ESK :: Volume #30

#2950: Cuts to kill nine Yin

Nine Yin are Peer­less Monster Emperor, qi and blood is astonishing, the body and spirit is powerful , came from dark green. 九阴毕竟是绝世妖帝,气血惊人,体魄强大,又来自于苍。 Even if falls into Avici's Gate, avici demon qi twines, Fire of Hell burning down, is unable its thorough suppression! 即便陷入阿鼻之门中,阿鼻魔气缠绕,地狱之火焚烧,也无法将其彻底镇压! Martial Dao main body can the clear feeling, in Avici's Gate, Nine Yin Monster Emperor resist unceasingly, wants to work loose from Avici's Gate. 武道本尊能清晰的感受到,阿鼻之门中,九阴妖帝正在不断抗争,想要从阿鼻之门挣脱出来。 Two people realm disparities are too after all big. 两人的境界差距毕竟太大。 Avici's Gate dao law, has not achieved situation that can extinguish kills Peer­less Monster Emperor. 阿鼻之门道法,还没有达到可以灭杀一尊绝世妖帝的地步。 The Nine Yin Monster Emperor pitiful yell sound, more is because Fire of Hell takes to his pain. 九阴妖帝的惨叫声,更多是因为地狱之火带给他的痛苦。 In Fire of Hell, contains true meaning of pain of myriad lives, even if unable to cause heavy losses to Nine Yin Monster Emperor, can still make him be in deep sorrow! 地狱之火中,蕴藏着万千生灵的痛苦真意,纵然无法重创九阴妖帝,依然能让他痛不欲生! Nine Yin Monster Emperor is also clear, but falls into this gateway, but also cannot harm his life. 九阴妖帝也清楚,只是陷入这座门户之中,还伤不到他的性命。 But if continues to treat, his spiritual will and Dao Heart, perhaps first a collapse! 但若继续待下去,他的精神意志道心,恐怕会先一步崩溃! Changes mind hence, in the eye pupil of Nine Yin Monster Emperor passed over gently and swiftly wipes to renounce. 转念至此,九阴妖帝的眼眸中掠过一抹决绝。 He wants sacrificial refining oneself great world, has been fled this place the opportunity! 他要祭炼自己的大世界,得到逃离此地的机会! Even his great world was shattered, so long as returns dark green, he can still obtain the large amounts of resources, can own great world restore. 就算他的大世界破碎,只要回到苍,他依然可以得到大量的资源,可以将自己的大世界修复。 Bang! 轰! In Avici's Gate, spreads a loud sound! 阿鼻之门中,传出一声巨响! A tremendous fierce strength, bursts out by Avici's Gate, hits on Furnace of Heaven and Earth. 一股巨大凶猛的力量,透过阿鼻之门迸发出来,撞击在天地熔炉上。 This tremendous strength not only breaks Avici's Gate, Furnace of Heaven and Earth also changes into the nihility, Martial Dao main body figure appears comes out again. 这股巨大的力量不但将阿鼻之门震碎,天地熔炉也化为虚无,武道本尊的身形重新显化出来。 Nine Yin Monster Emperor breaks through Avici's Gate, break free, nine divine phoenix (male) heads, 18 blood red phoenix eyes, wicked is staring at Martial Dao main body, murderous-looking! 九阴妖帝冲破阿鼻之门,脱困而出,九颗神凤头,十八只血红的凤眼,恶狠狠的盯着武道本尊,杀气腾腾 Cry!” “唳!” Nine divine phoenix (male) heads of Nine Yin Monster Emperor, face upward simultaneously the long and loud cry, erupts resounded through Heaven and Earth, sounding of pierce metals and crack stones. 九阴妖帝的九颗神凤头颅,同时仰天长啸,爆发出一声响彻天地,穿金裂石的鸣叫。 This is Nine Yin Monster Emperor sound domain secret technique! 这是九阴妖帝音域秘术 Facing the impact of this sound domain secret technique, Martial Dao main body stands one's ground steadfastly, does not seem to come under a wee bit influences! 面对这道音域秘术的冲击,武道本尊岿然不动,似乎没有受到一丁点影响! His fleshly body is extremely tyrannical! 他的肉身太过强横! Accurate, his fleshly body, is Martial Origin Paradise. 准确来说,他的肉身,就是元武洞天 Out of some scruples, unless it is absolutely essential, Martial Dao main body not good direct took out Martial Origin Paradise. 出于某种顾忌,不到万不得已,武道本尊不好直接祭出元武洞天 But so, Martial Origin Paradise exist(ence), still helps Martial Dao main body resist even sufficiently reduces and solves the most attack injury! 可即便如此,元武洞天存在,也足以帮助武道本尊抵挡化解大半的攻击伤害! In the Nine Yin Monster Emperor songs and calls, Martial Dao main body grasps Hell Suppressing Cauldron, with long hurried strides kills toward Nine Yin Monster Emperor. 九阴妖帝的鸣叫声中,武道本尊手持镇狱鼎,大步流星的朝着九阴妖帝杀去。 In an instant, Martial Dao main body has arrived at the near. 