ESK :: Volume #34

#3380: ( Big result)

Hears here, Dié Yue said: Therefore, he chooses destroys that old world personally, but will found the opportunity in new world to give you, gave you soul of Three Thousand Worlds myriad clans all living things.” 听到这里,蝶月道:“所以,他选择亲手毁灭那个旧世界,而将创建新世界的机会交给了你,也将三千世界万族众生的魂魄交给了你。” Su Zimo nods. 苏子墨点点头。 Dié Yue said: Initially, your Martial Dao True Body stayed for several tens of thousands of years in Saint Ruins Land with him, at his eyesight, Martial Dao True Body all, should not hide the truth from him.” 蝶月道:“当初,你的武道真身与他在圣墟之地呆了数万年,以他的眼力,武道真身的一切,应该瞒不过他。” He has not acted to Martial Dao main body, perhaps also for that moment.” “他没有对武道本尊出手,或许也是为了那一刻。” Mentioned this matter, Su Zimo sighed one lightly, said: He has not acted to Martial Dao main body, another reason.” 提及此事,苏子墨轻叹一声,道:“他没有对武道本尊出手,还有另外一个原因。” This is also Martial Dao main body creates the the absolute beginning universe, after obtaining a more powerful strength, that sees.” “这也是武道本尊创造出太初宇宙,得到更加强大的力量之后,才看到的一幕。” Initially in Saint Ruins Land, Saint King of Reincarnation mentioned Saint King of Life the time, actually slightly crossed an important information.” “当初在圣墟之地,轮回圣王提及生命圣王的时候,其实略过了一個重要的信息。” „The Saint King of Life flesh sprinkles, the incarnation is Three Thousand Worlds Human Race, Saint King of Reincarnation has not actually raised, Saint King of Life soul whereabouts.” 生命圣王的血肉洒落,化身为三千世界人族,轮回圣王却没提过,生命圣王魂魄的去向。” Practices Heavenly Dao's Saint King, soul not possible disappears without a trace. 修炼到天道圣王,魂魄不可能无影无踪 Even Primal Chaos' Azure Lotus, still goes through the samsara reincarnation. 即便是混沌青莲,也是几经轮回转世。 The Dié Yue look suddenly, said: You were say......” 蝶月神色恍然,道:“你是说……” Su Zimo nods, said: Martial Dao birth, is a riddle. I once some suspicion, but establishes Martial Dao, congealment fruit of Martial Dao, why will derive soul and self- will.” 苏子墨点点头,道:“武道本身的诞生,一直是个谜。我曾有过怀疑,只是创立武道,凝结武道之果,为何会衍生出魂魄和自我意志。” Founds the absolute beginning until Martial Dao main body, I knew, is Saint King of Life soul, gave the Martial Dao life!” “直到武道本尊开创太初,我才得知,是生命圣王魂魄,给了武道生命!” Saint King of Life soul, does not enter the samsara. 生命圣王魂魄,不入轮回。 She has been looking for oneself inheritance. 她一直在寻找自己的传承者。 Has the big will, the big breadth of spirit, greatly is intelligent, the dauntless and big mind/bosom person. 一个拥有大毅力,大气魄,大智慧、大无畏、大胸怀的人。 Only by doing so, the ray of hope changes Three Thousand Worlds! 唯有如此,才有一线希望改变三千世界 Until Huang Wu (Desolate Martial) set up new Dao, allow the common people to cultivate Martial Dao. 直到荒武立道,布武苍生 Martial Dao birth! 武道诞生! But Saint King of Life, gave the Martial Dao life! 生命圣王,赋予了武道生命! Saint King of Reincarnation on the body of Martial Dao main body, can see the Saint King of Life shadow. 轮回圣王武道本尊的身上,能看到生命圣王的影子。 But Martial Dao main body eventually is not Saint King of Life. 武道本尊终究不是生命圣王 Therefore, at some time, Saint King of Reincarnation looks to his look, somewhat will be strange. 所以,在某个时候,轮回圣王看向他的眼神,会有些古怪。 