ESK :: Volume #32

#3154: Offers a sacrifice to the flag to set up the prestige

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Su Zimo has not paid attention to Azure Flame Emperor, but looks to sit Vault Heaven Patrol Angel on seat of honor, the look is tranquil, asks: Why Heavenly Court must block Medium Thousandfold World, stops up myriad clans flying upward's road?” 苏子墨并未理会青炎帝君,而是看着坐在主位上的苍天巡天使,神色平静,问道:“天庭为何要封锁中千世界,堵住万族飞升之路?” Vault Heaven Patrol Angel selects the eyebrow slightly. 苍天巡天使微微挑眉。 This matter, is the extremely secret matter, even all planes Emperor expert, without many people knows. 这件事,本是极为隐秘之事,即便是各方界面的帝君强者,都没多少人知道。 Realm of the Mandate of Heavens does not allow Medium Thousandfold World to discuss, does not allow some people to mention this time. 奉天界不允许中千世界议论,也不允许有人提及此时。 Probably Northern Kun Emperor Southern Peng Emperor Frost Dragon Emperor and the others hearing this, is the look moves, is obviously somewhat moved! 像是北鲲帝君南鹏帝君冰霜龙帝等人闻言,都是神色一动,明显有所触动! They as side World Lord, moreover inherits several epoch superior world, naturally some extremely secret inheritance. 他们作为一方界主,而且是传承数个纪元超级大界,自然有些极为隐秘的传承。 Although several not clear special details, but in the heart also has a general guess. 几位虽然不清楚具体情况,但心中也有个大概的猜测。 „Do you know this matter unexpectedly?” “你竟知道此事?” Vault Heaven Patrol Angel smiles. 苍天巡天使笑了笑。 Su Zimo continues saying: I also know, nine heavens as courtyard, massive origin qi of Heaven and Earth blockades that Great Thousandfold World precipitates in Heavenly Court, causes Medium Thousandfold World origin qi to be relatively thin, creatures of myriad clans cultivation, becomes difficultly.” 苏子墨继续说道:“我还知道,九天为庭,将大千世界沉淀下来的大量天地元气封锁在天庭之内,才导致中千世界元气相对稀薄,万族生灵修行,也变得困难许多。” Hahaha.” 哈哈哈哈。” Vault Heaven Patrol Angel laughs, asked back: How do you know can?” 苍天巡天使大笑一声,反问道:“你知道又能怎样?” Su Zimo had not replied, but continues to ask: What is the Heavenly Court goal?” 苏子墨并未回答,只是继续问道:“天庭的目的是什么?” „Are you interrogating me?” “你在质问我吗?” Vault Heaven Patrol Angel looks at the Su Zimo's look, full ridicules and ridicule, said with a smile: Your this crowd of Medium Thousandfold World lives, are one flock of ants, is domestic animal that we raise.” 苍天巡天使看着苏子墨的眼神,满是讥讽和嘲弄,笑道:“你们这群中千世界的生灵,就是一群蝼蚁,是我们豢养的牲畜。” As the domestic animal, must have the consciousness of domestic animal, if, you are one day unwilling, wants to jump out of the shackles, waits for your only then slaughters!” “作为牲畜,就要有牲畜的觉悟,如果有一天,你们心有不甘,想要跳出牢笼,等待你们的就只有杀戮!” Since has prepared kill to the last one, Vault Heaven Patrol Angel has not planned to conceal anything. 既然已经准备赶尽杀绝,苍天巡天使也就没打算隐瞒什么。 Vault Heaven Patrol Angel looks to below Northern Kun Emperor, Lord of the Radiance World and the others, supple sound said: Medium Thousandfold World these origin qi of Heaven and Earth, is Heavenly Court rewards to you, you must understand to be content, must understand that feels grateful.” 苍天巡天使看向下方的北鲲帝君,光明界主等人,柔声道:“中千世界的这些天地元气,也是天庭赏赐给你们的,你们要懂得知足,要懂得感恩。” The numerous Medium Thousandfold World Emperor, by the Vault Heaven Patrol Angel ten domestic animals, was insulted to the utmost, Northern Kun Emperor Southern Peng Emperor and the others were unemotional, does not dare to refute, can only suppress the anger in innermost feelings! 众位中千世界的帝君,被苍天巡天使十位牲畜,极尽侮辱,北鲲帝君南鹏帝君等人面无表情,不敢反驳,只能强忍着内心中的愤怒! Lord of the Radiance World sets out hastily, kneels down, said loudly: Thunder rain and dew, is Heaven's Grace, Radiance World engraves on one's memory surely, Heavenly Court but has the obligation, Radiance World numerous position God Clan does not balk at ten thousand deaths!” 