ESG :: Volume #8

#735: Does not fall behind on the line

However comes as a surprise to A'Hui, passed the quarter of an hour time probably, Chu Huoluo when first first drew back. Sweat profusely, pants for breath slightly, chest fluctuating non-stop. 不过出乎阿秽的意料,大概过了一刻钟功夫,楚火萝就当先第一个退了回来。香汗淋漓,微微喘息,胸部起伏不停。 When-- she discovered others have not drawn back, but also wants to return to the body to continue to clash, Shen Zhenyi blocked her. ——当她发现其他人还没退回来的时候,还想返身继续冲出去,沈振衣拦住了她。 You to the limit, have not needed deliberately to demand.” “你已到极限,不必刻意强求。” Chu Huoluo follows his time to be longest, Third Young Master Shen naturally also most understands her. 楚火萝跟随他的时间最久,沈三公子当然也最了解她。 Essentially, Chu Huoluo that loving leisure and hating work little girl, natural talent, although is good, but has not been in the too high situation, the disposition and is unable to compare with others diligently. 从本质上来说,楚火萝还是那个好逸恶劳的小女孩儿,天资虽然不错,但也没到太高的地步,心性和努力更无法与其他人相比。 --, this world many people are this, why also to compel her to surpass own limit? ——不过,这世界许多人就是这样,又何必逼着她超越自己的极限? So long as does not fall behind. 只要不掉队就可以。 Chu Huoluo smiles, since Master let off itself, she is also glad to be loaf. 楚火萝嘿嘿一笑,既然师父放过了自己,她也就乐得偷懒。 Is this also good? Can this also train such outstanding successor? 这样也行?这样也能培养出这么出色的传人? A'Hui had doubts. 阿秽更加疑惑了。 Usually in she thought that trainings and education of Shen Zhenyi to three girl students is not careful, although gave wisest martial arts, but also never urges, these three girl students practice practice few, along with them. 平日里她就觉得沈振衣对三个女弟子的训练和教育并不怎么上心,虽然给了最高明的武学,但也从不督促,这三个女弟子练多练少,随她们自己。 The way that this type educates the disciple, A'Hui cannot imagine simply. 这种教育弟子的方式,阿秽简直不可想象。 In comparison, her childhood grows is similar to places hell general-- simply however, such relaxed teaching, can let their three with the disparity is not too far, perhaps particularly most mystical Monarch Zi Ning, has shared half and half with her. 相比之下,她幼年成长简直如同身处地狱一般——但是,这么轻松的教学,也能让她们三个和自己差距不是太远,尤其是最神秘的紫宁君,说不定已经与她平分秋色。 A'Hui could not think through. 阿秽想不通了。 „The say/way of martial arts, is not went fearlessly ahead, realizes from experience in life and death first-tier? Why can give up halfway?” 武学之道,难道不是勇猛精进,在生死一线中体悟?为何可以半途而废?” She does not understand asked. 她不懂就问。 Shen Zhenyi shows a faint smile saying: This saying said certainly right, but that cannot see the risk of road ahead time, many geniuses are so. If successful, then can found a new path, if failed, died. To such person, naturally this/should admiration.” 沈振衣微微一笑道:“这话当然说得没错,但那是看不到前路时候的冒险,许多天才人物都是如此。若是成功,便能开创一条新路,若是失败,也就夭折了。对这样的人,当然该钦佩。” He, swept Chu Huoluo one: My disciple, without such talent.” 他顿了顿,扫了楚火萝一眼:“我的弟子,没有这样的天分。” Chu Huoluo has tears streaming down the face, Master do you undermine like this? 楚火萝泪流满面,师父你这样拆台好吗? -- “不过—— Shen Zhenyi by the chair, said comfortably confidently: She is my disciple, her beginning and end point were much higher than these days. The front road, I will naturally guide for her. Therefore occasionally takes risk to might as well, actually does not need extremely to demand.” 沈振衣舒舒服服靠在椅子里,坦然道:“她是我的弟子,她的起点与终点都比那些天才高得多。前面的路,我自然会为她引导。