FE :: Volume #13

#1396: Must kill the monster blade!

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Chapter 1394 must kill the monster blade! 第1394章必杀妖刀! At this time, the split vision of Fang Linyan corner of the eye actually detected that had some not normal sound, then looked, actually saw Art of distant place stood the body, and looked at steadily is staring at itself, the corners of the mouth revealed wiped the smile at the same time still slightly is applauding, did not have the least bit beforehand injured pain appearance. 这时候,方林岩眼角的余光却察觉到了有一些不正常的动静,回头一看,却见到了远处的阿尔特巴站直了身体,并且目不转睛的盯着自己,嘴角露出了一抹微笑的同时还在微微鼓掌,却没有半点儿之前受伤痛楚的模样。 Witnessed this, in the Fang Linyan heart steep had an ominous premonition, but at this time, after the big lawsuit died , the deep fire that produces was spreads the entire hall, that meat red wall and crown were also start to be reduced to ashes rapidly, is actually not able to harm to these living person. 目睹了这一幕,方林岩心中陡的生出了一股不祥的预感,不过这时候,大官司死亡以后产生的冥火更是蔓延到了整个大厅当中,那肉红色的墙壁和顶部也是开始迅速化为灰烬,却无法伤害到这些活着的人。 In the Fang Linyan heart had a clear(ly) to become aware, this temporary in the world was big lawsuit one establishes, and also doped the factors in some energetic aspects, therefore was actually similar existence in illusion. 方林岩心中生出了一股明悟,这个临时的里世界就是大官司一手建立的,并且还掺杂了一些精神方面的因素,所以其实是类似于幻境的存在。 At this time the big lawsuit dies, in the in addition support the core puppet babies in the world have also disintegrated, therefore here changes certainly into the nihility directly, starts to destroy. 此时大官司一死,外加支撑里世界的核心傀儡娃娃也已经解体,所以当然这里就直接化为虚无,开始毁灭。 Is good the world is to make temporarily in this, in the contact with seat of honor surface is also complicated, therefore its destruction at the same time, logical by seat of honor surface assimilation, not too big danger. 好在这个里世界乃是临时制造出来的,与主位面之间的联系也是千丝万缕,所以其毁灭的同时,就会顺理成章的被主位面同化,并没有太大的危险。 When the deep fire spread in all directions, the ear of Fang Linyan, heard nursery rhymes indistinctly, that nursery rhymes sound was indistinct, off and on, as if passed from very far place, seemed to be does not have. 当冥火蔓延到了四面八方的时候,方林岩的耳朵当中,隐隐约约听到了一首童谣,那童谣声音缥缈,断断续续,仿佛传自很远的地方,似有似无. The bird flies in Lake Biwa, 鸟儿在琵琶湖上飞呀, The Manchurian crane slips in side of turtle, 仙鹤滑倒在乌龟的旁边, Below of that setting sun, 就在那夕阳的下面啊, middle is smiling to me. 阿仲在对着我微笑. Even if the so crazy big lawsuit, before dying final holds to read is also own hometown 哪怕是如此疯狂的大官司,在死前最后的执念也是自己的家乡啊 Fang Linyan felt that a dizziness, at present is also momentarily one black, then lost to the sensation. 紧接着,方林岩就感觉到了一阵天旋地转,眼前也是随时一黑,然后就失去了对外界的感知。 Please note, at this time he did not have the stupor, can still attack, can attempt to move, was only the vision, the sense of hearing, the sense of smell cannot feel anything at this time completely. 请注意,这时候他并没有昏迷,依然可以攻击,可以尝试移动,只是视觉,听觉,嗅觉此时都完全感觉不到任何东西了。 However this situation has not continued is too long , after is 2-3 seconds, Fang Linyan restored the sensation, detects itself, Chen, Art stood in the middle of that little building entrance hall. 不过这种情况并没有持续太久,也就是2-3秒之后,方林岩就重新恢复了感知,发觉自己,陈,还有阿尔特巴都站在了那一处小楼的门厅当中。 