FWT :: Volume #9

#124: Searches for soul cable/search mortal form, consciousness the miraculous glow, I called the multi- treasures

Drives the god Great Sage to look down that seven Caijing stones, that is called confuses a day of crystal stone the thing, is an essential special innate Lingbao, with the dream butterfly of Southern China honorable person, the too illusory mirrors of eight scenery Daoist deities is similar, all related to innate Lingbao of energetic domain, spies on the will of the people, the inversion is really imaginary, in addition drives inborn ability of god Great Sage, the distinguishable buddhist not to have the genuine and fake that the tribulation said that like eating meal to drink water general simple. 驱神大圣低头去看那枚七彩晶石,那枚被称为迷天晶石的东西,乃是一件本质特异的先天灵宝,与南华真人的梦蝶,八景道君的太虚幻镜类似,皆是涉及精神领域的先天灵宝,窥探人心,颠倒真幻,加上驱神大圣的天生异能,辨别梵无劫所言的真假,如同吃饭喝水一般简单。 Drives the god Great Sage to raise the head, nods to say to Bull Demon King: This person said that is really not false......, but big brother, the person clan ghost mind are many, our monster clan is not so honest uprightly, even if told the truth, may not all believe!” 驱神大圣抬起头,对牛魔王点头道:“此人所说果真无假……但是大哥,人族鬼心眼子多得很,不似咱们妖族这么老实忠厚,即便是说真话,也不可全信!” Bull Demon King shows a faint smile, gathering buddhist no tribulation, sinking sound said: Boy, should not be difficult to guess by your intelligence, I and others dare to steal you, presses for an answer the assurance that Li Holy Mother and seventh child plan is anything!” 牛魔王微微一笑,凑到梵无劫的跟前,沉声道:“小子,以你的聪明应该不难猜出来,我等敢劫走你,逼问骊山圣母和老七算计的把握是什么了!” Buddhist no tribulation head leaning, staring is driving the god greatly to be outstandingly skilled the crystal stone-paved road: Originally is rare energetic domain innate Lingbao!” 梵无劫脑袋偏了偏,盯着驱神大圣手中的晶石道:“原来是罕见的精神领域的先天灵宝!” No wonder the fiendish person has this assurance, pulls out the thing that you need from my head.” “难怪魔王有此把握,从我的脑袋里掏出你们需要的东西。” Bull Demon King haha said with a smile: You know the good and evil actually...... right, even if your anything not agrees said, we can still obtain the thing that we want, nothing but is crude, a spending many strength, but the boy, your Yuan god is how fine thing, we, your Yuan god are damaged crudely are more serious, are frightened out of one's wits finally, is only the common matter.” 牛魔王哈哈笑道:“你倒是知道好歹……没错,就算你什么都不肯说,我们也能得到我们想要的东西,无非就是粗暴一点,多费一点力气,但小子,你的元神是多么精细的东西,我们粗暴一点,你的元神受创就严重许多,最后魂飞魄散,也只是寻常事。” If unearths deeply, the samsara, your boy will fear that next time is to make the domestic animal unable!” “若是挖掘的更深一点,下次轮回,你小子怕是欲做畜生都不能!” The wild aura that the Bull Demon King ominous prestige writings, the body releases, presses the buddhist no tribulation one breath unable to come up. The buddhists could not speak without the tribulation, can only pull the talking corner/horn, revealed sneering of satire. Bull Demon King received the imposing manner, the buddhist did not have the tribulation out of breath, opens the mouth to say with a smile: „The fiendish person big power and prestige, such as the fiendish person said that your own means uncovered the thing that wanted from my Yuan god.” 牛魔王凶威大作,身上释放的狂暴气息,压得梵无劫一口气都上不来。梵无劫说不出话来,只能扯动嘴角,露出一个讽刺的冷笑。牛魔王收了气势,梵无劫才上气不接下气,笑着开口道:“魔王好大的威风,如魔王所言,你们自有办法从我元神之中搜出想要的东西。” To be finer, so as to avoid unearths my Yuan god to remember with this innate Lingbao, omitted what detail, puts my life, making me open personally **.” “只是为了更加精细,免得用这先天灵宝挖掘我元神记忆,遗漏了什么细节,才放我一条性命,让我亲自开**代。” According to fiendish person implied meaning, I to preserve the Yuan god, must confess honestly, because is honest sincere, rescued instead is......” “按魔王言下之意,我为了保住元神,也应当老实交代,因为越是老实诚恳,救的反而是自己……” Drives the god Great Sage to sneer was supplementing that said: Even you solid confessed, I must with being crazy a day of crystal stone, search for soul cable/search mortal form, confirms. If you said is more exhaustive, I am better to operate, so as to avoid also you by more distresses, a Yuan god were left behind not the irrecoverable heavy losses!” 