EH :: Volume #9

#54: Ural silver wolf

The sensation arrives in the room the person, Kiana looks up subconsciously, clashes with the line of sight of Yae Ji just in time! 感知到屋内来人,琪亚娜下意识抬头望去,正巧与八重霁的视线对撞! Kiana is shocked, she thought that front person looks familiar very much, not solely because of the status of shopkeeper, but unexplained feelings. 琪亚娜愣住,她觉得面前的人很眼熟,不单单是因为店长的身份,而是有一种说不清道不明的感觉。 If adds on thick fog to cover up before his facial features...... 如果在他面容前加上一层浓雾遮掩...... Clashing of two people line of sight is also only flash's matter, Yae Ji calmly and Kallen they says the hello. 两人视线的对撞也只是一瞬间的事情,八重霁不动声色地和卡莲她们打起招呼。 Yae Ji just to the shop, everyone's vision placed on him, Kallen, Yae Sakura and the others have not noticed the Kiana difference, has been observing Kiana Bronya on the contrary, by viewer the status remembers the performance of Kiana and Yae Ji. 八重霁刚至店中,所有人的目光都放在他身上,卡莲八重樱等人没有注意到琪亚娜的异样,反倒是一直在观察琪亚娜布洛妮娅,以“观察者”的身份记住琪亚娜八重霁的表现。 Last night psychological treatment had certainly the issue! 昨天夜里的心理治疗一定有问题! Bronya calculates the advantages in the heart, the bio-chip that in the brain installs is gradually giving off heat... 布洛妮娅在心中计算着利弊,脑中安装的生物芯片逐渐发热... In the tentative plan of Bronya, Mei had better be able bundle on Yae Ji and the others the combat tanks, naturally, Kiana also boards, she is very happy. 布洛妮娅的设想中,芽衣最好能捆上八重霁等人的战车,当然,琪亚娜也上车,她是十分高兴的。 A month in academy, she also detected that the name of Kiana Kaslana Family Ojou-sama has the trick. 在学园中的一个多月,她也发觉琪亚娜卡斯兰娜家族大小姐的称呼有猫腻。 The mysterious bloodlines that except that within the body flows, then have Principal Theresa of blood relationship to help the opposite party with Kiana. 除了体内流淌的神奇血脉,便只有同样和琪亚娜有血缘关系的学园长德丽莎帮助对方。 Ojou-sama as respected family, this point pole is unreasonable! 身为大家族的大小姐,这点极不合理! Let alone Kaslana Family holds the extremely important position in Schicksal nowadays as before, breeds Ojou-sama like this? 更何况现如今卡斯兰娜家族依旧在天命中占有极为重要的位置,就这样放养大小姐 Bronya had guessed many bitter experiences about Kiana, the specific detail actually knows nothing. Only can guess that Kiana is also the person of meeting misfortune. 布洛妮娅猜测过许多种关于琪亚娜的遭遇,具体资料却一无所知。只能猜测琪亚娜也是落难之人。 Both good friends approached that did not say that in the Schicksal position how, will not at least be threatened by the life. 两位好友都傍上了那位,不说在天命的地位如何,至少不会受到生命威胁。 Let alone... this is also more beneficial to her plan. 更何况...这也对她的计划有益。 Anti-Entropy compared with Schicksal, small organization that cannot amount to something. In certain in countries that are intimate with Schicksal, Anti-Entropy had been divided in the range of terrorist organization. 逆熵比起天命,还是上不得台面的小组织。在某些亲近天命的国家中,逆熵已经被划分到恐怖组织的范围内。 Inherits Previous Civilization Era heritage many organizations is Schicksal, hearsay Previous Civilization Era is to resist Honkai, develops many plans, including concerns the quantum domain. 继承上个文明纪元遗产最多的组织便是天命,传闻上个文明纪元为对抗崩坏,开发出多项计划,其中有一条关乎量子领域。 If the Yae Ji status is true, she depends on this big tree, may go to the quantum domain to seek very much to hope again! 如果八重霁的身份属实,她靠着这颗大树,很有可能再次前往量子领域内去寻找希儿! hope...... remembered the friend, Bronya slightly cannot observe sipped under the small mouth. 希儿......