EMS :: Volume #2

#196: Creating side issues

Chapter 196 creates side issues 第196章横生枝节 This moment Xiao Yun was the burning with impatience, complete thoughts falls on that charming moving female. Ha 此刻萧云可谓是心急如焚,全部的心思都落在了那个娇媚动人的女子身上。哈 Now leaves Purple Clouds County City to have a half year from Xiao Yun, in this period he experienced many crisis, which may not have time to make him so burning with impatience, his whole person was quick demented, knows in the own heart to care about this female to him now. 如今距离萧云离开紫云郡城已有半年,期间他经历了不少风波,可没有哪一次让他这么心急如焚,他整个人都快癫狂了起来,到了现在他才知道自己心中是多么在意这个女子。 While runs away forward, Xiao Yun has also been paying attention to there sound. 在向前遁去的同时,萧云也一直关注着那里的动静。 Buzz! 嗡! In the great claw of that Black Clouds Nether Beast falls, that piece void trembles suddenly, has a piece of purple rays of light twinkle. 就在那黑云冥兽的巨爪落下时,那片虚空突然一颤,有着一片紫色的光芒闪烁而出。 What is this?” Induces to rays of light Xiao Yun slightly stunned that presents inexplicably, strongly releases mind, by a clearer attention there each slight fluctuation, his heart splash was jumping crazily as if arrived in the throat. “这是什么?”感应到那股莫名出现的光芒萧云微微一阵错愕,不由竭力将心神释放出去,以更清晰的关注着那里的每一个细微的波动,他的心扑通狂跳似乎已经到了嗓子眼里。 Shout! 呼! Also when that piece of purple rays of light glitters, purple branch then pierced void has sent out the violent confrontation with the great claw of Black Clouds Nether Beast, a dull thumping sound also resounded through, entire trembled void. 也在那片紫色的光芒闪烁出来的时候,一根紫色的枝条便是洞穿了虚空与黑云冥兽的巨爪发出了猛烈的交锋,一声闷响也是随之响彻出来,整个虚空为之一颤。 Has resisted?” Sea Mist Sect disciple is also surprised. “抵挡了下来?”海岚宗弟子也是一脸惊讶。 When the people fix the eyes on looked that Black Clouds Nether Beast was shaken unexpectedly has drawn back the zhang (3.33 m). 待得众人定睛一看,那黑云冥兽竟然被震退了丈许。 Oh, Little Purple is quite sore.” The sound that speaks in an infantile tone of voice together spreads from Yan Shifei Sea of Consciousness by the indetectable fluctuation. “哎呀,小紫好疼。”一道奶声奶气的声音以不可察觉的波动从颜诗妃识海内传出。 If carefully looks, her forehead purple light twinkle, has a purple branch twinkle a moment ago. 若是仔细看去,她那眉心紫光闪烁,刚才有着一根紫色的枝条闪烁而出。 Little Purple! Is that kid.” Xiao Yun by the mind sensation, impressively that kid shouted the painful sound receiving mind. 小紫!是那小家伙。”萧云心神感知,赫然将那小家伙的呼痛声给收入了心神 Ha Ha, I have forgotten how this kid.” When surprised, Xiao Yun is also wild with joy. “哈哈,我怎么就忘记了这小家伙了。”在惊讶之时,萧云也是不由一阵狂喜。 That branch impressively was Purple Vine. 枝条赫然就是紫藤蔓了。 Has this kid, can solve for Elder Sister Shifei actually at crucial moments some are dangerous. 有这小家伙在,倒是能在危机时刻替诗妃姐姐解决一些危险了。 This makes Xiao Yun relax secretly. 这让萧云暗暗松了口气。 „It is not good, has a formidable aura to catch up to this.” When a Xiao Yun face is joyful, a formidable fluctuation turns toward their here unexpectedly, that imposing manner is similar to the vault of heaven tilts , the Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow body that makes flown trembles. “不好,有着一股强大的气息向此赶来。”就在萧云一脸欣喜的时候,一股强大的波动蓦地向着他们这里袭来,那气势如同天穹倾覆而下,让得正在飞行的吞天雀身子都是一颤。 Is Yuan Core Realm powerhouse?” Xiao Yun brows tightly frowns, damn, how to present this formidable existence?” “是元丹境强者?”萧云眉头紧锁,“该死的,怎么会出现这种强大的存在?” Although the Yan Shifei crisis relieves temporarily, but the situation is as before less optimistic, allowed that others speed that prevents him from advancing? 