驱神大圣冷笑着补充一句道:“即便你老实交代,我也要用着迷天晶石,搜魂索魄,验证一番。你若说的详尽一些,我更好操作,也免得你受更多的苦楚,元神留下无法挽回的重创!” The buddhists do not have the tribulation to laugh to say loudly: But fiendish person...... you, since knows that on me has a innate Lingbao, why does not guess, my and other trivial privates, why has innate Lingbao to protect oneself, if I have innate Lingbao to protect oneself, how will have to be plundered to come here by you? Actually therefore what...... this innate Lingbao protects is what?” 梵无劫放声大笑道:“但魔王……你既然知道我身上有一件先天灵宝,为何不猜一猜,我这等区区小卒,为何有先天灵宝护身,若是我有先天灵宝护身,有岂会被你们劫到这里?所以……这先天灵宝究竟护的是什么?” Bull Demon King stares slightly, subsequently knits the brows to ponder this possibility. 牛魔王微微一愣,继而皱眉思考起这种可能来。 Previously the buddhist did not have the tribulation almost to be killed by him, has not seen innate Lingbao to come out to protect the lord, instead was Bull Demon King by the strength of not moving, almost obliterated the buddhist did not have tribulation self- time, has innate not to extinguish the miraculous glow from its real spirit to appear, protects his spirit knowledge, then innate Lingbao hid in the possibility of buddhist no tribulation consciousness deep place is highest, if to confuse a day of crystal stone to search its consciousness, caused that innate Lingbao to respond, was not truly wonderful. 先前梵无劫几乎被他打死,也没见先天灵宝出来护主,反而是牛魔王以不移之力,几乎磨灭梵无劫自我的时候,才有先天不灭灵光自其真灵中浮现,护住他灵识,如此一来先天灵宝藏在梵无劫意识深处的可能性最高,若是以迷天晶石搜索其意识,引起那件先天灵宝反应,确实不妙。 Bull Demon King feared that innate Lingbao actually not, but is a Lingbao, now their in hand also related to innate Lingbao of mental consciousness domain. 牛魔王倒不是怕了那件先天灵宝,不过是一件灵宝而已,如今他们手中也有一件涉及精神意识领域的先天灵宝。 Feared that feared conflicts in two innate Lingbao, they are all right, instead the buddhist without being frightened out of one's wits that the tribulation shakes, having the secret to unravel to go...... 怕就怕在两件先天灵宝冲突起来,他们没事,反而把梵无劫震的魂飞魄散,带着秘密灰飞烟灭而去…… But Bull Demon King was actually not threatened, laughs to flick the sleeve said: You little have the crooked thoughts! Your existence, has not imagined that important......, even if you have secret in innate Lingbao sense of protection, I and other cable/search soul are defeated, still nothing but lost one time the opportunity of knowing the secret, if you are not willing to open **, this opportunity did not have the significance. But you, actually must be frightened out of one's wits, is unable to remain including a consciousness!” 但牛魔王却不受威胁,大笑拂袖道:“你少动歪心思!你的存在,并没有想象中的那么重要……就算你有先天灵宝保护意识中的大秘,我等索魂失败,也无非是失去了一次知道秘密的机会,若是你不肯开**代,这次机会本就没有意义。而你,却是要魂飞魄散,连一丝意识都无法残留!” „...... I am very not important!” The buddhists said with a smile without the tribulation. “不……我很重要!”梵无劫笑道。 You, if knows that who I am, then knew this secret truly critical place, the hell great misfortune back secret? Planning of great sage equal to heaven? And even why do the Li old mothers meddle? Why will I and others arrive at this time? With my status related...... Bull Demon King, your preparation, although has the joke, but actually grabbed a point.” “你若知道我是谁,便知道了这个秘密真正紧要之处,地府大劫背后的秘密?齐天大圣的算计?乃至骊山老母为何插手?我等为何会来到这个时代?都和我的身份有关……牛魔王,你一番筹划,虽然多有可笑之处,但却抓着了一点。” That is I!” “那便是我!” The buddhists do not have the tribulation to say honestly: Who making clear me is, is unties this secret truly important pass/test key/opening to be at!” 梵无劫坦诚道:“搞清楚我是谁,才是解开这个秘密真正重要的关窍所在!” Drove the god Great Sage to listen to this honest confession, was shocked, when the buddhist said that without the tribulation knew lowered the head the inspection to confuse a day of crystal stone, he dull, rough say/way: Big brother...... he, what he said is real.” 