ESG :: Volume #7

#691: A peach blossom

Profound Heaven City occupies, is not greatly easy. 玄天城居,大不易。 This is the innermost thoughts of staff, his these years thoughts. 这是幕僚的心里话,他这么多年来的心思。 He is not the Profound Heaven City city people, but is the fort people outside city, with being diligent with the natural talent, pushes in the city with great difficulty, struggles for several hundred years, finally can occupy a position in the city, has the place to stick an awl. 他并非是玄天城的城民,而是城外的堡民,凭着好学与天资,好不容易挤入城中,奋斗数百年,才终于能够在城里占住一个位置,有立锥之地。 His too clear this city has is huge and terrifying. 他太清楚这个城池有多么庞大与恐怖。 -- Shen Zhenyi is perhaps fiercer than him, perhaps has the natural talent. ——沈振衣或许比他厉害,或许更有天资。 However-- Profound Heaven City occupies, solid is not greatly easy. 但是——玄天城居,实大不易。 Especially offended the Imperial Clan faction in this my dear friend from the beginning, got the handle to be the same by the senior statesman faction. 尤其是在这位仁兄一开始就得罪了皇族派,又被元老派抓住了把柄一样。 If he does not choose to turn to a side, the staff can guarantee, he in this Profound Heaven City, could not live for three months! 若是他不选择投靠一方,幕僚敢保证,他在这玄天城中,活不了三个月! Therefore his persuasion is also wholehearted. 所以他的劝说也是真心实意。 The wholehearted advice, can touch the person. 只有真心实意的劝告,才能够打动人。 What a pity, everyone's thought not in a level. He could move has the similar circumstances young people, but he affirmed that has no resonance with Shen Zhenyi. 可惜,大家的思维不在一个层面上。他或许能够打动许多有同样境遇的年轻人,但他肯定与沈振衣没什么共鸣。 Profound Heaven City occupies, isn't greatly easy?” 玄天城居,大不易?” Shen Zhenyi selected the eyebrow, said startled: I had not thought that has many are not easy, is it possible that is the price of rice is quite expensive? My Abandoned Sword Manor also has the savings, not work mister was worried.” 沈振衣挑了挑眉毛,愕然道:“我也没觉得有多不易啊,莫非是米价比较贵?我弃剑山庄也别有积蓄,不劳这位先生担心了。” Chu Huoluo laughs to make noise. 楚火萝噗嗤笑出声来。 Master, are you speaking the cold joke? 师父,你这是在说冷笑话吗? Staff awkward-- he is realized a moment ago when Sir and this Third Young Master Shen speech was aggrieved. 幕僚一脸尴尬——他算是体会到刚才自家大人与这个沈三公子说话时的憋屈了。 This person is intentional? 这人是故意的吧? However he is eventually lower than the Yuan Yuzhen stance, naturally can brace oneself to say. 不过他终究比原羽真的姿态更低,自然能硬着头皮说下去。 „Below is not this meaning.” “在下不是这个意思。” The staff hollow laugh, oneself felt oneself smile false: In city price, although is high, but regarding wealthy person, as for not having been, me said does not occupy easily, is Profound Heaven City is the sect of the world Martial Dao, the powerhouse is floating about like clouds. If Third Young Master Shen relies on the courage, perhaps does not walk long-term.” 幕僚干笑,自己都觉得自己笑得假:“城中物价虽高,但对于富户来说,也未至于到过不下去,我所说的居不易,乃是玄天城为天下武道之宗,强者如云。若是沈三公子自恃勇力,恐怕是走不长远。” The hadrosaurus does not press the local bully, perhaps you really have tyrannical incomparable martial arts, however in Profound Heaven City this place, cannot mix depending on the sword. 强龙不压地头蛇,或许你确实有强横无匹的武学,但是在玄天城这种地方,可不是光凭剑就能混的。 „?” “哦?” Shen Zhenyi shakes the head lightly, suddenly lifts the hand. 沈振衣淡淡摇头,忽然抬起手来。 Yuan Yuzhen is really vigilant, saw that Shen Zhenyi lifts the hand, in the heart one startled, did not make the defensive move voluntarily, at once understands at this time Shen Zhenyi will not have the meaning of beginning, an awkwardness. 原羽真一直甚为警惕,眼看沈振衣抬手,心中一惊,不自觉地做出了防御动作,旋即明白此时沈振衣绝不会有动手之意,不由一阵尴尬。 