EMS :: Volume #23

#2236: One the sword extinguishes it

Concentrates the beast of my nether world, kills!” Sees only Shentu long river both hands hauling, Nether Qi that among that Formation emerges condenses into a deep beast immediately. “凝吾幽冥之兽,杀!”只见得申屠长河双手牵引,那阵法间涌现出的冥气立即凝聚成为一尊冥兽。 This deep beast like the tiger, actually two sharp incomparable buckteeth, its back lives the wings, the head has single horn, that leaps, then plunges Tyrant Tianhu. 这冥兽如虎,却有两只锐利无比的獠牙,它背后生有双翼,头有独角,腾的一声,便是扑向霸天虎。 Bang! 砰! The beast of this nether world also stretches out that quiet woods the wings, has killed directly then toward the front tyrant day tiger. 这幽冥之兽也伸出那幽森的双翼,直接便是向着前方的霸天虎杀了过去。 The extremely mysterious method, some have not been only the air/Qi of most overbearing strength as well as that evil nether world. 没有太过玄妙的手段,有的只是最为霸道的力量以及那邪恶的幽冥之气。 Clang! 锵! Two pairs of wing fierce confrontation. 两对羽翼猛的交锋。 Under that formidable strength, Tyrant Tianhu the wings trembles, a vast strength sweeps across to come, directly then shaking to fly him. 在那强大的力量之下,霸天虎双翼一颤,一股浩瀚的力量席卷而来,直接便是将他给震飞了出去。 very powerful deep beast!” Is seeing Tyrant Tianhu to be repelled, cultivator of eight big influences have revealed the panic-stricken color. 好强大的冥兽!”在见得霸天虎被击退,八大势力的修者都露出了惊恐之色。 „Is this Formation?” Under surprised, people mind moves, saw in all directions just like completely by Formation sealing up. “这是阵法吗?”在惊讶之下,众人心神一动,也看到了四面八方俨然完全被阵法给封住。 „It is not good, we were surrounded by Formation!” In the cultivator hearts of various factions this lets startled incomparable, starts to glance right and left. “不好,我们都被阵法困住了!”这让的各派的修者心中惊慌无比,一个个开始左顾右盼。 It seems like this Black Wind / Hei Feng palace already had prepared really!” Old Gu brows tightly frowns, took a look finally to Xiao Zhantian. “看来这黑风殿是真的早就有所准备啊!”顾老眉头紧锁,最后瞅向了萧战天 To at this moment, him only has also been able to place hopes in this youth to solve this matter. 到了此刻,他也只能寄希望于这个少年能够解决此事了。 Was repelled including the Palace Realm tyrant day tiger, he radically helpless. 宫府境的霸天虎都被击退了,他根本就无能为力。 This Formation has towed in the island the underground strength, is actually mysterious, it seems like, this Black Wind / Hei Feng palace to turn on this seal, has planned for a long time.” After seeing nearby situation, the Xiao Zhantian slight bow, has not actually revealed the color of any surprise, since this Black Wind / Hei Feng palace wants to turn on the seal, naturally must be prepared. “这阵法牵引了岛中地下的力量,倒是玄妙,看来,这黑风殿为了开启这个封印,也谋划了许久。”在见得附近的情况后,萧战天微微点头,却也并没有露出什么诧异之色,这黑风殿既然想要开启封印,自然得有准备。 If anything prepares not to have, that is not reasonable. 若是什么准备都没有,那才不靠谱。 Venerable and the others to think on such as the Heavenly Sun sword keeps two seals to be the same. 就如天阳剑尊等人会想着留两个封印一样。 What to do should that?” Old Gu whole face anxious saying. “那该怎么办?”顾老满脸焦急的说道。 „, Makes Xiao come to see them to have any method!” Xiao Zhantian pupil light plunders, that stride takes, then in the sky goes, at once, sees only his big hand to move, then pats toward a front that nether world beast palm, that palm has the burning hot flame to emerge immediately. “那么,就让萧某来看看他们到底有什么手段吧!”萧战天眸光掠动,那大步迈出,便是当空而去,旋即,只见得他大手一动,便是向着前方那尊幽冥兽一掌拍去,那掌心立即有着炙热的火光涌现。 Actually sees this flame to emerge, but also follows the mysterious trace. 却见得这火光涌现,还伴随着玄妙的纹路。 Shout! 呼! That trace interwove, changed into round Heavenly Sun, turned toward the front Nine Nether deep beast to strike directly. 那纹路交织,化为了一轮天阳,直接向着前方的九幽冥兽击去。 Heavenly Sun strikes, the power and influence is vast, during that flame tumblings, fire runes interweaves, such as changed into a world drying furnace, covers that Nine Nether deep beast directly. 天阳击去,威势浩瀚,那火炎翻滚之间,火纹交织,如化为了一个天地烘炉,直接将那九幽冥兽笼罩。 