ESG :: Volume #7

#656: Dry river bed

This goes to Profound Heaven City, the long distance. 此去玄天城,十万八千里。 The endless wilderness, Ominous Beast wreaks havoc, is perilous undertaking that the average person does not dare to walk. 漫漫荒野,凶兽肆虐,是一般人不敢走的畏途。 However regarding Shen Zhenyi, is strolls. 不过对于沈振衣来说,也不过是闲庭信步而已。 They along the major road to north, see the jamming dry canal, in the spacious river bed is only left over the crowded pebbles, the water current trickle-down does not save. 他们沿着官道一路向北,看到堵塞干涸的运河,宽大的河床之中只剩下密集的卵石,水流涓滴不存。 Millenniums ago, world is lively, is canal both banks.” “千年之前,世间繁华,莫过于运河两岸。” Shen Zhenyi sighed, said to Dragon Princess: Initially in the river had six dragons to draw the vehicles, may transport/fortune trillion jin (0.5 kg) commodity, shuttle in canal round trip, quickly like lightning. This canal is the Seven Wounds World life.” 沈振衣叹息,对龙郡主道:“当初河中有六龙拉车船,可运亿万斤的物资,在运河之中穿梭来去,快如闪电。这运河便是七伤世界的命脉。” Now the millenniums pass by, Ominous Beast occupies the world, canal no one scours, naturally leaves uncultivated. 如今千年过去,凶兽占据天下,运河无人疏浚,自然就荒废下来。 The millennium ago things, he can always be familiar with, as if he has lived here generally. 千年前的事物,他总是能够如数家珍,仿佛他在这里生活过一般。 However Chu Huoluo their three have also been used to it, even is disinclined to ask when Shen Zhenyi has come. 不过楚火萝他们三个也已经习惯了,甚至都懒得问问沈振衣到底何时来过。 Dragon Princess arrives at the river bed, narrows the eye to raise eyes to look into the distance, this canal cannot look spaciously, thought back in the same day the beautiful scenery of six dragon boats, extremely feeling. 龙郡主走到河床边,眯着眼睛举目远望,这运河宽大望不到边,遥想当日六龙船的胜景,不胜感慨。 Master, this does Seven Wounds World, have my Dragon Race?” 师父,这七伤世界,有我龙族么?” Dragon Race Bloodline is scarce, in the tumultuous times of this person beast battle, is hard to survive in the crevice. Dragon Princess comes to this world is so long, has not induced to the Dragon Blood aura. 龙族血脉稀少,在这种人兽争斗的乱世,更是难以在夹缝中生存下来。龙郡主来此世界这么久,也未曾感应到龙血气息。 In the past had.” “以往是有的。” Shen Zhenyi sighed lightly: How now actually does not know, but you could rest assured that every time after first, I, when purifies Bloodline for you, in the future will melt the tribulation of Dragon Pond to cross well.” 沈振衣轻叹:“如今却不知道如何,不过你放心,每经一世,我当为你纯化血脉,日后化龙池之劫才好渡过。” The rise and Chu Huoluo and the Monarch Zi Ning Dragon Princess strength direction is different, mainly by the purification and promotion of Dragon Race Bloodline. 龙郡主实力的提升与楚火萝紫宁君的方向不同,主要还是得靠龙族血脉的纯化与提升。 This world had not found the opportunity, in Profound Heaven City, should have remaining of Dragon Race, Shen Zhenyi has been ready, planned for the future. 这一世界还没找到机会,不过在玄天城中,应该还有龙族的遗存,沈振衣早就做好准备,也是为将来打算。 Look!” “看!” Chu Huoluo finds the river bed front to have a giant white bones head by far, spins anxiously, the single-handed move, lifted this hill common skull. 楚火萝远远瞧见河床前方有一个巨大的白骨头颅,急急奔去,单手一招,将这小山一般的颅骨举了起来。 Right.” “没错。” Shen Zhenyi nods: This is the Dragon Race skull fossil, is neglected in this river.” 沈振衣点头:“这便是龙族颅骨化石,湮没在这长河之中。” Once magnificence, vanished without the trace. 曾经的辉煌,消失无踪。 This is in the past. 这已经是过去。 How in the past, is unable to change the present again. 过去再怎么样,都无法改变现在。 Dragon Race also once was san powerful for a while, now merry cloud in Seven Wounds World. 龙族七伤世界也曾经强盛一时,如今风流云散。 They along the dry river bed, meander the line. 他们沿着干涸的河床,一路逶迤而行。 -- goal, Profound Heaven City. ——目标,玄天城 That is the Seven Wounds World Human Race prosperous place, perhaps is also the final magnificence. 那是七伤世界人族鼎盛之地,恐怕也是最后的辉煌。 Some people are hoping they go. 有人盼着他们去。 -- also has the person, does not want to make them arrive safely. ——也有人,不想让他们安全抵达。 This is a variable between Heaven and Earth.” “这是天地间的一个变数。” In the wilderness, one group of bonfires, climbing of bonfire, many black-clothed person gather, middle an old man both eyes pupil is the white, muttered. 荒漠之中,一团篝火,篝火之攀,有许多黑衣人聚集,当中一个老者双目瞳仁全是白色,喃喃自语。 Must except for him.” “一定要除了他。” His is calm, does not have the mood to fluctuate, but seems like announcing an established fact. 他的语气平静,并没有情绪起伏,但却像是在宣布一个既定的事实。 The surrounding black-clothed person slightly shrugs. 周围的黑衣人略有耸动。 A person asks scruple: Old Chan, this person now is not simple, is not only Divine Person Boundary Sixth Layer Expert, but also in the hearsay strongest Divine Person Boundary Sixth Layer, extinguishes at one fell swoop kills southern territory ten two City Lord, we must cope with him, must pay the massive loss.” 一个人迟疑开口问:“禅老,此人现在可不简单,不但是神人境第六重高手,而且还是传闻中最强的神人境第六重,一举灭杀南域十二城主,我们要对付他,恐怕要付出巨大的损失。” This loss, even possibly is they cannot undertake. 这种损失,甚至可能是他们承担不起的。 He will affect Ominous Beast extinguishes the world the situation, if not eliminate him, must regret.” “他会影响到凶兽灭世的大势,若不除他,必会后悔。” The troll old man responded indifferently. 白目老者淡然回应。 The black-clothed person in an uproar. 众黑衣人哗然。 Opened the mouth that black-clothed person brow to be tight a moment ago, asks back: Old Chan, is not I suspected that you practice divination the strength, is only Shen Zhenyi Divine Person Boundary Sixth Layer is even strongest, compared with the top strength, was still also missing the long distance, he may affect the unification to south territory, but you said the entire situation......” 刚才开口那个黑衣人眉头紧蹙,反问道:“禅老,不是我怀疑你占卜之力,只是就算沈振衣神人境第六重最强,与顶尖的战力相比,仍然还差着十万八千里,他或许会影响到南域的统一,但你说整个大势……” His what virtue what can, be able, when High Lord does strike?” “他何德何能,能当主上一击?” Strongest Divine Person Boundary Sixth Layer, that is also only Divine Person Boundary Sixth Layer. 最强的神人境第六重,那也只是神人境第六重 Perhaps he copes with the boundary is not higher than oneself person, if cuts the melon to cut the vegetable/dish, but meets a boundary higher person, even wise sword technique, there is what using? 或许他对付境界不高于自己的人如砍瓜切菜,但是遇上比自己境界更高的人,就算是再高明的剑术,又有何用? Although Beast Heart Person the foundation is solid, but does not need to waste the manpower and resources here. 兽心人虽然底蕴深厚,但也没必要在这里浪费人力和资源。 This......” “这……” Old Chan is at a loss for words. 禅老语塞。 These words he has no way to refute, but worry in heart, made his over the face anxious look. 这句话他没法反驳,但心中的担心,还是令他满面愁容。 Said again.” “再说。” The black-clothed person looked to convince him a moment ago, relaxes: Even if we must cope with Shen Zhenyi, whom should also send to go into action? Invited big consecration of Divine Person Boundary Seventh Layer? They heard that we ants that wants him to cope with low First Realm, does not pat to be strange us.” 刚才那黑衣人看说服了他,松了口气:“就算我们要对付沈振衣,又该派谁出马?去请神人境第七重的大供奉?他们听说我们要他去对付一个低一境界的蝼蚁,不把我们拍死才怪。” Azure Clothed Sixteen Fiends Army Destroying Array......” 青衣十六煞破军阵法……” Some Old Chan plans, have also considered early carefully, wants to cope with Shen Zhenyi, perhaps only then such means. 禅老也早有打算,仔细考虑过,想要对付沈振衣,或许只有这么一个办法。 