The young girlsarrive atthatcrowd of eyefloodred lightin front ofbeast, thatcrowd of beaststoptearing and bitingimmediately, is looking at the look of young girl, revealsmeaning of the flattering.
少女来到那群眼泛红光的畜生面前,那群畜生顿时停止撕咬,望着少女的眼神,都流露出一丝讨好之意。If notpersonallysees, whocanbelieve,at presentthisseems like the human and animalsharmlessyoung girl, is controltrillioncrazedbeastEvil Emperor!
The Martial Dao main bodyvisiontransferredon the body of Demon LordEvil Emperor, looking pensive.武道本尊目光在魔主邪帝的身上转了一圈,若有所思。
The body of Demon LordandEvil Emperor, had a bigchange.魔主和邪帝的身上,都发生了不小的变化。Demon Lordis no longer old.魔主不再苍老。Evil Emperorhas also grown up.邪帝也已经长大。Butthiscondition, not seeming like the Demon LordEvil Emperornormal state.
但这种状态,似乎并非是魔主邪帝的常态。Otherwise, two peopledo not needto turn into the oldchildhoodthemselves the appearance.
否则,两人没必要把自己变成苍老幼年的模样。Ortwo peoplebodiesoncehad the giantaccident, will causeold and decrepit, anotherbecomesjust like the youngchild.
或者说,两人的身上曾发生巨大的变故,才会导致一个老态龙钟,另一个变得宛如稚童。Demon Lordhad once disclosed that theycome fromGreat Thousandfold World!魔主曾透露过,他们这些人都来自大千世界!Perhaps, Demon LordEvil Emperoroncecaused heavy lossesinGreat Thousandfold World, is woundedto drop, turns into the beforehandcondition.
或许,魔主邪帝曾在大千世界遭到重创,负伤跌落下来,才变成之前的状态。Demon LordEvil Emperorwantsto cut down the day, the biggestgoal, isto return toGreat Thousandfold World!魔主邪帝想要伐天,最大的目的,就是要重返大千世界!Demon LordEvil Emperortwo peoplereceiveitwound, isn't ableto recoverinMedium Thousandfold World?魔主邪帝两人所受之伤,在中千世界无法痊愈?Looks at their conditions, shouldreturn to consciousness just before dyingsimilarly, how longperhapscould not support, mustrestoreto the appearance of oldyoungchild.
In Martial Dao main bodyhesitates, NortheastAutumn Heaven, northwestNether Heaven, southwestVermilion Heaven, southeastYang Heaven, is located in the centralHonoured Heavenarmy, has arrivedone after anotherinMedium Thousandfold World!
就在武道本尊沉吟之际,东北方向的旻天,西北方向的幽天,西南方向的朱天,东南方向的阳天,还有位于中央的钧天大军,都已陆续降临在中千世界!EightLords of Heavenly Court, arrivesall!
轰!Instarry sky, splits the three dao (path)abyss.星空中,裂开第三道深渊。Rakshasa Clan that lives the pair of wingsinnumerably, in the mouthsends outYaksha Clan that onecries out strangelyintermittently, flewfrom the abyss, the lookis fierce, the visionis savage, the whole bodyis lending the cruelaura!
无数生有双翼的罗刹族,口中发出一阵阵怪叫的夜叉族,从深渊中飞了出来,神色狰狞,目光凶残,浑身散发着暴戾气息!Martial Dao main bodyonceinHungry Ghosts Path, has looked atTen Rakshasa Lady, comesin abundance.武道本尊曾在饿鬼道中,看过的十罗刹女,也纷纷现身。
The knotties upRakshasa Lady, the left handholds the scroll sutra, the right handaccording to the sword.
结缚罗刹女,左手持经卷,右手按剑。TotyingRakshasa Lady, both handsholdgold/metalBo.
离结罗刹女,双手托着金钹。Rakshasa Lady Shiji, graspsflower cage.施积罗刹女,手持花笼。uses/givesblackRakshasa Lady, was sentRakshasa Lady, does not haveRakshasa Lady, holdsmagnificenceRakshasa Lady, whereRakshasa Lady, Rakshasa Maiden.
还有施黑罗刹女,被发罗刹女,无着罗刹女,持华罗刹女,何所罗刹女,素女罗刹。Ten Rakshasa Lady, is completely Pinnacle Emperor!十罗刹女,全部都是巅峰帝君!Nine Nethers Great Emperor, oncewasRakshasa Maiden in Ten Rakshasa Lady!九幽大帝,就曾是十罗刹女中的素女罗刹!BesidesTen Rakshasa Lady, Eight Great Yaksha.
