ESG :: Volume #8

#702: Drinks happily

You were defeated.” “你失败了。” The Gold Dragon mask tone is cold and gloomy. 金龙面具语气森冷。 Hu Hanye clenches jaws: Has not really expected besides Shen Zhenyi, in them really also has Expert. We must snatch before others make a move, has not found out the actual situation...... unable the card in hand completely to leave......” 呼韩邪咬牙切齿:“实在没有料到除了沈振衣之外,他们之中竟然还有一个高手。我们要抢在其他人之前出手,未曾摸清虚实……也不能底牌尽出……” He is explaining with effort. 他费力地解释着。 However you were defeated.” “然而你失败了。” The Gold Dragon mask does not want to listen to the explanation. 金龙面具根本不想听解释。 Nineteenth Prince also loses on Shen Zhenyi.” 十九王爷也在沈振衣手上铩羽而归。” Others' failure is not your reason.” “别人的失败不是你的理由。” Hu Hanye is dumbfounded, he knows that this buckle manpower, the disciple annoys the person to smile time in vain. 呼韩邪哑口无言,他知道这一次白白折损人手,徒惹人笑。 However......, even if others go forth to battle, he does not believe that meets to do well. Who can expect that to have a liking to treat illness, unknown Swordsman, can have hidden dragon that unexpectedly can one of the Nine Great Secret Swords with not displaying so level. 但是……就算是别人上阵,他也不相信会比自己做得更好。谁能料到那个看上去病得要死,名不见经传的剑客,居然能有能将九大秘剑之一的潜龙勿用发挥到如此水准。 Where does this person brave? 这人到底是哪儿冒出来的? He can only lower the head, clenches jaws. 他只能低头喏喏,咬牙切齿。 Imperial Clan lost this face, always wants to fight! 皇族丢了这个脸,总是要争回来的! The Hu Hanye vision looks at the dark deep place. 呼韩邪目光望进黑暗深处。 Ruined temple. 破庙。 Yuan Shan is cleaning own sword, the sword blade like the flame, under the moonlight, bright such as a Wangqing spring. 渊山擦拭着自己的剑,剑身如火焰,月光之下,明亮又如一汪清泉。 On sword blade has the bloodstain faintly, as if surrounding three chi (0.33 m) are filling the smell of blood, on this day, under the sword does not know that carried off many ghosts. 剑锋上隐隐带着血迹,仿佛周围三尺都弥漫着血腥味,这一天之中,剑下不知带走了多少亡魂。 murderous qi is heavier. 杀气愈重。 Death Qi is heavier. 死气愈重。 He coughs gently, the rickets the back, the vision such as the star in nighttime sky generally is bright. 他轻轻地咳嗽,佝偻着背,目光却如夜空中的星一般明亮。 I thought that his sickness seemed like.” “我觉得他的病好像好了许多。” Chu Huoluo visits him in not far away, some doubt. 楚火萝在不远处看着他,有些狐疑。 After a war, by the Yuan Shan feeble physique, should become serious, but his cough instead reduced. 一场大战之后,以渊山病弱的体质,本该更趋严重,但他的咳嗽反而减轻了些。 Kills people also has the effect of treating an illness? 难道杀人还有治病的功效? Shen Zhenyi is silent. 沈振衣默然不语。 His vision stays on the sword blade of winding, frowns slightly. 他的目光停留在蜿蜒的剑身上,微微蹙眉。 The people have oneself fate, even if oneself have the ability of change destiny forcefully, but the knowledge understood and stepped onto the person of oneself being doomed path, is the meeting willing to accept this change? 人都有自己的宿命,即使是自己有强行改变命运的能力,但焉知明了并且走上了自己注定道路的人,会愿意接受这种改变? Sometimes, the road, is chooses. 有些时候,路,都是自己选择的。 Third Young Master Shen can change this world, actually cannot change the will of the people. 沈三公子可以改变这个世界,却改变不了人心。 This point, he has long known. 这一点,他早就知道了。 That night is doomed sleepless. 这一夜注定无眠。 Yuan Shan scratched the sword finally, cut to kill the innumerable strange swords this at will toward behind a back, raised the head, revealed the full words tooth with a smile: „Do you, have the person to drink one glass of liquor?” 