想起友人,布洛妮娅微不可察地抿了下小嘴。 Raised the head, discovered that Kiana is still in a daze, but the vision is not on Yae Ji, the been very fond of to become He small biscuit was also placed on the table, the whole person as if lost the soul to be common. 抬头,发现琪亚娜还在发呆,只是目光已不在八重霁身上,酷爱的成盒小饼干也被放在桌上,整个人仿佛失了魂一般。 In Bronya heart thump. 布洛妮娅心中咯噔一声。 To be honest, at present this scene, is not she wants to see. 说实话,眼前这种场景,绝不是她想见到的。 Yesterday's psychological treatment had/left the trick absolutely! The condition of Kiana to Yae Ji is not very normal! 昨天的心理治疗绝对出了猫腻!琪亚娜八重霁的状态很不正常! Thinks that this morning careful appearance of Kiana, that obviously falls into the indication before love! 想到今天一早琪亚娜的精心打扮,那明显是陷入恋爱前的征兆! Is who? Definitely is not Elder Sister Mei! 是谁?肯定不是芽衣姐姐! Otherwise Kiana saw why Yae Ji can be out of sorts? 不然琪亚娜见到八重霁为什么会失神? The Bronya careful recollection, the psychological treatment, to all sorts of today's Kiana performance, each slight movement recalls in the brain starting from yesterday. 布洛妮娅仔细回忆,从昨天开始心理治疗,一直到今天琪亚娜表现的种种,每一个细微的动作都在脑中回想而出。 Love... 恋爱... Bronya looked at the eye to grasp Kallen of Yae Ji arm calmly, their several people are chatting. 布洛妮娅不动声色地看了眼正抱住八重霁手臂的卡莲,她们几人正在谈笑。 In the real relations, that to the senior who Kiana provides most Daisuke strength, is Kaslana Family Kallen. 在真实的关系上,那位对琪亚娜提供最大助力的前辈,正是同属卡斯兰娜家族卡莲 Simultaneously... she is the Yae Ji fiancee! 同时...她还是八重霁的未婚妻! Naturally, Bronya thinks that this besides her, Kiana and Mei they should not know. 当然,布洛妮娅认为这点除了她以外,琪亚娜芽衣她们应该都不知晓。 Who can believe that more than 500 years ago historical personages will open a shop sells the onigiri and fried bean curd and so on thing in oneself academy? 谁能相信五百多年前的历史人物会在自己学园内开店卖饭团、油豆腐之类的东西? In light of all known news, Bronya is the letter/believes. 结合所有已知消息,布洛妮娅是信的。 Experiences Kiana of Siti campaign... possibly also to know fuzzily. 经历过西蒂战役的琪亚娜...可能也模糊知道一些。 Like Elder Sister Mei, her anything does not know from the start. 芽衣姐姐,她压根什么都不知道。 Even but if anything does not know, the discerning person can still see the relations of Kallen and Yae Ji! 可即便什么都不知道,明眼人也能看出卡莲八重霁的关系! Proper lover! 妥妥的恋人啊! Bronya recalled that in the picture that in the monitoring sees, sits two people on public bench hugs in the same place, attracts...... 布洛妮娅回想起自己在监控中看到的画面,坐在公共长椅上的两人抱在一起,吸的...... In the brain the bio-chip excessively gives off heat, in addition the worrying matter, making in the Bronya heart have the irritation slightly. 脑中生物芯片过度发热,加上烦心事,让布洛妮娅心中稍有烦躁。 In her tentative plan, Kiana and Mei and Yae Ji they become the indispensable good friend, further crossed the border again thoroughly! 在她的设想中,琪亚娜芽衣八重霁他们成为不可或缺的好朋友就可以,再进一步就彻底越界了! The sentimental matter is most complex, when the time comes who knows how Kallen will treat them? 感情的事情最为复杂,到时候谁知道卡莲会怎么对待她们? Yae Ji? The male who the middle ages went out , the big probability will not care about these. 八重霁?中世纪走出的男性,大概率不会在意这些。 But Kallen... this was once the Kaslana Family head of the clan, can tolerate fiance's girl? 卡莲...这位身为曾经卡斯兰娜家族的族长,能容忍自家未婚夫身边的女孩吗? Oneself have helped the later generation liked own fiance! 自己帮助过的后辈喜欢上了自己的未婚夫! What jojo is this launches marvelously? 这是什么jojo奇妙展开? Even Kallen can tolerate, how does Kiana think? 