EMS :: Volume #2

#156: Object who various peaks fight for

Object who various Chapter 156 peaks fight for 第156章各峰争抢的对象 Mo Shaozhong pupil light is swift and fierce, coldly is staring at that injured Qiu Xuanrong two people, audience a piece of silence nobody dares spoke. Kazakh 520 novels 莫少钟眸光凌厉,冷冷的将那受伤的邱玄嵘两人盯着,全场一片静寂无人敢吭声。哈520小说 Villain respectfully follows the Domain's Envoy instruction settledly, does not dare in the suspect.” Qiu Xuanrong has stood diligently, although the face whiten, in the heart has the resentment, but actually uncommonly makes discontented, he turns toward void Mo Shaozhong to bow to salute hastily. “小人定当谨遵域使教诲,绝不敢在犯。”邱玄嵘努力的站了起来,虽然脸色苍白,心中颇有怨气,可是却不凡做出一丝不满,他连忙向着虚空中的莫少钟躬身施礼。 Many thanks Domain's Envoy shows mercy.” That Qiu Zhong is also painstakingly face, bows in salute hastily. “多谢域使手下留情。”那邱衷也是苦着脸,连忙作揖。 Mo Shaozhong shot a look at Qiu Xuanrong two people lightly, does not pay attention to they, instead took a look to Xiao Yun. 莫少钟淡淡的瞥了一眼邱玄嵘两人,也不在理会他们,反而是瞅向了萧云 Sees this Heavenly Capital Domain's Envoy to take a look toward own, Xiao Yun feels the surprise secretly. 见得这天都域使向着自己瞅来,萧云暗暗感到诧异。 Actually relied on Soul Power he never the distant place to escape a moment ago the sensation to this Heavenly Capital Domain's Envoy. 其实刚才凭借着灵魂力他已经感知到了这天都域使是从不远处遁来。 But has Emperor Feng and Seventh Princess and the others in a there garret impressively. 而在那里的一处阁楼中赫然有着风皇七公主等人在。 Therefore in the Xiao Yun heart guessed secretly that they should be the understanding are. 所以萧云心中暗自猜测,他们应该是认识才是。 However so, this Heavenly Capital Domain Envoy will act is also makes him be unexpected. 不过就算如此,这天都域使者会出面也是让他始料未及。 After all this person is Yuan Soul powerhouse, came from Heavenly Capital Domain. 毕竟此人可是一尊元婴强者,还是来自天都域 Mo Shaozhong face belt smiling face, the line of sight swept on Xiao Yun took a look at Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow on his shoulder obsolete unintentionally. 莫少钟脸带笑容,视线在萧云身上扫过时有意无意的瞅了一眼他肩膀上的吞天雀 Give a tongue-lashing! 呲! Had been swept by this person of pupil light, Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow felt that own soul is scared, pupil light dodges appears is not very comfortable. 被这人的眸光扫过,吞天雀感觉自己的灵魂一阵发毛,眸光闪躲显得很不自在。 As if felt that Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow that not comfortable pupil light, Mo Shaozhong has smiled lightly, then pupil light taking back. 似乎感觉到了吞天雀那不自在的眸光,莫少钟淡淡一笑,便将眸光给收回了。 This youth natural talent is good, if can enter into Heavenly Capital Domain to be able to obtain very good development, hoping your honourable sect can quite train, to such pill military with cultivating if the talent grew got up also to have the opportunity in Heavenly Capital Domain to base.” Mo Shaozhong changed the severity, a pupil light revolution, took a look to front Deacon Qin, saying of faint smile. “这个少年天赋不错,若能迈入天都域应该可以得到很好的发展,希望贵宗能好生培养,向这样丹武同修的天才若是成长了起来就是在天都域也应该有机会立足。”莫少钟一改刚才的严厉,眸光一转,瞅向了前方的秦执事,似笑非笑的说道。 What meaning this Heavenly Capital Domain is Envoy?” “这天都域使者是什么意思?” Also favors Xiao Yun including him?” Such remarks, audience in an uproar. “连他也看好萧云吗?”