ESK :: Volume #24

#2381: heaven's will

black-clothed lady raises hand lightly whisk, Three Thousand Threads ties, just like a lance, punctured toward Martial Dao main body! 黑衣女子轻扬手中的拂尘,三千尘丝束起,宛如一根长矛,朝着武道本尊刺了过来! This, bursts out a firm and fierce strength, as if no to shake! 这一下,迸发出一股刚猛至极的力量,似乎无可撼动! Azure Lotus True Body in Universe Academy, by the eyes of Martial Dao main body, sees this, feels is actually another situation. 青莲真身远在乾坤书院,透过武道本尊的双眼,看到这一幕,感受到的却是另一番情形。 black-clothed lady wields whisk this, is seemingly simple, but inside as if contains profound truth of deep level, is very exquisite. 黑衣女子挥动拂尘这一手,看似简单,但里面似乎蕴藏着深层次的奥义,无比精妙。 Martial Dao main body facing the offensive of black-clothed lady, nature no place to fear, does not dodge does not evade, the stride goes forward, lifting the hand is a fist! 武道本尊面对黑衣女子的攻势,自然无所畏惧,不闪不避,跨步上前,抬手便是一拳! Bang! 轰! The fist of Three Thousand Threads and Martial Dao main body hits in the same place, erupts a loud sound! 三千尘丝武道本尊的拳头撞在一起,爆发出一声巨响! Martial Dao main body whole body big quake! 武道本尊浑身大震! On his fist, appears to wipe the bloodstain. 他的拳头上,浮现出一抹血迹。 The lance that Three Thousand Threads transforms, can break open the True Martial Dao Body flesh unexpectedly, making him see the blood! 三千尘丝幻化成的长矛,竟然可以破开真武道体的血肉,让他见血! But black-clothed lady shakes one with him hardly, has not retroceded unexpectedly half step! 黑衣女子与他硬撼一记,竟然没有后退半步! In that seemingly slender delicate body, seems hiding the infinite strength! 那个看似纤细娇弱的身躯中,仿佛隐藏着无穷的力量! Good!” “好!” Martial Dao main body nods slightly, said: I must have a look but actually, you can also meet my several fists!” 武道本尊微微颔首,道:“我倒要看看,你还能接我几拳!” He is just about to go forward, actually remembers a matter suddenly, heart trembled. 他正要上前,却突然想起一件事,心中一凛 battle strength of this black-clothed lady, is so fearful, the strength is not weak in him. 这个黑衣女子的战力,如此可怕,力量不弱于他。 White clothing female who that grasps the long sword, will not be weak. 想必那个手持长剑的白衣女子,也不会太弱。 Then, severely wounded Feng Cantian, is not the opponent of white clothing female! 如此一来,重伤的风残天,绝不是白衣女子的对手! Meanwhile, Feng Cantian and white clothing female has fought. 与此同时,风残天与白衣女子已经交手。 The white clothing female waves the long sword, swings sword shadow, the graceful physique flutters in sword shadow, enchanting charming, graceful. 白衣女子舞动长剑,荡起一道道剑影,曼妙身姿在剑影中飘动,妖娆妩媚,风姿绰约。 Feng Cantian facing this sword method, has one type unable to start unexpectedly the feeling! 风残天面对这种剑法,竟生出一种无从下手之感! If he acts, as if will break at present this wonderful concept instantaneously. 他若出手,似乎就会瞬间打破眼前这美妙的意境 Be careful!” “小心!” Suddenly, he hears Martial Dao main body the sound of warning. 突然,他听到武道本尊的示警之声。 Thinks without enough time, Feng Cantian subconscious uphold Startling Evil Spear. 来不及多想,风残天下意识的抬起惊邪枪 Wipes sword light to shine, flashes passes. 一抹剑光亮起,一闪即逝。 When! 当! Startling Evil Spear as if collided with the long sword, shortly afterwards, the body of Feng Cantian, are many more than ten wounds, the blood such as spring wells up! 惊邪枪似乎与长剑碰撞了一下,紧接着,风残天的身上,多出十几道伤口,血如泉涌! !” “噗!” Feng Cantian puts out a blood, the whole person cannot support, drops down face up. 风残天吐出一口鲜血,整个人支撑不住,仰面倒下。 Martial Dao main body suddenly appears, turns the hand a fist, hits side the sword blade of white clothing women's long sword, then this strength, figure, arrives by Hell Suppressing Cauldron, sends in Hell Suppressing Cauldron under Feng Cantian. 武道本尊突然出现,翻手一拳,打在白衣女子长剑的剑身侧面,接着这股力量,身形一荡,来到镇狱鼎旁边,将风残天送入镇狱鼎的下方。 The Feng Cantian situation, has been incapable of fighting again. 