EH :: Volume #6

#224: Presses out dry/does Herrscher of Corruption

The frame of mind draws back temporarily, to the strength of corrosion in within the body vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered. 心气暂退,任由侵蚀之力在体内纵横。 Has Rc Cells and Fusion Cell to be corroded unceasingly, holds in continuous energy in addition, constructs an energy operation path in within the body actually! 不断有rc细胞融合细胞受到侵蚀,在源源不断的能量加持下,硬是在体内修建成一条能量运行道路! Yae Ji felt that the whole body soon splits, the place of veins inflates such as the finger to be thick or thin. If not for there is a Fusion Warriors physical quality, with „the new generation the body repair capability, feared that in first round will be filled to explode by this huge energy! 八重霁感到全身都快要裂开,筋脉之处膨胀如手指粗细。若不是有融合战士的身体素质,与“新人类”的身体修复能力,怕是在第一回合就会被这股庞大的能量灌爆! Even so, the Yae Ji body surface place also often has the blood vessel to crack, creates the scary scene that the blood to splash. within the body is more serious, various hemorrhages and heavy losses, rc and fusion are quite busy. 即便如此,八重霁体表处也不时有血管崩裂,造成血液呲溅的唬人场景。体内更加严重,各种出血、重创,rc与融合忙得团团转。 Finally, the revolution route completes the first round of revolution perfectly, with the help of key of corrosion, this strength that does not have the thing not to invade becomes the boost of Yae Ji on the contrary! 终于,运转路线完美地完成第一回合运转,在侵蚀之键的帮助下,这股无物不侵的力量反倒成为八重霁的助力! This set of energy operation route is designed by Aiyi, Aiyi is this expert in aspect. On having design energy revolution route, feared that is three immortals is also insufficient a Aiyi person to hit. 这套能量运行路线由爱衣设计,爱衣是这方面的老手。论起设计能量运转路线,怕是三个仙人也不够爱衣一个人打的。 The energy revolution route of Aiyi design, to put it bluntly is a divine land merit law. Naturally, there is a style class design, for example the past years erupted within the body Ice Element snowstorm, was the large-scale community injury style. 爱衣设计的能量运转路线,说白了就是神州的“功法”。当然,也有招式类设计,比如当年爆发体内冰元素的“暴风雪”,就是大规模群体伤害招式。 Now Yae Ji use merit law, if in the view according to dreamland world, that is Xixingdafa. 现在八重霁使用的“功法”,若是按照梦境世界中的说法,那就是“吸星大法”。 Between both has the similarity, actually does not use for reference completely. 两者之间有相似之处,却也不是完全借鉴。 After all strength of extremely abnormal energy corrosion is not everyone can control. 毕竟侵蚀之力这种极为变态的能量可不是每个人都能驾驭。 Played Yae Ji of key of corrosion, does not dare to receive the strength from Herrscher of Corruption unarmed. 玩了一段侵蚀之键的八重霁,也不敢赤手空拳地接收来自侵蚀律者的力量。 These most important is the key of corrosion, without it, wants to suppress this energy is not easy. 这其中最重要的便要数侵蚀之键,没有它,想镇压这股能量可不容易。 Yae Ji is not Tamamaru, that little fellow inborn to corroding the strength is quite sensitive, let alone the formation of key of strength of ated erosion little fellow for successive several years revolution corrosion. One to corroding the utilization of strength, feared that is each life that exceeds this era. 八重霁又不是绯玉丸,那个小家伙“天生”就对侵蚀之力极为敏感,更别说小家伙连续数年运转侵蚀之力加速侵蚀之键的形成。自身对侵蚀之力的运用,怕是超过这个纪元的每一个生灵。 Including the Herrscher of Corruption main body! 包括侵蚀律者本尊! Tamamaru is more relaxed than Yae Ji, in front of her is only a Herrscher of Corruption wisp of strength, the collection utilizes should not be too relaxed. 绯玉丸八重霁更为轻松,她面前只是侵蚀律者的一缕力量,收集运用起来不要太轻松。 Honest!” “老实点!” Consciousness in the space, the whole body covers a big fox palm of the hand of strength of corrosion to pull out in the Herrscher of Corruption split consciousness top of the head, pulled out to stagger him! 