ESK :: Volume #24

#2383: Gate of Hell

„Is this person only True Demon? Can't this kill?” “此人只是真魔吗?这都杀不死?” The group demon witnesses this, looks fearful and apprehensive, looks at each other with amazement. 群魔目睹这一幕,看得心惊肉跳,相顾骇然。 Yan Zui sinking sound said: This person is the severe wound, even if this tribulation, he can support, we seize the chance to act, he must die without doubt.” 阎罪沉声道:“此人已是重伤,就算这一劫,他能撑过去,咱们趁机出手,他也必死无疑。” Under Hell Suppressing Cauldron. 镇狱鼎下方。 Yan Beichen, Ming Zhen and the others can only look at this helplessly, is helpless. 燕北辰明真等人只能眼睁睁看着这一幕,却无能为力。 „Won't master confess this?” “主人不会交代到这吧?” In the Tian Lang (heavenly wolf) heart also somewhat lacks self-confidence, whispers. 天狼心中也有些没底,嘀咕一声。 The Gu Tongyou look is melancholy, sighed one lightly: Perhaps now, can only pray, later will not have what thunder phantom appears again.” 古通幽神色忧郁,轻叹一声:“现在,恐怕只能祈祷,之后不会再有什么雷霆虚影显化了。” Thunder Sovereign Feng Cantian under Hell Suppressing Cauldron, sits cross-legged to sit, the eyes shut tightly, as if falls into some marvelous condition. 雷皇风残天镇狱鼎下,盘膝而坐,双眼紧闭,似乎陷入某种奇妙的状态。 In sea of consciousness, that piece of turbulent thunder sea, unceasing drawing in compression! 识海中,那片汹涌的雷霆之海,不断的收拢压缩! The strength in the unceasing savings, seems also gathering the potential, is fermenting what stones split and heavens quake sound! 力量也在不断的积蓄,似乎在蓄势,酝酿着什么石破惊天的动静! In battlefield. 战场上。 Martial Dao main body under besieging of six thunder phantoms, had been drawn back does not have to draw back. 武道本尊被在六道雷霆虚影的围攻之下,已经退无可退。 „!” “啊!” Martial Dao main body face upwards suddenly the long and loud cry, stimulates to movement primordial spirit, both hands fluctuates continuously magic arts, in his behind, evolves the giant gateway that black qi winds around! 武道本尊突然仰天长啸,催动元神,双手连续变幻法诀,在他的身后,演化出一座黑气缭绕的巨大门户! This gateway, seems a dark abyss, being too deep to see the bottom, as if probably is of headstrong the big mouth wild giant beast, can swallow all! 这座门户,仿佛是一条幽暗深渊,深不见底,又仿佛像是莽荒巨兽的血盆大口,可以吞噬一切! This is Martial Dao main body is obtaining Hell Suppressing Cauldron, after controlling Avici Hell, dao law Gate of Hell that evolves! 这是武道本尊在得到镇狱鼎,掌控阿鼻地狱之后,演化出来的道法地狱之门 black qi of Gate of Hell surrounding turbulent encirclement, then can corrode all, contamination myriad things avici demon qi! 地狱之门周围汹涌环绕的黑气,便是可以腐蚀一切,污秽万物的阿鼻魔气 Comes to me!” “都给我进来吧!” Martial Dao main body loudly shouted, holding up Gate of Hell, covers completely six thunder phantoms, demon qi turns wells up, covering the sky and blocking the sun! 武道本尊大喝一声,撑起地狱之门,将六道雷霆虚影全部笼罩进去,魔气翻涌,遮天蔽日 Gate of Hell, to lead to Avici Hell. 地狱之门,通向阿鼻地狱 Martial Dao main body must this six thunder phantoms, the complete suppression in Avici Hell! 武道本尊要将这六道雷霆虚影,全部镇压在阿鼻地狱之中! Gate of Hell erupts powerful attracting force, entrained six thunder phantoms! 地狱之门爆发出一股强大的吸扯力,将六道雷霆虚影拽了进去! six thunder phantoms somewhat is also surprised, didn’t expect, this gateway can swallow unexpectedly them! 六道雷霆虚影也有些吃惊,没想到,这座门户竟然可以将他们吞噬进去! They as if feel the bad risk crisis, erupts various dao law sword technique hastily, resists with avici demon qi, wants to work loose from Gate of Hell. 他们似乎感受到凶险危机,连忙爆发出各种道法剑术,与阿鼻魔气对抗,想要从地狱之门挣脱出来。 Buzz! Buzz! 嗡!嗡! Bang! Bang! 轰!轰! Gate of Hell unceasing fierce rocking, spreads a loud sound! 