ESK :: Volume #30

#2957: Meeting again after a long separation

Martial Dao main body to avoid awkwardly, turns the head to look to Old Tiger, Qingqing and the Golden Lion three people not far away, asked: „Are they all right?” 还是武道本尊为了避免尴尬,转头看向不远处的老虎青青黄金狮子三人,问道:“他们没事吧?” From stepping into the moment of big tent/account, the Old Tiger three people did not have the consciousness. 从踏入大帐的一刻,老虎三人就没了知觉。 Martial Dao main body can certainly look, the Old Tiger three people were only the lethargic sleep in the past, body unobstructive, this one asked that also changed the topic. 武道本尊当然能看出来,老虎三人只是昏睡过去,身体无碍,有此一问,也只是岔开话题。 All right.” “没事。” nine-tailed monster fox look slightly slow, in the Old Tiger three people of directions, puts out the one breath gently. 九尾妖狐神色稍缓,朝着老虎三人的方向,轻轻吐出一口气。 The Old Tiger three people of then long extensions awake, is bewildered. 老虎三人便悠悠转醒,一脸茫然。 In the meantime, greatly off-balance hears a clothes sleeve sound air-splitting, coming the person speed to be extremely quick, as if quite worries. 就在此时,大帐外传来一阵衣袂破空之声,来人速度极快,似乎颇为着急。 Arrives at the big greeting, coming the person not to stop the footsteps the meaning, rushes directly. 来到大帐前,来人也没有止住脚步的意思,直接闯了进来。 Martial Dao main body turns the head to look. 武道本尊转头望去。 Saw only a 13 or 14-year-old amomum cardamomum young girl to walk, slim and graceful, had no time beautifully, although grew up, but can still see is the Little Fox appearance. 只见一位十三四岁的豆蔻少女走了进来,亭亭玉立,美艳无暇,虽然长大了许多,但仍能看出是小狐狸的模样。 Little Fox sees in the big tent/account to have so many people, is startled slightly. 小狐狸看到大帐中有这么多人,也微微一怔。 But saw also has the Old Tiger three people, shows the smile. 但看到其中还有老虎三人,不禁露出笑容。 Afterward, the Little Fox vision, fell on the body of Martial Dao main body. 随后,小狐狸的目光,落在了武道本尊的身上。 Martial Dao main body wears the purple robe, was entirely different from past green shirt, wears Moluo Mask, Little Fox could not recognize is also normal. 武道本尊身着紫袍,与以往的青衫大不相同,又戴着摩罗面具,小狐狸认不出来也属正常。 But why does not know, does Little Fox looks at Martial Dao main body like this, the eye wink. 但不知为何,小狐狸就这样看着武道本尊,眼睛一眨不眨。 She always felt, this person makes wish that she can not help be intimate with it, making her feel a seemingly familiar security sense. 她总觉得,这个人让她情不自禁的想要与之亲近,让她感受到一种似曾相识的安全感。 This feeling, she has only felt on a body of person! 这种感觉,她只在一个人的身上感受过! Little Fox looks at the eyes of Martial Dao main body like this, as if is distinguishing anything diligently, in the eye pupil raises gradually mist. 小狐狸就这样看着武道本尊的双眼,似乎在努力分辨着什么,眼眸中渐渐升起一丝雾气。 young master? „ 公子?“ Little Fox calls in a soft voice said. 小狐狸轻声唤道。 Martial Dao main body takes off the mask, opens wide the both arms, supple sound said: Is I.” 武道本尊摘下面具,敞开双臂,柔声道:“是我。” The Little Fox tears flow copiously, in bosom that hits Martial Dao main body, the slightly emaciated arm, closely grasps the body of Martial Dao main body, as if for fear that his next quarter vanishes does not see. 小狐狸的眼泪夺眶而出,一头撞进武道本尊的怀中,略显瘦弱的手臂,紧紧抱住武道本尊的身体,似乎生怕他下一刻就消失不见。 Among two people, does not need to tell too. 两人之间,不必诉说太多。 A hug, then exceeds the countless words. 只是一个拥抱,便胜过千言万语。 Nine-tailed Monster Emperor sees this, in the eye pupil also reveals one to be moved. 九尾妖帝看到这一幕,眼眸中也流露出一丝感动。 The sense of dependence and being intimate with Little Fox to Martial Dao main body, she once had profound understanding. 小狐狸武道本尊的这种依赖感和亲近,她曾深有体会。 Old Tiger, Qingqing and Golden Lion three people stand in not far away, looks at this, is be with smile on the face, has not gone forward to disturb. 