ESK :: Volume #24

#2378: supreme divine ability

After bloodline's tribulation, one after another two Heavenly Tribulation, are silent, does not have any shape, arrives directly in Martial Dao main body within the body. 血脉劫之后,接连两道天劫,均是无声无息,也没有任何形态,直接降临在武道本尊的体内。 primordial spirit's tribulation. 元神劫 This Heavenly Tribulation, can completely disregard the defense of Moluo Mask, strange appearance in sea of consciousness. 这种天劫,可以完全无视摩罗面具的防御,诡异的出现在识海中。 Martial Dao main body responded is extremely quick, immediately stimulated to movement primordial spirit secret technique, resisted with it. 武道本尊反应极快,立即催动元神秘术,与之对抗。 After little, primordial spirit's tribulation dissipates. 少许之后,元神劫消散。 Again later, is dao heart's tribulation. 再之后,便是道心劫 This Heavenly Tribulation, what affects is cultivator's Dao Heart. 这道天劫,影响的是修士的道心 Dao Heart is not firm, under the function of this Heavenly Tribulation, must live heart's demon! 道心不坚,在这道天劫的作用之下,必生心魔 Just, dao heart's tribulation regarding Martial Dao main body, completely does not have any influence. 只不过,道心劫对于武道本尊而言,完全没有任何影响。 He once condensed Dao Heart Stairs tenth step, Dao Heart invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable, is dao heart's tribulation in 9 x 9 Heavenly Tribulations, is unable to shake! 他曾凝聚道心梯第十阶,道心坚不可摧,便是九九天劫中的道心劫,也无法撼动! After three dao (path) silent invisible Heavenly Tribulation conclusion, tribulation clouds changes again. 三道无声无息无形的天劫结束之后,劫云再度发生变化。 Stop little, the tribulation clouds middle, falls gently suddenly sparks. 停顿少许,劫云的中间,突然飘落下来一点火星 ! 呼! This sparks falls on the body of Martial Dao main body, ignites together the flaming fire instantaneously, spreads to increase unceasingly, forms a linking the Heaven and Earth column of flame, raging flames is steaming! 这点火星落在武道本尊的身上,瞬间燃起一道熊熊大火,不断蔓延攀升,形成一条贯通天地的火柱,烈焰腾腾! Seventh Heavenly Tribulation, karma tribulation! 第七道天劫,因果劫 Anyone, is what life, from being born moment, the body is contaminating karma. 不论是谁,是什么生灵,从诞生下来的一刻,身上就沾染着因果 With the lapse of time, constantly grows, contaminates karma unceasingly. 随着时间的推移,不断成长,也就不断沾染因果 Has good, because, there is a bad cause. 有善因,也有恶因。 But this Heavenly Tribulation, lights on Martial Dao main body all karma, burns down unceasingly! 而这道天劫,将武道本尊身上的所有因果点燃,不断焚烧! In the Martial Dao main body this connecting the Heaven and Earth column of flame, stands erect not but actually, stands one's ground steadfastly, as if cannot feel any pain to suffer. 武道本尊这道接天连地的火柱之中,屹立不倒,岿然不动,似乎感受不到任何痛苦折磨。 Compared with pain that because, this type of flame, in Fire of Hell with Avici Great Hell brings, is not worth mentioning. 因为,这种火焰,与阿鼻大地狱地狱之火带来的痛苦相比,根本不值一提。 What is more important, this type of flame, he is most familiar. 更重要的是,这种火焰,他最熟悉不过。 World can light karma, is only karmic fire! 世间能点燃因果的,就只有业火 karmic fire burns down karma at the same time, is quenching the flesh! 业火焚烧因果的同时,也在淬炼血肉! Under the gaze of people, sees only Martial Dao main body to face upward the long and loud cry, an entire body as if incarnation bottomless trench, swallows up to drink like a fish general, absorbs to swallow this linking the Heaven and Earth karmic fire unceasingly! 在众人的注视之下,只见武道本尊仰天长啸,整个身躯仿佛化身一个无底深渊,鲸吞牛饮一般,不断吸收吞噬着这道贯通天地业火 In the Martial Dao main body side, surrounds strange sad touching red lotus flower, appears is having a monster different aesthetic sense! 武道本尊的身边,环绕着一道道诡异凄美的红色莲花,显化出一种妖异的美感! Martial Dao main body treads Karmic Fire Red Lotus, the figure is increasing unceasingly. 武道本尊踏着业火红莲,身形不断攀升。 