FD :: Volume #3

#215: I am happy!

Washes the face to clean the teeth, scrapes off reckless dregs who thin cannot be observed. Turns in closet inside one looks, finally found to serve as contrast the clothes that the handsome face shows the graceful makings. 洗脸刷牙,刮掉细不可察的胡渣。在衣柜里面一阵翻找,终于找到能够衬托自己英俊脸庞彰显自己优雅气质的衣服。 That also blows the short hair with the air blower raise up, sways the gel bottle to spurt to above one fiercely, with several hand fingers careful is sizing up each beautiful hair. 又用吹风机把短发吹的根根竖起,摇晃着发胶瓶对着上面一阵猛喷,用几根手指头仔细的打量着每一根秀发。 Was illuminating the photo to the mirror, then the brow wrinkled. 对着镜子照了照,然后眉头就皱了起来。 The hair is sudden appearance, does not get on well with others very much. Grasps the gel bottle to spray...... to that hair one not to press again unexpectedly. 有一根头发异军突起,很不合群。再次抓起发胶瓶对着那根头发一阵喷洒……竟然没压下去。 But, has to get wet with the finger, cautious forces in it the hair seam. 无奈之下,只好用手指头沾水,小心翼翼的把它塞进头发缝里。 Dresses up, to mirror left Zhaozhao, the right photo photo, is feeling to own whole body each unusual satisfaction. 梳妆打扮完毕,对着镜子左照照,右照照,感觉对自己全身上下每一处都非常的满意。 „Are you so how attractive?” Tang Dahai was lavishing praise to the mirror, conducted the death to interrogate and torture to own soul. What to do is so attractive?” “你怎么这么好看?”汤大海对着镜子抛了个媚眼,对自己的灵魂进行死亡拷问。“这么好看怎么办?” Exchanges to brush the shiny leather shoes, the taking room gate gently, leaves 360 degrees of obese version turn around. 换上刷得锃亮的皮鞋,轻轻的带上房间门,离开的时候来一个肥胖版的三百六十度转身。 Puts out a hand prepares according to making a sound opposite room doorbell the time, thinks an important matter suddenly. 伸手正准备按响对面房间门铃的时候,突然间想起来一件重要的事情。 He runs back oneself room, when appears in the entrance again, on the mouth has been holding in the mouth a fiery-red rose. 他重新跑回自己的房间,等到再次出现在门口的时候,嘴上已经叼着一枝火红色的玫瑰花了。 I love about you, I can arrive at...... the Tang Dahai mouth to hum Guo Heavenly King song daily every month year after year forever, is turning the Guo Heavenly King natural dance step, appeared in opposite room entrance again. “我对你爱爱爱不完,我可以天天月月年年到永远……”汤大海嘴里哼唱着郭天王的歌曲,扭着郭天王的潇洒舞步,再一次出现在了对面的房间门口。 This time, he put out a hand to press down the doorbell finally. 这一次,他终于伸手按下了门铃。 Gently, gentle, for fear that this doorbell according to going bad. 轻轻的,温柔的,生怕把这门铃给按坏了似的。 Once, no one replied. 一次,没人应答。 Twice, no one replied. 两次,没人应答。 When he presses down for the third time, Xie Yujie " bang " opened the room gate, wears the pajamas, the hair is disorderly, is staring at Tang Dahai with the look of murder, tone extremely impatient saying: Such early according to what doorbell?” 当他按下第三次的时候,谢雨洁「轰」的一声拉开了房间门,身穿睡衣,头发凌乱,用杀人的眼神盯着汤大海,语气极不耐烦的说道:“这么早按什么门铃?” Tang Dahai took down that rose to deliver from the mouth, the smile was gentle, the sound was full of the magnetism that the person melted, made noise saying: „Could honored Miss Xie Yujie, be honored invite you to have the breakfast together?” 汤大海从嘴里取下那枝玫瑰花送了过去,笑容温柔,声音充满了把人融化掉的磁性,出声说道:“尊贵的谢雨洁小姐,能否荣幸的邀请你一起共进早餐?” Cannot.” “不能。” Bang! 砰! The room gate was closed again, the nose of Tang Dahai nearly hits on the shutter. 房间门再次被关上了,汤大海的鼻子差点儿撞到门板上面。 This damn woman.” The corners of the mouth show the smile of evil charm, the sound of waves said: Fierce appearance is really charming.” “这该死的女人。”嘴角露出邪魅的笑容,浪声说道:“凶恶的模样还真是迷人。” Tang Dahai put out a hand according to making a sound again the doorbell. 汤大海再一次伸手按响了门铃。 Xie Yujie accepted Tang Dahai to eat the invitation of breakfast together, although that was after a double-hour. She went back to rest one to doze off again after waking up early, this full of energy appearance in the Tang Dahai front. 谢雨洁还是接受了汤大海一起吃早餐的邀请,虽然那是在一个时辰之后。她又重新回去睡了一个回笼觉,这才精神抖擞的出现在汤大海的面前。 Where today goes to play?” Tang Dahai makes noise to ask. “今天去哪里玩?”汤大海出声问道。 Goes to the Paris notre dame.” Xie Yujie lowers the head tray inside sausage, saying that does not lift. “去巴黎圣母院吧。”谢雨洁低头切着盘子里面的香肠,头也不抬的说道。 