老虎青青黄金狮子三人站在不远处,看着这一幕,都是面带笑容,并未上前打扰。 They were clear, Little Fox to the Su Zimo's sentiment, eventually unlike them somewhat. 他们清楚,小狐狸苏子墨的感情,终究与他们有些不同。 Brothers who among them, can share hardships. 他们之间,是可以患难与共的兄弟。 But in the heart of Little Fox, Su Zimo is more like the family member. 但在小狐狸的心中,苏子墨更像是亲人。 Nine-tailed Monster Emperor originally to some Martial Dao main body also resentment, but sees this, these resentment will also disappear shortly do not see. 九尾妖帝原本对武道本尊还有些怨气,但看到这一幕,那些怨气也在顷刻间消失不见。 Even for Little Fox, she will not injure Martial Dao main body again. 就算为了小狐狸,她也不会再伤害武道本尊 Nine-tailed Monster Emperor has not disturbed two people, the lotus steps move lightly, quietly goes toward the greatly off-balance line, leaves them this big tent/account. 九尾妖帝并未打扰两人,莲步轻移,悄悄的朝着大帐外行去,将这处大帐留给他们。 When gets to the main tent/account entrance, somehow, perhaps out of curiosity, turning the head of Nine-tailed Monster Emperor unexpected happening, looked at Martial Dao main body secretly. 走到大帐门口时,也不知怎的,许是出于好奇,九尾妖帝鬼使神差的转过头来,偷偷看了一眼武道本尊 Originally is long can......” “原来长得还可以……” In the Nine-tailed Monster Emperor heart ponders secretly. 九尾妖帝心中暗忖。 She sees Martial Dao main body to wear silver mask all day, this thinks that the appearance is quite ugly, fiendish features that type, didn’t expect, looks seem like pretty scholar. 她见武道本尊整天戴着个银色面具,本以为长相极为丑陋,青面獠牙那种,没想到,看着倒像是个眉清目秀的书生 As if feels the Nine-tailed Monster Emperor vision, Martial Dao main body looks up, is nodding the head to Nine-tailed Monster Emperor smiles. 似乎感受到九尾妖帝的目光,武道本尊抬头望去,对着九尾妖帝颔首一笑。 In Nine-tailed Monster Emperor heart one nervous, seemed looked through the concern, the vision moved aside, escapes left the big tent/account of also resembling. 九尾妖帝心中一慌,仿佛被人看破心事,目光躲闪了下,逃也似的离开了大帐。 Martial Dao main body has not thought. 武道本尊倒没有多想。 He just nodded with a smile to Nine-tailed Monster Emperor, actually in expressing the gratitude in heart, has meaning of the showing good will. 他刚刚对九尾妖帝颔首微笑,其实是在表达心中的谢意,也带着一丝示好之意。 Little Fox can rush in the Nine-tailed Monster Emperor big tent/account casually, even no one stops, does not use the circular. 小狐狸可以随随便便的闯进九尾妖帝的大帐,甚至都没人阻拦,也不用通报。 Only this point, can look, Nine-tailed Monster Emperor has favors Little Fox. 只此一点,就能看出来,九尾妖帝有多宠小狐狸 Little Fox Nine-tailed Monster Emperor here, is not been definitely suffering by the least bit. 小狐狸九尾妖帝这里,肯定没受过半点委屈。 Martial Dao main body was just thanking Nine-tailed Monster Emperor, this for many years attendance. 武道本尊刚刚就是在感谢九尾妖帝,这多年来的照顾。 Moreover, Martial Dao main body discovered, Little Fox cultivation base is not weak, has practiced True Oneness Realm Celestial Stage! 而且,武道本尊发现,小狐狸修为也不弱,已经修炼到真一境天人期 This cultivation speed, in his the Heavenly Desolate old friend, was top. 这个修炼速度,在他这一世的天荒故人中,算是顶尖了。 Good.” “好啦。” Martial Dao main body patted under the back of Little Fox gently, said: Gets up.” 武道本尊轻轻拍了下小狐狸的后背,道:“起来吧。” Little Fox still buried in the bosom of Martial Dao main body, is not willing to set out, the both arms surround in his waist, closely embraces, probably for fear that Martial Dao main body runs away. 小狐狸仍是将头埋在武道本尊的怀中,不肯起身,双臂环绕在他的腰间,紧紧搂抱,好像生怕武道本尊跑掉。 Martial Dao main body smiles, said: I must treat a long time in Great Desolation, will not leave casually.” 武道本尊莞尔,道:“我还要在大荒待很长一段时间,不会随便离开。” Little Fox hearing this, the both arms were actually loose the loosen. 小狐狸闻言,双臂倒是松了松。 Afterward, Little Fox changes, removes the human form, transforms the main body, in bosom that drills into Martial Dao main body, looks like the Buried Dragon Valley bottom like that. 