此话一出,全场一片哗然。 Hehe, such day can to join my Heavenly Yuan Sect be our good fortunes, asking Domain's Envoy to feel relieved, we from, when will train quite.” Deacon Qin also by this Domain's Envoy manner doing a dizziness, gawked some little time embarrasedly has smiled, said. 呵呵,这样的天才能拜入天元宗是我们的幸事,请域使放心,我们自当会好生培养。”秦执事也是被这域使的态度给搞得一阵头晕,愣了好一会才讪讪一笑,道。 In nearby several Manager pupils has bright light glittering. 旁边的几位管事眸中都有着精光闪烁 It seems like this youth is future is really infinite! 看来这少年真的是前途无限啊! Must know that the Heavenly Capital Domain's Envoy status is honored, usually extremely little makes an appearance, this time he not only for this Xiao Yun over, but also pointed out that this youth also has the opportunity to base in Heavenly Capital Domain, this is not vague pointed out that what he also does favor and appreciates this youth is? 要知道,天都域使身份尊贵,平常极少露面,此次他不仅为这萧云出头,还指出这少年在天都域也有机会立足,这不是隐晦的指出他也看好及欣赏这个少年是什么? This surprising. 这让人惊讶。 Are innumerable in the Southern Border talent, what can have a liking for by Domain's Envoy is extremely few! 南疆天才无数,可是能被域使看上的可是极少啊! Is very good.” Regarding people's discussion and surprised, Mo Shaozhong turns a blind eye, is a face is as before indifferent, said that I hope he can appear on Profound Yuan Battlefield, as for being similar today's matter, if has, is not good to your Heavenly Yuan Sect.” “很好。”对于众人的议论和惊讶,莫少钟视若无睹,依旧是一脸淡然,说道,“我希望他能在玄元战场上出现,至于类似今天的事情,若是在发生,对你天元宗可不好。” When spoke of behind, the Mo Shaozhong expression was slightly cold. 说到后面时,莫少钟的语气略冷。 Respectfully follows the Domain's Envoy instruction, we will certainly cease this kind of matter to occur.” Deacon Qin nods hastily, in heart actually joyfully. “谨遵域使教诲,我们一定会杜绝这类事情发生。”秦执事连忙点头,心中却欣喜不已。 Now spoke including Domain's Envoy, he did not need to dread that Qiu Xuanji. 如今连域使都发话了,他也就不用畏惧了那邱玄机了。 To the present, even if Qiu Xuanji wants take action to cope with this Xiao Yun also to think over. 到了现在,就算邱玄机想要出手对付这萧云也得掂量掂量。 If the matter exposes, stirs up Domain's Envoy take action, his trivial half Yuan Soul Realm also from afar insufficiently looks. 要是事情暴露出去,惹得域使出手,他那区区半步元婴境还远远不够看。 Hears this word, Qiu Family elder under high stage is the face like the dying embers, reveals look of dreading of whole face. 听得此言,在高台邱家长者则是脸如死灰,露出满脸的忌惮之色 If before, they also really dare unscrupulous take action secretly. 若是以前,他们还真的敢肆无忌惮的暗地里出手 How even if Xiao Yun is the talent? 就算萧云是天才又如何? Is it possible that Heavenly Yuan Sect also for died did the talent, blame Qiu Xuanji? 莫非天元宗还会为了一个死了的天才,责怪邱玄机吗? Qiu Xuanji is one has the opportunity to step into Yuan Soul Realm powerhouse, regarding any Sect is existences that protects vigorously. 邱玄机可是一个有机会踏入元婴境强者,对于任何一个宗门来说都是得极力呵护的存在。 Yeah.” Qiu Xuanrong on high stage also again and again sighed, the transformation of matter was too big, has been above the expectation. “哎。”高台上的邱玄嵘也是连连叹息,事情的转变太大了,已经超乎了预料。 Now after him, does not dare rashly take action. 现在就算他以后也不敢贸然出手 Even if begins unable to leave trace, otherwise only feared that will be extinguished by Domain's Envoy. 