components of this mechanism/organization person started crash-bang crash-bang to fall, as if rained general! This was also actually normal, the structure of this mechanism/organization person was complex, can compared with resulting in the clock and watch mechanism of later generation? 很快的,随着方林岩双手的动作,这机关人身上的零件就开始哗啦哗啦的掉落了下来,仿佛下雨一般!这其实也再正常不过了,这机关人的结构再复杂,能比得过后世的钟表机械结构吗? But Fang Linyan from ten years old, can adept the mechanical watch will disassemble the components together completely, then 11 grease, the polish, then installs again. 方林岩从十岁起,就能娴熟的将一块机械表全部拆卸成零件,然后一一上油,打磨,接着再重新装上去。 If the components have to shatter, Fang Linyan also wants to build to grind manually exactly the same comes. 若是零件有坏掉的,方林岩还要自己手工打造磨制出一个一模一样的来呢。 Therefore quick, the structure of Fang Linyan to this mechanism/organization person understands clearly in chest/heart, even makes him draw several design drawings to come out immediately good. Even with the vision of his later generation, but can also point out that this mechanism/organization person several do not conform to the human engineering the place. 于是很快的,方林岩对这机关人的结构就了然于胸,甚至马上让他画几张设计图出来都行。甚至以他后世的眼光,还能指出这机关人身上好几处不符合人体工程学的地方。 Finally, Fang Linyan stretched out the finger, cautious clamped one from the chest cavity of this mechanism/organization person seems like the unusual gadget that only then orange size to come out. 最后,方林岩伸出了手指,小心翼翼的从这机关人的胸腔里面夹了一个看起来只有橙子大小的奇特玩意儿出来。 The quality of material of this gadget should be the ceramics does, the surface seeps icy coldly coldly, its contour seems like the jug of mini edition, but its surroundings actually 15-16 holes, then stretched out much seemed like the hair, seemed like the black thing of silk thread. 这玩意儿的质地应该是陶瓷做的,表面冰凉沁冷,其外形看起来就像是个迷你版本的坛子,不过其周围却有15-16个孔洞,然后从中伸出了不少既像是头发,又像是丝线的黑色东西。 These things proliferated in whole body of mechanism/organization person, to him quite therefore nerve, blood vessel and so on existence. 这些东西就遍布在了机关人的全身上下,对其来说就相当于是神经,血管之类的存在。 This gadget surpassed beyond the Fang Linyan area of knowledge. 这玩意儿就超出了方林岩的知识领域之外了。 From overall construction, Fang Linyan, although does not know that the fan you small jug one thing in hand names, actually basically can affirm that it is the core of mechanism/organization armed soldier is, is similar to the human brain, the computer CPU common thing. 从整体结构来看,方林岩虽然不知道手中的这个迷伱小坛子一样的东西叫什么名字,却基本能肯定它就是机关甲士的核心所在,类似于人类大脑,电脑CPU一般的东西。 And this gadget somewhat is weird, after will place near the ear, in Fang Linyan can also hear unexpectedly heard 1-2 occasionally thin, if wailing of gossamer, as if had a wisp of painful ghost to be stranded. 并且这玩意儿还有些邪门儿,将之放在了耳边以后,方林岩居然还能听到里面偶尔传来了1-2细若游丝的哀嚎,仿佛有一缕痛苦的冤魂被困在了其中。 Carefully after studying a structure of this armed soldier, in Fang Linyan heart confident, through analyzing its internal structure basically judged, these mechanism/organization armed soldiers and human are similar, depend upon the vision to lock to judge the enemy. 仔细研究了一番这甲士的结构之后,方林岩心里面就有了底,通过分析其内部结构基本就判断了出来,这些机关甲士和人类类似,依靠视觉来锁定判断敌人。 Since drew such conclusion, then Fang Linyan is not scruple, very simple stimulated the stealth, touched toward Zhuangzi in directly. 既然得出了这样的结论,那么方林岩就再不迟疑,很干脆的就激发了隐身,直接朝着庄子里面摸了进去。 