虽然颜诗妃的危机暂时解除,可情况依旧不容乐观,怎容许别人阻止他前进的速度? Is monster bird.” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow has slowed down the flying speed, starts the low altitude the line, its double pupil such as fire coldly is staring at the front. “是一头妖禽。”吞天雀放缓了飞行速度,开始低空而行,它双眸如火冷冷的盯着前方。 Where grows giant bird of black plume feather to fly to this. 在哪里一只长着黑色翎羽的巨禽正向此飞来。 Who are you? Dares to rush to my Black Cloud Gorge territory with the Yuan Core Realm private car unexpectedly, you do not know that my Black Clouds Mountain Range early does have the agreement with major Sect, Yuan Core Realm above powerhouse cannot come this to affront? Is your this must tear up the agreement to be inadequate?” That giant bird is a black feather vulture, the wings black light twinkle, is similar to the iron feather, when its wings vibrates can tear void. “你是何人?竟然敢携元丹境座驾闯我黑云涧领地,难道你不知道我黑云山脉与各大宗派早有协议,元丹境以上的强者不可来此冒犯吗?你们这是要撕毁协议不成?”那巨禽为一只黑羽雕,双翼乌光闪烁,如同铁羽,它双翼振动时似能撕裂虚空。 This great vulture wings launches to have seven meters, it circles, but stopped in the Xiao Yun front, the double pupil has been full of the hostility coldly. 这巨雕双翼展开能有七米长,它盘旋而来停在了萧云的前方,双眸冷冽充满了敌意。 This giant bird mouth spits language unexpectedly.” In the Xiao Yun heart is startled. “这巨禽竟然口吐人语。”萧云心中微惊。 „After Monster Beast has stepped into Yuan Core Realm, was already clever, can speak the language.” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow lightly saying. 妖兽踏入了元丹境后已然通灵,可以说人语了。”吞天雀淡淡的说道 Afterward its face is disgruntled, spreads the wings to fly, opposes with that giant bird. 随后它一脸不悦,展翅而飞,与那巨禽对立。 small black bird, get lost to Grandpa Tian, otherwise does not take it ill the father not to be impolite.” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow shoots a look at that to be only black slantingly the vulture, the pupil flame twinkle, roaring flame must emit, the formidable imposing manner takes away as many things as possible toward the front, shakes the trim horizon trembles. 小黑鸟,给天爷滚,不然休怪老子不客气。”吞天雀斜瞥着那只黑雕,眸子火光闪烁,一股烈焰似要喷吐而出,强大的气势向着前方席卷而去,将整片天际都震得一颤。 In this moment, Black Cloud Gorge Monster Beast is a palpitation, felt a greatest pressure. 在这一刻,黑云涧妖兽都是一阵心悸,感到了一股莫大的威压。 Especially these birds, cried unceasingly, are panic-stricken, reveal the whole face to be terrified. 特别是那些飞禽,不断啼鸣,惊慌失措,露出满脸惶恐。 These attacked Yan Shifei and the others these Monster Beast also shaking by this imposing manner. 就连那些袭击颜诗妃等人的那些妖兽也被这股气势给震住了。 „Is the very powerful imposing manner, is it possible that Yuan Core Realm powerhouse?” Nearby person all shakes, follows the prestige to go. 好强大的气势,莫非是元丹境强者?”附近的人皆是一震,不由循声望去。 Really is the day helps me, Junior Sister, extinguishes together kills these Monster Beast.” Sea Mist Sect has stepped into True Yuan late-stage Senior Sister, grasps long sword, shouts out then to be frightened Monster Beast that the mind trembles to kill toward these, wants to take advantage of this reverse situation. “真是天助我也,诸位师妹,一起灭杀这些妖兽。”海岚宗一位踏入了真元后期师姐,手持长剑,呼喝一声便是向着那些被震慑得心灵战栗的妖兽杀去,想趁此扭转局势。 This imposing manner......” that black vulture body trembles, an oppression from Bloodlines lets its mind is trembles. “这气势……”那黑雕身子一颤,一股来自血脉的压迫让它心神都是一阵战栗。 „Was this antiquity Bloodlines?” Black vulture pupil dew is panic-stricken, is staring at Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow, muttered. “这是上古血脉?”黑雕眸露惊恐,盯着吞天雀,喃喃道。 Hasn't rolled?” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow pupil light is cold, simply has not paid attention to that black vulture. “还不滚?”吞天雀眸光冷冽,根本没有将那黑雕放在眼里。 This black vulture also has the Yuan Core 1-layer Peak boundary, even if the boundary is slightly high, is actually not the Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow match. 这黑雕也不过只有元丹一重巅峰境,就算境界略高,却绝不是吞天雀的对手。 However this piece of mountain range obviously also more than one Yuan Core Realm Monster Beast, if rashly take action, will bring in troublesome. 不过这片山脉显然也不止一头元丹境妖兽,若是贸然出手,也会引来麻烦。 Is only the Sir, how will you be the Antiquity Divine Bird descendant will submit to this humanity become the mount?” That carves the pupil light twinkle black, having several points of doubt to ask, when he takes a look to Xiao Yun the pupil reveals cold severe, as to help Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow break out of the fetter. “只是大人,你即为上古神禽的后裔怎么会屈服于这个人类成为坐骑?”那黑雕眸光闪烁,带着几分狐疑问道,他瞅向萧云时眸露冷厉,似乎想要帮助吞天雀摆脱束缚。 I go to your uncle.” Sees this scoter to think that own was fettered, degenerated into the mount, the Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow climate the full forehead heavy line, it looks angrily at that black vulture, the eyelid is turning, scolds saying that this is my brother, what mount his mother's?” “我去你二大爷的。”见这黑鸟以为自己被束缚,沦为了坐骑,吞天雀顿时气得满脑门子黑线,它怒视着那黑雕,眼皮一翻,呵斥道,“这是我兄弟,他娘的什么坐骑?” Brother?” A black vulture face surprise, heart said that „a True Yuan Realm human boy also does match for this Sir's brothers? I induced Antiquity Divine Bird to have the imposing manner that on this Sir, how so will Divine Bird be willing to be on intimate terms with humanity?” “兄弟?”黑雕一脸诧异,心道,“一个真元境的人类小子也配成为这位大爷的兄弟?在这位大爷身上我可是感应到了一种上古神禽才有的气势,如此神禽怎么会甘愿和人类称兄道弟?” This makes it feel the doubt. 这让它感到狐疑。 Must know that had antiquity Bloodlines Monster Race to be quite arrogant, was always conceited, will not submit to humanity easily. 要知道,拥有上古血脉妖族极为傲慢,一向自视甚高,绝不会轻易向人类屈服。 That this Sir, why do you come this Black Clouds Mountain Range are?” The black vulture hesitates turns, afterward asking cautiously, also has many Yuan Core Realm powerhouse in this Black Clouds Mountain Range deep place, they do not allow the human Yuan Core Realm to enter inside, if in this youth enters only feared that will have the trouble, moreover I thought that your condition some are unstable, only feared that will have powerhouse to give birth to the wicked heart.” “那这位大爷,你来这黑云山脉是为何呢?”黑雕沉吟一翻,随后小心翼翼的问道,“在这黑云山脉深处还有许多的元丹境强者,他们都不允许人类的元丹境进入里面,若这少年进入里面只怕会有麻烦,而且我看您的状态也有些不稳定,只怕会有强者生出贼心。” Although Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow Bloodlines is formidable, actually also can only frighten some Yuan Core two 3-layer Monster Beast. 虽然吞天雀血脉强大,却也只能震慑一些元丹三重妖兽 If there is met these Yuan Core 4-layer, 5-layer and above Monster Beast that consequence are not wonderful. 要是遇到了那些元丹四重,五重及以上的妖兽那后果就不妙了。 Especially some Fire Bird kind of monster bird, only feared impatient must it taking, swallow its Monster Spirit to expand several. 特别是一些火鸟一类的妖禽,只怕都会迫不及待的要将之拿下,吞其妖灵壮大几身。 Grandpa Tian innate discretion.” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow said that you draw back are.” 天爷自有分寸。”吞天雀道,“你退下便是。” Yes!” This black vulture hesitates slightly, was not asking that immediately the form moves, departs in light of this. “是!”这黑雕略微沉吟,也不在多问,当即身影一动,就此离去。 