ESK :: Volume #7

#695: Also living!

Several tens of thousands of years of destiny condenses the dragon vein that becomes, was carved up by Little Fatty, Su Zimo and Lin Xuanji three people gradually. 数万年气运凝聚而成的龙脉,渐渐被小胖子苏子墨林玄机三人瓜分。 Little Fatty with the aid of Tomb Sect most precious object Yellow Springs Chart, occupies 50%. 小胖子借助墓宗至宝黄泉图,占据50%。 Su Zimo has the Ancient Dragon Transformation Art help, snatches 40%! 苏子墨上古化龙诀帮助,抢到40%之多! Lin Xuanji goes all out, displays Profound Principle Palace secret technique, finally also has 10%. 林玄机拼了命,施展出玄机宫秘术,最终也只得10%。 In mundane world Mortal World, has the vassal state to occupy the dragon vein, even can expand rapidly, develops the dynasty of to become ruling a region by force! 红尘凡间,有诸侯国占据龙脉,甚至可以迅速壮大,发展成为雄霸一方的王朝! Destiny type of thing, nihility misty, after obtaining, will not have the rise in strength immediately, but to cultivator's in the future, will have a big effect. 气运这种东西,虚无缥缈,得到之后不会立即有实力上的提升,但对修士的未来,却有不小的影响。 The destiny are more, means that the chance and fortuitous encounter are more. 气运越多,就意味着机缘、奇遇越多。 Even is the joy after sorrow, turns bad luck into good, is the heaven defying changes the fate degree! 甚至是柳暗花明,逢凶化吉,达到逆天改命的程度! The Lin Xuanji double fist grips tightly, a face resentful is staring at Su Zimo, air/Qi trembles, saying of clenching jaws: Su Zimo, you are really an unlucky star!” 林玄机双拳紧握,一脸愤懑的盯着苏子墨,气得直哆嗦,咬牙切齿的说道:“苏子墨,你真是个灾星!” Su Zimo shrugs, is innocent. 苏子墨耸耸肩,一脸无辜。 Little Fox said with a smile: Young Master Lin, but yourself said that everyone depending on the skill, who can snatch the dragon vein respectively is whose, you did not regret.” 小狐狸笑道:“林公子,可是你自己说的,大家各凭本事,谁能抢到龙脉就是谁的,你绝不后悔。” I did not regret that...... I did not regret!” “我不后悔……我不后悔!” Lin Xuanji is breathing heavily, sad sound said: But I hate!” 林玄机喘着粗气,悲声道:“但是我恨啊!” Hou Zi (monkey) and the others are watching the fun in side, a mean appearance, laughs, 猴子等人在旁边看着热闹,一副幸灾乐祸的样子,哈哈大笑, In their hearts, naturally is hopes that Su Zimo captures the dragon vein. 在他们心中,自然是希望苏子墨夺得龙脉。 I discovered, I meet you, does not have the good deed certainly!” “我发现了,我遇见你,准没好事!” Lin Xuanji heaved a sigh, recalled that initially they in the situation that Dragon Bones Valley met for the first time, in the heart was depressed. 林玄机唉声叹气,回想起当初他们第一次在龙骸之谷见面的情形,心中更是郁闷。 That time is also the same. 那次也一样。 That dragon egg, is his. 那颗龙蛋,本来是他的。 didn’t expect, actually by this seemingly frail scholar and a human and animals harmless dog eating!!! 没想到,却被这个看似文弱的书生和一条人畜无害的狗给吃了!!! „!!!” “嚓!嚓!嚓!” Thinks that the past matter, Lin Xuanji hated to stamp one's foot, the air/Qi did not hit one. 想到当年的事,林玄机恨得直跳脚,气不打一处来。 Before Lin Xuanji rushes to the Su Zimo body, hating the sound to ask: That big black dog, where ran went, so many years did not see, I must be intimate with it!” 林玄机冲到苏子墨身前,恨声问道:“那条大黑狗呢,跑哪去了,这么多年不见,我得跟它再亲近亲近!” Su Zimo both hands one, said with a smile slightly: „It is not at side me, your abacus must fail.” 苏子墨双手一摊,微微笑道:“不在我身边,你算盘要落空了。” Su Zimo looks, Lin Xuanji this started to have the idea of Ye Ling. 苏子墨一眼就看出来,林玄机这是又开始打夜灵的主意了。 Really is unlucky!” “真是晦气!” Lin Xuanji wishes one could the fan two mouths, look hidden bitterness looks at Su Zimo, said: Left this place, we go separate ways, I must leave your distant point from now on.” 林玄机恨不得扇自己两个嘴巴,神色幽怨的看着苏子墨,道:“等离开此地,咱们就分道扬镳,我今后一定要离你远点。” I was discovered, this between Heaven and Earth myriad things mutual enhancement and inhibition, you came to to subdue|grams specially I!” “我算是发现了,这天地间万物相生相克,你就是专门来克我的!” Su Zimo coughs lightly, the racket the shoulder of Lin Xuanji, does intentionally serious saying: Said that what gram not to subdue|grams, hurts feelings.” 