Under the cover of dark, he was touching of not startled no danger to the surroundings of Zhuangzi, quick discovered completely that wood/blockhead railing seemed like tightly strict, actually already the reason that because pasted the place was decayed looked awful, revealed several large cave/hole. 在黑暗的掩护下,他完全是无惊无险的摸到了庄子的周围,很快就发现那一圈木头围栏看似紧实严密,其实早就因为贴地的原因朽烂得不成样子了,露出了好几个大洞。 In ancient times, people have grasped the basic anti-corrosion level, probably this type of wood/blockhead railing digs in the underground part, must first burn burnt external skin that with the fire, then rubs with the tung oil, after under the hot sun seasons brushes one. 在古代的时候,人们已经掌握了基本的防腐水平,像是这种木头围栏扎入地下的部分,都要先用火将表皮那一层灼焦,然后再用桐油刷上,在烈日下晒干以后再刷一层。 So three brush three to expose to the sun, can dig in underground, can guarantee for two years the stockade stable is not rotten, probably this place was very moist, makes these to maintain the most of manual labor is also the mechanism/organization person, how possibly to achieve the so fine work? 如此三刷三晒,才能扎入地下,可以保证两年内栅栏稳固不腐烂,像是这地方本来就很潮湿,做这些维护活计的多半也是机关人,怎么可能做到如此精细的活儿? Therefore sneaking of Fang Linyan is successful, after he arrived in this Wang village, quick detected that in this is passing everywhere surreptitiously. 于是方林岩的潜入还是非常成功的,等到他到了这张王庄当中之后,很快就发觉这里面处处透着诡秘。 It looks like the house that he sneaks at this time, outside looks also decent, but is in fact smooth, ground not smooth, the wall has not brushed, furniture and so on thing is one does not have. 就像是他此时潜入的这间房屋,外面看着还有模有样的,但实际上里面就是光溜溜的,地面没平整,墙壁也没刷,家具之类的东西更是一件都没有。 This house lets the paper person paper with deities that Fang Linyan remembered visited a grave to burn all of a sudden, was the impressives on the outside but lacking substance, pondered that must fluster on the to terrify person. 这种房屋一下子就让方林岩想起了上坟烧的纸人纸马,都是虚有其表,细想起来就瘆人得慌。 Fang Linyan entered several rooms continuously, detected that unexpectedly is this bird type, in the heart somewhat beats a drum. But he soon also found out among this Zhuangzi structure, very simple is equivalent to a circle to mark a cross shape again. 方林岩连续进了好几间屋子,发觉居然都是这个鸟样,心里面还是有些打鼓。而他很快也是摸清楚了这庄子当中的结构,很简单的就相当于一个圈里面再画上一个十字形状。 The circle represents is protecting Chwangho and manor wall, the cross represents overlapping two avenues. 圈就代表着护庄河和庄墙,十字代表交叉出来的两条大街。 This design very natural branched out the east, south, west, and north four front doors, and center of Zhuangzi also presented a small-scale square. 这种设计很自然的就分出了东南西北四个大门,并且庄子的中央也出现了一个小型的广场。 These armed soldier total probably 200-300, usually all right, stayed in ten the center of character, as if terracotta warrior such statue general is standing erect. 那些甲士总数大概有200-300名,平时没事的时候,就停留在了“十”字的中央,仿佛秦俑那样的雕像一般的矗立着。 Fang Linyan does not dare to depend too nearly, but can see that in vaguely the square has the line of spreading across, these lines seemingly are similar to the chart, Fang Linyan thought that somewhat looks like the circuit diagram, if his judgment not wrong, then these mechanism/organization people supplement the power should in this square. 方林岩没敢靠得太近,不过依稀能见到广场上有纵横交错的线条,这些线条看起来类似于阵图,方林岩却觉得有些像电路图,若他的判断没有错的话,那么这些机关人补充动力就应该是在这广场上。 But in the rear areas of these armed soldiers, then the house, this house has the inscribed horizontal tablet, above writes the Wen Residence two characters, is also hanging two lanterns one on the left and other on the right. 