驱神大圣听了这一番诚实的告白,都惊呆了,等梵无劫说完才晓得低头检查迷天晶石,他呆呆愣愣,磕磕绊绊道:“大哥……他,他说的是真的。” How many monster king hears said is crooked the head to look at the buddhist not to have the tribulation, being related to oneself most critical secret so unretentive saying, is it possible that this person was a fool? Knows that the buddhist did not have the tribulation is this secret most critical joint, Bull Demon King may lose all scruples! old ox this person has no machine to change the mind, only knows step by step, a fist fist, steadfast arrival end point. 几位妖王闻言都歪着脑袋看梵无劫,把事关自己最紧要的秘密都如此毫无保留的说出来,莫非这人是个傻子?知道梵无劫是这个秘密最紧要的关节,牛魔王可就失去了所有顾忌了!老牛这个人没什么机变头脑,只晓得一步一步,一拳一拳,踏踏实实的到达终点。 Now you actually deliver end point. 如今你却把终点自己送了上来。 Then old ox will only exhaust all means that resorting to all means digs out the buddhist not to have tribulation secret. 如此一来老牛只会用尽一切手段,不择手段的挖出梵无劫身上的秘密。 The buddhists do not have the tribulation at heart is not only unhurried, instead steady: I am the Senior Brother of Li Holy Mother...... explained that my original origin is very astonishing. This monster clan seven Great Sage my Junior Sisters do not dare to provoke, quietly tribulations this place me, explained that my secret, they have not matched to know. Plans my person, and even original I, should far exceed the levels of monster clan seven mahatmas.” 梵无劫心里非但不慌,反而稳的一匹:“我是骊山圣母的师兄……说明我的本来来历十分惊人。这妖族七大圣连我师妹都不敢招惹,悄悄的把我劫来此地,说明我身上的秘密,他们还不配知道。算计我的那人,乃至原本的我,应该远远超出妖族七大圣的层次。” Happen to can use their hands, unties my true previous generation this life.” “正好可以借他们的手,解开我真正的前世今生。” Confusing a day of crystal stone is three rare energetic domains, is skilled in the consciousness to change, innate Lingbao that really limits imaginary, can certainly go down to the deep place that I consciousness with the aid of this treasure, found is deeper, must penetrate compared with the reincarnation samsara that buries.” “迷天晶石乃是三界罕见的精神领域,精通意识变化,真幻界定的先天灵宝,借助此宝一定能深入我意识的深处,找到埋藏的更深,比转世轮回还要深入的自我。” Drove the god Great Sage to look at fan day of crystal stone in a hand, suddenly said: Big brother, this boy plans, a deeper secret...... he deeply was just pondering, the thought presents very rational blue color, explained that he exposes this secret, does not lose the spirit wisdom, but underwent the perfect ponder.” 驱神大圣看了一眼手中的迷天晶石,突然道:“大哥,这小子心里有算计,还有更深的秘密……刚刚他在深入思考,思维呈现非常理性的蓝色,说明他暴露这一秘密,并非失去了灵智,而是经过了完善的思考。” Naturally!” old ox said slowly. “理所当然!”老牛缓缓道。 Therefore, why you must relating the important secret tell us, your secret, what is also? Actually are you who? Why dares saying that whose you are this secret, relates the Li old mother layout the key?” “所以,你为什么要把关系自身至关重要的秘密告诉我们,你身上的秘密,又是什么呢?你究竟是谁?凭什么敢说,你是谁这个秘密,关系骊山老母布局的关键呢?” The buddhists show a faint smile without the tribulation, said: Because I do not know that who I am!” 梵无劫微微一笑,道:“因为我也不知道我是谁!” Haha! The boys, you said that you do not know what are oneself?” Bull Demon King laughs: You spoke this saying, doesn't fear the joke?” “哈哈!小子,你说你不知道自己是什么?”牛魔王大笑:“你说这话,不怕笑话吗?” Drives the god Great Sage weak inserted one saying: Big brother, this boy these words, real!” 驱神大圣弱弱的插了一句道:“大哥,这小子这句话,也是真的!” This has what strange!” Buddhist no tribulation wind light cloud Dandao: Some person deceived, hides the place that the secret oneself do not know, to protect this secret best way?” “这有什么奇怪!”梵无劫风轻云淡道:“有些人本来就连自己都骗,把秘密藏到自己都不知道的地方,岂不是保护这秘密最好的方式?” But you actually hide the secret was telling us!” “但你却把秘密隐藏的所在都告诉了我们!” Because I do not have the key, why does not draw support from you, opens is hiding the front door of true secret?” “因为我自己也没有钥匙,为何不借助你们,打开隐藏着真正秘密的大门?” Bull Demon King looks at the buddhist not to have the tribulation, sizes up repeatedly, in the eye hesitates erratically, the complexion fluctuates Yin clearly, he from driving the god was greatly outstandingly skilled took away the crystal stone, is staring above that seven Caijing stones the twinkle uncertain ray, reflecting on the face the color is also constantly changing, was very splendid, driving the god Great Sage to say cautiously: Big brother, I felt him, although is speaking the truth, is actually planning us.” 