苏子墨轻咳一声,拍拍林玄机的肩头,故作严肃的说道:“说什么克不克的,多伤感情。” Ahem!” “哼哼!” Lin Xuanji shows the whites of the eyes. 林玄机翻了个白眼。 In the meantime, void suddenly resounds a sigh. 就在此时,虚空中突然响起一声叹息。 Next quarter, in palace a deathly stillness, completely silent! 下一刻,宫殿中一片死寂,鸦雀无声! Everyone stands in in the original place is motionless, probably by an invisible strength fetter hands and feet, look stiff on face, in the eye pupil glitters is confusing, surprisedly, frightened...... 所有人站在原地一动不动,像是被一种无形的力量束缚手脚,神色僵在脸上,眼眸中闪烁着迷惑、惊疑、恐惧…… A light pressure covers. 一股淡淡的威压笼罩下来。 Under this pressure, people tiny like ants! 在这种威压之下,众人渺小如蝼蚁! In this palace, unexpectedly another exist(ence)! 这宫殿中,竟然还有另外一个存在 Wants powerful exist(ence) compared with the people on the scene! 远比在场众人都要强大的存在 The cold wind is intermittent. 阴风阵阵。 Thermal shock of entire palace! 整座宫殿的温度骤降! The fine hair of people whole body set upright, feels one intermittently absolutely terrified. 众人浑身的汗毛都竖了起来,感觉到一阵阵毛骨悚然。 „!” “呀!” In the Little Fox heart is afraid, transforms the main body, speedily sneaks in the Su Zimo's bosom, frightens trembles. 小狐狸心中害怕,幻化成本体,一溜烟的钻进苏子墨的怀中,吓得瑟瑟发抖。 Let alone is he, even Spirit Tiger and Golden Lion such robust man, felt that at this time the back sends coolly, the both legs tremble. 别说是他,就算灵虎黄金狮子这样的壮汉,此时都感觉脊背发凉,双腿打颤。 Does not know that is which senior, can come sees?” “不知是哪位前辈,能否现身一见?” Su Zimo took a deep breath, looks all around, the sinking sound asked. 苏子墨深吸一口气,环顾四周,沉声问道。 The aura that this exist(ence) lends is quite fearful! 这个存在散发出的气息极为可怕! Even can easily write off anyone in palace, including him! 甚至可以轻易抹杀宫殿中的任何一个人,包括他在内! With its panic, stands would rather, with this exist(ence) chatting face-to-face. 与其惊慌失措,倒不如站出来,与这位存在面对面的聊聊。 So many years pass by, finally some people came.” “这么多年过去,终于有人来了。” This sound resounded again, was full of endless sobbing and feeling. 这道声音再度响起,充满了无尽的唏嘘和感慨。 The people on the scene hear these words, is the mind big quake! 在场众人听到这句话,都是心神大震! In this palace, can say the person of these words, perhaps only has a possibility...... 在这座宫殿中,能说出这句话的人,恐怕只有一个可能…… The people go following the prestige. 众人循声望去。 Sees only sat alone in boredom that bleached bone before perimeter/thunder pool, strange moving. 只见原本枯坐在雷池前的那座枯骨,诡异的动了动。 Perhaps several tens of thousands of years have not moved, the bleached bone sends out one sound, as if will break momentarily. 许是数万年不曾移动,枯骨发出一阵吱吱嘎嘎的响动,似乎随时都会散架。 The next quarter, under glare of the public eye, this bleached bone stood unexpectedly! 下一刻,在众目睽睽之下,这具枯骨竟然站了起来! Hiss! 嘶! People suck in a cold breath. 众人倒吸冷气 The golden color of Golden Lion whole body grows hair to set upright, the body of whole person, swelled! 黄金狮子浑身的金色长毛倒竖起来,整个人的身躯,都胀大了一圈! Hou Zi (monkey), Spirit Tiger and the others the hearts, almost jump out of the throat! 猴子灵虎等人的心脏,都差点跳出喉咙! A Lin Xuanji back of the hand after behind, the five fingers beats, is deducing rapidly. 林玄机一只手背在身后,五指跳动,正在迅速的推演。 Su Zimo narrows the eyes, but also is calm. 苏子墨眯起双眼,还算冷静。 Has not died! 没死! This several tens of thousands of years ago Tomb Sect Great Expert, actually lives the present! 这位数万年前的墓宗大能,竟然活到了现在! This Tomb Sect Great Expert stands up, originally on him is throwing over the clothing, arrives at the corrosion of years, changes into the dust instantaneously, vanished in a puff of smoke. 这位墓宗大能站起身来,原本在他身上披着的衣衫,也抵不过岁月的侵蚀,瞬间化为尘埃,灰飞烟灭。 