光明界主连忙起身,跪倒在地,大声道:“雷霆雨露,俱是天恩,光明界必定铭记于心,天庭但有驱使,光明界众位神族万死不辞!” Let alone is Northern Kun Emperor, the Heavenly Desolate World people feel a nausea, Radiance World some emperors, lower the head slightly, in the eye flashes through wipes the ashamed look. 别说是北鲲帝君,天荒界众人感到一阵恶心,就连光明界的有些帝君,都微微垂首,眼中闪过一抹愧色。 Northern Kun Emperor and the others under the pressure, have to compromise. 北鲲帝君等人迫于压力,不得不妥协。 But servile attitude who Lord of the Radiance World, the complete flattery flattered! 光明界主这边,完全一副阿谀谄媚的奴相! Un.” “嗯。” Vault Heaven Patrol Angel nods slightly, the look is satisfactory, points is kneeling Lord of the Radiance World before body, to praise sighed: Has a look, this came to understand.” 苍天巡天使微微颔首,神色满意,指着跪在身前的光明界主,赞叹道:“诸位看看,这就是觉悟。” Oh, right. „ ,对了。“ Vault Heaven Patrol Angel looks all around, said: Heavenly Desolate World builds truly well, in various immortal palaces compared with it Heavenly Court, has no time to let.” 苍天巡天使环顾四周,道:“天荒界打造得确实不错,比之天庭中的各处仙宫,也不遑多让。” But your flock of ants, life area is similar to Heavenly Court, overstepped one's authority, unpardonably wicked great sin.” “但你们这群蝼蚁,生活的地方天庭相似,就是僭越了,十恶不赦的大罪。” You are the domestic animals, how with life cultivation in such environment?” “你们是牲畜啊,如何配在这样的环境下生活修炼呢?” In the main hall, only has a voice of Vault Heaven Patrol Angel person to reverberate. 大殿之中,只有苍天巡天使一个人的声音在回荡。 No one dares to interpose, the atmosphere constrained the extreme! 没有人敢插话,气氛压抑到了极点! Everyone knows, today will have one to slaughter surely. 谁都知道,今日必定会有一场杀戮。 But no one knows when this slaughters will approach! 但谁都不知道,这场杀戮什么时候会来临! Northern Kun Emperor and the others in hearts, even hopes faintly Vault Heaven Patrol Angel this has said that that slaughters, perhaps can also come late. 北鲲帝君等人的内心中,甚至隐隐希望苍天巡天使就这样一直说下去,那场杀戮,或许也能来得晚一些。 Calculates, the time was also up.” “算一算,时间也差不多了。” In the meantime, Vault Heaven Patrol Angel said suddenly. 就在此时,苍天巡天使突然说道。 Afterward, he looks to the main hall center, look usual Su Zimo, saying of faint smile: Makes me guess, you can also be calm to the present, should expect, some will Sword World people save you?” 随后,他看向大殿中央,神色如常的苏子墨,似笑非笑的说道:“让我猜猜,你到现在还能如此镇定,应该是期待着,剑界会有人来救你吧?” Pitifully, the surroundings were only blocked void, your news cannot pass on.” “只可惜,周围虚空被封锁,你的消息传不出去。” But doesn't matter, I make you look at the Sword World situation.” “但没关系,我让你看一看剑界的情况。” Finishes speaking, Vault Heaven Patrol Angel puts out a transparent water ball from the hand, suddenly throws to the main hall, falls on the above disruption of Heavenly Desolate World, changes into a piece of giant water curtain! 话音刚落,苍天巡天使从手中拿出一个透明的水球,突然扔向大殿外,落在天荒界的上空碎裂,化为一片巨大的水幕! By the water curtain, the people saw nine sword-type mainland unexpectedly, the huge palace group in nine mainland revolving! 透过水幕,众人竟看到了九座剑型大陆,还有九座大陆中间围绕的一座巨大的宫殿群! Through this piece of water curtain, the people see clearly Sword World all! 通过这片水幕,众人将剑界的一切看得清清楚楚! But at this time, in the Sword World nine big sword blade's surroundings, void do not block, is standing dense and numerous cultivator, is better than Heavenly Desolate World outside army, encircled watertight Sword World! 而此时,在剑界九大剑锋的周围,虚空也已经别封锁,站着密密麻麻的修士,远胜过天荒界外面的大军,将剑界围了个水泄不通! Northern Kun Emperor Frost Dragon Emperor and the others the mind big quake, the vision concentrates. 北鲲帝君冰霜龙帝等人心神大震,目光一凝。 Sees only around in Sword World various great formation camps, there is Heavenly Eye World Stone World Golden Crow World, these three superior world Emperor expert, over ten! 只见剑界周围的各大阵营中,有天眼界石界金乌界,这三个超级大界的帝君强者,都超过十尊! In Blood World the person, does not only come cultivator is not many. 