EH :: Volume #6

#219: Breaks the shackles, to probe finally( 2 gathers 1)

So long as obviously corroded this hard to deal with fellow, making him kill night/lodge body, all difficulties are completely all easily solved. 明明只要侵蚀了这个难缠的家伙,让他杀死宿体,一切困难尽皆迎刃而解。 How doesn't the sensation arrive suddenly? 怎么突然感知不到了呢? Can the consciousness of that human powerful enough to eliminate the strength of corrosion? 难道那人类的意识强大到能够消灭侵蚀之力? Is impossible! 绝不可能! By the Herrscher of Corruption intelligence quotient, does not want to understand, therefore falls into during the self-doubt. 侵蚀律者的智商,怎么也没想明白,于是陷入自我怀疑之中。 In the Yae Ji heart was also sighing, in the dreamland world has a few words to make his impression profound. 八重霁心中也在感叹,梦境世界中有一句话令他印象深刻。 Main road 50, the evolution 49, the person escapes its one.” “大道五十,天衍四九,人遁其一。” In fact, each Herrscher has the ability of steamroll human civilization nearly, the only intelligence quotient is not good, seemingly dazzles invincibly very hangs to explode the day, actually... 事实上,每个律者都有近乎碾压人类文明的能力,唯独智商不行,看似无敌炫酷吊炸天,其实... This escapes its one, was supposing intelligence quotient that said is the Herrscher consciousness. 这“遁其一”,估摸着说得就是律者意识的智商。 Copes with Herrscher of Corruption, Yae Ji has many plans. However, if thinks that under perfect rescuing bell, this difficulty presents the geometrical degree to rise suddenly! 对付侵蚀律者,八重霁有许多方案。不过,若是想完美的救下铃,这个难度呈现几何程度暴涨! Actually Yae Ji also has the doubts, why doesn't Herrscher of Corruption corrode night/lodge body consciousness? 其实八重霁也有疑惑,为什么侵蚀律者不侵蚀宿体意识呢? So long as controls night/lodge body consciousness, that biggest impeding not annihilating? 只要掌控宿体意识,那不就把最大的掣肘给消灭掉了? The consciousness of other Herrscher are not outstanding, does not have the special capability to control night/lodge body consciousness. 其他律者的意识并不出众,又没有特殊能力去掌控宿体意识。 The corrosion is different, once by the strength of contamination corrosion, were corroded like attaching the deep-rooted ulcer of bone, wants to fling cannot throw off! 侵蚀不同,一旦被侵蚀之力沾染上,侵蚀如同附骨之疽,想甩都甩不掉! Can Herrscher with night/lodge body consciousness associated? 难道律者必须和宿体意识伴生? In addition, Yae Ji cannot think that what is good to give a pretext. 除此之外,八重霁也想不到什么好借口。 Also two days, Herrscher of Corruption old trick heavy, has planted the strength of six wisps of weak corrosion toward Yae Ji within the body. 又过两天,侵蚀律者故技重施,往八重霁体内种下六缕微弱侵蚀之力。 This corrosion is really relentless.’ ‘这个侵蚀真是坚持不懈。’ Yae Ji sighed. 八重霁感叹。 Copes with the corrosion, many means. But how to eliminate her without injury bell, is actually an issue that made one have a headache about. 对付侵蚀,有不少办法。但如何在不伤害铃的前提下消灭她,却是一个令人头疼的问题。 In the Tamamaru memory, corrodes from infecting the soldier turns into Zombie, central ultra calculates to the control base again, expenditure about ten minutes. 绯玉丸的记忆中,侵蚀从感染战士变成死士,再到掌控基地中央超算,花费大约十来分钟。 Are ten minutes... god knows because Herrscher of Corruption wants to play all the time, the grinding chirp loses the time. 十分钟...天知道是不是因为侵蚀律者贪玩,才磨磨唧唧耽误时间。 Most Herrscher this. 大部分律者都这样。 Arrogant, intelligence quotient is weak and thinks controls the overall situation. 高傲、智商较弱、自以为掌控全局。 But is this character is most difficult to guess, making Yae Ji not be fully correct Herrscher of Corruption suddenly, cannot see through the Herrscher of Corruption real strength. 但偏偏是这种性格最难猜,让八重霁一时间猜不透侵蚀律者,更看不穿侵蚀律者的真实战力。 