ESK :: Volume #34

#3378: Destruction!

Saint King of Reincarnation said right. 轮回圣王说的没错。 Su Zimo's soul is in Humans Book, the Saint King of Reincarnation thought moves, then can suppress him! 苏子墨的魂魄位列人书之中,轮回圣王意念一动,便能将他压制住! He is unable to contend with Saint King of Reincarnation! 他根本无法与轮回圣王抗衡! Evil Lord, Mountain Leader and Chaotic Era's Great Sage numerous positions under the Saint King of Reincarnation pressure, is incapable of revolting. 邪主山长混世大圣众位在轮回圣王的威压之下,也无力反抗。 The both sides disparity was too big! 双方差距太大了! Below various Saint looks at this, is helpless. 下方的诸圣看着这一幕,也都无能为力。 Saint King of Reincarnation looks to the people, indifferently said: Wielding Heaven, Earth and Human three books, I then controlled Three Thousand Worlds. This piece of between Heaven and Earth, no one can fight with me, even if you put together are still useless.” 轮回圣王看向众人,淡淡道:“执掌‘天地人’三书,我便掌控了三千世界。这片天地间,就没有任何人能与我争锋,就算你们加在一起也是无用。” Good that you said.” “你说的不错。” Su Zimo resists the tremendous pressure that soul is transmitting diligently, clenches teeth saying: But the person, jumps out of three worlds, outside of the Five Elements, does not enter the samsara, is not in your Humans Book!” 苏子墨努力抵抗着魂魄传来的巨大压力,咬牙说道:“但有一个人,跳出三界,不在五行,不入轮回,更不在你人书之内!” Finishes speaking, Great Thousandfold World under transmits a loud sound! 话音刚落,大千世界的下方传来一声巨响! Rumble! 轰隆隆! Earth-shattering! 天崩地裂! One group of purple light of fire break open the Great Thousandfold World barrier, carries the Saint King of Reincarnation pressure, in the reverse direction however is good, in an instant, then arrives above Great Thousandfold World! 一团紫色火光破开大千世界的壁垒,扛着轮回圣王的威压,逆势而行,转眼间,便来到大千世界之上! light of fire diverges, appears has together the form. 火光散去,显化出一道身影。 Comes the person black haired purple robe, in two is burning two groups of purple flame, the body is lending a vast mysterious aura , without the light is not dark, without beginning or end, exceeds space-time, dominates three worlds! 来人黑发紫袍,两眼中燃烧着两团紫色火焰,身上散发着一种浩瀚神秘的气息,无光无暗,无始无终,超越时空,凌驾三界 Martial Dao main body arrives! 武道本尊降临! The Martial Dao main body Highest Beginning universe, has stabilized. 武道本尊太始宇宙,已经稳定下来。 In the Highest Beginning universe, under his thought guidance, even evolves six Highest Beginning's Origin Spirit. 太始宇宙中,在他的意念引导下,甚至演化出六位太始元灵 Naturally, these six Highest Beginning's Origin Spirit were just born, is limited to his help. 当然,这六位太始元灵才刚刚诞生,对他的帮助有限。 But this means that Martial Dao main body strength, already above six Highest Beginning's Origin Spirit! 但这意味着,武道本尊的力量,已经在六位太始元灵之上! Even if Saint King of Reincarnation wields Heaven, Earth and Human three books, the strength of his still war! 即便轮回圣王执掌‘天地人’三书,他也有一战之力! Saint King of Reincarnation with the aid of three books, controls Three Thousand Worlds. 轮回圣王借助三书,掌控三千世界 But Martial Dao main body is the Highest Beginning universe. 武道本尊就是太始宇宙。 The Highest Beginning universe was just born, the strength compared with evolves the endless years compared with the nature Three Thousand Worlds. 太始宇宙才刚刚诞生,力量比不过自然比不过演化无尽岁月的三千世界 But Saint King of Reincarnation Three Thousand Worlds, presented the fissure after all. 轮回圣王三千世界,毕竟出现了裂痕。 The resistance of Highest Beginning universe and Three Thousand Worlds, can actually be what result, no one knows. 