For these days they swam around the Paris major scenic spots, Louvre, Eiffel Tower, Huanggong Garden and Arc de Triomphe, watched several operas, the Seine bank also walked several. Although experienced that robber incident, Xie Yujie also has the huge trauma to the Seine bank, but there is Tang Dahai to accompany in the side, inexplicable was more relieved. Is listens to Tang Dahai to mention him to practice the Tae Kwon Do since childhood, moreover now after having the black belt seven high level grades, wishes one could to go to that gangster to look to punch one again to have a foul odor from some small lane of Seine bank ruthlessly. 这几天他们俩游遍了巴黎的各大景点,卢浮宫、埃菲尔铁塔、皇宫花园、凯旋门、看了好几场歌剧,塞纳河畔也走了好几圈。虽然经历了那次劫匪事件,谢雨洁对塞纳河畔还有着巨大的心理阴影,但是有汤大海陪伴在身边,莫名的安心了许多。更是听汤大海说起他从小就练习跆拳道,而且现在有着黑带七段的高水平段位后,恨不得再去把那个匪徒给从塞纳河畔的某个小巷子里找出来狠狠地揍一顿出一口恶气。 Finally they went to the Seine bank do not seem like played, four eyes looked around, the bystander looked like, a living pair of lover thief. All saw that their two tourists avoid to be far away, for fear that was suitable for wallet phone by them and other valuables. 最后他们俩去塞纳河畔都不像是去游玩了,四只眼睛东张西望,外人看来,活生生的一对情侣小偷。所有看到他们俩的游客纷纷躲避远离,生怕被他们顺走了身上的钱包手机等贵重物品。 It is a pity that they have not bumped into that gangster again. 遗憾的是,他们再也没有碰到过那个匪徒。 Why can go to the Paris notre dame? Because of «Paris Notre dame» that book?” “为什么要去巴黎圣母院?是因为《巴黎圣母院》那本书吗?” „Have you read that book?” Xie Yujie quite somewhat surprised asking. In her mind, Tang Dahai is a having neither learning nor skill whole body is full of the nouveau riche makings...... the nouveau riche. “你看过那本书?”谢雨洁颇有些惊讶的问道。在她的心目中,汤大海就是一个不学无术全身上下充满暴发户气质的……暴发户。 Naturally has looked.” Tang Dahai complacent saying: World famous work, very small time has listened to this story, my mother buys to read one to me every night.” “当然看过。”汤大海得意洋洋的说道:“世界名著,很小的时候就听过这个故事了,我妈买来每天晚上给我读一段。” Obviously, aunt's effort was in vain.” Xie Yujie does not forget to taunt Tang Dahai one, asked: Which character do you most like inside?” “显然,阿姨的努力都白费了。”谢雨洁不忘挖苦汤大海一句,问道:“你最喜欢里面的哪个人物?” Does not like.” Tang Dahai said: Suffragan bishop Claude is the semblance attractive innermost feelings mean villain, been able to obtain ruining. This does not conform to me to pursue the life creed of true , the good and beautiful. Striking a gong person Quasimodo is good-hearted, but the appearance is ugly, I sympathize with him, actually no means substitute themselves this role in the destiny. I can only observe his joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness as observer, rather than putting oneself in another's place feels.” “都不喜欢。”汤大海说道:“副主教克罗德是个外表光鲜内心阴狠的小人,得不到的就毁掉。这不符合我追求真善美的人生信条。敲钟人卡西莫多心地善良,但是却面目丑陋,我同情他,却没办法把自己代入到这个角色的命运中去。我只能以一个旁观者的身份去观察他的喜怒哀乐,而不是设身处地的去感受。” If can make you choose a role to substitute?” “如果非要让你选一个角色代入呢?” Then on palace bow and arrow team leader Faibis.” “那就宫廷弓箭队队长菲比斯吧。” Because he and you equally frivolous superficial, seeks pleasure everywhere, likes deceiving girl's sentiment?” “因为他和你一样轻浮浅薄,到处寻欢作乐,喜欢欺骗女孩子的感情?” No, because he attractively.” Saying that Tang Dahai spoke righteously. Also, I reject your spoken language slander, and maintains investigates your circumstances responsibility the power.” “不,因为他长得好看。”汤大海义正辞严的说道。“还有,我拒绝你的言语诽谤,并且保持追究你情事责任的权力。” Circumstances responsibility?” “情事责任?” Yes.” Tang Dahai was in Xie Yujie front coffee cup added a ladle milk half package of sugar, gently is stirring for her: Makes you only love me lifelong.” “是的。”汤大海谢雨洁面前的咖啡杯里面加了一勺子奶半包糖,轻轻的为她搅拌着:“让你终身只爱我一人。” „......” “……” Xie Yujie held front lemonade to fill a big mouth ruthlessly, this depressed the uncomfortableness that the stomach tumbled forcefully, saying of being angry: Tang Dahai, can you speak well?” 谢雨洁抱起面前的柠檬水狠狠的灌了一大口,这才强行压下胃部翻滚的不适感,生气的说道:“汤大海,你能不能好好说话?” I'm sorry I'm sorry.” Tang Dahai apologized again and again, said: Was long in the together time with Chen Shu, always he is dragging routinely...... with the written language is expressed own feelings to the lines.” 对不起对不起。”