渊山终于擦完了剑,随意将这斩杀无数的怪剑往身后一背,抬起头,笑着露出满口白牙:“你们,有没有人想要喝一杯酒?” He was says to Shen Zhenyi. 他是对沈振衣说的。 Naturally, Shen Zhenyi is the only man on the scene. Although Yuan Shan will not discriminate against the girl, but still thought that drinks this matter to ask the man is quite appropriate. 当然,沈振衣是在场唯一一个男子。渊山虽然不会歧视女孩子,但仍然觉得喝酒这种事还是找男人比较恰当。 Good.” “好。” Third Young Master Shen will not drink casually, but drinks one time with the hero, there are why not? 沈三公子不会随便与人喝酒,但与英雄喝一次,又有何妨? Where he did not ask the liquor, was tasty? 他也不问酒在哪里,好不好喝? Yuan Shan laughs loudly, extends the palm toward the underground racket, listens to a dull thumping sound, the ground to split, reveals a black wine cellar unexpectedly. The jugs of several ballings up scatter, can smell the wine faintly. 渊山放声大笑,伸掌往地下一拍,就听一声闷响,地面裂开,竟尔露出一个黑黢黢的酒窖。几个泥封的坛子散落,隐隐闻得到酒香。 concealed liquor where this comes?” “这哪儿来的藏酒?” Chu Huoluo stares dumbfounded. 楚火萝瞠目结舌。 Didn't this ruined temple desolateness, how long know the incense and candle, who in this type of place conceals liquor? Before is declines , the initial temple attendant in charge of incense and ceremonies stays behind? How long that did not know, does not dare to drink! 这座破庙一片荒芜,连香火都不知断了多久,谁会在这种地方藏酒?难道是败落之前当初的庙祝留下?那也不知道多久了,不敢喝啊! I hide.” “我藏的。” Yuan Shan is delighted, complacent, as if the response of very satisfied people surprise. 渊山眉飞色舞,得意洋洋,似乎很满意众人诧异的反应。 Why can you hide the liquor here?” Chu Huoluo surprise. “你为什么要在这里藏酒?”楚火萝更诧异了。 -- is here your former residence? ——难道这儿是你故居? Also is impossible! This place remote, who will live in this place? 也不可能啊!这地方前不着村后不着店,谁会住在这种地方? Yuan Shan raised altar/jar liquor, patted the balling up, must first drink one, thinks to scratch Tanzikou with the sleeve, first gave Shen Zhenyi. 渊山提起一坛酒,拍开泥封,本要先喝一口,想了想又用袖子擦了擦坛子口,先递给了沈振衣 Shen Zhenyi shows a faint smile, does not know where pulls out an amber night light bowl, the finger, the transparent wine departs from the jug lightly together, just like roaming dragon to drop in the bowl generally, poured out half bowl of liquor slowly. 沈振衣微微一笑,不知从哪里掏出一只琥珀夜光碗,手指轻点,一道透明的酒浆从坛子里飞出,犹如游龙一般落进碗中,徐徐斟了半碗酒。 Fragrance seeping person. 香气沁人。 Sufficed.” “够了。” He points at one stroke, cut off the liquor line, carries the amber bowl, is raising glass to Yuan Shan distantly. 他手指一划,斩断了酒线,端起琥珀碗,对着渊山遥遥举杯。 Yuan Shan laughs, in a flash the wine pot, two people have a drink together. 渊山大笑,一晃酒坛,两人对饮。 Shen Zhenyi only slightly used several, Yuan Shan is actually thump thump drinks up altar/jar liquor all, just now throws actually the wine pot conveniently, yelled: Happy!” 沈振衣只略用了几口,渊山却是咕咚咕咚把一坛酒尽数喝完,方才随手抛却酒坛,大叫道:“痛快!” His heroic spirit is threatening, where also has the miserable appearance of slight consumptive. 他豪气逼人,哪里还有丝毫痨病鬼的惨模样。 Hey!” “喂!” Chu Huoluo wonders, closely examined one: Asked you! You how here conceals liquor?” 楚火萝纳闷,又追问了一句:“问你呢!你怎么会在这儿藏着酒?” „The place of being buried, must drink several cups.” “葬身之处,总要多饮几杯。” Yuan Shan narrows the eyes to hoodwink the eye, said with a smile: I once passed through this road a lot of times, what kind of ambush a lot of calculations can meet, by my sword technique , where can arrive. This ruined temple, should be the limit.” 渊山眯蒙着眼睛,笑道:“我曾经千百次走过这条路,千百次推算会遇到怎样的狙击,以我的剑法,能走到哪里。这处破庙,就该是极限。” What do you mean?” “什么意思?” The Chu Huoluo shock, does not understand that this young people are saying anything. 