FE :: Volume #13

#1405: The oriental cherry is on the wane

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Chapter 1403 oriental cherry is on the wane 第1403章樱花凋零 However, the limitation is very big. 但是,局限性很大。 First, the when thing of effect of sand to having life must fall short greatly, 首先,时之沙的效果对有生命的东西就要大打折扣, Next, the when thing of effect of sand / approval to space product falls short similarly greatly. 其次,时之沙的效果对空间出品/认可的东西同样是大打折扣的。 Without these two big limits, Fang Linyan must kill oriental cherry that to be possible too to be simple, only when waits for this bastard to enter in the effective range of sand, postpones for 100 years its time, this boy estimated that changed to one pile of white bones at the scene 倘若没有这两大限制的话,方林岩要弄死樱花那可就太简单了,只等这王八蛋进入时之沙的生效范围内,将其身上的时间延后一百年,这厮估计就当场化作一堆白骨了 Obviously, the oriental cherry sentences in advance insufficient to all these that presents at present, in view of the fact that the time is the scarcity of skill, it is estimated that he also the dagger after hand suddenly has the mutation thorough compelled ignorant. 很显然,樱花对眼前出现的这一切都预判不足,鉴于时间系技能的稀少,估计他也是在手中的匕首突然出现异变之后彻底懵逼了。 What in this fellow brain first thinks was the opposite party used what corrosiveness very strong item and so on, had not considered toward time domain. 这家伙脑子里面首先想到的是对方动用了什么腐蚀性很强的道具之类的,根本就没往时间领域方面去考虑。 Who Fang Linyan is, erupted this to strike long-premeditated, immediately followed the bloodthirsty instinct in within the body, direct bit the throat of oriental cherry again! 方林岩是什么人,蓄谋已久爆发出了这一击,立即就遵循体内的嗜血本能,直接一口再次咬中了樱花的咽喉! After even without a doubt, is the body digitized, the throat also absolutely is the category of strategic point, here not only being strong artery such trunk passes, and has the trachea, the esophagus and so on frail and important spots. 毫无疑问,哪怕是身体数据化了之后,咽喉也绝对是属于要害的范畴,这里既有劲动脉这样的大血管通过,又有气管,食管等等脆弱而要紧的部位。 Therefore the oriental cherry pain is difficult to bear, the facial features twist, struggles crazily, got rid of this tear and bite ruthlessly with great difficulty, is the throat place already covered with blood, horrible to look. 因此樱花痛苦难当,面容扭曲,疯狂挣扎,好不容易才摆脱了这狠狠的撕咬,可是喉咙处已经血肉模糊,惨不忍睹。 He covered the throat, tumbled several later big mouths to pant for breath, then continued to send faces forward to run away fully, this response actually and had nothing wrong, because the oriental cherry in the beforehand dozen minutes is handling the same matter. 他捂住了喉咙,翻滚了好几圈之后大口喘息着,然后就继续发足朝前逃走,这反应其实并没有什么错的,因为在之前的十几分钟内樱花都在做相同的事情。 However after escaping from 2-3, in the middle of the right hand of Fang Linyan, suddenly ray sparkle! 不过就在逃出了2-3步之后,在方林岩的右手当中,突然有一道光芒闪耀而出! This ray ash throws and common, has two advantage: 这道光芒灰扑扑的并不起眼,却有两点好处: The 1st victory in towering, does not have the indication! Second is the speed is astonishing! 第一胜在突兀,根本就是毫无征兆!第二就是速度惊人! If these two points link, that can only describe with virtually impossible to guard against. 这两点倘若结合在一起的话,那就只能用防不胜防来形容了。 The cassock cuts!! 袈裟斩!! Since yes, Fang Linyan bears patiently, finally displayed him most to have the attack of lethality at this time, the ingenious method village coverall combination technique: 是的,方林岩隐忍至今,终于施展出来了此时他最具备杀伤力的攻击,妙法村正的套装组合技: The cassock cuts!! 袈裟斩!! This move sounds has the flavor of Buddhism very much, actually not mercy, and also quite sinister. 这一招听起来很是有佛门的韵味,其实一点儿都不慈悲,并且还相当的阴险。 Oriental cherry such slippery customer, and he with the blade grandmaster, these also came a big cropper on this move to the letter time!! 就连樱花这样的老油条,并且他还是不折不扣的用刀宗师,这一次也在这一招上面栽了个大跟头!! The ray that this ash throws penetrated the body of oriental cherry instantaneously, let still stiffen in him of running all of a sudden, then strenuous then looked, lip fierce is shivering. 