还有血界中人,只不过来得修士不多。 These emperors, but also being insufficient lets Northern Kun Emperor for it look changes. 只是这些帝君,还不足以让北鲲帝君为之色变。 Besides these big superior plane emperors, Realm of the Mandate of Heavens expert also on the scene, including six Realm of the Mandate of Heavens lords, more than 100 Emperor expert Commander Mandate of Heavens army! 除了这几大超级界面的帝君之外,奉天界强者也在场,包括六位奉天界主在内,一百余位帝君强者统领奉天大军! In more than 100 Emperor expert front, but also is standing three great formation camps, in the token and main hall of waist the token material quality of Vault Heaven Patrol Angel people are same. 在这一百多位帝君强者的前方,还站着三大阵营,腰间的令牌与大殿中苍天巡天使众人的令牌材质相同。 Just, the characters on three great formation camp tokens, write flame white to be unreliable respectively. 只不过,三大阵营令牌上的字,分别写着炎皓玄。 In three great formation camps, respectively 50 Emperor expert. 大阵营中,各有五十尊帝君强者 In addition Realm of the Mandate of Heavens three big superior plane, Sword World surrounding Emperor number, close to 300 numbers! 再加上奉天界三大超级界面,剑界周围的帝君数量,接近三百之数! Sword World ended! 剑界完了! Northern Kun Emperor Frost Dragon Emperor and the others in the mind, is only left over this thought. 北鲲帝君冰霜龙帝等人的脑海中,就只剩下这一个念头。 300 Emperor expert, push Medium Thousandfold World all planes sufficiently horizontally! 三百尊帝君强者,足以横推中千世界的所有界面 Let alone, is headed by the Heavenly Court Emperor! 更何况,还是以天庭帝君为首! In Sword World, Elder Ironcrown brings numerous position Sword World cultivator also to come in abundance. 剑界之中,铁冠老者带着众位剑界修士也纷纷现身。 By the water curtain, the people can clear seeing, the Elder Ironcrown pale complexion, panic-stricken in numerous sword cultivator eye pupil! 透过水幕,众人能清晰的看到,铁冠老者的苍白脸色,众多剑修眼眸中的惊恐! The beads of sweat on numerous position sword cultivator forehead, the people look clearly. 就连众位剑修额头上的汗珠,众人都看得清清楚楚。 The armies about 300 Emperor expert reins, are similar to the torrential mighty current, swallows all sufficiently, destroys all living things. 近三百尊帝君强者统御的大军,就如同滔滔洪流,足以吞噬一切,毁灭众生。 Sword World before this startled aconite flow surface, appears is so tiny, is so no use. 剑界在这股惊天洪流面前,显得是如此渺小,如此无助。 Elder Ironcrown stood finally, the speaker asked: Drags in lots of people to arrive at Sword World, is this what intent?” 铁冠老者最终还是站了出来,扬声问道:“诸位兴师动众来到剑界,这是何意?” Sword World and devils and sinners collude, kill without mercy!” 剑界邪魔罪灵勾结,杀无赦!” Saying that Luminous Heaven Patrol Angel coldly. 皓天巡天使冷冷的说道。 Elder Ironcrown sinking sound said: What evidence can you have?” 铁冠老者沉声道:“你可有什么证据?” My words, are the evidence!” “我的话,就是证据!” Luminous Heaven Patrol Angel unemotional saying. 皓天巡天使面无表情的说道。 In the Heavenly Desolate main hall, Northern Kun Emperor and the others have seen the intention of Heavenly Court, sighed one lightly. 天荒大殿中,北鲲帝君等人已经看出天庭的用意,不禁轻叹一声。 Heavenly Court Realm of the Mandate of Heavens united numerous superior world, a weaponry, obviously has not so planned to give the Sword World means of livelihood. 天庭奉天界联合了众多超级大界,如此阵仗,明显就没打算给剑界活路。 Regardless how Sword World explained uselessly. 不论剑界如何解释都没用。 Executes the war of demon to near, Heavenly Court must set up the prestige. 诛魔之战在即,天庭明显是要立威。 Must use the blood of Sword World, warned that Three Thousand Worlds creatures of myriad clans, what kind of fate standing the team can be mistakenly! 要用剑界的血,来警告三千界万族生灵,站错了队会是怎样的下场! Even if not Sword World, should still have other planes. 就算不是剑界,也会有其他界面 In brief, Heavenly Court must use a blood of superior world, offers a sacrifice to the flag to set up the prestige! 总之,天庭要用一个超级大界的鲜血,来祭旗立威!
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