ESK :: Volume #28

#2731: Chapter 2731 knows the status

Chapter 2731 第2731章 Knows the status 得知身份 Universe Academy, Land of True Inheritance. 乾坤书院,真传之地 In an elegantly simple simple cave mansion, the delicate fragrance is intermittent. 一座淡雅朴素的洞府中,幽香阵阵。 A beautiful female is shutting the eyes, grasps the paint brush, is describing on xuan paper unceasingly. 一位绝美女子闭着双眼,手持画笔,在一张宣纸上不断的描绘着。 On the shoulder of female, the snow white butterflies settle down to stand, is fanning the wing gently, looks at the female front painting, in the look is revealing the inconceivable color. 在女子的肩膀上,有一只雪白蝴蝶驻足而立,轻轻扇动着翅膀,望着女子面前的画作,眼神中流露出不可思议之色。 Painting Immortal Mo Qing. 画仙墨倾 For serveral days, she immersed in this painting, continued for about a month, with total concentration, has not opened eyes to look. 这些天来,她沉浸在这幅画作之中,持续将近一个多月的时间,聚精会神,始终没有睁眼去看。 She has not even rested, for fear that breaks this painting process. 她甚至没有休息,生怕打断这个作画的过程。 On the drawing paper, only has a Daoist likely form. 画纸上,只有一道人像身影。 Before then, this painting has completed most probably. 在此之前,这幅画作就已经完成了大半。 Except for facial features blank, the physique of this portrait, manner, even that pair of both eyes that is burning the purple flame, has described. 除了面容空白,这幅人像的身姿,举止,甚至那双燃烧着紫色火焰的双眸,都已经描绘出来。 But Mo Qing uses «Gods, Ghosts, Immortals and Demons Painting» Demon Idol dao law, attempts to deduce Huang Wu (Desolate Martial) genuine appearance, carries out thoroughly this painting! 墨倾正是利用《神鬼仙魔图》中的魔像道法,来尝试推演荒武真容,将这幅画作彻底完成! For a long time later, Mo Qing stops the pen gradually, softly sigh of relief. 许久之后,墨倾渐渐停笔,轻舒一口气 This painting, completes finally. 这幅画作,终于完成。 But she had not opened eyes to look, in the innermost feelings somewhat anticipated, is somewhat anxious, is full of one type complex the mood that is difficult to be bright. 但她仍没有睁眼去看,内心中有些期待,又有些紧张,又充满着一种复杂难明的情绪。 For serveral days, continuous painting, to her mind energy, is a huge consumption. 这些天来,持续不断的作画,对她的心神精力,都是一场巨大的消耗。 Mo Qing is shutting both eyes, stretches out jade finger, is rubbing the forehead lightly, relaxing is exhausted. 墨倾闭着双眸,伸出玉指,轻揉着眉心,舒缓着身心疲惫。 little butterfly, how don't you speak?” 小蝶,你怎么不说话了?” Mo Qing asked. 墨倾问道。 Before the snow white butterfly on her shoulder is looking at the body, that face on picture scroll, made excuses, has not said anything. 她肩膀上的雪白蝴蝶望着身前画卷上的那张脸庞,支支吾吾,还是没说什么。 Mo Qing smiles, teases was saying: don’t tell me before you guessed, Huang Wu (Desolate Martial) lived the fiendish features, devils and monsters, frightened to you?” 墨倾笑了笑,打趣着说道:“难道像你之前猜测的那样,荒武生得青面獠牙,凶神恶煞,给你吓到了?” No matter what, completes this painting, she feels a relaxedness, puts down a concern. 不管怎样,完成这幅画作,她还是感到一阵轻松,放下一桩心事。 Truly frightened.” “确实吓到了。” ice butterfly whispered: But, is not because he lives scary......” 冰蝶嘀咕道:“不过,不是因为他生得太吓人……” Oh? Why is that?” ?那是为何?” Mo Qing asked. 墨倾问道。 Yourself look.” “你自己看吧。” ice butterfly said. 冰蝶说道。 Heard ice butterfly to say like this, in the Mo Qing heart was curious. 听到冰蝶这样说,墨倾心中更是好奇。 Her took a deep breath, stops for a long time, has the courage, opens the eyes, looked toward the front painting. 深吸一口气,停顿许久,才鼓起勇气,睁开双眼,朝着前方的这副画作望了过去。 Mo Qing at the scene. 墨倾楞在当场。 The person on this picture scroll...... 这副画卷上的人…… She was too familiar! 她太熟悉了! academy's Junior Brother Su! 书院的苏师弟 How can like this? 