EH :: Volume #6

#230: The race continues (Last Part)

After the half a month . 半月后。 Treats emptily indoor, only then a plum person stands in the nutrition cabin front. 治疗室内空荡荡的,只有梅一个人站在营养舱前方。 Tenth three Herrscher attempt to save human... to lead the follower to return to the arms of god. Finally she died under tenth God Key! We give back to the tenth God Key giving a name character, called Oath of Judah. Ha ~ Hahaha ~ always the plum of aloof laughs loudly, sheds tears with a smile with a smile. “第十三律者妄图拯救人类...带领信徒回归神的怀抱。最后她死在了第十一神之键下!我们还给第十一神之键起了个名字,就叫‘犹大的誓约’。哈~哈哈哈~”向来高冷的梅都捧腹大笑,笑着笑着流出眼泪。 Wipes the tears, the plum sincere to seems reporting the work, „ after tenth three Herrscher, does not have country the concept, we only have seven super cities, as well as scatters in the certain laboratories of the world. 抹去泪水,梅正色到仿佛是在汇报工作,“第十三律者过后,已经没了‘国家’的概念,我们仅剩下七座超级城市,以及散落在全球各地的若干实验室。 Also remains the last year... your mutation core to be shown has self-recovery, most crosses for a half year then to be able fully to restore again. 还剩最后一年...你的异变核心已被证明具有自愈性,最多再过半年便能完全恢复。 also one year... set first 13 Herrscher strengths Herrscher arrives finally, this is our human final test. 还有一年...集合前十三位律者力量的终焉律者降临,这是我们人类最后的考验。 Sometimes I think again, if we defeat finally Herrscher, what the later day can be? Behind Herrscher...... has the alien to exist finally? 有时候我会再想,如果我们战胜终焉律者,以后的日子会是什么样的?终焉律者背后......有没有外星人存在? But we do not have the energy to consider that in the future matter, 13 Herrscher aggregates... I am unable to imagine have her great, only then depends upon the Herrscher strength, we strength of the war. 可我们没有精力去考虑往后的事情,十三位律者的集合体...我无法想象出她的伟大,只有依靠律者的力量,我们才有一战之力。 Very sorry, I borrowed the strength of key of blank ahead of time, the Herrscher of principle core made me have the new mentality. If... we can have the key of blank from the beginning, borrows Herrscher Core of principle again, we will take an entirely different path! 很抱歉,我还是提前借用了空白之键的力量,理之律者的核心让我有了新的思路。如果...一开始我们就能拥有空白之键,再借用理之律者核心,我们会走上一条截然不同的道路! I sent various information to the world bubble in quantum space, these world have not replied me. In brief, we will try all possibilities! ” 我向量子空间中的世界泡发送了各类信息,那些世界还没有回复我。总之,我们会把一切可能性都尝试一遍!” Controls 1/10 frame of mind Yae Ji, hears the sound of plum faintly. 又重新掌控十分之一心气的八重霁,隐隐听到梅的声音。 Tenth three do Herrscher... make people move toward the person of destruction during the hope? Really fearful.’ ‘第十三律者...让人们在希望之中走向毁灭之人吗?真是可怕。’ In the Tamamaru time line, Herrscher of Corruption acts three cities that destroyed on the star only to remain, surplus human were the Fire Moth members, said that barely managed to maintain a feeble existence is not overrated. 绯玉丸的时间线中,侵蚀律者出手毁灭了星球上仅剩的三座城市,剩余的人类多是逐火之蛾成员,说是苟延残喘也不为过。 In that desperate illusion, suddenly presents one by god the leader of name, can be imagined regarding the fission of team. 在那种绝望的幻境中,突然出现一名以“神”的名义的领袖,对于团队的分裂可想而知。 The person of this crowd of high-qualities in Fire Moth so cannot withstand, let alone is now? 逐火之蛾中这群高素质的人都如此不堪,更何况是现在? The world only has seven super cities... without a doubt, others, under the direction of tenth three Herrscher stepped onto named hope the road of destruction. 