FE :: Volume #13

#1407: But strove for pleasant

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Chapter 1405 but strove for pleasant 第1405章但求如意 While the sacrificial offering vanishes, can see that the original mighty waves turbulent Yellow River lived on the water however becomes tranquil, fully explained that this sacrificial offering let by the dragon vein satisfaction of sacrificial offering, this was very essential. 在祭品消失的同时,可以见到本来波涛汹涌的黄河水居然变得平静了许多,足以说明这件祭品让被祭祀的龙脉满意,这是很关键的。 Because many old people know, during the process of sacrificial offering, if sudden weather big change, violent storm. That is escapes quickly travels. 因为很多老人都知道,在祭祀的过程当中若突然天气大变,狂风暴雨.那还是赶快逃命跑路吧。 After successfully offered a sacrificial offering, Fang Linyan roughly clarified the use of lotus flower fine gold gold/metal incense burner with a top carved to resemble a mountain gadget. 在成功献出了一件祭品之后,方林岩就大致弄清楚了莲花鎏金博山炉这玩意儿的用处。 With the simple words, it was equivalent to the sacrificial offering conducted magnificent packing, looked like the car(riage) mold in the vehicles, in of Mingbiao megameter, the fine abstention held it in the diamond, 88 Durex passed through it to consecrate after the big eggplant sacrificial offering, was almost rises in value 20%-30%. 用简单的话来说,它就相当于对祭品进行了一层华丽的包装,就像是车模之于车辆,摇表器之于名表,精美的戒托之于钻石,88块的杜蕾斯之于大茄子祭品经过了它来进行供奉以后,差不多都是增值20%-30%。 Fang Linyan then cautious took a miserable white bone needle from the backpack, could visit him to be careful, even put on the glove, was to avoid own flesh and this gadget direct contact. 方林岩接下来又小心翼翼的从背包里面取出来了一根惨白色的骨针,看得出来他非常小心,甚至戴上了手套,就是要避免自己的肌肤与这玩意儿直接接触。 Then Fang Linyan putting to the lotus flower fine gold gold/metal incense burner with a top carved to resemble a mountain, will then continue to worship on bended knees, in any case is the ancestralworship job- passing that then muttered reported: 然后方林岩将之放入到了莲花鎏金博山炉当中,接着继续跪拜下来,反正是拜祖宗嘛分内之事-接下来喃喃的通禀道: Ancestor really spirits on, the evil bone that this sacrificial offering is the Japanese Spiritual God day after the god falls to keep, was brought to be used in the incantation banning to my divine land above a compatriot who has the big destiny, these was broken their technique of virulence by me time, consecrates the ancestor by this thing especially.” “祖宗真灵在上,这件祭品乃是东瀛神灵天照神降以后留下来的邪骨,被带到我神州之上用于咒禁一位有大气运的同胞,这一次被我破掉了他们的恶毒之术,特地以此物供奉老祖宗。” This Fang Linyan consecrates was the spoils of war- Was similar to former great general wins a battle, the emperor thought that this matter was very flamboyant, the enemy flag that will seize, the imperial seal took away to sacrifice to ancestors the imperial ancestral temple to be the same. 这一次方林岩供奉的就是战利品了--就类似于之前大将打了胜仗,皇帝觉得这事儿挺牛逼的,就将缴获的敌人旗帜,印玺拿去告祭太庙一样。 The result has not expected this sacrificial offering just to admit the lotus flower fine gold gold/metal incense burner with a top carved to resemble a mountain, the Yellow River had rough seas suddenly, received an examination form, entrained directly this lotus flower fine gold gold/metal incense burner with a top carved to resemble a mountain under water! 结果没料到这件祭品刚刚放进了莲花鎏金博山炉当中,猛然黄河当中就起了一个大浪,直接卷了过来,将这莲花鎏金博山炉直接拽到了水底当中去! Moreover, this rough seas whirl away, not only has the incense burner with a top carved to resemble a mountain, nearby offering pig, the chicken, the fruit curled in the river together, but the fragrant wax is actually still burning. 