Buzz. 嗡。 Lifts hand sword qi to soar to the heavens, actually does not disperse outside. 抬手剑气冲霄,却不散于外。 Naturally to not attack. 当然不是为了攻击。 sword qi flashes, the fly crashes. 剑气一闪,飞花坠落。 As if the day rises the sunset, the flower bloom and fade, the highest good between universes, is moistening the peach blossom of revealing tender and delicate, flutters, following the sword qi direction, carries to float from the courtyard slowly carries to sink, the roaming arrives at the back room, falls in the Yuan Yuzhen front. 仿佛是日升日落,花开花谢,宇宙间的至理,只有一朵娇嫩沾着露出的桃花,飘飘荡荡,循着剑气的方向,从院子里慢慢载浮载沉,游到后堂,在原羽真的面前落下。 Here no other otherness, I also only then offers borrowed flowers to Buddha, asking Sir Yuan to have a look at this flower.” “此处别无他物,我也只有借花献佛,请原大人看看这花儿。” Shen Zhenyi indifferent smile. 沈振衣淡然微笑。 The flower petal is complete, glittering and translucent carving, falls in front of Yuan Yuzhen in the case center. 花瓣完整,晶莹剔透,落在原羽真面前案上正中。 The vitality that in the stamen and pistil contains, was still being protected well, could not look that had been folded from the tree. 花蕊之中蕴藏的生机,仍然被好好的保护着,一点儿也看不出来已经被从树上折下。 Even...... is possibly more beautiful than in tree last that moment! 甚至……可能比在树上那一刻更美! Because-- falls from the flower at that moment starting from, this peach blossom avoided the birth and death, avoided natural law, became the sword intent incarnation, is but purely eternal artware. ——因为从花落那一刻开始,这一朵桃花就避开了生老病死,避开的自然规律,成了剑意的化身,是纯粹而永恒的艺术品。 Yuan Yuzhen looks at that peach blossom. 原羽真怔怔地看着那朵桃花。 The staff are puzzled, signals with the eyes to Yuan Yuzhen desperately. 幕僚不解,拼命地向原羽真使眼色。 Was Sir this? Suddenly becomes the scared appearance, he may never be before so. 大人这是怎么了?突然变得失魂落魄的样子,他以前可从来不是如此。 Perhaps this peach blossom, represented Shen Zhenyi exquisite sword technique , but what's the big deal? In Profound Heaven City, has the exquisite sword technique person to be few? 这一朵桃花,或许代表了沈振衣的精妙剑法,可那又怎么了?玄天城中,拥有精妙剑法的人还少吗? However Yuan Yuzhen had not spoken. 然而原羽真却一直没有说话。 The numerous mood, surge in his chest, almost such as overwhelming general. 重重情绪,在他胸中涌动,几乎如翻江倒海一般。 He wants to vomit, wants to cheer, wants to sob. 他想要呕吐,想要欢呼,想要哭泣。 However to finally, him is unemotional. 然而到最后,他还是面无表情。 He is Yuan Yuzhen. 他是原羽真 Even if-- this is superb peak sword intent, is still not enough to change him ice-cold such as the heart of stone. ——即使这是妙绝巅峰的剑意,也不足以改变他冰冷如石头的心。 However...... 不过…… Yuan Yuzhen long sigh: Has such sword, Profound Heaven City occupies, perhaps also became very easy.” 原羽真长长叹息:“有这样的剑,玄天城居,或许也变得很容易了。” What do you mean? 什么意思? The staff with amazement, the doom then stare at that peach blossom to look, actually anything cannot look. 幕僚骇然,死命回头盯着那一朵桃花看,却什么都看不出来。 Third Young Master Shen, your invited.” 沈三公子,你这就请吧。” Yuan Yuzhen was calm, he had restored at this time calmly: „The matter of Personal Guard, stops there, only hopes that we have good reason a time. In the future in Profound Heaven City blustery, but also looks at the Third Young Master Shen sword, which must want well clearly toward.” 原羽真语气平静,这时候他已经恢复了镇定:“亲卫之事,就此作罢,只盼我们结下一次善缘。日后玄天城中风起云涌,还望沈三公子的剑,要好好想清楚往哪儿出。” He beckons with the hand, interest is waning. 他摆了摆手,意兴阑珊。 Asked him to leave? 就这么让他走了? The staff stare blankly. 幕僚发怔。 Before reached an agreement, how to have a strong beginning but a weak ending? 