ESK :: Volume #26

#2531: Reunion

Naturally, seven black remnant charts link, this remnant chart seemed like still incomplete, but also was somewhat incomplete. 当然,七张黑色残图连接在一起之后,这张残图看上去仍不完整,还有些残缺。 In the Martial Dao main body heart moves, that black remnant chart in oneself storage bag will take. 武道本尊心中一动,将自己储物袋中的那张黑色残图拿出来。 Does not need him to control, this black remnant chart as if has spirituality to be common, lets go, with seven black remnant charts links. 不用他去操控,这张黑色残图仿佛拥有灵性一般,自行脱手,与七张黑色残图连接在一起。 This remnant chart, looks almost complete, as if also misses a corner. 这张残图,看上去几乎完整,似乎还差一个边角。 On the remnant chart draws blood-color traces, Martial Dao main body carefully is observing, this seems like under the devil's lair, the map of this giant tomb! 残图上画着一道道血色痕迹,武道本尊仔细观察一番,这看上去像是魔窟下方,这座巨大墓穴的地图! Moreover, this map as if aims in the underground tomb finally a place, intends to direct him to pass. 而且,这张地图似乎最终指向地底墓穴中一处地点,有意指引着他过去。 He does not worry, but walks around in the devil's lair, after several palaces. 他并不着急,而是在魔窟中四处走动,又经过几处宫殿。 Sure enough, many treasures that in the palace place, were swept away! 果不其然,宫殿中摆放的诸多宝物,都被人一扫而空! This Rising Clouds Palace rebel, the appetite is actually big.” “这个凌霄宫的叛徒,胃口倒是不小。” In Martial Dao main body heart secretly thought. 武道本尊心中暗道。 In a while, Martial Dao main body both ears moves. 没过多久,武道本尊双耳一动。 He induces, transmits terrifying powerful aura, as if some numerous expert, catch up in his direction. 他感应到,身后传来一阵恐怖强大的气息,似乎正有众多强者,朝着他的方向赶过来。 Unsurprisingly, should be Rising Clouds Palace that group of people stages a comeback. 不出意外,应该又是凌霄宫那帮人卷土重来。 But this time, they also dare to come back, decide however have Paradise Realm Demon King to follow! 而这一次,他们还敢回来,定然有洞天境魔王跟随! Martial Dao main body knits the brows slightly. 武道本尊微微皱眉。 By his current battle strength, to Demon King, even if condenses lesser paradise Demon King, is still very difficult to take what advantage. 以他目前的战力,对上魔王,即便只是凝聚小洞天魔王,也很难占到什么便宜。 Martial Dao main body is comparing the map, the figure moves, prepares to avoid this group of people, goes toward the left line. 武道本尊对照着地图,身形一动,准备避开这群人,朝左边行去。 Suddenly! 突然! Laughter that near his ear, hears a young girl, delightful interesting to listen, as if has to plant demon force that attracts the will of the people, making one palpitate with excitement, unconscious immersion in. 他的耳边,听到一阵少女的笑声,悦耳动听,仿佛有种魅惑人心的魔力,令人怦然心动,不自觉的沉浸其中。 Martial Dao main body Dao Heart, rock-solid, cannot shake. 武道本尊道心,坚如磐石,不可撼动。 Normal, this attracting technique, is unable to affect him. 正常来说,这种魅惑之术,根本无法影响到他。 But he hears this laughter, is the mind big quake! 但他听到这个笑声,还是心神大震! slut, is you! „ 贱人,是你!“ The Ling Xian sound, suddenly resounds, contains the endless anger. 凌仙的声音,突然响起,蕴藏着无尽怒火。 „The young master person, others knew mistakenly, should not be so ominous?” 少主人,人家知错了,你不要这么凶嘛?” The young girl voice resounds, is being full of the plaintive grievance. 少女声音响起,充满着哀怨委屈。 Many cultivator cannot see this young girl in behind, but actually as if appears at present, a young girl is miserable, the weeping sound entreated, poured down appearance that if sobbed. 许多修士在后面看不到这位少女,但眼前却仿佛浮现出,一位少女楚楚可怜,哭声哀求,泫然若泣的模样。 In the heart of group demon, gives birth to the heart of pitying sympathy immediately, even wants the reckless stand, protects this young girl! 群魔的心中,顿时生出一种怜悯同情之心,甚至想要不顾一切的站出来,保护这位少女! You, did you really know wrong?” “你,你真的知错了?” Ling Xian tone, suddenly soft, but as if still some alerts. 凌仙的语气,也突然软了下来,但似乎仍有些戒备。 