Presses the intelligence quotient with the Herrscher same degree, Yae Ji thinks oneself controlled this invincible strength also to meet having one's wish, why wants to do, does not have the logic. 把智商压到与律者相同的程度,八重霁自认为自己掌控了这股无敌的力量也会“随心所欲”,想干什么就干什么,毫无逻辑性可言。 Oh ~ is difficult to do ~ ‘唉~难搞哟~’ Yae Ji has a headache to this matter, takes a look takes the terminal to play the bell of game to the corner. Bell is the sensation, turns the head to look to Yae Ji, the sky-blue eye smiles the crescent moon shape. 八重霁对这件事颇为头疼,瞅向角落中拿着终端玩游戏的铃。铃似是感知到,转头瞄向八重霁,蔚蓝色的眼睛笑成弯月状。 The plum sends in the news through the intranet. 梅通过内部网络发来消息。 After magnificent injects Factor Meta-Morph, successfully stimulates, becomes new Fusion Warriors, this extends in the second half of the year the time compared with the later generation record. 华注射超变因子后成功激发,成为新的融合战士,这比后世记载上延后半年时光。 Became the Fusion Warriors magnificence strength to rise sharply, received Quest of cherry, the cherry has the time to return to the base finally. 成为融合战士的华战力大涨,接过樱的任务,樱终于有时间回到基地。 The matter of bell has worried in her heart, wants to make her continue Quest, without doubt is a very dangerous matter. Considering this factor, the plum starts the energy, the cherry takes advantage of opportunity to move from a battlefield. 铃的事一直牵挂在她心中,想让她继续任务,无疑是件很危险的事情。考虑到这层因素,梅发动能量,樱顺势从一线战场调下。 Returns to the time of base probably in early tomorrow morning that piece, early tomorrow morning, the plum will accompany the cherry to come together. 返回基地的时间大概在明天凌晨那片,明天一早,梅会陪着樱一起前来。 After Yae Ji agrees, has the idea in the body of cherry and plum. 八重霁同意后,又把主意打在樱和梅的身上。 If Herrscher of Corruption is not too gruff, 80% will also attempt to control the cherry and plum diligently. 侵蚀律者如果不算太憨的话,八成也会尝试努力操控樱和梅。 Since guards the underground 33 soldiers to go to the frontline illumination to give off heat, wanted to find the living person who was easy to work up the mood is not easy here. 自从驻守地下三十三层的战士们去前线发光发热,想要在这里找到容易调动情绪的活人可不容易。 Yae Ji? 八重霁 Herrscher of Corruption has thought that human is not normal. 侵蚀律者一直觉得那个人类不正常。 According to the rule, Herrscher arrives at one every year, has defended Herrscher of Corruption is not being the means. 按照规律,律者每隔一年降临一个,一直守着侵蚀律者也不是办法。 In sooner eliminates Herrscher and protracted time seeks development on, beforehand Yae Ji favors and second, now... is partial to first actually. 在“早些消灭律者”与“拖延时间寻求发展”上,以前的八重霁更倾向与第二个,如今...倒是偏向第一个。 Around 6 : 00 am, Yae Ji receives the news that the cherry and plum send. 早上 6 点多,八重霁接收到樱和梅发来的消息。 Complete understanding. 完全理解。 The cherry knew own younger sister appears exceptionally, has the possibility to be concerned with Herrscher very much. She in early morning, could not have been the disposition to be tenacious. 樱得知自己妹妹出现异常,很有可能与律者有关。她没有在凌晨来,已算得上是心性坚韧。 Yae Ji waits for two people outside small compartmented there. 八重霁在外侧的小隔间那里等待两人。 Ka ~ 咔~ The alloy gate opens, two females enter. 合金门打开,两女走进其中。 The plum is ten thousand years of invariable scientific research clothing, on the elegant face wears black frame plain eyeglasses. 梅还是万年不变的科研服饰,俏脸上戴着一副黑框平光镜。 The cherry has not worn the Goushinnso attire, before traded one, on the contrary frequently in the home attire of home wear, a pair of fox ear is changing along with the transformation of master mood, this time fox ear under da, on the elegant face is also slightly difficult to cover the anxious color. 