EK :: Volume #13

#1227: Rare species

The white cap old man thinks that Luo Tian courts death simply, unexpectedly dares to provoke Zhuang Yuying. 白帽老者认为罗天简直是找死,居然敢招惹庄曜英 He complies to help, naturally must give a Luo Tian painful lesson! 他答应帮忙,自然要给罗天一个惨痛的教训! The second attack that he launches, is the plan Luo Tian's true essence thread cut off! 他发动的第二次攻击,原本是打算将罗天的真元线切断 But the Luo Tian true essence thread degree of hardness, went beyond the expectation of white cap old man, firmly resist got down. 罗天真元线的硬度,超出了白帽老者的预料,硬抗下来。 But you cannot shoulder the third time!” “但你扛不住第三次!” The white cap old man muddy double pupil is ice-cold. 白帽老者浑浊的双眸冰冷无情。 What's the matter? Did Luo Tian offend the Immortal Clan powerhouse?” “怎么回事?罗天得罪仙族强者了?” That Immortal Clan old man is Hu Ruitong, Heaven Connection Realm late stage Immortal Clan Fishing Grandmaster!” “那位仙族老者是‘胡瑞同’,通天境后期仙族垂钓大师!” Stared by Grandmaster Hu Ruitong, Luo Tian then can give up Immortal River fishing......” “被胡瑞同大师盯上,罗天接下来可以放弃仙河垂钓了……” All around people take pleasure in others' misfortunes. 四周众人幸灾乐祸。 Actually, even if Luo Tian the present gives up, can still enter top 5 hundred, the harvest is rich. 其实,罗天就算现在放弃,也能够进入前五百名,收获丰富。 But Luo Tian felt, Immortal River Fishing Grand Meeting is interesting, why can give up in midway? 罗天觉得,钓仙河盛会蛮有意思的,为何要中途放弃? Saw that the third attack of Hu Ruitong arrives! 眼看胡瑞同的第三次攻击降临! But Hu Ruitong Heaven Connection Realm late stage, cultivation cultivation technique is next to Divine Rank, Luo Tian is big with his disparity, the true essence intensity was inferior, Divine Rank cultivation technique is also hard to make up. 胡瑞同可是通天境后期,修炼功法仅次于神级,罗天与他差距较大,真元强度不如,神级功法也难以弥补。 If no accident/surprise. 若无意外。 Luo Tian's true essence thread by Hu Ruitong attacks cut off for the third time. 罗天的真元线会被胡瑞同的第三次攻击切断 He formed hand seals, stimulates to movement Good Fortune Secret Art immediately, the release the vague mysterious Destiny Path strength, covers Immortal Spirit Bamboo Pole and true essence thread in hand! 他立即掐动法诀,催动造化诀,释放出隐晦玄妙的命道力量,笼罩手中的仙灵竿真元线 Immediately, true essence thread destiny aura was covered up, was neglected extremely easily. 顿时,真元线命运气机被遮掩,极容易被忽略。 Let alone in Immortal River the water current is wilder, perception ability was disturbed intensely, Luo Tian's true essence thread as if vanished from sight, the attack of Hu Ruitong comes up empty-handed suddenly. 更何况仙河内水流狂暴混乱,感知能力受到强烈干扰,罗天的真元线仿佛忽然消失不见,胡瑞同的攻击扑了个空。 Which went?” “去哪了?” The Hu Ruitong brow slightly wrinkle, the careful sensation, anything had not discovered. 胡瑞同眉头微皱,仔细感知,什么都没有发现。 He sought for a long time, had not discovered Luo Tian's true essence thread. 他又寻找了许久,都没有发现罗天的真元线 The Hu Ruitong complexion sinks. 胡瑞同脸色微沉。 Perhaps, Luo Tian reduced true essence thread. 或许,罗天真元线缩短了。 The Immortal River more than 100 meters depths, almost does not have any prey, reduces true essence thread to be equal to giving up fishing. 仙河一百多米的深度,几乎没有任何猎物,缩短真元线等于放弃垂钓 Your true essence thread is very easy to hinder me, then do not make me see.” “你的真元线很容易妨碍我,接下来不要让我看到。” Hu Ruitong warned one. 胡瑞同警告了一句。 This is equal to announce, forbids Luo Tian fishing. 这等同于宣告,禁止罗天垂钓 Hehe, pitiful.” “嘿嘿,可怜啊。” Luo Tian had the opportunity to enter top 3 hundred, now hung.” 罗天原本有机会进入前三百,现在悬了。” All around hears the laughter sound. 四周传来嬉笑声。 Brother Luo, or do you go to place fishing of distant point?” 罗兄,要不你去远点的地方垂钓吧?” Li Huanshan put forward the proposal. 李环山提出建议。 Does not use.” “不用。” Luo Tian lightly said. 