地狱之门不断的剧烈晃动,传出一阵巨响! What first works loose from Gate of Hell is black-clothed lady, tortoise shell in her hand, blooms rays, appears piece of mysterious runes, as if can see clearly Tian Ji (Heaven’s Secret), deduces the myriad things. 最先从地狱之门挣脱出来的是黑衣女子,她手中的龟甲,绽放出一道道光芒,浮现出一片神秘符文,似乎能洞察天机,推演万物。 Meanwhile, her under foot, releases that mysterious step again. 与此同时,她的脚下,再度释放出那种玄妙步法。 One step treads, the under foot appears an upright design, as if embraces myriad forms, exhausts world's mysteries! 一步踏出,脚下浮现出一片方方正正的图案,似乎包罗万象,穷尽天地奥秘 The black-clothed lady child weaponry in the hand tortoise shell and mysterious step, work loose from Gate of Hell. 黑衣女子仗着手中龟甲与玄妙步法,从地狱之门挣脱出来。 Even so, this time loses to her is also enormous, phantom desalinates many, is nearly transparent! 即便如此,这次对她损失也是极大,虚影淡化许多,近乎透明! Second to/clashes, white clothing sword cultivator that comes to finally. 第二个冲出来的,是最后现身的白衣剑修 A sword tears avici demon qi, on Gate of Hell, cuts together the clear sword mark! 一剑撕裂阿鼻魔气,在地狱之门上,斩出一道清晰剑痕! White clothing sword cultivator withdraws, but the body was still contaminating many avici demon qi, after he dispels these demon qi thoroughly, phantom also desalinates, as if consumes big. 白衣剑修脱身而出,但身上仍沾染着不少阿鼻魔气,当他将这些魔气彻底祛除之后,虚影也淡化下来,似乎消耗不小。 On Gate of Hell, was cut together the fissure by white clothing sword cultivator, cannot surround the remaining four people again. 地狱之门上,被白衣剑修斩出一道裂痕,就再也困不住剩下的四人。 A old ape stick pounds, makes a big hole Gate of Hell, the surroundings cover entirely the spider web shape fissure, spreads unceasingly, almost disruption brink of collapse! 老猿一棍砸下来,将地狱之门打出一个大坑,周围布满蛛网状裂痕,不断蔓延,几近碎裂崩溃的边缘! old ape flushed. 老猿冲了出来。 Follows, is the dark and bright two men. 紧随其后,便是黑暗、光明两位男子。 Finally is the white clothing female. 最后才是白衣女子。 Although six thunder phantoms flees, but actually almost plants in inside . Moreover, this loss is huge, the aura of everyone, failure most, no longer formerly! 六道雷霆虚影虽然逃离出来,但却差点栽在里面,而且,这次损失巨大,每个人的气息,都衰竭大半,不复从前! This Gate of Hell, reason that can erupt the so strong might, swallows six thunder phantoms, because of this dao law, has touched to power of paradise! 这道地狱之门,之所以能爆发出这般强大的威力,将六道雷霆虚影吞噬进去,是因为这门道法,已经触及到一丝洞天之力 Martial Dao main body just stepped into True Martial Realm, should not contact this strength. 武道本尊才刚刚踏入真武境,本不应该接触到这种力量。 But his martial dao's furnace, smelting too many dao law divine ability. 但他的武道烘炉,熔炼太多道法神通 Afterward, he also obtains Hell Suppressing Cauldron, wields Avici Hell, but also was stranded in Avici Great Hell thousand years, suffers greatly, can therefore imitate similar paradise exist(ence)! 随后,他又得到镇狱鼎,执掌阿鼻地狱,还被困在阿鼻大地狱千年,受尽折磨,所以才能模仿出一种类似洞天存在 Accurate, Martial Dao main body did not have comprehension to power of paradise. 准确来说,武道本尊还没有感悟洞天之力 This Gate of Hell, but he imitates Avici Hell, dao law that evolves, the disciple has the shape of paradise, does not have the meaning of paradise! 这道地狱之门,只是他模仿阿鼻地狱,演化出来的道法,徒具洞天之形,却无洞天之意! But so, Martial Dao main body still almost buries alive Heavenly Tribulation appears six thunder phantom even at one fell swoop! 可即便如此,武道本尊也差点一举坑杀天劫显化的六位雷霆虚影 This war, six thunder phantoms, is Martial Dao main body, has reached the limit. 这一战,不论是六道雷霆虚影,还是武道本尊,都已经达到极限。 But another side stars phantom, with the Four Great Saint Souls war, had not decided the victory and defeat. 而另一边的星辰虚影,与四大圣魂大战,仍未分出胜负。 In the meantime, tribulation clouds again appears. 就在此时,劫云再度显化 Also there is thunder phantom together to arrive. 又有一道雷霆虚影降临下来。 