樱没穿御神装,反倒是换了一身以前经常在家穿着的家居装,一对狐耳正随主人心情的变换而变化,此时的狐耳微微下耷,俏脸上也难掩焦急之色。 Sees Yae Ji time, the cherry absent-minded flickered. 看到八重霁的时候,樱恍惚了一瞬。 In the memory still the form of deep sleep in the nutrition cabin suddenly appears before oneself...... 记忆中还在营养舱内沉睡的身影突然出现在自己面前...... The cherry half step goes forward, suppresses diligently excitedly, bell how?” 樱快步上前,努力抑制住激动,“铃怎么样?” All right, the small girl is happy, should not be anxious.” “没事,小丫头开心着呢,你也别急。” Sees the Yae Ji smile, the heart of cherry also follows to put down, the anxious color on face also falls most. 见到八重霁微笑,樱的心也跟着放下,脸上的焦虑之色也落下大半。 That is good, that is good.” “那就好,那就好。” The cherry long breathes a sigh of relief. 樱长舒了一口气。 Yae Ji observed cherry several at will, saw that the opposite party the condition is unsatisfactory at this time. 八重霁随意观察了樱几眼,看出对方此时状态不佳。 For a long time of pressure high-intensity operational in addition, the charming meaning of corner of the eye place has dissipated, the slightly black eye socket proved this time state of mind. 长时间高强度作战加之心理压力,眼角处的一丝妩媚之意已然消散,微黑的眼圈证明了她此时的精神状态。 Can make into this type Fusion Warriors, cherry pressure at heart can be imagined. 能把融合战士弄成这个样,樱心里的压力可想而知。 Bell just awoke, you go in her chat, leaving is too excited, spoke with the ordinary tone as far as possible.” Yae Ji said: Remember, is you comforts the bell, do not become the bell to comfort you finally.” “铃刚醒,你进去和她聊聊,别太激动,尽量用平常语气说话。”八重霁道:“记住,是你安慰铃,别最后成了铃安慰你。” I know certainly.” On the cherry face appears reluctant smiling. “我当然知道。”樱脸上浮现出勉强的笑。 Goes.” The Yae Ji racket the shoulder of cherry, the making way body, I and doctor discussed something.” “去吧。”八重霁拍拍樱的肩膀,让开身位,“我和博士谈论些事情。” In the brain the idea mixed cherry is not caring about these, is only the nod, then goes out from indoor another alloy gate, goes to the bedroom of bell. 脑中想法混杂的樱也不在在乎这些,只是点头,便从室内另一道合金门走出,前往铃的卧室。 Yae Ji not only leaves leeway the consciousness surveillance in the bedroom, on the body of cherry, plants a wisp of consciousness. 八重霁不仅在卧室内留有意识监视,在樱的身上,也种下一缕意识。 The cherry graduates from the academy, the elite soldier who earnest Fire Moth trains, in addition Fusion Warriors and perfect rc, the strength of more than ten corrosion do not want to control her! Imitates it to affect some of her mood reluctantly, even if Herrscher of Corruption erupts suddenly, Yae Ji also had confidence that retrieves it. 樱毕业于学园,正儿八经的逐火之蛾培养出的精英战士,加之融合战士与完美rc,十几道侵蚀之力都别想控制她!充其勉强影响一些她的情绪,哪怕侵蚀律者突然爆发,八重霁也有把握将其救回。 The line of sight shifts to the plum on. 视线转移到梅身上。 The plum two hands insert in the white coat both sides pocket, sees the cherry to go, instead asked: Does not bring any to protect, without issue?” 梅两只手插在白大褂两侧兜中,见到樱进去,反而问道:“不带任何防护进去,没有问题?” Has me, without the issue.” Yae Ji smiles. “有我在,没有问题。”八重霁笑笑。 The expression on plum face relaxes slightly, what wants to say to me?” 梅脸上的表情微微缓和,“想跟我说什么?” Yae Ji arrives its side, said low voice: Bell indeed is night/lodge body of Herrscher.” 八重霁来到其身边,小声说道:“铃的确是律者的宿体。” The plum, to this matter some of her speculations, learned of the news seriously early at this time, is not surprised. 梅面色凝重了些,对这件事她早有猜测,此时得知消息,也不算惊讶。 This Herrscher is quite special, she has the control......” “这个律者比较特殊,她有操控......” Yae Ji roughly spoke to the Herrscher of Corruption news. 八重霁侵蚀律者的消息大致跟梅讲了一遍。 Mei Zhoumei ponders, „after determination was night/lodge body death, will Herrscher appear?” 