EH :: Volume #18

#56: Develops Jin Wenming's elegy

You think me that...” Mu “你以为我那么...”亩 Is good to deceive these two characters through the consciousness transmission, Yae Ji has not erupted, but the pinnacle will have smelted the evil god to wrap radiantly thoroughly, such as the falling day dived to the sea of quantum. “好骗”这两个字还没通过意识传递,八重霁爆发而出的极致璀璨已然将冶邪神彻底包裹起来,如坠日般向量子之海中层潜去。 You were insane!” Smelts the evil god's consciousness to spread in all directions, seeks possibility that has. “你疯了!”冶邪神的意识向四处蔓延,寻找那一丝有出去的可能。 We crash into the intermediate level to be fettered the original sin, in that time strength ordinary civilization bred finally Herrscher!” Smelted the evil god to call out: If by some chance under that damned place has You Wenming to leave behind the weapon, we must play!” “我们坠入中层就会被束缚到原罪,那时候的战力不过普通文明中孕育出的终焉律者!”冶邪神叫道:“万一那个鬼地方有哈游文明遗留下的武器,我们全都得玩完!” Hey! Did you have are listening to me to say!” “喂!你到底有没有在听我说!” Lunatic! Lunatics! Your bright department is a lunatic!” “疯子!疯子!你们光明一系全是疯子!” Smelts the evil god all-out effort full power, launches the attack toward Yae Ji crazily, but Yae Ji actually disregards, packages to smelt middle level the sea of evil god straight falling quantum. 冶邪神拼劲全力,疯狂朝八重霁发动攻击,而八重霁却不管不顾,包裹住冶邪神直坠量子之海中层。 Without the means that what although he inherits is the War God godship, but as existence of same equivalent, wants to strike to kill in the upper layer to smelt the evil god, is almost not thing that is possible to achieve. Mu 没办法,他虽然继承的是战神神格,但作为同等阶的存在,想要在上层击杀冶邪神,几乎是不可能做到的事。亩 Felt that own fetter is gradually aggravating, smelts the evil god to know this way works loose hopelessly, possibly has the risk of falling from the sky anytime, It seeks to develop Jin Wenming's the belief of that several Herrscher in the sea of consciousness, dark sound said: I have difficult, is one's turn you to offer own time arrived.” 感觉自身的束缚在逐渐加重,冶邪神知道再这样下去挣脱无望,随时可能有陨灭的风险,祂在意识之海中寻找到演金文明的那几名律者的信仰,暗声道:“吾有难,轮到你们奉献自身的时候到了。” Middle level the sea of quantum, is separated from the god to fight the battlefield Aiyi start jump engine to complete a jump, at this time is stabilizing the attraction of Earth. 量子之海中层,脱离神战战场的爱衣启动跃迁引擎完成一次跳跃,此时正在稳定地球的引力。 Sister Mei, you looks at them...” “梅姐,你看她们...” In the projection developing Jin Wenming Herrscher of that several stupor, they following the space and time turbulent flow that Yae Ji opens, flutters hence. 投影中正是那几名昏迷的演金文明律者,她们顺着八重霁开启的时空乱流,一路飘荡至此。 They how in this?” The plum frowns, carefully observes the picture in projection. “她们怎么在这?”梅蹙眉,仔细观察投影中的画面。 Possibly was we jumped disturbed the space and time turbulent flow, they also fluttered by chance.” Aiyi explained. “可能是我们跃迁的时候干扰了时空乱流,她们也恰巧从中飘出。”爱衣解释。 Is this...” The plum narrows the eye, the picture in projection changes suddenly, Herrscher of these stupors opened the eyes fiercely, the god in look is not only, complexion fierce pain, at once like steaming the prawn the rickets are rolling up the body, until changing to the white light flew to well up to go toward the sea of level quantum. Mu “是这样吗...”梅眯起眼睛,投影中的画面突然变化,那些昏迷的律者们一个个猛地睁开双眼,眼神中的神光却早已不在,脸色狰狞痛苦至极,旋即像蒸熟的大虾那样佝偻蜷缩着身子,直至化作白光朝量子之海上层飞涌而去。亩 My god... did you... abandon us?” Only from the sober consciousness Herrscher Labeye, elegant face fierce to become Eshou, in the eye the god is only dissipating little, the direction that until seeing silent war star of not far away, toward chasing the hot civilization is at puts out a hand, final consciousness to its transmission... “吾神啊...