而在这些甲士的后方,则是有一座宅子,这座宅子乃是有着匾额的,上面写着“文府”两个字,一左一右还挂着两个灯笼。 Obviously, this house should be opens in Wang village the most special place, because only the guarding the door scope knows that is not the good-looking but useless goods, here should also be the Fang Linyan destination, that azure imperial concubine place. 很显然,这座宅子应该就是张王庄里面最特殊的地方了,因为只看门面就知道不是样子货,这里也应该是方林岩到访的目的地,那位青妃所住的地方。 Such being the case, Fang Linyan very simple found a spatial room, then pulls out another mechanical core that oneself usually manufactured, summoned an unmanned aerial vehicle again. 既然如此,方林岩很干脆的就找了个空房间,然后掏出了自己平时制作的另外一个机械核心,再次召唤出了一架无人机。 This unmanned aerial vehicle flies slowly, the precision is bad, the noise is big, bumps on the bad brittle skin, the only merit is very good because of the confidentiality of visual. 这一架无人机飞得慢,精度差,噪音大,更是一碰就坏的脆皮,唯一的优点就是在视觉方面的隐蔽性很好。 His these is controlling the unmanned aerial vehicle time slowly flew toward Wen Residence, in departing 30-40 meters back of the body already calm, because if at this time the archer in watchtower has not begun, is safe. 他这一次操控着无人机徐徐的就朝着文府飞了过去,在飞出了30-40米之后心中就已经大定,因为此时若是望楼上的弓箭手没有动手的话,那么就已经安全了。 The previous that unmanned aerial vehicle, bajiushi meters away was discovered directly, then an arrow explodes the machine. 要知道,之前的那一架无人机,远在八九十米外就直接被发现了,然后一箭爆机。 Had the unmanned aerial vehicle explorer drivehead, the following sneaking action of Fang Linyan can be said as quite smooth, very relaxed touched outside the fence of Wen Residence, when Fang Linyan wanted to climb up, suddenly detected that the surface of this fence was not smooth, but has unique texture one after another. 有了无人机探路打头,方林岩的接下来的潜入行动可以说是相当顺利,很轻松的就摸到了文府的围墙外面,不过,就在方林岩想要攀爬的时候,突然发觉这围墙的表面并不光滑,而是有着一道一道的独特纹理。 Immediately, Fang Linyan on the association to the mechanism/organization person armed soldier was staying the square, probably also has similar close texture, composed one very unique law. Obviously, this discovery made Fang Linyan all of a sudden obviously discrete. 顿时,方林岩就联想到了机关人甲士呆着的广场上,好像也有类似的细密纹理,组成了一个很独特的法阵。很显然,这个发现一下子就让方林岩变得明显谨慎了起来。 Obviously, oneself, if circumvents rashly, will then incur some inobservable consequence mostly, must be grasped present mostly. 很显然,自己若是贸然翻墙的话,那么多半会引发一些不可测的后果,多半就要被抓个现行。 However Fang Linyan sized up around one, the corners of the mouth revealed immediately wiped the smile. 不过方林岩打量了一下四周,嘴角立即露出了一抹微笑。 Obviously, designed the person in this courtyard only to consider the strength of average person in the security aspect, but the issue is the present small very is actually not an average person who wanted to invade. 很显然,设计这院落的人在防盗方面只考虑到了普通人的实力,但问题是现在想要入侵的小贼却并不是普通人啊. Quick, Fang Linyan crawled by Wen Residence house ridge, occupied a commanding position from here looks at the past, what first saw was a narrow lane, before Fang Linyan studied the fence of Wen Residence in the lane. 很快的,方林岩就爬到了文府旁边的宅子屋脊上,从这里居高临下的看过去,首先见到的是一条窄巷,之前方林岩就在巷子里面研究文府的围墙。 Behind the fence of Wen Residence, is a stretch of open area, at this time the weed has grown thickly, the distant place as if also has a rockery. 在文府的围墙后面,就是一片空地,此时已经荒草丛生,远处似乎还有一座假山。 