这灰扑扑的光芒瞬间就穿透了樱花的身躯,让本来还在奔跑的他一下子就僵住了,然后吃力的回头看了过来,嘴唇剧烈的颤抖着。 Who knows that does not look fortunately, under this looks, is to make the oriental cherry at present one black, in heart resentful is also beyond description. 谁知道不看还好,这一看之下,更是让樱花眼前一黑,心中的愤懑也是难以形容。 Originally this time Fang Linyan has looked deathly pale, pants, his hair eyebrow and so on looked like just escaped from the scene of fire, whirled around withered, even presented the mottling. 原来这时候的方林岩已经是脸色惨白,气喘吁吁,其头发眉毛之类的就像是刚刚从火场里面逃出来似的,翻卷焦枯,甚至出现了大片大片的斑块。 The lips place presented massive chapping, the skin is also the full arrange/cloth wrinkle, looks is very serious dehydrated condition. 其口唇处更是出现了大量的皲裂,皮肤也是满布皱纹,一看就是非常严重的脱水状态。 What is more important, this fellow also became normal, the feeling of that wild animal savage bloodthirsty before the body sent out was also nothing left, can look from many signs, this fellow was also is in obviously the brink of collapse. 更重要的是,这家伙也变得正常了起来,之前身上散发出来的那种野兽般凶残嗜血的感觉也是荡然无存,从多个迹象都能看出来,这家伙显然也是处于崩溃的边缘了。 Yes, Fang Linyan before displaying the cassock cuts, has produced that type of oil lamp to be completely dry, misconception that several want to be on the verge of death! Therefore although he is extremely unwilling, is clenching teeth to draw back from the flame calamity condition. 是的,方林岩在施展出袈裟斩之前,就已经产生那种油尽灯枯,几欲濒死的错觉!所以他虽然万分不甘,也是咬着牙从炎祸状态下退了出来。 Hateful oriental cherry covered the chest, staggered to back up several steps, say/way that muttered: Almost, almost, I am unwilling!” “可恶啊”樱花捂住了胸口,踉跄倒退了几步,喃喃的道:“就差一点儿,就差一点儿,我不甘心啊!” Yes, if the oriental cherry can also persist in fighting now, the victory and defeat balance will reverse to his side the both sides cards in a hand to leave very much obviously after all at this time completely, Fang Linyan did not have that 30 point entire attribute in addition to hold, both sides depended to put down A, that affirmation oriental cherry exploded the opposite party. 是的,倘若现在樱花还能坚持战斗的话,胜负的天平很显然就会倒向他的那一边了毕竟此时双方都底牌出尽,方林岩没有了那三十点全属性的加持,双方都靠平A的话,那肯定樱花完爆对方啊。 Pitifully only at this time, the chest place of oriental cherry, erupted a blood arrow unexpectedly! The fearful wound from his left neck root, delimited under the right armpit together slantingly, the wound trend the cassock neckband trend is close to the Buddhist priest( esoteric buddhism Lama) is throwing over exactly. 只可惜这时候,樱花的胸口处,居然爆发出了一股血箭!一道可怕的伤口从他的左边脖子根部起,斜划到了右边的腋窝下面,伤口的走向恰好与僧人(密教喇嘛)披着的袈裟领口走势接近。 This is acquiring fame that the cassock cuts, seems like the mercy, actually savage!! 这就是袈裟斩的得名,看似慈悲,其实凶残至极!! The might that after the cassock cuts erupted, the body surface of oriental cherry presented a perfectly round light cover suddenly, above bright circulation, firmly protected the oriental cherry, obviously after was entered being on the verge of death condition, triggered the team skill. 当袈裟斩的威力爆发出来了之后,樱花的身体表面陡然出现了一个浑圆的光罩,上面亮光流转,牢牢的将樱花护住,显然是进入濒死状态后触发了团队技能。 The effect of this team skill dual: 这个团队技能的效果是双重的: First, can form one to protect the shield, then absorbs then to by all injuries of asylum! This protects the shield duration is 30 seconds. 第一,可以形成一层护盾,进而吸收接下来对被庇护者的所有伤害!此护盾持续时间为30秒。 Second, what is also is more important, can in the team member within three kilometers to the surrounding area send out together the news instantaneously, reminded in the middle of their team some people in danger. 第二,也是更重要的是,可以在瞬间对方圆三公里内的团队成员发出一道讯息,提醒他们团队当中有人遇险。 The person who simultaneously receives the information will obtain a temporary transmission skill, this transmission skill needs to recite for five seconds to become effective, after the use, can transmit to triggering team skill the side of person instantaneously. 