梅皱眉沉思,“确定是宿体死亡后,律者才会出现?” Yae Ji shakes the head, I had not said.” 八重霁摇头,“我可没说。” The plum has not suspected Yae Ji, why also without inquiring Yae Ji knows so many, but racks one's brains the outlet. 梅没有怀疑八重霁,也没有询问八重霁为什么知道这么多,只是苦思出路。 „Doesn't the key of blank have the opening imaginary number space ability?” Yae Ji reminded: „Does that deadlock the imaginary number space the plan?” “空白之键不是有开启虚数空间的能力吗?”八重霁提醒道:“那有没有锁死虚数空间的方案?” In the eye of plum flashes through the unusual look, I counter have pushedkey, has not told anybody, does the clearing weather... know? Is of one mind? ’ 梅的眼中闪过异色,‘我逆推过‘钥匙’,从没有跟任何人说过,霁...怎么会知道?心有灵犀?’ Plum: Deadlocked plan also has, but the material treasures, I only make a box size lock, depositing Herrscher Core is good, wants Herrscher to shut in..., only if pushes the fist size her.” 梅:“锁死的方案也有,但材料珍惜,我只制造出一个盒子大小的‘锁’,存放律者核心还好,想将律者关进其中...除非把她挤成拳头大小。” Tenth two Herrscher likely do not have the entity to exist, this does not need to be worried actually.” “第十二律者很可能没有实体存在,这点倒是无需担心。” The Yae Ji thought is born one after another, in Mei Zui said lock, almost detains the Herrscher of Corruption black box. Belongs counter pushes the product of key of blank. 八重霁的念头一个接着一个诞生,梅嘴中所说的“锁”,差不多就是关押侵蚀律者的黑盒子。属于逆推空白之键的产物。 The bond energy of blank makes core Herrscher this open the imaginary number space key, that as the plum of creator, counter pushes lock existence, is fair. 空白之键能让核心律者这把“钥匙”打开虚数空间,那身为创造者的梅,逆推“锁”的存在,也合情合理。 ‚... Was this too also skillful? ‘不过...这也太巧了点吧? This idea appears in the mind of Yae Ji and plum simultaneously. 这个想法同时出现在八重霁和梅的脑海中。 Counter pushes easily, but makes is quite difficult, only manufactures a box size lock. To detain Herrscher of living person size, in not letting Honkai Energy in its communication imaginary number space supplements itself, the itself is not the matter that is possible to complete. 逆推容易,但制造却极为困难,只制作成一个盒子大小的“锁”。想把活人大小的律者关押其中,不在让其沟通虚数空间内的崩坏能补充自身,本就是不可能完成的事情。 Herrscher of Corruption does not have the entity by chance! 恰巧侵蚀律者没有实体! Originally is the weak product, this weak trap just completed, has the perfect prey to catch. Weak turned into customization all of a sudden. 本是鸡肋般的产物,偏偏这个鸡肋陷阱刚做好,就有完美的猎物可以捕捉。“鸡肋”一下子变成了“量身定制”。 This coincidence, making in heart have an unclear premonition. 这种巧合,让梅心中有一种不详的预感。 How is concrete plan implemented?” Asked the main point, in fight, she was far less than the clearing weather. “具体计划如何实施?”梅问道要点,在战斗方面,她远不如霁。 Yae Ji thinks, by said near the ear of plum low voice: First this...... then......” 八重霁想了想,靠在梅的耳边小声说道:“先这样......然后......” Listens to the plan of Yae Ji, the plum to reveal the forced smile, this plan , if known by the cherry, she estimated can ask you to go all out.” 听完八重霁的计划,梅露出苦笑,“这计划要是被樱知道,她估计会找你拼命。” Yae Ji made keeping silent the hand signal, has on eight points of similar face to have the smile with the cherry as before. 八重霁做了“噤声”的手势,与樱有八分相似的脸上依旧带有笑容。 The plum thought that really doesn't have the issue?” 梅又思索了一遍,“真没问题?” Yae Ji: Believes me.” 八重霁:“相信我。” This saying imitates , if there is charm, immediately makes no longer hesitant. 这话仿若有魔力般,立即让梅不再犹豫。 The plum pulls out the palm in pocket, spreads out in front of Yae Ji. 梅掏出口袋中的手掌,在八重霁面前摊开。 The palm place has two small-scale injectors, inside material ordinary blood. 手心处有两支小型注射器,里面的物质似普通血液。 Gives Yae Ji, said: Perfect rc. Your one, another is a bell.” 