风残天的情况,已经无力再战。 If not Martial Dao main body comes, this white clothing 2 nd in the women's match sword, wanted the Feng Cantian life on the possibility! 若非武道本尊现身,这白衣女子第二剑,就可能要了风残天的命! Be careful!” “小心!” Feng Cantian knew that cannot help anything, can only urge one. 风残天自知帮不到什么,只能叮嘱一声。 Martial Dao main body nods slightly, turns around to rush over toward two females. 武道本尊微微颔首,转身朝着两位女子冲了过去。 Bang! 轰! Martial Dao main body charges into black-clothed lady, fights with the fists, such as the volcano spout, the earth-shattering, bursts out the tyrannical incomparable strength! 武道本尊冲向黑衣女子,一拳打过去,如火山喷涌,天崩地裂,迸发出强横无匹的力量! The black-clothed lady child look is indifferent, raises whisk as before. 黑衣女子神色淡然,依旧扬起拂尘 But this time, Three Thousand Threads becomes to the utmost supple, twines to limit the Martial Dao main body figure unceasingly. 但这一次,三千尘丝变得极尽阴柔,不断缠绕限制武道本尊的身形。 Has not been able to touch black-clothed lady, this fist strength of firm and fierce, had been reduced and solved all. 还没能触碰到黑衣女子,这一拳中的刚猛之力,已经尽数被化解。 Supreme Unity's Whisk in the hand of black-clothed lady, the tamper force with mercy, revolution according to one's wish, acts each time, is seemingly common, but actually concealment infinite dao law! 太乙拂尘黑衣女子的手中,刚柔并济,运转如意,每次出手,看似寻常,但却隐含无穷道法 When both sides are away from pulls closer, the black-clothed lady child lotus steps lightly move, the under foot as if appears the checkerboard general mysterious design! 每当双方距离拉近之时,黑衣女子莲步轻移,脚下仿佛浮现出棋盘一般的玄妙图案! black-clothed lady every step treads, will tread in the special position, spreads out instantaneously, brushes Martial Dao main body using whisk! 黑衣女子每一步踏出,都会踏在特殊的方位上,瞬间拉开距离,利用拂尘抽打武道本尊 Martial Dao main body attacks continuously, is unable near body. 武道本尊连续进攻,都无法近身。 On the contrary, his body, was extracted bloodstains by this whisk on the contrary! 相反,他的身上,反倒被这拂尘抽出一道道血痕! Another side, the white clothing female grasps the long sword, poses the enormous threat to Martial Dao main body. 另一边,白衣女子手持长剑,对武道本尊也造成极大的威胁。 Over time, under besieging of two females, Martial Dao main body falls gradually leeward! 随着时间推移,在两位女子的围攻之下,武道本尊渐渐落入下风! In the meantime, tribulation clouds fluctuates, there is phantom appears together to come out. 就在此时,劫云变幻,又有一道虚影显化出来。 This phantom is not Human Race, but is three-ten feet old ape, the both arms are extremely long, almost hangs in the knees, the beard and hair is gray, but in the eye pupil, is actually surging strange blood light! 这道虚影并非是人族,而是一头高达三丈的老猿,双臂极长,几乎垂在膝间,须发花白,但眼眸中,却涌动着诡异的血光 Hou Zi (monkey)!” 猴子!” Martial Dao main body sees this only old ape, in the heart moves. 武道本尊看到这只老猿,心中一动。 This old ape seems only close to the Hou Zi (monkey) bloodlines, belongs to independent lineage/vein in Ape Clan. 这只老猿似乎与猴子血脉相近,属于猿猴一族中的单独的一脉。 After old ape appears, in the hand is also carrying a long stick of golden light twinkle! 老猿显化之后,手中也同样拎着一根金光闪烁的长棍! Roar!” “吼!” old ape roared to Martial Dao main body, qi and blood bursts out, is carrying the long stick, swept away toward Martial Dao main body! 老猿冲着武道本尊咆哮一声,气血迸发,拎着长棍,朝着武道本尊横扫过来! Bang! 砰! Martial Dao main body knocks out the fist, shakes with it hardly! 武道本尊出拳,与之硬撼! The fist stick collides, Martial Dao main body stands one's ground steadfastly, is this old ape backs up on the contrary half step! 拳棍碰撞,武道本尊岿然不动,反倒是这头老猿倒退半步! „!” “嗷嗷!” The old ape anger, blood light in eye pupil is extremely more abundant, as if falls into the wild condition, brandishes the long stick to pound to fall again! 老猿怒极,眼眸中的血光更盛,似乎陷入狂暴的状态,再度抡起长棍砸落下来! Martial Dao main body still fought with the fists. 