除了十罗刹女之外,还有八大夜叉。treasurevirtueYaksha, fullvirtuousYaksha, dispersesYaksha, prestigegodYaksha, shouldreadYaksha, greatlyfullYaksha, greatstrengthYaksha, densestrictYaksha.
宝贤夜叉,满贤夜叉,散支夜叉,威神夜叉,应念夜叉,大满夜叉,巨力夜叉,密严夜叉。Eight Great Yaksha, isPinnacle Emperor, has the manager, isextraordinary strength, savagetyrannicaldisciple!八大夜叉,也都是巅峰帝君,更有所长,均是力大无穷,凶残暴虐之徒!AfterTen Rakshasa LadyEight Great Yaksha, the starry skyendsurgesto comebigblackfog.
在十罗刹女八大夜叉之后,星空尽头涌动而来一大片黑雾。In the infiniteblackfog, an old woman'sformis partly visible.
在无穷的黑雾中,一位老妪的身影若隐若现。Waits forthisgroup of blackfogto arrive at the near, allblackfogenterbythatold womanare swallowedin the entrance.
等这团黑雾来到近前,所有的黑雾进入被那个老妪吞入口中。Underglare of the public eye, thisold womanface glowing with health, turns intooneto wear the black robe, the whole bodysends out the beautifulwoman who is attracting the auramaturely.
在众目睽睽之下,这位老妪容光焕发,变成一个身穿黑袍,浑身散发着成熟魅惑气息的美妇。Brahma Ghost Motherarrives!梵天鬼母抵达!Hence, eightLords of Heavenly Courtcome.
至此,八位天庭之主现身。six paths, lord of Brahma Ghost MotherGhosts Path, lord of Demon LordAsura Path, Lord of the Beasts PathEvil Emperoralsoallarrives!六道这边,鬼道之主梵天鬼母,阿修罗道之主魔主,畜生道之主邪帝也全部抵达!
If countedMedium Thousandfold WorldMartial Dao main bodyandDié Yue, incamp that cuts down the day, Great Emperoronly thenfive, were still less than Heavenly CourteightGreat Emperor!
The Brahma Ghost Motherbeautifulpupilglance, lookstoMartial Dao main bodyandDié Yue, suddenlysmiles, said: „Twoifjust nowcanshow mercy, perhapsFengdu can also tread the laststep, cutsthree corpsesproved the DaoGreat Emperor, wecut down the day the odds of successalsoto be many a point.”梵天鬼母美眸一瞥,看向武道本尊和蝶月,突然笑了笑,道:“两位方才若是能手下留情,或许酆都也能踏出最后一步,斩三尸证道大帝,咱们伐天的胜算就又多了一分。”Brahma Ghost Motherthissayingsaidpolitely, butimplication, is discontentedwithMartial Dao main bodyandDié Yue.梵天鬼母这话说得客气,但言外之意,还是在对武道本尊和蝶月不满。Just, sheis also clear, at presentWar of Slaying the Heavensnears, Fengduhas died, does not needthereforesplitswithMartial Dao main bodyandDié Yue.
突然!Martial Dao main bodyandDié Yuealsoknit the brows, lookonecold.武道本尊和蝶月同时皱了皱眉,神色一冷。
The Asuraarmynumerouscrazedbeastarmiesrun out of the abyss, under the shock and awe of Demon LordandEvil Emperor, calculates the rigid discipline, has not acted rashly.阿修罗大军众多丧心病狂的畜生大军冲出深渊,在魔主和邪帝的震慑之下,都算纪律严明,并未轻举妄动。ButRakshasa Clan and Yaksha Clanarmy, runs out of the abyss, arrivesafterMedium Thousandfold World, has not actually been idling.
但罗刹族和夜叉族的大军,冲出深渊,降临在中千世界之后,却没闲着。InnumerousYaksha Claneyesglittersis being addicted to the blood lightglow, the figuremoves, is occupying the creatures of myriad clansstarsandplanestoward the nearbyrushes over, murderous-looking!
众多夜叉族眼中闪烁着嗜血光芒,身形一动,朝着附近居住着万族生灵的星辰和界面冲了过去,杀气腾腾!Rakshasa Clan, the Yaksha Claninstinctis savage, tyrannicalbloodthirsty.罗刹族,夜叉族天性凶残,暴虐嗜杀。Let alone, passingseveralepochWar of Slaying the Heavens, theyarrive atMedium Thousandfold World, firstgreetsunder the forcingseduction of Heavenly Court, Three Thousand Worlds that is forcedto enter the war.
