EMS :: Volume #18

#1751: Bullies my nobody?

In Nine Sun Saint Palace, has nine god children to compose formation under the positive white and shiny leadership together, must tow that to cope with Xiao Yun by the nine rounds god positive strength of seal. , 九阳圣宫内,在阳颢的带领下有九个神子一起组成大阵,要牵引出那被封印的九轮神阳之力对付萧云。∮, At this time, Xiao Yun arrives at the summit. 此时,萧云来到山巅。 Hey, handled.” Phantom Insect flies side Xiao Yun, hey said with a smile. “嘿嘿,搞定了。”幻影虫飞到萧云身边,嘿嘿一笑道。 Good, later enjoys!” Xiao Yun satisfactory nod. “不错,以后有赏!”萧云满意的点头。 Can be Young Master works, is the good fortune of picture.” Saying that the Phantom Insect whole face flattered. “能为公子效劳,是小影的福气。”幻影虫满脸谄媚的说道。 Although it has visited accurate God Realm, in the future become God is just round the corner. 虽然它踏足了准神境,未来成神指日可待。 But it also understood Xiao Yun the place of heaven defying now. 可如今它也明白了萧云逆天之处。 Formidable Xiao Yun hence, already little useful Phantom Insect. 强大至此的萧云,已经很少会用得上幻影虫了。 Now has the opportunity to work, Phantom Insect was very happy. 如今有机会效劳,幻影虫别提多高兴了。 Because it is very afraid Xiao Yun to forget own. 因为它深怕萧云忘记自己 Now obtains Xiao Yun to commend that it can relax. 如今得到萧云称赞,它才得以松了口气。 Xiao Yun has not talked too much, his big hand moves, then the Yan Shifei volume to side. 萧云也没有多言,他大手一动,便是将颜诗妃卷到身边。 This time Yan Shifei was also fettered by divine runes. 此时的颜诗妃还被神纹束缚。 These divine runes for the god child cloth , the average person are hard to untie. 这些神纹为神子布下,一般人难以解开。 „The Primordial world, turns over to beginning deep meaning!” Xiao Yun pupil light concentrates, Yan Shifei, Mo Zhengyang as well as ghost martial artist is involved in the own Primordial world. 混元天地,归始奥义!”萧云眸光一凝,将颜诗妃,莫正阳以及鬼武者卷入自己混元天地之内。 After is involved in them the Primordial world, Xiao Yun revolves to turn over to beginning deep meaning immediately. 在将他们卷入混元天地之内后,萧云立即运转归始奥义 Turns over to beginning deep meaning one, the world myriad things resemble to integrate in this Primordial world. 归始奥义一出,天地万物都似要融入这混元天地内。 Bearing the brunt is that World's Yuan Qi and various deep meaning. 首当其冲的便是那天地元气和各种奥义 Under turning over to beginning deep meaning, the strength of that divine runes was weakened, afterward was disintegrated little. 在归始奥义下,那神纹之力被削弱,随后被一点点瓦解。 The world myriad things, are difficult to run away to turn over to beginning deep meaning. 天地万物,都难逃归始奥义 The Yan Shifei three people felt that the own strength can revolve freely, that mind shackles also dissipate. 颜诗妃三人感觉到自己的力量得以自由运转,那心神的枷锁也随之消散。 Was all right!” Zhengyang pupil light concentrates, middle reveals the happy expression. “没事了!”莫正阳眸光一凝,当中露出喜色。 Ghost martial artist that suffocates has also opened the pupil. 那奄奄一息的鬼武者也是睁开了眸子。 These Medicine Pill, your take!” Xiao Yun takes out some Medicine Pill to give Mo Zhengyang and ghost martial artist. “这些丹药,你们服下!”萧云取出一些丹药给莫正阳和鬼武者 This is by Life Martial Spirit dewdrop refinement Medicine Pill. 这是以生命武魂露珠炼制的丹药 Now Xiao Yun visits accurate God Realm, he has also sensed life deep meaning, that Life Martial Spirit dewdrop is also containing life deep meaning some strengths. 如今萧云踏足准神境,他还感悟了生命奥义,那生命武魂的露珠也蕴含着生命奥义的些许力量。 Medicine Pill of these dewdrop refinements have wonderful effectiveness. 这些露珠炼制的丹药有着神效。 Many thanks Young Master Xiao.” Zhengyang and ghost martial artist immediately Medicine Pill take. “多谢萧公子。”