牛魔王看着梵无劫,反复打量,眼中犹疑不定,脸色阴晴变幻,他从驱神大圣手中拿走了晶石,盯着那七彩晶石之上闪烁不定的光芒,映着脸上也色彩变化无常,十分精彩,驱神大圣小心翼翼道:“大哥,我感觉他虽然在说实话,却是在算计我们。” He is certainly planning us...... , to break his planning, I should a palm of the hand pat him, death ends all troubles? Does not go to think so many secrets, did not consider that what Li Holy Mother, great sage equal to heaven, the hell does destroy?” “他当然在算计我们……若想破了他的算计,我是不是应该一巴掌拍死他,一了百了?不去想那么多秘密,不去考虑什么骊山圣母,齐天大圣,地府毁灭?” Bull Demon King thought aloud: My old ox is not likes playing the person of flowered intestines. My this gets rid of him...... when all has not listened to these words. Hehe...... I am not obedient, even if he has anything to plan, old ox I was headstrong the past then am!” 牛魔王自言自语道:“我老牛不是什么喜欢玩花肠子的人。我这就干掉他……全当没有听过这些话。嘿嘿……我不听话,他纵然有什么算计,老牛我一路莽过去便是!” The buddhists are listening to this saying without the tribulation, no anxious, like not his life that old ox discussed that sat leisurely, swung two calves, swung, is crooked the head, a face pure looks at six big monsters. 梵无劫听着这话,没有一点紧张,就像老牛谈论的不是他的性命一样,优哉游哉的坐了起来,摆动两只小腿,一荡一荡的,歪着脑袋,一脸纯洁的看着六位大妖。 The Bull Demon King personality is steadfast, step by step, a fist fist. 牛魔王性情本来就是踏踏实实,一步一步,一拳一拳的。 Inquires into what secret, cancels what heart, fights what corner/horn, participates in one group of plan the plot of big magical powers, originally is the place that he excels at...... he is only, does not want to fall short of too your majesty anticipation. Therefore he plans the monster clan to rebel, the transvestite contends, before the aspect launches attacks the emperor's children herd, puts Xiaoqing to direct, fishes the buddhist not to have tribulation big fish. 探究什么秘密,勾什么心,斗什么角,参与一群算计来算计去的大神通者的阴谋,本就是不是他擅长的地方……他只是,不想辜负太一陛下的期待。所以他算计妖族作乱,人妖相争,在局面展开之前突袭帝子牧,放小青为引,钓出梵无劫这只大鱼。 old ox knows with the instinct, hell chaotic back, decides however is hiding an earth-shaking plot. 老牛凭着本能就知道,地府之乱的背后,定然藏着一个惊天动地的阴谋。 Ten palace Yama died! 十殿阎罗都死了! The hell collapses, attitude that the forehead gives unexpectedly such...... strange! 地府崩溃,天庭给的态度居然如此的……奇异! What the seventh child great sage equal to heaven is actually thinking, has Bull Demon King never seen through that wrapped in a shroud of obscurity seventh Great Sage? 老七齐天大圣到底在想什么,牛魔王就从未看穿过那个神秘莫测的第七大圣? old ox knows, oneself achieves well, is actually steadfast, conscientiously completes itself should each matter of doing, if he is the even day Great Sage, is only Bull Demon King, he should do this......, but too a god emperor, arrived at the beforehand monster clan to give him the god courtyard, old ox not only represented he himself, but also represented the monster clan, represented the god courtyard. 老牛知道,自己做到最好,其实就是踏踏实实,认真做好自己该做的每一件事,他如果是平天大圣,只是牛魔王,他就应该如此做……但太一神帝,将神庭降临之前的妖族交给了他,老牛不仅仅代表他自己,还代表妖族,代表神庭。 He must shoulder all these, therefore...... he must enter this bureau. 他必须肩负起这一切,所以……他也必须入这个局。 A board game piece, actually must play chess for the chess player, this was doomed the private unable to arch to palace step by step. 一个棋子,却要替棋手下棋,这就注定了小卒不能一步一步拱到中宫。 I thought that must kill your boy......, but I cannot. As the board game piece, should forward, as the chess player, actually must sacrifice the board game piece sometimes, makes clear general situation. Therefore my old ox, must enter this game! Your majesty arrives is the general situation has decided that was the time sacrificed some unnecessary board game piece, searches the roads of others!” “我觉得要应该弄死你这小子……但我不能。身为棋子,本应向前,作为棋手,有时却必须牺牲棋子,去搞清楚大局。所以俺老牛,必须入这一局!陛下降临已经是大局已定,是时候牺牲一些不必要的棋子,去探探其他人的路了!” Bull Demon King said with a sigh, he to driving god Via Sacra: „The sixth child, investigates this person consciousness the deep place!” 