太始宇宙与三千世界的对抗,究竟会是什么结果,谁都不知道。 This is an unprecedented showdown! 这是一场前所未有的对决! Sees Martial Dao main body to come, the Saint King of Reincarnation look is tranquil, is not accidental/surprised. 看到武道本尊现身,轮回圣王神色平静,并不意外。 It seems like, you went out of your say/way.” “看来,你走出自己的道了。” Saint King of Reincarnation smiles, said: She has not misread the person.” 轮回圣王笑了笑,道:“她没看错人。” Un?” “嗯?” Su Zimo gawked, but also without he inquired, then listens to Saint King of Reincarnation to continue saying: Matter that only pitifully, I must do, your Martial Dao True Body cannot block!” 苏子墨愣了一下,还没等他询问,便听轮回圣王继续说道:“只可惜,我要做的事,你这具武道真身也拦不住!” Saint King of Reincarnation vision greatly rises, erupts huge incomparable divine thought, floods into Heaven, Earth and Human in three books! 轮回圣王目光大盛,爆发出一股庞大无匹的神念,涌入‘天地人’三书之中! Buzz! 嗡! Heavenly Book spreads unceasingly, almost must camouflage Great Thousandfold World. 天书不断蔓延,几乎要遮蔽大千世界 Humans Book as if cannot withstand this strength, the innumerable pages all scatter in the midair, is blooming every pages the dark ray, 人书似乎承受不住这种力量,无数书页全部散落在半空中,每一页都绽放着幽暗光芒、 Earth Book sways unceasingly, Kingdom of the Underworld the earth quaked and the mountains shook, many palaces are collapsing! 地书不断摇晃,阴曹地府地动山摇,诸多宫殿都在倒塌! Three books also erupt, this strength, may be called destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth! 三书同时爆发,这股力量,堪称毁天灭地 The Martial Dao main body mind big quake, drinks one lowly: Samsara, actually you must make anything!” 武道本尊心神大震,低喝一声:“轮回,你究竟要做什么!” The Saint King of Reincarnation present stance, does not seem like must with his showdown, but wants...... to destroy Three Thousand Worlds! 轮回圣王如今的架势,根本不像是要与他对决,而是要……毁灭三千世界 Su Zimo realizes a matter suddenly. 苏子墨突然意识到一件事。 All that if Saint King of Reincarnation makes, for Saint King of Life, he destroy Three Thousand Worlds, then had the sufficient reason. 如果说,轮回圣王所做的一切,是为了生命圣王,那他毁灭三千世界,便有了充足的理由。 Because, Saint King of Life resisted with Three Thousand Worlds in the past falls from the sky! 因为,当年生命圣王是与三千世界对抗才陨落的! If Highest Beginning's Origin Spirit, or Heavenly Dao's Saint King, is unable to destroy Three Thousand Worlds. 如果是太始元灵,或是天道圣王,根本无法毁灭三千世界 Past Primal Chaos' Azure Lotus and Saint King of Life collaborated, made several fissures Three Thousand Worlds. 当年的混沌青莲生命圣王联手,也只是将三千世界打出几道裂痕。 But present Saint King of Reincarnation, truly has this ability. 但如今的轮回圣王,确实拥有这个能力。 Heaven, Earth and Human three books, almost include entire Three Thousand Worlds, includes myriad things all living things, Heavenly Path, Grand Dao and living of myriad clans all living things and dies, is one of them. 天地人’三书,几乎囊括整個三千世界,包罗万物众生,天道大道万族众生的生和死,都在其中。 Detonation Heaven, Earth and Human three books, may the destruction present the fissure Three Thousand Worlds! 引爆‘天地人’三书,就有可能毁灭已经出现裂痕的三千世界 The Martial Dao main body look is dignified. 武道本尊神色凝重。 This is the process that is unable to reverse. 这是一个无法逆转的过程。 If, lets him and Saint King of Reincarnation showdown war, both who wins who loses, but also cannot know. 如果,让他与轮回圣王对决大战,两者谁胜谁负,还未可知。 But if Saint King of Reincarnation must destroy Three Thousand Worlds, at his current strength, is unable to prevent. 轮回圣王若是要毁灭三千世界,以他目前的力量,根本无法阻挡。 