EH :: Volume #9

#57: On the autumn famous mountains the pedestrian is thin, common car(riage) god competition height

You determined that can sit like this? ” 你确定要这样坐?” Right, this. The chin arrives on my shoulder, do not cover my line of sight.” “对,就这样。下巴抵我肩膀上,别遮挡我视线。” Cross sits the Kallen whole face doubts on Yae Ji leg, at this time they in Hyperion some Aiyi preparation office. 跨坐在八重霁腿上的卡莲满脸疑惑,此时她们正在休伯利安号的某间爱衣准备的办公室中。 In front of Ji places one field of vision best 24 cuns (2.5 cm) to brush the monitor high, it is said this thing including the Hyperion central intelligence to surpass calculates. 阿霁面前摆放着一台视野最佳的24寸高刷显示器,据说这玩意直连休伯利安号的中央智能超算。 Front keyboard mouse is exclusive having custom-made completely, it is said the wire rod of special use can enhance the control about 0.05 second advantage...... 面前的键盘鼠标全部属于独家定制,据说特殊用的线材能够提高操控者0.05秒左右的优势...... To be honest, Kallen has not seen such earnest Yae Ji for a long time. 说实话,卡莲好久没见到过这么认真的八重霁了。 Although does not know why Ji must make her do this, but listens to Ji was right! 尽管不知道阿霁为什么要让她这样做,但听阿霁的就对了! Kallen both hands surround the waist of Yae Ji, the chin arrive on the right shoulder. 卡莲双手环抱住八重霁的腰,下巴抵在右肩上。 You determined that my won't disturb you to play?” Kallen inquired again. “你确定我这样不会干扰你游戏?”卡莲再次询问了一遍。 Cannot.” Yae Ji affirms saying: I need the addition of European.” “不会。”八重霁肯定道:“我需要欧洲人的加成。” Kallen selects the eyebrow, she comes era of scientific technology reluctantly one month, the meanings of some nouns cannot master. However... present Ji needs own. 卡莲挑眉,她来科技时代勉强一个月的时间,有些名词的含义还是没能搞懂。不过...如今的阿霁是需要自己的。 Kallen both hands hold the shoulder of Yae Ji, the slender waist is backward supine, the line of sight and Yae Ji hit in the same place. 卡莲双手抓住八重霁的肩膀,纤腰向后仰去,视线与八重霁撞在一起。 Smiles suddenly, corner of the eye overflows charmingly, said near the Yae Ji ear in a soft voice: I in the movie looked, your male doesn't like playing to drill the game of table bottom in the office?” 忽地一笑,眼角的妩媚流溢而出,轻声在八重霁耳边道:“我在电影中看的,你们男的不是都喜欢在办公室内玩钻桌底的游戏吗?” The Yae Ji look changes, immediately Kallen according to returning to original position. 八重霁神色一变,立马把卡莲按回原处。 Will have said again, started!” “过会再说,开始了!” In the game, he matches alloy equipment arrange/cloth wolf fang. 游戏中,他又匹配到‘合金装备布狼牙’。 Bronya needs to attend class, he hit for-and-a-half days, keeps up with the score of alloy equipment arrange/cloth wolf fang reluctantly, now had sacred relic and European Kallen addition, Yae Ji has the confidence to defeat Bronya! 布洛妮娅需要上课,他打了一天半,勉勉强强跟上合金装备布狼牙的分数,如今有了神器与欧洲人卡莲的加成,八重霁有信心战胜布洛妮娅! ....... Victory! Victory! Failure! Victory! .......胜利!胜利!失败!胜利! Complete reverse! 完全反转! By the luck style by way of the profound studies Kallen addition, can compare favorably with Bronya the Yae Ji luck. 靠运气的招式经由玄学卡莲的加成,将八重霁的运气能和布洛妮娅相媲美。 On the hardware the exceptional superiority is more like crashes the camel the last straw, the expert contests, often a move of difference then can decide the life and death. 硬件上得天独厚的优势更像是压垮骆驼的最后一根稻草,高手过招,往往一招之差便能决定生死。 Kallen can feel the excitement of Yae Ji, oneself were also very happy. 卡莲能感受到八重霁的兴奋,自己也十分高兴。 Slowly, the alloy equipment arrange/cloth wolf fang falls downward minute, the Yae ying score gradually rises high, this makes the players who attention ranking changes one by one dumbfounded. 