武道本尊仍是一拳打过去。 Bang! 砰! This time, both sides are half have not drawn back, the Martial Dao main body whole body shakes. 这一次,双方都是半步未退,武道本尊浑身一震。 After this old ape falls into is wild, the strength is really raised enormously! 这头老猿陷入狂暴之后,力量果然提升极大! old ape roared again, clubbed! 老猿再度咆哮,又是一棍打来! Bang! 砰! This time, Martial Dao main body retrocedes one after another, in the eye pupil passed over gently and swiftly wipes with astonishment. 这一次,武道本尊接连后退,眼眸中掠过一抹惊愕。 Acting of old ape, the strength is one by one fierce, is one by one terrifying, he somewhat cannot withstand! 老猿的出手,力量一次比一次凶猛,一次比一次恐怖,就连他都有些承受不住! Roar!” “吼!” old ape acts again, a stick air-splitting! 老猿再度出手,一棍破空! The speed was too fast! 速度太快了! Martial Dao main body only thought that at present phantom passes together, he builds the both arms subconsciously! 武道本尊只觉得眼前一道虚影晃过,他下意识的架起双臂! Bang! 砰! heaven-shaking divine power that is inconceivable, numerous collisions on his both arms, pull out him directly fly, drop several feet away, slides together the deep gully in the ground! 一股难以想象的惊天神力,重重的撞在他的双臂上,直接将他抽飞,跌落十几丈远,在地面上滑出一道深深的沟壑! The both arms of Martial Dao main body, transmit a severe pain. 武道本尊的双臂,传来一阵剧痛。 old ape this stick, pounds covered with blood his both arms, even has revealed inside bone! 老猿这一棍,将他双臂砸得血肉模糊,甚至已经露出里面的骨头! If not True Martial Dao Body small accomplishment, the skeleton has carved full law of martial dao, this stick, breaks by smashing with stone his both arms sufficiently! 若非真武道体小成,骨骼已经刻满武道之法,这一棍,就足以将他的双臂砸断! tribulation clouds changes again. 劫云再度变化。 Also two phantom come. 又有两道虚影现身。 After arrives, the weather is gloomy. 一位降临之后,天色都暗淡下来。 The position that this form is , the darkness covers, anything cannot see clearly, only then together dim fuzzy shadow. 这道身影所在的位置,黑暗笼罩,什么都看不清,只有一道朦胧模糊的影子。 Another form golden-haired and blue-eyed, the figure is big, the whole body blooms dazzling golden light, within the body is raising golden qi and blood, handsome incomparable! 另一道身影金发碧眼,身形高大,浑身绽放着璀璨夺目的金光,体内升起一道道金色气血,英俊无比! These two forms, as if represents the darkness, a representative is bright. 这两道身影,似乎一个代表黑暗,一位代表光明。 „Who this is, how to emit so many all of a sudden?” “这都是什么人,怎么一下子冒出这么多?” Under Hell Suppressing Cauldron, the Gu Tongyou look worried. 镇狱鼎下方,古通幽神色担忧。 These phantom, are interwoven by the thunder, power of heavenly tribulation appears, is not a true body. 这些虚影,均是由雷霆交织而成,天劫之力显化,并非真身。 Even but if so, battle strength that these phantom erupt, really is extremely still fearful! 可即便如此,这些虚影爆发出来的战力,也实在太过可怕! The evildoer/monstrous talent that this Heavenly Desolate Sect Sect Master, battle strength heaven defying, even supreme divine ability can shoulder, were compelled until now position by these phantom unexpectedly! 这位天荒宗宗主,战力逆天,连无上神通都能扛下来的妖孽,竟然被这些虚影逼到如今的境地! brother Yan, what's all this about?” 阎兄,这是怎么回事?” Fairy Zihe and the others asked. 紫河仙子等人问道。 In these phantom, casual, will make the group demon feel fearful and apprehensive, absolutely terrified. 这些虚影中,随便一位,都会让群魔感到胆战心惊,毛骨悚然。 Let alone, has five to come at present! 更别说,眼下已经有五位现身! Trim Heaven and Earth, does not seem able to withstand five paths phantom also to appear, is swaying slightly, shivers to tremble! 整片天地,似乎都无法承受着五道虚影同时出现,在微微摇晃,颤抖战栗! Yan Zui shows the smile finally, said: I do not know that who these are, I only know a matter, is the day must extinguish him, this is heaven's will! heaven's will is absolute!” 阎罪终于露出笑容,道:“我也不知道这些都是什么人,我只知道一件事,是天要灭他,此乃天意天意不可违!”
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