汤大海连连道歉,说道:“跟陈述在一起的时间久了,总是被他拖着对台词……习惯性的用书面语言来表达自己的感情。” In Chen Shu script , if there is such greasy lines, how Little Xi may like him?” 陈述的剧本里面要是有这么油腻的台词,小溪怎么可能会喜欢他?” This you do not know.” A Tang Dahai face assured appearance, said: Perhaps does Kong Xi like these greasy lines? You looked appearance that they are in cahoots to be thick as thieves, this is not the words that likes, is that what likes?” “这你就不知道了。”汤大海一脸笃定的模样,说道:“说不定孔溪就喜欢这些油腻的台词呢?你看他们俩狼狈为奸打得火热的模样,这还不是喜欢的话,那什么是喜欢?” Chen Shu is the wolf, Little Xi is not bei.” Xie Yujie makes noise for own boudoir dense rectifying names. 陈述是狼,小溪可不是狈。”谢雨洁出声替自己的闺密正名。 However, this she was given dumbfounded of rebuttal by Tang Dahai time. Obviously, own that good best friend was thorough falling to the enemy. Although she these days not internally, but has actually been paying attention to the domestic entertainment world trend. Thinks that does not pay attention is not good, various flash news APP that every day on the cell phone installs keep shoots to deliver various latest entertainment world big events to her. 不过,这一次她还是被汤大海给反驳的哑口无言。很显然,自己的那个好闺蜜算是彻底的沦陷了。虽然她这段时间不在国内,但是却一直在关注国内的娱乐圈动向。想不关注也不行啊,每天手机上安装的各大新闻APP不停的给她弹送各种最新娱乐圈大事件。 Own that good friend got up again searched for hotly, withstood/top the keenest struggle. 自己的那个好朋友再次上了热搜,被顶上了风口浪尖。 She thinks that is not clear, beforehand Kong Xi is not a that hot bold woman. Comparatively speaking, in her bone is also retaining Chinese traditional female acting with constraint and contains, easily does not reveal own emotion. 她就想不明白了,以前的孔溪也不是一个那么火辣奔放的女人啊。相比较而言,她骨子里还保留着中国传统女性的矜持和含蓄,不轻易显露自己的情感。 How to meet this Chen Shu time, she like that stakes everything on a single throw of the dice does not keep the escape route? 怎么遇到这个陈述的时候,她就那般的孤注一掷不留退路呢? To be in love is not, before have also urged her to look for a man love, taste that tries love. However, you must suspicious, you want quietly. When the sentiment is stable, the conditions are ripe, you send a meager officer to proclaim again...... 想谈恋爱也不是不可以,以前自己还一直劝她找一个男人恋爱,去尝试一下爱情的滋味。但是,你要偷偷摸摸的啊,你要悄无声息的啊。等到感情稳定,时机成熟,你再发个微薄官宣一下…… Your entertainment world big do not do? 你们娱乐圈大咖们不都是这么干的吗? How to your here, just to start, made it is well known? 怎么到了你这里,刚刚开始,就闹得世人皆知了呢? You said you usually the private appointment, how many day of plays but goes out to make, cannot bear this pain of yearning, far away searched the class to the summon the boyfriend in the past? 你说你们平时私密约会也就罢了,不过出去拍几天戏,就受不了这相思之苦,大老远的把情郎给召唤过去探班? Right now has the given name? 这下子出了大名吧? Did the boy give her to plant the sentiment gu to get down the dropping head? Hears some women of entertainment world to marry into the rich and powerful family will handle such matter. If by some chance Chen Shu also does have such thoughts? 难道那小子给她种了情蛊下了降头?听说娱乐圈的一些女人为了嫁入豪门会做这样的事情呢。万一陈述也有这样的心思呢? Xie Yujie somewhat vigilant is staring at Tang Dahai, thought, this fatty was the Chen Shu good friend, he of Chen Shu meeting definitely also meets...... to look at him no wonder recently is more and more pleasing to the eyes. Wasn't also his say/way? 谢雨洁有些警惕的盯着汤大海,心想,这个胖子是陈述的好朋友,陈述会的他肯定也会……难怪自己最近看他是越来越顺眼了。不会是也着了他的道吧? Hehehe, do we want to hurry back to watch the fun?” Tang Dahai does not know Xie Yujie complex thoughts, grinning looks at opposite woman, said: Now they, but big became famous, really wants to have a look at the Chen Shu present expression. Except for his brokenhearted that time, has not seen him to leave for a long time smelly.” “嘿嘿嘿,我们是不是要赶回去看看热闹了?”汤大海不知道谢雨洁的复杂心思,笑嘻嘻的看着对面的女人,说道:“现在他们俩可是大大的出名了,真想看看陈述现在的表情啊。除了他失恋那次,好久没有看到他出糗了。” Today swims the Paris notre dame, tomorrow will return to homeland.” Xie Yujie makes noise to say. “今天游巴黎圣母院,明天回国。”谢雨洁出声说道。 Good.” Tang Dahai accepted the arrangement of Xie Yujie confidently, said: You are also because that book must look at the Paris notre dame?” “好的。”