EH :: Volume #18

#53: „Evil god” 8 heavy clearing weather

Clatter ~ chuan /p 嗒~猭/p …… …… " Develops gold/metal " high in civilization to select the female to go down the spaceship, War boots treads in the silent war star surface firm alloy, observes the surrounding all calmly, here, they do not dare to find out the consciousness, for fear that by this saying " by fire " the high-level civilization writes off. /p 「演金」文明中的高挑女子走下飞船,战靴踏在寂静战星表面坚固的合金上,不动声色地观察周围的一切,在这里,她们连意识都不敢探出,生怕被这个自称「逐火」的高级文明抹杀。/p …… …… However what made her have doubts, by war star of this higher civilization, why planets from real universe? Moreover the condition of this planet is not quite good, the outside world does not have the world to soak the radiation of stop sea from quantum, under accumulates over a long period of time, how long this planet will unable to support to disintegrate. /p 不过令她疑惑的是,这个高等文明的战星旁边,为什么会有一颗来自真实宇宙的行星?而且这颗行星的状态极为不好,外界没有世界泡阻拦来自量子之海的辐射,日积月累下,这颗行星想必撑不了多久就会解体。/p …… …… " Possibly is they are making anything to test. " Selects the female to think high. /p 「可能是他们在做什么实验。」高挑女子想到。/p …… …… " , Welcome to land the silent war star. " q version Aiyi flies to receive a guest, that big face smilingly stares is developing the gold/metal people to look, " related energy supplies and fit out the matter of rest to be able with me to come. " /p 「诸位,欢迎登陆寂静战星。」q版爱衣飞出来接客,那张大脸笑眯眯地盯着演金的众人看,「有关能源补给和整备休息的事情可以跟我来。」/p …… …… Regarding chasing the hot civilization only presents an intelligence to come to receive, develops the gold/metal people to have nothing discontentedly, who lets the opposite party has the quantum to fight the higher civilization of star? Can make their landing operation star fit out has calculated well. /p.z.brgt ; 对于逐火文明只出现一个智能前来接待,演金众人并没有什么不满,谁让对方是拥有量子战星的高等文明?能让他们登陆战星整备已经算不错的了。/p.z.brgt; …… …… " Right, " Aiyi that is leading the way in the front also said: " Fights the star free activity the region is not many, do not rush to other places arbitrarily ~, otherwise has by the danger that the independent defense system strikes to kill. " /p 「对了,」正在前方引路的爱衣又道:「战星自由活动的区域不多,不要擅自跑到其它地方哦~不然有被自主防卫系统击杀的危险。」/p …… …… Selects the female to say high: " Thank your excellency reminder, this time took the liberty to visit, fitted out besides the battleship, but also observed this war star with us related... " chuan /p 高挑女子道:「感谢阁下的提醒,此次冒昧拜访,除了战舰整备外,还与我们观测到这颗战星有关...」猭/p …… …… " ~ " Aiyi shook her big head, " before this quantum fights the star, is You Wenming, in our civilized leader after the test of silent heart, becomes the new commander. " /p 「哦~」爱衣晃了晃她的大脑袋,「这颗量子战星之前属于哈游文明,在我们文明领袖通过寂静之心的考验后,成为新任指挥官。」/p …… …… The people who play Jin Wenming look at each other one calmly, exchanges 12 with the look. /p 演金文明的众人不动声色地对视一眼,互相用眼神交流一二。/p …… …… " Whether to recommend the leader of expensive/noble civilization for us? We... we have the considerable important information to give It. " Selected the female saying that high and supplemented the sentence: " Concerned evil god. " /p 「能否为我们引荐贵文明的领袖?我们...我们有相当重要的信息要交给祂。」高挑女子说完又补充了句:「有关邪神。」/p …… …… " Oh ~ " Aiyi sighed, the turning around both hands fork waist, " that you came was really not the time, the leader he went to the real universe. " /p 「唉~」爱衣叹了口气,转过身来双手叉腰,「那你们来的真不是时候,领袖他去真实宇宙了。」/p …… …… " We can wait! " /p 「我们可以等!」/p …… …… " ~ good, I reminded you, waited several thousand years also to have the possibility. " /p 「唔~那好吧,我提醒你们啊,等个几千年也是有可能的。」