递给八重霁,梅说道:“完美rc。你一支,另外一支是铃的。” Yae Ji is impolite, puts out a hand with two injectors, forces in the pocket, enters in Inventory immediately. Another was grasped in the hand. 八重霁一点都不客气,伸手拿过两支注射器,一支塞进口袋中,立马进入背包里。另一支则被握在手中。 Yae Ji above sensation to a Rc Cells flavor, is far from Rc Cells being wild faintly. 八重霁隐隐在上面感知到一丝rc细胞的味道,却远没有rc细胞狂暴。 If regards as the fierce pack of wolves Rc Cells, the material in that this injector is similar to the docile yeanling. 如果将rc细胞看成凶恶的狼群,那这支注射器里的物质就如同温顺的小绵羊。 Injects directly?” Yae Ji asked one. “还是直接注射?”八重霁问了一句。 Mei Angqi the chin, reveals the snow white swan neck. 梅昂起下巴,露出雪白的天鹅颈。 Experienced Yae Ji aims at own neck! 经验丰富的八重霁对准自己的脖子一扎! These docile yeanlings then follow the blood to flow through the whole body. 这些温顺的小绵羊便顺着血液流经全身。 The pupil of Yae Ji contracts slightly! 八重霁的瞳孔微微收缩! Truly is rc right! 确实是rc没错! Body's remnant rc activates immediately, fierce pack of wolves must toward flock of sheep attack! 体内残留的rc立马激活,凶恶的“狼群”似要朝着“羊群”进攻! The result... flock of sheep assimilated these unexpectedly quietly wicked wolf. 结果...“羊群”竟然悄无声息地同化了那些“恶狼”。 The perfect assimilation, does not have the tiny bit mighty waves. 完美同化,没有一丝一毫的波澜。 In a while, exists the Yae Ji sensation to Kakuhou, the powerful physical quality that belongs to Ghoul returns again! 没过多久,八重霁感知到赫包存在,那股属于喰种的强大身体素质再次回归! Yae Ji was too familiar this strength. 八重霁太熟悉这股力量了。 How feels?” Said with a smile: „Very wonderful?” “感觉如何?”梅笑道:“是不是很美妙?” Yae Ji calms down to look to the plum before body. On the plum obviously only then the gel and shampoo mix the fragrance, but he actually smelled on the body of plum similar flavor. 八重霁定神看向身前的梅。梅身上明明只有沐浴露与洗发露混合香味,但他却在梅的身上嗅到了同类的“味道”。 The plum saw that the Yae Ji wing of the nose shrugs, hehe said with a smile: Do not hear, you did not smell on the average person fragrance, other aspects and normal people were the same. If both sides are the Asian races, the next generation also inevitably is the Asian race. The parents are the words of Asian race... the data in this aspect have not calculated unilaterally. rc gives my Stigmata to plan to inspire much.” 梅见到八重霁鼻翼耸动,呵呵笑道:“别闻了,你也闻不到普通人身上的‘香味’,其他方面和正常人都一样。如果双方都是亚人种,下一代也必然是亚人种。父母单方面是亚人种的话...这方面的数据还没有计算出来。rc给我的圣痕计划不少启发。” This.” Sudden rise of Yae Ji feeling physical quality, the mood also changes for the better slowly. “这样啊。”八重霁感受身体素质的暴涨,心情也慢慢好转。 Then the Black Orchid and White Lily even/including Naizhang function was eliminated most. 这下黑渊白花连奶仗的作用都被剥夺大半。 Possibility that actually rc also evolves again.” Said: I discovered that this little thing the evolution potential is highly regarded, but is actually far compared with Fusion Warriors.” “其实rc还有再次进化的可能。”梅说道:“我发现这小东西的进化潜力不可小觑,但比起融合战士却又相差甚远。” Yae Ji understands that the meaning of plum, is the person would the selfishness, the plum is no exception. 八重霁明白梅的意思,是人总会有私心,梅也不例外。 Rc can evolution, in the information in dreamland world related rc evolution many, like Kamishiro Rize is a branch. Rc可以“进化”,梦境世界中的资讯里有关rc的“进化”很多,像神代利世的赫者就是其中一条分支。 In the cognition of plum, rc is the product that the first several eras leaves behind, is not itself. 在梅的认知中,rc是前几个纪元留下的产物,并不属于自己。 But the Fusion Warriors plan is she leads the development single-handedly. Also, the rc evolution placed in front of Fusion Warriors , can only be feels dwarfed. The time is limited, the plum will choose obviously is more advantageous. 