汤大海坦然接受了谢雨洁的安排,说道:“你也是因为那本书才一定要去看巴黎圣母院的吗?” Saves a world several hundred years of scenic spot, naturally one time is looks few one time.” Xie Yujie said: If by some chance the Paris notre dame did vanish?” “存世数百年的景点,自然是看一次少一次。”谢雨洁说道:“万一巴黎圣母院消失了呢?” How is this possible?” Tang Dahai said with a smile, probably hears an extremely absurd matter. “这怎么可能?”汤大海笑着说道,像是听到一件极其荒谬的事情。 ------ ------ ------- ------- Chen Shu, our break up?” Kong Xi attitude ice-cold, spoken language like blade. 陈述,我们分手吧?”孔溪态度冰冷,言语如刀。 What is strange, the person of this speech obviously is Kong Xi, but that face somewhat seems like Ling Chen. The face of Ling Chen and Kong Xi fused one unexpectedly. Their lips are speaking, that lip splits fuses, the fusion tears, splits to become the lips of two speeches from a lip of speech, fuses to become a mouth to speak from two lips. 奇怪的是,这说话的人明明是孔溪,但是那张脸又有些像是凌晨凌晨孔溪的脸竟然融合到了一起。她们的嘴唇在说话,那嘴唇分裂又融合,融合又撕裂,从一张说话的嘴唇分裂成为两张说话的嘴唇,又从两张嘴唇融合成为一张嘴巴在说话。 Why?” Chen Shu in great surprise, a face unbelievable makes noise to ask. “为什么?”陈述大惊,一脸难以置信的出声问道。 We are inappropriate, the pressure in the same place was too big with you, seems the entire world to oppose......” “我们不合适,和你在一起的时候压力太大了,就好像全世界都在反对……” „Didn't we reach an agreement? Even opposed in the world, we must with the entire world be the enemies. We live for ourselves, does not live for others.” “我们不是说好了吗?就算全世界反对,我们也要和全世界为敌。我们是为自己而活,不是为了别人活的。” But I was too hungry, loved motionless.” “可是我太饿了,爱不动了。” Doesn't matter, eating one bowl of mutton soup was good. After drinking up, had the strength of loving.” “没关系,喝一碗羊肉汤就好了。喝完之后就有了爱的力气。” Good, I first eat the soup, then loves you.” “好吧,那我先喝汤,再爱你。” ------- ------- Chen Shu opened the eye fiercely, then a face startled looks at all around. 陈述猛地睁开了眼睛,然后一脸惊慌的看着四周。 Originally is a dream. 原来是个梦。 In this dream, Kong Xi must with Chen Shu break up. Because cannot bear this tremendous pressure, because also has too many oppositions. 在这个梦里面,孔溪要和陈述分手。因为承受不住这巨大的压力,也因为有太多的人反对。 Obviously is the face of Kong Xi, however spoke time actually somewhat seemed like Ling Chen, the manner tone and Ling Chen that because she spoke were exactly the same. Fluctuation that afterward the face of face and Ling Chen of Kong Xi kept, finally to Chen Shu must carry that bowl of mutton soup the time, that face became clear, turned into the face of true Kong Xi. 明明是孔溪的脸,但是说话的时候却又有些像是凌晨,因为她说话的神态语气和凌晨一模一样。后来孔溪的脸和凌晨的脸不停的变幻,最后一直到陈述要端来那碗羊肉汤的时候,那张脸才变得清晰起来,变成真正的孔溪的脸。 Thank the mutton soup! 感谢羊肉汤! Director Chen, you awoke.” Little Meng stands in the entrance, looks to lie down Chen Shu on bed with the strange look. 陈总监,你醒了。”小梦站在门口,用奇怪的眼神看着躺在床上的陈述 Yes.” Chen Shu nods, said: Little Xi?” “是啊。”陈述点头,说道:“小溪呢?” Sis Xi made a movie.” Little Meng said: Director Chen are you hungry?” 溪姐去拍戏了。”小梦说道:“陈总监你饿不饿?” In the Little Meng eye, eating meal is in society's first important matter. Director Chen rested was so long, now waking up naturally must eat meal. 小梦眼里,吃饭是世间第一重要的事情。陈总监睡了那么久,现在醒来自然是要吃饭的。 Somewhat was truly hungry.” Chen Shu said with a smile: I want first to drink a cup of water.” “确实有些饿了。”陈述笑着说道:“不过我想先喝杯水。” Director Chen waits a bit.” Little Meng runs the end to come one cup of cooled boiled water, supported by the arm the Chen Shu station, then looks that he drank up that cup of boiling water one breaths. 陈总监稍等。”小梦跑过去端来一杯凉白开,搀扶起陈述站了起来,然后看着他把那杯开水一口气喝完。 „Can Director Chen also drink?” 陈总监还要喝吗?” Does not use.” Chen Shu shakes the head, catches the eye to size up all around, asked: „Is this Little Xi room?” “不用了。”陈述摇头,抬眼打量着四周,问道:“这是小溪的房间?” Yes.” Little Meng nods. “是的。”小梦点头。 How did I rest to here come?” Chen Shu said: Hurries to hold me to get up.” “我怎么睡到这里来了呢?”陈述说道:“赶紧扶我起来。” Does not use.” Little Meng look hidden bitterness looks to Chen Shu, grins said with a smile: Director Chen has rested for two days.” “不用了。”小梦眼神幽怨的看向陈述,又咧嘴笑着说道:“陈总监已经睡了两天了。” „Did I rest for two days?” Chen Shu surprised asking. “我睡两天了?”陈述惊讶的问道。 