转眼间,武道本尊就已经来到近前。 shuā shuā shuā! The Nine Yin Monster Emperor whole body shakes, the wings of body numerous scarlet-red fall off, air-splitting however goes, as if changes into long spear/gun that is burning raging flames, dense and numerous, hiding the sky and covering the earth! 九阴妖帝浑身一抖,身上众多赤红色的羽翼脱落下来,破空而去,仿佛化为一杆杆燃烧着烈焰的长枪,密密麻麻,铺天盖地 This offensive is extremely fierce, has not given Martial Dao main body any space of dodging completely. 这道攻势太过凶猛,完全没有给武道本尊任何闪避的空间。 Martial Dao main body vision like a torch, brandishes Hell Suppressing Cauldron, pounds toward numerous wings of coming. 武道本尊目光如炬,抡起镇狱鼎,朝着迎面而来的众多羽翼砸过去。 Dingdong! 叮叮当当! The scarlet wing hit on Hell Suppressing Cauldron, transmits a series of gold/metal to hand over the sound of striking, sparks scatters. 赤红羽翼撞击在镇狱鼎上,传来一连串金戈交击之声,火星四溅。 Hell Suppressing Cauldron, was unable to resist myriad wings after all. 只是一尊镇狱鼎,毕竟还无法抵挡下来万千羽翼。 Numerous scarlet wings fall on the body of Martial Dao main body, actually cannot pierce it, most tears to pieces the purple robe, leaves behind together the bloodstain on the body. 众多赤红羽翼还是落在武道本尊的身上,却没能将其洞穿,最多只是撕破紫袍,在身上留下一道浅浅的血痕。 This injury, by Martial Dao main body fleshly body, in an instant, can recover, almost does not have any influence! 这种伤势,以武道本尊肉身,转眼间,就能痊愈,几乎没有任何影响! Sees this, Nine Yin Monster Emperor realized that the situation is not wonderful! 看到这一幕,九阴妖帝才意识到形势不妙! Originally, since he thinks Martial Dao main body engages in fierce battle, the card in a hand completely leaves, is the spent force, but also is thinking by fleshly body and bloodline, cuts to kill Martial Dao main body. 原本,他以为武道本尊鏖战至今,底牌尽出,已是强弩之末,还想着凭借肉身血脉,将武道本尊斩杀。 Yet now, he discovered, the close combat slaughters, perhaps he cannot take what advantage! 可如今,他发现,近战厮杀中,他或许占不到什么便宜! How can so? 怎会如此? Emaciated does Human Race, how cultivation this step? 一个孱弱的人族,如何修炼到这一步? ! ! 噗!噗! Nine Yin Monster Emperor has absent-minded slightly, Martial Dao main body has killed to the near, a left hand fist, the right hand brandishes Hell Suppressing Cauldron, hits to explode two divine phoenix (male) heads of Nine Yin Monster Emperor directly! 九阴妖帝稍有失神,武道本尊已经杀至近前,左手一拳,右手抡起镇狱鼎,直接打爆九阴妖帝的两颗神凤头! bloody mist fills the air. 血雾弥漫。 „!” “啊!” Nine Yin Monster Emperor eats the pain, calls out in grief. 九阴妖帝吃痛,悲鸣一声。 Although he loses two divine phoenix (male) heads, but still has no sorrow of life. 虽然他失去两颗神凤头颅,但依然没有什么性命之忧。 His nine divine phoenix (male) heads, mystical, primordial spirit can transform in nine divine phoenix (male) extremely unceasingly. 他的九颗神凤头,极为神异,元神可以在九颗神凤头中不断转换。 Only if destroys completely his nine divine phoenix (male) completely, otherwise, he can the rebirth, grow again nine heads! 除非将他的九颗神凤头全部灭掉,否则,他就可以再度重生,重新生长出九颗头颅! But so, Nine Yin Monster Emperor does not want to pester with Martial Dao main body even again. 可即便如此,九阴妖帝也不想再与武道本尊纠缠了。 Withdraw!” “撤!” Nine Yin Monster Emperor turns around to walk, wants to leave the battlefield, goes to the spirit corner/horn, Feilian and that side Huo Dou three Peer­less Monster Emperor. 九阴妖帝转身就走,想要离开战场,前往灵角、飞廉祸斗三位绝世妖帝那边。 „To walk?” “想走?” Martial Dao main body gets the winning side, imposing manner greatly rises, controls Four Great Saint Souls, blocks the Nine Yin Monster Emperor way, pesters with it together. 武道本尊占据上风,气势大盛,操控四大圣魂,拦住九阴妖帝的去路,与之纠缠在一起。 Nine Yin Monster Emperor just destroyed head wound place, has stopped to bleed, even starts to grow some new granulations! 九阴妖帝刚刚被打碎的头颅伤口处,已经止住流血,甚至开始生长出一些新的肉芽! If passes the moment again, these two heads will restore such as beginning. 若是再过片刻,这两颗头颅就会恢复如初。 