It at first to the Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow also has several points of idea, after feeling of from oppression of Bloodlines opposite party has cancelled this thought immediately. 它起初对吞天雀有几分想法,不过在感受到对方的那股来自血脉的压迫后立即打消了这个念头。 Monster Race is a Bloodlines rank extremely serious clan. 妖族是一个血脉等级极为严重的氏族。 These have higher Bloodlines powerhouse, even if that imposing manner bursts out sufficiently to make the low-grade Bloodlines Monster Race soul tremble. 那些拥有高等血脉强者,就算是那气势迸发出来都足以使低等血脉妖族灵魂战栗。 If trembled including mind, but also how a war? 试问,若连心神都战栗了,还如何一战? Only if your cultivation level high opposite party many, otherwise between both simply does not have the commeasurability. 除非你修为高过对方许多,不然两者间根本没有可比性。 Relatively speaking Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow this Bloodlines oppressed regarding humanity has actually been short. 相对而言吞天雀这种血脉压迫对于人类却是少了许多。 In other words Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow may fight Yuan Core 3-layer feather Monster Beast by the own Bloodlines imposing manner as well as Magical Powers, if meets human cultivator also merely only to fight the Yuan Core 2-layer former, this is the disparity that the Bloodlines oppression brings. 也就是说吞天雀凭借自己血脉气势以及神通可战元丹三重的禽类妖兽,可是若遇到人类修者也就仅仅只能战元丹二重的前者,这就是血脉压迫所带来的差距。 We walk.” After that black vulture retreats, Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow restrained the aura to change into the rainbow light then void to run away to the front gradually together. “我们走。”那黑雕退走后,吞天雀逐渐收敛了气息化为一道虹光便向前方虚空遁去。 That Yuan Core Realm can powerhouse come this Black Cloud Gorge?” “那元丹境强者会不会来这黑云涧?” Relax, Yuan Core Realm cultivator cannot step into Black Cloud Gorge this region.” “放心,元丹境修者不可踏入黑云涧这片区域。” Good, Yuan Core Realm powerhouse does not need this Nether Fruit, how to come this?” That imposing manner that Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow erupts suddenly made in Black Cloud Gorge nearby cultivator heart cast a shadow, many person faces worried, but also some people thought little. “不错,元丹境强者又不需要这摩罗冥果,岂会来此?”吞天雀突然爆发出的那股气势让得黑云涧附近的修者心中留下了一个阴影,许多人一脸担忧,不过也有人并不以为意。 Sudden that this imposing manner comes, disappearance rapidness of , but twinkling Sea Mist Sect cultivator took advantage that this has cut six Monster Beast. 这气势来的突然,消失的也快,只是瞬息海岚宗修者就趁此斩了六头妖兽 This time is more relaxed.” Yan Shifei and the others relaxed slightly. “这次轻松多了。”颜诗妃等人微微松了口气。 whoosh whoosh! 刷刷! When they relaxed, sees only the void light twinkle, has several to arrive at sword light to cut to this. 就在她们松了一口气时,只见得虚空中光影闪烁,有着几到剑光向此斩下。 Hehe, Sea Mist Sect Junior Sister do not fear that my Southern Sea Sword Sect disciple helps you to cut to kill these Monster Beast especially.” When sword light falls, laughter also resounds through together in this forests, sees only on a not far away hillside cultivator to plunder to this. 呵呵,海岚宗师妹别怕,我南海剑派弟子特来助你们斩杀这些妖兽。”当剑光落下时,一道笑声也是在这片林间响彻开来,只见得不远处的一个山坡上一个个修者向此掠下。 Middle also has two people sleight of hand inspiring, is imperial is causing handle magic sword, cuts toward that Black Clouds Nether Beast. 当中还有两人手诀引动,便是御使着一柄法剑,向着那黑云冥兽斩来。 puff! 噗! sword light flashes, but has eight Black Clouds Nether Beast to be cut to kill suddenly. 剑光闪烁,只是眨眼间就有着八头黑云冥兽被斩杀。 controlling sword technique!” 