同时接收到信息的人将会获得了一个临时的传送技能,这个传送技能需要吟唱五秒钟才能生效,使用后可以瞬间传送到触发团队技能的人的身边。 However, in recitation, if were attacked by the enemy, recites will interrupt directly. 不过,在吟唱的时候倘若遭受到敌人的攻击,吟唱就会直接中断。 Article 1 the effect is very common common goods, but the second effect, is actually the oriental cherry risks one's life together with the people of entire team, fights a bloody battle SS skill that later pulls out. It can be said that quite easy-to-use, the position that from must die several times saved the team member. 第一条效果乃是很常见的大路货,但是第二条效果,却是樱花连同整个团队的人出生入死,浴血奋战以后抽到的SS技能。可以说是相当的好用,有好几次都从必死的境地当中将队员拯救了出来。 Saw this, on the face of Fang Linyan the muscle also twitched several, the secretly thought in the heart was bad, before he be at bloodlines distortion condition in the middle of time, in the heart is completely deeply worried incomparable, the condition of feeling terribly hot, most reason lost. 见到了这一幕,方林岩的脸上肌肉也抽搐了几下,在心中暗道糟糕,之前他处于血脉畸变状态当中的时候,心中完全是焦灼无比,火烧火燎的状态,大部分理智都丧失了。 Especially finally that strikes the cassock to cut, concentrates on, for fear that hits! Therefore is busy makes a mistake unexpectedly, forgot must first not have type with team skill, has not thought that unexpectedly made the so fatal mistake. 尤其是最后那一击袈裟斩的时候,更是全神贯注唯恐打偏!所以竟是忙中出错,忘记了要先用团队技能“无式”,没想到居然犯下了如此致命的错误。 Was good before coming this also prepared corresponding because of Fang Linyan, told Li three and king five and the others was oneself subsequent hand. Let them probably probably oriental cherry here backing intercepting, otherwise, Fang Linyan feared that must pay the huge price for own negligence. 好在方林岩在来此之前也是做好了相应的准备,吩咐了李三和王五等人来做自己的后手。让他们务必要将樱花这边的后援给拦截下来,否则的话,方林岩怕是要为自己的这个疏忽付出巨大的代价。 30 seconds of countdown disappears, the heart of oriental cherry is also little sank, the rescue that oneself hope for has not arrived eventually. 三十秒的倒计时转瞬即逝,樱花的心也是一点点的沉了下去,自己期盼的救援终究没有来到。 He looked at this time to Fang Linyan, immediately loudly exclaimed: 他此时看向了方林岩,立即大吼道: I use the divine tool to trade my life!” “我用神器换自己的一条命!” He said after these words, the protecting shield of body surface had vanished directly, in the Fang Linyan eye revealed immediately wiped the greedy color, immediately raised the sound said: 他说完了这句话以后,身体表面的护盾已经直接消失了,方林岩眼中顿时露出了一抹贪婪之色,立即扬声道: Really?” “真的?” He said that convenient grasps the village that holds to be positive the left hand. The leech received the sheath. 他一面说,一面就顺手将左手握持的村正.蛭重新收入鞘中。 Seemed like already obviously by divine tool two character deep attractions. 看起来已经明显被“神器”两个字深深的吸引了。 The look of oriental cherry slightly one bright, in the heart the great happiness, he is just about to speak immediately actually detected oneself could not make the sound unexpectedly. Because a dagger has pricked from the rear neck nest quietly!! The tip of dagger shows from the Adam's apple place. 樱花的眼神微微一亮,心中顿时大喜,他正要说话却发觉自己居然发不出声音了.因为一把匕首已经悄然从后方的颈窝刺入!!匕首的尖端从喉结处透出。 Not only so, the blade flies baseless, passed over gently and swiftly instantaneously the nape of the neck of oriental cherry, is in the middle of ingenious method village other that village is positive. Smells!! 非但如此,凭空有一刀飞来,瞬间就掠过了樱花的脖颈,正是妙法村正当中的另外那一把村正.嗅!! Fang Linyan is the hypocrisy is talking with the oriental cherry unexpectedly, actually directly is controlling the psychic force tentacle, launched to it quietly struck finally. 方林岩竟是假意在与樱花对话,其实直接就控制着精神力触手,悄然对其展开了最后一击。 This blade, when cuts, in the world has the boundless unpredictable feeling instantaneously, 这一刀,在斩出的时候,天地之间瞬间有着苍茫难测的感觉, Dark , as if desperate wild animals, were roaring sad and shrill!! 