莫正阳和鬼武者立即将丹药服下 But at this time, Xiao Yun actually fell the line of sight on female. 而此时,萧云却是将视线落在了身边的女子身上。 Now Yan Shifei regained the freedom. 如今颜诗妃已经恢复了自由。 Is looking at the present youth, Yan Shifei that pair in the middle of the pupil that is charming as if can speak completely reveals the affection. 望着眼前的青年,颜诗妃那双妩媚得似乎能说话的眸子当中尽是流露出深情。 In can the clear feeling she at this time that excitement. 在当中可以清晰的感觉到她此时那激动的心情。 With this mood, in the middle of her pupil the mist changes into the teardrops, stays behind quietly. 在这种心情下,她那眸子当中雾气化为泪珠,悄然留下。 In recent years, she has been missing this youth. 这些年来,她一直思念着这个青年。 Still remembers that initially fell into the despair after space crack. 犹记得,当初陷入空间裂缝后的绝望。 She still remembers is born after Fallen Sun Abyss, she when the Xiao Clan and other Heavenly Capital juniors mouths knew that Xiao Yun is also living that wild with joy. 她犹记得从坠日之渊出世之后,她在萧氏天都子弟口中得知萧云还活着时的那种狂喜。 On that day, she was excited bursts into tears, felt that the world has filled the light, has been full of the color. 那一天,她兴奋得流泪,感觉天地充满了光明,充满了色彩。 On that day, she filled has hoped that hopes can meet with this youth, continued the predestined affinity again. 那一天,她充满了期许,希望能和这个青年相见,再续前缘。 But this falling date day deep pool one line, made her feel desperate. 可是此次坠日天渊一行,却让她又感到了绝望。 Especially is captured, saw that the Neiyang elder brother's expression she several times has thought of alienating oneself. 特别是被擒拿之后,看到那阳昆的表情她几次想到了自绝。 Is good because of this Yang Kun is the god child, arrogant incomparable, what he enjoys conquers the pleasure that the feeling of prostrated oneself, therefore has not moved to Yan Shifei strongly. 好在这阳昆身为神子,高傲无比,他享受的是征服的乐趣,被人膜拜的感觉,所以并没有对颜诗妃动强。 But for serveral days, Yan Shifei felt that own is similar to lives in the hell. 可这些天,颜诗妃感觉自己就如同活在地狱当中。 However after this time sees Xiao Yun, she is actually felt that all haze dissipate. 不过在此时见到萧云后,她却是感觉一切阴霾消散。 Presented bright light in her at present. 在她眼前又出现了彩光 She feels this world happily how. 她感觉这世界是多么的美好。 These years put in great inconvenience you.” Looks female who this corner of the eye is bursting into tears, Xiao Yun took a deep breath, at once deletes its teardrops, saying of being loud and clear, from present, so long as my Xiao Yun is also living, nobody may bully you, nobody may bully my woman.” This words are forceful, such as that word of oath. “这些年委屈你了。”望着这个眼角流泪的女子,萧云深深吸了口气,旋即将其泪珠擦去,掷地有声的说道,“不过从今后,只要我萧云还活着,就没有人可欺负你,没有人可欺负我的女人。”这话语铿锵有力,如那宣誓之言。 Em.” This sound hears, making Yan Shifei heart all grievance vanish into thin air completely. “恩。”这声音入耳,让颜诗妃心头所有的委屈全部烟消云散。 Her that long eyelash winks, the beautiful pupil rises, is staring at front youth. 她那长长的睫毛眨动,美眸上扬,凝视着面前的青年。 Only has the color of happiness to reveal in the middle of her pupil. 在她的眸子当中唯有幸福之色流露而出。 Xiao Yun embraces Yan Shifei in the bosom, has given an affectionate hug. 萧云颜诗妃揽在怀中,给了一个深情的拥抱。 Also in this time, that nine god children has towed formation. 也就在此时,那九个神子已经牵引大阵 Buzz! 嗡! That supernatural power suppression, Origin Token was shaken trembles, the origin world that divine runes evolves was almost defeated and dispersed. 那神力镇压而下,始源令被震得一颤,那神纹演化出来的始源天地差点溃散了。 „Does this boy, dare to be affectionate with the woman at this time?” After that Origin Token was shaken shivers, Nine Sun Saint Palace person sees suppressed the hope of Xiao Yun, immediately some people of coldly snorted said that when takes a look to that just and Yan Shifei reunion Xiao Yun, that pupil works as all completely is the color of gloomy and cold, looks at this appearance, they as if look forward to Xiao Yun die. “这小子,这时候还敢和女人卿卿我我?”当那始源令被震得颤抖后,九阳圣宫的人似看到了压制萧云的希望,当下有人冷哼道,瞅向那正和颜诗妃团聚的萧云时,那眸子当皆尽是阴冷之色,瞧这模样,他们似乎巴不得萧云殒落 Origin Token trembles, greatly was attacked, Xiao Yun was also induces. 始源令一颤,受到巨大的冲击,萧云也是感应到了。 At that moment, he loosened to embrace the hand of Yan Shifei, that pupil light raised, then to front took a look void. 当下,他松开了揽住颜诗妃的手,那眸光一扬,便是向前方的虚空瞅去。 Actually sees the front void god southeast evolution, that nine rounds gods evolved a world drying furnace positive, must gives to cover Origin Token and even the trim world. 却见得前方虚空神阳天地演化,那九轮神阳演化出了一个天地烘炉,要将始源令乃至整片天地都给笼罩。 That divine runes lets fall, void covering that must be at this time Xiao Yun. 神纹垂落,也要将此时萧云所在的虚空笼罩。 The entire world, must change into a world drying furnace. 整个天地,真的似要化为一个天地烘炉。 World drying furnace?” Xiao Yun pupil light concentrates, felt a huge pressure. “天地烘炉?”萧云眸光一凝,也感受到了一股巨大的压力。 Initially he and Chu Yunfei fought, was this feeling. 当初他与楚云飞一战,就是这种感觉。 At this time the this world drying furnace did not know formidable many times. 只是此时这天地烘炉不知强大了多少倍。 At this time in Nine Sun Saint Palace this stretch of world. 此时在九阳圣宫这片天地。 Nine regions, each region god positive soars in empty/sky. 九个区域,每个区域都神阳腾升于空。 Except in addition, vast god's prestige is also bursts out. 除此外,一股浩瀚的神威也是迸发而出。 If induces to go, as if there are nine rounds genuine god Yang Xuanfu to be spatial. 若感应而去,似乎真的有九轮真正的神阳悬浮在空。 So, is similar to is nine Spiritual God float is simply spatial. 如此,简直如同是九个神灵悬浮在空。 So the imposing manner, has early exceeded average man. 这般气势,早超越了常人。 Nine positive connected, changes into formation, evolves for the world drying furnace. 九阳相连,化为大阵,演化为了天地烘炉。 This is Nine Sun Saint Palace ancestor! 这就是九阳圣宫的祖阵! This formation has towed nine rounds god positive strength, the power and influence is dreadful, if in antiquity times, even/including Shenwang must be smelted.” Nearby Mo Zhengyang sinking sound said. “这大阵牵引了九轮神阳之力,威势滔天,若在上古时期,连神王都要被熔炼。”旁边的莫正阳沉声说道。 He was Nine Sun Saint Palace once person is outstanding, he also knew the matter about Nine Sun Saint Palace. 他是九阳圣宫曾经的人杰,他也知道许多关于九阳圣宫的事情。 Can smelt the god king?” Xiao Yun pupil light concentrates, the corners of the mouth brought back have wiped the light curve saying that this indeed was peerless formation, but the Divine Dao strength is fettered now, his might had the limit eventually, furthermore, stimulated to movement formation was not Spiritual God, wanted to smelt me only to fear that is not easy.” “可熔炼神王吗?”萧云眸光一凝,嘴角勾起了一抹淡淡的弧度道,“这的确是一个绝世大阵,不过如今神道力量被束缚,他终究威力有限制,再者,催动大阵的也不是神灵,想要熔炼我只怕还没有那么容易。” Xiao Yun has been full of confidence as before. 萧云依旧充满了信心。 Nine Yang Zhentian!” But at this time, in this formation, that stands erect in the spatial Yang Hao god child starts to tow Divine Art. “九阳镇天!”而此时,在这大阵之内,那屹立在空的阳颢神子开始牵引神诀 Another eight god children stand erect separately eight sides, coordinates his take action. 