The body of this bleached bone, no flesh, but forehead, is actually surging the weak ray, flickers, is sending out a wisp of vitality. 这具枯骨的身上,没有一点血肉,但眉心处,却涌动着一点微弱的光芒,忽明忽暗,散发着一缕生机。 Ka ka ka! 咔咔咔! The bleached bone rotation head, the pair of hole of eye place observes the situation the people, finally stop on Su Zimo's little, puts aside vision. 枯骨转动头颅,眼睛处的一对儿窟窿环视众人,最终在苏子墨的身上停顿少许,才移开‘目光’。 In the Su Zimo heart surges a strange feeling. 苏子墨心中涌起一丝怪异的感觉。 Although this Tomb Sect Great Expert does not have the eye, but he actually feels faintly, this Great Expert looked his look is somewhat strange, probably pinned some hope. 虽然这位墓宗大能没有眼睛,但他却隐隐感觉到,这位大能看他的眼神有些怪异,像是寄托了某种希望。 Su Zimo's Spiritual Awareness, cannot feel this Tomb Sect Great Expert hostility. 苏子墨的灵觉,感受不到这位墓宗大能的敌意。 Naturally, expert of this rank, if wants the suppress and kill people, the thought moves, can hoodwink Tian Ji (Heaven’s Secret), let alone has hidden the truth from Su Zimo's Spiritual Awareness. 当然,这种级别的强者,若是想要镇杀众人,念头一动,就能蒙蔽天机,更别说瞒过苏子墨的灵觉 Su Zimo looks askance slightly, looks to nearby Lin Xuanji. 苏子墨微微侧目,看向旁边的林玄机 At this time, in the eye of Lin Xuanji, cannot see startled any. 此时,在林玄机的眼中,也看不到任何惊慌。 Su Zimo felt relieved gradually. 苏子墨渐渐放下心来。 The bleached bone goes down the stair, before arriving at the Little Fatty body, is looking in the Little Fatty hand that Yellow Springs Chart, is lost, maintains total silence. 枯骨走下台阶,来到小胖子身前,望着小胖子手中那副黄泉图,怔怔出神,一语不发。 Little Fatty frightened is about to cry. 小胖子吓得都快哭了。 After a while, the bleached bone stretches out the palm, falls on Yellow Springs Chart, bit by bit, has stroked gently. 过了一会儿,枯骨伸出手掌,落在黄泉图上,一点一点,轻轻拂过。 This is more like a farewell. 这更像是一种告别。 Little Fatty and bleached bone face-to-face, frightened must scare to death, where can feel so many. 小胖子与枯骨面对面,吓都要吓死了,哪里能感受得这么多。 His both hands hold Yellow Springs Chart, handing over is not, does not hand over is not. 他双手托着黄泉图,递过去不是,不递过去也不是。 Senior, the younger generation also by the request of sect elder, came this place, takes this Tomb Sect most precious object.” “前辈,晚辈也是受宗门长老之托,前来此地,取走这件墓宗至宝。” I do not know that the senior you are also living!” “我根本不知道前辈您还活着呀!” The Little Fatty sound, brings a weeping voice: Senior, my meat, although are many, but not delicious......” 小胖子的声音,都带着一丝哭腔:“前辈,我身上的肉虽然多,但不好吃的呀……” He had been frightened completely ignorant. 他已经完全被吓懵了。 fatty!” 胖子!” Su Zimo drinks one lightly. 苏子墨轻喝一声。 This, Su Zimo used buddha sect(s) brahman sound secret technique, had severe warning, the function of being enlightened. 这一下,苏子墨用上了佛门梵音秘术,有当头棒喝,醍醐灌顶的作用。 Little Fatty wisdom, has lost thoroughly, if cannot sober, casts a shadow in the heart, in the future cultivation will perhaps have to accidentally discharge the demonized bad risk! 小胖子心智,已经彻底迷失,若是不能清醒过来,在心中留下一道阴影,未来修行恐怕有走火入魔的凶险! The Little Fatty weeping sound stops suddenly, is staring a pair of small eye, is somewhat confused. 小胖子的哭声骤停,瞪着一对儿小眼睛,有些迷茫。 fatty, you soberly!” 胖子,你清醒点!” Su Zimo sinking sound said: This senior, if thinks the strategic point you, had begun, why to make you take Yellow Springs Chart, but also leaves you dragon vein of this place.” 苏子墨沉声道:“这位前辈若是想要害你,早就动手了,何必让你取走黄泉图,还将此地的龙脉留给你。” Hears these words, in the Little Fatty mind suddenly sees the light, the mind of moving restlessly, is gradually tranquil. 听到这句话,小胖子脑海中豁然开朗,原本躁动的心神,渐渐平静下来。 Bleached bone deep looked at Su Zimo, nods. 枯骨深深的看了一眼苏子墨,点了点头。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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