融合战士计划则是她一手主导开发。再说,rc进化放在融合战士面前,也只能算是小巫见大巫。时间有限,梅显然会选择更有利的。 Worthily is the Fire Moth chief scientist! Promotes the civilized progressive peerless talent by one's effort!’ ‘不愧是逐火之蛾的首席科学家!以一己之力推动文明进步的绝世天才!’ Yae Ji dark to praise, in heart fiery. 八重霁暗赞,心中火热不已。 If cell phone can be set at the lifeform the reward, he will choose Mei Heying without hesitation. 如果“手机”能把奖励设定为生物,他毫不犹豫地会选择梅和樱。 The Rc shackles have broken, the manufacture formula of grain reserves was also included by Aiyi, in the true sense the enhancement of permanent and no side effect. Rc的桎梏已经打破,储备粮的制造配方也被爱衣收录,真正意义上永久性、无副作用的增强。 Although the present is the Asian race, but the entire human race turns into the Asian race, that Asian race is human. 虽说现在是亚人种,但全人类都变成亚人种,那亚人种就是人类。 Yae Ji often injected Ghoul Transformation Dose, the short moment, already the body addition that is familiar with perfect rc to bring. 八重霁本就时常注射喰化剂,短短片刻,就已习惯完美rc带来的身体加成。 Improper that the plum has not thought that when only the Yae Ji talent is outstanding. After all this before joining Fire Moth, its swordsmanship talent can eliminate severely wounded Herrscher. 梅没觉的不妥,只当八重霁天赋出众。毕竟这位在加入逐火之蛾前,其剑道天赋便可清除重伤律者 Two people enter in the bedroom. 两人走进卧室内。 The eyes of bell cry red, the corner of the eye of cherry also has slightly red, has obviously cried. 铃的双眼哭红,樱的眼角也带有微红,明显哭过。 The two sisters are sitting in the bedside talk low voice, sees two people to come, standing up body. 姐妹俩正坐在床边小声交谈,见到两人进来,才站起身子。 Sees your older sister, happy?” Yae Ji asked to the bell. “见到你姐姐,开心了没?”八重霁问向铃。 A bell small head, partly grasps elder sister's waist, an affectionate color. 铃点点小脑袋,半抱住自家姐姐的腰身,一副亲昵之色。 The cherry often touches the head of small girl with the hand, in the eye deep conceals worried, in the surface actually smiles. 樱不时用手抚摸小丫头的脑袋,眼中深藏担忧,表面上却满脸笑容。 In the consciousness monitoring of Yae Ji, wisp of naked eye not obvious black air/Qi ascends, arrives at the body week of plum floating, in the breath, enters within the body. 八重霁的意识监控中,一缕肉眼不可见的黑气升腾而出,飘飘然来到梅的身周,在呼吸之间,进入体内。 zé zé.’ 啧啧。’ In the Yae Ji heart the secret estimate, the cherry crosses the system in the academy middle school the hammering movement, the consciousness is tenacious. 八重霁心中暗暗估量,樱在学园中学过系统的锻身法,意识更是坚韧。 Recently eliminates Honkai , since the additional pressure, has not had the rest to be good long time, causing the consciousness to be weak. 只是近些日子清除崩坏,又加心理压力,多日以来没有休息好,导致意识薄弱。 Otherwise does the strength of that wisp of corrosion, how possibly work up the mood of cherry to come? 不然那一缕侵蚀之力,怎么可能调动起樱的情绪来? The words of plum... Yae Ji shot a look at one in secret. 梅的话...八重霁暗中瞥了一眼。 The consciousness of plum compared with on ordinary soldier some, is far from the system studying the cherry is powerful, the strength of that wisp of corrosion, quick will have the influence on mood. 梅的意识比普通战士强上一些,远没有系统学习过的樱强大,那一缕侵蚀之力,很快就会对其造成情绪上的影响。 This is also the last time probe of Yae Ji. 这也是八重霁的最后一次试探。 Doctor, can I bring the bell to return to the dormitory to stay for several days?” The cherry pulls younger sister's small hand, the look is staring looks to the plum. “博士,我能带铃回宿舍住几天吗?”樱牵着妹妹的小手,眼神直勾勾地看向梅。 „It is not good!” “不行!” ...... ...... Please remember this book first round domain name:. Cell phone version reading website: 请记住本书首发域名:。手机版阅读网址:
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