慢慢地,合金装备布狼牙往下跌分,八重嘤的分数逐渐涨高,这让关注排名变化的玩家们各个目瞪口呆。 This is the omen that the new sovereign ascends the throne! 这是新皇登基的预兆! The official forum, each association and game information and other news everywhere, Yae Ji has maintained ranking of pvp pattern No.1, until Quest time nulling operation. 官方论坛、各个公会、游戏资讯等消息漫天,八重霁一直保持pvp模式No.1的排名,直到任务时间归零。 Every month Quest: reaches the Honkai god territory( has completed) 每月任务:登顶崩坏神域(已完成) Reward: Moon/Month card * 1( has transmitted to account) 奖励:月卡(已发送至账户) The corners of the mouth of Yae Ji bring back slightly, the decisive winding and unloads the game. 八重霁的嘴角略微勾起,果断下线并卸载游戏。 How as for outside to think, manages his bird matter? 至于外面是怎么想的,管他鸟事? Was acted Kallen that awakens to sit up the body, asked: Won?” 被动作惊醒的卡莲坐起身子,问道:“赢了?” Won.” “赢了。” This matter very unfathomable mystery, which Kallen does not know the pleasure, but Yae Ji was happy, she also follows happily is. 这件事挺莫名其妙的,卡莲也不知道乐趣在哪,不过八重霁高兴,她也跟着高兴就是。 That what, hasn't the office game played?” The Yae Ji smile has evil intent. “那什么,办公室游戏还玩不?”八重霁的笑容带有邪意。 Kallen white his eyes, wants the standing up body, „, I now am late sleepy.” 卡莲白了他一眼,就要站起身子,“晚了,我现在困了。” Where Yae Ji can let up this opportunity, he and Kallen fight many are in the majority by cos, but at home, the office has not really experienced. 八重霁哪能放过这个机会,他和卡莲的战斗多以cos居多,但也都是在家,办公室还真没体验过。 Has swept the desktop, does not have a fountain pen and document anything, Yae Ji entrains the mouse directly, throws toward the desk under. 扫过桌面,也没个钢笔、文件啥的,八重霁直接拽掉鼠标,往办公桌底下一扔。 My mouse fell , helping my 11 troublesome.” Yae Ji shows the pure smile to Kallen, thanks.” “我鼠标掉了,麻烦帮我拾一下。”八重霁卡莲露出纯真的笑容,“谢谢。” ... 。。。 Himeko's Home, bedroom. 姬子家,卧室。 Bronya sits in front of the computer silently, hugged, in bosom roar has also lost one side. 布洛妮娅默默坐在电脑前,原本抱在怀里的吼姆也早就丢到一边。 On the screen, ID is existence of Yae ying presses her head exactly. 屏幕上,ID为八重嘤的存在恰好压她一头。 She that ten thousand years of invariable position... 她那万年不变的位置... „... Bronya did not lose.” “唔...布洛妮娅输了。” The tranquil tone is invariable, Bronya switches off the game, the fork falls the social software, where preparing to have a look at Yae ying is the evildoer/monstrous talent! 平静语气不变,布洛妮娅关掉游戏,叉掉社交软件,准备看看‘八重嘤’到底是何方妖孽! Hyperion. 休伯利安号。 Yae Ji lies down in the chair comfortably, on the face shows the floating facial expression. 八重霁舒适地躺在椅子中,脸上露出飘飘然的神情。 Front screen jumps out of chibi Aiyi suddenly, the intelligent Aiyi choice hits the writing on the screen. 面前的屏幕突然跳出Q版爱衣,聪明的爱衣选择将文字打在屏幕上。 Boss! Bronya is seeking for Yae ying news!” “老板!布洛妮娅正在找寻‘八重嘤’的消息!” Sensation powerful Yae Ji opens the eye slightly, saw after the demonstration, goes forward slightly, prepares with the keyboard typing reply. 感知强大的八重霁略微睁开眼睛,见到显示后稍微上前,准备用键盘打字回复。 ~ “唔~” Kallen made an effort to pat the thigh of Yae Ji. 卡莲使劲拍了拍八重霁的大腿。 Yae Ji lowers the head, rushes to leave, on the face reveals the apology the expression, embarrassed Kallen.” 八重霁低头,赶忙离开,脸上露出歉意的表情,“不好意思啊卡莲。” Is covering the Kallen dark air/Qi that the throat coughs, made an effort to pat under the instigator, in Yae Ji sucked in the sound of cold air/Qi to stand up. 正捂住嗓子干咳的卡莲暗气,使劲拍了下始作俑者,在八重霁倒抽冷气的声音中站起身来。 