ER :: Volume #14

#1301: Said goodbye Murong flutters

The Sky Sword domain is different from mixing the hole domain. 天剑领域不同于混洞领域。 Mixes the hole domain, is mainly mainly for defense, can swallow to absorb all attacks of enemy. 混洞领域,主要还是以防为主,可以吞噬吸纳敌人的一切攻击。 The Sky Sword domain, is mainly for attack, once anybody enters in the Sky Sword domain, will encounter the Sky Sword domain brutally suppresses and attack. 天剑领域,以攻为主,任何人一旦进入天剑领域中,都会遭遇到天剑领域的无情压制和打击。 To be honest, creates 60 swordsmanship territory masterstrokes, creates two swordsmanship domain territory masterstrokes, this efficiency is not high. 说实话,创造出六十门剑道域神技,才创造出两门剑道领域域神技,这个效率并不高。 However Li Fuchen has own position, he not to create some swordsmanship domain territory masterstrokes, but contributes no work but be undetected because of others, what he needs is the usability. 不过李浮尘有自己的主张,他不会为了多创造一些剑道领域域神技,而滥竽充数,他需要的是实用性。 No matter mixes the hole domain is also good, is the Sky Sword domain is also good, does not come with no reason at all, but was he built up the innumerable swordsmanship essence, and essence creations of many swordsmanship territory masterstrokes came, it can be said that was quite perfect. 不管是混洞领域也好,还是天剑领域也好,都不是无缘无故而来,而是他集结了无数剑道精华,以及诸多剑道域神技的精髓创造而来,可以说是相当完美。 60, have not reached my limit, the following goal is 100.” “六十门,还没到我的极限,接下来的目标是一百门。” Li Fuchen must have a look but actually, oneself can integrate many swordsmanship territory masterstrokes, within the body can hold many profound supernatural power. 李浮尘倒要看看,自己能够融入多少门剑道域神技,体内可以容纳多少玄神力。 Actually Li Fuchen has the feeling, own profound supernatural power, not only compared with territory supernatural power powerful ten times of other territory gods hundred times and even the polyploid, in the special characteristics, has no difference from the territory supernatural power. 其实李浮尘有感觉,自己的玄神力,不仅比其它域神的域神力强大十倍百倍乃至更多倍数,在特质上,已经和域神力没什么区别了。 The territory supernatural power of territory god, the strength of implication domain, so long as emits one, can freeze void, freezes all, the qualifications that under the territory god, the basic even/including Heyu god fights do not have, directly by territory supernatural power freeze, no matter what kills Ren Gua. 域神的域神力,蕴含领域之力,只要放出一丝,就能冻结虚空,冻结一切,域神之下,根本连和域神战斗的资格都没有,直接就会被域神力冻结,任杀任剐。 Li Fuchen profound supernatural power, although is not the earnest territory supernatural power, the swordsmanship territory masterstroke/divine skill that but because integrates are too many, similarly contains the strength of domain, but does not have the territory supernatural power of territory god is so pure, but the Li Fuchen profound supernatural power is powerful enough. 李浮尘的玄神力,虽然不是正儿八经的域神力,但由于融入的剑道域神技太多,同样蕴含着领域之力,只不过没有域神的域神力那么纯粹而已,但是李浮尘的玄神力足够强大啊。 Analogies to become water the words the territory supernatural power of territory god, the Li Fuchen profound supernatural power, is the mudstone, heavy did not know many, presses runs over you. 把域神的域神力比喻成水的话,李浮尘的玄神力,就是泥石,沉重了不知道多少,压都压死你。 The speed of territory divine tool spaceship is so fast, from a god city to another god city, when does not need. 域神器飞船的速度何等之快,从一座神城到另一座神城,根本不需要什么时间。 This was Li Fuchen deliberately slowed down the speed. 这还是李浮尘刻意放缓了速度。 He is the coming out wanderer, realizes while convenient regional local conditions and social customs, rather than gives a cursory look and gains shallow understanding, to hurry along to hurry along. 