In the ground in entrance hall has one obviously is law of temporary plan, but also unearthed the gully of many palm of the hand size to come out. Inside also filled many blood, in the air is also the light smoke that braves to curl. 只是门厅的地面上有一个明显是临时绘制的法阵,还挖掘了不少巴掌大小的沟壑出来。里面还灌了很多血液,空中也是冒着袅袅的青烟。 Also 2-3 corpses in law, before should be, in the middle of killed the victim since in the world, their body inside blood flowing these gullies, is used to maintain the environment revolution in the world. 在法阵当中还有2-3具尸体,应该是之前进入里世界当中被杀死的受害者,他们身体里面的血液汩汩的流淌进那些沟壑,用来维持里世界内的环境运转。 In an entrance hall near the bottom almost more than ten meters position, places is usually transporting that wooden carriage of big lawsuit, above has emaciated, old body, and rolled up by the strange posture in one, this was the main body mortal body of big lawsuit. 在门厅靠后差不多十几米的位置,就摆放着平时运送大官司的那一台木辇,上面有一具瘦弱,苍老的身体,并且以诡异的姿势蜷缩在了一起,这就是大官司的本尊肉身。 Naturally, its soul was cut to kill by Fang Linyan in the environment directly, therefore this corpse is actually one group of rotten meat. 当然,其灵魂在环境当中就被方林岩直接斩杀了,所以这尸体其实就是一团烂肉而已。 However, at this time void middle has flower petal piece by piece to fly, resembles the imaginary seems true|really, on corpse who piled up at the big lawsuit, this flower petal presented the pink, the appearance that the oriental cherry died of old age, quick buried the big lawsuit thoroughly. 然而,此时虚空当中却有片片花瓣飞来,似幻似真,堆积在了大官司的尸身上,这花瓣呈现出粉红色,正是樱花凋谢的样子,很快就将大官司给彻底掩埋。 Sheath flies the plain long blade of continually from the day beyond, attacked in the Fang Linyan front, the angry tremor of voluntarily blade in the middle of the scabbard, made clang clang the sound, can see that on the hilt writes three characters impressively: 紧接着,有一把连鞘的古朴长刀自天外飞来,直插在了方林岩的面前,刀刃在刀鞘当中愤怒的自行颤动,发出了“铛铛”的声音,可以见到刀柄上赫然写着三个字: Mei Yingdu!! 梅樱毒!! This seemingly seems to have met before blade Fang Linyan, somewhat looks familiar very much, but he awakens at once, this is wearing a sword of that bastard oriental cherry. 这把刀方林岩看上去似曾相识,很是有些眼熟,而他旋即就醒悟了过来,这就是那个混蛋樱花的佩刀啊。 „Can this bastard initiate the challenge to me?” “这混蛋是要对我发起挑战?” In the heart of Fang Linyan, has flashed before such a thought suddenly. 方林岩的心中,陡然闪现过了这么一个念头。 At this time, the oriental cherry flower petal that after void middle flies thoroughly the big lawsuit buries, the surplus flower petals aim at Fang Linyan to fly, Fang Linyan sees that to know for sure wonderfully, does not run to go toward the rear area immediately, but the speed of that flower petal actually obviously wants on to plan quickly. 就在这时候,当虚空当中飞来的樱花花瓣彻底将大官司埋葬之后,剩余的花瓣又对准了方林岩飞来,方林岩见状情知不妙,立即朝着后方奔跑而去,可是那花瓣的速度却明显要快上一筹。 When determined that own running away speed follow not on flower petal, Fang Linyan stands firm simply, then wielded to begin the village to cut directly! But, this lifelike flower petal seems like unexpectedly is the illusion, therefore after the sharp incomparable village blade chops, the flower petal was unexpectedly safe and sound , to continue to aim at Fang Linyan to flutter. 在确定自己的逃走速度跟随不上花瓣的时候,方林岩索性站定,然后直接挥动手中的村正斩了过去!可是,这栩栩如生的花瓣看起来竟然是幻象,所以锐利无比的村正刀刃劈过去之后,花瓣居然安然无恙,继续对准了方林岩飘动了过来。 