罗天淡淡道 Whiz! 嗖! true essence thread pulls back, is tying up a translucent fish, its pulp glittering and translucent, can see inside bone. 真元线拉回,捆绑着一条半透明的鱼,其肉质晶莹剔透,能看到里面的骨头。 This?” “这?” Li Huanshan just spoke, immediately is dumbfounded! 李环山刚说完话,顿时目瞪口呆! The people think, under threatening of Hu Ruitong, Luo Tian reduced true essence thread, gave up fishing! 众人都以为,在胡瑞同的威吓下,罗天真元线缩短,放弃了垂钓 But Luo Tian fished a fish as before! 罗天依旧钓到了一条鱼! Is Lightless Fish!” “是‘无明鱼’!” This is the rare species, can receive in exchange for the same cultivation base ordinary variety six times of points!” “这可是稀有品种,能够换取同修为普通品种的六倍积分!” All around piece calls out in alarm. 四周一片惊呼。 Lightless Fish, is equal to six ordinary varieties the fish. 一条“无明鱼”,等于六条普通品种的鱼类。 In addition. 此外。 In Immortal River fishing, most was hounded, not whose prey quantity are many. 仙河垂钓中,最受追捧的,并不是谁的猎物数量多。 But is who can fish a rarer variety, this is the proof of fishing ability! 而是谁能钓到更稀有的品种,这是垂钓能力的证明! Some many Immortal Clan established Fishing Grandmaster believe that only then fishes in Immortal River most top grade prey, likely arouses the interest of Innate Spiritual God! 有不少仙族的老牌垂钓大师认为,只有钓到仙河内最极品的猎物,才可能引起先天神灵的关注! Also some people believe, fishes the certain amount of rare species, can arouse the interest of Innate Spiritual God. 还有人认为,钓到一定数量的稀有品种,也能引起先天神灵的关注。 Originally the fish of this stealth, is the rare species......” “原来这条隐身的鱼,是稀有品种……” Before Luo Tian, does not know. 罗天之前并不知晓。 The Hu Ruitong surprised vision looks. 胡瑞同吃惊的目光看过来。 He has forbidden Luo Tian fishing! 他已经禁止罗天垂钓 But Luo Tian fishes a rare species on the contrary, this disregards own warning, challenges his dignity? 罗天反倒钓上来一个稀有品种,这是无视自己的警告,挑战他的威严吗? Hu Ruitong must make Luo Tian regret! 胡瑞同要让罗天后悔! He controls true essence thread, seeks Luo Tian's true essence thread, actually anything could not find as before. 他控制真元线,去寻找罗天的真元线,却依旧什么都找不到。 Moreover. 不仅如此。 He looks helplessly Luo Tian fished a fish! 他眼睁睁看着罗天又钓出了一条鱼! Meanwhile, all around has many people to look to Hu Ruitong, and is discussing in a low voice: „Doesn't Hu Ruitong forbid Luo Tian fishing? How doesn't he prevent?” 与此同时,四周有不少人看向胡瑞同,并低声议论着:“胡瑞同不是禁止罗天垂钓吗?他怎么不阻止了?” „......” “……” Hu Ruitong look gloomy and cold, anger combustion! 胡瑞同神色阴冷,怒火燃烧! He wishes one could to sliver dozens sections Luo Tian's true essence thread, but he could not find Luo Tian's true essence thread. 他恨不得将罗天的真元线切成几十截,可他根本找不到罗天的真元线 300 meters deep prey already extremely scarce. 三百米深度的猎物已经极其稀少。 How Luo Tian avoids own hunt at the same time, successfully fishes the spoils of war? 罗天是如何躲避自己的追捕的同时,成功钓到战利品? He sought for a long time, did not have the result as before! 他又寻找了许久,依旧没有结果! Hu Ruitong has to acknowledge, he underestimated Luo Tian, he also has to give up. 胡瑞同不得不承认,他低估罗天了,他也不得不放弃。 This Immortal River Fishing Grand Meeting, his goal is top 100, cannot waste the too much time on Luo Tian. 这届钓仙河盛会,他的目标是前一百名,不能在罗天身上浪费太多时间。 Therefore Hu Ruitong wholly-absorbed seeks for the prey in 600 meters deep area! 于是胡瑞同专心在六百米深度区寻找猎物! Un?” “嗯?” The Hu Ruitong eyelid lifts suddenly! 胡瑞同眼皮陡然一抬! Because he discovered rare species, cultivation base is the Limitless Realm late stage peak. 因为他发现了稀有品种,修为无极境后期巅峰。 That is tall and slender nether-blue fish species, on the scale twinkle lightning ray, is Thunder Flag Fish, speed strange quick, to thunder and lightning resistivity! 那是一条细长幽蓝鱼种,鳞片上闪烁雷光,正是“雷旗鱼”,速度奇快,对雷电抵抗力强! In 300 meters deep area, 30 ordinary varieties, can be as good as this Thunder Flag Fish! 