EH :: Volume #9

#51: Dreamland 10 years

That... do I give you giving a name character to be good?” The Yae Ji probe asked. “那...我给你起个名字好不好?”八重霁试探问道。 Good good!” The white hair loli crazy nod, winks the star to see Yae Ji, is the small biscuit in mouth does not stop. “好呀好呀!”白毛萝莉疯狂点头,眨着星星眼看着八重霁,就是嘴中的小饼干不停下。 Yae Ji: You called Kiana to be good!” 八重霁:“那你就叫琪亚娜好了!” Kiana!” star starry eyes the small mouth of Kiana sips entering shape, is very satisfied with this name, satisfied to forgetting to fill in the small biscuit toward own mouth. “唔~琪亚娜!”星星眼的琪亚娜的小嘴抿成“入”状,对这个名字特别满意,满意到忘记往自己嘴里填小饼干。 Yae Ji continues to tempt saying: What to do don't you have the family/home?” 八重霁继续引诱道:“那你没有家怎么办?” Kiana does not know.” Kiana used own new name immediately, continued the small hamster to eat the food small biscuit likely, the pure deep blue eye pupil stared at Yae Ji to look. 琪亚娜也不知道。”琪亚娜立即用起了自己的新名字,继续像小仓鼠般啃食小饼干,纯洁蔚蓝眼眸盯着八重霁看。 You stay in this.” Yae Ji looks all around for a week, my family, although is not big, is occupied by individual is very relaxed.” “那你就在这住下。”八重霁环顾一周,“我家虽然不大,多住个人还是很轻松。” Un un.” Kiana selected the small head , to continue to gnaw to eat the small biscuit, where as if is not interested. “嗯嗯。”琪亚娜点了点小脑袋,继续啃食起小饼干,似乎对住在哪里不感兴趣。 Yae Ji is speechless, starts to wrap/sets of the Kiana words, finally the opposite party anything does not know, only knows oneself appear in the forest, then fought one with variation little bear. 八重霁无语,开始套琪亚娜的话,结果对方什么都不知道,只知道自己出现在森林里,然后和一头变异小熊打了一架。 Where does not know the family/home, does not know that who the parents are, does not have including the beforehand memory. 不知道家在哪里,不知道父母是谁,连以前的记忆也没有。 Yae Ji has not been continue inquire, this time Kiana performance and an eight -year-old child have no difference, doing not know at all, but also is very easily swindled! 八重霁没在继续询问,此时的琪亚娜表现的和一个八岁的孩子没什么区别,一问三不知,还特别好骗! Chatted a bit with Kiana, the little miss only said some un un Aahh and good good and so on perhaps the words, because of the reason of small biscuit, Kiana have no heart of the protection to him. 琪亚娜闲聊了一会,小姑娘只说些“嗯嗯啊啊”、“好呀好呀”之类的话,或许是因为小饼干的原因,琪亚娜对他没有任何一丝防备之心。 Yae Ji has the grey rabbit that turns around to process goes hunting comes, the dreamland is not troublesome, without is so bloody, directly removes the skin and internal organs, leaves behind the clean rabbit meat in that. 八重霁只好转身去处理打猎得来的灰兔,梦境没有那么麻烦,没有那么血腥,直接就把皮和内脏去除,留下干干净净的兔肉在那。 Is preparing to prepare food in Yae Ji, he hears in the living room to transmit the abnormal noise. 正在八重霁准备做饭的时候,他听到客厅中传来异响。 ~ “唔哇哇~” Kiana top of the head that white dull wool is drooping listlessly, the attractive deep blue eye pupil turns intogt ;. 琪亚娜头顶那根白色呆毛无精打采地耷拉着,漂亮的蔚蓝眼眸变成“gt;. What's wrong?” Yae Ji is zhang (3.33 m) two monks cannot feel the mind, is confused, does not know why good Kiana a moment ago fortunately cried is so ruthless. “怎么了?”八重霁是丈二和尚摸不着头脑,一头雾水,不知道刚才还好好的琪亚娜为什么哭的这么狠。 Isn't the fear strange environment? This reflex arc also has is long enough. 不会是害怕陌生的环境吧?这反射弧也有够长的。 ~ Kiana sobs, while said: Small and small biscuit , had not had wū wū wū ~ “呜哇哇~”琪亚娜一边抽泣,一边道:“小、小饼干,没、没有了呜呜呜~” Does not know that is the Yae Ji misconception, he always felt Kiana cries was sad. 