The life in thatpiece of land, does not know that hadanything.
那片大地上的生灵,根本不知道发生了什么。Somediedin the sleep, somefall from the skyinstartled, somediedin the fear......
有的在睡梦中死去,有的在惊慌中陨落,有的在恐惧中死亡……Somelives, before the point of death, is staring the eyes.
有的生灵,直到临死前,都瞪着双眼。Whole facepuzzled, is unwillingandhave doubts, panic-stricken, dies with injustice unredressed.
满脸的不解、不甘、疑惑,惊恐,死不瞑目。„Father, mother, youhow!”
A 4 or 5-year-oldchild, before looking at the body, on the faceis covering the death qiclose relative, great shout.
一个四五岁的孩童,望着身前脸上笼罩着死气的至亲,大声呼喊着。Thiswomen'swhole facedoes not abandon, but alsowantsto stretch out the palm, wipes the teardrops of childcorner of the eyegently, mayjustlift the hand, does not have the physical strength, poursbefore the body of child, the vitalitydissipates.
The childrenputparents'body, wept and wailedloudly, is still not actually ableto save the closelife.
孩童扑在父母的身上,大声哭喊,却依然无法挽回至亲的生命。In a while, the weeping sound of childgraduallyis also scattered.
没过多久,孩童的哭声也渐渐稀落。Onhisface, is coveringpiece of death qisimilarly.
The childrenno longersob, butcrushes into the parentalbody the middle, curls upin the arms of parents, did not have the breathgradually.
孩童不再哭泣,而是挤进父母尸体的中间,蜷曲在父母的怀抱中,渐渐没了呼吸。Somecultivatorare sendingdashes about wildlyfully, wantsto fleethisplace.
But where regardless ofhearrives, in the bodyinevitablecontaminationdeath qi, degenerate into a witheredskeletonfinally, poursin the soil,
但不论他走到哪里,身上都不可避免的沾染上一道道死气,最终沦为一具干枯尸骨,倒在泥土中,„Actuallyto haveanything, somepeoplesaveus!”
“究竟发生了什么,有人来救救我们吗!”Inancient city, City Lordis looking in the cityeverywhere the skeleton, loudsadHu.古城中,一位城主望着城池中满地尸骨,大声悲呼。No oneresponded.
没有人回应。Finally, in the topwere many a corpse.
最终,城头上多了一具尸体。„Vault Heavenseesto pity, whymustlowersuchdisaster!”
The innumerablelivesworship on bended kneeson the ground, imploredVault Heaven.
无数生灵跪拜在地上,祈求苍天。Heavenly Worldissores all over the eye, the plunging the people into disaster!天界已是满目疮痍,生灵涂炭!„Divine Spiritfrom Heaven, youmayoncesee,what kind ofcursethislandsare withstanding, what kind ofpainherelifeis bearing, askingyouto intendto rescue!”
“来自上苍的神灵,你可曾看到,这片土地正承受着怎样的诅咒,这里的生灵正承受着怎样的痛苦,求您出手相救!”„Askedvariousday of Buddha Ancestorto manifest a spirit, askingvariousday of Bodhisattvato bless!”
“求诸天佛祖显灵,求诸天菩萨保佑!”„WhereNine Firmaments Immortal Emperor, pleasemake a move, rescuesImmortal Territorythesecultivator!”
The immortal, demon cultivatoralsoormonk, is avoidless, the bodysurgesdeath qi, moves toward the tomb.
The shout, the praying for rescuesound, the wail, interwines.
呼喊声,求救声,哭泣声,交织在一起。Heavenly Worldall living things, placeinboundlessThree Thousand Worlds, whocares?
只是,天界的众生,放在茫茫三千界中,又有谁在乎?Except fortrueGreat Emperor, who can heartheirsounds, seesmisery that theywithstand?
The myriad thingswept with grief, the resentmentsoared to the heavens, finallyalarmedinthatperson who instarry skyfell intostruggles hard!
万物悲泣,怨气冲天,终于惊动了正在星空中陷入苦战的那个人!Iftradesto doordinarily, Martial Dao main body can definitely detectearly.
若是换做平常,武道本尊肯定能更早察觉到。Buthewithcultivationsince, is facingmostexpertLord of the Luminous Heavenwar.
但他正与修行至今,面对着最强者皓天之主大战。Branches outpart of mind, controlsHell's ten gates, stabilizes the Sword Worldsituation, has no timeto take into considerationradicallytoo.
还有分出一部分心神,操控地狱十门,稳住剑界的局势,根本无暇顾及太多。Dark, heheardfromdistantHeavenly Worldthatall living thingswails!