全球仅剩下七座超级城市...毫无疑问,其他的人,都在第十三律者的指引下走上了名为“希望”的毁灭之路。 Oath of Judah...’ Yae Ji fine goods name, ‚is really the satire.’ 犹大的誓约...’八重霁细品这个名字,‘真是讽刺。’ Whose name? To... me does not remember that Aiyi had once said this name spreads in, this time eliminates tenth three Herrscher, but brings up an old matter again.’ ‘谁起的名字?不对...我记得爱衣曾说过这个名字早在内部就有流传,这次清除第十三律者,不过是旧事重提。’ Yae Ji within the body raises a chill in the air, causing the air bubble in nutrition cabin to rise suddenly many! 八重霁体内升起一股寒意,导致营养舱内的气泡骤然升多! ‚Has It been observing us? Also borrows the myth classics to wear down the human the fighting spirit? Are our surplus group of people, all criminal?’ ‘祂一直在观察着我们?还借用神话经典来消磨人类的斗志?我们剩余的这群人,全是“罪人”?’ No wonder the plum is that performance. Really, when the theology and science overlap, is the person inevitable disaster of each advancement history.’ ‘怪不得梅是那种表现。果然,当神学与科学重叠,是每个推进历史的人都无可避免的灾难。’ What this disaster... aims is the entire human race? Plum?’ ‘这次灾难...针对的是全人类?还是梅?’ More is the ponder, Yae Ji more feels cold. 越是思考,八重霁越是感到寒冷。 Is similar the peeping at eyes in the shadow, goes to human complete spying on. 在阴影中仿佛有一双正在窥视的眼睛,将人类全部的窥探而去。 Manages his! When the time comes is victorious hits, cannot be victorious runs!’ ‘管他的!到时候打得过就打,打不过就跑!’ Plum, cherry and bell... make them treat in underground, follows the star to flee the plan to be far away?’ ‘梅、樱、铃...让她们待在地下,还是跟随星球逃离计划远离?’ Yae Ji is unable to make the decision suddenly. 八重霁一时间无法做出决定。 Underground is unsafe, possibly was destroyed by Herrscher finally wantonly. Also or the sleep cabin has problems, inexplicableness of dying. 地下不安全,可能被终焉律者大肆破坏。又或者睡眠舱出现故障,死的不明不白。 After all, takes „for ten thousand years as the time span of unit, no one is able to guarantee whether the machine can operate such long time not to have the accident/surprise. 毕竟,以“万年”为单位的时间跨度,谁都无法保证机器是否能运行如此之长的时间不出现意外。 If a wee bit small accidents/surprises, the formed effect looks like the dominoes. 一旦出现一丁点的小意外,形成的效应就像是多米诺骨牌。 Does the star flee? 星球逃离? First did not say that goes to sparks/Mars or chooses the interstellar to roam about, the death was inevitable. 先不说是去火星还是选择星际流浪,死亡是不可避免的。 Abundant a slim chance of survival in interstellar? In underground pray probability? 是在星际中博一线生机?还是在地下祈祷概率? In the Yae Ji brain the thought collides, 八重霁脑中念头碰撞, Slowly falls into the deep sleep again. 1/3 st, the frame of mind has controlled 1/3! 慢慢再次陷入沉睡。三分之一,心气已经掌控了三分之一! The prevailing situation does not have to prevent again! 燎原之势再也无可阻挡! This time, Yae Ji is treating indoor sensation the familiar and strange aura. 这次,八重霁在治疗室内感知了熟悉而又陌生的气息。 Probably... Aiyi! 好像是...爱衣! Aiyi pale like paper, weak, holds the wall to maintain to walk reluctantly. 爱衣脸色苍白如纸,虚弱至极,扶着墙勉强维持走路。 But in the Yae Ji sensation, Aiyi this body health does not make sense! 但在八重霁的感知中,爱衣这具身躯健康的不像话! Aiyu ~ “哎呦~” Aiyi sits on the chair, a result focus is not steady, falls down. 爱衣一屁股坐在椅子上,结果一个重心不稳,又摔倒在地。 The scrape and back of the head on small arm fall, lets in the small mouth of Aiyi exudes hissing cold air/Qi sound. 小臂上的擦痕与后脑勺摔地,让爱衣的小嘴中发出“嘶嘶”的冷气声。 