牛魔王叹息道,他对身旁的驱神大圣道:“老六,探查此人意识深处!” Before driving the god Great Sage Yu marmoset king arrives at the buddhist no tribulation body, deep looked at the buddhist not to have tribulation one, will confuse a day of crystal stone to place the top of the head of buddhist no tribulation, the wonderful light emitted, sinks to the buddhist not to have the tribulation Yuan god deep place. 驱神大圣禺狨王来到梵无劫身前,深深的看了梵无劫一眼,将迷天晶石放在了梵无劫的头顶,奇光放出,沉入了梵无劫元神深处。 The buddhist no tribulation little darling sits in same place, motionless, exceptionally clever. 梵无劫乖乖坐在原地,一动不动,异常的乖巧。 Confuses a day of crystal stone according to the consciousness of broken buddhist no tribulation, entered his inner world, he saw the memory of oneself this, these fine powders, long minor details that even somewhat cannot record, some on the 1st, he also young time, quarrelled is making must eat a sweet cake, when the consciousness was immature, somewhat ashamed memory. 迷天晶石照破梵无劫的意识,进入了他的精神世界,他看到了自己这一世的记忆,那些微末的,漫长的甚至有些记不起来的细枝末节,某一日,他还年幼的时候,吵着闹着要吃一个甜饼,意识还未成熟之时,有些羞耻的记忆。 When at the present consciousness angle of view, the excavation consciousness is immature, these can become the weak memory. 以现在的意识视角,挖掘意识还未成熟之时,那些可以成为幼稚的记忆。 That time self-, in present looked like, being full of the conflict and was uncoordinated. 那时候的‘自我’,在现在的自我看来,充满着冲突和不协调。 Touches the recollection, has the sympathize after ashamed...... this is the character development, to the past self- denial. Is named the black history, recalls own black history, one time is sentenced ashamed. 只是触碰回忆,都有感同身受的羞耻……这就是人格成长后,对过去自我的否定。俗称黑历史,回忆自己的黑历史,就是一次羞耻处刑。 The conflict of this personality, caused the past memory, can become fuzzy. 这种人格的冲突,使得过去的记忆,会被可以模糊化。 Even if the buddhist does not have tribulation grade of Daoist deity is still so...... the Daoist deity beforehand personality, the contrast is full of flaw now the memory about fact, naturally is the preservation unobstructive, but some thinks to think, some then individual emotion and thought that in present self-, has no longer coordinated, like stemming from the idea of another person. 即便是梵无劫这等道君也是如此……道君之前的人格自我,对比如今充满了‘缺陷’一些关于事实的记忆,自然是保存无碍,但一些所思所想,一些当时的个人情感和念头,在如今的自我中,已经不再协调,就像出自另外一个人的想法一样。 Daoist deity is coordinated, the perfect circle that is similar. 道君的自我非常协调,如同的完美的圆。 But in idea and consciousness in the past self- system having, some have no longer suited the Daoist deity, by the fuzzy, will only have a card Taiyi, proved Luo characteristics greatly, in the past in the future in, held only then in the past self-...... this is Taiyi will also say the fruit, the big Luo characteristics must a process, says...... the future say/way to dye. 但在过去自我体系中产生的想法和意识,有些已经不再适合道君的自我,就会被模糊化,唯有证道太乙,证得大罗特征,过去未来同在,方可容纳过去的自我……这也是太乙道果,大罗特征必经的一个过程,又谓之……未来道染。 In the Taiyi inexorable fate, one of the most bad risk disasters. 乃是太乙劫数之中,最凶险的劫难之一。 Taiyi said fruit penetration in the past future, future, will usually deny in the past. 太乙道果贯通过去未来之后,未来的自我,通常都会否定过去的自我。 After being similar to a person rebirth, the future memory and consciousness, will cover, duplication present consciousness, after the rebirth, weak died, errors full of lost, innocence died, stupid died. This trend is unable to reverse, because is ugly, weak, stupidly regarding the Daoist deity is a residual and Yin demon, thought that then consciousness had, regarding future self-, was the Yin demon, therefore by natural dispelling and revision. 就如同一个人重生之后,未来的记忆和意识,会覆盖,覆写现在的意识,重生之后,幼稚的自己死去了,错漏百出的自己失去了,童真的自己死去了,愚蠢的自己死去了。这种趋势根本无法逆转,因为丑陋,幼稚,愚蠢对于道君来说是一种残渣和阴魔,当时的意识产生的念头,对于未来的自我来说,就是阴魔,因此会被自然的祛除和修正。 But in greatly the time line of Luo characteristics, past establishes, a existed point. 但在大罗特征的时间线中,过去的自我是成立的,存在的一环。 Past I and present I am in the time line I, with saving unobstructive. 过去的‘我’和现在的‘我’都是时间线上的‘我’,同存无碍。 If after proving Luo characteristics greatly, Daoist deity and Taiyi, denied in the past, covered, will be similar to dye from the future say/way, will twist in the past, the self- time line will vanish, like the Daoist deity rebirth to the self- source, the say/way dyed own past, wrote off the past consciousness. 