另外八个神子分别屹立八方,配合他出手 As for also some god children, they plunder in side, prepares take action at any time. 至于还有一些神子,他们则是在旁边掠阵,随时准备出手 It can be said that at this time entire Nine Sun Saint Palace was covered by vast god's prestige. 可以说,此时整个九阳圣宫都被浩瀚的神威所笼罩。 So the battle formation, it may be said that is for ten thousand years for the first time. 这般阵势,可谓是万年来首次。 That million disciple all lift looks void, is paying attention to this war. 那百万弟子皆抬望虚空,关注着此战。 Buzz! 嗡! Under rays of light of people, above vault of heaven bright positive evolution, finally is carrying Tao Heavenly God strength toward the Xiao Yun suppression under. 在众人的光芒之下,苍穹之上有神阳演化而出,最后携带着滔天神力向着萧云镇压而下。 This god falls positive, endless god Yang Lieyan tumbled, has covered void. 这神阳落下,无尽神阳烈焰翻滚,笼罩了虚空。 Today, makes me break your nine positive Divine Formation!” Xiao Yun pupil light concentrates, under his mind induction, Origin Token comes, float in top of the head. “今天,就让我来破你这九阳神阵!”萧云眸光一凝,在他心神感应下,始源令呼啸而来,悬浮在头顶。 When Origin Token float in top of the head, Xiao Yun was covered by origin energy completely. 始源令悬浮在头顶,萧云完全被始源之气笼罩。 Yan Shifei was also protected and sustained in middle. 颜诗妃也被护持在当中。 Afterward, his stride takes, that Origin Bow was also drawn. 随后,他大步迈出,那始源弓也是被拉动了起来。 Origin Bow draws, turns toward that suppression directly, but below god Yang to launch goes. 始源弓拉动,直接向着那镇压而下的神阳射去。 ! 咻! Origin Arrow god's prestige shook, penetrated void. 始源箭神威震荡,穿透了虚空。 Its place visited void disintegration, vast origin energy has covered the world. 它所过之处虚空崩碎,浩瀚的始源之气笼罩了天地。 Looks from afar, arrow like rainbow, origin energy that bloomed submerges that endless god positive flame just like the storm generally. 远远看去,箭矢如虹,绽放出的始源之气宛若风暴一般将那无尽神阳火焰都淹没了。 Finally, the people are noticed that this god arrow shot positive in that god above. 最后,众人便是看到这神箭射在了那神阳之上。 This is huge Heavenly Sun that nine rounds gods condense positive. 这是九轮神阳凝聚成的巨大天阳 This side Heavenly Sun may cover the world, the shining myriad things, that endless rays of light makes the vault of heaven golden light shining. 这方天阳可笼罩天地,照耀万物,那无尽光芒使得苍穹金光灿灿。 But when after Origin Arrow, that golden light is gloomy, that flame by the origin world that Origin Divine Mark evolves embezzling. 可是当始源箭过后,那金光暗淡,那火炎始源神纹演化出的始源天地给吞没。 Afterward, a bang spreads, the people are noticed that wheel giant god exploded positive. 随后,一声巨响传出,众人便是看到那轮巨大的神阳爆炸了开来。 The gods explode positive, this drying furnace world trembles, as if wants the disintegration. 神阳爆炸,这个烘炉天地都是一颤,似乎要崩碎。 The distant place nine god children slightly change color. 远处九个神子都是微微变色。 „Isn't this able to suppress him?” Yang Hao brows tightly frowns. “这样都无法镇压他吗?”阳颢眉头紧锁 This time they could be said as fully take action. 此次他们可以说是全力出手了。 Must know that nine god child take action, corresponded nine rounds gods to be positive, has composed formation, so these nine positive Divine Formation might to the display that the maximization gave. 要知道,九个神子出手,对应九轮神阳,组成了大阵,如此将这九阳神阵的威力给最大化给的发挥出来。 At this time here evolved the drying furnace world. 此时这里演化了烘炉天地。 In this world, they are similar to the control, the bystander will be oppressed, battle strength will weaken 10% imperceptibly. 这天地内,他们就如同主宰,外人将受到压迫,战力无形中会减弱一成。 Properly speaking, in this case they got the winning side completely are! 