Your highness, cannot be attracted by this Demoness!” “殿下,不可被这魔女魅惑!” Wakes up, wakes up!” “醒来,醒来!” The Hidden in Emptiness Demon King finger arrives on the Ling Xian forehead, drinks one lightly, in this sound, contains the buddha sect(s) sacred vast strength, such as severe warning! 藏空魔王手指抵在凌仙的额头上,轻喝一声,这道声音中,蕴含着佛门的神圣浩大之力,如当头棒喝! The Ling Xian whole body trembles, in the eye pupil restores the pure brightness. 凌仙浑身一颤,眼眸中恢复清明。 Hidden in Emptiness Demon King said: Your highness was careful, this Demoness demonic art, inherited ancient times Great Emperor, can attract the will of the people, your ten million/surely must defend Dao Heart, cannot receive it to confuse again!” 藏空魔王道:“殿下小心,这魔女魔功,传承一位远古大帝,可以魅惑人心,你千万要守住道心,不可再受其迷惑!” Ling Xian nods hastily. 凌仙连忙点点头。 His World Destroying Demon Chart, is muddleheaded was taken away by this female, when he responded, has been less! 他那张灭世魔图,就是稀里糊涂的被此女拿走,等他反应过来之时,已然不及! Hee hee!” “嘻嘻!” Young girl chuckle one, full is saying that teased: Ling Xian, you were really are stupid! Depending on your skill, wants to make my dao companion?” 少女轻笑一声,满是戏谑的说道:“凌仙,你真是蠢死了!就凭你那点本事,也想做我的道侣?” Even if you pull on shoes to me, I will dislike you is too stupid!” “就算你给我提鞋,我都会嫌你太蠢!” Small slut!” “小贱人!” Ling Xian shouted abuse: I caught you, must suffer you surely day and night, making you experience my method!” 凌仙破口大骂:“等我抓到你,定要没日没夜的折磨你,让你见识一下我的手段!” pah! Depending on you?” !就凭你?” The young girls disdain very much, spat one lightly: Looked that your footsteps are impractical, the appearance of failing to fulfill one's great promise, deciding is the silver type spear head!” 少女很是不屑,轻啐一口:“看你那脚步虚浮,苗而不秀的样子,定是个银样腊枪头!” Why also does not know, Ling Xian was so insulted, not only does not have the feeling to be angry, in the heart instead raises one group of evil fires, felt that bloodlines Ben stretch/open, has a parched mouth! 也不知为何,凌仙被这般辱骂,非但没有感觉恼怒,心中反而升起一团邪火,感到血脉贲张,口干舌燥! In his mind, probably what Huang Wu (Desolate Martial), what devil's lair buried treasure, what chance fortuitous encounter is unimportant. 在他的心中,好像什么荒武,什么魔窟宝藏,什么机缘奇遇都不重要了。 He only wants to hold this seductress/evil spirit now! 他现在只想将这个妖精抓住! Hee hee, pursues me.” “嘻嘻,来追我呀。” The young girls smiled one, as if runs in a direction. 少女又笑了一声,似乎朝着一个方向跑去。 Pursues!” “追!” Ling Xian is panting for breath slightly, said: Catches up with her to me, but does not may harm her life!” 凌仙微微喘息着,道:“给我追上她,但万万不可伤她性命!” Your highness, cheats carefully.” “殿下,小心有诈。” A Demon King reminder said. 一位魔王提醒道。 Her fifth rank can Heaven Immortal, what have to cheat?” “她一个五阶天仙,能有什么诈?” Ling Xian cold -ly snorted and said: Has your seven Demon King to assume personal command, what also fears? I do not believe that today she can escape from my palm!” 凌仙冷哼道:“有你们七位魔王坐镇,还怕什么?我就不信,今天她能逃出我的手掌心!” Hidden in Emptiness Demon King knits the brows, asks: That Huang Wu (Desolate Martial) what to do?” 藏空魔王皱了皱眉,问道:“那荒武怎么办?” No matter first he!” “先不管他!” Ling Xian impatient beckoning with the hand, said: First caught this small slut said again!” 凌仙不耐烦的摆摆手,道:“先将这个小贱人抓到再说!” Seven Immortal King look at each other one, can only protect Ling Xian, pursues in the direction that the young girl leaves. 七位仙王对视一眼,只能护着凌仙,朝着少女离开的方向追过去。 In the main hall in not far away, Martial Dao main body is hearing the voice of young girl, is suddenly lost, at present as if flashes through a spirit demon young girl, bright eyes and white teeth, has no time beautifully. 不远处的大殿中,武道本尊听着少女的声音,恍然出神,眼前仿佛闪过一个古灵精怪少女,明眸皓齿,美艳无暇。 Ji Yaojing. 姬妖精 ascend many years, finally in Demon Territory, reunion Heavenly Desolate old friend! 飞升多年,终于又在魔域,重逢天荒故人! Under silver mask, Martial Dao main body reveals wipes the smile. 