就算卡莲能容忍,琪亚娜会怎么想? To Bronya that the Kallen character model analysis makes a mistake, feels to the matter that has at present incomparably thornily. 卡莲人物模型分析出错的布洛妮娅,对眼前发生的事情感到无比棘手。 It seems like goes through some materials again.’ ‘看来还是得再查阅一些资料。’ Bronya drank a fruit juice, discovered that sits restores reluctantly in opposite Kiana, eats the small biscuit careless. 布洛妮娅喝了口果汁,发现坐在对面的琪亚娜勉强恢复过来,漫不经心地吃起小饼干。 This time, does not have before again, eats the food accurate that quite somewhat dull flavor. 只是这次,再也没有之前啃食的那么精准,颇有些乏味的味道。 The one side sits Yuno on chair honestly, looks to Yae Ji's side Kallen, full is the color of envying. 一旁老老实实坐在椅子上的由乃,看向八重霁身边卡莲,满是羡慕之色。 Although Yuno felt strange that today Kiana is how listless gets down, but as the female student, every month always several days fade. Compared with Kiana, she pays more attention to Yae Ji they. 由乃虽然奇怪今天琪亚娜怎么蔫吧下去,但身为女生嘛,每个月总有几天是蔫吧的。比起琪亚娜,她更关注八重霁他们。 Bronya shot a look at Yuno one with no trace, for several days time, she approximately the communications research of Yuno thoroughly. 布洛妮娅不留痕迹地瞥了由乃一眼,短短几天功夫,她大致把由乃的信息研究透。 Because feels inferior, campus Tyrant Ling as well as extremely high Honkai Energy resistance, was selected by the Honkai consciousness is artificial Herrscher, oneself body has very strong ability, as S-Rank Valkyrie Principal Theresa turns over in that. 因为自卑、校园霸凌以及极高的崩坏能抗性,被崩坏意识选中为拟似律者,己身拥有十分强大的能力,身为S级女武神学园长德丽莎都在那翻车。 After Tamamaru and Yae Ji rescue next, because also feels inferior, the timid character, had extremely high sense of dependence to Yae Ji. 绯玉丸八重霁救下后,也因为自卑、怯懦的性格,对八重霁产生了极高的依赖感。 Bronya does not have the heart of sympathy to her life experience, this matter saw a lot, was numb. 布洛妮娅对她的身世没有同情之心,这事见得多了,也就麻木了。 To let once have Ural silver wolf Bronya of name to play the sympathy, feared that is not hopes is alive. 想让曾经有‘乌拉尔银狼’之称的布洛妮娅起到同情心,怕不是希儿在世。 Since does not have too many fetters with, will use not to have too many psychological burdens. 既然和自己没有太多羁绊,用起来也就不会有太多心理负担。 Yae Ji regards as important her ability in any case, will not make her too be injured. 反正八重霁看重她的能力,不会让她受到太多伤害。 Such being the case... the deep place of Bronya tranquil pupil, flood beginning ripples. 既然如此...布洛妮娅平静眸子的深处,泛起点点涟漪。 Yae Ji and Kallen were the people of middle ages, was the male, Yae Ji does not care outside provokes many. 八重霁卡莲身为中世纪的人,身为男性,八重霁不是太在乎在外面到底招惹多少。 The middle ages, the powerful officials anything appearance was completely conceivable. 中世纪嘛,权贵们什么样子完全可以想象出来。 Trades is the Yae Ji fiancee personally, Bronya dares to act in a self-serving manner, but fiancee character, is Kallen occupies by chance! 换个人做八重霁的未婚妻,布洛妮娅都敢为所欲为,可未婚妻这个角色,恰巧是卡莲占据! Once head of the clan Kaslana Family! 曾经的卡斯兰娜家族族长! On having power and influence, Yae is seeks friendships. 论起权势,八重算是高攀。 Can this person share itself to love with other woman? 这种人会和别的女人分享自己所爱? Bronya is not clear, does not dare to bet with Kiana. 布洛妮娅不清楚,也不敢拿琪亚娜去赌。 Slightly wrong one step, is the endless abyss. 稍错一步,便是无尽深渊。 But present Yuno, is not just an excellent candidate who tests the Kallen bottom line? 可眼前的由乃,不正是一个试探卡莲底线的绝好人选吗? ...... ......
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