意识空间中,全身覆盖一层侵蚀之力的大狐狸一巴掌抽在侵蚀律者分体意识的头顶,将其抽了个趔趄! You... you!” “你...你们!” Has not waited for the split consciousness saying that Herrscher of Corruption angrily roars to pass through the data, goes directly to the real world! 没等分体意识说完,侵蚀律者的怒吼贯穿数据,直达现实世界! How dare dirty ants steal the authority of god-!” “肮脏的蝼蚁怎敢窃取神的权柄-!” Is away from both spaces to hear meaning of being furious. 隔着两个空间都能听到其中的震怒之意。 The big fox raised head to look, Tamamaru, this aspect gave you, my anything did not understand.” 大狐狸仰头看了看,“绯玉丸,这方面就交给你了,俺啥也不懂。” Tamamaru nods, goes to other floors rapidly, suppresses the Herrscher of Corruption scattered energy one by one. 绯玉丸点点头,飞速前往其它楼层,挨个镇压侵蚀律者分散的能量。 If Herrscher of Corruption in this, Tamamaru travels without delay immediately, but a scattered energy of this point star, Tamamaru look does not glance. 若是侵蚀律者在这,绯玉丸二话不说立马跑路,可这一点一星的分散能量,就连绯玉丸自己都看不上眼。 When probably forges the key of corrosion, Tamamaru must utilize every day over a hundred million capital, consumes several hundred thousand over a million. 就好像锻造侵蚀之键时,绯玉丸每天都得运用个上亿“资本”,消耗几十万上百万。 Now the Herrscher of Corruption scattered energy, range from several thousand, to over ten thousand. 如今侵蚀律者分散的能量,少则几千,多则上万。 How does this enable has experienced magnificent scene Tamamaru to have a liking for the eye? 这让经历过“大场面”的绯玉丸怎么能看得上眼? Central computer main control room. 中央计算机主控室。 Yae Ji is impossible to contain this huge energy in within the body, his goal is to consume the Herrscher of Corruption energy as far as possible. 八重霁不可能一直把这股庞大的能量蕴藏在体内,他的目标是尽量消耗侵蚀律者的能量。 Therefore, he transfers this energy scatters coin with Herrscher of Corruption strives for the control of virtual machine. 于是,他调动这股能量“撒币”似的与侵蚀律者争夺虚拟机的控制权。 This makes Herrscher of Corruption startled and anger! 这让侵蚀律者又惊又怒! So cheap technique, how dirtiness does control that energy?’ ‘如此粗劣的手法,肮脏者是如何掌控那股能量的?’ This makes Herrscher of Corruption be puzzling. 这让侵蚀律者百思不得其解。 Yae Ji consumes this energy full power, this energy has about Herrscher of Corruption main body about 1/3, but the Herrscher powerful place lies in she can communicate the imaginary number space momentarily, derives Honkai Energy to supplement itself. 八重霁全力消耗这股能量,这股能量大约有侵蚀律者本体的三分之一左右,可律者强大的地方在于她能随时沟通虚数空间,从中汲取崩坏能补充自身。 Now Yae Ji faces, looks like that ten points to make one * the sore mathematics problems. 如今八重霁所面对的,就像是那道十分令人*疼的数学题。 Swimming pool irrigates while turns on the water “游泳池一边灌水一边放水” Yae Ji remembers vaguely the bell has also teased the teacher of this problem. 八重霁依稀记得铃还调侃过出这道题的老师。 Isn't this mental illness? Irrigates while turns on the water? 这不是神经病吗?一边灌水一边放水? The waste such juicy resources don't you feel the pain? The third mainland people who hurry to give the water shortage apologized! 浪费这么多水资源你不觉得心痛嘛?赶紧去给缺水的第三大陆人民道歉啊! What? The third mainland no one? That was all right. 什么?第三大陆没人了?那没事了。 However, Yae Ji faces is this situation. 然而,八重霁面临的就是这种情况。 Swimming pool is Herrscher of Corruption, irrigates mouth is the Herrscher of Corruption connection imaginary number space pipe, water outlet is Yae Ji. “游泳池”就是侵蚀律者,“灌水口”就是侵蚀律者连接虚数空间的管子,“出水口”则是八重霁 Yae Ji must press out to do Herrscher of Corruption as far as possible, can guarantee that she will not escape from the seal. 八重霁要尽量把侵蚀律者榨干,才能确保她不会逃脱封印。 Once shuts in the black box, is unable to connect the imaginary number space, no strength supplemented, can only consume. 一旦关进黑盒子中,就无法连接虚数空间,没有力量补充,只能自耗。 