Moreover, destruction of Three Thousand Worlds, means that all lives in Three Thousand Worlds, will fall from the sky, including various Saint, with numerous position Great Sage. 而且,三千世界的毁灭,也意味着三千世界中的所有生灵,都将陨落,包括诸圣,和众位大圣 No one can escape by luck. 没有人能幸免。 The so terrifying strength, Saint King of Reincarnation cannot withstand. 如此恐怖的力量,就连轮回圣王自己也承受不住。 Similarly, Martial Dao main body is not good. 同样,武道本尊也不行。 Saint King of Reincarnation has saved must die the heart, he not only need draw everyone to be buried along with the dead, must ruin entire Three Thousand Worlds! 轮回圣王早已存了必死之心,他不仅要拉着所有人陪葬,更要葬送掉整个三千世界 This is Saint King of Reincarnation final crazy! 这就是轮回圣王最后的疯狂! Evil Lord, Mountain Leader and the others also realized that this matter, heart Central Capital surges a deep powerless feeling. 邪主山长等人也意识到这件事,心中都涌起一阵深深的无力感。 When between Heaven and Earth is born does not have any strength balance expert, once this expert falls into crazily, everyone will face a catastrophe! 天地间诞生一位没有任何力量制衡的强者时,一旦这位强者陷入疯狂,所有人都将面临一场浩劫! Heaven and Earth all living things can do, only then waits for arrival of doomsday. 天地众生能做的,只有等待末世的降临。 between Heaven and Earth. 天地间 Has lover two to grip tightly in the same place ; 有恋人两手紧紧握在一起; Some parents child tight hugging in bosom, in a soft voice comfort ; 有父母将孩子紧紧的抱在怀中,轻声安慰; Some person of looks despair, shed bitter tears ; 有人神色绝望,痛哭流涕; Also some people close the eyes, waiting last minute arrival...... 也有人闭上双眼,等待最后一刻的到来…… Under catastrophe, all living things hundred condition. 浩劫之下,众生百态。 At this moment, seems incomparably long. 这一刻,好似无比漫长。 Su Zimo and Dié Yue heart consanance, looks simultaneously to the opposite party. 苏子墨蝶月心有灵犀,同时看向对方。 Two people smile. 两人相视一笑。 This, they once were also imposing, finally arrives at the same place, this was then enough. 这一世,他们也曾轰轰烈烈,最终走到一起,这便足够了。 Heaven, Earth and Human three books blast open thoroughly, erupt the terrifying power of sweeping across Three Thousand Worlds, destroys all, various Saint, Great Sage cannot resist completely, changes into one group of bloody mist quickly. 天地人’三书彻底炸裂,爆发出一股席卷三千世界的恐怖力量,毁灭一切,诸圣、大圣完全抵挡不住,很快化为一团血雾 myriad clans all living things cannot withstand, vanished in a puff of smoke instantaneously! 万族众生更加不堪,瞬间灰飞烟灭! The innumerable lives are on the wane. 无数生命在凋零。 The mountains land is shattered. 山川大地都在破灭。 Su Zimo as Heavenly Dao's Saint King, supports the moment, was swallowed to submerge by this terrifying strength, body dies and Dao disappears! 苏子墨身为天道圣王,也只是多支撑片刻,便被这股恐怖的力量吞噬淹没,身死道消 Also has not known how long, during is void, is only left over two forms. 也不知过了多久,虚空之中,就只剩下两道身影。 Martial Dao main body and Saint King of Reincarnation. 武道本尊轮回圣王 Saint King of Reincarnation deep looked at Martial Dao main body, as before is that somewhat strange look. 轮回圣王深深的看了一眼武道本尊,依旧是那种有些奇怪的眼神。 Martial Dao main body does not have the thoughts and time understood. 武道本尊没有心思和时间去理解。 Three Thousand Worlds also disrupts at the avalanche! 三千世界也在崩塌碎裂! The strength of this destruction, in the Three Thousand Worlds ruins of being shattered, starts the numerous storms, tears into shreds Saint King of Reincarnation! 这种毁灭的力量,在破灭的三千世界废墟中,掀起重重风暴,将轮回圣王撕碎! Martial Dao main body at this storm center, is avoidless! 武道本尊处在这处风暴中心,也无法避免! But he had not given up. 