Under Hell Suppressing Cauldron, Yan Beichen, Ming Zhen and the others in the heart sink. 镇狱鼎下方,燕北辰明真等人心中一沉。 Just now situation, but also is maintaining balanced, the strength of Martial Dao main body at least also war. 方才的局势,还保持着平衡,武道本尊至少还有一战之力。 But now, appears the thunder phantom, will completely undermine this balance again! 而如今,再度显化的这位雷霆虚影,将彻底打破这个平衡! Final phantom, is very likely the Martial Dao main body end! 最后的这道虚影,极有可能将武道本尊终结! This is monk, wears the ancient cassock, in the hand holds bronze cauldron, is quite similar to the Hell Suppressing Cauldron big or small style. 这是一位僧人,穿着古旧袈裟,手中托着一尊青铜方鼎,与镇狱鼎的大小样式极为相似。 Just, the four walls of this cauldron, without the Four Great Saint Souls design. 只不过,这尊鼎的四壁,没有四大圣魂的图案。 Others cannot see what positive result, but when Martial Dao main body sees this bronze cauldron, recognizes, this is Hell Suppressing Cauldron! 旁人看不出什么名堂,但当武道本尊看到这尊青铜方鼎的时候,一眼就认出来,这就是镇狱鼎 Or is the Hell Suppressing Cauldron initial appearance! 或者说,是镇狱鼎最初的样子! If, this bronze cauldron is Hell Suppressing Cauldron, that this monk status, is vivid! 如果,这尊青铜方鼎就是镇狱鼎,那这位僧人的身份,也呼之欲出! Seamless Great Emperor! 无间大帝 Martial Dao main body has never seen Seamless Great Emperor. 武道本尊从未见过无间大帝 Also has never thought that can in a day, probably see Seamless Great Emperor genuine appearance. 也从未想过,能在有一天,得见无间大帝真容 Sees this monk moment, two great true bodies, although is separated by trillion li (0.5 km), is actually the mind big quakes! 见到这位僧人的一刻,两大真身虽相隔亿万里,却都是心神大震! Su Zimo has never thought that in this legend suppresses innumerable devil, even does not hesitate the incarnation for domineering Great Emperor of purgatory, can be this appearance. 苏子墨从未想过,这位传说中镇压无数邪魔,甚至不惜化身为炼狱的强势大帝,会是这个样子。 The monk vision is temperate, looks extremely kind. 僧人目光温和,看上去极为和蔼。 After monk holds bronze cauldron is arriving, sees nearby Hell Suppressing Cauldron, is startled slightly. 僧人托着青铜方鼎降临之后,看到一旁的镇狱鼎,也微微一怔。 Afterward, he looks to Martial Dao main body, in the eye pupil, as if passed over gently and swiftly suddenly. 随后,他又看向武道本尊,眼眸中,似乎掠过一丝恍然。 Finished.” “结束吧。” monk shows a faint smile, is bowing to seven thunder phantom of not far away slightly, said one in a soft voice. 僧人微微一笑,对着不远处的七道雷霆虚影微微躬身,轻声说了一句。 shortly afterwards, the monk body explodes suddenly, bursts out a terrifying incomparable strength, sweeps across the four directions, entrains into which seven forms completely! 紧接着,僧人的身躯突然爆裂,迸发出一股恐怖无比的力量,席卷四方,将七道身影全部拽入其中! On seven phantom face , without the anger to be unwilling, without the hate is surprised. 七道虚影的脸庞上,没有愤怒不甘,没有怨恨惊讶。 On the contrary, seven phantom look at the Martial Dao main body vision, as if has an appreciation, gratified. 相反,七道虚影看着武道本尊的目光,似乎带着一丝赞赏,一丝欣慰。 shortly afterwards, seven phantom desalinate gradually, dissipates in between Heaven and Earth. 紧接着,七道虚影渐渐淡化,消散在天地之间 This strength the failure, the direct impact clouds, had not exploded the powder tribulation clouds in sky! 这股力量仍未衰竭,直冲云霄,将天空中的劫云炸散! The dust turns over to the dust, the earth to turn over to the earth, Heaven and Earth to return to normal. 尘归尘,土归土,天地重新恢复平静。 Just now that looking like the dream is not generally real, seems only the misconception of people. 方才那一幕,就像是梦幻一般不真实,仿佛只是众人的错觉。 Martial Dao main body stands in in the original place, silent. 武道本尊站在原地,默然不语。 For a long time later, he recovers gradually, grows the one breath. 许久之后,他才渐渐回过神来,长出一口气。
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