The consciousness of Herrscher of Corruption is born every time a thought that has the energy to pass, gradually, been stranded Herrscher of Corruption will be then getting more and more weak. 侵蚀律者的意识每诞生一个念头,都有能量流逝,久而久之,被困的侵蚀律者便会越来越鶸。 The truth is very simple, the trap is also very simple. 道理很简单,陷阱也很简单。 But Herrscher of Corruption has not thought toward this aspect from the start, because she does not know in this world also to be able unexpectedly existence of strength of seal corrosion! 侵蚀律者压根没有往这方面去想,因为她不知道这世界上居然还有能够封印侵蚀之力的存在! Trades to make Yae Ji, feared that will be will not go to think. 换做八重霁,怕是也不会这么去想。 At this time, was stolen the strength by thief the Herrscher of Corruption anger bursting. Strives for the control of central computer with the previous strength, while derives Honkai Energy to supplement itself from the imaginary number space, another side must increase the offensive resistance thief, as for Tamamaru that she has given up. 此时,被“窃贼”偷取力量的侵蚀律者怒气爆棚。一边与上一股力量争夺中央计算机的控制权,一边从虚数空间汲取崩坏能补充自身,另一边又要加大攻势对抗窃贼,至于绯玉丸那,她已经放弃了。 Herrscher of Corruption that three use wholeheartedly, cannot play Yae Ji obviously. 一心三用的侵蚀律者,显然玩不过八重霁 Herrscher of Corruption is also in the middle of the inherent thought that if she wholeheartedly wants to escape, Yae Ji means do not have. 侵蚀律者还处在固有思维当中,若是她一心想逃,八重霁一点办法都没有。 Eliminates Herrscher of Corruption? Very difficult. When she energy consumption the certain extent, will then be suddenly enlighted. 消灭侵蚀律者?很难。等她自身能量消耗到一定程度,便会恍然大悟。 Any Herrscher dignity, first travelling recuperation one said again. 什么律者的尊严,先跑路休整一番再说。 Yae Ji estimates the time in the innermost feelings silently. 八重霁在内心中默默估算时间。 Like this to consuming, his definitely ratio can link the imaginary number space Herrscher of Corruption. 一直这样对耗,他肯定比不过能够直连虚数空间的侵蚀律者 But the supplement also requires the time, after God Key starts Ultimate Skill time, must imitate can dozen minutes and a half hour. 但补充也需要时间,神之键发动一次大招后,都要充能十几分钟、半个小时。 The imaginary number space supplemented continually, although quick, actually requires the time as before. 直连虚数空间补充虽然快,却依旧需要时间。 Energy that generally Herrscher within the body can hold fixed, the corrosion does not know temporarily. 一般律者体内所能容纳的能量是额定的,侵蚀暂不知晓。 Yae Ji wants to exterminate the Herrscher of Corruption 70 energies in the flash, needs to cooperate variously. 八重霁想要在一瞬间剿灭侵蚀律者70的能量,需要多方面协作。 Also refused to compromise a Herrscher of Corruption own energy obviously to expand much. 又僵持了一侵蚀律者自身的能量明显壮大了不少。 Yae Ji robs Herrscher of Corruption that energy also soon to in consuming to wear down. 八重霁抢夺侵蚀律者的那股能量也即将在对耗中消磨一空。 That side Tamamaru gathered quickly?’ 绯玉丸那边快收取完了吧?’ Calculates the time, Yae Ji also has an impatience. 算算时间,八重霁也不免有一丝心急。 conceals is stares at the screen in the secret plum, both hands enclasps an all over the body black box, under is a square shape foundation that connects various kinds of wire rods. 藏在幕后的梅更是紧盯屏幕,双手抱紧一个通体黑色的盒子,下方则是一个连接各类线材的方形底座。 Hurry up...” Plum low mumble. “快点啊...”梅低喃 Hahahaha!” In the data space, Herrscher of Corruption laughs insolent, the black fog is exceptionally active, one will turn S, one will turn into other shapes, obviously excitement of Herrscher of Corruption. 哈哈哈哈!”数据空间内,侵蚀律者张狂大笑,黑雾异常活跃,一会扭成“S”型,一会又变成其它形状,可见侵蚀律者的兴奋。 „The small insect that steals the gods authority, making me come to see the secret of your deeply conceals......” “窃取神明权柄的小虫子,让我来看看你深藏的秘密......” Please remember this book first round domain name:. 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