Therefore, simple, Fang Linyan leap from this ridge, so long as the jump distance exceeds five meters, can leap the fences from the midair, then smoothly enters in the middle of the courtyard in Wen Residence. 所以,简单的来说,方林岩从这屋脊上一跃,只要跳跃距离超过五米,就能从半空当中飞跃过围墙,然后顺利进入文府的院子当中。 Although this is above a ridge, conducts the words of approach quite to have the difficulty, but regarding agile is average person time of many Fang Linyan is not difficult, therefore, the quick his form has drawn an arc in the dim light of night, then falls into Wen Residence. 虽然这是屋脊之上,进行助跑的话颇有难度,可是对于敏捷乃是普通人一倍多的方林岩来说并不困难,因此,很快的他的身影就在夜色当中划过了一道弧线,然后落入到文府当中。 Falls to the ground a later Fang Linyan tumbling, then rapid hidden entered behind a nearby stone, behind here was the fence, side also big tree, even if some people perceived that anything came to examine, Fang Linyan did not reveal the whereabouts. 落地之后方林岩一个翻滚,然后就迅速隐入到了旁边的一块石头后面,这里背后就是围墙,旁边还有一棵大树,所以即便是有人觉察到什么前来查看,方林岩这边也是不露行踪。 In waiting for five minutes, after not detecting exceptionally, Fang Linyan then continues to turn toward the house to explore. He is the exploration is very obvious feeling, here people live, and does not seem like other houses is so empty, in the surface seems like the house, inside is spacious seems like the tomb. 在等待了五分钟,发觉没有异常之后,方林岩便继续向着宅子内部探索。他越是探索越是很明显的感觉到,这里是有人住着的,并不像是其余的宅子那样空荡荡的,表面上看起来是房屋,里面却空旷得像是坟墓。 Quick, Fang Linyan arrived at the interior of this house, here he started to be careful, because in the middle of this started the sign that presented some people to move, but soon detected, the maids and servants of these activities were not the live people, was still the mechanism/organization person. 很快的,方林岩就来到了这宅子的内部,在这里他开始小心了起来,因为这当中开始出现有人活动的迹象,但是很快发觉,这些活动的婢女和仆人都不是活人,依然是机关人。 Finally, Fang Linyan almost touched Wen Residence, finally locks the place that oneself must go. 最后,方林岩差不多将文府摸了个遍,终于锁定了自己要去的地方。 That is little building, was situated in the back garden in Wen Residence, little building position was very unusual, situated in the middle of back garden lotus pond in the middle. 那是一栋小楼,坐落在了文府的后花园里面,小楼的位置很是奇特,处于后花园当中的荷塘当中。 Here is in the middle of a horse's hoof lake island, but this little building built unexpectedly on island Nagajima, this was the rare marvelous sight. 要知道,这里本来是马蹄湖当中的一个小岛,而这小楼居然是修筑在了岛中岛上,这就是难得一见的奇观了。 This lotus pond estimate only then two mu place size, inside is the remnant pole, Fang Linyan has not approached feels the chill in the air, this is seven in August! Moreover that chill in the air is not general cold, weird in facing set toward person marrow, when clothes anything does not exist. 这口荷塘估计只有两亩地大小,里面都是残杆,方林岩还未靠近就觉得寒意袭人,这可是七八月啊!而且那寒意不是一般的冷,邪门的直往人骨髓里面钻,直当衣服什么的都不存在似的。 Around the lotus pond is this, among that little building can be imagined. 荷塘周围都是这样的,那一处小楼当中可想而知。 From the geomancy study, here should be in the middle of the legend Yin lineage/vein, after the living person lives, gets sick inevitably greatly. But to the deceased person instead is best quality goods **, after getting buried into inside, meets the good fortune descendants. 从风水学上来说,这里应该就是传说当中的阴脉,活人住进去以后必然大病一场。但对死人来说反而是一口极品**,埋进里面之后会福泽子孙。 However this Fang Linyan came, not possible, for the cold air does give up halfway? In this case, he also can only take out the down clothing, the scarf, hat anything's putting on, then tremble touched. 