但他仍未放弃。 He also has the last choice. 他还有最后一个选择。 Detonates the Highest Beginning universe on own initiative, resists the Three Thousand Worlds destruction storm at this strength. 主动引爆太始宇宙,以这种力量来对抗三千世界的毁灭风暴。 In the explosions of two big universes , to continue to evolve above two great world ruins, traces the universe origin! 在两大宇宙的爆炸中,在两大世界的废墟之上继续演化,追溯宇宙起源! If can evolve more primitive, more ancient first layer universe, then may obtain the new life in the Three Thousand Worlds destruction storm! 如果能演化出更原始,更古老一层的宇宙,便有可能在三千世界的毁灭风暴中获得新生! If unable to deduce, his consciousness will also belong to quietly, body dies and Dao disappears. 如果无法推演出来,那他的意识也将归于沉寂,身死道消 Before then, Martial Dao main body can successfully evolve three times, benefits in Three Thousand Worlds originally exist(ence) the powerful life, the dao law trace. 在这之前,武道本尊能三次成功演化,都得益于三千世界中原本存在的强大生灵,道法痕迹。 But before Highest Beginning universe, is actually what appearance, no one can give him the answer. 太始宇宙之前,究竟是什么样子,没有人能给他答案。 Then, can only deduce by he himself. 接下来,只能靠他自己去推演。 Martial Dao main body does not have the clue. 武道本尊并非毫无头绪。 After he evolves the Highest Beginning universe, then starts to comb own dao law. 就在他演化出太始宇宙之后,便开始重新梳理自己的道法 He 3,000 Grand Daos holding up Martial Origin World, is called primal chaos. 他将三千大道撑起元武世界,称为‘太极’。 This first rank section Martial Origin World, beginning Yin-Yang the minute/share, evolves the myriad things. 一阶段的元武世界,阴阳初分,演化万物。 Afterward, 3,000 Grand Daos is shattered, changes into piece of Heaven and Earth not to divide, boundless remote Primal Chaos Universe. 随后,三千大道破灭,化为一片天地未分,茫茫渺渺的混沌宇宙 In primal chaos (hun dun), the birth Yin-Yang light is dark, Yin-Yang cross coupling, birthed by transformation Five Elements. 混沌之中,诞生阴阳光暗,阴阳交感,化生五行 This first rank section, Martial Dao calls it sulphathiazol. 一阶段,武道称之为‘太素’。 Then, the sulphathiazol universe is shattered, evolves one piece not to have the material, not to have the life, not to have the Grand Dao universe. 接下来,太素宇宙破灭,演变成一片没有物质、没有生命、没有大道的宇宙。 Not having the light is not dark, without beginning or end, but there is a fuzzy embryonic form. 无光无暗,无始无终,只是有一个模糊的雏形。 This is a visible no qualitative universe. 这是一个有形无质的宇宙。 This first rank section, Martial Dao main body calls it Highest Beginning. 一阶段,武道本尊称之为‘太始’。 Again later, may be born a more ancient original stone universe, invisible also does not have the nature! 再之后,或许会诞生一个更加古老原石的宇宙,无形亦无质! Not only does not have any material, any shape shape does not have, even if involved, cannot see, unable to feel, cannot feel. 不但没有任何物质,就连任何形态形状都没有,哪怕身在其中,也看不见,摸不着,感受不到。 This first rank section, Martial Dao main body calls it the absolute beginning. 一阶段,武道本尊称之为‘太初’。 But actually whether to have the absolute beginning exist(ence), how the absolute beginning can be, no one knows. 但究竟是否有‘太初’的存在,‘太初’又会是怎样,没有人知晓。 Three Thousand Worlds is shattered, myriad things destruction, in empty universe, does not have any life trace, does not have any sound. 三千世界破灭,万物毁灭,空荡荡的宇宙中,没有任何生命痕迹,也没有任何声音。 Dark, ice-cold and alone. 幽暗、冰冷、孤寂。 One thought that tried to find out in the darkness slowly, leads the way alone...... 只有一点意念,在黑暗中慢慢摸索,独自前行……
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