It huuurts ~ 疼疼疼~” The corner of the eye of Aiyi gradually becomes red, secretes the 1-2 drop tears. 爱衣的眼角逐渐变红,分泌出一两滴泪水。 wū wū wū ~ Boss, you may the pit be miserable I!” Aiyi brings the weeping voice, „ on that day I the going all out work, the repel feeling of space one was drawing to a big way! My whole person did not have! 呜呜呜~老板,你可坑惨我了!”爱衣带着哭腔,“那天我正卖力工作,空间的排斥感一下拉到最大!我整个人都没了! I enter the next door ultra, I do not have wū wū wū thoroughly ~ 要不是我钻进隔壁的超算中,我就彻底没啦呜呜呜~” In the nutrition cabin, the air bubble surges. 营养舱内,气泡涌动。 Yae Ji thinks suddenly really has that a matter, but the matter was busy at he giving to forget too... 八重霁突然想到确实有那么回事,只是事情太忙他给忘了... Was supposing is that body of Aiyi is made, but has not had the self-awareness officially nowadays the Aiyi use should clones the body, how is to induct in the organism... Yae Ji also to know the consciousness as for her! 估摸着是爱衣的那具躯体已被制造出,只是还没正式产生自我意识现如今爱衣使用的应该是克隆体,至于她是怎么把意识导入进生物体内...八重霁也想知道! Possibly shortly after just inducted, did not have the reason of thorough familiar body, causes Aiyi weakly likely dog. 可能是刚刚导入不久,还没有彻底熟悉身体的缘故,导致爱衣“虚弱”的像条狗。 How to have the repel suddenly?’ ‘怎么就突然产生排斥了?’ Yae Ji thinks carefully , can only the matter push, in the star flees in the plan. 八重霁仔细想想,也只能把事情推在星球逃离计划上。 ... 。。。 The consciousness space, Yae Ji the frame of mind of control has started to encircle the small stock without owner frame of mind, from controls completely, but also misses some that time. 意识空间,八重霁的掌控的心气已经开始围剿小股无主心气,距离完全掌控,还差那么一些时间。 Mei Zaici comes to the therapy room. 梅再次来到治疗室。 This first time was she came to the therapy room recently for the six months. 这是她最近半年以来第一次来到治疗室。 Race cultivation plans to be well underway, in the quantum world bubble unmanned reply, the star flees the plan to be divided into two schools thoroughly... also one month, we cannot.” “种族培育计划进展顺利,量子世界泡里还是无人回复,星球逃离计划彻底分成两派...还有一个月,我们不能在等了。” Also remains four super cities. The high level had decided that...... carries out peaceful plan to the remaining people. “还剩四座超级城市。高层已经决定......对剩下的人执行‘安乐计划’。 This matter... also with finally Herrscher that I forecast related... I... I... ” 这事...也与我预测的终焉律者有关...我...我...” Mei Hunshen shivers, the mouth opened several times, anything had not finally said. Turns around to depart. 梅浑身颤抖,嘴巴张了数次,最终什么都没说出。转身离去。 Yae Ji hears clear. 八重霁听得一清二楚。 Aiyi knows that he will wake up sometimes, will transmit some materials regularly. 爱衣知道他有时会醒来,会定期发送一些资料。 Yae Ji saw named peaceful plan. 八重霁看到了名为“安乐”的计划。 Except for a small number of elites, the high-level decision when the sleep, in the city discharges the special toxic gas and ensure everyone... can die in the peace and happiness! 除了少数精英,高层决定在睡眠时,城市中排放特殊毒气,确保每个人...都能在安乐中死亡! Sees this plan, Yae Ji cannot bear scalp tingles! 看到这个计划,八重霁忍不住头皮发麻! This will some big boldness, do?! 这得有多大的魄力,才会这么干?! Super city already since service condition, people work with all one's might, one month only rests for day, to resist Honkai provides the safeguard. 超级城市早已进入战时状态,人们拼命工作,一个月只休息一天,为对抗崩坏提供保障。 Before final Honkai arrives at one month. 在最后的崩坏降临前的一个月。 They, became abandoned the child. 他们,都成了弃子。 ...... ......
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