他是出来闯荡的,顺便体会一下各地的风土人情,而不是走马观花,为了赶路而赶路。 Unknowingly, Li Fuchen arrived at the peripheral zone of northern land. 不知不觉,李浮尘来到了北方大地的边缘地带。 The bloodstain mainland, is divided into the east, west, south, and north central five land, the north land, actually is quite on the other hand barren, not only the god city was short, the powerhouse was also short. 血痕大陆,分成东西南北中央五块大地,北方大地相对来说,其实比较贫瘠,不仅神城少了许多,强者也少了许多。 This is the bloodstain mainland is recognized. 这个是血痕大陆公认的。 Flamingo city, north land close to the third-level god city of Western land. 火鸟城,北方大地临近西方大地的一座三级神城。 This god city and stove city are the same, pill said that the development is quite prosperous, the god pill master and number of pill god, is next to the stove city. 这座神城和火炉城一样,丹道发展极为昌盛,神丹师和丹神的数量,仅次于火炉城。 Murong family, the flamingo city most ancient family, is the flamingo city's second family. 慕容家族,火鸟城最古老的家族,同时也是火鸟城第二家族。 The flamingo city's first family is the city main not dead area main family. 火鸟城第一家族是城主不死界主的家族。 Different is famous for the military force from other families, Murong family, by pill said becomes world-famous. 不同于其它家族以武力著称,慕容家族,是以丹道扬名天下的。 Murong family, almost each one is the god pill master or pill god, from star god pill master Danshen, to six star god pill master Danshen, has everything expected to find. 慕容家族,几乎个个都是神丹师或者丹神,从一星神丹师丹神,到六星神丹师丹神,应有尽有。 Especially Murong family's senior head of the clan Zidane the god, is six star senior gold pill gods, the pill god of this rank, is few in the entire north land, coming of hand number, attains the bloodstain mainland, is the illustrious character, every year does not know that has many god to come to ask pill, many basic shell character. 尤其是慕容家族的老族长奇丹界神,乃是一位六星高阶黄金丹神,这个级别的丹神,在整个北方大地都屈指可数,一只手数的过来,拿到血痕大陆,都是赫赫有名的人物,每年不知道有多少界神前来求丹,其中不乏界主级人物。 However said the family as pill, Murong family also had own insufficiency to be. 不过作为丹道家族,慕容家族也有自身的不足所在。 This is a military force to revere after all, powerhouse to revere world. 这毕竟是一个武力为尊,强者为尊的世界。 pill said again fiercely, others will only respect you, will not awe you, was afraid you. 丹道再厉害,别人只会尊敬你,并不会敬畏你,害怕你。 Meets persistently unreasonably, you do not have the means. 遇到蛮不讲理的,你也毫无办法。 With Murong family's senior head of the clan Zidane god , he although is six star senior gold pill gods, basically stands the apex that Ziyun god pill said that but as he of high-rank god, by strength, is third-class high-rank god level, above this, second-class high-rank god, first-class high-rank god, ordinary lord, middle-grade lord, higher lord, powerful main as well as super lord. 就拿慕容家族的老族长奇丹界神来说,他虽然是六星高阶黄金丹神,基本上站到了紫云神界丹道的顶点,但是身为上位界神的他,论实力,也就是三流上位界神这个层次,在此之上,还有二流上位界神,一流上位界神,普通界主,中等界主,高等界主,强大界主以及超级界主。 It can be said that Zidane god pill of said ranks among the best, the military force was actually dregs, casual high-rank gods can bully him, even some powerful gods, can bully him. 可以这么说,奇丹界神的丹道数一数二,武力却是一个渣,随便一个上位界神都能欺负他,甚至一些强大的中位界神,都能欺负他。 Has to feel is in itself less, Murong family in very remote past, started to train the powerhouse. 有感自身不足,慕容家族在很久远的年代,就开始培养强者。 But the innumerable years later, only train several lords merely, but these lords, in the endless years, had fallen from the sky, present Murong family most powerhouse, is a first-class high-rank god, has to say very awkwardly. 可是无数年下来,仅仅只培养出来几个界主,而这几个界主,在无尽岁月中,早就陨落了,如今的慕容家族最强者,也就是一个一流上位界神,不得不说十分尴尬。 