Dié Yue said: „, In the past Primal Chaos' Azure Lotus and Saint King of Life collaborated, break Three Thousand Worlds, its goal was not only to make five Highest Beginning's Origin Spirit be injured.” 蝶月道:“如此说来,当年混沌青莲生命圣王联手,打破三千世界,其目的不仅仅是要让五位太始元灵受伤。” What is more important lets Saint King of Life soul, taking advantage of shatter Three Thousand Worlds, works loose. Also because of so, accomplishes one to jump out of outside the three worlds, anomaly in outside of the Five Elements.” “更重要的是让生命圣王魂魄,借着破碎的三千世界,挣脱出去。也正是因为如此,才造就出一个跳出三界外,不在五行中的异数。” Su Zimo said: Only then has been separated from the Three Thousand Worlds strength, may establish a new world.” 苏子墨道:“只有得到脱离三千世界的力量,才有可能创立一个新世界。” Dié Yue said: „The Saint King of Reincarnation nature has long known the intention of Saint King of Life, therefore, establishing the opportunity in new world gives you.” 蝶月道:“轮回圣王自然早就知道生命圣王的用意,所以,才会将创立新世界的机会交给你。” He so trusts you, because of the Saint King of Life reason.” “他如此信任你,也是因为生命圣王的原因。” Su Zimo hearing this, actually shakes the head, said: Samsara trusts Saint King of Life, actually not necessarily trusts me.” 苏子墨闻言,却摇了摇头,道:“轮回信任生命圣王,却未必信任我。” „Before still remembers the Three Thousand Worlds destruction, Saint King of Reincarnation to Demon Lord has spoken the words?” “还记得三千世界毁灭前,轮回圣王魔主说过的一番话吗?” Dié Yue nods. 蝶月点点头。 Su Zimo said: By Demon Lord cultivation base, cannot threaten Saint King of Reincarnation. But at that time, Saint King of Reincarnation is saying such words to him, seems somewhat unnecessary.” 苏子墨道:“以魔主修为,根本威胁不到轮回圣王。但当时,轮回圣王却对着他说出那样一番话来,显得有些多余。” I think, perhaps Saint King of Reincarnation that words, were say to me.” “我想,轮回圣王那番话,或许是对我说的。” „The will of the people changes, he was worried after I establish the new world, will be infatuated with the lords of ten thousand spirit, the strength and position that three worlds reveres alone, loses, will therefore say that words to remind me.” “人心是会变的,他担心我创立新世界之后,会迷恋万灵之主,三界独尊的力量和地位,迷失自我,所以才会说出那番话来提醒我。” Dié Yue is silent. 蝶月默然。 Was good made own choice because of Su Zimo finally. 好在苏子墨最后做出了自己的选择。 A moment later, Dié Yue said with a smile: This is also only your guess, how the samsara actually thinks that perhaps only then he himself knew.” 片刻之后,蝶月笑道:“这也只是你的猜测,轮回到底是怎么想的,恐怕只有他自己知道了。” Yes.” “是啊。” Su Zimo also smiles. 苏子墨也笑了笑。 Walks, should leave.” “走吧,该离开了。” Dié Yue beckons, said: Everyone on you.” 蝶月招了招手,道:“大家就等你了。” Su Zimo goes forward, together with Dié Yue, goes out of the dwelling. 苏子墨上前,与蝶月携手并肩,走出宅院。 Arrives on the Pingyang Town street, is looking at the surrounding all, Su Zimo is lost in thought suddenly. 来到平阳镇的街道上,望着周围的一切,苏子墨恍然出神。 These are the Martial Dao main body basis remember, creates in new Three Thousand Worlds, mostly seems to have met before, actually also some different. 这些都是武道本尊根据记忆,在新的三千世界中创造出来的,大多似曾相识,却也有些许不同。 Hears a rapid running sound, more and more nearly. 身后传来一阵急促的奔跑声,越来越近。 