不知道是不是八重霁的错觉,他总感觉琪亚娜哭的更伤心了。 Under the line of sight moves, discovered that box of biscuit the packing box lies down on the ground. 视线下移,发现那盒饼干的包装盒躺在地上。 Yae Ji picks up the cracker box, an inside sediment does not remain. 八重霁捡起饼干盒,里面连个渣子都不剩。 This is the compressed biscuit! Did you finish eating?” “这可是压缩饼干啊!你都吃完了?” Does not raise the biscuit to be good, raises the biscuit, the weeping sound that Kiana gradually was small enhances again! 不提饼干还好,一提饼干,琪亚娜本来渐渐小下来的哭声再次提高! Good, I buy for you again am.” Kallen that remembering to eat, Yae Ji offers a sacrifice to the unique skill, when the time comes wants to eat many to eat many!” “好了好了,我再给你买就是。”想起能吃的卡莲,八重霁祭出绝招,“到时候想吃多少就吃多少!” ~ Kiana stops the weeping sound all of a sudden, looks with the hope look to Yae Ji, really ?” “唔~”琪亚娜一下子止住哭声,用期盼的眼神看向八重霁,“真哒?” Really.” Yae Ji squats down, wipes the tears of Kiana corner of the eye with the hand. “真的真的。”八重霁蹲下,用手抹去琪亚娜眼角的泪水。 ~ Kiana cries again. “呜哇哇~”琪亚娜再次大哭起来。 How to do?” Yae Ji this was really ignorant. “又怎么搞得?”八重霁这回真懵了。 You... your hand good spicy wū wū wū ~ time that Kiana cries, two small hands also follow to turn upwards, labor is super the appearance. “你...你手上好辣呜呜呜~”琪亚娜哭起来的时候,两只小手也跟着翘起,一副“劳资超级可爱”的模样。 Yae Ji remembered itself just to cut the hot pepper suddenly, could not bear complain the dreamland again. 八重霁突然想起自己刚切过辣椒,忍不住再次吐槽起梦境。 You most do not pay great attention to the detail? How can this above? 你不是最不注重细节的吗?怎么这会又上头了? Has the lunch, Kiana has been flowing the bloodlines of Kaslana Family worthily, that appetite and childhood Kallen some spelled! 吃过午饭,琪亚娜不愧是流淌着卡斯兰娜家族的血脉,那食量和小时候的卡莲有的一拼! While Yae Ji does not know that should do the time, in the brain reminded him to bring Kiana to go to the clinic to inspect. 正当八重霁不知道该干什么时候,脑中提醒他要带琪亚娜去诊所检查。 Feeding ~ is not picks the stray cat stray dog, but can also go to the clinic to inspect? 喂喂~又不是捡到流浪猫流浪狗,还得去诊所检查? 【Do you adopt small loli no one not to manage secretly?】 【你私自收养小萝莉不也没人管?】 Cell phone the rebuttal makes Yae Ji be speechless, pulls the Kiana small hand to set out toward the clinic. “手机”的反驳让八重霁无话可说,牵着琪亚娜的小手朝诊所进发。 In an instant to evening. 一转眼到了晚上。 Yae Ji took the report of clinic to look, the doctor thinks that this child except for simpleminded, and had no special place, words that insisted on speaking, possibly was she does not know why had to be above the strange strength of average man. 八重霁拿着诊所的报告单看了看,医生认为这孩子除了头脑简单,并没有什么特别的地方,硬要说的话,可能是她不知为何拥有超乎常人的怪力。 Afterward this body write down the diary. 随后这具身体自己写下日记。 On the same day finished. 当天结束。 Wakes up again, Yae Ji discovered oneself asked Kiana again, she will say oneself was nine years old! 再次醒来的时候,八重霁发现自己再问琪亚娜,她就会说自己已经九岁了! Moreover in the specially familiar room arranges, the movement of eating meal is more adept,... is also more intimate to him. 而且特别熟悉屋内布置,吃饭的动作更加娴熟,对他也...更加亲密一些。 Especially meow! Really the dreamland with the game is the same unreasonable!’ ‘特喵的!果然梦境和游戏都是一样的不讲道理!’ Yae Ji accepts the reality decisively, in the brain has a sound to urge him to deliver Kiana to go to school. 八重霁果断接受现实,脑中有个声音又在催他送琪亚娜去上学。 Cheated, Yae Ji takes can eat a popsicle for the price tomorrow, successfully deceived on Kiana the elementary school. 