A Martial Dao main bodyfistdrives backLord of the Luminous Heaven, turns aroundsuddenly, the visionas ifpenetratesendlessvoid, fallsinland that inHeavenly Worldthatpiece of death qisurrounds.武道本尊一拳将皓天之主逼退,猛然转身,目光仿佛穿透无尽虚空,落在天界那片死气环绕的大地上。„Fengdu, youcourt death!”
The purpleflame in Martial Dao main bodyeyepupil, almostmustspew out, the soundlikethunderclap, spreads overThree Thousand Worldseachcorner, killing intentis dreadful!武道本尊眼眸中的紫焰,几乎要喷涌而出,声如惊雷,传遍三千界的每个角落,杀意滔天!Meanwhile, Lord of the Luminous Heavenalsodetected the Heavenly Worldsituation.
与此同时,皓天之主也察觉到了天界的情况。Heselects the eyebrowslightly.
他只是微微挑眉。Heavenly Worldall living thingslike the ants, the life and deathhedid not care at all.天界众生如蝼蚁,生死他毫不在意。Heis onlysomestrangeHuang Wu (Desolate Martial)standpoints.
他只是有些奇怪荒武的立场。Huang Wu (Desolate Martial)obviouslystandsin the Heavenly Courtopposite, butas if not gatherwithUnderworldthat.荒武明显站在天庭的对面,但似乎又与地府那位不合。Lord of the Luminous Heavennotanxiouslymaking a move, butwatches changes quietly.皓天之主并未急着出手,而是静观其变。„Hahaha!”
The Fengdulaughter, resoundsinHeavenly Worldsuddenly.酆都的笑声,突然在天界中响起。Sincecould not have concealed the truth, hedoes not needto continueto hide.
既然已经瞒不下去,他也就没必要继续隐藏。„Huang Wu (Desolate Martial), whyyoulose one's temper.”
“荒武,你又何必动怒。”Fengdulaughs saying: „Itohelpyou!”酆都大笑道:“我是为了帮你啊!”Bang!
轰!Finishes speaking, Heavenly WorldDemon Territory, Nine Firmaments Immortal Territories and Pure Land of Blissdirectionhas the three dao (path)formto soar, isLord of Six Brahmas, Nine Firmaments Immortal EmperorandWorld Destroying Demonic Emperor.
话音刚落,天界的魔域、九霄仙域、极乐净土的方向有三道身影腾空而起,正是六梵天主,九霄仙帝和灭世魔帝。three corpsesis surroundingrichextremedeath qi, on the faceis the similarfacial expressions, the strangesmile, arrives atsky overHeavenly Worldwear a look, fusesrapidlytogether!三尸身上环绕着浓郁的极点的死气,脸上都是同样的神情,面带诡异微笑,来到天界上空,迅速融合在一起!three corpsesaura, the Martial Dao main bodyprevioustimeseeingis more powerful.三尸的气息,比武道本尊上次看到的还要强大。Fengduunitesforthree corpses, byanotherwayproved the DaoGreat Emperor, realsacrificial refiningHeavenly Worldtrillionlives!酆都为了三尸合一,以另一种方式证道大帝,真的祭炼了天界亿万生灵!
The entireHeavenly Worldsky, appears a gianttomb.
The three corpsesitself/BencutsfromFengdu, the fusionspeedis extremely fast.三尸本就是从酆都身上斩下来的,融合速度极快。In an instant, three corpseshas then combined into one!
转眼之间,三尸便已合而为一!three corpsesunites, becoming a figureis big, the man of whole faceevil aura!三尸合一,成为一个身形高大,满脸邪气的男子!
The spiritlightgrouparrivestogethersuddenlyin the top of the head of thisman, followingtop of the head, is in charge ofsea of consciousness.
The aura of thismanrises suddenlyagain!
After three corpsesfusion, Fengduhas combinedwiththree corpses!三尸融合之后,酆都已经与三尸合二为一!
The Fengduaura, has been close toGreat Emperorinfinitely.酆都的气息,已经无限接近大帝。But alsojust, missedone!
只不过,还差了一丝!three corpseshas not improved!三尸并未完善!„Dyinginsufficientlyare many!”
“死得还不够多!”Fengdugrins fiendishly, stretches out the arms, saidloudly: „Come, makesvariousheavenwitnessmyBury Heavenrebirth!”酆都狞笑一声,张开双臂,大声道:“来吧,就让诸天见证我葬天的重生!”Bang! Bang! Bang!
轰!轰!轰!Under the gaze of innumerablesay/wayvision, inThree Thousand Worlds, there isbigpieceplanesto stick outgiantgravepackages, coverstheseplanesis one of them!