Facing the so strange phenomenon, Fang Linyan is also sighing of has no alternative, whatever the illusion of that oriental cherry flower petal fluttered piece by piece own chest, then, his presents the bright red prompt at present impressively: 面对如此诡异的现象,方林岩也是无可奈何的叹了一口气,任凭那片片樱花花瓣的幻象飘飞到了自己的胸口,然后,他的眼前赫然出现了鲜红色的提示: Breeds hunting for CD8492116, you had suffered the curse: Speed per second five centimeters locking, this curse cursed for the bidirectional direction detection, after becoming effective, you can the clear induction to displaying curse the position of person, naturally, incantation person will also induce to your position correspondingly. This curse has very high priority, was eliminated very much difficultly.” “殖猎者CD8492116号,你已经遭受到了诅咒:秒速五厘米的锁定,此诅咒为双向定向诅咒,生效之后你将可以清晰的感应到施展诅咒的人的位置,当然,施咒人也将会相应的感应到你的位置。此诅咒具备非常高的优先度,很难被清除。” Breeds hunting for CD8492116, pursuit used a powerful and mysterious item: The kiss of pale hunter, conducted the promotion its pursuit task of acquisition, therefore, this pursuit in close to your hundred meters, will obtain the traveling speed to promote 15, the life value promotes 50, the attack speed promotes 15 extra additions.” “殖猎者CD8492116号,一名追击者使用了一件强大而神秘的道具:苍白猎手之吻,将其获得的追击任务进行了升级,因此,这名追击者在接近你百米之内,将会获得移动速度提升15,生命值提升50,攻击速度提升15的额外加成。” This addition can be purified, but will maintain for 5 seconds / time refresh time( i.e. to conduct a determination in the pursuit mission duration every five seconds, if on pursuit does not have this effect on hold to it), till this addition will continue 24 hours or among you somebody died.” “此加成可以被净化,但在追击任务持续时间内将会保持五秒/次的刷新时间(即每隔五秒就进行一次判定,若是追击者身上没有此效果就将对其进行加持),此加成将会持续24小时或是你们当中的某个人死亡为止。” Sees this series of bright red prompts, Fang Linyan if immediately fell into the icehouse! 见到这一系列鲜红色的提示,方林岩顿时若落入到了冰窖当中! To be honest, witnessed after before the oriental cherry assassinates that blade that Commander Liu cuts, after he has decided to run into this bastard, there is keeps one's distance from far, this person without a doubt, inevitably is awakens. 说实话,在之前目睹了樱花刺杀刘总兵斩出的那一刀之后,他就已经决定遇到这个王八蛋之后,有多远避多远,此人毫无疑问,必然是一个苏醒者。 Fang Linyan does not want with the positive photograph anti- reason, to consider this fellow to be possible not to be victorious very much- Most critically, even if victorious, still definitely wants the card in a hand completely to leave, the waste consumes all resources! 方林岩不想与之正面相抗的原因,当是这家伙自己很有可能打不过--更关键的是,就算是打得过,也必然要底牌尽出,浪费消耗掉所有的资源! But oneself come the goal of this world, to cut to kill oriental cherry powerful enemy? 而自己来这个世界的目的,就是为了斩杀樱花这个强敌的吗? Of course not! 当然不是! But, something, are not you want to hide to hide! 可是,有的东西,不是你想躲就躲得掉的! Fang Linyan does not want to hit with the oriental cherry, but the oriental cherry had been enraged by him at this time, will regard as thorn in the side, must want to kill then quick that! 方林岩不想和樱花打,但是樱花此时已经被他激怒,将之视为眼中钉肉中刺,必欲杀之而后快的那种! The oriental cherry must kill the reason of Fang Linyan to have two points, there is Duke, there is a privacy! 樱花必杀方林岩的理由有两点,既有公,也有私! From public spirit perspective, oriental cherry after knowing the big lawsuit was killed, immediately used a god bamboo slip, above demonstration master walks the plan also to have a slim chance of survival unexpectedly, this slim chance of survival on the body of Fang Linyan. 