御剑术!” This is magic sword!” Sees this, the Sea Mist Sect cultivator complexion all changes. “这是法剑!”见此,海岚宗修者脸色皆是一变。 The Yan Shifei brow also slightly locks, pupil light took a look to that several unexpected visitors. 颜诗妃眉头也是微微锁起,眸光瞅向了那几个不速之客。 Southern Sea Sword Sect, is Southern Border five sect's first, is always overbearing, relates with Sea Mist Sect is not harmonious. 南海剑派,为南疆五宗之首,向来霸道无比,与海岚宗关系也不怎么和睦。 Can this time they good intention take action help one another? 此次他们怎么会好心出手相助? Surprised, Sea Mist Sect cultivator collects in together, reveals a face alert the meaning. 惊疑下,海岚宗修者纷纷汇集在一起,露出一脸戒备的意思。 But at this time, that crowd of Black Clouds Nether Beast were cut to kill most, other is also falls flusters to run away. 而这时,那群黑云冥兽被斩杀大半,其余的也是落慌而逃。 What Black Clouds Nether Beast excels sneak attacks as well as speed, but does not have to hide under this Southern Sea Sword Sect magic sword. 黑云冥兽擅长的是偷袭以及速度,可是在这南海剑派法剑之下根本无所遁形。 Therefore these Monster Beast do not dare protracted battle, immediately retreats. 所以这些妖兽也不敢久战,立即撤退。 Shout! 呼! The front person's shadow twinkle, two wear the man of golden long gown then floating to fall. 前方人影闪烁,两个身穿金色长袍的男子便是飘然落下。 This two people binded hair wearing a hat, appears of outstanding ability uncommon, their magic arts guidance, sword light flashes that two handle magic sword are whiz one inserts in the scabbard of that waist, has 11 years approximately 17 youth to follow closely in their. 两人束发戴冠,显得俊逸不凡,他们法诀引导,剑光闪烁那两柄法剑便是嗖的一声插入那腰间的剑鞘之内,在他们的身后还有着11名年约17的少年紧随而来。 Is two people of head all has flight magic sword, as for behind 11 youth actually only then ordinary magic sword as well as Xuan Weapon. 为首的两人皆有飞行法剑,至于身后的11个少年却只有普通的法剑以及玄兵 The bonus is so, this battle formation wanted the style more than Sea Mist Sect. 饶是如此,这阵势已经比海岚宗要气派多了。 Sea Mist Sect here altogether 19 disciple, middle the female 15 people, the male four people, may grasp Magic Item merely is five people, conceivable, that Hainan sword sends background is the what kind abundance, even if low-level magic sword is also effective! 海岚宗这里一共有19名弟子,当中女子15人,男子四人,可手持法器的仅仅是五人罢了,可以想象,那海南剑派底蕴是何等的雄厚,就算是低级法剑也是威力不凡啊! That is two people of head is uncommon, has the True Yuan middle-stage Peak boundary, has the True Yuan late-stage boundary. 那为首的两人更是不凡,一个有着真元中期巅峰境,一个拥有真元后期境。 By magic sword that in their hands that can fly, battle strength without doubt by far average man. 凭借他们手中那可以飞行的法剑,战力无疑将远胜常人。 Hehe, can Junior Sister once be injured?” Li Jiansong wears the pale golden long gown, his straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards enter the temple, dignified in appearance, appears handsome uncommon, after he receives magic sword, the corners of the mouth raise wipe smile pale, at once turns toward front that Sea Mist Sect disciple to walk. 呵呵,诸位师妹可曾受伤?”李剑嵩身穿淡金色长袍,他剑眉入鬓,仪表堂堂,显得英俊不凡,他收起法剑后,嘴角掀起一抹淡笑,旋即向着前方那海岚宗弟子走去。 This Li Jiansong turns a blind eye regarding the Sea Mist Sect disciple alert appearance, when the step steps the one of the pupil light circulation on these female disciple sweeps, afterward in the pupil the none remaining dodges, reveals shocking rays of light, immediately the line of sight then frames on a female. 李剑嵩对于海岚宗弟子的戒备模样视若无睹,步伐迈动时眸光流转在那些女弟子身上一扫而过,随后眸中精光一闪,露出一丝惊艳的光芒,当即视线便定格在一个女子身上。 The female impressively was Yan Shifei. 那女子赫然是颜诗妃了。 ==== ==== ( ( …… ……
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