楚火萝震惊,不明白这年轻人在说些什么。 Yuan Shan opened the second altar/jar liquor, then looked at one still to be in Xuan Yan in deep sleep, drank to heart's content, this sighed: My this life, only to escort Xuan Family Bloodline goes back to live finally, has wanted to complete this matter, I naturally must from Xuan Family to the road of icefield touching ripe. Comes the safe/without matter idly, then on this road back and forth, calculates now, does not have 1000 times, there are 800 times......” 渊山开了第二坛酒,回头看了一眼仍然处于沉睡中的宣演,痛饮一口,这才叹息道:“我这一生,只为护送宣家最后血脉回乡而生,一直想要把这件事做好,那我当然要将从宣家到冰原的路给摸熟。闲来无事,便在这条路上来回,如今算下来,没有一千次,也有八百次……” Dragon Princess and the others are confused, but also do some people live specially for this reason? 龙郡主等人都是一头雾水,还有人专门为此而生? Their inquiring -type looks at Shen Zhenyi, Master will know the answer forever. 她们探询式的看着沈振衣,师父永远都会知道答案。 However Shen Zhenyi also sighed gently. 然而沈振衣也只是轻轻叹息。 Only then Yuan Shan muttered. 只有渊山喃喃自语。 „...... My sword technique was not strong initially, perhaps some people come, must flee flees, cannot escape from hundred li (0.5 km) place.” “……当初我的剑法不强,恐怕一有人来,就得亡命奔逃,逃不出百里之地。” Afterward my cultivation base was high gradually, calculates, fleeing the thousand li (500 km) ten thousand li (0.5 km) is not always too difficult, but in any event, cannot escape this segment path half.” “后来我修为渐高,推算下来,亡命千里万里总不是太难,但无论如何,也都逃不过这段路的一半。” I think, so long as sword technique grows stronger unceasingly, then can exceed everyone, but actually does not know that the manpower is poor sometimes, sword technique has its limit eventually, even if I can realize sword technique of secret by luck, but my Aptitude, still can only let me to this step.” “我以为只要剑法不断变强,便能胜过所有人,但却不知道人力有时而穷,剑法终究有其极限,即使我能侥幸练成秘传的剑法,但我本身的资质,也只能让我到这一步。” Only if...... pays my life.” “除非……付出我的命。” His look is mournful, brings to renounce with heroically. 他的神色凄然,却又带着决绝和豪迈。 Aptitude of person is impossible to break through. 人的资质不可能突破。 But the going all out effort, may break through. 但拼命努力,却有可能突破。 -- in the true sense 真正意义上的—— -- spells! Life! ——拼!命! Today a war, Sick Sword Immortal Yuan Shan moves the world inevitably, who can imagine his sword technique how to realize, what kind of price also paid. 今日一战,病剑仙渊山必然名动天下,但谁能想象得到他的剑法是如何练成,又是付出了怎样的代价。 I know that I can escort Xuan Family Bloodline to flee, I also know that I must die without doubt.” “我知道我能护送宣家血脉逃离,我也知道我必死无疑。” Clearly recognized after this reality, instead will not be hard to accept. 认清了这个现实之后,反而不会那么难以接受。 Sir declares gave him in any case initially the kindness time, he also plans to meet a cruel death by the report. 反正当初宣老太爷给他恩惠的时候,他也打算粉身碎骨以报。 This is not a similar result. 这不就是个同样的结果。 Moreover, I cannot arrive finally.” “而且,我走不到最后。” Divine Person Boundary Seventh Layer Expert, can know precisely own physical condition. 神人境第七重高手,能够精确地知道自身身体状况。 He knows that oneself will certainly die in the halfway. 他知道自己在半路一定会死。 He knows oneself limit. 他知道自己的极限。 Such being the case, he naturally must choose a place that has the liquor dies. 既然如此,他当然要选个有酒的地方死。 Because of coughing, he does not have happy drinking for a lifetime. 因为咳嗽,他一辈子也没有痛快的喝过酒。 Before dying, at least can happy one time. 死之前,至少可以痛快一次。
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