从公心的角度来说,樱花在得知大官司被杀之后,立即动用了身上的一支神签,上面显示师走计划居然还有一线生机,这一线生机就在方林岩的身上。 Without a doubt, this slim chance of survival, are behind Fang Linyan in the middle of the backpack puppet baby. 毫无疑问,这一线生机,就是方林岩背后背包当中的傀儡娃娃。 Destiny and destiny strength of no small matter this thing involves, even after were hit by eight wine glasses , can only come under the influence of strength of time temporarily, disintegrates for ten minutes, after ten minutes, will return to original state. 这东西牵扯的气运和命运之力非同小可,哪怕是被八酒杯击中之后,也只能临时受到时间之力的影响,解体十来分钟,十来分钟以后就会重新还原。 If the puppet baby can be seized, in light of this condition that Li Gongzhang the bed has suffocated perhaps, the oriental cherry finds the way also really to get rid of his duty to complete, after all he is the space soldier, has multiple methods that the indigenous people cannot imagine. 若是傀儡娃娃能被夺回来,那么就此时李宫彰已经卧床奄奄一息的状态,樱花想一想办法说不定还真有可能将干掉他的这个任务完成,毕竟他乃是空间战士,有着原住民想象不到的多种手段。 From the selfishness perspective, between the big lawsuit and oriental cherry actually have very deep friendship, this friendship even absolutely not five and the others between the friendship is shallower than Fang Linyan and king, he must take revenge for the friend! 从私心的角度来说,大官司和樱花之间其实也是有着很深厚的交情,这种交情甚至绝对不比方林岩和王五等人之间的交情要浅,他要为了朋友复仇! This time oriental cherry also conducted the investigation of depth regarding Fang Linyan, and had the first-hand material, he appraisal to Fang Linyan is high, felt that seems like one to slide does not keep the loach of hand, seems like one to excel at the poisonous snake of concealment in darkness! 此时的樱花对于方林岩也是进行了深度的调查,并且拥有了第一手的资料,他对方林岩的评价非常高,感觉既像是一条滑不留手的泥鳅,又像是一条擅长于隐匿在黑暗当中的毒蛇! To the oriental cherry, the body of Fang Linyan has gotten together enemy of the nation to hate, becomes thorn in the side 对樱花而言,方林岩的身上已是聚合了国仇家恨,成为了眼中钉肉中刺 Therefore, the oriental cherry raised two cards in a hand directly, to guarantee to probably kill Fang Linyan!!! 所以,樱花直接掀出了两张底牌,就是为了确保能必杀方林岩!!! *** *** At this time facing the so embarrassed aspect, Fang Linyan will certainly not resign oneself to extinction, he had induced the main body of oriental cherry at this time beyond the kilometer, and is still approaches fast, then pulls out food drink that rapidly restored to eat air/Qi fiercely. 此时面对如此窘迫的局面,方林岩当然不会束手待毙,他这时候已经感应到了樱花的本尊正在千米之外,并且还在快速接近,便掏出了快速恢复的食物饮料猛吃一气。 Fang Linyan looked that to that shining oriental cherry mark design of oneself chest- this also cursed: Speed per second five centimeters symbol! 紧接着,方林岩看向了自己胸口的那个发着光的樱花印记图案-这也是诅咒:秒速五厘米的象征! He suddenly thought that this design is somewhat familiar, where as if has seen? 他突然觉得这图案有些熟悉,似乎在哪里见过? At once recalls, oneself are displaying the blade soaring, close to the big lawsuit that side suffocated at that time time, at present presents similar illusion. In other words, at that time did the oriental cherry issue the warning in this manner? 旋即就回忆了起来,自己在施展刃飞翔,靠近到当时奄奄一息的大官司身边的时候,眼前就出现了类似的幻象.也就是说,当时樱花就以这种方式发出了警告? At that time the full thoughts must first step cut wild with joy that kills the archenemy, therefore complete will neglect! 