若是证得大罗特征后,道君、太乙的自我,否定了过去的自我,覆盖了过去的自我,就如同来自未来的道染,将过去扭曲,自我的时间线消失,如同道君重生到了自我的源头,道染了自己的过去,抹杀了自己过去的意识。 Such Taiyi said the fruit, being equal to card was incomplete, will have the extremely serious sequela. 这样的太乙道果,等同于证道不完全,会有极其严重的后遗症。 In the past and at present, and even the conflict of future consciousness to self- cognition, regarding Taiyi, is only conflict on a consciousness, but says the fruit regarding Taiyi, is proving on greatly existence of Luo characteristics, in this time line illusory consciousness conflict, has been able to affect the reality, will create truly past was obliterated. 过去和现在,乃至未来的意识对自我认知的冲突,对于太乙之下,只是一种意识上的冲突,但对于太乙道果,正在证就大罗特征的存在来说,这种时间线上虚无飘渺的意识冲突,已经能影响现实,会造成真正过去的自我被抹煞。 After the buddhists do not have the tribulation are also a card Taiyi, can when the consciousness returns, confident held these to base on the past self- thought. 梵无劫也是证道太乙之后,才能在意识回到过去之时,坦然的容纳那些基于过去自我的念头。 Therefore...... he can with the consciousness of Daoist deity, the confident light the buttocks run everywhere, was being clutched marsh tit, the Daoist deity that without this has closed, can return in the consciousness, is maintaining the conceited Daoist deity mentality as before, how can he accept these thoughts that the childhood consciousness has? At that time, if the Daoist deity denied these thoughts, regarded outside the demon it, the Yin demon, was equal to denying past. 所以……他能够以道君的意识,坦然的光着屁股到处跑,被揪着小雀儿,若是没有过这一关的道君,在意识能回到过去,依旧保持着唯我独尊的道君心态,他如何能接受幼年意识产生的那些念头?那时候,道君若是否定了这些念头,将其当成外魔,阴魔,就等于否定了过去的自己。 Taiyi a dyeing tribulation, will refer to the denial in the future in the past, in Taiyi said subsequently the prestige of fruit can, wrote off in the past, causes the say/way to dye in the future, the consciousness solidified, denial in the past, card not entire, the self- time line, by the past future, from infancy to maturity, collecting was a fixed time. 太乙未来道染之劫,就是指否定过去的自我,继而在太乙道果的威能下,抹杀过去的自我,造成未来道染,意识固化,否定过去,证道不全,将自我的时间线,由过去未来,从小到大,收束为一个固定的时刻。 No matter, consciousness, is card Taiyi that flash. 无论什么时候,意识的自我,都是证道太乙那一瞬间的自我。 Therefore consciousness ancient at buddhist no tribulation, past time, is unable to imagine, is unable to describe arrives, the buddhist does not have the tribulation very voluntarily rested, does not try to understand that Luo's secret, does not try to hold that greatly, because this understanding and accommodation, will only make own consciousness tattered and torn. 所以在梵无劫意识更古老,更过去的时候,那么无法想象,无法描述的自我降临的时候,梵无劫很自觉的就睡了过去,不去试图了解大罗的秘密,不去试图容纳那一个自我,因为这种了解和容纳,只会让自己的意识千疮百孔。 because of the consciousness of buddhist no tribulation, reveres regarding the multi- valuable day, simply everywhere is wrong, is ashamed and ugly. 因为梵无劫的意识,对于多宝天尊来说,简直处处都是错误,羞耻和丑陋。 The buddhists did not have the tribulation not to need to become the past multi- treasures, because that was equal to denying, wrote off itself. He only needs to understand oneself are who, sufficed! But now, he has known! 梵无劫不需要成为过去的多宝,因为那等于否定自我,抹杀自己。他只需要了解自己是‘谁’,就够了!而如今,他已经知道了! Originally, I am the multi- treasures, the truncation teaches the big Senior Brother, the abode of the immortals reveres, multi- valuable big Senior Brother!” “原来,我就是多宝,截教大师兄,大罗天尊,多宝大师兄!” The buddhists are hard to hold the multi- treasures without the tribulation, but multi- treasures very natural held the buddhist not to have the tribulation, he accepted various thoughts of buddhist no tribulation instantaneously, consciousness the system and idea, the emotion and self-, the multi- treasures is the buddhist does not have the tribulation, but the buddhist did not have the tribulation is not the multi- treasures, because the boundary of multi- treasure can hold the buddhist not to have the tribulation, the boundary of buddhist no tribulation, is actually not able to understand many treasures. 