随后,小狐狸摇身一变,褪去人形,幻化出本体,一头钻入武道本尊的怀中,就像是葬龙谷底那般。 The most body hides in the Martial Dao main body chest clothing, only reveals a furry head outside, raises head to look at Martial Dao main body, the bright and intelligent big eye winks winks. 大半身子都躲在武道本尊的胸口衣衫里,只露出一个毛茸茸的脑袋在外面,仰头望着武道本尊,水汪汪的大眼睛眨呀眨。 Martial Dao main body has not said anything but actually, whatever she tosses about. 武道本尊倒也没说什么,任由她折腾。 Only then, the Old Tiger three talents collect. 直到此时,老虎三人才凑上来。 Old Tiger teased: Little Fox, your good bias, not to have seen with us for a long time, greeted repeatedly does not hit.” 老虎打趣道:“小狐狸,你好偏心啊,与我们也好久没见,连声招呼都不打。” Little Fox hmph hmph, is greets with Old Tiger. 小狐狸哼哼一声,算是与老虎打了声招呼。 Was perfunctory!” “太敷衍了吧!” Old Tiger shows the whites of the eyes. 老虎翻个白眼。 After flying upwards to Upper Realm, their five can reunite in Great Desolation, does not know that experienced many, these years the hardship and danger, are really a long story. 飞升上界之后,他们五位能在大荒团聚,不知经历了多少,这些年来的艰险,实在一言难尽。 Even so, their seven brothers, two missing. 即便如此,他们七兄弟,还有两位下落不明。 Five people get together, lacks Hou Zi (monkey) and Ye Ling only, five people talked, unavoidably will mention two people, the look worried. 五人齐聚,唯独缺少猴子夜灵,五人交谈之间,不免会提及两人,神色担忧。 After Old Tiger, Qingqing, Golden Lion and Little Fox ascend, has stayed in Great Desolation, has never left. 老虎青青黄金狮子小狐狸飞升之后,就一直呆在大荒,从未离开过。 Does not seem like Martial Dao main body, has passed through many planes. 不像是武道本尊,已经走过不少界面 About Hou Zi (monkey) and Ye Ling, they have no news. 关于猴子夜灵,他们没有任何消息。 Martial Dao main body said: Some Ye Ling actually clues, he had once appeared in Realm of the Mandate of Heavens Devils Battlefield, afterward disappeared without a trace.” 武道本尊道:“夜灵倒是有些线索,他曾在奉天界邪魔战场中出现过,后来又不知去向。” Martial Dao main body then in Realm of the Mandate of Heavens, heard related Ye Ling some news, told. 武道本尊便将奉天界中,听到的有关夜灵的一些消息,讲述一遍。 In the Ye Ling battle strength method, in Three Thousand Worlds vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, should not encounter what bad risk even.” “以夜灵战力手段,就算在三千界中纵横,应该也不会遭遇什么凶险。” Martial Dao main body said: Hou Zi (monkey) did not have the clue, but I speculated, he should in Blood Ape World.” 武道本尊道:“猴子还没有线索,但我推测,他应该在血猿界。” Hou Zi (monkey) belongs to Blood Ape Clan, without appears in Great Desolation, is most likely to arrive in Blood Ape World! 猴子属于血猿一族,如果没在大荒出现,最有可能就是降临在血猿界 Blood Ape World, although is not superior world, but also has Emperor expert! 血猿界,虽然不是超级大界,但也有帝君强者 Hou Zi (monkey) in Blood Ape World, should not have what danger. 猴子血猿界,应该也不会有什么危险。 Just, their several brothers want a reunion, does not know when must wait till. 只不过,他们几兄弟想要重逢,就不知要等到何时了。 Martial Dao main body and Old Tiger four people in the big tent/account, chatted for one day and one night. 武道本尊老虎四人在大帐中,聊了一天一夜。 Five people met again after a long separation, have unable to say words that then chats last one year or so, will not feel tired. 五人久别重逢,有着说不完的话,便是聊上一年半载,都不会觉得倦。 But the Great Desolation crisis has not relieved, Martial Dao main body has an emotional tie with Dié Yue, has not stopped over is too long. 大荒危机还未解除,武道本尊心系蝶月,并未逗留太久。 Next day, Martial Dao main body then leaves Azure Hills Mountain Range, starts to close up. 第二天,武道本尊便离开青丘山脉,开始闭关。 To help Dié Yue, helping Eastern Desolate tide over the crisis, his cultivation realm, must also probably promote! 想要帮助蝶月,帮助东荒渡过危机,他的修为境界,必须还要提升! ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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