不仅如此,这大浪卷走的不仅有博山炉,连带旁边的供品猪,鸡,水果一起都卷到了河中,但是香蜡却依然燃着。 The technique of this manually controlled water, seemingly can be said as exquisite, but is actually the common method of dragon vein, in the Fang Linyan heart is actually one happy- The thing that consecrates obviously very much keeps in line with this ancestor's wish very much, you looked that the average person mood good also to be deliberately considering can drink a beer to eat a snack? 这一手控水之术,看起来可以说是精妙至极,不过却是龙脉的寻常手段,方林岩心中却是一喜--很显然自己供奉上去的东西很符合这位老祖宗的心意,你看普通人心情好了是不是也寻思着要喝点啤酒吃点小吃吧? When, Fang Linyan somewhat was also worried can the thing that before oneself offer outsmart oneself, after all the Yellow River dragon vein is not the good nature. 在之前来的时候,方林岩还有些担心自己献上的东西会不会弄巧成拙,毕竟黄河龙脉可不是什么好脾气的。 Not to mention its historically several degrees seize Huai to enter the sea, this clearly is takes own road to make others have no way out- Let alone the Yellow River dragon vein is in flood, similarly is also hot tempered incomparable, overflow thousand li (500 km). 姑且不说其历史上几度夺淮入海,这分明就是走自己的路让别人无路可走啊--更何况黄河龙脉泛滥的时候,同样也是暴躁无比,泛滥千里。 Do not say that was in flood the person who during the Yellow River died a violent death, even including the Yuan Dynasty such unprecedented huge dynasty, was because the Yellow River was in flood to cause the national strength to be feeble, finally caused the perishing country. 不要说在黄河泛滥当中死于非命的人了,甚至包括元朝这样史无前例的庞大王朝,都是因为黄河泛滥导致国力衰弱,最后导致亡国。 Separated a while, the stove of offering sacrifices fluttered from the water. 隔了一会儿,献祭的炉子又从水里面飘了回来。 Offered sacrifices two things, the favor of Yellow River dragon vein, then Fang Linyan felt relieved bold took that group of god blood, after this gadget was also tore down the puppet baby , the most precious material. 献祭了两件东西,都很得黄河龙脉的欢心,那么方林岩就放心大胆的将那一团神血拿出来了,这玩意儿也是拆掉傀儡娃娃以后最宝贵的一件材料。 After result gadget offers sacrifices, Yellow River center presented 56 huge whirlpools immediately, smallest had a square table size, in the Fang Linyan ear heard the strange sound, was similar to hehe haha carefree laughter, but careful one hear, was actually the striking sound of Yellow River great waves. 结果这玩意儿一献祭出去之后,黄河中央立即出现了五六个巨大的旋涡,最小的都有一张方桌大小,方林岩耳朵中更是听到了奇怪的声音,类似于“呵呵哈哈”的畅快笑声,但是仔细一听,却又是黄河浪涛的拍击声。 At this time saw that in the middle of the river water had so the unusual condition, several merchant ship freighters that the upstream and downstream comes startle early approach shore! In the Fang Linyan heart also moves, knows own this offering sacrifices was successful time. 此时见到河水当中出现了如此异状,上下游过来的好几艘商船货船都骇得早早靠岸!方林岩心中也是一动,知道自己这一次的献祭算是成功了。 At this time, on the retina of Fang Linyan actually sprang one line of typefaces suddenly, the Mobius mark gave the prompt, but this prompt also short a few words: 就在这时候,方林岩的视网膜上却突然弹出了一行字体,正是久违的莫比乌斯印记给出了提示,而这提示也只有短短的一句话: Has the Biska data stream opportunity massively, later some people asked your issue time, you said that strove for being good pleasant.” “有一个大量获得比斯卡数据流的机会,待会儿有人问你问题的时候,你说求如意就好了。” Fang Linyan looks at Biska data stream immediately at present one brightly, and shames half duplicate/restores to carve under foot pair, own Biska data stream inventory consumption, is completely now has matter a little emergency inventory not to have by some chance continually. 方林岩一看“比斯卡数据流”顿时就眼前一亮,将脚下这双“和羞走”半复刻出来,已经将自己的比斯卡数据流存货消耗殆尽了,现在就属于万一有事连一点儿应急的存货都没有。 Fang Linyan was also counting on accumulates a Biska data stream, when can duplicate/restores carve moon/month is black this big move! 