更何况,过往几个纪元的伐天之战,他们来到中千世界,最先迎接的就是在天庭的逼迫诱惑下,被迫参战的三千界。Therefore, thiscrowd of Rakshasa ClanYaksha ClanleaveGhost Realm, arrivesinthisplace, preparedopen slaughter!
所以,这群罗刹族夜叉族离开鬼界,降临在此地,就准备好了大开杀戒!Thatnearbystarsandplanes, no onecanresistslaughtering of thiscrowd of Rakshasa ClanandYaksha Clan!
那附近的星辰和界面,根本没有人能抵挡住这群罗刹族和夜叉族的杀戮!Not is only Martial Dao main bodyandDié Yue, Brahma Ghost Motherobviouslyalsonoticesthis.
不光是武道本尊和蝶月,梵天鬼母明显也注意到这一幕。Butsheactuallyturns a blind eye, does not have the meaning of stop, stilltalkedwithMartial Dao main bodyandDié Yue.
The Dié Yuelookis faint, suddenlyopens the mouth, said: „Youbestmanage wellyourgroup of clansmen, ifyoucannot provide lodging, Iwill helpyoumanage.”蝶月神色淡漠,突然开口,道:“你最好管好你那群族人,如果你管不住,我会帮你管。”„What did yousay?”
The Brahma Ghost Mothereyebrowpeakselects, narrows the eyesbad, the complexionis staring atDié Yue, askedslowly: „Are youthreateningme?”梵天鬼母眉峰一挑,眯起双眼,脸色不善的盯着蝶月,缓缓问道:“你在威胁我?”WhileDié Yueopens the mouth, Martial Dao main bodyhas been gazing atto guard againstDemon Lord.
就在蝶月开口的同时,武道本尊一直在注视防备着魔主。Martial Dao main bodybelieves,Evil Emperorshouldnot toleratesubordinatebeastarmyto slaughter innocents.武道本尊相信,邪帝应该不会纵容麾下的畜生大军滥杀无辜。
But actually Demon Lordwill havewhat kind ofaction, heacts bashfulerratically.
但魔主究竟会有怎样的举动,他拿捏不定。Two peoplehave the commongoal, goes on a punitive expedition againstHeavenly Court!
两人有着共同的目的,征伐天庭!Demon Lordwantsto win overhim, oruseshim, goes on a punitive expedition againstHeavenly Court.魔主想要拉拢他,或者说是利用他,征伐天庭。Buthewantsto defeatHeavenly Court, mustuseDemon LordEvil Emperorherestrength.
而他想要打败天庭,也要利用魔主邪帝这边的力量。Alsobecause of this, two peoplecancooperatetemporarily.
也正因为如此,两人可以暂时合作。Butcooperation between both sides, is unreliable.
但双方之间的合作关系,并不牢固。After all, difference.
毕竟,道不同。Brahma Ghost Motherhad not prevented the meaning of subordinateRakshasa ClanandYaksha Clan, butlooking at steadilyis staring atDié Yue, spookysaying: „Youbestwantto be clear,youare speakingtowhom!”梵天鬼母仍没有阻止麾下罗刹族和夜叉族的意思,只是目不转睛的盯着蝶月,幽幽的说道:“你最好想清楚,你在跟谁说话!”Dié Yuejusttone, makinginherheartbe angry!蝶月刚刚的语气,让她心中大怒!ThisMedium Thousandfold WorldBlood Butterfly, is in front oftheir, suppressedFengdu, for the general situation, sheendures.
这个中千世界的血蝶,当着他们的面,镇压了酆都,为了大局,她忍下也就罢了。Now, thisonly does Blood Butterflydareto speaktoherunexpectedlylike this?
如今,这只血蝶居然敢这样对她说话?TheninGreat Thousandfold World, how manypeoplealsothere areto dareto threatenher?
便是在大千世界,又有几人敢威胁她?Even ifsherestores the peakbattle strength1/10strengths, killsthisonlyBlood Butterfly, likebeing run over and dyingantsis so simple!
轰!Saw that crowd of murderous-lookingRakshasa ClanYaksha Clanwill soon arrive innearbystarsplanes, Dié Yuenotwith the Brahma Ghost Motheridle talk, actsdirectly!
“尔敢!”Brahma Ghost Mothergawked.梵天鬼母楞了一下。
When herdidn’t expect, eightLords of Heavenly Courthave arrived, eyes covetously, cuts down the daynears, forthisBlood ButterflyGreat Emperorstillants on severalstars, mustherfight!
轰!both sidesput togetheronein the midairhardly, erupts a loud sound!
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