Regarding this, Murong family can only accept fate, perhaps Murong family within the body, what flows is pill says the bloodlines, simply does not have the fight bloodlines! 对此,慕容家族只能认命,或许慕容家族体内,流淌的是丹道血脉,根本没有战斗血脉吧! Since is unable to train the powerhouse, Murong family then focuses on marrying, the marrying direction has two, the opposite party is time-honored pill says the family either, either is extremely powerful, has the main military force family. 既然无法自己培养强者,慕容家族便把目标放在联姻上,联姻的方向有两个,对方要么是历史悠久的丹道家族,要么是极为强大,拥有界主的武力家族。 At present, Murong family over several thousand family juniors, without the companion, by the family to the arrangement, were basically prepared and some family at any time marries. 目前,慕容家族几千岁以上的家族子弟,只要没有道侣的,基本上都被家族给安排上了,随时准备和某个家族联姻。 Dances in the air popular by Murong. 这其中,以慕容飞舞最为受欢迎。 6000-year-old she, no matter the makings look, is among the world great, if the bloodstain mainland row of outstandingly beautiful beautiful woman list, Murong flutters qualifies absolutely. 今年6000岁的她,不管是气质相貌,都是天下间一等一,如果血痕大陆排个绝色美女榜单,慕容飞舞绝对榜上有名。 The makings look also even, was 6000-year-old she, unexpectedly is four star senior gold pill gods as well as five-star low rank god pill masters, it may be said that is the talent pays equal attention. 气质相貌也就算了,今年6000岁的她,居然还是一位四星高阶黄金丹神以及一位五星低阶神丹师,可谓是才华并重。 As Murong family's trump card, Murong family naturally cannot make Murong dance in the air casually marries with some family. 作为慕容家族的杀手锏,慕容家族自然不会让慕容飞舞随随便便和某个家族联姻。 Murong family high level, to marry with Murong flutters, must satisfy many conditions. 在慕容家族高层来看,要想和慕容飞舞联姻,必须满足多个条件。 If pill says the family, the family strength must not be weak in Murong family. 如果是丹道家族,家族实力必须不弱于慕容家族。 pill said the family, although the military force is insufficient, but asked pill's person to be many, become friends with powerhouse definitely also many, really must lord to provoke pill who did not keep eyes open to say the family, the powerhouse who these were on good terms can definitely come the help. 丹道家族虽然武力不足,但求丹的人多了,结交的强者肯定也多,真要有不长眼的界主过来招惹丹道家族,那些交好的强者肯定会过来帮忙。 On being just like, Murong family, became friends with many lords, many higher main as well as powerful lord. 就好比,慕容家族,就结交了不少界主,其中不乏高等界主以及强大界主。 Become friends with lord, throughout is the lord who becomes friends with, some where train main made one feel relieved, moreover what was main, these main Divine Dragon saw the tail not to see the head, the critical moment, you could not find the person. 只是,结交的界主,始终是结交的界主,哪有自家培养的界主那么令人放心,而且最主要的是,这些界主一个个神龙见尾不见首,关键时刻,你根本找不到人。 No matter what, said the family to marry with a similarly powerful pill, only then the advantage, without the fault, you knew several lords, I knew several lords, in addition understanding main were many, others do not dare easily to provoke you. 但不管怎样,和一个同样强大的丹道家族联姻,只有好处,没有坏处,你认识几个界主,我认识几个界主,加起来认识的界主就多了,别人更不敢轻易招惹你。 If the military force family, in the family, must have many lords, must have the higher lord. 如果是武力家族,家族中,必须有多位界主,其中还要有高等界主。 In Ziyun god, ordinary main, although is very scarce, but some. 在紫云神界,普通界主虽然十分稀少,但还是有一些的。 Medium main on the other hand, was short, does not have the peculiar circumstance, basically deters the enemy sufficiently. 中等界主相对来说,少了许多,没有特殊情况,基本上足以震慑住敌人。 Higher main that was scarcer, many important third-level god city lord, is this level. 高等界主那就更稀少了,很多重要的三级神城城主,也就是这个层次。 As for the powerful lord, almost stood the Ziyun god apex, this lord, generally in top family and in top influence. 