方林岩还指望着多攒一点比斯卡数据流,能将“月黑之时”这个大招复刻出来呢! Therefore, he remains to be careful immediately, is waiting for in the legend the emergence of issue. 所以,他立即留上了心,等待着传说中问题的出现。 However, Fang Linyan was waiting same place for enough a half hour, burns through until the fragrant wax, then the vortex on river surface also eliminates, does not have, when other unusual condition appeared. 不过,方林岩在原地等了足足半个小时,直到香蜡燃尽,然后河面上的旋涡也消去,却也都没等到别的异状出现了。 Is good has the city mansion person because of Fang Linyan at this time very much, in the surface has not shown any disappointed look, still illuminates the full custom three to kneel nine to knock. In his mind, these comes the sacrificial offering time is felt grateful the ancestor to save itself in the middle of the danger. 好在方林岩此时乃是很有城府的人,面上并没有露出什么失望的神色,依然照足规矩三跪九磕。在他的心里面,这一次前来祭祀本来就是感恩一下老祖宗拯救自己于危难当中。 If the ancestor felt the sacrificial offering that oneself offer is good, is willing to reward to a point, then oneself accept joyfully, if anything does not give, that is also the job. 若是老祖宗觉得自己奉上的祭品不错,肯给一点赏赐,那么自己欣然领受,若是什么都不给,那也本来是分内之事。 Had such mentality, Fang Linyan to complete the conclusion of entire sacrificial offering quickly, here also had a small interlude, when he will soon receive that lotus flower fine gold gold/metal incense burner with a top carved to resemble a mountain, unexpectedly was wave curls, will haul in directly under water. 带着这样的心态,方林岩很快就将整个祭祀的收尾完成了,这里还有个小插曲,在他即将把那只莲花鎏金博山炉收起来的时候,居然又是一浪卷了过来,直接将之拉进了水底。 Obviously, the Yellow River dragon vein is very pleasing about this gadget, is not tactful regarding Fang Linyan, unexpectedly is not very discontented the behavior of this incense burner with a top carved to resemble a mountain sacrificial offering, therefore oneself began 很显然,黄河龙脉对这玩意儿很中意,对于方林岩不识趣,居然不将这博山炉祭祀的行为很不满,所以自己动手了 Regarding this Fang Linyan somewhat does not know whether to laugh or cry, where does he know ancestor unexpectedly fortunately this? This is the point goes goes the little elder brother received and signed for together directly the rhythm continually. 对此方林岩也是有些哭笑不得,他哪里知道老祖宗居然还好这口?这是点外卖连外卖小哥一起都直接签收了的节奏啊。 In fact, this cannot blame itself, after all lotus flower fine gold gold/metal incense burner with a top carved to resemble a mountain gadget also 1 right of use, he wanted certainly to receive. 事实上,这也不能怪自己啊,毕竟莲花鎏金博山炉这玩意儿还有一次使用权呢,他当然想要收起来了。 The present situation is, all sacrificial offerings that Fang Linyan brings, including the chicken, the pig, the fruit and so on, were enjoyed to receive by the ancestor completely , even the sacrificial utensil has not let off. This clean, makes Fang Linyan be free from worry convenient, only fragrant wax burnout that waits for side to light on line. 现在的情况就是,方林岩带来的所有祭品,包括鸡啊,猪啊,水果之类的,全部都被老祖宗赏收了,咳咳,甚至连祭器也没有放过。这清洁溜溜的,也让方林岩省心省事,只等旁边点燃的香蜡燃完就行。 After a fragrant wax burnout, Fang Linyan did not stop over, plans to turn around to leave. The result turns around to be startled suddenly, originally in own back 2-3 meters places, does not know that unexpectedly were when many individual! 香蜡一燃完之后,方林岩也就不加逗留了,打算转身离开。结果一转身就猛然吃了一惊,原来在自己的背后2-3米处,不知道什么时候居然多了个人! This person seems like a beggar, clothes are clean, is only in the middle of two eyes white/in vain is few black, as if also looks at the sky in 45 degrees corner/horn slantingly. 