冥冥之中,似乎有一头绝望的野兽,在凄厉怒吼了一声!! The divine tool that the oriental cherry said trades the life and so on, sounding is very tempting, Fang Linyan has not actually perceived from the start, when only he breaks wind. 樱花所说的神器换命之类的,听起来很具有诱惑力,方林岩却压根儿都没听进去,只当他放了个屁。 If by the true hard strength, is on two people the arena hits the bureau of seven games and four wins for example, Fang Linyan after on oriental cherry that does not need to think, definitely 100 times is hits to lose 100 times. 若论真正的硬实力,比如说是两人上擂台打七战四胜的局,方林岩对上樱花之后那不用想,肯定是打一百次输一百次。 If by the plans city mansion soft strength, Fang Linyan comes compared with the oriental cherry like this is actually not inferior!! 但是若论心机城府这样的软实力,方林岩比起樱花来却是毫不逊色!! Therefore, in the Fang Linyan heart is very clear, the oriental cherry present only thought that is the dragging time of doing everything possible, so long as and other this tone recovers consciousness, will then definitely counter-attack without delay outrageously. 所以,方林岩心里面很清楚,樱花现在的唯一念头,就是想方设法的拖时间,只要等他这口气一缓过来,那么肯定会二话不说悍然反扑。 Therefore, Fang Linyan very simple thwarting, then got down the heavy hand!! 因此,方林岩很干脆的将计就计,然后就下了辣手!! This blade, wants you to unravel!!! 这一刀,就要你灰飞烟灭!!! The head of oriental cherry was cut to fly directly, falls after the ground rumble tumbled out 34 meters stood still, in his eyes was full of the unbelievable look until this time, lip weak stretch/open He, both hands also in ground chaotic flexure 樱花的脑袋直接就被斩飞了起来,掉落在了地上咕噜噜的滚出了三四米之后才停歇了下来,他的双眼中直到此时都是充满了难以置信的神色,嘴唇无力的张合着,双手也是在地上乱挠 Can look, the oriental cherry is also one has person who holds reading, was cut to the head, unexpectedly was still making the last effort for own survival strongly. 看得出来,樱花也是一个有着执念的人,一直到脑袋被斩下来,居然都还在为着自己的生存而竭力做出了最后一丝努力。 What only pitifully is, Fang Linyan also similarly is a slippery customer who sees the oversized world! The seduction of divine tool cannot make him be blinded by greed. 只可惜的是,方林岩也同样是一根见过大世面的老油条!神器的诱惑也并不能使其利令智昏呢。 After a blade the oriental cherry beheads, Fang Linyan actually stubbornly looked to the front, presented the following a series of prompt until the retina on impressively: 一刀将樱花枭首之后,方林岩却死死的看向了前方,直到视网膜上赫然出现了下面的一系列提示: „.” “.” Breeds hunting for CD8492116, your attack caused 38 damage to awakens FC0971.” “殖猎者CD8492116号,你的攻击对苏醒者FC0971造成了38点伤害。” „The awakens FC0971 life value enulls, awakens FC0971 death.” “苏醒者FC0971的生命值归零,苏醒者FC0971死亡了。” Congratulated you to cut to kill awakens FC0971!” “恭喜你斩杀了苏醒者FC0971号!” What is worth mentioning is, on the Fang Linyan retina demonstrates awakens FC0971 these characters impressively are the silver, obviously the status of oriental cherry very somewhat is very special, and by specialness of space approval. 值得一提的是,方林岩视网膜上显示的“苏醒者FC0971”这几个字赫然是银色的,很显然樱花的身份很是有些特殊,并且还是被空间认可的特殊。 Before Fang Linyan also thinks that hunted for king front king abyss feudal lord these nicknames is among the space soldiers takes in private, in fact will not be approved by the space, but seems like this idea to be completely mistaken now very much obviously. 之前方林岩还以为“猎王”“锋王”“深渊领主”这些外号乃是空间战士之间私下取的,实际上并不会被空间认可,但是现在看起来这个想法很显然大错特错。 At this time Fang Linyan could not bear and remembered the senior steward Art words: 此时方林岩忍不住又想起了老管家阿尔特巴的话: If you are curious, then inquired Pantheon.” “如果你对此好奇的话,那么就去打听一下万神殿吧。” Obviously, this should be an investigation direction. 很显然,这应该就是一个调查方向了。 After receiving the key that the oriental cherry fell conveniently, Fang Linyan long spitting exhales, only feels weary, the ache, is stranded intent as if tide general was welling, whole person all of a sudden being able to come to a stop direct paralysis on the ground. 顺手收起了樱花掉落的钥匙之后,方林岩长长的吐出了一口气,只觉得疲倦,疼痛,还有困意都仿佛潮水一般的对着自己涌了过来,整个人都一下子站不稳直接瘫在了地上。
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