/p …… …… Selected the female area of concealment to pull out the corners of the mouth high, they entire played Jin Wenming a 7-8 ten thousand years of history, she lived was less than 300 years old, this waited all of a sudden for several thousand years... chuan /p 高挑女子隐蔽地抽了抽嘴角,他们整个演金文明才不过七八万年的历史,她自己才活了不到三百岁,这一下子等几千年...猭/p …… …… ...... /p ....../p …… …… The rest indoor function of silent war star is complete, the people but who play Jin Wenming have no mood, here they do not dare to use the consciousness , in does not dare to use the net, can only communicate in the code word that reaches an agreement ahead of time, this kind of ancient exchange secret way, making the people quite heart tired. /p 寂静战星的休息室内功能齐全,但演金文明的众人没有任何心情,在这里他们不敢动用意识,也不敢使用内网,只能用提前商量好的暗语进行沟通,这类古老的交流秘密的方式,让众人极为心累。/p …… …… " We are here timid and hesitant, really does not know why I will advocate will send us to come to here. " ( Already translator) /p 「我们在这里束手束脚,真不知道吾主为什么会派我们来这里。」(已翻译)/p …… …… " What to do can that? " /p 「那能怎么办?」/p …… …… " Waits for months, really without the means that uses sacred relic that I lord to grant, ambush the observation. " /p 「等几个月时间,实在没有办法,就使用吾主赐予的神器,潜伏进去观察。」/p …… …… " This civilization strikes has killed " god " existence! We will die incautiously here. " /p 「这个文明可是击杀过「神」的存在!我们一不小心就会死在这里。」/p …… …… " Don't you main and secondary the consciousness of life have for me?! " chuan /p 「你连为吾主付出生命的觉悟都没有吗?!」猭/p …… …… " No value of course not, I do not want dead like this! " /p 「当然不是,我只是不想这样死的毫无价值!」/p …… …… " ...... " /p 「......」/p …… …… Three months 三个月 The time flashes past, regarding the sea of nearly invariable quantum, change infinite approach of silent war star and Earth without. /p 的时光一闪而过,对于近乎不变的量子之海,寂静战星和地球的外界变化也无限趋近于无。/p …… …… Fights the star command post. /p 战星指挥室。/p …… …… " Develops Jin Wenming that group of people also in the lounge? " This time plum has restored to the peak, completely before not being able to see, has given the distress of consciousness. /p 「演金文明那群人还在休息室?」此时的梅已然恢复至巅峰,全然看不出之前割舍过意识的狼狈。/p …… …… " Also may be really rests, inquires the news of silent war star while convenient. " The Yae Ji smile, gives plum one bottle of soda water conveniently, " matter processing of joint industry how? " /p/p 「也有可能是真的来休息,顺便打探一下寂静战星的消息。」八重霁微笑,顺手递给梅一瓶苏打水,「联合工业的事情处理的怎么样?」/p/p " One flock of clothes eating insects, " the complexion of plum was more serious, " regarding certain impenetrably thickheaded fellows, I made Thea eliminate their original memories, crazy follower who turned into the dawn completely. " chuan /p 「一群蛀虫,」梅的脸色严肃了些,「对于某些冥顽不灵的家伙,我让西娅辛清除了他们原本的记忆,全部变成曙光的狂信徒了。」猭/p …… …… Yae Ji nods, " I can feel, some world bubbles that on Earth also we unite, have the belief dawn follower. " /p 八重霁点头,「我能感觉到,地球上还有我们联合的一些世界泡,已经有了信仰曙光的信徒。」/p …… …… " Has strength been increased? " Mei Shangxia sizes up Yae Ji, has not shown the divine nature condition in the opposite party, really before not different. /p 「实力有所提升吗?」梅上下打量八重霁,在对方没有展现神性的状态,真和以前没什么两样。/p …… …… " Minimal. " Yae Ji puts out a hand, god glow appears, that vast gap from strength makes tie tight the body subconsciously. /p 「微乎其微。」八重霁伸出手,一点神芒显现,那股来自实力上的巨大差距让梅下意识紧绷躯体。/p …… …… " No rush, " plum intends to control itself to relax, " consciousness that side the switch also in screening is willing not to go to the candidate in opening up wasteland world bubble, shortly after can carry out the reincarnation plan, these carry out the person of reincarnation, we will provide the science and technology at the same time to help, on the other hand makes them believe the dawn, when the time comes disseminates the belief well. " /p 「别急,」梅有意操控自身放松下来,「意识转换器那边还在筛选愿意去未开荒世界泡中的人选,不久后就能执行转生计划,这些执行转生的人,我们一方面会提供科技向的帮助,另一方面让他们信仰曙光,到时候好传播信仰。」