所以偶尔冒险无妨,却也不必太过强求。” In any case his request, is only they keeps up with the world's mainstream, do not fall behind, can do the odd jobs. 反正他的要求,也只是她们跟上世界主流,不要掉队,能够干一些杂活而已。 He is young, has not arrived at needs to inherit the legacy the time. 他还年轻,没到需要传承衣钵的时候。 A'Hui and Chu Huoluo keep mouth shut together. 阿秽楚火萝一起默然无语。 Third Young Master Shen, you rather were also too direct! 沈三公子,您也未免太直接了! This type regards the attitude that the disciple the waste regards, as if makes people not quite crisp, but in the A'Hui heart, actually floats off one type was similar to envying the mood. 这种把弟子当成废物来看待的态度,似乎让人不太爽,但在阿秽心底,却浮起了一种类似于“羡慕”的情绪。 She has not envied others. 她从来没有羡慕过他人。 She also never has what mood. 她也从来不曾有什么情绪。 Her life since childhood is as desperate as the end darkness, only then slaughters and strengthen can go on living, in addition, considers radically without enough time other. 她从小的人生便是绝望到尽头的黑暗,只有杀戮和变强才能活下去,除此之外,根本来不及考虑别的。 The person who second draws back is Xuan Yan. 第二个退回来的人是宣演 On his hair is tying frost, look in a panic. 他的头发上结着冰霜,神色仓皇。 The strength of Cold God made him under the attack of Beast Heart Person to protect oneself, thick pure Divine Strength can also resist the invasion of Fiendish Qi, but he discovered that oneself is unable to utilize Divine Strength freely, the counter-attack appeared emaciated is incapable. 寒神之力令他可以在兽心人的攻击下自保,浓厚纯粹的神力也可以抵挡煞气的入侵,但是他发现自己无法自如的运用神力,反击就显得孱弱无力。 In insisting some time, after Divine Strength declined, he also can only draw back. 在坚持了一段时间,神力衰颓之后,他也只能退了回来。 Ok.” “还可以。” Shen Zhenyi encouraged him: You have never been diligent well the military, depending on to Divine Strength to comprehending, then can resist with Beast Heart Person. The attribute of strength of Cold God, truly be higher than Ominous Beast Fiendish Qi of this world first-level. If gives your enough time, perhaps you really can become the Savior in this world.” 沈振衣鼓励了他:“你从未好好学过武,光凭着对神力对领悟,便能与兽心人对抗。寒神之力的属性,确实要比这个世界的凶兽煞气更高一级。如果给你足够的时间,没准你真能成为这世界的救世主。” A lot of years later, if Xuan Yan really inherited and realized from experience the strength of Cold God completely, actually has traced ceiling and edge of this world. The method that his god falls, actually corrodes own cultivation way to be close to Fiendish Qi with Beast Heart Person very much, is only Divine Strength nature far ultra Fiendish Qi, therefore his has boundless prospects. 千百年之后,宣演如果真的完全继承和体悟了寒神之力,其实就已经摸到了这个世界的天花板和边缘。他神降的法门,其实与兽心人煞气侵蚀自己的修炼方式很接近,只是神力性质远超煞气,所以他的前途无量。 -- was a pity, this world will perhaps not have a lot of years again. ——可惜,这个世界恐怕不会再有千百年的时间了。 Xuan Yan did not say a word, only deeply turned toward Shen Zhenyi to make to bow with hands clasped. 宣演一言不发,只深深向着沈振衣做了个揖。 More utilizes Divine Strength, he more can understand the great strength of Third Young Master Shen. 越是运用神力,他越能理解沈三公子的强大。 Also more was thanks Third Young Master Shen acted initially, solved the issue that him god's consciousness corroded, otherwise, so powerful sending body, even if were only the 1/10000000 fragments of god, still routed his soul sufficiently. 也越是感谢当初沈三公子出手,把他解决了神的意识侵蚀的问题,否则的话,如此强大的寄体,即使只是神的千万分之一碎片,也足以击溃他的灵魂。 „Did they come back...... you not to walk?” “他们都回来了……你还不走么?” The A'Hui low voice whisper, felt that at this time does not walk, opportunity that Shen Zhenyi has not withdrawn, several other people , the support how long, really less than a burning a joss stick time, Dragon Princess and Monarch Zi Ning drew back one after another. 