就算动手也不能留下痕迹,否则只怕真的会被域使所灭。 So you continue.” Mo Shaozhong light said that afterward takes a look to Xiao Yun says with a smile, you are very good, continue to try hard, but this world imagines you are bigger , to emerge in Profound Yuan Battlefield, steps into that Heavenly Capital Domain, not only needs natural talent, but must have the non- average man all wills, mental is good, Hehe, I said goodbye.” “如此你们继续。”莫少钟淡淡的道了一句,随后瞅向萧云笑道,“你很不错,继续努力,只是这个世界远比你想象中要大,若想在玄元战场中脱颖而出,踏入那天都域,不仅需要天赋,还得拥有着非常人所有的毅力,心智才行,呵呵,我告辞了。” The Mo Shaozhong sleeves sway, treading on the sky goes. 说完莫少钟衣袖拂动,踏空而去。 He is the Heavenly Capital Domain's Envoy status is special, is not suitable stays for a long time, therefore departs in light of this. 他身为天都域使身份特殊,不宜久留,所以就此离去。 Otherwise this matter made that Southern Border all knows, instead is not good, is so, he kept a that Qiu Xuanrong two people life. 不然此事弄得南疆皆知,反而不好,也是如此,他才留了那邱玄嵘两人一命。 Looks at that round trip man in a hurry, in the cultivator heart in school ground is having the feeling of not being able to say. 望着那来去匆匆的男子,校场中的修者心中有着说不出的感觉。 This Domain's Envoy was too strong, has achieved including the situation that Yuan Core Realm cultivator must look up. 域使太强了,达到了连元丹境修者都要仰视的地步。 Secret of Qiu Family relaxed, the words that but that Domain's Envoy stays behind are actually similar to the giant stone generally fall in their mind. 邱家的暗暗松了口气,可是那域使留下的话却如同巨石一般落在他们的心中。 On high stage other Manager pupil dew are fiery, Xiao Yun tight is staring. 高台上其它的管事却都眸露火热,将萧云紧紧的盯着。 Hehe, since the matter has settled, to various peaks have chosen disciple the time?” Middle Manager smiled embarrasedly, has rubbed the palm, said that his pair of pupil tight was staring at Xiao Yun, a face has discovered fiery as if the beautiful woman. 呵呵,既然事情已经了结,是不是到了各峰挑选弟子的时候了?”当中一个管事讪讪一笑,搓了搓手掌,道,他那双眸紧紧的盯着萧云,一脸火热似乎发现了美女。 That pupil light makes Xiao Yun feel that is scared. 眸光让得萧云感到一阵发毛。 Right, should choose disciple.” Nearby several elder echo to say. “对,该挑选弟子了。”旁边几位长者都附和道。 Hehe, I thought that this Xiao Yun is having Fire Martial Spirit, should to join my Fire Yuan Peak, could depend on this to obtain Fire Yuan Peak inheritance, becomes unparalleled powerhouse, Deacon Qin, how do you think?” Nearby elder goes forward one step, narrows the eye to say with a smile. 呵呵,我看这萧云拥有着火之武魂,应该拜入火元峰,或许可以凭此获得火元峰传承,成为一尊盖世强者,秦执事,你认为如何?”旁边一个长者上前一步,微眯着眼睛笑道。 I went to......” nearby Yuan Rong the complexion to sink immediately, this Xiao Yun was the pill refining rare talent, how could to join your Fire Yuan Peak? From when to join my Medicine Peak is, Hehe, initially the old man and did Xiao Yun reach the agreement, Young Master Xiao you said?” “我去……”旁边的袁熔立即脸色沉了起来,“这萧云炼丹奇才,岂能拜入火元峰?自当拜入药峰才是,呵呵,当初老夫和萧云可是已经达成了共识,萧公子你说了?” At this time Xiao Yun fell under high stage, now looks at this Yuan Rong to ask toward own that his cannot help but pupil dew hesitated. 这时萧云已经落在了高台下,如今瞧得这袁熔向着自己问来,他不由得眸露迟疑。 