Only then in a short time, destroys Nine Yin Monster Emperor nine divine phoenix (male) completely, can kill this Peer­less Monster Emperor truly! 只有在短时间内,将九阴妖帝的九颗神凤头全部打碎,才能将这尊绝世妖帝真正杀死! Under the entanglement of Four Great Saint Souls, Nine Yin Monster Emperor was surrounded suddenly, Martial Dao main body drops from the clouds, a fist cauldron, pounds toward the remaining that seven heads! 四大圣魂的纠缠之下,九阴妖帝一时间被困住,武道本尊从天而降,一拳一鼎,朝着剩下的那七颗头颅砸过去! ! ! ! ! 噗!噗!噗!噗! both sides slaughter, fights again in one. 双方厮杀,再度大战在一处。 In close combat preying, Nine Yin Monster Emperor at all is not the Martial Dao main body opponent, but several breath, Nine Yin Monster Emperor four divine phoenix (male) were destroyed again! 近战搏杀中,九阴妖帝根本不是武道本尊的对手,不过几个呼吸,九阴妖帝的四颗神凤头再度被打碎! At this moment, Nine Yin Monster Emperor was finally hurried. 这一刻,九阴妖帝终于慌了。 His remaining three heads. 他就剩下三颗头颅。 But just the shatter six heads, did not have the new student/life to come out. 而刚刚破碎的六颗头颅,还没有新生出来。 If, these three heads were also destroyed by Martial Dao main body, his primordial spirit nowhere resides temporarily, will completely expose! 如果,这三颗头颅也被武道本尊打碎,他的元神无处寄居,将会彻底暴露出来! Spirit corner/horn, Feilian, Huo Dou, you fast come at once to help me!” “灵角,飞廉,祸斗,你们速速来帮我!” Nine Yin Monster Emperor can ignore the face countenance, called for help hastily loudly. 九阴妖帝顾不上颜面,连忙大声呼救。 Although with is Peer­less Monster Emperor, but he comes in Cang, thinks compared with spirit corner/horn three honored, had not just opened the mouth to pray for rescue. 虽然同为绝世妖帝,但他出身于苍,自认为远比灵角三位尊贵,刚刚也就没有开口求救。 At this time, he could not have attended to many. 此时,他已经顾不上许多了。 ! 噗! While Nine Yin Monster Emperor opens the mouth to call for help, his head, was destroyed by Martial Dao main body again! 就在九阴妖帝开口呼救的同时,他的一颗头颅,再度被武道本尊打碎! Under the gaze of innumerable say/way vision, Martial Dao main body that seemingly tiny form, steps on the Nine Yin Monster Emperor huge body in the under foot, brandishes Hell Suppressing Cauldron, unceasing pounding falls! 在无数道目光的注视之下,武道本尊那个看似渺小的身影,将九阴妖帝庞大的身躯踩在脚下,抡起镇狱鼎,不断的砸落下去! How whatever Nine Yin Monster Emperor struggles, is unable to fling to fall Martial Dao main body. 任凭九阴妖帝如何挣扎,都无法甩落武道本尊 Hell Suppressing Cauldron every pounds to fall one time, is the flesh and blood flying in all directions, shocking. 镇狱鼎每一次砸落,都是血肉横飞,触目惊心。 Bang! Bang! Bang! 轰!轰!轰! The spirit corner/horn, Feilian and Huo Dou three Peer­less Monster Emperor launch the offensive continuously, temporarily repels divine elephant and nine-tailed, the preparation turns around to support Nine Yin Monster Emperor. 灵角、飞廉祸斗三位绝世妖帝连续发动攻势,暂时将神象九尾击退,准备转身来支援九阴妖帝 But they just turned around, sees the last divine phoenix (male) head of Nine Yin Monster Emperor, fought with the fists the pulp by that Huang Wu (Desolate Martial)! 但他们刚刚转身,就看到九阴妖帝的最后一颗神凤头颅,被那个荒武一拳打得稀巴烂! bloody mist fills the air, Nine Yin Monster Emperor primordial spirit escapes in the direction that three people of institutes are. 血雾弥漫中,九阴妖帝元神朝着三人所在的方向逃去。 Three Peer­less Monster Emperor move forward to meet somebody hastily. 三位绝世妖帝连忙迎上去。 Martial Dao main body has not left to pursue, but took soul lantern from storage bag, blows gently. 武道本尊并未动身追赶,只是从储物袋中将魂灯拿了出来,轻轻一吹。 The golden flame surges together, falls on Nine Yin Monster Emperor primordial spirit! 一道金色火苗激荡而出,落在九阴妖帝元神上! „! „ “啊!“ Nine Yin Monster Emperor sends out a pitiful yell finally. 九阴妖帝最后发出一声惨叫。 Just before arriving at three Peer­less Monster Emperor bodies, primordial spirit already by fire of burn to ashes soul lantern, body dies and Dao disappears! 刚刚来到三位绝世妖帝身前,元神已经被魂灯之火烧成灰烬,身死道消
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