但是这一次方林岩来都来了,也不可能为了点寒气就半途而废吧?在这种情况下,他也只能取出了羽绒服,围巾,帽子什么的穿上,然后哆哆嗦嗦的摸了过去。 However, when Fang Linyan was soundless arrived by the lotus pond that the time, immediately worries, at this time he detected that did not have the path to the lotus pond center, little building was situated in the middle of the lotus pond completely alone. 不过,等到方林岩蹑手蹑脚的来到了荷塘旁边的时候,顿时就犯了难,这时候他才发觉并没有道路通往荷塘中央,小楼完全是孤零零坐落在荷塘当中的。 „Do oneself want to jump down the water roaming in the past?” “难道自己要跳下水游过去?” In the Fang Linyan brain gushed out such idea, shivered suddenly. 方林岩脑子里面涌出了这样的想法,紧接着陡然颤抖了一下。 „It is not good, on onshore already cold Chenggou, but also jumps? That is feared do oneself die insufficiently quickly?” “不行不行,在岸上都已经冷成狗,还跳进去?那是怕自己死得不够快吗?” But in his mind the Celestial battles, heard the ear to hear a gentle female voice: 而就在他脑海里面天人交战的时候,就听到耳边传来了一个柔和的女声: „Who you are, sneaks the place that this palace dives to cultivate/repair to make what?” “你是什么人,潜入本宫潜修的地方做什么?” In Fang Linyan heart one startled, but responds at once, breathes out the ice in this, the gloomy rich place, oneself such nice and warm big living person definitely particularly protruded, such extreme environment, therefore Csillo's package kerchief does not have an effect no wonder. 方林岩心中一惊,但旋即就反应了过来,在这个哈气成冰,阴气浓郁的地方,自己这么个暖烘烘的大活人肯定是分外凸出了,如此的极端环境,因此也难怪奇洛的包头巾不起作用了。 The person of speech is a female, is the lake reveres the azure imperial concubine in mouth, is this place is advocating, seem to should with the cheap devil old man also a little connection, mostly the right and wrong monster is a ghost, then oneself select honestly. 说话的这人是个女的,想必就是湖尊口中的青妃,也是此地的正主,看起来应该和便宜死鬼老头还有点瓜葛,多半是非妖即鬼,那么自己还是老实点好。 After the heart decides, Fang Linyan very simple takes out that bookmark and that poetry anthology said: 在心里面打定了主意之后,方林岩就很干脆的取出那张书签和那本诗集道: Presented the father last words below, comes Shandong Chenzhou to open Wang village to look for an old friend.” “在下是奉了父亲遗命,前来山东郴州张王庄寻找一位故交。” After Fang Linyan the thing takes, hears in the building to transmit a sigh slightly, Fang Linyan inside thing of flew automatically, separated heard her spooky say/way some little time: 方林岩将东西拿出来了之后,就听到楼上传来了微微的一声叹息,紧接着方林岩手里面的东西就自动飞了过去,隔了好一会儿才听到了她幽幽的道: „, More than 30 years have passed by suddenly unconsciously. You just said that presented father's last words, how? Had other pavilion passed away?” “恍然不觉之间,都已经三十多年过去了啊。你刚刚说是奉了父亲的遗命,怎么?别亭就已经过世了吗?” Other pavilion was reckless Zhiyun my late father's table character, after Fang Linyan listened, nods saying: 别亭就是胡芝云亡父的表字,方林岩听了以后点点头道: My Hu generation doing business, known, the father is actually the long travel character at ease, when Hu is prosperous many not working indifferent, but the family fortune declined afterward, he is not good at operating, then received many grievance.” “我胡家世代经商,小有名气,父亲却是个悠游闲散的性格,在胡家鼎盛的时候多一个吃闲饭的无所谓,但是后来家道中落,他不擅长经营,便受了不少委屈。” His character you should also know, after heart inside had the air/Qi, is hiding, can only be all right drinks the alcohol to drown one's sorrows, the hometown starts the popular epidemic disease exactly, finally did not have. Right, has not consulted the name of elder.” “他的性格您也应该知道,心里面有了气之后就藏着,只能没事就喝闷酒,恰好家乡又开始流行疫病,结果就这么没了.对了,还未请教长辈的名字。”
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