这个人看起来像是个乞丐,不过身上的衣服还算干净,只是两只眼睛当中白多黑少,似乎随之都在四十五度角斜看天空. Looked that the look knows this person mental is not perfect, and suffered from the disease. 咳咳,看眼神就知道这个人心智不大健全,并且患上了疾病。 This sickness with modern medicine terminology: Non- conducts the cerebral lesion syndrome, usually happened in the baby brain development period, is named the cerebral palsy. 这种病用现代的医学术语来说:非进行性大脑损伤综合征,通常发生在幼儿脑发育时期,俗称脑瘫. After this beggar saw Fang Linyan, laughs foolishly is putting out a hand to beg for food. If in usually, Fang Linyan definitely walks away, but currently his in the heart has the matter, will definitely pay attention to all unusual place. 这乞丐看到了方林岩之后,就傻笑着伸出手来讨吃的。若是在平时的话,方林岩肯定是一走了之,不过现在他心里面有事,肯定就会留意一切不寻常之处。 Therefore, Fang Linyan very simple led him to arrive on the street in not far away, bought three big meat dumplings to him, then asked the boss to inquire while convenient details of this beggar, he did not feel oneself will find the answer, actually without expecting the boss looked said: 所以,方林岩很干脆的带着他来到了不远处的街道上,买了三个大肉包子给他,然后顺带找老板打听了一下这乞丐的底细,他本来并不觉得自己会找到答案,却没料到老板一看就道: This is the Liu three sons, this child hits slightly is not good on the brain, the parents when can also provide his food, the parents, was the temple attendant in charge of incense and ceremonies in Longwang Temple does the good to give shelter to him, making him sweep the floor and so on.” “这是刘三儿啊,这孩子打小就脑子不大好,父母在的时候还能管他一口饭,父母不在了之后,就是龙王庙的庙祝做善事收留了他,让他扫扫地之类的。” After Fang Linyan heard Longwang Temple these three keywords, immediately suddenly, then saw after this Liu three sons like a whirlwind that sweeps away scattered clouds the steamed stuffed bun finished eating, unexpectedly also called two, eats to the full the later racket the belly, well satisfied wipes to turn around the mouth to walk, Fang Linyan is somewhat disappointed: 方林岩听到了“龙王庙”这三个关键词以后,顿时恍然,然后就见到这个刘三儿风卷残云将包子吃完了之后,居然又叫了两个,吃饱之后拍拍肚子,心满意足的将嘴巴一抹转身就走,方林岩有些失望: Did your walk? How can you walk? I asked you to eat three steamed stuffed buns! 你这就走了?你怎么能走?我可是请你吃了三个包子啊! Very regrettable, the Liu three sons have not heard the call that in the Fang Linyan heart shouts oneself hoarse, vanished in the corner, Fang Linyan also can only sigh to turn around to leave. 很遗憾,刘三儿并没有听到方林岩心中声嘶力竭的呐喊,消失在了拐角处,方林岩也只能叹了一口气转身走人。 However, he went out probably more than ten steps, is felt unexpectedly some people patted the shoulder, in the Fang Linyan heart immediately one startled! His time sensation is three times in the average man, but simply had not actually detected that some people approach. 但是,他走出了大概十几步,竟是感觉有人拍了拍自己肩头,方林岩心中顿时一惊!要知道,他此时的感知可是三倍于常人的,可是却根本没发觉有人靠近啊。 After turning around suddenly, then detected that the Liu three sons stood in oneself back, then this fellow grinned hehe says with a smile: 遽然转身之后,便发觉正是刘三儿站在了自己的背后,然后这家伙咧嘴呵呵笑道: For a long time no one asked me to eat the thing, you were a good person! What do you want?” “好久没有人请我吃好东西了啊,你是个好人!你想要什么?” Without raising of former Mobius mark, Fang Linyan heard to eat thing four characters only to associate to that five big meat packages that oneself invited. 若是没有之前莫比乌斯印记的提点,方林岩听到“吃好东西”四个字只会联想到自己请的那五个大肉包。 However now, he thought immediately these words are meaningful, this fool often live in Longwang Temple in addition this key point, Fang Linyan immediately on the subconscious say/way: 但是现在,他立即就觉得这句话意味深长,加上这个傻子常住在龙王庙里面这个关键点,方林岩立即就下意识的道: Strove for no other, was only pleasant.” “别无所求,只需如意。” Has not thought after hearing his reply, the Liu three sons also gawked saying: 没想到听到了他的回答以后,刘三儿也是愣了愣道: Strove for pleasant? Which pleasantness do you want?” “求如意?