只是,那时候自己满心思都是要抢先一步斩杀大敌的狂喜,所以将之完全忽略了! Discovered after this matter, Fang Linyan looked at to not far away Art suddenly, on the face of this senior steward, is still hanging the unflustered smile, as if this smile was his mask is the same, will hang on the face momentarily. 发现了这件事之后,方林岩陡然看向了不远处的阿尔特巴,这个老管家的脸上,依然挂着从容不迫的微笑,仿佛这微笑就是他的面具一样,随时都会挂在脸上。 This old thing. Relieves my front that matter invisible movie screen intentionally!” “这老东西.是故意解除我面前的那层无形障壁的!” He by what wound, the big lawsuit simply had not been kept together final trump card in oneself side at that time.” “他当时根本就没有受什么伤,大官司也根本没有在自己的身边留一道最后的杀手锏。” Art also discovered certainly the warning of oriental cherry, therefore feigns to do injured, making me go to massacre the big lawsuit!” “阿尔特巴一定同样也发现了樱花的警告,所以佯作受伤,让我前去杀掉了大官司!” In heart of Fang Linyan immediately if successful as wants to understand a lot! 方林岩的心中立即就若水到渠成似的想明白了很多事情! „The essence of Art planning, really understands clearly the will of the people, after I killed the big lawsuit , although will therefore obtain the degree of contribution large scale increase the good deed, but, this also means that I then must conduct a life and death war with oriental cherry such strong person!” “阿尔特巴算计之精,真的是洞悉人心啊,我杀了大官司之后虽然因此会获得贡献度大幅度提升的好事,但是,这也意味着我接下来就要和樱花这样的强人进行生死一战!” „The result that this fights if I died, is very good, a deceased person does not have the means to come with them to compete with the degree of contribution.” “这一战的结果若是我死了,那么很好,一个死人是没有办法来和他们竞争贡献度的了。” However this fights, even if I won, actually still eliminated an opposite powerful enemy, the key will be I will also meet the oil lamp to be completely dry inevitably, the card in a hand completely will leave, very difficult to compete with it during the following war process.” “而这一战即便是我赢了,却也剪除了对面的一个强敌,关键是我势必也会油尽灯枯,底牌尽出,很难在后续的战争过程当中与之竞争了。” This old fogy may really be the good city mansion, is good to plan!” “这个老家伙可真是好城府,好算计啊!” Although Fang Linyan is very astute, is good at planning, but in the beforehand these days, he was truly regarded a board game piece successfully to use by senior steward Art. 方林岩虽然十分精明,擅长谋划,但在之前的这一段时间当中,他确实是被老管家阿尔特巴当成了一颗棋子成功的利用了。 No one likes being regarded the board game piece, that will give the deceived feeling, therefore the present Fang Linyan mood is quite uncomfortable. 没有人喜欢被当成棋子,那会给人以被愚弄的感觉,所以现在的方林岩心情相当不爽。 But controlled own mood is an upper dog necessary quality, Fang Linyan considered without a doubt immediately a matter- these information that just detected can bring what advantage to oneself! 但控制自己的情绪毫无疑问乃是一个成功者必备的素质,方林岩立即就考虑到了一件事-刚刚察觉的这些情报能给自己带来什么好处! Just at this time Fang Linyan discovered, the oriental cherry stopped the movement unexpectedly, although does not know this fellow accident sentiment, but actually obtained the rare cushion time to Fang Linyan! 