The drying furnace curls, flame blooms, with the mysterious trace, starts to smelt that Nine Nether deep beast, causes it that Nether Qi little change nihility. 烘炉卷去,火炎绽放,伴随着玄妙的纹路,开始熔炼那尊九幽冥兽,使之那冥气一点点的化为虚无。 This Nine Nether deep beast condensed on Nether Qi, Heavenly Sun with it crash, causes it almost disintegration, that piece void is also flood the terror ripples. 九幽冥兽本来就冥气凝聚而成,天阳与之相撞,使之差点崩碎,那片虚空也是泛起恐怖的涟漪。 When this deep beast is going disintegration, the mark of that Heavenly Sun to curl, by a mysterious strength, the smelting, is twinkling that deep beast will vanish merely. 就在这冥兽将要崩碎时,那天阳之纹卷来,以一股玄妙的力量,将之熔炼,仅仅是瞬息那冥兽消失。 Xiao Zhantian is actually strolls in empty/sky, gradually moves toward the front that to stand erect the Black Wind / Hei Feng palace more than 190 cultivator summits. 萧战天却是漫步于空,一步步走向前方那屹立着黑风殿190多名修者的山巅。 Like that imposing manner, frightening. 那般气势,让人心惊。 This...... This Xiao Tian so is how formidable!” The cultivator heart of Black Wind / Hei Feng palace trembles. “这……这萧天怎么如此强大!”黑风殿的修者心头一颤。 Must know that deep beast was a moment ago formidable, struck the tyrant day tiger of comparable with Palace late-stage boundary repelling. 要知道,刚才那冥兽何等强大,一击就将堪比宫府后期境的霸天虎给击退了。 May in the subordinate of this youth, actually collapse at the first blow. 可在这个青年的手下,却是不堪一击。 Is this youth, that this formidable? 这个少年,那该多么强大? „Didn't he cross Heavenly Tribulation?” The cultivator faces of many Black Wind / Hei Feng palaces are shocking. “他不是才渡过天劫吗?”许多黑风殿的修者一脸震惊。 Then, the people took a look to Shangguan Xun Yang. 而后,众人瞅向了上官荀阳。 This indeed is monstrous talent!” Shangguan Xun Yangdao, „before, he was also only Yuan Soul Realm battle strength!” “这的确是一个妖孽!”上官荀阳道,“在之前,他也只是元婴境战力啊!” When he vaguely remembers Xiao Zhantian to Battle King to the imposing manner. 他依稀记得萧战天战王冲时的气势。 That time Xiao Zhantian was far from being so formidable! 那时的萧战天远远没有那么强大啊! That what's the matter?” In the people heart was somewhat startled, starts to take a look to Shentu long river. “那到底是怎么回事?”众人心中有些惊慌,开始瞅向了申屠长河 At this time, only then Shentu Palace Lord can know that could deal with this youth. 此时,也只有申屠殿主才能知道,能否应付这个少年了。 Actually a heresy, but, in this vortex wind island, not only there is a boundless incomparable Nether Qi leak, the remnant soul of my ancestor, this King entered this island now, the cloth went to the altar, then can summon the strength of ancestor remnant soul, I must have a look but actually, how you deal with!” When Xiao Zhantian strolls to come, Shentu long river pupil light one cold, at once, his both hands fierce hauling, hides in altar fierce reappearing of summit. “倒是一个异端,不过,在这漩风岛内,不仅有磅礴无比的冥气外泄,还有我先祖的残魂在,如今本座已经进入了此岛,布下了祭坛,便能召唤先祖残魂之力,我倒要看看,你如何应付!”当萧战天漫步而来,申屠长河眸光一冷,旋即,他双手猛的牵引,一座隐藏在山巅的祭坛猛的浮现。 By my blood, my soul, directs the spirit of my ancestor!” When that altar appears, actually saw immediately to emerge blood essence in Shentu long river that fingertip. “以吾之血,吾之魂,引我先祖之灵!”当那祭坛浮现,却见得在申屠长河那指尖立即涌现出了精血 This is the quiet woods blood, but also is glittering rays of light. 这是幽森的血液,还闪烁着光芒 Except in addition, his Divine Soul (mind) fills the air, integrates in the middle of the blood, making it change into Soul Seal, has poured into above the front altar. 除此外,他那神魂弥漫开来,融入血液当中,使之化为了一个魂印,注入了前方的祭坛之上。 Shout! 呼! Immediately, in that altar, the inscription mark wriggles, immediately evolved huge incomparable black vortex. 顿时,那祭坛中,铭纹蠕动,立即演化出了一个巨大无比的黑色气旋 This vortex mixed just like communicating Nine Nether, was connecting another space probably, that type of fearful aura made person Divine Soul (mind) tremble. 这个气旋搅动间宛若沟通了九幽,又好像在连接另外一个空间,那种可怕的气息让人神魂颤栗。 „To tow the remnant soul?” Sees this, Xiao Zhantian pupil light one cold, said that you...... Without this opportunity!” “想牵引残魂?”