梵无劫难以容纳多宝,但多宝很自然的就容纳了梵无劫,他瞬间就接受了梵无劫的各种念头,意识体系和理念,情感和自我,多宝是梵无劫,而梵无劫不是多宝,因为多宝的境界能容纳梵无劫,梵无劫的境界,却无法去理解多宝。 Therefore multi- treasures at this moment are the buddhist do not have the tribulation...... he to raise the head, in the eye reveals some exciting looks, brings little child same naive and pure evil, pulls apart the wing leg time of grasshopper like the child, laughing excited is like the actuation. The multi- treasures look to be sweating profusely, to be confusing the day of crystal stone thorough buddhist no tribulation consciousness, has alarmed the past of buddhist no tribulation taboo, but driving god Great Sage who does not know. 所以此刻的多宝是梵无劫……他抬起头,眼中流露出些许兴奋的神色,带着一点点孩童一样的天真和纯真的邪恶,就像小孩子扯断蚂蚱的翅膀腿儿时候,哈哈大笑的兴奋和促动一样。多宝看着满头大汗,正在以迷天晶石深入梵无劫意识,已经惊动了梵无劫禁忌的过去,而不自知的驱神大圣。 Multi- Baoxing exerts saying: „Are you doing?” 多宝兴奋道:“你在干嘛?” Drove the god Great Sage to lift the hand to scratch the sweat stain of forehead saying: Soon went down to your consciousness deep place!” 驱神大圣抬手擦了擦额头的汗渍道:“就快要深入你的意识深处了!” Really has the secret...... your consciousness deep place, as if is completely a little different from you consciousness the essential miraculous glow...... it a little innate not to extinguish the flavor of miraculous glow unexpectedly.” “果然有秘密……你的意识深处,似乎有一点完全不同于你意识本质的灵光……它居然有一点先天不灭灵光的味道。” Bull Demon King affirms saying: This should be blocks his deep layer consciousness innate Lingbao!” 牛魔王肯定道:“这应该就是封锁他深层意识的先天灵宝!” The multi- treasures are ready to make trouble, weak raising hand inquired: Why can't be I?” 多宝蠢蠢欲动,弱弱的举手提问道:“为什么不能是‘我’呢?” Drives the god Great Sage not to say patiently: Do not interrupt...... to your consciousness, what can you know? This Saint has the right to speak!” 驱神大圣不耐烦道:“别插嘴……对你的意识,你能知道什么?本圣才有发言权!” Bull Demon King beckons with the hand saying: Made him say!” In the eye of multi- treasure is flashing the child equally pure curiosity: I meant that say/way innate does not extinguish the miraculous glow, perhaps does not block Lingbao that I consciousness, but is my in-depth consciousness?” 牛魔王摆摆手道:“让他说!”多宝的眼中闪动着孩子一样单纯的好奇心道:“我是说,那道先天不灭灵光,或许并非封锁我意识的灵宝,而就是我深层的意识本身呢?” Drives the god Great Sage to stare slightly, saying with a smile that subsequently ridiculed: You said, you are a innate Lingbao reincarnation?” 驱神大圣微微一愣,继而讥讽的笑道:“你是说,你是一件先天灵宝转世?” Bull Demon King lowers the head, is staring at the multi- treasures, wants to see anything, but he really cannot see the difference of multi- valuable and buddhist no tribulation, because the multi- treasures are the buddhist do not have the tribulation, his Yuan god essence, his consciousness, his, his thought is the buddhist does not have the tribulation, Bull Demon King bows slightly said: Truly cannot rule out this possibility.” 牛魔王低下头,凝视着多宝,想要看出什么,但他实在看不出多宝和梵无劫的差别,因为多宝就是梵无劫,他的元神本质,他的意识,他的自我,他的念头都是梵无劫,牛魔王微微稽首道:“确实不能排除这个可能。” If your secret, is innate Lingbao the body of reincarnation, truly is unexpected, relates planning of big magical powers!” “若是你的秘密,就是先天灵宝的转世之身,确实是一件出人意料,关系大神通者的算计!” The multi- treasures are crooked the head, is staring at Bull Demon King their look, the pure command life is cold, the curiosity of twinkle, does not dope any impurity, as if six mahatmas had been stripped the concept any additional, is only left over the purest essence, triggered his curiosity. Also or is Bull Demon King and the others the additional any attribute, to him does not have the significance, therefore does not have the fear, not dignified, no one's hostility to monster, does not have too an essential status of god courtyard plan, is only left over Bull Demon King to be purest, purest. 多宝歪着脑袋,盯着牛魔王他们的眼神,纯净的令人生寒,其中闪烁的好奇心,不掺杂任何杂质,就仿佛六位大圣已经被剥离了任何附加的概念,只剩下最纯粹的本质,引发了他的好奇。又或者是牛魔王等人附加的任何属性,对于他来说都没有意义,所以没有恐惧,没有凝重,没有人对妖的敌视,没有太一神庭计划的关键身份,只剩下牛魔王最纯粹,最单纯的自我。 