按理说,在这种情况下他们完全占据了上风才是! The god but who their evolves at this time was shot positive actually to explode. 可此时他们那演化出的神阳却被射爆了。 Naturally, Origin Arrow also after this strikes, the strength is weaken. 当然,始源箭也在这一击后,力量减弱。 Xiao Yun mind moves, Origin Arrow returns to the string immediately. 萧云心神一动,始源箭立即回弦。 His method is unitary, our fully take action constraining.” Yang Hao pupil light concentrates, had discovered the Xiao Yun short board, your several people take these people.” “他手段单一,我们全力出手将之拖住。”阳颢眸光一凝,发现了萧云的短板,“你们几人去拿下那些人。” Afterward, he passes message toward other Nine Sun Saint Palace people, making them cope by Swallowing the Heavens Divine Tower is sheltering the person. 随后,他向着九阳圣宫其它人传音,让他们去对付被吞天神塔庇护着的人。 So long as has taken these people, under being cautious about harming evildoers lest the innocent be hurt, the Xiao Yun definitely hands tied feet tied, they will occupy the initiative. 只要拿下了那些人,在投鼠忌器下,萧云必然会束手束脚,他们将占据主动权。 Good!” At that moment, six god children send out. “好!”当下,有六个神子出动。 Yang Lingtian and the others also together turn toward that direction to go. 阳凌天等人也一起向着那个方向而去。 Can cope with them?” Sees this, Xiao Yun knew the intentions of these people immediately. “要去对付他们?”见此,萧云立即知道了这些人的意图。 Buzz! 嗡! Does not wait for Xiao Yun to begin, in his top of the head nine rounds gods evolve a world drying furnace positive, must block void that he is, preventing him to save others. 不等萧云动手,他的头顶上九轮神阳演化出一个天地烘炉,要封锁他所在的虚空,阻止他去救人。 Meanwhile, round god Yang condenses once more, toward the Xiao Yun suppression under. 与此同时,一轮神阳再次凝聚,向着萧云镇压而下。 Thinks really my potential list is weak?” The Xiao Yun corners of the mouth have brought back ice-cold curve. “真以为我势单可欺吗?”萧云嘴角勾起了冰冷的弧度。 Afterward, his mind moves. 随后,他的心神一动。 Buzz! 嗡! When Xiao Yun mind moves, that Swallowing the Heavens Divine Tower flood ripples. 萧云心神一动,那吞天神塔泛起一阵涟漪。 When the ripples flood, that Swallowing the Heavens vortex split an opening. 当涟漪泛起,那吞天气旋裂开了一个口子。 Has cultivator to take a step in this opening. 在这个口子当中有着一个个修者迈步而出。 Is six people of head all wears the golden long gown. 为首的六人皆身穿金色长袍。 Is embroidering Golden Crow chart runes on their clothes robes. 在他们的衣袍上绣着金乌图文 These people impressively are the Golden Crow Clan people! 这些人赫然是金乌族的人! Except in addition, Origin Clan, the Yin Spirit Clan person goes out one after another. 除此外,始源族,阴灵族的人陆续走出。 These people three clan powerhouse that goes out of the place of Heavens Punishment. 这些人正是从天谴之地走出的三族强者 Xiao Yun has not made them belong to the place of Heavens Punishment immediately, but entered in the space in Swallowing the Heavens Divine Tower temporarily. 只是,萧云并没有让他们立即归入天谴之地,而是暂时进入了吞天神塔内的空间之内。 Now his mind moves, these people then immediately take action. 如今他心神一动,这些人便立即出手 Three Divine Race, altogether 18 accurate gods send out. 三个神族,一共18尊准神出动。 As for these half gods, has not come out. 至于那些半神,并没有出来。 Shout! 呼! When these people send out, the world changes color immediately. 当这些人出动,天地立即为之变色。 The strength of Golden Sun especially the Golden Crow Clan person, their bodies fill makes the nine rounds gods in vault of heaven slightly move positive. 特别是金乌族的人,他们身上弥漫出来的金阳之力使得苍穹上的九轮神阳都微微一动。 Looks at this appearance, nine rounds gods as if were towed by their aura positive! 瞧这模样,九轮神阳似乎被他们的气息所牵引了呢!
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