您难道...抛弃我们了吗?”唯一从其中清醒的意识律者拉贝,俏脸狰狞成恶兽,眼中神光正在一点点消散,直到看见不远处的寂静战星,朝逐火文明所在的方向伸出手,最后的意识向其传递... What that she said?” Mei Xiangyao makes clear. “她说的什么?”梅想要搞清楚。 Saves and save me...” Aiyi will accept the news translation. “救、救救我...”爱衣将接受到消息翻译。 When the plum raised the head toward in again the projection looked, Labeye could not have insisted, the figure melts a white light, goes toward the above lasing. 等梅再抬头朝投影中看时,拉贝已然坚持不住,身形融化成一道白光,朝上方激射而去。 They offered sacrifices.” Aiyi opens the mouth to say. “她们被献祭了。”爱衣开口道。 Smelts?” “冶?” Right, the consciousness of Herrscher is quite tenacious compared to the ordinary follower, has the tremendous effect on god's strength, but they... the ordinary follower will not naturally accept to offer sacrifices likely like that confidently.” Mu “对,不过律者的意识相对于普通信徒来说较为顽强,对神本身的实力有较大影响,而她们...自然也不会像普通信徒那般坦然接受献祭。”亩 Aiyi turns from the database looks , to continue saying: „The strength that the follower consciousness of voluntarily not offering sacrifices, the evil god gains will sell at a discount greatly.” 爱衣从资料库中翻找,继续道:“不是自愿献祭的信徒意识,邪神获取的力量将会大打折扣。” Right.” Mei Wang to the sea of level quantum, the depressing purplish black crystal proliferates, once for a while has the shadow that the world soaks, the heart deep place does not know that is thinking anything. “是吗。”梅望向量子之海上层,压抑的紫黑晶体遍布,时不时有世界泡的影子,内心深处不知道在想什么。 Relax Sister Mei, their offering sacrifices provide to smelting the energy of evil god are extremely few, moreover... the boss he has gotten down!” “放心吧梅姐,她们这种献祭所提供给冶邪神的能量极少,而且...老板他已经下来了!” Bang! 轰! Just now also the depressing innumerable purplish black crystal explodes all, in the lasing toward all around world bubble goes. 方才还压抑的无数紫黑晶体尽数爆裂,朝四周的世界泡内激射而去。 Appears in the plum at present, is a small-scale star that compares favorably with Sun, but the condition of this star, is not quite obviously right. 出现在梅眼前的,是一颗媲美太阳的小型恒星,不过这颗恒星的状态,显然不太对劲。 Star surface covers entirely the crack, often has the powerful energy light beam to project, after hitting object, will dissipate thoroughly. Mu ‘恒星’表面布满裂纹,不时有强大至极的能量光束从中射出,直至击中物体后,才会彻底消散。亩 Buzz ~ 嗡~ The dark gold/metal space crack opens directly in fighting the star command post, several fluctuation of energy fierce Herrscher go out, the leader is purple-haired, sending out endless starry sky brilliance Sirin. 暗金空间裂缝直接开在战星指挥室中,数名能量波动剧烈的律者从中走出,领头者正是一头紫发,身后散发无尽星空光辉的西琳 We came.” Sirin pants for breath slightly, the next second will then realize to invest into the top of the head about 1 million kilometers star on. “我们来了。”西琳微微喘息,下一秒便将意识投入到头顶百万千米开外的‘恒星’上。 Similarly wears Raiden Mei that magnificent thunder Lvshen installs, first looked at a plum quietly, consciousness to follow to go. 同样身着华丽雷律神装的雷电芽衣,先是悄悄看了眼梅,才将意识追随而去。 The key of blank has taken shape on the body of plum, several Herrscher Core also open, oneself aura slightly is even strong in real Herrscher Sirin. 空白之键已在梅的身上成型,数枚律者核心同时开启,自身气息甚至略强于真实律者西琳 Aiyi, making bright tong Lin also be ready.” Told, focuses on the Mei two people, „after one will battle started, the clearing weather for us will prevent the corrosion of evil god consciousness and aura, ten million/countless do not have consciousness to the evil detective, our goals were to fetter the evil god.” 爱衣,让亮烔琳也做好准备。”梅吩咐完,又将目光放在芽衣两人身上,“一会作战开始后,霁会为我们阻挡邪神意识、气息的侵蚀,千万千万不要对邪神探出自身意识,我们的目的是束缚住邪神。” Good.” Sirin and Mei take back the consciousness hastily, in does not spy on that wheel to be fierce. Mu “好的。”