Walks a bit faster, Storyteller said quickly!” “快点走,说书人都快讲完啦!” Ah, I being busy at forgetting, does not know that has not come with enough time.” “啊呀,我给忙忘了,不知道还来不来得及。” A pair of youngster young girl is running toward here. 一对儿少年少女正朝这边跑来。 This sound is somewhat familiar-sounding. 这声音有些耳熟。 Su Zimo subconscious looking askance looks. 苏子墨下意识的侧目望去。 That young girl has run from two people side, turning head, just in time with the Su Zimo's vision to. 那位少女从两人身边跑过,无意间的回过头来,正巧与苏子墨的目光对上。 Su Zimo and this young girls are startled slightly. 苏子墨和这位少女都是微微一怔。 The footsteps of that young girl stopped subconsciously, looks at Su Zimo, the look passed over gently and swiftly a confusedness. 那位少女的脚步下意识的停了下来,看着苏子墨,眼神掠过一丝迷茫。 Mengqi, what is up, rubbed gently again without enough time.” 梦琪,你怎么啦,再磨蹭就来不及了。” The youngster are entraining her sleeves, was urging said. 少年拽着她的衣袖,催促着说道。 Oh Oh.” 。” Young girl slowly recovers, followed to run hastily. 少女缓过神来,又连忙跟着跑了开去。 You just how?” “你刚刚怎么啦?” Is running, the youngster while asked. 一边跑着,少年一边问道。 The young girls shake the head, said: It‘s nothing, but where that green-shirted man in has seen probably.” 少女摇摇头,道:“没什么,只是那个青衫男子好像在哪见过。” How I do not have the impression.” “我怎么没印象。” The youngster ridicule saying: You will not see in the dream?” 少年揶揄道:“你不会是在梦里见到的吧?” Snort!” “哼!” Young girls light snort/hum, said: Speaking of that I really had a dream before, paid a return visit into immortal sect(s)!” 少女轻哼一声,道:“你还别说,我之前真做了一个梦,还拜入仙门了呢!” „!” “切!” The youngster also disdain, said: That has anything, my also dream to own plucking the stars with one hand, vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered four seas.” 少年也是不屑,道:“那有什么,我还梦到自己只手摘星,纵横四海呢。” The young girls somewhat lose in a flash, said: But, my dream is not good.” 少女转瞬又有些失落,道:“不过,我那个梦不大好。” Looks the back that the youngster young girl is going far away, Su Zimo feels relaxed smiles. 望着少年少女远去的背影,苏子墨释然一笑。 Two people walked a while shoulder to shoulder, saw that not far away has the mansion of scale, the entrance is standing a man and a woman, looks the child who body previous Shanshan is learning to walk, the whole face favors to drown. 两人并肩又走了一会儿,看到不远处一座颇有规模的府邸,门口站着一男一女,望着身前一个姗姗学步的孩童,满脸宠溺。 Big brother......” “大哥……” Sees this man, the Su Zimo eye socket slightly red, softly muttered. 看到这位男子,苏子墨眼眶微红,轻喃一声。 Present Su Hong, did not have fierce scar of knife wound that has delimited the cheeks, has found a wife to give birth. 眼前的苏鸿,没有了划过脸颊的狰狞刀疤,也已经娶妻生子。 Su Hong becoming aware, looked toward Su Zimo. 苏鸿似有所觉,朝苏子墨这边看了过来。 Sees Su Zimo two people, Su Hong nods slightly, has greeted, then takes back the vision, obviously does not recognize Su Zimo. 看到苏子墨两人,苏鸿微微颔首,算是打过招呼,便收回目光,明显不认得苏子墨 Although Martial Dao main body opens the great antiquity, evolves all living things, but trillion soul experience such accident, after the samsara, not everyone's memory can preserve. 武道本尊虽然开辟洪荒,演化众生,但亿万魂魄经历这样的变故,几经轮回,并非所有人的记忆都能保存下来。 Big brother had the new life, actually also good. We do not disturb them.” “大哥有了新的人生,其实也蛮好。