Because the Manager whole face on this moment that high stage fiery gives to stare at him, that appearance as if wishes one could the own income hanger-on, if complied with this matter in light of this, these Manager only feared that does not meet happily, furthermore, this to join entrance is the important matter, he naturally wants the consideration. 因为此刻那高台上的管事都满脸火热的将他给盯着,那模样似乎恨不得将自己收入门下,若是就此答应了此事,那些管事只怕也会不高兴,再者,这拜入山门是大事,他自然想多考虑下了。 Perhaps this not so, Young Master Xiao extraordinary natural talent, has other natural talent, I look again make the test, perhaps his inborn Spirit Physique?” Has the Manager start to talk, is not willing to make the arrangement in light of this, if such talent can receive the hanger-on is great merit, how could cheap other peak departments? “这个不然,萧公子天赋异禀,或许还有其它天赋,我看得再做测试,或许他天生灵体了?”有管事开口,不愿意就此作出安排,这样的天才若是能收入门下自是大功一件,岂能便宜了其它的峰系? Right, should make test again, if he also did suit our peak?” Has elder to echo to say. “对,应该再做测试,要是他也适合我们峰了?”有长者附和道。 Suddenly, on high stage that Qiu Xuanrong except for Water Yuan Peak that represents, Manager of several other peaks almost wish one could to rob Xiao Yun. 一时间,高台上除了那邱玄嵘所代表的水元峰,另外几峰的管事几乎都恨不得将萧云抢走。 Looks spit that these Manager said horizontally to fly, wishes one could to hit the take action appearance greatly, cultivator complete stunned under stage, „his mother's Yuan Core Realm powerhouse? Obviously is the country countrymen, where also a little quality?” 瞧得那些管事说的吐沫横飞,一副恨不得要大打出手的模样,台下的修者全部一阵错愕,“这他娘的还是元丹境强者吗?明明都是一个个乡野村夫,哪里还有一点素质?” Although in people heart stunned, actually also shaking has shaken by this aspect. 众人心中虽然错愕,却也是被这局面给震了一震。 So fully explained this Xiao Yun how popular, once to join Heavenly Yuan Sect will certainly obtain key training. 如此足以说明这萧云是多么的受欢迎,一旦拜入天元宗必将得到重点的培养。 The youth pupil dew of various clans envy, especially Liu Wulong and the others, are bitter and astringent the face. 各族的少年都眸露羡慕,特别是刘武隆等人,一个个都苦涩着脸。 They are the talents of blooming, although does not have Spirit Physique, actually should also be regarded as important the talent by these Manager, is object who fights, but actually completely dries in the sun now in one side, almost nobody is willing to focus in them. 他们都是脱颖而出的天才,虽然没有灵体,却也应该被这些管事所看重才,是争抢的对象,可现在却完全被晾在了一边,几乎没有人愿意将心思放在他们身上。 This is the disparity!” Some Yan Mo and youth smile bitterly to say. “这就是差距啊!”颜漠及身边一些少年苦笑道。 However in these person of hearts also secretly is Xiao Yun feels happy. 不过这些人心中也暗自为萧云感到高兴。 Almost participates in the deep place examination people to know, this Xiao Yun can arrive at this is how is not easy. 几乎参加深处考核的人都知道,这萧云能走到这一步是多么的不容易。 Asked that these people in the middle on the scene, who can live from Qiu Family that oppression? 试问在场的这些人当中,谁能从邱家那种压迫下活下来了? Several elder on stage were still disputing, Xiao Yun does not know for a while how to choose. 台上的几位长者还在争执,萧云一时不知如何抉择。 His in the heart is also thinking before to join Medicine Peak, to obtain to shelter, but now looks like, chooses one to suit the own development the place is King Dao, after all does not have the strength, even if the technique of your pill refining, when also has by ambush. 在以前他心中也是想着拜入药峰,以获得庇护,不过现在看来,选择一个适合自己发展的地方才是王道,毕竟没有实力,就算你炼丹之术在强也有着被伏杀的时候。 