西琳芽衣连忙收回意识,不在去窥探那轮烈阳。亩 Sirin,” plum also said: You and I conduct auxiliary, strives for the maximized fetter to smelt the evil god, Mei and bright tong Lin, you are the single body attack strongest Herrscher, does not want Honkai Energy of parsimonious within the body, you strongest strikes completely all falls in torrents on smelting the evil god!” 西琳,”梅又道:“你和我进行辅助,争取最大化束缚冶邪神,芽衣和亮烔琳,你们是单体攻击最强的律者,不要吝啬体内的崩坏能,将你们最强的一击尽皆倾泻在冶邪神身上!” When the plum arrangement combat plan, Yae Ji will have smelted the evil god to draw in middle level the sea of quantum. 就在梅布置作战计划的时候,八重霁已然将冶邪神拖入量子之海中层。 Compared with smelts the evil god who absorbing the follower offers sacrifices, his condition is worse. 比起吸收完信徒献祭的冶邪神,他的状态更糟糕一些。 Little fellow, you do not open the barrier, under me will strike will kill you absolutely!” Smelts evil god both eyes blood red, the consciousness is demented, was fettered the original sin domain by the sea of quantum, making It recall era You Wenming to their hunting history, the fear from antiquity gradually occupied the consciousness. “小家伙,你再不打开屏障,我下一击绝对会杀了你!”冶邪神双目血红,意识癫狂,被量子之海束缚到原罪领域,让祂回忆起上古时代哈游文明对祂们的狩猎史,来自上古的恐惧逐渐占据意识。 You actually want to do!” Smelts the evil god accumulation strength, is seeking for the barrier frailest part diligently, the energy that previously several Herrscher offered sacrifices already by almost that It uses, now wants to break through middle level the sea of fetter serious quantum forcefully, but must burn some followers. “你到底想干什么!”冶邪神积累力量,努力找寻着屏障最为脆弱的部分,先前数名律者献祭的能量已经被祂使用的七七八八,如今想要在束缚严重的量子之海中层强行突破,还得燃烧一部分信徒。 This lets smelt in the evil god heart to pain, from decayed is powerful day after day, is forced to submit in affiliated evil gods mass is actually reducing day after day, own follower is burns one few one, all evil gods know that this was in chronic died, what means but also had? 这让冶邪神心中隐隐作痛,自腐朽日渐强大,被迫归附于旗下的邪神们体量却在日渐缩小,自己的信徒是燃烧一个少一个,所有邪神都知道这是在慢性死亡,但又有什么办法? You really damn!” Smelts the evil god to clench jaws, burns again the less than half civilized follower. Mu “你真该死啊!”冶邪神咬牙切齿,再度燃烧掉小半个文明的信徒。亩 Develops Jin Wenming, once prosperous gold/metal one deathly stillness, offered sacrifices to the god oneself combustion the ashes, only leaves behind some lucky fellows, some people or weep bitterly oneself is not selected by the gods, or the whole body shivers, for fear that oneself become next offering sacrifices. 演金文明,曾经繁荣的金都一片死寂,向神献祭自身者燃烧成灰烬,仅留下一些幸运儿们,这部分人或痛哭自身没被神明选中,或浑身颤抖,生怕自己成为下一个献祭者。 The old men look to the deserted avenue, just now their family more than ten people, only remain his one now, two lines of muddy tears stay behind, nan sound said: „Can true god... like this?” 老者望向空寂的大街,方才他们一家老小十余人,如今只剩他一个,两行浊泪留下,喃声道:“真正的神...会这样吗?” Middle level the sea of quantum. 量子之海中层。 Smelts the evil god to observe the barrier frailest part. 冶邪神已然观察到屏障最为脆弱的部分。 Both's consciousness has not been exchanging, ferments soon to send out to the attack of pinnacle. 两者的意识没在交流,酝酿到极致的攻击即将发出。 The consciousness of Yae Ji ties tight, frequently is observing every action and every movement that smelts the evil god. 八重霁的意识紧绷,时刻观察着冶邪神的一举一动。 Is now!’ Consciousness crazy proliferation of Yae Ji, but that is used for imprisons to smelt the evil god star also to dissipate at this moment. Mu ‘就是现在!’八重霁的意识疯狂扩散而出,而那颗用来囚禁冶邪神的‘恒星’也在此刻消散。亩 ...... ......
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