阿秽小声嘀咕,感觉此时不走,沈振衣就没有脱身的机会了,其余几人,也支撑不了多久,果然不到一炷香功夫,龙郡主紫宁君都陆续退了回来。 Monarch Zi Ning calm as always, comes back then to stand side Shen Zhenyi. Dragon Princess actually slightly obviously distressed, on the arm has some abrasions, caught the golden bloodstain. 紫宁君一如既往的气定神闲,一回来便侍立在沈振衣身边。龙郡主却稍显狼狈,手臂上有些许擦伤,染上了金黄色的血迹。 Dragon Blood is purer, the color does golden yellow. 龙血愈纯,色作金黄。 With the rise of strength, Dragon Race hammers the blood also to have progressive greatly, particularly in watching the Yuan Shan hidden dragon not with sword technique , after the carp dragon, the sensibility and boundary of Dragon Princess have the further promotion, the Bloodline purity is also concise. 随着实力的提升,龙族锻血也大有进步,尤其是在观看渊山潜龙勿用剑法,以鲤化龙之后,龙郡主的感悟与境界都有进一步提升,血脉的纯度也在凝练。 Does not need to make oneself are too difficult.” “不用弄得自己太难。” Shen Zhenyi knows that the idea of Dragon Princess, she has a higher request to oneself forever. 沈振衣知道龙郡主的想法,她永远对自己有更高的要求。 Do not look that her semblance is temperate, actually the heart has the pride of Dragon Race, lives in small Princess that first meeting time makes threatening gestures as usual. 别看她外表温和,其实心底还是有龙族的骄傲,照旧住着那个初次见面时候张牙舞爪的小郡主 Has me.” “有我在。” The promotion of Dragon Princess is one that he most does not need to worry about. After all promotion of Dragon Race routinely, when True Dragon is born, same sweeps away all, the system is very complete-- not to seem like Monarch Zi Ning and Chu Huoluo, he must look for the direction to them. 龙郡主的提升是他最不需要操心的一个。毕竟龙族的晋升按部就班,等到真龙降世,一样横扫一切,体系完整得很——不像是紫宁君楚火萝,他还得给她们找找方向。 Will really buy the hearts of the people. 真会收买人心。 A'Hui relates to express each time puzzled to this masters and disciples. 阿秽每次都对这种师徒关系表示不解。 Did the useless apprentice, how then abandon can? If by like this injury, father won't pay attention probably? No, even the death, father same will not pay attention, because of a dead child, means that is the work of failure, simply has not had and value of commemorating. 没有用的徒弟,便是抛弃了又能如何?如果是自己受到这样的伤势,“父亲”大概根本不会关注吧?不,就算是死,“父亲”也一样不会关注,因为一个死去的孩子,意味着是失败的作品,根本没有存在和纪念的价值。 What to do therefore does Third Young Master Shen plan? 所以沈三公子到底打算怎么办? He really felt can one impact of hard anti- Beast Heart Person army Fiendish Qi? Was still having the idea of protracted time? 他是真的觉得自己可以硬抗兽心人大军煞气的冲击?还是仍然打着拖延时间的主意? But is only left over Commandant Hong, even can't the death, how long delay? 可是只剩下一个洪都尉,就算是死,也拖延不了多久了吧? The fellow who-- this just died and was reborn, gave the person to be accidental actually. ——不过这个刚刚死而复生的家伙,倒是又给了人意外。 He just promoted Divine Person Boundary Seventh Layer, theoretically during is presents is weakest, but actually insisted the longest time. 他刚刚晋升神人境第七重,理论上来说是在座之中最弱的,但却坚持了最长的时间。 However when A'Hui sees Commandant Hong to come back, why also understood. 不过当阿秽看到洪都尉回来的时候,也就明白了为什么。 The whole body is bathed in blood, the body dozens was created, the two arrow arrows pass through from his left arm, dripping with blood. 浑身浴血,身被数十创,更有两枚箭矢从他左臂穿过,鲜血淋漓。 Unlike others. 与其他人不一样。 -- he is going all out. ——他在拼命。
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