至于强大界主,几乎站到了紫云神界的顶点,这种界主,一般都是在顶级家族和顶级势力中。 The super lord upward, that was another level. 再往上的超级界主,那又是另外一个层次了。 They are Ziyun god true control, influence that they are, each is the super influences, for example the bloodstain palace in bloodstain mainland. 他们才是紫云神界的真正主宰者,他们所在的势力,各个都是超级势力,比如血痕大陆的血痕宫。 On the other hand, Murong family favors marries with the military force family. 相对来说,慕容家族更倾向于和武力家族联姻。 At present what contacts with Murong family are most is the flamingo city main not dead area main family, the Western land Bai Jincheng's platinum family and day wolf city's day wolf family. 目前和慕容家族接触最多的是火鸟城城主不死界主的家族,西方大地白金城的白金家族以及天狼城的天狼家族。 These three families are the military force families. 这三个家族都是武力家族。 Not dead area main family was needless saying that although not dead area main family, the history was not too glorious ancient, but not dead area lord was a higher lord, particularly the phoenix bloodlines in within the body, making him have not the dead characteristics, even if were the powerful lord, does not dare saying that certainly can strike to kill him. 不死界主的家族不用多说,虽然不死界主的家族,历史不算太悠久古老,但是不死界主可是一位高等界主,尤其是体内的不死鸟血脉,令其有着不死特性,哪怕是强大界主,都不敢说一定能击杀他。 Western land Bai Jincheng's platinum family, is a very ancient military force family, in the clan has many lords, strongest main is also a higher lord. 西方大地白金城的白金家族,则是一个十分古老的武力家族,族中有着多位界主,最强界主也是一位高等界主。 The day wolf city's day wolf families were extraordinary, in the clan has two higher lords fully, three middle-grade lords, all-round strength far ultra not dead area main family and platinum family. 天狼城的天狼家族就了不得了,族中足有两位高等界主,三位中等界主,综合实力远超不死界主的家族和白金家族。 But except for military force family, with Murong family contact quite many also has two pill to say the family. 而除了武力家族,和慕容家族接触比较多的还有两个丹道家族。 One is the Eastern purple flame family, one is the Eastern azure profound family. 一个是东方大地的紫炎家族,一个是东方大地的青玄家族。 The purple flame family, has special pill to say the bloodlines, a birth within the body will be born a wisp of purple flame, this wisp of purple flame, not only can be used to increase the strength, and can be used for the refine the pill of immortality, but said that is first deity fire, is the qualification that the purple flame family settles down and gets on with life is. 紫炎家族,拥有特殊的丹道血脉,一出生体内就会诞生一缕紫炎,这缕紫炎,既可以用来增加实力,又可以用来炼丹,可是说是先天神火,也是紫炎家族安身立命的本钱所在。 But because just this special pill said the bloodlines, making purple flame family not only pill say the development to be prosperous, the military force was not weak, in the clan had two lords fully, one was the ordinary lord, one was the middle-grade lord. 而正因为这特殊的丹道血脉,令紫炎家族不仅丹道发展昌盛,武力也不弱,族中足有两位界主,一个是普通界主,一个是中等界主。 The azure profound family, just like Murong family, is pill says the family purely, but by the strength, the azure profound family must exceed a Murong family head, because the azure profound family has two six star senior gold pill gods. 青玄家族,和慕容家族一样,纯粹是丹道家族,不过论实力,青玄家族还要胜过慕容家族一头,因为青玄家族有两位六星高阶黄金丹神。 However, sometimes chose to be many, was a worry matter, these five families, which no matter chose, Murong families did not suffer a loss, which no matter but chose, will offend another four families, this was not Murong family wants to see. 不过,有时候选择多了,也是一件烦恼的事情,这五个家族,不管选哪一个,慕容家族都不吃亏,但不管选哪一个,都会得罪另外四个家族,这不是慕容家族想看到的。 Also because of this, Murong family does not have extremely to force Murong flutters, gave her certain freedom. 