The ninth round of Heavenly Tribulation seventh tribulation, shakes Martial Dao main body! 第九轮天劫的第七劫,也撼动武道本尊 The group demon looks at the mind to sway, the whole face is panic-stricken. 群魔看得心神摇晃,满脸惊骇。 This karma tribulation, nearby Feng Cantian, was attacked big. 这道因果劫,就连旁边的风残天,都遭受到不小的冲击。 He was almost fired the black coal, in an extremely difficult situation, the skin crack, the bloodlines flow, crash on the ground, forms red lotus. 他几乎被烧成黑炭,狼狈不堪,皮肤龟裂,血脉流淌,坠落在地上,形成一朵朵红莲 The seventh tribulation ended, the eighth tribulation arrives! 第七劫结束,第八劫降临! Zheng clank! 铮铮铮! Whiz whiz whiz! 嗖嗖嗖! Sees only in thick tribulation clouds, arrives at various divine weapon, kills toward Martial Dao main body, Feng Cantian and Hell Suppressing Cauldron! 只见浓密的劫云之中,降临下来一道道各不相同的神兵,朝着武道本尊风残天镇狱鼎杀去! blades and weapons tribulation! 刀兵劫 All kinds of divine weapon magical treasure, sword and spear sword halberd, axe battle-ax hook fork...... 各种各样的神兵法宝,刀枪剑戟,斧钺钩叉…… Big cauldron, ancient bell, copper furnace...... 还有大鼎,古钟,铜炉…… Many Side Gate strange weapons, probably whisk, warning, long shuttle...... 还有诸多旁门奇异的兵器,像是拂尘,宝鉴,长梭…… These weapons by power of heavenly tribulation appears, the might have been the nine tribulations pure yang spiritual treasure level, crowded like rain, hiding the sky and covering the earth! 这些兵器以天劫之力显化,威力都已经达到九劫纯阳灵宝的层次,密集如雨,铺天盖地而来! Haha, comes well!” “哈哈,来得好!” Feng Cantian laughs, waves Startling Evil Spear, is proud, shoots up to the sky! 风残天大笑一声,舞动惊邪枪,豪情万丈,冲天而起! To shoulder this blades and weapons tribulation, the simplest way, naturally like Feng Cantian, resists with it using divine weapon magical treasure. 想要扛过这道刀兵劫,最简单的办法,自然就是像风残天一样,利用神兵法宝与之对抗。 But at this time, Hell Suppressing Cauldron also protects in Yan Beichen and the others the above, is unable to leave. 但此时,镇狱鼎还守护在燕北辰等人的上方,无法离开。 Martial Dao main body facing this covering the sky and blocking the sun pure yang magical treasure, does not dodge does not evade, directly on however! 武道本尊面对这遮天蔽日纯阳法宝,不闪不避,迎头而上! Bang! Bang! Bang! 轰!轰!轰! Martial Dao main body waves the double fist, acts unceasingly, is relying on the flesh and blood, with arriving pure yang magical treasure shakes hardly, erupts a deafening loud sound! 武道本尊舞动双拳,不断出手,凭借着血肉之躯,与降临下来的纯阳法宝硬撼,爆发出一阵震耳欲聋的巨响! The group demon looks at the tooth to turn sour. 群魔看得牙齿发酸。 Although these pure yang spiritual treasure do not have the essence, but also is power of heavenly tribulation transforms, fleshly body of this person, can shake with it unexpectedly hardly! 这些纯阳灵宝虽然没有实质,但也是天劫之力幻化而成,此人的肉身,竟然能与之硬撼! Naturally, under the continual resistance, a Martial Dao main body double fist bloodstain, the body are also many wounds. 当然,连续对抗之下,武道本尊的双拳一片血迹,身上也多出一道道伤口。 But these injuries, to True Martial Dao Body, minimal. 但这些伤势,对真武道体而言,微乎其微。 Changes mind, can heal! 转念间,就能愈合! Finally, divine weapon in sky, is gradually scarce, finally dissipates. 终于,天空中的神兵,渐渐稀少,最终消散。 blades and weapons tribulation finished! 刀兵劫结束! 9 x 9 Heavenly Tribulations, only has this last Heavenly Tribulation! 九九天劫,就只剩下这最后一道天劫 The distant place, the Fairy Zihe look is dignified, shakes the head saying: brother Yan, we remove. Looks at this stance, even last Heavenly Tribulation, is still very difficult to become anything to cause heavy losses to other party.” 远处,紫河仙子神色凝重,摇头道:“阎兄,咱们还是撤吧。看这架势,即便是最后一道天劫,也很难对他造成什么重创。” Cannot.” “不会。” The Yan Zui look is calm, said: Last Heavenly Tribulation, without is so easy to resist, even if he can support, should still discard half life!” 