怎么会这样? In this portrait, a man wears the purple robe, crosses the hands behind the back to stand, both eyes is burning the flame, all, is the Huang Wu (Desolate Martial) stances. 这幅人像上,一位男子身着紫袍,负手而立,双眸燃烧着火焰,所有的一切,都是荒武的姿态。 But the facial features of this portrait, are actually Junior Brother Su! 但这幅人像的面容,却是苏师弟 The most important thing is, the Junior Brother Su facial features, match with Huang Wu (Desolate Martial) all, without slightly the towering feeling, nearly perfect conjunction, as if he is Huang Wu (Desolate Martial)! 最重要的是,苏师弟的面容,与荒武的一切搭配起来,没有丝毫突兀之感,近乎完美契合,仿佛他就是荒武 Can, what twin brothers Su Zimo have, do two people grow particularly look like?” “会不会,苏子墨有个什么孪生兄弟,两人长得特别像?” ice butterfly asked low voice. 冰蝶小声问道。 Mo Qing is silent. 墨倾默然不语。 In her mind, recalled suddenly initially when the Divine Firmament Palace room, Junior Brother Su and Chess Immortal Jun Yu playing chess, purple flame that in the eye pupil appears. 她的脑海中,突然回想起当初在神霄宫的房间里,苏师弟棋仙君瑜对弈时,眼眸中浮现出来的紫色火焰。 She recalls, with Junior Brother Su and Huang Wu (Desolate Martial) at that time all sorts of situations under Avici Hell. 她回想起,与苏师弟荒武当时在阿鼻地狱下的种种情形。 She recalls, Junior Brother Su to her strange attitude...... 她回想起,苏师弟对她的古怪态度…… All only have a possibility. 一切都只有一个可能。 Mo Qing makes a fist slightly, in the heart raises suddenly a anger, angrily is staring at the present portrait, puts out a hand this paintings that spends her countless painstaking care, ripped a smashing. 墨倾微微握拳,心中突然升起一股怒火,气鼓鼓的盯着眼前的画像,伸手将这张花费她无数心血的画作,撕了个粉碎。 Junior Brother Su, hello/you good!” 苏师弟,你好啊!” In the Mo Qing heart happened simultaneously vexed and ashamed, clenches teeth secretly: Owes I also so to trust you, holding you to transmit the Huang Wu (Desolate Martial) portrait, didn’t expect you!” 墨倾心中恼羞交加,暗暗咬牙:“亏我还如此信任你,托你转交荒武的画像,没想到你!” But, Mo Qing changes mind thinks. 可是,墨倾转念一想。 This matter, after all is the Junior Brother Su secret. 这件事,毕竟是苏师弟的秘密。 Once exposes, Junior Brother Su possibly has the sorrow of life, cannot treat in Universe Academy! 一旦暴露出来,苏师弟可能有性命之忧,在乾坤书院都待不下去! Such secret, Junior Brother Su did not tell her, was excusable. 这样的秘密,苏师弟不告诉她,也情有可原。 Mo Qing changes mind another to think. 墨倾转念又一想。 You then told me, can I also leak inadequately? 你便是告诉了我,我还能泄密不成? Amn't I then worth trusting? 我便这么不值得你信任? Thinking it over, in the Mo Qing heart some air/Qi are uneven, slip of paper that will just tear into shreds, burns down cleanly. 思来想去,墨倾心中还是有些气不平,将刚刚撕碎的纸片,一把火烧得干干净净。 Burnt?” “就这么烧了?” ice butterfly as if felt somewhat a pity. 冰蝶似乎感到有些可惜。 Snort.” “哼。” Mo Qing said: This person has something to look that wants to look, daily can see!” 墨倾道:“这人有什么可看的,想要看,天天都能看到!” Spoke these words, Mo Qing tidied up simply, said: Walks, we look for him, looked when he can also develop.” 说完这句话,墨倾简单收拾了下,道:“走,我们去找他,看他还能演到什么时候。” Mo Qing leaves the cave mansion, speeds away to go in the academy Inner Sect direction. 墨倾离开洞府,朝着书院内门的方向疾驰而去。 A month has not gone out, the atmosphere in academy, as if becomes somewhat strange. 一个多月没有出关,书院中的气氛,似乎变得有些古怪。 Mo Qing knits the brows slightly. 墨倾微微皱眉。 Normal, she closed up before frequently for ten years, hundred years, the academy will not have the too big change. 正常来说,她之前经常闭关十年,百年,书院都不会有太大的变化。 But now, Sowonri as if has an accident. 而如今,书院里似乎出了什么事。 Mo Qing has not thought, still toward the academy Inner Sect vanguard, in a while, before arriving at the Su Zimo's cave mansion . 墨倾没多想,仍是朝着书院内门前行,没过多久,来到苏子墨的洞府前。 