Wants the Divine Person Boundary Seventh Layer old monster to act, that is almost the impossible matter. 神人境第七重的老怪物出手,那几乎是不可能之事。 But a Shen Zhenyi sword solves southern territory ten two City Lord, means that builds the rival number purely, is useless. 沈振衣一剑解决南域十二城主,意味着单纯堆砌敌手数量,也是毫无用处。 Therefore...... naturally only then uses Array. 所以……当然只有使用阵法 „Do you...... crack a joke?” “你……开什么玩笑?” When first that black-clothed person calls out in alarm the forced smile. 当先那黑衣人惊呼苦笑。 Azure clothes Army Destroying, that is uses above Military Array, big is such weaponry, used to deal with a person? How will High Lord possibly agree?” “青衣破军,那是用在军阵之上,这么大的阵仗,用来对付一个人?主上怎么可能会同意?” Azure Clothed Sixteen Fiends, is 16 Divine Person Boundary Sixth Layer Expert. 青衣十六煞,是十六名神人境第六重高手 Perhaps at the strength of individual, they are not necessarily able territory these City Lord to be fiercer, but 16 people compose Military Array, actually may break the great powers of 1 million army. 以个体的力量来说,他们或许未必会比南域那些城主更厉害,但是十六人组成军阵,却是可破百万军的强大力量。 This is one of the Beast Heart Person cards in hand, is waiting for the day of Heaven and Earth turning upside down, is used to sweep away the entire world at one fell swoop. 这是兽心人的底牌之一,就等着天翻地覆之日,用来一举横扫寰宇。 -- this Military Array is used to deal with person with boundary, that is really some killing a chicken with an ox cleaver. ——这种军阵用来对付一个同境界之人,那实在是有些杀鸡用牛刀。 -- they have even experimented, such Military Array, surrounds Divine Person Boundary Seventh Layer Expert to be a cinch some time. ——甚至他们试验过,这样的军阵,困住一个神人境第七重高手一段时间都不在话下。 Army Destroying is Array of this strategic rank, only used to cope with Shen Zhenyi? 这种战略级别的破军阵法,只用来对付沈振衣 Is simply funny. 简直就是在搞笑。 I will convince High Lord.” “我会去说服主上。” Old Chan insisted. 禅老坚持。 this child...... extremely inexplicable, must eliminate it!” 此子……太过莫名,必除之!” He does best to convince. 他苦口婆心。 black-clothed person cold snort/hum: You, since insisted, you try, Old Chan that but you practice divination, insists to interfere with the decision of minute of hall, jumps the ranks reporting, is punished, cannot sell at a discount.” 黑衣人冷哼一声:“你既然坚持,那你就去试试吧,不过你只是占卜的禅老,硬要干涉分堂的决定,越级上报,所受惩罚,可一点都不能打折扣。” The Beast Heart Person custom is stern, often is the one-way contacts. 兽心人规矩森严,往往都是单线联系。 Even if position special Old Chan, jumping the ranks reporting is still the extraordinary big crime. 即使是地位特殊的禅老,越级上报也是了不得的大罪。 Yes.” “是。” The Old Chan look is firm. 禅老神色坚定。 For the Beast Heart Person great undertaking, I suffers hardships clear/pain, can calculate what? So long as can cut to kill Shen Zhenyi, that Seven Wounds World then can reply the stock rail, Ominous Beast sweeps across all potentials not to look at the change, my Beast Heart Person can substitute human, becomes this Heaven and Earth lead!” “为了兽心人大业,我个人受点苦楚,又能算的了什么?只要能够斩杀沈振衣,那七伤世界便能回复正轨,凶兽席卷一切之势不看改变,我兽心人才能替代人类,成为这天地的主角!” He stands up, in white pupil twinkle strange ray, does not need to distinguish the direction, only bows slightly, draws back into the darkness. 他站起身来,白色瞳仁中闪烁诡异光芒,也不用分辨方向,只微微一躬身,退入黑暗之中。 This old idiot.” “这老蠢货。” The black-clothed person are agitated, but also has no alternative, can only lower the lowland to scold one. 黑衣人烦躁不满,但也无可奈何,只能低低地骂了一声。 „Others, do not need multibarreled, Azure Clothed Sixteen Fiends really must make a move, that was also their matters, had nothing to do with us!” “其余人等,不必多管,青衣十六煞真的要出手,那也是他们的事儿了,与我们无关!”
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