Yes.” Little Meng nods, said: „After you people of dramatic team lift, falls into the corona to confuse the condition, but also had a fever, has a fever. Over the two days you have rested on the Sis Xi bed.” “是啊。”小梦点了点头,说道:“你被剧组的人抬出来之后,就陷入了晕迷状态,还发烧了,高烧不退。这两天你就一直睡在溪姐的床上了。” I rest here, where your does Sis Xi rest?” “我睡在这里,你们溪姐睡哪里?” Little Meng did not answer, said: Director Chen, I go to take the food to come to you. Sis Xi said that you should wake up today, making me keep the food in the insulated cup to you.” 小梦不答,却说道:“陈总监,我去给你拿饭进来。溪姐说你今天应该会醒来,让我在保温杯里面给你留了饭。” Not only has the food, the vegetable/dish and soup, usually fry the azure melon and one bowl of extremely tasty mushroom soup. Chen Shu truly thought that the belly is much hungrier, the one breath the clear melon is giving to finish eating that bowl of gruel, also gave to eat a cleanness that bowl of mushroom soup. 不仅仅有饭,还有菜和汤,素炒青瓜和一碗极其鲜美的蘑菇汤。陈述确实觉得肚子饿得厉害,一口气把那碗稀饭就着清瓜给吃完,又把那碗蘑菇汤也给喝了个干净。 Is satiated with food and wine, Chen Shu then looks to Little Meng, said with a smile: Little Meng, you sit down, we chatted. After you tell me I fell ill over the two days , the matter.” 吃饱喝足,陈述这才看向小梦,笑着说道:“小梦,你坐下,咱们俩聊聊天。你把我这两天生病后发生的事情告诉我。” Little Meng looks the hesitant color, but contacts the Chen Shu firm look, must nod, said: Director Chen, what do you want to know?” 小梦面露犹豫之色,但是接触到陈述坚定的眼神,只得点了点头,说道:“陈总监,你想知道些什么?” Was lifted after me mentioned.” Chen Shu said with a smile. That night, under they suffered hunger and cold, bad weather, had the torrential downpour unexpectedly. “就从我被抬回来之后说起吧。”陈述笑着说道。那天晚上,他们饥寒交迫之下,天公不作美,竟然下起了瓢泼大雨。 Although Kong Xi made a taking shelter from the rain shed with these branch leaves, but that equipment is really extremely crude, Chen Shu and Kong Xi were still given an irrigation thoroughness by that rainwater. Kong Xi falls ill not to have, the small face freezes palely, the body trembles, continuously is sneezing, afterward the body creakied, was seeing with own eyes could not have insisted. 虽然孔溪用那些树枝树叶做了一道避雨棚子,但是那设备实在是太过简陋,陈述孔溪仍然被那雨水给浇灌个透彻。孔溪生病还没好,小脸冻得惨白,身体哆嗦,一直不停的在打喷嚏,后来身体摇摇欲坠,眼见着已经坚持不住了。 Chen Shu ignores the opposition of Kong Xi, took off woolen sweater coat to bind actually on the body of Kong Xi, then closely grasped Kong Xi with own body. As for that branch tent, by Chen Shu tying up in top of the head. 陈述不顾孔溪的反对,硬是脱下了身上的毛衣外套裹在了孔溪的身上,然后再用自己的身体紧紧的抱住了孔溪。至于那顶树枝帐篷,则被陈述给绑在了头顶。 Time one minute one second of past, the rain was slightly is bigger, the pothole that they were at started the water...... 时间一分一秒的过去,雨却是越小越大,就连他们所在的坑洞都开始积水…… The Chen Shu start is really worried, starts to ponder that issue of Kong Xi worry: Can we die here? 陈述真的开始担心起来,开始思考孔溪担心的那个问题:我们会不会死在这里? Has that suddenly, Chen Shu suspected seriously they will die here. 有那么一刹那间,陈述当真怀疑他们会死在这里。 Chen Shu does not want dead, cannot look at Kong Xi dead helplessly. 陈述不想死,更不能眼睁睁的看着孔溪死。 He closely is holding Kong Xi, wishes one could to transmit the temperature of own whole body to him. 他紧紧的抱着孔溪,恨不得把自己全身的温度都传递给他。 Insisting! 坚持! Insisted again! 再坚持! Until hears the speech voice that the distant place broadcasts, as well as light beams pass through from their top of the heads. 直到听到远处传来的说话声音,以及一道道光束从他们的头顶穿过。 Help.” Chen Shu shouts to shout. We here.” “救命。”陈述扯着嗓子嘶吼。“我们在这里。” He heard more and more near shouting sound, heard that disorderly actually the clear footsteps sound, he looks that more light beams gather toward here...... 他听到了越来越近的呼喊声音,听到了那杂乱却又清晰的脚步声音,他看着更多的光束朝着这边汇聚而来…… Following matter Chen Shu does not know. 接下来的事情陈述就不知道了。 Has not thought that a sleep/felt wakes up, oneself careless resting on the Kong Xi bed, the time is two days later. 没想到一觉醒来,自己大大咧咧的睡在孔溪的大床上面,时间已经是两天之后了。 You and Sis Xi were found, has become...... had become two rain people, the clothes soaked, whole body is the water. Outside tent cannot live, Sis Xi said that puts on you her bed.” Little Meng looks at Chen Shu, said: Your clothes cannot put on, you brought the spare clothes luckily.” “你和溪姐被找到的时候,已经成了……成了两个雨人,衣服都湿透了,全身上下都是水。