The Su Zimo's cave mansion, had degenerated into stretch of ruins at this time, the cave mansion collapses, surrounding spirit farm medicine garden, has destroyed. 原本苏子墨的洞府,此时已经沦为一片废墟,洞府坍塌,周围的灵田药圃,也早已毁坏。 What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” Mo Qing knits the brows. 墨倾皱了皱眉。 In the meantime, a not far away academy inner disciple process, actually goes round this place by far, seems dreading anything. 就在此时,不远处一位书院内门弟子经过,却远远绕开此地,似乎在忌惮什么。 The Mo Qing figure moves, suddenly, before arriving at this inner disciple body, intercepts it. 墨倾身形一动,眨眼间,来到这位内门弟子身前,将其拦截下来。 „!” “啊!” This inner disciple sees Mo Qing, first gawked, later bows to salute hastily, said: Pays a visit Senior Sister Mo Qing.” 这位内门弟子看到墨倾,先是楞了一下,随后连忙躬身行礼,道:“拜见墨倾师姐。” Un.” “嗯。” Mo Qing referred to under the ruins of not far away, asked: That what's the matter?” 墨倾指了下不远处的废墟,问道:“那是怎么回事?” This inner disciple looked at one toward that side, looks to Mo Qing. 这位内门弟子朝那边看了一眼,又看向墨倾 He recalls before then, related Senior Sister Mo Qing that in the academy spreads with that person of hearsay, the look is strange, is probing asking: „Hasn't Senior Sister Mo Qing known?” 他不禁回想起在此之前,书院中流传的有关墨倾师姐与那人的传闻,神色古怪,试探着问道:“墨倾师姐还不知道?” Has an accident?” “出了什么事?” Mo Qing light asking. 墨倾淡淡的问道。 This inner disciple said: „ There is the cave mansion of academy rebel, naturally must abolish its cleaning up, warns others against following a bad example! „ 这位内门弟子道:“那里是书院叛徒的洞府,自然要将其清理废除,以儆效尤!“ Nonsense!” “胡说!” Mo Qing berated one, knit the brows: That is the Junior Brother Su cave mansion, Junior Brother Su is the first place of Heaven and Earth double list, overcomes the big glory for the academy?” 墨倾喝斥一声,皱眉道:“那是苏师弟的洞府,苏师弟乃是天地双榜的榜首,为书院打下多大的荣耀?” He condenses Dao Heart Stairs tenth step, was received by Sect Master is honorary disciple, how can he be the academy rebel?” “他凝聚道心梯第十阶,被宗主收为记名弟子,他怎会是书院叛徒?” This inner disciple curls the lip, thought otherwise saying: Big glory, could not cover him to betray the academy, deceiving master and killing ancestors act!” 这位内门弟子撇撇嘴,不以为然的说道:“多大的荣耀,也掩盖不了他背叛书院,欺师灭祖的行径!” You talked nonsense anything!” “你胡说什么!” Mo Qing sees this inner disciple to falsely accuse Su Zimo unceasingly, in the heart annoyed, unconscious sending out the True Immortal pressure, covers on the body of this person, the vision ice-cold. 墨倾见这个内门弟子不断诬陷苏子墨,心中大为恼火,不自觉的散发出真仙威压,笼罩在此人的身上,目光冰冷。 This inner disciple whole body trembles, the breath becomes somewhat difficult, the complexion bulge, is quite red uncomfortable. 这位内门弟子浑身一颤,呼吸都变得有些困难,脸色胀得通红,极为难受。 Senior Sister Mo Qing appeases anger.” 墨倾师姐息怒。” This inner disciple difficult saying: This matter , there is nothing to do with...... me, was Sect Master said personally, is the matter of under the Heavens all knowledge.” 这位内门弟子艰难的说道:“此事,与……我无关,乃是宗主亲口所说,已是天下皆知之事。” Senior Sister Mo Qing , if not believe that but...... inquired Sect Master......” 墨倾师姐若不信,可……去询问宗主……” Hears here, in the Mo Qing heart surges a anxiety, the complexion is somewhat pale. 听到这里,墨倾心中涌起一阵不安,脸色有些苍白。 Silent little, Mo Qing lets loose this person, clenches teeth saying: I ask now, if you have half character lies, deciding lets you by the heavy fine of academy total gauge!” 沉默少许,墨倾将此人放开,咬牙道:“我现在就去问,若是你有半字虚言,定让你受书院总规的重罚!” ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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