The multi- treasures hehe said with a smile: I am not the innate Lingbao reincarnation!” 多宝嘿嘿笑道:“我不是先天灵宝转世啊!” What are you?” The Bull Demon King vision flashes saying: Might as well spoke frankly!” “那你是什么?”牛魔王目光闪动道:“不妨直言!” The multi- treasures said with a smile: I am the abode of the immortals revere! But you guess actually also right, or...... all innate Lingbao are the abode of the immortals revere, all innate Lingbao, are quiet big Luo. Therefore, what innate does not extinguish the miraculous glow to represent is not innate Lingbao, but is greatly Luo! I called the multi- treasures...... many many, treasure of innate Lingbao!” 多宝笑道:“我是大罗天尊啊!但你们猜的其实也没错,或者说……所有的先天灵宝都是大罗天尊,所有的先天灵宝,都是沉寂的大罗。所以,先天不灭灵光代表的并非先天灵宝,而是大罗啊!我叫多宝……多少的多,先天灵宝的宝!” I did not call this name!” “我原本不叫这个名字!” But I saw too many big Luo to be quiet! Some of them admire my Junior Brother Junior Sister, some with the friend who I adore the intersection, some are the division commanders who I respect, I know their too many people, therefore, they when the dreariness, entrust the body with me, therefore I had, many innate Lingbao!” “但我见过太多的大罗沉寂了!他们有的是钦佩我的师弟师妹,有的是与我倾心相交的朋友,有的是我尊重的师长,我认识他们太多人,所以,他们在沉寂之时,都将躯壳托付与我,于是我拥有了很多,很多先天灵宝!” Therefore, I lost many Junior Brother Junior Sister and friend Teacher, therefore everyone called me many treasures!” “所以,我失去了很多师弟师妹和朋友师长,于是大家都叫我多宝!” Many of multi- treasure, treasure of innate Lingbao!” “多宝的多,先天灵宝的宝!” I am the burying greatly Luo's multi- treasures!” “我就是埋葬大罗的多宝!” Multi- treasure voice wind light cloud Dan, but the content makes one be afraid, Bull Demon King and flood dragon fiendish person, Péng fiendish person and other wools must blast out! They are the great antiquity most are close to greatly Luo's that group of people, although big Luo is sacred, but regarding they actually not tangibly boundary, they in front of Luo, although base and low, but does not have the space. 多宝的声音风轻云淡,但内容却让人不寒而栗,牛魔王和蛟魔王,鹏魔王人等毛都要炸开了!他们已经是洪荒最接近大罗的那一批人,大罗虽然神圣,但对于他们却并非不可触摸的境界,他们在大罗面前虽然卑微,但并非没有一席之地。 May in the multi- valuable spoken language, they actually be able to feel one type, true tiny and terrifying. 可在多宝言语之中,他们却能感受到一种,真正的渺小和恐怖。 „...... Does not have the tribulation is Luo, Lingbao is also greatly Luo.” “……无劫就是大罗,灵宝也是大罗。” I on you, saw many old friends!” “我在你们身上,就看见了许多故人!” The multi- treasures sighed, whiplike innate Lingbao in Bull Demon King hand shivered slightly, the three forks of flood dragon fiendish person also silent trembled lightly, the jade tally seal high light extraordinary splendor of Péng fiendish person, driving the god greatly to be outstandingly skilled seven Caijing stones also to send out the rays of light, in the lion camel king hand iron mountain was heavy, the well ventilated Great Sage monster streamer show/unfolds moved, with a few words of multi- treasure, six Lingbao sent out made own master's amazed change. 多宝叹息一声,牛魔王手中的鞭形先天灵宝微微颤抖起来,蛟魔王的三股叉也无声轻颤,鹏魔王的玉符印上流光异彩,驱神大圣手中的七彩晶石也发出毫光,狮驼王手中铁山沉重,通风大圣妖幡展动,随着多宝的一句话,六件灵宝都发出了令自己的主人惊诧的异动。 Catches up with mountain whip, the duplicate sea fork, the wind and thunder tally seal, confuses a day of crystal stone, beginning of the universe iron mountain, the new moon flag streamer!” “赶山鞭,覆海叉,风雷符印,迷天晶石,混元铁山,朔月旗幡!” The multi- valuable tone is spooky: Therefore person! Drives the stone Great Sage, seven Sea King, the wind and thunder Great Sage, confuses a day of Great Sage, the iron mountain king, the full moon Great Sage...... the antique monster courtyard has 81 monster clan mahatmas, 72 groups of monster kings, ten big monster commander Jie are greatly revering of Luo. The juniors...... hear and others are also the mahatmas, actually does not know how many of missed antique forehead Great Sage?” 多宝语气幽幽:“都是故人啊!驱石大圣,七海龙王,风雷大圣,迷天大圣,铁山王,望月大圣……太古妖庭有八十一位妖族大圣,七十二路妖王,十大妖帅皆是大罗之尊。小辈……听闻尔等也是大圣,却不知,差了太古天庭的大圣多少?”
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