She is not the beforehand child, knows Yae Ji within the body the strength of bloodlines to be thick exceptionally, let alone forcibly racket, even if hits to explode can still return to normal. 她可不是以前的小孩子,知晓八重霁体内的血脉之力浓厚异常,别说用力拍一下,就算是打爆也能恢复正常。 Do not want such to deceive her to before again! 可别想再向以前那样骗她! Snort!” Thinks that the Kallen elegant face of shy matter slightly red, goes home to ask you to do accounts again!” “哼!”想到害羞事的卡莲俏脸微红,“回到家再找你算账!” After putting down an aggressive statement, Kallen departs rapidly, one will have folded the body to come back, takes away to place the bottled water on table in the vision of Yae Ji hope...... 放下一句狠话后,卡莲迅速离去,过一会折身回来,在八重霁希冀的目光中拿走放在桌上的瓶装水...... Ka- 咔- The alloy gate tightens, some expression distortions of Yae Ji. 合金门紧锁,八重霁的表情有些扭曲。 Blames you!” “都怪你!” „?” chibi Aiyi crooked head, under the addition of real physical engine, because of the gravity falls down immediately. “啊嘞?”Q版爱衣歪了歪脑袋,在真实物理引擎的加成下,立马因重力摔倒在地。 Kallen, S-Rank Valkyrie, that useless many strength, still suffice Yae Ji to drink a pot even. 卡莲,S级女武神,就算那一下没用多少力,也够八重霁喝上一壶。 Mentioned also strangely, several years, Kallen had not learned, this was really the issue of talent.” Yae Ji whispered Aiyi unable to understand the words alone, asked: That side Bronya how?” “说来也怪,都几年了,卡莲还没学会,这个真是天赋的问题。”八重霁独自嘀咕了一句爱衣听不懂话,又问道:“布洛妮娅那边怎么了?” Oh. speaking of the proper business, Aiyi recovers, „the Bronya level is extremely high, has locked Yae ying initially ‚’ landing for extremely east branch.” 哦。”说到正事,爱衣回过神来,“布洛妮娅的水平极高,已初步锁定‘八重嘤’的登陆地为极东支部。” This does not matter.” Yae Ji beckons with the hand, later does well the pants, stands up, you look to manage on the line, I have a look at Kallen.” “这都无所谓。”八重霁摆摆手,随后弄好裤子,站起身来,“你看着办就行,我去看看卡莲。” Oh.” “喔。” Aiyi narrows the eye, she somewhat regretted that has not installed the camera in this office. 爱衣微眯起眼睛,她有些后悔没在这间办公室内安装摄像头。 Why boss speech bringing encryption function? 为什么老板说话自带加密功能? The proprietresses are so intelligent, thing that also she cannot learn? 老板娘那么聪明,还有她学不会的东西? Aiyi is puzzling. 爱衣百思不得其解。 Also several days later, Kiana gradually returns to normal, Yae Ji hear of Mei said that Kiana often has the nightmare, but changed into a nihility space from the battlefield, in the dream always has purple-haired to catch her collar, has been howling anything is changing! Changes to me!” And so on unfathomable mystery words. 又过几天,琪亚娜逐渐恢复正常,八重霁芽衣琪亚娜还是时常做噩梦,只是从战场换成了一处虚无空间,梦里总有个紫发拽住她的衣领,一直嚎着什么“变!给我变!”之类的莫名其妙的话。 Bronya also sought for the meaning of those words especially, successfully lets Kiana remembered her to raise Zola.( Note) 布洛妮娅还特地找寻了那句话的含义,成功让琪亚娜想起她曾经养过的索拉。(注) Yae Ji discovered that Kiana will visit him sometimes secretly, will also show a facial expression of doubts, hence later, he does not wander around as far as possible side Kiana. 八重霁发现琪亚娜有时会偷偷看他,还会露出一副疑惑的神情,至此以后,他都尽量不在琪亚娜身边瞎转悠。 Yuno entered a school, is with a Kiana class. 由乃入学了,还是和琪亚娜一个班级。 But this time, she and Kiana status exchange, she became transferred the school to live. 只不过这次,她和琪亚娜的身份对调,她成了转校生。 ...... ...... Below Ps. free: Ps.以下免费: Note: Zola, Kiana had raised the cat, accounted orally from plot Kiana. 注:索拉,琪亚娜曾经养过的猫,来自剧情琪亚娜口述。
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