外面的帐篷已经不能住了,溪姐说把你放到她的床上。”小梦看着陈述,说道:“你身上的衣服已经不能穿了,幸好你带了换洗衣服。” My clothes is who helps trade?” Chen Shu asked. “我身上的衣服是谁帮忙换的?”陈述问道。 Sis Xi.” Little Meng said. That night was black and cold, the rain gets down special is big, the people of dramatic team dripped wet completely. After they you deliver, completely hurries back to change the clean clothes. Sis Xi does not have the means that has to change the clothes for you personally.” 溪姐啊。”小梦说道。“那天晚上又黑又冷,雨下的特别大,剧组的人全部都淋湿了。他们把你送回来之后,就全部都赶回去换干净衣服了。溪姐没办法,只好亲自为你换衣服了。” „Haven't you and little Ran...... helped?” “你和小冉……没有帮忙?” We are also the girls, how to help?” Little Meng stares the big eye to look to Chen Shu, said: I have not been in love.” “我们也是女孩子啊,怎么帮忙?”小梦瞪大眼睛看向陈述,说道:“我还没谈过恋爱呢。” I'm sorry, I am not that meaning......” 对不起,我不是那个意思……” I know. Is Sis Xi makes us go out. When we hit the hot water to come, she has helped you change the clothes, covered with the quilt, is blowing the hair to you. Then she cleaned a body with the hot water to you. However, when must feed you drink Jiang water the time, you have started to have a fever.” “我知道。是溪姐让我们出去的。等到我们打好热水进来,她已经帮你换好了衣服,盖好了被子,正在给你吹头发呢。然后她又用热水给你擦拭了一遍身体。不过,等到要喂你喝姜水的时候,你就已经开始发烧了。” Afterward was the matter of doctor, the doctor has inspected, said that you received the cold air, was the taking a drug infusion that kept. Sis Xi felt sorry, must take care of you, must make a movie. Over the two days defended in your bedside feared that has not closed the eyes.” “后来就是医生的事情了,医生来检查过,说你就是受了寒气,然后就是不停的吃药输液。溪姐就可怜了,即要照顾你,又要拍戏。这两天守在你床边怕是都没有合过眼。” „Is Little Xi all right?” 小溪没事吧?” Cold did not have, does not have you is so serious. However you had not noticed that the Sis Xi dark pouche...... the make-up artist pressed to go bad, doing everything possible helped her cover up, otherwise the play did not have the means racket.” “感冒还没好,就是没有你那么严重。不过你没看到溪姐的黑眼圈……化妆师可是难为坏了,想方设法的帮她遮掩掉,不然戏都没办法拍。” Made her suffer hardships.” Chen Shu sighed was saying, at heart tender. “让她受苦了。”陈述感叹着说道,心里怜惜不已。 Life this friend, but also having something extravagant demands? 人生得此知己,还有什么可奢求的呢? I am not laborious.” Kong Xi sound when gate noisy, quick, that say/way simple and beautiful form then appeared . Moreover the wear makes a movie the clothes. What labor is this? You fall ill are laborious.” “我不辛苦。”孔溪的声音在门口响了起来,很快的,那道清丽的身影便出现了,而且还穿着拍戏时的衣服。“这算是什么辛苦?你生病才辛苦呢。” Sis Xi, you came back.” Little Meng hurries to stand up to greet. 溪姐,你回来了。”小梦赶紧站起身来迎接。 Relaxation time, I come back to have a look.” Kong Xi makes noise to say. “休息时间,我回来看看。”孔溪出声说道。 Did not want to be tired.” Chen Shu said. He knows, making a movie place in village corner not far away, but cannot ride in a carriage, can only walk. Kong Xi walks from the dramatic team, takes more than ten 20 minutes probably. Also no means determined whether oneself wakes up, perhaps can only have a liking for one to return to continue to make a movie again. “不要累着了。”陈述说道。他知道,拍戏的地方在村子角落不远处,但是不能乘车,只能步行。孔溪从剧组那边走过来,大概需要十几二十分钟的时间。还没办法确定自己是否醒来,或许只能看上一眼再次返回去继续拍戏。 The beautiful woman graciousness is heavy! 佳人恩重! Chen Shu beckons, Kong Xi arrives at his side to sit down, grasps his big hand on own initiative, favors saying that drowns: Has eaten meal? It seems like the performance is good.” 陈述招了招手,孔溪走到他身边坐下,主动握起他的大手,宠溺的说道:“吃过饭了?看来表现不错嘛。” Un, was really awfully hungry.” Chen Shu said with a smile. “嗯,实在是饿坏了。”陈述笑着说道。 Ate to the full? Do I make that side the kitchen make bowl of noodle to you again? I have the privilege that slightly cooks a meal.” “吃饱了吗?我让厨房那边再给你做一碗面?我可是有加小炊的特权哦。” Ate to the full.” Chen Shu shakes the head, looks at Kong Xi saying: How I rested to your bed, this affected not well on you.” “吃饱了。”陈述摇头,看着孔溪说道:“我怎么睡到你床上来了,这对你影响不好。” Kong Xi shot a look at Chen Shu to be just right, smiled to make noise tenderly, said: Now knows that the influence isn't good? Earlier did?” 孔溪瞥了陈述正好,娇笑出声,说道:“现在知道影响不好了?