在无数道目光的注视下,三千界中,有大片的界面隆起一座座巨大的坟包,将这些界面笼罩在其中!Bury Heavendao lawarrives, endlessdeath qiencirclement!葬天道法降临,无尽的死气环绕!StandsnumerouspositionEmperorexpertinstarry skyoverlooks, obviouslyThree Thousand Worldsis found in the tomb, has almost become a giantcemetery!
站在星空中的众位帝君强者俯视下去,可见三千界遍布坟茔,几乎已经成为一片巨大的坟场!„Bigwriting skill.”
“好大的手笔。”In the darkshadow, the old womanacclaimedone.
黑暗阴影中,老妪赞叹一声。Manyyearsplan, FengduinThree Thousand Worldseach regionarrangeinnumerabledao lawrunes, has only waitedat this moment, buriesvariousheaven, sacrificial refiningall living things, proved the DaoGreat Emperor!
多年谋划,酆都早已在三千界各地布下无数道法符文,只等此刻,埋葬诸天,祭炼众生,证道大帝!WhateverifFengdugets down, the Three Thousand Worldsmostlifemustbyitsburying, die a violent death!
若是任由酆都施法下去,三千界大半的生灵都要被其埋葬,死于非命!Three Thousand Worldsregionalall living things, did not haveanythingclearly.三千界各地的众生,根本不清楚发生了什么。All living thingssaidrun, wept and wailedloudly.
轰!In the meantime, crashestogetherlike the meteorform, numeroushitswithFengduin the same place!
就在此时,一道如同流星般的身影坠落下来,重重的与酆都撞在一起!Martial Dao main bodyarrivessky overHeavenly World, fights with the fistsFengduMethod.武道本尊降临在天界上空,一拳打断酆都的施法。„Fengdu!”
“酆都!”Martial Dao main bodyvisionpurpleflamecombustion, soundactuallyice-coldincomparable, saidslowly: „Ihave toldyou, makingyouput best into it, do not becomesecondLord of Hell!”武道本尊目光紫焰燃烧,声音却冰冷无比,缓缓道:“我跟你说过,让你好自为之,别成了第二个地狱之主!”Fengduonlyalmost, canproved the DaoGreat Emperor, be brokenbyMartial Dao main bodynow, the complexionis also cloudy.酆都只差一点,就能证道大帝,如今被武道本尊打断,脸色也阴沉下来。„Huang Wu (Desolate Martial)!”
The Fengdutoneis bad, the visionis spooky, saying that coldly: „Youbestwantto be clear, so long asmyproved the DaoGreat Emperor, canhelpyousuppressLord of the Luminous Heaven! don’t tell meyouwantto becomesecondSeamless Great Emperor!”酆都语气不善,目光幽幽,冷冷的说道:“你最好想清楚,只要我证道大帝,就能帮你镇压皓天之主!难道你想成为第二个无间大帝!”In the Martial Dao main bodyheartis angry, simplyhas not listened toFengdu saying that actsagain.武道本尊心中大怒,根本没听酆都说完,再度出手。Hell Suppressing CauldronpoundsruthlesslytowardFengdu!镇狱鼎朝着酆都狠狠砸下去!Bang! Bang! Bang!
轰!轰!轰!Martial Dao main bodyandFengduoutbreak of battle!武道本尊和酆都爆发大战!AlthoughFengduhas not becometrueGreat Emperor, but after three corpsesfusion, has been close toGreat Emperorfleshly bodyinfinitely, coordinates the Great Emperorrankagainprimordial spirit, Martial Dao main body, althoughgets the winning side, suddenlyis also harditssuppression.酆都虽然没有成为真正的大帝,但三尸融合之后,已经无限接近大帝肉身,再配合大帝级别的元神,武道本尊虽占据上风,一时间也难以将其镇压。In the meantime, in the Martial Dao main bodyheartwarning lightsflashesfor the first time.
The sharp weaponair-splitting, has not arrivedtogether, hefelt after the brain, pains!
一道利器破空,还未降临,他就感到脑后隐隐作痛!Hell Suppressing CauldronjustpoundedtoFengdu, hemoves asidewithout enough time, can only backhand a fist, hitstobehind!镇狱鼎刚刚砸向酆都,他来不及躲闪,只能反手一拳,打向身后!Pū!
The bloody waterscatters!
A long sword, pierces the fist of Martial Dao main body.
The entirearm, was piercedbythissword, stirsbroken, flesh and blood flying in all directions!
整条手臂,都被这一剑洞穿,搅碎,血肉横飞!ThatwasLord of the Luminous Heavenblessing the dao imprintsharp sword.
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