连哄带骗,八重霁以明天可以多吃一根雪糕为代价,成功骗琪亚娜上了小学。 Right, that the name of elementary school was Saint Elementary school, heard that the next door also Anti-Entropy elementary school, Yae Ji has complained weak. 对了,那所小学的名字叫圣芙蕾雅小学,听说隔壁还有逆熵小学,八重霁早已无力吐槽。 Ten years old. 十岁。 Kiana starts to act difficult, is not willing to go to the bored school study bored knowledge, Yae Ji under the pretext of Mei, successfully makes Kiana about going to school hopeful. 琪亚娜开始闹别扭,不愿意去无聊的学校学习无聊的知识,八重霁芽衣为借口,成功让琪亚娜对上学充满期待。 Right, Mei is good friend of Kiana junction in the school, two people are always always together. 对了,芽衣琪亚娜在学校里交的好朋友,两人总是形影不离。 But super intelligent, a super fool. 只不过一个超级聪明,一个超级笨蛋。 11 years old, the Kiana appearance has not changed, can actually go to search for the food alone! Yae Ji often did not feel relieved, sometimes will follow secretly in Kiana behind. 十一岁,琪亚娜的模样没有丝毫改变,却能独自出去搜寻食材!八重霁时常不放心,有时会偷偷跟在琪亚娜身后。 12 years old, had the talent scout to have a liking for the Kiana lovable appearance, found Yae Ji this guardian, want to make Kiana conduct idol training. 十二岁,有星探看上了琪亚娜的可爱模样,找到八重霁这个监护人,想让琪亚娜进行偶像培训。 13 years old, the Anti-Entropy school initiates the academy to challenge to Saint School, Kiana fished in troubled waters, opened day of machine armor! That night had person in charge of Anti-Entropy school to praise the Kiana machine armor stance talent great stick, and sent out transferred schools the invitation. 十三岁,逆熵学校向圣芙蕾雅学校发起学园挑战,琪亚娜浑水摸鱼,开了一天的机甲!当天晚上就有逆熵学校的负责人夸赞琪亚娜的机甲架势天赋一等一的棒,并发出了转学邀请。 14 years old, Kiana various abilities continue to increase, changes to the Anti-Entropy school with Mei together, idol training also does dramatically, by outstanding appearance flame. But in military force, Yae Ji felt relieved very Kiana go out, because she has killed the variation bear in forest...... 十四岁,琪亚娜的各项能力继续攀升,跟芽衣一起转到逆熵学校,偶像培训也搞得有声有色,凭借出众的样貌小火一把。而在武力方面,八重霁十分放心琪亚娜自己出去,因为她已经把森林中的变异熊打死了...... 15 years old, Yae Ji intends to instill into the idea of war to Kiana, contains the Siti campaign and modern era war, tries to unblock the Kiana psychological disease in secret. 十五岁,八重霁有意向琪亚娜灌输战争的理念,其中包含西蒂战役与现代战争,试图在暗中疏导琪亚娜的心理疾病。 16 years old, Kiana and Mei research team invented brand-new machine armor, won the top grade commendation of Anti-Entropy school ; The singing girl two people of group hot cities, can see two people posters on the subway ; Yae Ji is not making Kiana go to the forest to seek for the food, because in the forest is perching an demon dragon probably. 十六岁,琪亚娜芽衣的研究小组发明了全新机甲,获得了逆熵学校的特等表彰;歌姬二人组火爆城市,在地铁上都能见到两人的海报;八重霁不在让琪亚娜去森林寻找食材,因为森林中好像栖息着一头魔龙。 17 years old, Kiana and Mei develop heavenly father machine armor, the achievement sufficiently and Anti-Entropy person in charge treat as an equal ; The entertainment world also had the important matter, the singing girl who becomes red-hot popular half the sky combines suddenly announced that draws back the circle ; Draws back Kiana after circle often to go to the forest covertly, Yae Ji discovered demon dragon that she tamed named Pena Luss unexpectedly...... 十七岁,琪亚娜芽衣开发出天父机甲,成就足以和逆熵负责人平起平坐;娱乐圈也发生了大事,红透半边天的歌姬组合突然宣布退圈;退圈后的琪亚娜时常偷偷摸摸前往森林,八重霁发现她居然驯服了名为贝纳勒斯的魔龙......
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