早点儿干什么去了?” Earlier I do not know.” Chen Shu said: At that time I do not have the consciousness. Otherwise I must certainly prevent.” “早点儿我也不知道啊。”陈述说道:“那个时候我已经没有知觉了。不然我肯定是要阻止的。” That is not good.” Kong Xi attitude firm saying: You got sick like this, how can I make you continue to rest the tent? Outside these idle talk should not be worried. I can deal with.” “那可不行。”孔溪态度坚决的说道:“你都病成这样了,我怎么能让你继续睡帐篷?外面的那些闲言碎语你就不要担心了。我能应付。” „......” “……” Chen Shu had nothing to say in reply. 陈述无言以对。 Even Kong Xi said that makes him should not be worried outside " idle talk " , showed outside really has all kinds of sounds. 孔溪自己都说让他不要担心外面的「闲言碎语」,证明外面确实已经有了各种各样的声音。 Matter that at that time had expected, but waited for the rescue at that time wholeheartedly, had no interest in consider these things radically. 当时就已经预料到的事情,只是那个时候一心等待救援,根本无心考虑那些事情。 Now came back, naturally must face these sound not of pleasant to hear. 现在回来了,自然要面对这些不好听的声音。 Kong Xi gets hold of the big hand of Chen Shu, looks at the eye of Chen Shu, said: You are my man, why can't rest on my bed? They are bewildered, is?” 孔溪握紧陈述的大手,看着陈述的眼睛,说道:“你是我男人,为什么不能睡在我床上?他们莫名其妙,是不是?” The Chen Shu firm nod, said: Yes.” 陈述坚定的点头,说道:“是。” You can want to be good.” Kong Xi cannot bear smiles to make noise tenderly, the gentle voice said: I also worried that you wake up will scold me.” “你能这么想就好了。”孔溪忍不住娇笑出声,柔声说道:“我还担心你醒来会骂我呢。” Why do I want to scold you?” Asking of Chen Shu doubts. “我为什么要骂你?”陈述疑惑的问道。 Because, I bring so many difficulties that should be solved as soon as possible to you, making you bear such heavy pressure.” Outside remembers waves, the Kong Xi mood also cannot help but becomes heavy: Has a lot, I have been used to it, but, I do not hope that you realize these. I hope that you original you, according to the way that you like live.” “因为,我给你带来这么多迫切需要解决的困难,让你承受这么重的压力。”想起外面风高浪急,孔溪的心情也就不由得变得沉重起来:“有很多事情,我已经习惯了,但是,我不希望你来体会这些。我希望你还是原来的你,按照你喜欢的方式生活。” „Will silly thing, I scold you? How am I willing to scold you?” Chen Shu really loved dearly badly. “傻丫头,我怎么会骂你呢?我怎么舍得骂你呢?”陈述真是心疼坏了。 This silly thing, matter exposes, is she biggest victim is good? 这个傻丫头,事情曝光出去,她才是最大的受害者好不好? She had not worried that because of this matter affects the personal image, the radiant future as well as fans " takes off/escapes powder " , that comes the countless scurrilous attack, the worry will actually be withstood by oneself is exposed under the media needs to withstand rails, media to monitor, and thunder counter-attack of company that crowd of executives from the gaze verification and fans that in all directions. 她没有担心因为这件事情而影响个人形象、璀璨前途以及粉丝们的「脱粉」,还有那来数之不尽的谩骂攻击,却担心会让自己承受被曝光在媒体之下所需要承受的来自四面八方的注视审核、粉丝谩骂、媒体监控、以及公司那群高管们的雷霆反击。 Because loves is too deep, you were blown by cold wind, I have started to sneeze. 因为爱的太深沉,你被一阵冷风吹,我就已经开始打喷嚏。 We cannot blame anyone, is good?” The Kong Xi smiling face like the flower, makes noise to say. “那我们谁都不许怪谁,好不好?”孔溪笑颜如花,出声说道。 Good.” Chen Shu nods. No one blames anyone.” “好。”陈述点头。“谁也不怪谁。” Listened to the explanation of Little Meng, listens to some word phrases that Kong Xi spoke, even if at heart already to the destructive power and complementary waves of this matter had certain estimate upholstery, but, after his true understanding, still had the dumbfounded shock feeling. 听了小梦的讲解,也听了孔溪所说的一些支言片语,即使心里已经对这件事情的破坏力和余波有了一定的预估铺垫,但是,当他真正的了解之后,仍然有种瞠目结舌的震撼感。 Being in love boyfriend searches the class, Kong Xi and it is missing for several hours to direct the dramatic team scared......” “热恋男友探班,孔溪和其失踪数小时引剧组恐慌……” Kong Xi and mysterious boyfriend falling cliff, according to what has been heard injury serious......” 孔溪和神秘男友掉落山崖,据闻伤势严重……” Kong Xi and boyfriend live together, suspecting is the good deed about......” 孔溪和男友同居,疑是好事将近……” -------- -------- These are the news titles that the major mainstream media reported that they because of the reason of dignity or verification, at least can also slightly covers-up for the artist, the speech is not undisguised. These entertainment minor stop gossip may do without sparing anyone's sensibilities from the media, said directly Chen Shu and Kong Xi run up to remote mountains and ancient forests " field operation " . 