之前说好的,怎么全都虎头蛇尾? Many thanks.” “多谢。” Shen Zhenyi is actually impolite. 沈振衣倒是也不客气。 Since the matter, turned around to walk. 既然事了,转身就走。 This is trivial matters that involves his energy, can settle, naturally is best. 这本来就是牵扯他精力的一件琐事,能就此了结,当然最好。 As for using what method, he did not care. 至于用什么方法,本来他就不是非常在乎。 In the Shen Zhenyi back vanishes after the gate, Yuan Yuzhen sits down slowly, finally cannot bear the dispirited color in look. 沈振衣的背影消失在门后,原羽真才缓缓坐下,终于忍不住眼神中的颓唐之色。 Sir...... how?” “大人……怎么了?” The staff do not know right, asks, is frightened. 幕僚知道不对,开口询问,甚为惊惶。 The Yuan Yuzhen vision still had not left that peach blossom on table, he clenches teeth, flicks the sleeve gently, strokes to fall that flower. 原羽真的目光仍然没有离开桌案上的那一朵桃花,他咬了咬牙,轻轻拂袖,将那一朵花拂落。 The flower falls for the dust. 花落为尘。 In an instant, changes to the clear dust. 刹那之间,化作晶莹粉尘。 Every time is fine single, seemed ridiculing. 每一丝一缕,却仿佛都在嘲笑。 Yuan Yuzhen deeply sighed: Thinks, this Third Young Master Shen, is an easy-to-use board game piece, is a easy-to-use sword......” 原羽真深深地叹了口气:“原本以为,这位沈三公子,是一枚好用的棋子,是一柄好用的剑……” Now looks like, pours also right.” “如今看来,倒也没错。” His both eyes look at the day, deeply inspires. 他双目望天,深深吸了一口气。 Is only has not expected, this sword was too strong.” “只是没料到,这柄剑委实太强了些。” The flower falls silent. 花落无声。 The staff frown, go forward to urge: Sir, even this person is strong, so long as in the Divine Person Boundary Seventh Layer range, then the control area in the city, how he can broken result in the day?” 幕僚蹙眉,上前劝道:“大人,就算此人再强,只要还是神人境第七重范围之内,便在城中管辖范围,他又怎能破得了天?” The powerhouses have seen innumerably, the powerhouse of dying, he also has seen innumerably. 强者见过无数,死掉的强者,他也同样见过无数。 Different.” “不一样。” Yuan Yuzhen lowers the head, flowers that ground the powder, unexpectedly again congealment formation, clear like colored glaze, from the sky sways. 原羽真低头,那原本碾碎成粉的花朵,竟然又重新凝结成型,晶莹如琉璃,在空中飘摇。 Meaning of the sword, congeals real.” “一剑之意,凝结成真。” This is not an average person, this is Zhu Jie and Yuan Yuli like this big Swordsman!” “这不是普通人,这是朱解渊尉犁这样的大剑客啊!” The staff call out in alarm with amazement: „Is Sir to his appraisal, so unexpectedly high?” 幕僚骇然惊呼:“大人对他的评价,竟然这么高?” Zhu Jie and Yuan Yuli are in history famous big Swordsman, their sword technique sword intent, are not fettered by the boundary, even is higher Expert, can still comprehend wonderful from their swords. 朱解渊尉犁乃是史上驰名的大剑客,他们的剑法剑意,早已不被境界所束缚,即使是更高一层的高手,也能从他们的剑中领悟神妙。 These two are almost the legends. 这两个几乎已经是传说。 -- Shen Zhenyi what virtue what can, be able in big Grandmaster big Swordsman with these legends to compare unexpectedly? ——沈振衣何德何能,竟然能与这些传说中的大宗师剑客相比? Yuan Yuzhen sighed: I am not always convinced before, in this world always had the day to defeat my racking one's brains. But today, sees this flower, I am convinced suddenly thoroughly.” 原羽真叹气:“我以前总是不服气,这世上总有天才能战胜了我的殚精竭虑。但今日,看到这一朵花,我突然彻底服气。” He picks up that flower at fingertips, the look is blurred. 他信手拈起那朵花,神色迷离。 He repeated: Has such sword technique , Profound Heaven City occupies, perhaps became easy.” 他又重复了一遍:“有这样的剑法,玄天城居,恐怕就变得容易了。” To chat «Ten thousand ancient sword Gods» with the person who has a common goal together, WeChat pays attentionreads the literature superiorly 想和更多志同道合的人一起聊《万古剑神》,微信关注“优读文学 Reads the novel, chatted the life, sought the friend ~ ”看小说,聊人生,寻知己~
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