刚好这时候方林岩发现,樱花居然停止了移动,虽然不知道这家伙出了什么事情,但是对方林岩来说却获得了难得的缓冲时间! Therefore, he turns the head deeply looked at Art one eyes- This movement immediately caused Chen, vigilance, keeping off as if by prior agreement in Art front, but Art is actually smiling the calm say/way: 于是,他转头深深的看了阿尔特巴一眼--这个动作立即就引起了陈,利查两人的警惕,不约而同的挡在了阿尔特巴的面前,不过阿尔特巴却微笑着从容的道: Does not use such anxiously, I in the eyes of this mister, although saw the anger, but more was actually sane, but a sane person, not while facing the front king will chase down, but also stood erect other powerful enemy.” “不用这么紧张,我在这位先生的眼中虽然看到到了愤怒,但是更多的却是理智,而一个理智的人,是不会在面对锋王追杀的同时,还来竖立别的强敌的。” Fang Linyan heard front king two characters, in the heart immediately one for it cold, in the surface actually maintains composure, then his leisurely steps arrived in front of Art, very simple say/way: 方林岩听到了“锋王”两个字,心中顿时为之一寒,面上却不动声色,然后他徐步走到了阿尔特巴面前,很干脆的道: Hey, Old man, the past matter did not say that you can plan my are your skill, I acknowledge that the punishment is deserved!” “喂,老头儿,过去的事情就不说了,你能算计到我那是你的本事,我认栽!” Currently speaking, we at least have the common basic interest, but the oriental cherry actually stands on our opposites, can't you deny this point?” “不过就目前来说,我们至少有着共同的基本利益吧,而樱花却是站在我们的对立面上,你不能否认这一点吧?” Art smiles the nod saying: 阿尔特巴微笑着点头道: This point, I approve limitedly.” “这一点,我有限认同。” Fang Linyan sneers a sound said: 方林岩冷笑一声道: You thought that I meet by good that the oriental cherry hacks to death, insisted that some time are good?” “那你觉得我是一见面就被樱花砍死的好,还是多坚持一些时间好?” This issue exit|to speak, Art complexion enforced immediately, he hesitant one said slowly: 这个问题一出口,阿尔特巴的脸色顿时就严肃了起来,他犹豫了一下才缓缓道: Naturally is drags the longer the better.” “当然是拖得越久越好。” Fang Linyan very simple say/way: 方林岩很干脆的道: Therefore, I must start journey of the thrilling incomparable running away immediately, just in the middle in world to strike to kill the big lawsuit, I am the card in a hand completely leave, exhausted, if goes facing the oriental cherry like this, perhaps lives is about one minute.” “所以,我马上就要开始一场惊险无比的逃走之旅了,刚刚在里世界当中为了击杀大官司,我已经是底牌尽出,精疲力尽,如果就这样去面对樱花的话,恐怕活不过一分钟。” Therefore, you, if wants me to constrain him, and drags for a long time, then cannot stand by. I met am killed that not saying that by him, but you guess that whom he will then cope with?” “所以,你们若是想要我将他拖住,并且拖得久一点的话,那么就不能够袖手旁观了。我一见面就被他干掉那就不说了,但你们猜他接下来会对付谁?” The Fang Linyan words made Chen Heli complexion change without a doubt, their deep inspiration, then spat, after looking one, was saying to Fang Linyan: 方林岩的话毫无疑问让陈和利查的脸色都变了,他们深深的吸了一口气,然后吐了出来,对望一眼之后对着方林岩道: What do you want?” “你想要什么?” Fang Linyan light say/way: 方林岩淡淡的道: My what lacks, the drugs, food, the supplies, the equipment, what the information you give me not to shut out, in this aspect our benefits is consistent right?” “我什么都缺,药品,食物,补给,装备,情报你们给什么我都不嫌弃,在这方面我们的利益是一致的对吧?” Chen Youyu, then threw a bottle to Fang Linyan directly, looked is fills the Chinese style the antique small bottle. 陈犹豫了一下,然后直接给方林岩抛过来了一个瓶子,一看就是充满中国风的古董小瓶。 Fang Linyan brings heard, only thought the medicine greets the nostrils fragrant, then detected that this is in the middle of the medicine of Tong Ren Tang from this world, is called the relaxing the muscles and joints and stimulate blood circulation pill, although cannot carry over this world, can actually while restoring 200 life values, dispels two negative effect while convenient. 方林岩拿过来一闻,只觉得药香扑鼻,然后就发觉这乃是源自本世界当中同仁堂的药物,叫做舒筋活络丸,虽然并不能带出本世界,却可以在恢复自身200点生命值的同时,顺带祛除掉身上的两项负面效果。
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