我们还是不要打扰他们了。” The Xiaoning sound from conveys behind. 小凝的声音从身后传来。 Su Zimo nods. 苏子墨点点头。 Su Hong that life, is bearing too many pressures and pain. 苏鸿的那一生,承受着太多的压力和痛苦。 Without these memories, to him, perhaps is also an extrication. 没有那些记忆,对他来说,或许也是一种解脱。 Su Zimo then looks. 苏子墨回头望去。 In the Xiaoning side, but also is standing Ye Ling. 小凝的身边,还站着夜灵 One group of people are walking toward here, was once old friend, Hou Zi (monkey), Old Tiger, Lin Zhan, Fairy Linglong, Dao Monarch Ji Huo, Long Ran, Ming Zhen, Tao Yao, Nian Qi and Beiming Xue...... 一群人正朝着这边走来,都是曾经的故人,猴子老虎林战玲珑仙子极火道君龙燃明真桃夭念琦北冥雪…… Yan Beichen walks hand in hand with a female, is Qin Pianran. 燕北辰与一位女子携手走来,正是秦翩然 The people look at Su Zimo, the happy expression in eye pupil is getting more and more thick, finally cannot bear, ignores others vision laughs loudly. 众人看着苏子墨,眼眸中的笑意越来越浓,终于忍不住,不顾旁人目光的放声大笑起来。 Nothing has a reunion compared with these old friends, reunites in together, is more joyful. 没有什么比这些故人重逢,团聚在一起,更令人欣喜。 Hears here laughter, that Storytelling taoist priest just drops the awakening stick, looks all around, said submissively: This story said that everyone The rivers and the lakes will meet again.” 听到这边的笑声,那个说书道士刚好落下醒木,环顾四周,拱手道:“这个故事讲完了,大家江湖再见。” I missed many, has not heard!” “我错过了好多,还没听到呢!” Some people cannot bear complain. 有人忍不住抱怨道。 The taoist priest abandons heavy/thick ancient books conveniently, said: I said in inside, you took away to look.” 那道士随手扔下一本厚重的古旧书籍,道:“我讲的都在里面了,你们拿去看吧。” Then, the taoist priest pushes through the crowd, ran toward Su Zimo and the others. 说完,道士拨开人群,朝着苏子墨等人跑去。 Before the people gather up, takes that ancient books, some people shout to the back of taoist priest: Hey! Storytelling, how doesn't this book have the name?” 众人凑上前,将那本古旧书籍拿起来,有人冲着道士的背影喊道:“喂!说书的,这本书怎么没有名字?” The taoist priest pats the forehead. 那道士一拍额头。 This ancient book, is Profound Principle Palace previous generation Storyteller, because of Huang Wu (Desolate Martial) set up new Dao, biography of allow the common people to cultivate Martial Dao alone writing. 这本古籍,原本就是玄机宫上一代说书人,因为荒武立道,布武苍生单独撰写的传记。 Previous generation Storyteller had once said that the name of this biography he has not written, because of me does not only know how your future achievement can be. 上一代说书人曾说过,这部传记的名字他没有写,只因我不知道你未来的成就会是怎样。 If I am unable to complete this biography, can only depend on Storyteller of next generation. 若是我无法完成这部传记,就只能靠下一代的说书人 This biography passes to Lin Xuanji here, then has recorded, the name of biography, actually was still the blank. 这部传记传到林玄机这里,便一直记载下去,传记的名字,却仍是空白。 Taoist priests anxiously with people round, is disinclined to think, later said: I do not know how should write, leaves you.” 道士急着与众人回合,也懒得去想,随后说道:“我也不知道该怎么写,留给你们吧。” The people are slightly disappointed. 众人略显失望。 Listened is so long, then finished like this, the people always thought that the heart was somewhat regrettable, moved. 听了这么久,便这样结束,众人总觉得心底有些遗憾,怅然若失。 