银色面具下,武道本尊露出一抹笑容。 Ji Yaojing, perhaps is his trip biggest achievement! 姬妖精,或许才是他此行最大的收获! Because no matter two people once the sentiment in Heavenly Desolate, were because of Yaoxue, he will exhaust ability to protect Ji Yaojing, did not make her receive an injury! 不管是因为两人曾经在天荒中的感情,还是因为瑶雪,他都会竭尽所能来保护姬妖精,不让她受到一点伤害! The Martial Dao main body figure moves, with. 武道本尊身形一动,跟了上去。 Black Heavenly Demon God, Yellow Springs Village Master and other Immortal King expert are somewhat scruple, does not have immediately with, is preparing respective dispersing to look for the opportunity. 黑天魔神黄泉庄主等十几尊仙王强者有些迟疑,没有立即跟上去,正准备各自散开寻找机会。 But suddenly, Black Heavenly Demon God and the others the look move, discovered before Martial Dao main body unexpectedly frank and upright following the crowd person passes through, disregards them directly, pursued toward Rising Clouds Palace and the others! 但突然间,黑天魔神等人神色一动,发现武道本尊竟然光明正大的从众人身前走过,直接无视他们,朝着凌霄宫等人追了过去! Huang Wu (Desolate Martial)?” 荒武?” Black Heavenly Demon God and Yellow Springs Village Master several Immortal King look at each other one mutually, simultaneously moved killing intent! 黑天魔神黄泉庄主几位仙王相互对视一眼,同时动了杀机 Walks, pursues!” “走,追上去!” Black Heavenly Demon God and the others drink one lowly. 黑天魔神等人低喝一声。 They as Demon King, are vertically and horizontally invincible in this place, no one can threaten them, naturally also stops at nothing. 他们身为魔王,在此地纵横无敌,根本没有人能威胁到他们,自然也无所顾忌。 In an instant, Martial Dao main body catches up with Ling Xian and the others. 转眼间,武道本尊就追上凌仙等人。 But at the same time, Black Heavenly Demon God and other Demon King, pursued! 而与此同时,黑天魔神等十几位魔王,也追了上来! This battle formation, is equal to more than 20 Demon King expert, Martial Dao main body in the middle, did not have the escape route! 这种阵势,等于二十多位魔王强者,将武道本尊堵在了中间,前后都没有退路! Huang Wu (Desolate Martial), your courage is big, suppress and kill several big demon sect(s) young master, but also dares to come!” 荒武,你胆子不小,镇杀几大魔门少主,还敢现身!” Black Heavenly Demon God spooky saying. 黑天魔神幽幽的说道。 Rising Clouds Palace seven Immortal King and Ling Xian hear this sound, turned the head to look, happen to saw Martial Dao main body. 凌霄宫的七位仙王凌仙听到这个声音,转头看了过来,也正好看见武道本尊 Ling Xian both eyes concentrate, in the heart the great happiness, said: This is you seeks death road, killed him to me!” 凌仙双目一凝,心中大喜,道:“这是你自寻死路,给我杀了他!” A Rising Clouds Palace Paradise Realm small accomplishment Demon King stand, overruns toward Martial Dao main body, turns the hand a palm, suppresses toward Martial Dao main body top of the head. 凌霄宫一位洞天境小成魔王站出来,朝着武道本尊冲过去,翻手一掌,朝着武道本尊天灵盖镇压下去。 Black Heavenly Demon God just about to begins personally, but thinks of Emperor Bo Xun suddenly, is wary. 黑天魔神刚要亲自动手,但突然想到波旬帝君,心生顾忌。 You go.” “你去。” Black Heavenly Demon God was saying to another Demon King. 黑天魔神对着身旁的另一位魔王说道。 This Demon King is also Paradise Realm small accomplishment, hears the order of Black Heavenly Demon God, does not doubt him, rushes directly. 这位魔王也是洞天境小成,听到黑天魔神的命令,不疑有他,直接冲了上去。 Black Heavenly Demon God thinks completely. 黑天魔神想得周全。 Even if Emperor Bo Xun really wants come and attack to revenge, he can still hand over this person. 就算波旬帝君真要杀上门来报仇,他也可以将此人交出去。 At the same time, Yellow Springs Mountain Village, Gods and Demons Ridge and Heavenly Evil Sect also three Paradise Realm small accomplishment Demon King rush over! 同一时间,黄泉山庄,神魔岭天邪宗也有三位洞天境小成魔王冲了过去! In an instant, Martial Dao main body falls into five Demon King around converging attack! 转眼间,武道本尊陷入五位魔王的前后夹击之中!
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