也正因为如此,慕容家族才没有太过逼迫慕容飞舞,给了她一定的自由。 On the avenue, Murong flutters and a young men walk side-by-side. 大街上,慕容飞舞和一个青年男子并肩而行。 A young men azure clothes, the body sends out pill who is in sole possession to be mad, a pair of pupil, as if there is charm to be common, has allowed to pass through the female, is not oneself. 青年男子一身青衣,身上散发着独有的丹气,一双眸子,仿佛有着魔力一般,让路过的女子,为之神魂颠倒。 Azure northern heavens Chen, azure profound family younger generation pill said that the first person, just like Murong flutters, is four star senior gold pill gods and five-star low rank god pill masters. 青玄天辰,青玄家族年轻一代丹道第一人,和慕容飞舞一样,是一位四星高阶黄金丹神和一位五星低阶神丹师。 Shot a look at opposite party one eyes, Murong flutters shakes the head secretly, the opposite party is not insufficiently outstanding, in fact, the opposite party as third of Eastern four star pill god congresses, pill said that the strength is very strong, possibly stronger on some, but why does not know, she had not felt about him. 瞥了对方一眼,慕容飞舞暗暗摇头,对方不是不够优秀,事实上,对方作为东方大地这届四星丹神大会的第三名,丹道实力还是很强的,可能比自己要强上一些,但是不知道为什么,她就是对他没感觉。 A feeling does not have. 一点感觉都没有。 Is because the opposite party is not very powerful? 是因为对方还不够强大? Murong flutters shakes the head, should not be this. 慕容飞舞摇摇头,应该不是这样。 , Suddenly how does not know, in Murong flutters mind flashes through Li Fuchen shadow. 忽的,不知怎么的,慕容飞舞脑海中闪过李浮尘的影子。 Fellow! 那家伙! Murong flutters corners of the mouth show a smile. 慕容飞舞嘴角露出一丝笑容。 Really must say the strength by pill, ten azure northern heavens Chen cannot compare Li Fuchen. 真要论丹道实力,十个青玄天辰都比不上李浮尘。 They are also only the words of talent, Li Fuchen is the monster, lets the person the monster that is hard to attain. 他们还只是天才的话,李浮尘就是怪物,一个让人难以企及的怪物。 I was not will like on him!” Murong flutters flashes through a thought. “我不会是喜欢上他了吧!”慕容飞舞闪过一个念头。 Liking with the love is two concepts, but likes, is actually the love foundation. 喜欢和爱是两个概念,但喜欢,却是爱的基础。 Some people, meet daily, you are also not necessarily able to like him. 有的人,天天见面,你也未必会喜欢上他。 Some people, have seen only one time, you will unable to bear think of him. 有的人,只见过一次,你就会忍不住去想念他。 Should unable.” Murong flutters did not feel oneself are starry eyed, possibly was Li Fuchen was too profound to the impression that she brought, will therefore think of him. “应该不会的。”慕容飞舞不觉得自己是花痴,可能是李浮尘给她带来的印象太深刻了,所以才会想到他。 Two people chats with pauses. 两人有一搭没一搭的聊着天。 Has transferred the corner, Murong flutters shot a look at one toward the crowd in accidentally. 转过街角,慕容飞舞无意中朝着人群中瞥了一眼。 Li Fuchen.” “李浮尘。” Murong flutters cannot bear blurt out. 慕容飞舞忍不住脱口而出。 hears word, azure northern heavens Chen looked. 闻言,青玄天辰看了过来。 Li Fuchen also looked. 李浮尘也是看了过来。 ps: Today one, here says, actually before did not write for a long time, writes, the condition is good to arrive explodes, a day writes 45 chapters is very normal, but the heaven is I cannot pass, the end neuritis that the long-term malnutrition causes suffered my less than half month, is getting more and more painful, now pain to not having means normal life, will therefore then break, but this time should not break long time, so long as alleviates some slightly, I will renew. ps:今天就一更了,这里说一下,其实之前很长时间不写,写起来,状态好到爆,一天写四五章都很正常,但是老天就是和我过不去,长期营养不良导致的末梢神经炎折磨了我小半个月了,越来越痛,现在已经痛到没办法正常生活了,所以接下来会断更,不过这次应该不会断很长时间,只要稍微缓解一些,我还是会更新的。 Gets sick like the devil, hopes that everyone treasures own body. 病如魔鬼,希望大家爱惜自己的身体。
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