Has not walked several steps, the taoist priest lives in the figure, is looking at these people, said: But, before the Huang Wu (Desolate Martial) Saint King incarnation Heavenly Path in book, once had left behind a few words in this piece of between Heaven and Earth.” 没走几步,道士又顿住身形,回头望着那些人们,道:“不过,书里的这位荒武圣王化身天道前,曾在这片天地间留下过一句话。” This world no one can eternal and undying, ancient not extinguish, I am also same. Reincarnation of Heavenly Dao, the rise and fall sometimes, only hope world Martial Dao prosperous, everyone like the dragon, the chivalry is immortal, imperishable noble spirit!” “这世间没有任何人能永生不死,亘古不灭,我也一样。天道轮回,盛衰有时,惟愿世间武道昌盛,人人如龙,侠义不朽,浩气长存!” Some people hear the mood to surge. 有人听得心情激荡。 Some people are moved to tears. 有人已是热泪盈眶。 Martial Dao is not always a person, but is one group of people, is a civilization , a belief, is an unyielding resistance, indomitable spirit of pressing ahead! Even if at night approaches, so long as the Martial Dao spirit does not extinguish, will then become fire seed, will happen one day, will illuminate the mountains and rivers!” 武道从来都不是一个人,而是一群人,是一种文明,也一种信仰,更是一种不屈抗争,一往无前的精神!纵然黑夜来临,只要武道精神不灭,便会成为一颗火种,终有一天,会照亮山河!” Huang Wu (Desolate Martial) Saint King has become domination all living things, unique Heavenly Path supreme exist(ence), can be called three worlds to revere alone. But he has not actually yearned, but is the choice establishes the samsara, opens the great antiquity, rebuilds the order, gave back to creatures of myriad clans Three Thousand Worlds, gave Heaven and Earth all living things everyone such as the opportunity of dragon. 荒武圣王已经成为凌驾众生,超脱天道无上存在,称得上三界独尊。可他却没有留恋,而是选择建立轮回,开辟洪荒,重建秩序,将三千世界还给了万族生灵,才给了天地众生人人如龙的机会。 I listen to Storytelling before had once raised an trigram shape, what uses nine, sees a group of people without a leader, lucky, concealment this intent?” “我听说书的之前曾提过一种卦象,什么用九,见群龙无首,吉,是不是也隐含此意呢?” Practices that realm, is three worlds reveres alone, no one can shake his position, but restrains own innermost feelings, discards all, is rarest.” “修炼到那个境界,已是三界独尊,没有人能撼动他的地位,但克制住自己的内心,舍弃一切,才最难得。” Huang Wu (Desolate Martial) Saint King incarnation Heavenly Path, soul dissipates, but he most precious thing will remain, encourages the later generation, inherits ten thousand world, that is the Martial Dao spirit that eternal does not extinguish! „ 荒武圣王化身天道,魂魄消散,可他却将最宝贵的东西留了下来,激励后人,传承万世,那便是永恒不灭的武道精神!“ Storytelling! „ 说书的!“ A child as if thinks of anything, squeezes out the crowd, pursues continuously several steps, slightly panting for breath, is looking at the back that Storyteller is going far away to shout: Your this book called eternal Saint King ?” 一位孩童似乎想到什么,挤出人群,连续追赶几步,微微喘息着,望着说书人远去的背影喊道:“你这本书就叫永恒圣王,好吗?” Good.” “好啊。” Storyteller should say with a smile, turns away from the people, waves to say goodbye, walks side-by-side with the front these people, vanishes in the Grand Dao end gradually...... 说书人笑着应道,背对众人,挥手道别,与前面那些人并肩而行,渐渐消失在大道尽头…… The book ends. 全书完。
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