这些是各大主流媒体们报道的新闻标题,他们因为体面或者审核的缘故,至少还能够稍微的替艺人藏着掖着一些,说话也没有那么露骨。那些娱乐小站八卦自媒体可就不讲情面了,直接说陈述孔溪跑到深山老林里面「野战」。 But below of these reports also scolds sound one piece, said that now the young heart in the old days general mood of society ruined to say Kong Xi looked is not the proper woman, although in the surface in the pure actually bone was ------ 而那些报道的下面也是骂声一片,说现在人心不古世风败坏说孔溪一看就不是什么正经女人虽然表面上冰清玉洁其实骨子里面是XXXX------ Many comment Analects entire entire is the small star, it seems like these phrases indecently what degree. 好多评论语整条整条的都是小星星,看来那些字眼不堪入目到了何种程度。 The Chen Shu cell phone filled the electricity, opens that moment of cell phone, the innumerable information bounce. 陈述的手机充满了电,打开手机的那一刻,无数条信息弹跳出来。 Chen Shu, was your boy makes in a big way? Your mood I can understand, at least must look for the family/home hotel to open a room...... is not really good, goes to Fuxing Hotel of our family/home, do I give you to wrap/sets of the president remaining?” Obviously, this is the Tang Dahai information. 陈述,你小子是不是闹得太大了?你的心情我能理解,至少也要找家酒店开个房间……实在不行,就去我们家的福星大酒店,我给你把总统套给留着?”显然,这是汤大海的信息。 All right?” This is the Li Ruyi information. Because oneself have not replied, is the Li Ruyi first even/including " all right? " Sent continuously more than ten with a question mark. “没事吧?”这是李如意的信息。因为自己没有回复,李如意一连把「没事吧?」和一个问号给连续发了十几遍。 Mr. Chen hello/you good, I am the reporter of Guangzhou metropolis report, can you accept our interviews?......” 陈先生你好,我是花城都市报的记者,请问您能接受我们的采访吗?……” Chen Shu, returns the call to me......” 陈述,给我回电话……” Chen Shu, returns the call to me quickly, help!” 陈述,快给我回电话,救命啊!” -------- -------- After Chen Shu all information look, cell phone close-down silently. 陈述把所有信息看完之后,又把手机默默的关机。 Over the following two days, Chen Shu recuperates, while accompanies in the Kong Xi side. 接下来两天,陈述一边养病,一边陪伴在孔溪的身边。 Since the media had reported fully, but he also lay down for two days and two nights on the Kong Xi bed, said among again two people was only the ordinary friend relates on the intelligence quotients of some shame people. 既然媒体已经铺天盖地的报道了,而他也在孔溪的床上躺了两天两夜,再说两人之间只是普通的朋友关系就有些羞辱人的智商了。 Therefore, then Chen Shu and Kong Xi then not mince matter to each other affections. 所以,接下来陈述孔溪便毫不掩饰对彼此的爱意。 Kong Xi is making a movie, Chen Shu waits to photograph for her in side. Kong Xi is exercising, Kong Xi hands over the drinking glass for her promptly. Kong Xi is putting on make-up, two infatuated that Chen Shu looks. 孔溪在拍戏,陈述在旁边等着为她拍照。孔溪在锻炼,孔溪及时为她递上水杯。孔溪在化妆,陈述看的两眼痴迷。 They enter leave, are always together, even still rested at night in the same place...... naturally, Chen Shu rests the tent, on the Kong Xi bed. 他们同进同出,形影不离,甚至就连夜晚仍然睡在一起……当然,陈述睡帐篷,孔溪睡床上。 At the request of Kong Xi, Chen Shu tent moving to Kong Xi housing room. They have not cared about these unusual look and back play say the censure, they do that because Kong Xi has not been familiar with and a man lies on a bed simultaneously. 孔溪的要求下,陈述把帐篷给搬到了孔溪居住的房间。他们已经不在意外界那些异样眼神以及背后的戏说非议,他们之所以这么做,只是因为孔溪还不习惯和一个男人同时躺在一张床上。 Although Chen Shu stupor that two days, they have rested. Kong Xi rests in Chen Shu side, to observe the Chen Shu condition when necessary, feeds him to take a drug, gives him to carry the water. 虽然陈述昏迷的那两天,他们已经睡过了。孔溪睡在陈述的旁边,也只是为了随时观察陈述的病情,喂他吃药,给他端水。 But, eventually to must distinguish the time. 可是,终究到了要分别的时候。 Kong Xi delivers Chen Shu to descend the mountain personally, on the high-speed crossroad, Kong Xi will soon get hold of the hand of Chen Shu, said: Do not have the pressure, do not dread. Regardless has anything, I meet with you in the same place.” 孔溪亲自送陈述下山,在即将上高速的路口,孔溪握紧陈述的手,说道:“不要有压力,更不要有畏惧。无论发生任何事情,我都会和你在一起。” Chen Shu puts out a hand to hug Kong Xi in the bosom, the gentle voice said: I am happy.” 陈述伸手把孔溪搂在怀里,柔声说道:“我只有幸福。”
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