见此,萧战天眸光一冷,道,“你……没有这个机会了!” Sees only his palm to move, middle brilliance glitters, sword of the handle inscription mark appears. 只见得他手掌一动,当中光华闪烁,一柄铭纹之剑浮现。 When the sword of this inscription mark appears, immediately changed into sword light then to cut directly toward front that Shentu long river. 当这铭纹之剑浮现,立即化为了一道剑光直接便是向着前方那申屠长河斩去。 Whoosh ! 刷! The sword light crack is spatial, is powerful, that sword cuts, the twinkling appeared before the body of Shentu long river. 剑光裂空,气势如虹,那一剑斩去,瞬息就出现在了申屠长河的身前。 The rapidness of that speed, Shentu long river is startled. 那速度之快,就连申屠长河都是一怔。 „A good quick sword!” Originally also calm calm Shentu long river in same place. “好快的一剑!”本来还从容淡定的申屠长河不由愣在了原地。 He at this moment, almost including responding with enough time has not done. 此刻的他,几乎连反应都没有来得及做。 Then, that sword light dodges, then annihilation. 而后,那剑光一闪,便是将之湮灭。 Bang! 砰! sword light shakes, nearby Shentu Ping empty/sky and Shangguan Xun Yang were affected, that body was given little tearing by swift and fierce sword glow. 剑光震荡开来,就连旁边的申屠平空和上官荀阳都被波及,那身子被凌厉的剑芒给一点点撕裂。 Except in addition, nearby several Elder was also affected, cherishes hatred in the summit completely. 除此外,旁边的几个长老也被波及,全部饮恨于山巅。 Yuan Soul Realm powerhouse of many Black Wind / Hei Feng palaces were shaken flies, spit fresh blood. 许多黑风殿的元婴境强者都被震飞,一个个口吐鲜血 Palace Lord!” After looking at that annihilated Shentu long river, that sad cry sound gets up. 殿主!”在瞧得那被湮灭的申屠长河后,那悲呼声响起。 How can like this!” Many person faces whin. “怎么会这样!”许多人一脸哀嚎。 very powerful, what method is this?” In the distant place, the cultivator innermost feelings of eight big influences also shake, stayed in completely same place. 好强,这是什么手段?”在远处,八大势力的修者内心也是一震,全部都呆在了原地。 Is a sword, suddenly has actually exterminated Palace Realm powerhouse, but also has affected side innumerable Yuan Soul Realm cultivator. 仅仅是一剑,却瞬息间诛灭了一个宫府境强者,还波及了旁边无数的元婴境修者 This method, has been possible to be called Through Heavens. 这种手段,已可称为通天 No wonder Young Master Xiao so has the self-confidence!” Old Gu is secretly also looking this is took a deep breath. “怪不得萧公子如此有自信!”顾老在瞧得这一幕后也是不由深深吸了口气 It seems like my day south territory time is going to result in enjoys peacefully!” cultivator of eight big influences sigh with emotion in abundance. “看来我天南域此次将要得享太平了啊!”八大势力的修者纷纷感慨。 To at this moment, the mood of people have been hard to speak. 到了此刻,众人的心情难以言说。 Originally, they think that this will have a fierce battle. 本来,他们以为来此将有一场恶战。 But now looks like, by that Young Master Xiao, solved all sufficiently! 可现在看来,凭借那萧公子,足以解决一切了啊! Master is really fierce!” Tyrant Tianhu flies, side Xiao Zhantian, saying. “主人真厉害!”霸天虎飞来,在萧战天身边,屁颠屁颠的说道。 Xiao Zhantian is a face is indifferent, his pupil light plunders, that line of sight fell in the front altar. 萧战天却是一脸淡然,他眸光掠动,那视线落在了前方的祭坛上。 At this time, that vortex is mixing as before, sends out one to absorb the aura of person. 此时,那气旋依旧在搅动,散发出一股摄人的气息。 This altar, is divine object of inferior god level!” Xiao Zhantian after was inducing one slightly this vortex, muttered, he in communication domain space, was communicating that remnant soul soul?” His pupil light plunders, a face with deep veneration, no matter which type, has not the small trouble. “这祭坛,是次神级的神物!”萧战天在略微感应了一番这气旋后,喃喃道,“他是在沟通界域空间,还是在沟通那残魂亡灵?”他眸光掠动,一脸肃然,不管是哪样,都将有着不小的麻烦。 Because this altar was stimulated, wants to prevent, only feared that somewhat troubled. 因为这祭坛被激发,想要阻止,只怕有些麻烦了。 If destroys forcefully, only feared that will stimulate restriction mark on altar, triggers the attack of that comparable with god level. 若强行破坏,只怕会激发祭坛上的禁纹,触发那堪比神级的攻击。 ...... …… First sets a small target, for example 1 second remembers: The book lives in a strange or foreign place the cell phone version reading website: 先定个小目标,比如1秒记住:书客居手机版阅读网址:
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