阎罪神色淡定,道:“最后一道天劫,没那么容易抵挡,即便他能撑过去,也会丢掉半条命!” „Is brother Yan so self-confident?” 阎兄这么自信?” Fairy Zihe knits the brows to ask. 紫河仙子皱眉问道。 Yan Zui did not answer, asked back: You may know, what tribulation 9 x 9 Heavenly Tribulations last is?” 阎罪不答,反问道:“你可知道,九九天劫最后一道是什么劫?” Fairy Zihe said: Does not know, but also asked brother Yan to direct.” 紫河仙子道:“不知,还请阎兄指点。” Last, is divine ability's tribulation.” “最后一道,是神通劫。” Yan Zui said lightly. 阎罪淡淡说道。 Fairy Zihe cannot understand, said: This person so far, has not used divine abilities and secret techniques, even divine ability's tribulation, will perhaps still fly back without any results.” 紫河仙子仍是没能理解,道:“此人目前为止,还没有动用过神通秘法,就算是神通劫,恐怕也会无功而返。” Hehe...... „ 呵呵……“ Yan Zui smiles, asked: You may know, in Three Thousand Worlds initial supreme divine ability, how to spread?” 阎罪笑了笑,又问道:“你可知道,三千界中最初的无上神通,都是怎么流传出来的?” This...... is not clear.” “这……不清楚。” Fairy Zihe shakes the head, is probing asking: Has person of self-created naturally gifted to come out, then inherits?” 紫河仙子摇头,试探着问道:“有天赋异禀之人自创出来,然后传承下去?” Is impossible.” “不可能。” Yan Zui said: supreme divine ability, touches dao law most core profound truth, wants to comprehend together supreme divine ability, difficult such as to ascend to heaven, not to mention self-created.” 阎罪道:“无上神通,触及到道法最核心的奥义,想要领悟一道无上神通,都难如登天,更不用说自创。” This is not exaggerating. 这并非夸大。 Yan Zui is known as is Supreme True Demon, moreover there is an opportunity to contact supreme divine ability, has not actually comprehended completely. 阎罪号称是无上真魔,而且有机会接触过无上神通,却没有完全领悟。 Isn't able self-created to come out?” “无法自创出来?” In the Fairy Zihe heart moves, listens to the Yan Zui implication, said: You meant, the 9 x 9 Heavenly Tribulations last tribulation, is supreme divine ability!” 紫河仙子心中一动,听出阎罪的言外之意,道:“你的意思是说,九九天劫的最后一劫,乃是无上神通!” Good!” “不错!” The Yan Zui nod said: supreme divine ability is quite scarce, spreads until now supreme divine ability, is 9 x 9 Heavenly Tribulations last inherits!” 阎罪点头道:“无上神通极为稀少,流传至今的无上神通,均是九九天劫最后一道传承下来的!” Not is only Fairy Zihe, the group demon hears these words, is the mind shakes. 不仅是紫河仙子,群魔听到这番话,也是心神一震。 supreme divine ability, divine ability dao law pinnacle! 无上神通,神通道法的极致! Did not say exaggeratingly, if there is True Immortal to comprehend together supreme divine ability, can definitely be vertically and horizontally invincible in True Oneness Realm, captures the title of Supreme True Immortal! 毫不夸张的说,若是有真仙能领悟一道无上神通,完全可以在真一境纵横无敌,夺得无上真仙的封号! Even goes a step further again, becomes Heavenly World first True Immortal! 甚至再进一步,成为天界第一真仙 Yan Zui said: Therefore , no matter what, we must look here he crossed this last tribulation.” 阎罪道:“所以说,不管怎样,我们都要在这里看完他渡过这最后一劫。” „Who is not, has the opportunity to watch supreme divine ability, this to us, is a giant chance!” “可不是什么人,都有机会观看到无上神通,这对我们而言,也是一番巨大的机缘!” This supreme divine ability arrives, can comprehend many, looked at respective good fortune.” “这道无上神通降临,能领悟多少,就看诸位各自造化了。” Fairy Zihe asked: Which supreme divine ability this time will arrive at?” 紫河仙子问道:“此番会降临哪一种无上神通?” This is not clear.” “这就不清楚了。” Yan Zui shakes the head slightly, said: From ancient to present supreme divine ability, in addition does not have many, I know has Dark Eternal Night, Space-Time Imprisonment, Six Paths of Reincarnation wait/etc......” 阎罪微微摇头,道:“从古至今的无上神通,加起来也没有多少,我知道的有黑暗永夜,时空禁锢六道轮回等等……” Which type arrives at to have the possibility, or, arrives at one type has never presented supreme divine ability.” “降临哪一种都有可能,亦或是,降临一种从未出现过的无上神通。”
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