/p …… …… Mei Taimou looks to Yae Ji, " should in dozens years, your strength rise again. " /p 梅抬眸看向八重霁,「应该在几十年内,你的实力会再次上涨。」/p …… …… " Hope so. " Yae Ji plays to say with a smile: " At the worst in 50,000 years, when our human civilization always has to return to the real universe. " /p 「希望如此。」八重霁玩笑道:「大不了再过五万年,我们人类文明总有重返真实宇宙之时。」/p …… …… " Un? " Yae Ji selects the eyebrow suddenly. chuan /p 「恩?」八重霁忽地挑眉。猭/p …… …… " What's wrong? " Asked. /p 「怎么了?」梅问。/p …… …… " Also was really said by you, that group of people who play Jin Wenming, had the sound. " /p 「还真被你说中了,演金文明的那群人,有动静了。」/p …… …… Restroom. /p 休息室。/p …… …… Several " spirit body " appears quietly, seeming the transparency is ordinary. /p 几具「灵体」悄然浮现,好似完全透明一般。/p …… …… The petite young girl looked that to also lies down in " who " on the bed rests, sips the lip, " Captain, can this really be good? " /p 娇小少女看向还躺在床上休息的「自己」,微抿嘴唇,「队长,这样真的能行吗?」/p …… …… " This is the miracle that great I lord to grant, does not have any energy detection method can discover us, any object is unable to prevent us. " Selects the female to turn around high to several other team rules of friendship: " Speed is fast, our several people must leaf through the entire war star in the half of the day! According to planning to handle affairs, I am responsible for a area! " /p 「这是伟大吾主赐予的神迹,没有任何能量检测手段能发现我们,任何物体也无法阻挡我们。」高挑女子转身对另外几名队友道:「速度要快,我们几人要在半天内翻遍整颗战星!按计划行事,我负责a区!」/p …… …… Then, the spirit body of female under sneaks unexpectedly directly proliferates the alloy the firm ground, vanishes before the people thoroughly. chuan /p 说罢,女子的灵体竟径直下潜入遍布合金的坚固地面,彻底消失在众人面前。猭/p …… …… Develops the gold/metal people to depend on the miracle that the god grants, rapid search in silent war star, what makes their surprised is... /p 演金众人靠着神赐予的奇迹,在寂静战星中飞速搜索,让他们惊奇的是.../p …… …… " No! No! Here anything does not have! A person's shadow cannot see! " /p 「没有!没有!这里什么都没有!连个人影也看不到!」/p …… …… A everywhere one visit blank, the bleak alone feeling the planet that soon destroys compared with next door that really! /p 所到之处一片空白,荒凉孤寂的感觉比起隔壁那颗快要毁灭的行星更甚!/p …… …… " How what? We in chasing the snare of hot civilization? Is impossible! " The youth spirit body found the position that the spaceship was, in exactly the same as memory, " this real, is false? " /p 「怎么什么都没有?难道我们一直在逐火文明的圈套里?不可能啊!」青年灵体一路找到了飞船所在的位置,和记忆中的一模一样,「这到底是真的,还是假的?」/p …… …… " Right, toward the place of that eruption energetic particle, there has certainly the person! " /p 「对,朝那个喷发高能粒子的地方去,那里一定有人!」/p …… …… Another side, the plum with the aid of the Yae Ji angle of view, saw people who play Jin Wenming. /p 另一边,梅借助八重霁的视角,看到了演金文明的众人。/p …… …… " You to them 「你对他们 What made? " The plum is curious, she does not believe character who develops Jin Wenming Herrscher rank on this disposition. chuan /p 做了什么?」梅好奇,她不相信演金文明律者级别的人物就这种心性。猭/p …… …… " Some small mood catalyses, " Yae Ji said with a laugh: " Doesn't evil god like using this method? Perhaps however that evil god, does not know our human civilization, has " god " . " /p 「一些小小的情绪催化罢了,」八重霁笑呵呵道:「邪神不就喜欢使用这种手段吗?不过那位邪神,恐怕不知道我们人类文明,也已经有「神」了吧。」/p …… …… " That then what to do? " The plum likes this feeling, this unprecedented security sense, came from this person. /p 「那接下来怎么办?」梅喜欢这种感觉,这种前所未有的安全感,都是来自身旁这个人。/p …… …… " Naturally was their is then willing to think, making them have a good dream, without alarming that finds out by secret inquiry news that we needed. " /p 「当然是遂了他们的愿想,让他们做场好梦,在不惊动那位的情况下,探知到我们需要的消息。」/p …… …… ...... /p ....../p …… …… .: 。:
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