你要哪个如意?” Fang Linyan strange say/way: 方林岩奇道: „Does this gadget have many? Can all want?” “这玩意儿还有多?能全要吗?” The Liu three sons swing the head with rattle-drum, hurried say/way: 刘三儿将脑袋摇得和拨浪鼓似的,急忙道: That is not certainly good.” “那当然不行了。” Fang Linyan starts to relate Mobius mark in the mind crazily, making this boy talk clearly the words, starts to delay the time simultaneously: 方林岩开始在脑海里面疯狂联系莫比乌斯印记,让这厮将话说清楚一点,同时则开始拖延时间: „Can that specifically say?” “那能具体说一说吗?” The Liu three sons deeply looked at his one eyes, at this time Fang Linyan felt immediately this man's change, simply before acts like a different person: 刘三儿深深望了他一眼,这时候方林岩立即就感觉出来这男子的变化,简直与之前判若两人: Before obviously was the below-normal intelligence child who hehe laughed foolishly momentarily, but walks now is timid to act, and also liked gathering together the hand in the sleeve, that appearance seemed like to wait for the steward old man who the host family summoned unexpectedly momentarily! 之前明显乃是个随时都呵呵傻笑的低智孩童,但是现在走路则是缩手缩脚的,并且还喜欢将手拢在袖子里面,那模样居然看起来像是个随时等待主人家召唤的管家老头子! Fang Linyan fully realized that looks through truth that did not divulge, saw that the Liu three sons hesitated do not speak, immediately saw a nearby restaurant, then pulled him to say directly: 方林岩深知看破不说破的道理,见到刘三儿沉吟不语,立即看到了旁边的一座酒楼,便直接挽着他道: I have not happen to eaten meal, simply at noon on the same place? This restaurant is large, wants to come inside good wine fat chicken to have.” “正好我还未吃饭,索性中午就一起了吧?这家酒楼还是颇大的,想来里面美酒肥鸡还是应该有的。” This Liu three sons seemingly are just about to beckon with the hand to decline, had actually been drawn the restaurant entrance by Fang Linyan, words saying that this restaurant also is really the century-old institutions, although the Liu three sons just ate five big meat packages, but smokes by that share stir-fried dish flavor and wine flavor, immediately the somewhat confused feeling, the Adam's apple could not bear twitch, the words that immediately rejected could not say. 这刘三儿看起来正要摆手推辞,却已经被方林岩拉到了酒楼门口,话说这酒楼还真是百年老店,刘三儿虽然刚刚吃了五个大肉包,但是被那股子炒菜味道和酒香味道一熏,顿时就有些神不守舍的感觉,喉结都忍不住抽搐了一下,顿时拒绝的话说不出来了。 After entering to the restaurant, Fang Linyan is not short of money, first lets the shop owner on the adept side dish some, then ordered the signature dish to steam the lamb, while convenient foremost person in the field who wanted two altars/jars to be known as 20 years of Chen spring. 进到酒楼以后,方林岩又不差钱的,先让店家把拿手的小菜上些,然后点了招牌菜蒸羊羔,顺带要了两坛号称二十年陈的状元春。 This good wine good food current, the Liu three sons could not bear start directly, as the saying goes ate the person mouth to be short, then started to listen to his 11. 这美酒美食当前,刘三儿也是直接忍不住开动了,有道是吃人嘴短,便开始听他一一道来。 The meaning that originally this contains pleasant also is really many! 原来这如意包含的意思还真是多! Largest, was the ornament that a literary intelligentsia used, the head presented the spirit mushroom shape, the length approximately two chi (0.33 m), the head of another end presented acts fingered, can be used to give back flexure to be itchy, may like the people's desires, therefore pleasantness. 这其中数量最多的,就是一种士大夫用的装饰品了,头部呈现出灵芝状,长约两尺,另外一端的头部呈现出手指状,可以用于给背部挠痒痒,可如人意,故名如意。 Listens to Liu three sons' views, the jade is pleasant, the gold/metal is pleasant, the iron is pleasant, the silver is pleasant, the red sandalwood pleasant wait/etc has thirty. 