在三百米深度区,三十条普通品种,才抵得上这条雷旗鱼 However in simultaneously, had another Fishing Grandmaster also to discover Thunder Flag Fish. 不过在同时,有另一位垂钓大师也发现了雷旗鱼 Hu Ruitong and opposite party start the steep competition! 胡瑞同和对方展开激烈竞争! Finally Hu Ruitong even better, successfully seized Thunder Flag Fish! 最终胡瑞同更胜一筹,成功抓捕了雷旗鱼 Good!” “好!” Hu Ruitong looks the happy expression, takes back true essence thread! 胡瑞同面露喜色,收回真元线 But at this moment, sturdy true essence thread that twines lightning ray, suddenly appears in the nearby! 可就在这时,一条缠绕雷光的粗壮真元线,突然出现在附近! Hu Ruitong is startled. 胡瑞同微惊。 When this sturdy does true essence thread approach? So obviously, he had not detected before unexpectedly, is close to discover until this true essence thread suddenly! 这条粗壮真元线是何时靠近的?如此明显,他之前竟没有察觉,直到这条真元线接近才猛然发现! shortly afterwards, Hu Ruitong discovered, this true essence thread is not thick, but is above is pasting several lightning ray twinkles talisman! 紧接着,胡瑞同发现,这条真元线并不粗,而是上面贴着好几张雷光闪烁的符咒 Lightning Explosion Talisman!” 雷爆符!” Hu Ruitong recognized. 胡瑞同认了出来。 He once prepared to exchange «Lightning Symbol», as a result of spirit crystals almost, exchanged first-level secret technique. 他曾经准备兑换《雷符》,由于灵晶差点,就兑换了次一级的秘术 Pastes the true essence thread winding of Lightning Explosion Talisman to come, later detonates! 贴着雷爆符真元线缠绕而来,随后引爆! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! 嘭!嘭!嘭!嘭! Six Lightning Explosion Talisman bombs, the thunder four plunder, raises the enormous and powerful rapids in Immortal River the storm! 六张“雷爆符”轰炸开来,雷霆肆掠,在仙河内掀起浩荡急湍的风暴! Hu Ruitong is Heaven Connection Realm late stage, but that after all is only true essence thread, before let alone him, and others steep competition. 胡瑞同通天境后期,但那毕竟只是一条真元线,更何况他之前与别人激烈竞争过。 The might that six Lightning Explosion Talisman detonate simultaneously, bombs Hu Ruitong true essence thread! 六张雷爆符同时引爆的威力,将胡瑞同真元线炸断! All these naturally are Luo Tian do. 这一切自然是罗天做的。 Before Hu Ruitong, repeatedly provokes, he naturally cannot endure silently. 胡瑞同之前屡次挑衅,他自然不会默默忍受。 The critical moment, he gives a Hu Ruitong more deeply grieved attack. 关键时刻,他给予胡瑞同更惨痛的打击。 Luo Tian swiftly condenses new true essence thread, because there is Heavenly Eye's Imprint, he found that wounded Thunder Flag Fish quickly, its seizing. 罗天迅速凝聚出新的真元线,由于有天眼印记,他更快找到那条被炸伤的雷旗鱼,将其抓捕。 The action of Hu Ruitong one step, he searched high and low late Thunder Flag Fish, thinks oneself are hopeful. 胡瑞同的行动晚了一步,他四处寻找雷旗鱼,认为自己还有希望。 Thunder Flag Fish!” 雷旗鱼!” Unexpectedly is Thunder Flag Fish, is the Limitless Realm late stage peak!” “居然是雷旗鱼,还是无极境后期巅峰的!” How does Luo Tian fish?” 罗天怎么钓到的?” All around hears the one after another screams. 四周传来一道道惊呼声。 Hu Ruitong raised the head suddenly, looks to Luo Tian. 胡瑞同猛然抬头,看向罗天 He noticed that Luo Tian throws into Thunder Flag Fish the fish basket! 他看到罗天将一条雷旗鱼丢进鱼篓里! Is you!” “是你!” The Hu Ruitong startled anger happened simultaneously! 胡瑞同惊怒交加! His really didn't expect, sneak attacked itself a moment ago, robs the spoils of war, unexpectedly is an external novice, he had attacked before Luo Tian! 他真没想到,刚才偷袭自己,抢走战利品的,居然是一个外来新手,还是他之前攻击过的罗天 This hits the face simply! 这简直是打脸! His attack has not had the influence on Luo Tian, his warning has no function. 他的攻击没有对罗天造成影响,他的警告没有任何作用。 Instead is the Luo Tian's retaliation, was so effective, robbed his rare spoils of war. 反而是罗天的报复,如此有效,抢夺了他的稀有战利品。
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