Best is pill military with cultivating. 最好的就是丹武同修。 Hehe, I thought that you do not need to struggle.” Deacon Qin sees this is also a headache, at once says with a smile embarrasedly, I look at Xiao Yun extraordinary natural talent, should report in the gate to make the decision again, by his aptitude thinks that can also become Core Disciple?” 呵呵,我看你们也不必争了。”秦执事见此也是一阵头疼,旋即讪讪一笑道,“我看萧云天赋异禀,应该禀告门中再做出决定,以他的资质想必也可以成为核心弟子了吧?” Core Disciple?” Hears this word, these Manager brows all are slightly a wrinkle, if so did not have their matters. 核心弟子?”听得此言,那些管事眉头皆是微微一皱,若是如此就没有他们的事了。 Core Disciple, is the Heavenly Yuan Sect true talent, belongs to Heavenly Yuan Sect Main Peak. 核心弟子,是天元宗真正的天才,归于天元宗主峰 Where has disciple that Elder accepts, has special to choose, changes into Core Palace disciple. 在哪里有着长老收下的弟子,也有着专门挑选出来,化为核心殿弟子 Beyond these person all rows, extraordinary natural talent, or the body has Spirit Physique, has Martial Spirit, is the in ten-thousand does not have one talent. 这些人无不列外,都天赋异禀,或者身具灵体,拥有武魂,是万中无一的天才。 Once becomes Core Disciple has all sorts of privileges. 一旦成为核心弟子将有着种种特权。 Had Martial Spirit to have opportunity becomes Core Disciple, reason that Xiao Yun will participate in these examination completely is because before , cut to kill Qiu Yuchen and that Fang Hao, must give the punishment, now he adopted the test, being promoted was Core Disciple is also natural. 本来拥有武魂就已经有机会成为核心弟子了,萧云之所以会参加这几次考核完全是因为之前斩杀了邱雨辰及那方浩,必须给予处罚,如今他通过了考验,晋级为核心弟子也是理所应当了。 For a while these elder are silent, in the pupil has several points to regret. 一时那些长者都是沉默不语,眸中带着几分惋惜。 Hehe, felt relieved that this Xiao Yun is I and others discovered together, people who as long as has maintained his will take down a merit.” Deacon Qin smiles, that vague meaning except that Qiu Xuanrong two people, other Manager takes down the merit. 呵呵,诸位放心,这萧云是我等共同发现的,但凡维护过他的人都将记下一功。”秦执事一笑,那隐晦的意思就是除去那邱玄嵘两人,其它管事都记下功劳。 Ha Ha, said that says.” Hears this word, these Manager have not been competing, smiling faces chase to start, so they do not tear to pieces the facial skin here has struggled, this just like is the best result, if this youth has an achievement, later the advantage is many. “哈哈,好说,好说。”听得此言,那些管事也不在争夺了,一个个笑颜逐开,如此他们也不要撕破脸皮的在这里挣扎了,这俨然是最好的结果,若这少年真的有所成就,以后好处甚多。 Such being the case, then below starts to choose disciple.” Deacon Qin caresses must say with a smile. “既然如此,那么下面开始挑选弟子吧。”秦执事抚须一笑道。 Good.” Manager smiles, starts to choose disciple. “好。”各位管事一笑,开始挑选弟子 Yan Mo and the others, although does not have Spirit Physique, natural talent is good, is a good seedling, once there is any chance, not necessarily cannot soar, therefore after is unable the Xiao Yun income hanger-on, the people to start a process of dispute talent. 颜漠等人虽然不具备灵体,却也天赋不错,是个不错的苗子,一旦有什么机缘,未必不能一飞冲天,所以在无法将萧云收入门下后,众人又开始了一场争执天才的过程。 Xiao Yun is at the same time is being glad idly, looks at all these secretly. 萧云则是在一边乐得清闲,暗暗看着这一切。 He also feels regarding Heavenly Yuan Sect such action quite satisfied. 对于天元宗这样的举措他也是感到颇为满意。 ==== ==== ( ( …… ……
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