听刘三儿的说法,玉如意,金如意,铁如意,银如意,紫檀如意等等足足都有三十几把。 A pleasantness, is actually the niece of his master, the nickname is named pleasant, is long that is shames the moon and flowers, unparalleled in the world. 还有一个如意,却是其主人的侄女,外号则是名为如意,长得那是闭月羞花,天下无双. No wonder Fang Linyan said that wants others is not willing, these ornaments pleasant, but this niece actually cannot give you. Gave Fang Linyan not to dare to want! 难怪方林岩说都要人家不肯给,那些装饰品如意就罢了,可是这侄女却不能给你啊.咳咳,给了方林岩也不敢要! Was good because of this time, the reply of Mobius mark arrives finally slowly: 好在这时候,莫比乌斯印记的回复终于姗姗来到: You now the world is very special, the disturbance is big from time to time, from time to time reduces, therefore my here reply may delay is very long.” “你现在所处的世界很特殊,干扰时而非常大,时而降低,所以我这边的回复可能会延迟很久。” You told him, took an iron to be pleasant, this pleasant end has Zhao character, and compared other pleasant obviously wanted longer, was heavier.” “你告诉他,要一把铁如意,这把如意的尾部上有着一个赵字,并且比其余的如意明显要长一些,重一些。” After Fang Linyan listened, in the heart has then known how things stand, but the Liu three sons eat the speed that the thing drinks are not the general rapidness, felt that does not chew then swallows directly, the vegetables/dishes and liquor less than 20 minutes of quick full table sweep away. 方林岩听了以后,心里面便已经有数了,而刘三儿吃东西喝酒的速度不是一般的快,感觉都是不怎么嘴嚼便直接吞,很快满桌子的菜和酒不到二十分钟就一扫而空。 At this time the Liu three sons wiped the mouth, then hit liquor belch to stand saying: 这时候刘三儿抹抹嘴,便打着酒嗝儿站起来道: Thank reveres the entertainment of guest, but the family rule was severe, does not dare to remain, revered the guest to think that wanted anything, if no, small old acted without authorization.” “感谢尊客的招待,不过家规严厉,不敢多留,请问尊客有没有想好要什么,若是没有的话,小老儿就擅自做主了哦。” Fang Linyan hurried say/way: 方林岩急忙道: That does not use, I take one pleasant swayed.” “那倒不用,我要一把如意摆件.” Then he 11 said oneself request. 然后他就将自己的要求一一说了出来。 The Liu three sons nod, brought Fang Linyan to arrive on the sandbank of Yellow River, Fang Linyan waited for a while somewhat to be curious, detected how not to have the sound, suddenly heard a snoring sound. 刘三儿点点头,就带着方林岩重新来到了黄河的河滩上,方林岩等了一会儿却有些好奇,发觉怎么没动静,突然听到了一阵鼾声。 Then looks does not know whether to laugh or cry immediately, because the Liu three sons fell on the sand beach at this time impressively directly whistling rested greatly, was drunk and ate to the full probably, rapid on snoring sound like thunder. 回头一看顿时哭笑不得,因为刘三儿此时赫然直接倒在了沙滩上呼呼大睡了起来,大概是喝醉了酒又吃饱了,迅速就鼾声如雷。 This Fang Linyan is speechless immediately, do oneself want to wait for him to awake?!! “这”方林岩顿时无语,自己难道要等他睡醒吗?!! However at this time he turned head again, on the surprised discovery present sandbank has mist to ascend, in an instant did not see clearly sound 67 meters away. 不过这时候他再回头,却惊奇的发现眼前的河滩上已经有一层雾气升腾而起,转眼之间就看不清楚67米外的动静了。 The river water also starts crash-bang crash-bang the sound, then as if has anything to float toward oneself with the wave. 紧接着,河水也开始“哗啦”“哗啦”的响动着,然后似乎有什么东西随着浪头朝着自己漂了过来。 Fang Linyan looks, was a wooden chest, quick arrived at the shore impressively, his look was not the average man may compare, although there is a mist camouflage, actually can also see that underwater had the huge shadow to appear and disappear indistinctly, evidently unexpectedly was a strange long incomparable great snake!! 方林岩一看,赫然是一个木箱子,很快就来到了岸边,他的眼神也并非常人可比的,虽然有雾气遮蔽,却也能见到水下隐约有庞大的黑影在出没,看样子竟然是一头奇长无比的巨蛇!!
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